Scos Goals and Objectives

Scos Goals and Objectives

<p> Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>First Nine Weeks Setting Up Procedures for Reading Workshop 1.01 Use word 1.How do I solve for unknown DRA 1. Establish spelling goals consistent with identification words? ISI ISI and HFW strategies 2. Do I look for meaning? HFW (optional) appropriately and 3. Do I look for spelling patterns? STAR test automatically when Words Their Way encountering Academic Vocabulary unknown words.</p><p>1.03 Identify key 1. Do I have established strategies to Reading interest inventory 1. List new vocabulary. words and discover help me learn new words? Guiding Readers and Writers 2. Define and record new vocabulary in your their meanings and Grades 3-6 Fountas & Pinnell personal dictionary. relationships through 3. Use new vocabulary in independently a variety of created sentences. strategies</p><p>1.04 Increase Complete reading inventory on their Reading interest inventory 1. Establish goals for increasing academic reading and writing own vocabulary vocabulary 2. Identify unknown words when reading 3. Model the way words are used for specific purposes (author’s craft) Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting The Relative Came by Cynthia Rylant’s word choice 1.06 Read 1.Do I select books at an appropriate Independent reading 1. Explain and practice procedures for independently daily level? Sharing selecting books 2. Do I select books from a wide Strategies the Work 2. Justify your book selection to others variety of genres? 3. Identify genres</p><p>Revised 2009 1 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>2.03 Read a variety 1.Read a genre you had not tried last AR Complete reading response log on reflecting of texts year. about an essential question you had before 2. Teach the purpose (why), the use your read the story-Writing Checklist of (what), and the features of a definitions variety of genres. 2.01 Use 1.Do I monitor my reading to make DRA 1. Make predictions before, during, and after meatcognitive sure I understand? Independent reading reading. strategies 2. Do I have established strategies to 2. Monitor comprehension by asking help me when I do not understand a questions, visualizing, taking notes, passage? making connections, or other teacher- taught strategies. 2.02 Interact with Predict what you think it is going to Teacher model as reading 1. KWL Chart the text before, be about 2. Flow Map the story events during, and after Write questions about things you 3. Tree Map the elements reading want to know more about Summarize the story when you are finished 2.04 Identify and 1.Can I identify the parts of a story? Guided Reading, Read Aloud, 1.Retell stories or parts of stories interpret elements of 2. Can I identify the parts of a Reader Response Journal, 2.Label and identify the purpose of the TOC, fiction and nonfiction text? Sharing, glossary, index, etc. nonfiction 3. Can I reference the text to justify Model through interactive read- 3.Mark passages that answer both literal level and my opinions about characters and aloud and literature studies how inferential questions events in the story? authors use themes in their 4.Justify answers by referencing the text. 4. Can I select major points and ideas writing- Eve Bunting picture 5.Mark passages that provide higher-order texts-to- in a summary of fiction and book Smokey Night, The Wall text connections nonfiction? and Fly Away Home Model through read aloud that mood is the feeling a reader gets from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor</p><p>Revised 2009 2 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia 2.05 Make 1.Read in between the lines. Houghton Mifflin 1.Take cornel notes inferences, draw 2.Analyze why the author chose the Model the process of inferring, concisions, make language to create the generalizing, and concluding by 2.Record note as you read on the left generalizations, and setting/character sharing your thinking with support by 3.Make general statements before meaningful text that offers the 3.On the right side of the paper draw a Thinking referencing the text beginning opportunity to form theories. A Map that will create a visual picture of your 4.Document phrases that support or Sound Like Someone Trying thinking process decline your statements Not To make a Sound by John Irving Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>2.07 Summarize 1. How do I decide the most Learning Log Identify who (characters), what (actions or events), major points to important ideas to include in a Reading Response Journal when (time), where (place), how (procedure or clarify and retain summary? Teach through shared reading process) and why (reason) 2.07 determine 2. How do I summarize information how to evaluate the usefulness of 1.Distinguish and sequence key plot elements. usefulness of in a text? information included in a 2.Identify elements that need to be included in a information and 3. How do I break down the larger selected text by the extent to summary and justify your answer. ideas consistent with ideas in a selection? which it achieved the established 3.Identify elements of the story that can be omitted purpose purpose- Salamander Rain, A from a summary and justify your selections. Lake and Pond Journal by 4.Evaluate the level of details appropriate to a Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini summary Teach students to question the author of a text: What is the author trying to tell me? Is the explanation clear? Is there adequate information </p><p>Revised 2009 3 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> provided on the topic? Is the author qualified to write this text? 3.01 Respond using 1.Do I understand why authors Read Aloud 1. Analyze author’s word choice and interpretive, critical choose particular words? Book Talks purpose. and evaluative 2. Do I understand that authors have Allow students to discuss the 2. Justify you r answer by referencing the processes a purpose in writing? reasons for a character’s actions text. 3. Can I reference the text to explain Buddy Not Buddy, Bud that purpose? Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself Teach students to identify the point of view of each character and compare and contrast each character’s perspective Agatha’s Feather Bed by Carmen Agra Deedy Model by making inferences about character traits and motivation of certain characters, the events, and determining the theme of a selection- John Irving’s A Sound Like Someone Trying to Make a Sound</p><p>3.02 Analyze 1. How do I find information in the Reading Response Journal 1. Evaluate characters’ actions and relationships. characters, events, text to help me understand the Reflective 2. Determine the cause and effect of characters’ and plots from characters and events? Teach students to support or actions. different selections justify an opinion about a 3. Compare characters within a selection. and cite supporting character or event with specific 4. Justify your analysis by referencing the text.</p><p>Revised 2009 4 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT evidence examples. 5. Compare events and plots from different selections and justify your comparisons by referencing the text. 2.9 Listen 1.Can I answer the teacher’s Read Aloud 1. Identify and practice active listening strategies actively questions during Read Aloud? Book talks 2. Can I retell another student’s book talk? 4.01 Read aloud 1.Does my oral reading reflect the Paired Shared reading 1. Practice oral reading skills in small groups and grade-appropriate pace and tension of the story? during conferences. text with fluency, 2. Do I stop for punctuation Choral read for fluency 2. Practice eye contact and voice volume for comprehension, and appropriately? Theater sharing in small groups and with the whole expression 3. Do I speak in an audible, clear, Reread passages for fluency class. demonstrating an voice? Start with phrases and when 3. Practice grammar and language conventions awareness of volume 4. Do I know how to select a topic to pause when sharing information. and pace based on my independent reading? Provide time for authentic read aloud to practice fluency, expression, volume, and pace ( reading buddies with younger students) 4.03 Make oral and 1.Ask a question about what your are Present to a partner then 1.Group presentation written presentations reading in clear concise language group 2.Individual presentation and ideas in a clear 2.Answer questions in complete concise manner sentences with supporting detail from the text 4.04 Share self selected text from a Share through presentations, essays, Houghton Mifflin 1.Identify the elements in the story variety of genres narratives narratives 2.Explain the author’s language to get his/her POV AR Books across Intentionally teach students defining features of each genre: Poetry</p><p>Revised 2009 5 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Letters- business and personal Personal and Imaginative narratives Essays Research Presentations</p><p>4.05 Use planning 1.Can I expand and clarify my DRA, 1. Generate topics based on plot, setting, mood, strategies to generate thinking about a text in writing? Reading conferences, theme, characters, predictions, making connections topics Reader Response Journals, and other teacher-taught reading strategies. Sharing Thinking maps Venn Diagrams 4.06 Compose a Brainstorm ideas HM 1.Use Thinking Maps to plan draft that conveys Plan DPI Writing Notebooks 2.Reverse map to find main idea or focus major ideas and Notes Media Specialist maintains focus Draft what you want to present Big 6 Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Introducing Narrative Reading Process</p><p>Revised 2009 6 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>1.1 Use word 1.What do you do when you come to Dictionary 1. Use word identification strategies: identification a word you don’t know? Thesaurus  Graphophonic: does it look or sound like strategies 2. Does the word make sense? Houghton-Mifflin, Themes 1-6 other words? appropriately Houghton Mifflin-Weekly Skills  Syntactic: does it make sense in this and Test Book sentence? automatically HM NC EOG Aligned  Semantic: does it make sense in this when Assessments and Practice context? encountering Fiction Guided Reading Texts 3. Define unknown words using context clues unknown Picture Book Read Alouds 4. Define unknown words by identifying visually words Study similar words. (graphophonic, Accelerated Reader 5. Clarify unknown words by sounding them out, syntactic, SIOP using chunking and phonics strategies. semantic.) Wondrous Words Katie Wood Ray 1.4 Increase How do I learn new words? Portable word wall 1. Read a wide variety of texts from reading and Model the way words are different genres writing through used for specific purposes 2. Explore new words and their meanings wide reading (author’s craft) Fly Away through webbing, identifying words in Home by Eve Bunting context, bubble maps, root tree (Freyer’s The Relative Came by model), etc. Cynthia Rylant’s word 3. Record new words to be learned in your choice personal dictionary or learning log. 4. Apply new words to appropriate contexts in reading, writing, and speaking.</p><p>2.02 Interact with 1. Why did I select this text? KWL 1. Make predictions before reading: the text before, 2. How do I know what this text Wall Charts  read the title of the selection during, and after will be about? Thinking Maps  use background knowledge to predict reading, listening, 3. Making Predictions- Was there 2. Make predictions during reading: and viewing by: anytime in the book that caused  What do you think will happen next? • Setting a purpose you to feel strongly that Defend your answer. • Making predictions something would happen and it 13. Formulate questions:</p><p>Revised 2009 7 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>• Formulating didn’t? What did I learn about _____ as I was reading questions 4. Formulating Questions- What this book? . questions did you ask yourself about the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 5. Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 6. Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors. 7. Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 8. Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 9. Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 10. Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 11. Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 12. Did you find evidence of the </p><p>Revised 2009 8 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.03 Read a variety 1. What different types of text do I Houghton Mifflin Text 1. Distinguish the elements of fiction and of texts, such as: know how to read? Houghton Mifflin Leveled nonfiction. • fiction (legends, 2. What strategies do I use when Readers 2. Identify and describe the characteristics of novels, folklore, reading a variety of texts that help Guided Reading Fountas/Pinnell various genres of fiction and various types of non- science fiction) me understand what I am reading? 3-6 fiction. • nonfiction 3.. Teach the purpose (why), the use Novels- DPI or school list 3. Identify the genres of various books and justify (autobiographies, of (what), and the features of a Empowering Writers Book List your answer informational books, variety of genres Theme 5 Houghton Mifflin 4. Explore various genres and understand their diaries, and journals) Pourquoi Tales unique attributes • poetry (concrete and haiku) • drama (skits, plays) 2.04 Identify and 1. What strategies do I use to Thinking Maps-Tree with the Name and distinguish the elements of fiction such interpret elements of determine the plot Frame of Reference as the title, setting, characters, plot fiction by Model through interactive read- (problem/conflict), events, and solution referencing the text aloud and literature studies how Thinking maps to determine the plot authors use themes in their writing- Eve Bunting picture book Smokey Night, The Wall and Fly Away Home Model through read aloud that mood is the feeling a reader gets from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia</p><p>Revised 2009 9 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>2.06 Summarize 1. How do I decide the most Thinking Maps 1.Identify who (characters), what (actions or major points from important ideas to include in a What is important and what is events), when (time), where (place), how fiction to clarify and summary? not important? (procedure or process) and why (reason) retain information 2. How do I summarize information and ideas. in a text? 2.Distinguish and sequence key plot elements. 3. How do I break down the larger ideas in a selection? 3.Identify elements that need to be included in a summary and justify your answer.</p><p>4.Identify elements of the story that can be omitted from a summary and justify your selections.</p><p>5.Evaluate the level of details appropriate to a summary 1.06 Read 1.Do I select books at an appropriate Read a least 60 minutes to build 1.Explain and practice procedures for selecting independently daily level? background and vocabulary books from self-selected 2.Do I select books from a wide 2.Justify your book selection to others materials to increase variety of genres? 3.Identify genres fluency, build 3.Do I have procedures for practicing 4.Read aloud with a partner to monitor rate and background fluency? expression. knowledge, and 4.Do I use a consistent strategy to 5.Record new vocabulary and background expand vocabulary. build background knowledge and knowledge in vocabulary notebook, learning log, expand vocabulary? science notebook, thinking maps, or using other 5.. How does fluency contribute to materials and strategies established by your effective reading? teacher. 6.. How does reading help me build 6.Explain or demonstrate understanding of your background knowledge? “new knowledge” </p><p>2.01 Use 1.Do I monitor my reading to make Pitt County 28 Strategies 1.Select and practice strategies such as metacognitive sure I understand?  visualizing, strategies to 2.Do I have established strategies to  making connections with the plot, comprehend text and help me when I do not understand a  making connections with the character, to clarify meaning of passage?</p><p>Revised 2009 10 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT vocabulary 3.. What do I know about the topic?  rereading, 4.. Why am I reading the  accessing prior knowledge text?  note-taking, 5. Can I picture what the author is  asking questions, trying to say?  predicting, etc. 6. Did I ask myself questions as I 2.Analyze the effectiveness of your strategies in read? your reader response journal and in conferences 7. Did I think about similar with your teacher. experiences? 8. Did I think about the characters feeling? 2.03 Read a variety 1. What different types of text do I Keep a log of types of genre and 1. Distinguish the elements of fiction and of texts, such as: know how to read? characteristics nonfiction. • fiction (legends, 2. What strategies do I use when Thinking Maps 2. Identify and describe the characteristics of novels, folklore, reading a variety of texts that help various genres of fiction and various types of non- science fiction) me understand what I am reading? fiction. • nonfiction 2.Teach the purpose (why), the use 3. Identify the genres of various books and justify (autobiographies, of (what), and the features of a your answer informational books, variety of genres 4. Explore various genres and understand their diaries, and journals) unique attributes • poetry (concrete and haiku) • drama (skits, plays) 2.09 Listen actively 1.Can I answer the teacher’s Cornell Notes 1. Distinguish important information from details by asking questions, questions? Ask and answer concise clear that don’t add to the story. paraphrasing what 2.Can I paraphrase or summarize questions with supporting details 2.Examine vocabulary used by the author to was said, information presented by the teacher from text interpret meaning. interpreting or by another student? speaker’s verbal and non-verbal messages, interpreting speaker’s purposes </p><p>Revised 2009 11 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT and/or intent 4.01 Read aloud 1.Does my oral reading reflect the Provide time for authentic read Read orally with a partner, in small groups, and grade-appropriate pace and tension of the story? aloud to practice fluency, with the teacher to practice text with fluency, 2.Do I stop for punctuation expression, volume, and pace  responding to punctuations signals such comprehension, and appropriately? ( reading buddies with younger as periods, question marks, and commas expression students)  reading at an oral rate that keeps readers demonstrating an interested awareness of volume  reading aloud to reflect characters’ and pace emotions in different situations 4.02 Use oral and 1. How do I present information so 1.Select effective, precise vocabulary in oral and written language to that it is clear to the listener? written presentations. present information 2. How do I choose which 2. Apply grammar conventions to communicate and ideas in a clear, information is important to share in a effectively. concise manner. discussion? 2. Analyze the evidence and examples you have selected from the story. Are they effective and “on point” in justifying your opinion? Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Introducing Expository Reading Process 2.02 Interact with 1. How did the author organize Dictionary 1. Formulate questions and predict before you the text before, the text? Thesaurus read. during, and after 2. Did I use text structure to Houghton-Mifflin, Back To 2. Restate what you learned about the topic. reading, listening, help me predict before I School p. 4-5 (Theme 1) 3. List questions you still have. and viewing by read? Houghton-Mifflin, Themes 1-6 locating relevant 3. Did I find key words and Houghton Mifflin-Weekly Skills information main ideas? Test Book 4. Did I make notes at places HM NC EOG Aligned </p><p>Revised 2009 12 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> where I am confused? Assessments and Practice 5. Making Predictions- Was Nonfiction Guided Reading there anytime in the book Texts that caused you to feel Picture Book Read Alouds strongly that something Study would happen and it didn’t? Accelerated Reader 6. Formulating Questions- SIOP What questions did you ask Newspaper yourself about the main Context Area Reading Resources character as he/she changed for Science and Social Studies throughout the story? Building Background 7. Supporting Answers- Knowledge Marzano Choose two characters in Wacky W-eSearch the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 8. Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors. 9. Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 10. Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 11. Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 12. Making Connections- How</p><p>Revised 2009 13 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> is the family in this selection like your family? 13. Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 13.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.03 Read a variety 1.. What different types of text do I Media Specialist 1. Ask yourself questions as you read. of texts including know how to read? 2. Visualize what you are reading. nonfiction. 2. What strategies do I use when 3. Use pictures, headings, subheadings, graphs, reading nonfiction? and charts to help you understand the text. 3. How do nonfiction reading 4. identify key words. strategies differ from fiction reading 5. Identify meain ideas. strategies? 6. Identify the strategies the author uses to 4. Teach the purpose (why), the use 7.Organize the text: of (what), and the features of a  Is something being defined or described? variety of genres  Are two things being compared?  Is the author explaining what caused something?  Is the author explaining what caused something or what the effect is of something?</p><p>2.04 Identify and 1. What strategies do I use to Model through interactive read- 1. Identify the main idea and the details that interpret elements of determine the: main idea and aloud and literature studies how support it. nonfiction by supporting details? authors use themes in their 2. Use subheadings and bold words to help you referencing the text 2. Could I restate the text in my own writing- Eve Bunting picture understand. to determine the words? book Smokey Night, The Wall main idea and and Fly Away Home supporting details Model through read aloud that </p><p>Revised 2009 14 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> mood is the feeling a reader gets from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia</p><p>2.08 Verify the 1. What is the author’s meaning/or Text Book Verify text and use a frame of reference in a meaning and purpose behind the statement? Novel Thinking Map accuracy of the 2.Where is the reference found in the Article author’s statement(s) text? Teach students that “thin” by referencing text questions can be answered from information in a text, “thick” questions require deeper thinking and initiate discussions that require referencing text or other resources. Model how students can question author’s statements to determine the meaning or accuracy of information. 3.04 Make informed 1. Read and support your answer Teach students to distinguish Verify page numbers, paragraphs or lines of text judgements about with reference to text. fact from opinion the text/article/media Bias Propaganda 3.05 Analyze and 1. How do graphics, charts and maps Thinking Maps with Frame of 1. Identify information from the graphics. integrate information add to my understanding of the text? Reference with specific text 2. Integrate information from graphics when from one or more 2. What is the role of picture captions information summarizing text. sources to expand in non-fiction book? 3. Analyze the strategies authors use to define, understanding of 3. What strategies do I use to describe, and explain in nonfiction texts.</p><p>Revised 2009 15 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT text including integrate information from graphic, 4. Create written products that define, describe, graphics, charts, charts or maps? and explain. and/or maps. (Definition, descriptions, and explanations) Introducing Vocabulary & Phonics 1.02 Infer word 1. How does the suffix or prefix Dictionary 1. Identify and define prefixes/suffixes in a given meanings from change or clarify the meaning of a Thesaurus word taught roots, word? Words Their Way 2. Identify and define the root word prefixes, and 2. How do I identify the root word? Academic Vocabulary 3. Use new words in appropriate contexts in suffixes to decode 3. Define the prefix and root words? SIOP reading, writing, and speaking. words in text to 4. Discuss how root words change Study Island assist in with prefixes and suffixes added and Houghton Mifflin-Practice Book comprehension. why? Houghton-Mifflin, Theme 1- 6 (mis-, un-, re-, sub-, Houghton-Mifflin-Weekly Skills -ment, -ly, etc.) Test Book 1.03 Identify key 1. How can I identify key words? 1. Identify various text features that may contain words and discover 2. What sentences or elements of text key words (bold, italics, highlighting, headings, their meanings and structure help me clarify meaning? subheadings, captions, etc) relationships through 2. Use context clues to determine meaning a variety of ?view=54 3. Record new words to be learned in your strategies. (Root personal dictionary or learning log. words/Content 4. Apply new words to appropriate contexts in words) reading, writing, and speaking 1.04 Increase 1.How do I learn new words?  Create a portable word 1.Record new words to be learned in your personal reading and writing wall dictionary or learning log. vocabulary through 2.How do I identify and solve for the  Novels: see grade level 2.Apply new words to appropriate contexts in wide reading and meaning of unknown words? NCDPI / School book reading, writing, and speaking : word study lists  Model the way words are used for  Thinking Maps resource </p><p>Revised 2009 16 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> notebook specific purposes (author’s craft) Fly  Laura Robb: Away Home by Eve Bunting Differentiating Reading  The Relative Came by Cynthia Instruction Rylant’s word choice  Laura Robb Notebook: Teaching Reading  Fountas & Pinnell: Guiding Readers and Writers  Echevarria, Vogt, Short: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model  PCS 28 Instructional Strategies  County Benchmarks  STAR Testing / AR Internet Resources: Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Second Nine Weeks Developing Narrative Reading Process 1.06 Read 1.Do I select books at an appropriate Empowering Writers Book List 1.Explain and practice procedures for selecting independently daily level? DPI Writing Notebook Book books from self-selected 2.Do I select books from a wide List 2.Justify your book selection to others materials variety of genres? Houghton Mifflin Themes 1-6 3.Identify genres</p><p>Revised 2009 17 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>3.Do I have procedures for practicing 4.Read aloud with a partner to monitor rate and fluency? expression. 4.Do I use a consistent strategy to 5.Record new vocabulary and background build background knowledge and knowledge in vocabulary notebook, learning log, expand vocabulary? science notebook, thinking maps, or using other 5. How does fluency contribute to materials and strategies established by your effective reading? teacher. 6. How does reading help me build 6.Explain or demonstrate understanding of your background knowledge? “new knowledge” 2.02 Interact with 1. Where in my reading have I KWL Chart 1Compare this text to other texts in plot, the text before, previously encountered similar plots, characters, setting, solution , etc. during, and after problems, solutions, or settings? 2. Justify your connections by referencing the text. reading to make 2. What similarities do I notice 3.Rate the extent to which your connections connections. between this text and other texts? contribute to intrepretation and understanding of 3. What similarities do I notice the text. between this text and my own experience? 4.Making Predictions- Was there anytime in the book that caused you to feel strongly that something would happen and it didn’t? 5.Formulating Questions- What questions did you ask yourself about the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 6.Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 7.Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors.</p><p>Revised 2009 18 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>8.Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 9.Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 10.Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 11.Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 12.Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 13.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. 3.01 Respond to 1. What contextual, vocabulary, Readers Response Journal- 1.Determine the factors that lead to a character’s fiction, nonfiction, and structural cues help me Reflective Practice actions. poetry, and drama understand characters’ actions? Allow students to discuss the 2.Compare characters’ motives. using interpretive, 2. How are these characters like reasons for a character’s actions 3.Compare characters’ personalities critical, and characters in other books I have Buddy Not Buddy, Bud 4.Evaluate characters’ values. evaluative processes read? Caldwell’s Rules and Things 5.Justify your reactions to characters by by: 3. What contextual, vocabulary, for Having a Funner Life and referencing the text. • Examining the and structural cues help me Making a Better Liar Out of reasons for understand characters’ motives? Yourself characters’ actions. 4. How do I know who the “hero” Teach students to identify the • Identifying and is? point of view of each character examining 5. How do I identify the “bad and compare and contrast each characters’ motives. guys” in a story? character’s perspective Agatha’s • Considering a Feather Bed by Carmen Agra </p><p>Revised 2009 19 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT situation or problem Deedy from different Model by making inferences characters’ points of about character traits and view. motivation of certain characters, the events, and determining the theme of a selection- John Irving’s A Sound Like Someone Trying to Make a Sound 3.02 Analyze 1. How do I find information in the Thinking Maps with Frame of 1.Evaluate characters’ actions and relationships. characters, events, text to help me understand the Reference 2.Determine the cause and effect of characters’ and plots within and characters and events? Teach students to support or actions. between selections justify an opinion about a 3Compare characters within a selection. and cite supporting character or event with specific 4.Justify your analysis by referencing the text. evidence. examples 5.Compare events and plots from different selections and justify your comparisons by referencing the text. 2.01 Use 1.Can I always find the answer in the 1.Identify and answer “right there” questions. metacognitive text? 2.Identify characteristics of “author and me” strategies to 2.How do I interpret texts to help me questions. comprehend text. understand? 3.Develop author and me questions alone and with small groups. 4.Compose answers to author and me questions in your reading journal. 2.02 Interact with 1.Relate details to text to text, text to Compare details to other stories the text before, self and text to world or other stories. during and after 2.Making Predictions- Was there anytime in the book that caused you to feel strongly that something would happen and it didn’t? 3.Formulating Questions- What questions did you ask yourself about </p><p>Revised 2009 20 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 4.Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 5.Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors. 6.Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 7.Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 8.Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 9.Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 10.Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 11.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.03 Read a variety 1.Read a variety of genres. novels, short stories, AR guided Create projects to assess understanding using a of texts (genres) 2. Teach the purpose (why), the use reading books rubric of (what), and the features of a </p><p>Revised 2009 21 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> variety of genres. 2.04Identify and Tree Map the elements in the story Houghton Mifflin Identify the elements and the impact of the story interpret the Novels elements of a story Model through interactive read- aloud and literature studies how authors use themes in their writing- Eve Bunting picture book Smokey Night, The Wall and Fly Away Home Model through read aloud that mood is the feeling a reader gets from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia 2.05 Make Make inferences and give paragraph Novels Student should be able to create inferences and inferences and with details that supports you Houghton Mifflin give support from the text predictions and give inference/conclusion Guided Reader Model the supporting details process of inferring, generalizing, and concluding by sharing your thinking with meaningful text that offers the opportunity to form theories. A Sound Like Someone Trying Not To make a Sound by John Irving Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>Revised 2009 22 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>4.02Use oral and Retell the story in your own words short stories 1.Student should be able to give a written written language to: novels summary in his/her words Present information Houghton Mifflin 2.Clear concise events in sequential order with and ideas in a clear, Articles elements in the story concise manner. Presenting Information Discussions Interviews Problem Solving and Decision Making</p><p>4.04Share self- Share through presentations, essays, Houghton Mifflin 1.Identify the elements in the story selected texts from a narratives narratives 2.Explain the author’s language to get his/her POV variety of strategies AR Books across Intentionally teach students defining features of each genre: Poetry Letters- business and personal Personal and Imaginative narratives Essays Research Presentations</p><p>Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Developing Expository Reading </p><p>Revised 2009 23 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Process 1.06 Read 1.Do I select books at an appropriate Independent reading 1.Explain and practice procedures for selecting independently daily level? Sharing books from self-selected 2. Do I select books from a wide Strategies the Work 2.Justify your book selection to others materials (consistent variety of genres? 3.Identify genres with the student’s independent reading level) to:</p><p>2.02 Interact with 1. Where in my reading have I 1Compare this text to other texts in plot, text before during previously encountered similar plots, characters, setting, solution , etc. and after reading, problems, solutions, or settings? 2. Justify your connections by referencing the text. listening, and 2. What similarities do I notice 3.Rate the extent to which your connections viewing by: making between this text and other texts? contribute to interpretation and understanding of connections, 3. What similarities do I notice the text. examining the between this text and my own author’s attitude, and experience? locating relevant 4. Making Predictions- Was there details. anytime in the book that caused you to feel strongly that something would happen and it didn’t? 5.Formulating Questions- What questions did you ask yourself about the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 6.Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 7.Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors.</p><p>Revised 2009 24 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>8.Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 9.Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 10Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 11.Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 12.Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 13.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.03 Read a variety 1.Read a variety of genres. novels, short stories, AR guided Create projects to assess understanding using a of texts, 2. Teach the purpose (why), the use reading books rubric of (what), and the features of a variety of genres. 2.05 Make Make inferences and give paragraph Novels Student should be able to create inferences and inference, draw with details that supports you Houghton Mifflin give support from the text conclusions, make inference/conclusion Guided Reader generalizations and Model the process of inferring, support by generalizing, and concluding by referencing text sharing your thinking with meaningful text that offers the opportunity to form theories. A Sound Like Someone Trying </p><p>Revised 2009 25 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Not To make a Sound by John Irving Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>2.08 Verify the 1. How can I prove that the author’s Teach students that “thin” 1. Locate relevant information: meaning or accuracy information in the text is correct? questions can be answered from  Seek additional information from internet, of the author’s 2. How do I locate additional information in a text, “thick” encyclopedia, magazines, newspapers, etc. statement(s) by resources to verify information found questions require deeper 2. How does the information further explain what referencing the text in the text? thinking and initiate discussions the primary text states? or other resources that require referencing text or 3. What new facts or details are provided from the other resources. additional sources? Model how students can question author’s statements to determine the meaning or accuracy of information. 3.01 Respond to 1.What contextual, vocabulary, and Thinking Maps 1.Determine the factors that lead to a character’s nonfiction structural cues help me understand Response Journals actions. expository text using characters’ actions? Allow students to discuss the 2.Compare characters’ motives. interpretive and 2. How are these characters like reasons for a character’s actions 3.Compare characters’ personalities critical evaluation characters in other books I have Buddy Not Buddy, Bud 4.Evaluate characters’ values. process of thinking read? Caldwell’s Rules and Things 5.Justify your reactions to characters by 3.What contextual, vocabulary, and for Having a Funner Life and referencing the text. structural cues help me understand Making a Better Liar Out of characters’ motives? Yourself 4.How do I know who the “hero” is? Teach students to identify the 5.How do I identify the “bad guys” point of view of each character in a story? and compare and contrast each character’s perspective Agatha’s Feather Bed by Carmen Agra Deedy</p><p>Revised 2009 26 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Model by making inferences about character traits and motivation of certain characters, the events, and determining the theme of a selection- John Irving’s A Sound Like Someone Trying to Make a Sound 3.05Analyze and 1. How do graphics, charts and maps Thinking Maps with Frame of 1.Identify information from the graphics. integrate information add to my understanding of the text? Reference 2.Integrate information from graphics when from one or more 2. What is the role of picture captions Double Bubble Map summarizing text. sources to expand in non-fiction book? Venn Diagram understanding of 3. What strategies do I use to text including integrate information from graphic, graphics, charts, charts or maps? and/or maps. (Compare and contrast)</p><p>3.06 Conduct 1. How do I use a variety of sources 1. Choose an appropriate topic to research within research on assigned to do research for projects? specific guidelines (with assistance) topics 2. Self-select an appropriate topic to research 3. Derive information from encyclopedias, search engines, interviews, surveys, etc (with assistance) 4. Organize and sequence the information obtained from sources (with assistance) 5. Construct a written document (with assistance) 6. Trace the causes and effects in nonfiction texts. 7. Create products using a cause and effect format</p><p>Revised 2009 27 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>4.04 Share self- selected text from a Share through presentations, essays, Houghton Mifflin 1.Identify the elements in the story variety of genres narratives narratives Intentionally teach 2.Explain the author’s language to get his/her POV students defining features of across each genre: Poetry Letters- business and personal Personal and Imaginative narratives Essays Research Presentations</p><p>AR Books</p><p>Develop vocabulary and phonics 1.02 Infer word 1. How does the suffix or prefix  Houghton Mifflin Themes 1.Identify and define prefixes/suffixes in a given meanings from change or clarify the meaning of a 1-6 word taught roots, word?  Thinking Map Resource 2.Identify and define the root word prefixes, and 2. How do I identify the root word? Notebook 3.Use new words in appropriate contexts in suffixes to decode  Bear: Words Their Way reading, writing, and speaking. words in text to (ELL also available) assist in  Marzano & Pickering: comprehension. Building Academic (-er, -est, -ing, -ed, Vocabulary -s, -es)  Reference Materials (Dictionary, Thesaurus, Glossary)  Flocabulary CD (available at some schools)  Vocab Rocks (available </p><p>Revised 2009 28 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> through Scholastic Books)  Suggested Prefix, Root, Suffix List (See Appendix A)  Echevarria, Vogt, Short: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model  Internet Resources:</p><p>1.03 Identify key 1. Do I have established strategies to Reading interest inventory 1.List new vocabulary. vocabulary and help me learn new words? Guiding Readers and Writers 2.Define and record new vocabulary in your discover their Grades 3-6 Fountas & Pinnell personal dictionary. meanings and 3.Use new vocabulary in independently relationships through created sentences. a variety of strategies. ?view=54 1.04 Increase 1. How do I use a thesaurus to find  Novels: see grade level 1. Identify synonyms for overused words. reading and writing synonyms and antonyms? NCDPI / School book lists 2. Rank semantically related words. vocabulary through 2. How can synonyms and antonyms  Thinking Maps resource 3. Justify authors’ word choice. synonyms, antonyms expand my reading vocabulary? notebook 4. Use new words in appropriate contexts in  Laura Robb: reading, writing, and speaking. Differentiating Reading 5, Model the way words are used for specific Instruction purposes (author’s craft)  Laura Robb Notebook:  Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting</p><p>Revised 2009 29 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Teaching Reading  The Relative Came by Cynthia  Fountas & Pinnell: Rylant’s word choice Guiding Readers and Writers  Echevarria, Vogt, Short: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model  PCS 28 Instructional Strategies  County Benchmarks  STAR Testing / AR Internet Resources: </p><p>Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Third Nine Weeks</p><p>Extending Narrative Reading Process 2.01 Use 1.Can I always find the answer in the Freyer Model 1.Identify and answer “right there” questions. metacognitive text? Pitt County 28 Strategies 2.Identify characteristics of “author and me” strategies to 2.How do I interpret texts to help me Houghton Mifflin Themes 1-6 questions. comprehend text and understand? 3.Develop author and me questions alone and with </p><p>Revised 2009 30 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT to clarify meaning of small groups. vocabulary. 4.Compose answers to author and me questions in your reading journal. 2.03 Read a variety 1.Read a variety of genres. novels, short stories, AR guided Create projects to assess understanding using a of text materials 2. Teach the purpose (why), the use reading books rubric -genres of (what), and the features of a variety of genres. 2.04 Identify and 1.Can I define and give examples of Model through interactive read- 1. Recognize that the theme is the author’s interpret elements of theme and mood? aloud and literature studies how message or the reason for composing. fiction and 2. What strategies do I use to authors use themes in their 2. Recognize mood as the emotions the reader nonfiction and determine the theme and mood? writing- Eve Bunting picture feels during and after reading. support by book Smokey Night, The Wall 3. Discover and explain incidents used by the referencing the text and Fly Away Home author to describe and convey theme and mood. to determine the Model through read aloud that 4. Discover and explain language used by the theme and mood mood is the feeling a reader gets author to convey mood and theme from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia</p><p>2.05 Make 1. What clues in the text help me to Guided Readers 1. Examine the author’s words to infer the inferences, draw draw conclusions or make Novels character’s thoughts conclusions, make generalizations? Model the process of inferring, 2. Examine the character’s actions to infer the generalizations, and 2. How do I use events and plot generalizing, and concluding by character’s feelings support by elements to infer characters’ sharing your thinking with 3. Draw a conclusion about the author’s purpose referencing the text feelings? meaningful text that offers the after analyzing events presented in the text. opportunity to form theories. A 4. Generalize about structural characteristics that Sound Like Someone Trying are typical in an author’s work. Not To make a Sound by John 5. Generalize about structural characteristics that</p><p>Revised 2009 31 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Irving are typical in a particular genre. Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>2.06 Summarize 1. How do I decide the most What is important and what is 1.Identify who (characters), what (actions or major points from important ideas to include in a not important? events), when (time), where (place), how nonfiction to clarify summary? (procedure or process) and why (reason) and retain 2. How do I summarize information information and in a text? 2.Distinguish and sequence key plot elements. ideas 3. How do I break down the larger ideas in a selection? 3.Identify elements that need to be included in a summary and justify your answer.</p><p>4.Identify elements of the story that can be omitted from a summary and justify your selections.</p><p>5.Evaluate the level of details appropriate to a summary 2.07 Determine the 1.Is my source appropriate for the Teach through shared reading 1.Locate relevant information in 2 or more sources usefulness of question? how to evaluate the usefulness of 2.Support the usefulness with text of perspective of information and 2.Is it a primary or secondary source? information included in a the author’s attitude ideas consistent with selected text by the extent to purpose which it achieved the established purpose- Salamander Rain, A Lake and Pond Journal by Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini Teach students to question the author of a text: What is the author trying to tell me? Is the explanation clear?</p><p>Revised 2009 32 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Is there adequate information provided on the topic? Is the author qualified to write this text? 2.08 Verify the 1. How can I prove that the author’s Teach students that “thin” 1. Locate relevant information: meaning and information in the text is correct? questions can be answered from  Seek additional information from internet, accuracy of the 2. How do I locate additional information in a text, “thick” encyclopedia, magazines, newspapers, etc. author’s statements resources to verify information found questions require deeper 2. How does the information further explain what by referencing the in the text? thinking and initiate discussions the primary text states? text and other that require referencing text or 3. What new facts or details are provided from the resources other resources. additional sources? Model how students can question author’s statements to determine the meaning or accuracy of information. 3.01 Respond to 1.What does the author do to engage Allow students to discuss the 1. Generalize about stylistic characteristics that are fiction, nonfiction, and increase my interest in the story? reasons for a character’s actions typical in a particular author’s work. poetry, and drama 2.What does the author do to increase Buddy Not Buddy, Bud 2.Evaluate the author’s choice of vocabulary in using interpretive, my sympathy for characters? Caldwell’s Rules and Things describing setting, mood, and characters. critical, and 3.What does the author do to help me for Having a Funner Life and evaluative processes visualize the setting and action? Making a Better Liar Out of by: 4.What does the author do to help me Yourself • Analyzing the predict what is going to happen? Teach students to identify the impact of authors’ 5.What does the author do to build point of view of each character word choice and up to the conclusion of the story? and compare and contrast each context. character’s perspective Agatha’s • Making inferences Feather Bed by Carmen Agra and drawing Deedy conclusions about Model by making inferences characters, events, about character traits and and themes. motivation of certain characters, the events, and determining the theme of a selection- John </p><p>Revised 2009 33 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Irving’s A Sound Like Someone Trying to Make a Sound 3.02 Analyze 1. How do I find information in the Thinking Maps with Frame of 1.Evaluate characters’ actions and relationships. characters, events, text to help me understand the Reference 2.Determine the cause and effect of characters’ and plots from characters and events? Teach students to support or actions. different selections justify an opinion about a 3.Compare characters within a selection. and cite supporting character or event with specific 4.Justify your analysis by referencing the text. details examples 5.Compare events and plots from different selections and justify your comparisons by referencing the text. 3.03Consider the 1.Tree Map figurative language 1.Use the language from books/stories read in their ways language and 2.Bridge Map similes/metaphors writing visuals bring 3.Bubble Map Character Traits 2.Interpret the meaning in another text characters to life, 4.Draw a picture of a scene to show enhance the plot what it would like from the phrases development and produce a response</p><p>4.03 Make oral and 1.Interview using clear concise Book Talks Apply the problem solving to another content area written language to questions Literature Circles Write their solution with detailed references to the present information 2.Share outcomes of interviews Cooperative Learning text and ideas in a clear Real World problem that was similar concise to the story and have student solve manner(discussions, with details make decisions, problem solve, interview) 4.04 Share self- 1.Create diaramas Rubric for presentation of genres selected text from a 2.Mobiles Book Talk variety of genres 3.Literacy Notebook of tasks for PowerPoint presentation on </p><p>Revised 2009 34 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> genres books they enjoyed and why Intentionally teach students defining features of each genre: Poetry Letters- business and personal Personal and Imaginative narratives Essays Research Presentations</p><p>Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Extending Expository Reading Process 1.05 Use word Read and record words unknown on Freyer Model 1.Use the word in a sentence not related to text reference materials sticky notes Circle Map appropriately to identify and Houghton Mifflin Themes 1-6 2.Teach the word to another person comprehend unknown words 1.06 Read 1.Do I select books at an appropriate Independent reading 1.Explain and practice procedures for selecting Independently daily level? Sharing books from self-selected 2. Do I select books from a wide Strategies the Work 2.Justify your book selection to others materials. variety of genres? 3.Identify genres</p><p>Revised 2009 35 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>2.01 Use 1.Use context clues to find meaning Pitt County 28 Strategies Student can comprehend the passage/article with metacongnitive 2.Identify word parts and relate the similar words using the strategies strategies to meaning comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary 2.02 Interact with 1.Predict before starting the story Thinking Maps 1.Flow map to sequence events/dates text before, during 2.Identify words unknown 2.Reverse flow to summarize main ideas and after reading, Freyer/Circle Map definitions 3.Use vocabulary in another genre during the week listening, and Add to maps during reading viewing build 3.Summarize when completed background 4.Making Predictions- Was there knowledge, focus on anytime in the book that caused you essential questions to feel strongly that something would from the teacher happen and it didn’t? 5.Formulating Questions- What questions did you ask yourself about the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 6.Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 7.Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors. 8.Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates someone in this selection to do their job? 9.Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that </p><p>Revised 2009 36 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> reminds you of where you live? 10.Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 11.Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 12.Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 13.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.05 Make inference Read between the line strategy Learning Log 1.If inferences were correct with evidence from the and draw record predictions and record Readers Response Journal text conclusions and evidence to prove or disprove from Model the process of inferring, 2.Rubric is students could justify answers with support by text (paragraph, line, page) generalizing, and concluding by details referencing the text sharing your thinking with 3.Summary meaningful text that offers the opportunity to form theories. A Sound Like Someone Trying Not To make a Sound by John Irving Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>2.07 Determine 1.What is my purpose in reading? Reference materials Teacher assigned based on goals for class usefulness of 2.What information do I need to Internet information and remember? Teach through shared reading ideas consistent with how to evaluate the usefulness of</p><p>Revised 2009 37 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT purpose. information included in a selected text by the extent to which it achieved the established purpose- Salamander Rain, A Lake and Pond Journal by Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini Teach students to question the author of a text: What is the author trying to tell me? Is the explanation clear? Is there adequate information provided on the topic? Is the author qualified to write this text? 2.08 Verify the 1. How can I prove that the author’s Review primary and secondary 1. Locate relevant information: meaning or accuracy information in the text is correct? reference text or phrase to prove  Seek additional information from internet, of the author’s 2. How do I locate additional author’s attitude-purpose, encyclopedia, magazines, newspapers, etc. statement(s) by resources to verify information found mood ,tone 2. How does the information further explain what referencing the text in the text? the primary text states? or other resources 3. What new facts or details are provided from the additional sources? 3.01Respond to 1.Review source Allow students to discuss the 1.Summarize materials and support POV nonfiction text using 2.Analyze the article/story/passage reasons for a character’s actions 2.Debate the topic interpretive, critical chunking Buddy Not Buddy, Bud analysis for author’s 3.Author’s bias, POV and justify Caldwell’s Rules and Things attitude why with supporting details specific for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself Teach students to identify the point of view of each character and compare and contrast each </p><p>Revised 2009 38 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> character’s perspective Agatha’s Feather Bed by Carmen Agra Deedy Model by making inferences about character traits and motivation of certain characters, the events, and determining the theme of a selection- John Irving’s A Sound Like Someone Trying to Make a Sound 3.05 Analyze and 1. How do graphics, charts and maps 1.Identify information from the graphics. integrate information add to my understanding of the text? 2.Integrate information from graphics when from one or more 2. What is the role of picture captions summarizing text. sources to expand in non-fiction book? understanding of 3. What strategies do I use to text including integrate information from graphic, graphics, charts, charts or maps? and/or maps. 3.06Conduct 1. How do I use a variety of sources 1.Choose an appropriate topic to research within research for assigned to do research for projects? specific guidelines (with assistance) projects or self- 2.Self-select an appropriate topic to research selected projects 3.Derive information from encyclopedias, search (with assistance) engines, interviews, surveys, etc (with assistance) from a variety of 4.Organize and sequence the information obtained sources (cause and from sources (with assistance) effect) 5.Construct a written document (with assistance) 6.Trace the causes and effects in nonfiction texts. 7.Create products using a cause and effect format 5.06 Proofread and Edit and revise for spelling Dictionary Final copy should have conventions correct daily correct misspelling independently with </p><p>Revised 2009 39 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT reference to resources. Extending Vocabulary and Phonics 1.01 Use word 1.Build Background Knowledge 1.Build known list for student not sight words identification Greek and Latin base words 2.Games strategies Prefixes/suffixes ,antonyms, appropriately and synonyms, multi-meaning words automatically when content and testing vocabulary ?view=54 encountering Houghton Mifflin Themes 1-6 unknown words 1.02 Infer word prior know to build background  Thinking Map Resource 1.Portable word wall meanings from use context clues when reading Notebook 2.Readers journal/dictionary taught root words,  Bear: Words Their Way 3.Assess using cloze passages prefixes, and (ELL also available) suffixes to decode  Marzano & Pickering: text to assist in Building Academic comprehension Vocabulary  Reference Materials (Dictionary, Thesaurus, Glossary)  Flocabulary CD (available at some schools)  Vocab Rocks (available through Scholastic Books)  Suggested Prefix, Root, Suffix List (See Appendix A)  Echevarria, Vogt, Short: Making Content </p><p>Revised 2009 40 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model  Internet Resources: 1.03 Identify key 1. How can I identify key words? Wall Charts 1. Identify various text features that may contain words and discover 2. What sentences or elements of text key words (bold, italics, highlighting, headings, their meanings and structure help me clarify meaning? subheadings, captions, etc) relationships through 2. Use context clues to determine meaning a variety of 3. Identify who (characters), what (action or strategies. events), when (time), where (place), how (process or procedure), and why (reason) in appropriate text to determine key words 1.04 Increase 1.How can I identify the correct  Novels: see grade level 1. List and use correctly words with multiple reading and writing meaning of a word when I am NCDPI / School book lists meanings. vocabulary through reading?  Thinking Maps resource 2. Record new multiple meaning words in your • Knowledge of notebook personal dictionary or reading log. multiple meanings  Laura Robb: 3. Model the way words are used for specific of words. Differentiating Reading purposes (author’s craft) (Context clues, Instruction  Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting homophones, multi-  Laura Robb Notebook:  The Relative Came by Cynthia meaning words) Teaching Reading Rylant’s word choice  Fountas & Pinnell: Guiding Readers and Writers  Echevarria, Vogt, Short: Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model  PCS 28 Instructional </p><p>Revised 2009 41 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Strategies  County Benchmarks  STAR Testing / AR Internet Resources: 1.06 Read 1.Read at least 60 minutes a day to AR AR Tests if given in your school independently daily build vocabulary Novels from self-selected 2.Lexile levels should be used when Magazines text to build possible Environmental print vocabulary 2.02 Interact with 1.Predict before starting the story Thinking Maps 1.Flow map to sequence events/dates text before during 2.Identify words unknown 2.Reverse flow to summarize main ideas and after reading Freyer/Circle Map definitions 3.Use vocabulary in another genre during the week identifying word Add to maps during reading unknown 3.Summarize when completed 4.Making Predictions- Was there anytime in the book that caused you to feel strongly that something would happen and it didn’t? 5.Formulating Questions- What questions did you ask yourself about the main character as he/she changed throughout the story? 6.Supporting Answers- Choose two characters in the story. Describe their relationship by citing evidence from the book. 7.Seeking Additional Information Research another author’s perspective on a subject . Compare the findings of both authors. 8.Drawing on Personal Understanding- What motivates </p><p>Revised 2009 42 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> someone in this selection to do their job? 9.Compare the setting in your book to the time and place in the story that reminds you of where you live? 10.Explain differences and similarities with examples from the text and your life. 11.Making Connections- How is the family in this selection like your family? 12.Is there an event or place in the story that reminds you of another book you read/ 13.Did you find evidence of the author’s bias in this selection/ Support your answer. </p><p>2.04 Determine 1.Can I identify similes, metaphors, Model through interactive read- 1. Identify similes, metaphors, and idioms in text author’s word choice and idioms? aloud and literature studies how that is read aloud and in independent reading. (metaphors, idioms 2. Can I analyze how these figures of authors use themes in their 2. Explain the meaning of similes, metaphors, and and similes) speech contribute to the meaning of writing- Eve Bunting picture idioms in text that is read aloud and in independent the text? book Smokey Night, The Wall reading. and Fly Away Home 3. Analyze how these figures of speech create tone Model through read aloud that and mood. mood is the feeling a reader gets from a literacy work – Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Curtis Simile Metaphor Personification Alliteration Onomatopoeia</p><p>Revised 2009 43 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>2.05 Make 1.Read between the line strategy Learning Log 1.If inferences were correct with evidence from the inferences, draw record predictions and record Readers Response Journal text conclusions, and evidence to prove or disprove from 2.Rubric is students could justify answers with support by text (paragraph, line, page) Model the process of inferring, details referencing text and generalizing, and concluding by 3.Summary context clues. sharing your thinking with meaningful text that offers the opportunity to form theories. A Sound Like Someone Trying Not To make a Sound by John Irving Model with A Blossom Promise by Betsy Byers how to use evidence from the text to understand characters.</p><p>Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Fourth Nine Weeks Expanding Narrative Reading Process 1.06 Read 1.Read at least 60 minutes a day to AR AR Tests if given in your school</p><p>Revised 2009 44 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT independently daily build vocabulary Novels from self-selected 2.Lexile levels should be used when Magazines materials possible Environmental print Goal 2: The 1.What strategies do I use to Houghton Mifflin Themes 1-6 1.Select and practice strategies such as learner will apply determine and understand the parts of  visualizing, strategies and skills a story?  making connections with the plot, to comprehend text 2. Do I have established strategies to  making connections with the character, that is read, heard, help me when I do not understand a  rereading, and viewed. passage?  accessing prior knowledge (2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 3. Where in my reading have I  note-taking, 2.06, 2.07, 2.08) previously encountered similar plots,  asking questions, Finishing problems, solutions, or settings?  predicting, etc. Curriculum to 3. What similarities do I notice 2. Analyze the effectiveness of your strategies in review for EOG between this text and other texts? your reader response journal and in conferences 4. What similarities do I notice with your teacher. between this text and my own 3. Make predictions before reading: experience?  read the title of the selection 5. Can I reference the text to justify my opinions about characters and  use background knowledge to predict events in the story? 4.Make predictions during reading: 6. Can I select major points and ideas  What do you think will happen next? in a summary? Defend your answer. 7. Do I understand why authors 5.Formulate questions: choose particular words? What did I learn about _____ as I was reading 8. Do I understand that authors have this book? a purpose in writing? 6.Distinguish the elements of fiction and 9. Can I reference the text to explain nonfiction. that purpose? 7. Identify and describe the characteristics of 10. Can I always find the answer in various genres of fiction and various types of non- the text? fiction. 11. Can I define and give examples 8. Identify the genres of various books and justify of theme and mood? your answer What strategies do I use to determine 9.Explore various genres and understand their </p><p>Revised 2009 45 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> the theme and mood? unique attributes 12. What clues in the text help me to 10.Identify elements that need to be included in a draw conclusions or make summary and justify your answer. generalizations? 11.Compare this text to other texts in plot, 13. How do I use events and plot characters, setting, solution , etc. elements to infer characters’ 12. Justify your connections by referencing the feelings? text. 14. Do I listen to the teachers, to my 13.Rate the extent to which your connections peers and to media presentations in contribute to interpretation and understanding of ways that help me learn? the text. 14. Identify elements of the story that can be omitted from a summary and justify your selections. 15. Identify similes, metaphors, and idioms in text that is read aloud and in independent reading. 16. Explain the meaning of similes, metaphors, and idioms in text that is read aloud and in independent reading. 17. Analyze how these figures of speech create tone and mood. 18.Evaluate the level of details appropriate to a summary</p><p>Goal 3: The 1.What vocabulary, textual, and 1. 1.Determine the factors that lead to a learner will make structural cues help me understand character’s actions. connection with characters’ actions? 2. Compare characters’ motives. text through the 2. How are these characters like 3. Compare characters’ personalities use of oral characters in other books I have 4. Evaluate characters’ values. language, written read? 5. Justify your reactions to characters by language, and 3.What contextual, vocabulary, and referencing the text. media technology. structural cues help me understand 6. 6.Evaluate characters’ actions and (3.01, 3.02, 3.03) characters’ motives? relationships.</p><p>Revised 2009 46 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Finish curriculum 4.How do I know who the “hero” is? 7. Determine the cause and effect of and begin to review 5. How do I identify the “bad guys” characters’ actions. for EOG in a story? 8. 7.Compare characters within a selection. 6. How are the events and setting in 9. Justify your analysis by referencing the this story like other stories I have text. read? 10. Compare events and plots from different 7. How do I find information in the selections and justify your comparisons text to help me understand the by referencing the text. characters and events? 8. What does the author do to engage and increase my interest in the story? 9. What does the author do to increase my sympathy for characters? 10. What does the author do to help me visualize the setting and action? 11. What does the author do to help me predict what is going to happen? 12. What does the author do to build up to the conclusion of the story? 4.01Read aloud 1.Does my oral reading reflect the 1.Read orally with a partner, in small groups, and grade-appropriate pace and tension of the story? with the teacher to practice text with fluency, 2. Do I stop for punctuation  responding to punctuations signals such comprehension, appropriately? as periods, question marks, and commas and expression 3. Do I speak in an audible, clear,  reading at an oral rate that keeps readers demonstrating an voice? interested awareness of 4. Can I expand and clarify my  reading aloud to reflect characters’ volume and pace. thinking about a text in writing? emotions in different situations 2. Select effective, precise vocabulary in oral and written presentations. 3. Apply grammar conventions to communicate effectively.</p><p>Revised 2009 47 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>4. Analyze the evidence and examples you have selected from the story. Are they effective and “on point” in justifying your opinion? 4.02 Use oral and written language to present information and ideas in a clear, concise manner 4.03 Discuss purpose and author’s attitude for reading text Socratic Seminar 4.04 Share self- selected text with a variety of genres Book Talks</p><p>Objectives: 1.04, 1.06, 2.01, 2.03, 2.09, 4.01, 4.02 are to used daily throughout the year Expanding Expository Reading Process</p><p>Revised 2009 48 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p>Goal 2: The 1.. What different types of text do I Houghton Mifflin Themes 1. Formulate questions and predict before learner will apply know how to read? 1-6 you read. strategies and skills 2. What strategies do I use when 2. Restate what you learned about the topic. to comprehend text reading nonfiction? 3. List questions you still have. that is read, heard, 3. How do nonfiction reading 4. Ask yourself questions as you read. and viewed. strategies differ from fiction reading 5. Visualize what you are reading. (2.01, 2.02, 2.04, strategies? 6. Use pictures, headings, subheadings, 2.05, 2.06, 2.07, 4. How do I break down the larger graphs, and charts to help you understand 2.08) ideas in a selection? the text. Review for EOG 5. Can I identify the parts of a 7. Identify key words. nonfiction text? 8. Identify main ideas. 6. How did the author organize the 9. Identify the strategies the author uses to text? organize the text: 7. Did I use text structure to help me  Is something being defined or described? predict before I read?  Are two things being compared? 8. Did I find key words and main  Is the author explaining what caused ideas? something? 9. Did I make notes at places where I  Is the author explaining what caused am confused? something or what the effect is of 10. What strategies do I use to something? determine the: main idea and 10. Identify and analyze the strategies the supporting details? author used to define, compare, or trace 11. Could I restate the text in my cause and effect. own words? 11. Identify the main idea and the details that 12. How did the author organize the support it. text? 12. Use subheadings and bold words to help 13. Did I use text structure to help you understand. me predict before I read? 13. Locate relevant information: 14. Did I find key words and main  Seek additional information from ideas? internet, encyclopedia, 15. Did I make notes at places where magazines, newspapers, etc. I am confused? 14. How does the information further explain 16. How can I prove that the author’s</p><p>Revised 2009 49 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> information in the text is correct? what the primary text states? 17. How do I locate additional 15. What new facts or details are provided resources to verify information found from the additional sources? in the text? 16. Identify information from the graphics. 18.How do graphics, charts and maps 17. Integrate information from graphics when add to my understanding of the text? summarizing text. 19. What is the role of picture captions in non-fiction book? 20. What strategies do I use to integrate information from graphic, charts or maps? Goal 3: The 1. Choose an appropriate topic to research learner will make within specific guidelines (with connections with assistance) text through the 2. Self-select an appropriate topic to use of oral research language, written 3. Derive information from encyclopedias, language, and search engines, interviews, surveys, etc media technology. (with assistance) (3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 4. Organize and sequence the information 3.04, 3.05, 3.06) obtained from sources (with assistance) 5. Construct a written document (with assistance) 6. Trace the causes and effects in nonfiction texts. 7. Create products using a cause and effect format 4.01Read aloud 1.Does my oral reading reflect the grade-appropriate pace and tension of the story? text with fluency, 2. Do I stop for punctuation comprehension, appropriately? and expression demonstrating an </p><p>Revised 2009 50 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT awareness of volume and pace.</p><p>4.02 Use oral and written language to present information and ideas in a clear, concise manner Expanding 1. Vocabulary and Phonics Goal 1: The learner 1.Do I make sure I comprehend what Houghton Mifflin Themes 2. Define unknown words in context when will apply enabling I read? 1-6 possible. strategies and skills to 2. Do I study text for new words? 3. Recall new words and use them in read and write. 3. Do I examine the context to try to appropriate contexts. root words, prefixes, suffixes, greek and figure out the meaning on my own? 4. Describe your word solving strategies. latin word bases, 4. Do I apply background knowledge 5. Evaluate your word solving strategies for testing vocabulary to figure out meanings? their effectiveness. academic vocabulary, 5. Do I apply my understanding of 6. Examine word for prefixes, suffixes, and content vocabulary spelling patterns, of prefixes, of root words to help you determine for EOG suffixes, and of root words to help meanings. me figure out new words? 7. Retell in my own words to make sure I 6. Do I chunk words to help me understand sound them out and figure out their 8. Create written products using as much meaning? variety in word choice as possible 7. Do I know that some words have 9. Select words thoughtfully to express my different meanings in different point of view contexts? 10. Examine the context of reading to make 8. Do I think about using appropriate sure I am applying meaning correctly. synonyms when I write? 11. Interpret words and passages in light of 9. Do I study texts I read to see how background knowledge.</p><p>Revised 2009 51 Pitt County Schools Revised 2009 Pitt County Schools Reading Instructional Guide Grade 4 SCOS GOALS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS, RECOMMENDED ESSENTIAL TASKS, STRATEGIES, AND BENCHMARKS, AND RESOURCES AND PROJECTS, CONNECTIONS OBJECTIVES SKILLS ASSESSMENT</p><p> the author uses synonyms and 12. Identify metaphors, similes, and idioms. antonyms to express the point of 13. Analyze metaphors, similes, and idioms view? for their contribution to mood and point 10. Do I notice similes, metaphors, of view. and idioms? 14. Set goals for improving your reading 11. Do I notice how similes, process. metaphors, and idioms help to create 15. Select books from a wide variety of a mood and contribute to the author’s genres voice? 12. Have I grown as a reader this year? 13. Do I select books from a wide variety of genres? 14. Do I understand how to keep growing as a reader?</p><p>Revised 2009 52</p>

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