Little Gaddesden Parish Council s1

Little Gaddesden Parish Council s1

<p> 1</p><p>Little Gaddesden Parish Council</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE VILLAGE HALL on MONDAY 15th DECEMBER 2014</p><p>PLEASE NOTE MINUTES ARE ALSO PUBLISHED ON THE VILLAGE WEB SITE</p><p>PRESENT: Cllrs. Archer (Deputy Chairman), Hyde, Kutluoglu and Irving. Also in attendance, Alastair Greene (Clerk), and 4 members of the public.</p><p>APOLOGIES: Cllrs. Adams. (Chairman), Parker and Heaphy, Herts. County Cllr. Lloyd, Dacorum District Cllr. Tiley</p><p>The meeting commenced at 8.00pm</p><p>1. FORMALITIES </p><p>DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: For the Councillors who attended there were no recorded changes, confirmed as:-</p><p>Cllr. Adams has an interest in the Sports Club; </p><p>Cllr. Heaphy has an interest in the Football Club and is editor of the Gaddesden Diary; </p><p>Cllr. Hyde has an interest in the Drama Club and Rural Heritage Society;</p><p>Cllr. Parker has an interest in the Village Produce Association, the Parochial Church Council and the Gaddesden Society. </p><p>Cllr. Kutluoglu has an interest in the Football and Cricket Clubs </p><p>Cllr. Irving has an interest as Chair, Gaddesden District Village Produce Association and is a member of the Drama Club and Rural Heritage Society</p><p>Cllr. Archer has no interests to be declared;</p><p>The Attendance Register was signed by the Councillors and Clerk</p><p>2. MINUTES - The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed by the Deputy Chairman</p><p>3. POLICE REPORT a. Full Police Report set out below:- Crimes In the last month there have been no reported crimes in the Parish of Little Gaddesden. No further information available on reported incidents in Ashridge & Hudnall during the summer. Anti-Social Behaviour In the last month there has been no reported ASB Speeding A Laser Operation has been carried out along carried out in Nettleden Road. This produced 2 warnings and 2 tickets for speeding, highest recorded speed of 46mph. Sadly out of the 2 warnings given, 2 were given to local motorists! Further Laser Operations will be arranged when shifts permit.</p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date…………………… 2</p><p>Quad Bikes No further reports have been forthcoming regarding the nuisance quad bikes. No further action will be taken until more incidents are reported. Parking There have been no reports of obstructive parking. However, patrols carried out in the area have reported 1 incident involving 2 vehicles parked on the pavement whilst owners were at the Bridgewater Arms for a christening party. Owners were asked to move the vehicles. Please report obstructions to the Police in order that offenders can be dealt with. In conjunction with Drive Safe and Laser Operations, officers have and will pay attention to parking in the area. Where full obstruction is seen, tickets will be issued and where partial obstruction is seen, letters will be sent. PCSO Clements has been into the Bridgewater Arms and has spoken to the manager regarding the issue. It was agreed that a sign will be displayed in the porch area of the front door to remind patrons of the parking issue. General As winter closes in please can we ask that residents look out for the elderly and vulnerable of the community by making regular contact with them. Please look out for any security issues such as insecure doors and windows etc.</p><p>NB. Documents regarding shed and house security have been uploaded to the Parish web site.</p><p> b. Police Communications. The Police Page has now been set up on the village web site and will be updated as new reports come in.</p><p>4. MATTERS ARISING a. Highways - Bucks CC have partially cut back the vegetation and soil slumped over the Ringshall Road pavement from the junction with Little Gaddesden Road to Goose Hill Farm. The Clerk agreed to keep chasing Bucks CC until this matter had been fully completed.</p><p>Peter Wright from Herts Highways has ensured that the landowner with the high and spreading hedges in Hudnall Lane has attended to the trimming back. All noted that whilst the cutting back had been completed, there was quite a lot of debris remaining. It was noted that Cllr Adams had earlier emailed Peter Wright asking that he follows up on that point. Herts CC will also now look at the signposts which are damaged. </p><p>Dacorum Borough Council have been asked to carry out a leaf sweep of the worst areas in the village (along Nettleden Road south of Hudnall Lane junction). Clerk to follow up.</p><p> b. Open Spaces. 1. Walsham Bench The Clerk confirmed that the installation was planned for Tuesday 16th Dec.</p><p>2. Play area ROSPA inspections on Cromer Close swings. The Clerk confirmed that the installation had been completed satisfactorily.</p><p>3. Tree survey. Replacement Walnut tree planted.</p><p>4. Footpath 18 reinstatement following installation of ground source heating pipes. The owner has built his field shelter. The re-levelling and re-seeding of the field and reinstating of </p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date…………………… 3</p><p> footpath 18 will be completed as soon as good weather allows, though the owner advises this might now be in the spring.</p><p>5. Footpath 2, 3, & 27 Modification. Gavin Harbour-Cooper from Herts CC advises that he has to submit his report to the Planning Inspector, this is unlikely before January 2015.</p><p>6. New bins for the Green. No change from previous month when David Brattle confirmed he was waiting for the National Trust to deliver the timber for the bins, and that mesh liners had already been purchased.</p><p>7. Scout storage shed. Clerk to pass lease to Scout leader for signing.</p><p>8. Request for a Heritage sign for the Church. A location has been agreed for a possible Heritage sign on a pole on the very edge of The Green next the Church Road. Clerk to review application documents.</p><p>9. The Green Cutting Regime It was agreed that no decision was required prior to March 2015 so this matter could be considered at a subsequent meeting.</p><p>Christmas Tree Positive comments had been received from residents on how good the tree looked. Collecting of the contributions for the tree and lights from VPA (cheque presented to the Clerk at the meeting), Gadd Soc and Church were underway by the Clerk. Actions were agreed re additional advertising of the Christmas Carols evening on 22nd Dec, carrying out a risk assessment for the event, catering and music.</p><p>Use of the Green – Byelaws Cllr. Archer noted at the August meeting that whilst permission is sought from the Parish Council on some occasions for parking and skips etc., probably not everyone was aware of the need to seek permission for such uses. With new people moving in to the village, probably not everyone was aware of the restrictions and consents required. Cllr. Archer had drafted a letter to residents of The Green to give advice on the Byelaws, this is to be reviewed. Since the last version of the Byelaws was written in 1985 it was agreed at a previous meeting to update the language and issues covered. The Clerk circulated prior to the meeting a byelaws template that might give some useful wording. Cllr. Archer and the Clerk agreed to draft new byelaws for review at the January meeting.</p><p>National Trust land opposite The Green At the last meeting the Clerk was asked to speak to the National Trust to ask them to find a more appropriate barrier than the red cones that are blocking parking at the southern end of the National Trust land, where tree clearance work has recently taken place. The Clerk was also asked to enquire about removal of the piles of small branches. Benjamin Byfield responded on behalf of the National Trust. They have replaced the cones with a log and cleared the branches. He also gave a very helpful explanation of what they are doing in that area regarding Trust land.</p><p>Status of The Green.</p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date…………………… 4</p><p>The Clerk had received an update from Herts County Council that they were considering the Parish Council’s request to purchase the land and would revert before year end.</p><p>5. CORRESPONDENCE Various magazine publications to be circulated to Councillors</p><p>6. FINANCE a. Cheques approved Clerk - salary for Dec Village Hall Manager – salary for Dec SRT Trading Ltd £220 + vat – for Dec Festive Lights £335.40 + vat (cheque already signed, so this is just confirmation) SutcliffePlay Ltd £396.18 + vat (cheque already signed, so this is just confirmation) Design Artwork copy print for Newsletter £84 no vat payable Petty Cash – £125.12</p><p> b. Cheques/payments received LGVH Management Committee - Village Hall Manager’s salary </p><p> c. It was agreed that a budget review meeting would be necessary prior to the next Parish meeting in order to prepare the forms from Dacorum Borough Council on the funding for 2015-16. The Clerk was asked to arrange the meeting</p><p>7. PLANNING (as at Dec 9th)</p><p>VALLEY VIEW – Letter received from the Planning Inspectorate PLANNING AND COMPULSORY PURCHASE ACT 2004 SECTION 55 AND SCHEDULE 2 Application by Jade Golby Webb. Site at Valley View, Hemel Hempstead Road, Dagnall, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1QR Following the closure of the inquiry, the Inspector is now preparing her report and recommendation for submission to the Secretary of State for his consideration. In accordance with Schedule 2 to the above Act, I am writing to let you know that the Secretary of State will issue his decision on or before 19 December 2014.</p><p>FENCING TO BOUNDARIES AND BETWEEN FIELDS MOSSHALL FARM, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, 4/02084/14/MFA– No objection from LGPC, DBC decision - Granted.</p><p>REPLACE BACK DOOR (EAST ELEVATION), REPLACE FRENCH DOORS (SOUTH ELEVEATION) AND REPLACE BATHROOM WINDOW (EAST ELEVATION) KINGHAMS MEADOW, HUDNALL LANE. 4/02852/14/LBC No objection from LGPC, DBC decision - Granted.</p><p>SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION TO PROVIDE TOILETS AND SHOWER FACILITIES FOR DISABLED ACCESS AND A SMALL LAUNDRY ROOM HUDNALL PARK FIELD STUDIES CENTRE, HUDNALL COMMON, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1QN. 4/02643/14/FUL. No objections from LGPC, DBC decision - Granted</p><p>LUTECE, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, WORKS TO TWO PINE TREES. 4/02951/14/TCA – No objection from LGPC, DBC decision - Raise no objection</p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date…………………… 5</p><p>49, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, FELL CONIFER, 4/02892/14/TCA – No objection from LGPC, DBC Decision – Raise no objection</p><p>LANGSIDE, HUDNALL COMMON, TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION, FIRST FKLOOR SIDE EXTENSIONAND ASSOCIATED DEMOLITION. 4/02917/14/FHA – No objection from LGPC, Target date for DBC decision 8th Dec MASCALLS, HUDNALL COMMON. CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED OUTBUILDING. 4/03181/14/LDC For information only.</p><p>54, NETTLEDEN ROAD, WORKS TO TREES 4/0358/14/TCA – Under consideration by LGPC</p><p>CEDAR HOUSE, NETTLEDEN ROAD NORTH, SINGLE STORY AND REAR EXTENSION. INSTALLATION OF DORMER WINDOWS IN ROOF. 4/03358/14/FCA – Under consideration by LGPC</p><p>32 RINGSHALL ROAD, RINGSHALL, BERKHAMSTED, HP4 1ND, ALTERATIONS TO ROOF OF SIDE EXTENSION AND ALTERATIONS TO REAR. 4/03543/14/FHA – Under consideration by LGPC</p><p>PHEASANT FIELD, RINGSHALL DRIVE, ASHRIDGE PARK, HP4 1NP, DEMOLITION OF EXISTING HOUSE, SWIMMING POOL AND GARAGES, CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AND GARAGE. 4/03292/14/FUL – No objection from LGPC</p><p>ST PETERS & ST PAULS CHURCH, CHURCH ROAD, LITTLE GADDESDEN, BERKHAMSTED, FELL TWO SCOTS PINE TREES 4/03517/14/TCA – No objection from LGPC</p><p>LITTLE BROWNLOW FARM, NETTLEDEN ROAD. REMOVE ASH TREE 4/03411/14/TCA – No objection from LGPC.</p><p>OLD PARK LODGE, ASHRIDGE PARK. INSTALLATION OF DAMP PROOFING TO GROUND FLOOR AND MINOR REPAIRS TO EXTERNAL BRICKWORK 4/0253/14/LBC – No objection from LGPC</p><p>8. Broadband – No update required this month Villagers keen to see the detail should log on to Anyone wishing to know which Cabinet they are linked to can go online to</p><p>9. Affordable Rural Housing – On behalf of Cllr Adams, Cllr Archer informed the meeting that the Chairman hoped to set up an initial meeting with Hastoe Housing Association in order to explore and understand how they might assist the village regarding the possibility of developing small units for downsizing villagers and first time owner villagers. </p><p>10. Neighbourhood Plans.</p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date…………………… 6</p><p>The Clerk had circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting documents and links to the Government web site on the opportunities given to a Parish Council by creating a Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed that in order to find out more, a representative of Dacorum Borough Council’s Planning team would be invited to a future Parish meeting. Anne Wooster mentioned that in her son’s village, Jordan Village, they had such a Plan and the Parish might like to look at that as an example. </p><p>Mr Townsend noted that Jordans, being a Quaker village with different approach to a more conventional village such as Little Gaddesden, might not be the best example to follow.</p><p>Mr Brown supported by Mr Townsend referred to the Parish Council's recent Newsletter item on Affordable Rural Housing and felt that the Newsletter had not reflected well the sentiments expressed at the meeting.</p><p>Cllr Irving explained that the Parish Council had no hidden agenda on Affordable Rural Housing or any particular approach to the subject. It had formed the view that certain groups in the village - downsizers and younger members of the community interested in the possibility of remaining in the village were examples - would benefit from housing options not currently available to them. It was also aware that a few landowners in the village were open to developing their assets if circumstances were appropriate. The Parish Council was therefore exploring its approach in the light of current frameworks. The meeting with CDA Herts had established that assistance via that route would not meet the Parish Council's perception of local need and other possible options would be examined without prejudice to any particular scheme. A Neighbourhood Plan might theoretically include Affordable Rural Housing as one element of the plan but that was not an aim or intent of having a Neighbourhood plan.</p><p>11. Risk Assessment – The Clerk circulated prior to the meeting the Parish Council’s most recent risk assessment documents dated 2012. I was agreed that these should be updated and that a separate evening meeting would be needed to complete these. </p><p>A.O.B. Cllr. Irving asked that the Clerk requests support from the litter hit squad to clean the debris from the verges on Hudnall Lane (below the junction with Hudnall Common) and on the Nettleden Road on the hill going towards Nettleden village.</p><p>The meeting closed at 9.45pm</p><p>DATE OF NEXT MEETING – January 26th 2015</p><p>Signed by Chairman…………………Date……………………</p>

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