<p>1 1CATHIE JO MARTIN</p><p>(June 2012)</p><p>PERMANENT POSITION</p><p>9/90- Professor (promoted August 2003) Department of Political Science Boston University 232 Bay State Road Boston, MA 02215</p><p>PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS</p><p>Research: comparative political economy; business-government relations; welfare state development; institutional analysis; and health, training, work/family and tax policy. </p><p>Teaching: comparative public policy, political economy, American public policy, interest groups and political parties.</p><p>ACADEMIC RECORD</p><p>9/81- Doctor of Philosophy. 2/87 Department of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts. </p><p>9/77- Master of Social Work. 6/79 University of Washington Seattle, Washington.</p><p>9/70- Bachelor of Arts in History. 6/74 Carleton College Northfield, Minnesota.</p><p>9/73- Associated Kyoto Program. 6/74 Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan.</p><p>8/69- Rotary International Exchange Student. 6/70 Odense, Denmark.</p><p>EMPLOYMENT RECORD</p><p>9/00- Visiting Professor. 8/01 Institute for Political Studies Copenhagen University 2 Rosenborggade 15 DK 1130 Copenhagen K</p><p>1/88- Assistant Professor. 8/90 Political Science and the Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois.</p><p>1/84- Lecturer. 3/84 University of Washington Seattle, Washington.</p><p>5/83- Research Associate. 9/83 Department of Youth Services Boston, Massachusetts.</p><p>9/82- Teaching Assistant. 12/82 Department of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts.</p><p>12/81- Research Associate. 6/82 Justice Resource Institute Boston, Massachusetts.</p><p>8/79- Social Worker. 6/81 Inpatient Psychiatry and Neurology Wards Harborview Medical Center Seattle, Washington.</p><p>10/76- Group Life Counselor. 8/77 Griffin Home for Boys Renton, Washington.</p><p>1/74- Child Care Worker. 8/76 Parry Center for Children Portland, Oregon.</p><p>BOOKS</p><p>Co-authored with Duane Swank. The Political Construction of Business Interests: Coordination, Growth and Equality. New York: Cambridge University Press (2012). </p><p>Stuck in Neutral: Business and the Politics of Human Capital Investment Policy, Princeton: Princeton University Press (2000).</p><p>Shifting the Burden: the Struggle Over Growth and Corporate Taxation, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (1991). 3</p><p>Aktivering af arbejdsgiverne: Arbejdsmarkedets svage i Danmark og Storbritannien. (Activating Employers), Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press (2004). </p><p>ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS</p><p>Co-authored with Duane Swank. “Gonna Party Like It’s 1899: Party Systems and the Origins of Varieties of Coordination.” World Politics 63 (1) (January 2011). </p><p>“Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism,” Business History Review (forthcoming). </p><p>“Social Solidarity in Scandinavia after the Failure of Finance Capitalism,” in Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson eds. The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2012). </p><p>“Vocational Training and the Origins of Coordination: Specific Skills and the Politics of Collective Action.” in Marius R. Busemeyer & Christine Trampusch, eds. The Comparative Political Economy of Collective Skill Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2011). </p><p>Co-authored with Jette Steen Knudsen. “Scenes from a Mall: Retail Training and the Social Exclusion of Low-Skilled Workers.” Regulation & Governance 4(3) (September 2010). </p><p>“Business and Social Policy.” in David Coen, Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson eds. Handbook of Business and Government. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press (2009). </p><p>Co-authored with Duane Swank, “The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” American Political Science Review (2 May) (2008): 181-198. </p><p>“Party Competition and the Origins of Collective Capitalism in Denmark,” in Peter Nedergaard & John L. Campbell eds. Institutions and Politics - Festschrift in honour of Ove K. Pedersen, Copenhagen, DK: DJØF Publishing (2008). </p><p>Co-authored with Nicole Kazee and Michael Lipsky, “Small Business and the State: the Case of the Missing Interest Group,” Boston Review (2008). </p><p>“A Sick Business,” in James A Morone; Theodor J Litman; Leonard S Robins, eds. Health Politics and Policy, Albany: Delmar Publishers (2008). </p><p>Co-authored with Kathleen Thelen, “The State and Coordinated Capitalism: Contributions of the Public Sector to Social Solidarity in Post-industrial Societies,” World Politics 60, no. 1 (October 2007): 1-36. </p><p>“Sectional Parties, Divided Business,” Studies in American Political Development 20 (2) (Fall 2006): 160-84. </p><p>“Corporatism in the Post-Industrial Age: Employers and Social Policy in the Little Land of Denmark.” in John Campbell, John Hall and Ove Kaj Pedersen eds. National Identity and a Variety of Capitalism: the Danish Case. Montreal, CA: McGill University Press (2006). 4</p><p>“Consider the Source!” in David Coen and Wyn Grant eds. Business and Government: Methods and Practice. International Political Science Association, Developments in Political Science Series. Leske & Budrich (2006). </p><p>“Corporatism from the Firm Perspective.” British Journal of Political Science 35 (1) (January 2005): 127-148. </p><p>“Beyond Bone Structure: Historical Institutionalism and the Style of Economic Growth.” in David Coates ed. Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approach, New York: Palgrave (2005). </p><p>“Last Year’s Model? Reflections on the American Model of Employment Growth,” in Uwe Becker and Herman Schwartz eds. Employment ‘Miracles’ in Critical Comparison. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (2005). </p><p>Co-authored with Duane Swank. “Does the Organization of Capital Matter?” American Political Science Review 98 (4) (November 2004): 593-611. </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes.” World Politics 57 (1) (October 2004): 39-69. </p><p>“Employers: Passive Purchasers or Provocateurs.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (April 2003). </p><p>Co-authored with Duane Swank, “Employers and the Welfare State,” Comparative Political Studies, (October 2001). </p><p>“It takes two to tango,” in Carsten Kjærgaard and Sven-Åge Westphalen ed. From collective bargaining to social partnerships, Copenhagen: The Copenhagen Centre (2001). </p><p>“Dead on Arrival: New Politics, Old Politics and the Case of National Health Reform,” in Martin Levin, Marc Landy and Martin Shapiro ed. Seeking the Center: Politics and Policy Making at the New Century, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press (2001). </p><p>“The Crossroads Blues,” in William Crotty ed, The State of Democracy in America, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press (2001). </p><p>“Business and the Politics of Human Capital Investment Policy,” Polity (Winter 1999).</p><p>“Inviting Business to the Party: the Corporate Response to Social Policy” in Margaret Weir ed. Social Divide, Russell Sage Foundation Press and the Brookings Institution (1998). </p><p>“Mandating Social Change: the Business Struggle over National Health Reform,” Governance 10 (4) (October 1997): 397-428. </p><p>“Markets, Medicare, and Making Do: Business Strategies After National Health Reform,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 22 (2) (April 1997). 5 “Nature or Nurture? Sources of Firm Preference for National Health Reform,” American Political Science Review (December 1995). Reprinted in Sue Tolleson-Rinehart and Mark A. Peterson eds. Health Politics and Policy (SAGE Library of Political Science, 2010). </p><p>“American Business and the Taxing State,” in Elliot Brownlee ed., Funding the Modern American State, 1941-1995, Cambridge University Press and Woodrow Wilson Press (1995).</p><p>“Stuck in Neutral: Big Business and the Politics of National Health Reform,” roundtable essay in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (May 1995). </p><p>“Business and the New Economic Activism: The Growth of Corporate Lobbies in the Sixties,” Polity 27, no.1 (Fall 1994): 49-76. </p><p>“Managing National Health Reform: Business and the Politics of Policy Innovation,” Pauline Vaillancourt Rosenau ed., Health Care Reform in the Nineties, Sage Publications (1994). </p><p>“Together Again: Business, Government, and the Quest for Cost Control,” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 18 (2) (Summer 1993): 359-393, and reprinted in James Morone and Gary Blekin, ed., The Politics of Health Care Reform, Durham: Duke University Press, (1994). </p><p>“Growth Strategies and Corporate Taxation: Politics as Cause and Effect,” Research in Corporate Social Performance and Policy 14, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (1993). </p><p>“Corporate Taxation in Pursuit of Growth,” American Politics Quarterly 19 (4) (October 1991): 469-484. </p><p>“Business Influence and State Power: The Case of U.S. Corporate Tax Policy,” Politics and Society 17 (2) (June 1989). “The U.S. Textile Industry,” jointly authored as part of the Textile Committee, The Working Papers of the MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (1989).</p><p>BOOK REVIEWS AND ESSAYS</p><p>“Business History and the Varieties of Capitalism.” included in a Roundtable on varieties of capitalism. Business History Review (2010). </p><p>“Electing to Have a Kinder, Gentler Capitalism,” review essay in Symposium on Capitalism, Democracy, and Welfare by Torben Iversen, Labor History 47 (3 August 2006): 397-449. </p><p>“Adventures in human resources: An American perspective,” Personalechefen, 2 (2001): 14-16. </p><p>“A Kinder, Gentler Capitalism?” Review of Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism Since the New Deal, by Sanford Jacoby, Journal of Policy History, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1999).</p><p>Review of Purchasing Power in Health: Business, the State, and Health Care Politics, by Linda A. Bergthold, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Vol. 16, #2 (Summer 1991). </p><p>Review of The Development of American Public Policy: The Structure of Policy Restraint, by David Robertson and Dennis Judd, Social Service Review, Vol. 65, #3 (September 1991). 6</p><p>Review of The Great U-Turn, by Bennett Harrison and Barry Bluestone, The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Vol. 13, #2, (Summer 1989), pp.429-431.</p><p>GRANTS AND HONORS</p><p>9/10 Winner of the Jack L. Walker, Jr. Outstanding Article Award for “The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism” Organized Section on Political Organizations and Parties American Political Science Association</p><p>3/10- Visiting Fellow Institute of Advanced Study Warwick University Coventry, United Kingdom </p><p>8/08- Principal Investigator 4/10 The Partisan Origins of Coordinated Capitalism Danish Social Science Research Council Copenhagen, Denmark </p><p>7/07- Fellow 6/08 Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Harvard University Cambridge, MA</p><p>5/05 Excellence in Academic Advising Award College of Arts and Sciences, Boston University Boston MA</p><p>5/05- Visiting Professor, Appointed Position Center for Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School Copenhagen, Denmark</p><p>9/01- Principal Investigator 12/01 Business Participation in the New Social Europe The German Marshall Fund, Washington, DC</p><p>9/00- Principal Investigator 6/01 Business Participation in the New Social Europe Magtudredningen, Aarhus, Denmark </p><p>9/00- Principal Investigator 6/01 Business Participation in the New Social Europe Danish Social Science Research Council Copenhagen, Denmark </p><p>9/94- Visiting Scholar. 6/95 Russell Sage Foundation 7 New York, NY.</p><p>1/93- Participant, Workshop on Financing the American State 4-95 Woodrow Wilson Center Washington, D.C.</p><p>6/92- Principal Investigator. 8/93 Business Preferences for Health Reform Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ</p><p>7/91- Summer Salary Support Grant. 8/91 Boston University Boston, Massachusetts.</p><p>9/88- Appointment to the Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research. 8/90 Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois.</p><p>9/89 “Ten Outstanding Young Persons” Award. Osaka Junior Chamber of Commerce Osaka, Japan.</p><p>6/88- University Research Grant. 12/89 Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois.</p><p>1/87- Post-Doctorate Fellowship. 12/87 Commission on Industrial Productivity, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts.</p><p>1/85- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Program Grant. 12/85 National Science Foundation Washington, D.C.</p><p>5/83 Comprehensive Examination Passed with Distinction. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES</p><p>1/09- Chair 6/11 Council for European Studies </p><p>9/10- Member of the Selection Committee 9/13 Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship Program Social Science Research Council</p><p>8/08- Program Co-chair 7/09 Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics 8</p><p>9/08- Member 8/11 Committee on Civic Education American Political Science Association Washington, DC</p><p>6/07- Member of the Executive Council 6/13 Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics</p><p>10/08- Member of the Editorial Board Socio-Economic Review</p><p>11/08- Member of the International Advisory Board Scandinavian Political Studies 7/07- Mentor 6/08 Miller Center Fellows Program University of Virginia</p><p>9/06- Member of the Executive Committee 8/08 Political Economy Section American Political Science Association.</p><p>9/04- Member of the Woodrow Wilson Award Committee 8/05 American Political Science Association</p><p>9/04- Co-chair, Study Group on Policy Reform in Advanced Societies 8/05 Center for European Studies Harvard University</p><p>8/03- Member of the Strategic Advisory Board Danish National Institute for Social Science Research Copenhagen, Denmark</p><p>9/02 - Mentor 8/03 Miller Center Fellows Program University of Virginia</p><p>10/01- Chair of the Harold Lasswell Award Committee 9/02 American Political Science Association</p><p>10/97- Member of the Editorial Board Polity </p><p>9/93- Member of the Editorial Board. 6/00 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law</p><p>9/96- Member of the Executive Committee 8/98 Politics and History Section American Political Science Association. 9 9/95- Ford Foundation Business Climate Advisory Committee. 5-96 Corporation for Enterprise Development Chapel Hill, North Carolina</p><p>9/95- Dissertation Awards Committee. 8/97 Political Economy Section, American Political Science Association</p><p>1/94- Program Chair for the 1995 Annual Meeting. 9/95 Politics and History Section, American Political Science Association.</p><p>9/93- Member of the Executive Committee. 8/95 Political Economy Section, American Political Science Association.</p><p>9/93- Co-chair, Study Group on Politics and Enterprise. 6-96 Center for European Studies Harvard University</p><p>SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AND MEDIA EVENTS</p><p>“Imagine All the People: Public Finance and the Welfare State,” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics, Boston (June 27-30, 2012). </p><p>“A Working Class Hero Is Something to Be: From Organized to Flexible Labor Markets,” presented at the Conference on Resilient Liberalism, Science Po, Paris (June 25-6, 2012). </p><p>“The Political Construction of Business Interests,” presented at the Copenhagen Business School Department of Political Science annual retreat, Copenhagen, Denmark (May 24-25, 2012). </p><p>“Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism,” presented at the annual meeting of the European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, UK (April 11-13, 2012). </p><p>Book panel on “The Political Construction of Business Interests,” presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Boston (March 22-24, 2012). </p><p>“What Divides—and Unites—Europeans” Plenary Session, presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Boston (March 22-24, 2012). </p><p>“The Political Construction of Business Interests,” presented at the California State University at San Bernadino. (February 9, 2012). </p><p>“Imagine All the People: Public Finance and the Welfare State,” presented at the “Two Political Economies in Crisis” conference, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (December 11, 2011). </p><p>“Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism,” presented at the meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics,” Madrid, Spain (June 23, 2011).</p><p>“Presidential Plenary Address,” presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Barcelona, Spain (June 21, 2011). 10</p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at the annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Barcelona, Spain (June 21, 2011). </p><p>“Sustaining Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” Tampere University, Tampere Finland (June 10, 2011). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented to the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC (April 6, 2011). </p><p>“Party Politics and the Default Move from Coordination to Liberalism,” Centre for Business History, Copenhagen Business School, (March 16, 2011). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, (March 15, 2011). </p><p>“Sustaining Social Solidarity, Confronting New Challenges: The State and Coordinated Capitalism in Europe,” Center for Industrial Competitiveness, UMass Lowell (Nov. 15, 2010). </p><p>“Sustaining Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” “Questioning the Crisis and Prospects for Change,” COST Project. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris Nord,” Paris, France (October 27, 2010). </p><p>“Sustaining Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” BMW Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, DC (September 27, 2010). </p><p>“Social Solidarity in Scandinavia: After the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” presented at the Boston University-Warwick workshop (September 24, 2010). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at the NordWel/REASSESS Summer Institute at the Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark (August 17, 2010). </p><p>“Vocational Training and the Origins of Coordination: Specific Skills and the Politics of Collective Action,” presented at a conference on “The Comparative Political Economy of Collective Skills Systems,” The Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany (May 21, 2010). </p><p>“Presidential Plenary Address,” presented at the meeting of the Council for European Studies, Montreal, Canada (April 18, 2010).</p><p>“Gonna Party Like It's 1899,” presented at the meeting of the Council for European Studies, Montreal, Canada (April 17, 2010). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at the Politics Department, Warwick University, Coventry, UK (March 10, 2010.) </p><p>“The Sounds of Silence: Capturing Cause and Effect in Interviews,” presented at a conference on “Interview Research in Political Science,” Duke University, Raleigh, NC (January 19-20, 2010). 11 “Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” presented at the “Workshop on Business and Government in the Aftermath of Crisis,” Warwick University, Coventry UK, (December 13-15, 2009). </p><p>“Social Solidarity after the Fall of Finance Capitalism,” presented at the “Re-embedding the Market Workshop,” Harvard University and the University of Melbourne, Cambridge MA (December 4, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at the Business History Seminar, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA (November 16, 2009). </p><p>“The Political Foundations of Redistribution and Equality in Postindustrial Capitalist Democracies,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada (September 3-5, 2009). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto, Canada (September 3-5, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at conference on “Adjusting to Economic and Social Challenges,” Harvard University, (July 25-28, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-economics, Sciences-Po, Paris, France (July 16-18, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1899,” presented at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina (May 16, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1999,” presented at the Massachusetts Institution of Technology, festschrift in honor of Suzanne Berger, Cambridge, MA (May 8, 2008). </p><p>“Institutional Change and the Politics of Social Solidarity in Advanced Industrial Democracies,” coauthored with Duane Swank and Kathleen Thelen, presented at Yale University (February 9, 2009). </p><p>“Gonna Party Like It’s 1999: The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” co-authored with Duane Swank and presented at the Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark (November 17, 2008). </p><p>“Institutional Change and the Politics of Social Solidarity in Advanced Industrial Democracies,” coauthored with Duane Swank and Kathleen Thelen, presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston (August 28-31, 2008). </p><p>“Institutional Change and the Politics of Social Solidarity in Advanced Industrial Democracies,” coauthored with Duane Swank and Kathleen Thelen, presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, San Jose, Costa Rica (July 20-23, 2008). </p><p>“Opening Plenary – Agenda for a Shared Prosperity,” presented at the Building Workforce Partnerships conference, Los Angeles, CA (June 11-13, 2008). “The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” co-authored with Duane Swank and presented at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland (April 14, 2008). 12</p><p>“Employers and Health Reform,” presented to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey (April 1, 2008). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” co-authored with Duane Swank and presented at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (March 17, 2008). </p><p>“Institutional Change and the Politics of Social Solidarity in Advanced Industrial Democracies,” coauthored with Duane Swank and Kathleen Thelen, presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago IL (March 7, 2008). </p><p>“Varieties of Coordination and Trajectories of Change,” co-authored with Kathleen Thelen and presented at the Seminar on Comparative European Politics, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (December 2007). </p><p>Invited participant at the “Asset Specificity and Skill Regimes: Concepts and Implications,” conference, Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany (November 9-11, 2007). </p><p>“In Search of Self,” presented at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (October 17, 2007). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” co-authored with Duane Swank and presented at the Political History Seminar, Boston University, Boston MA (October 10, 2007). </p><p>“Varieties of Coordination and Trajectories of Change,” co-authored with Kathleen Thelen and presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL (September 2007). </p><p>Participant in the Farewell Symposium workshop for David Soskice, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung, Berlin, Germany (July 4, 2007). </p><p>“Scenes from a Mall,” co-authored with Jette Steen Knudsen and presented at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics annual meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 29, 2007). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” co-authored with Duane Swank and presented at Oxford University, Oxford, Great Britain (June 1, 2007). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago IL (April 10, 2007). </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the School for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (April 2, 2007). “Varieties of Coordination and Trajectories of Change,” co-authored with Kathleen Thelen and presented at the Sloan School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (February 27, 2007). </p><p>“The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism,” presented at the 2006 annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia PA (September 2, 2006). 13 “Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the Inequality Summer Institute, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge MA (June 14-15, 2006). </p><p>“Varieties of Coordination and Trajectories of Change,” presented at the Workshop on Institutional Emergence, Stability, and Change, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 1-2, 2006). </p><p>Participated in the invited International Conference “On Solidarity: Cultural and Political Conditions for the Reform of Social Models in Europe and the U.S.” sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economic and Labor and the Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria (May 20- 21, 2006). </p><p>“Varieties of Coordination and Trajectories of Change,” presented at the Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, Chicago (May 8, 2006). </p><p>“Varieties of Capitalism and Service Sector Training,” presented at the presented at the semi- annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago IL (March 30-31, 2006). </p><p>“Sectional Parties, Divided Business,” discussed at the Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin, Social Science Research Center, Berlin, Germany (December 2005). </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the Politics of Public Policy Seminar, Institute for Social and Policy Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT (September 2005). </p><p>“Sectional Parties, Divided Business,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC (September 2005). </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the Center for Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, DK (May 2005). </p><p>“Aktivering af Arbejdsgivere: Reforming Welfare States in the Age of Globalization,” presented at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, DK (May 2005). </p><p>Participant at invited conference on “The Political Economy of Globalization,” Center for Globalization and Governance, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (April 2005). </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (April 2005). “Sectional Parties, Divided Business,” presented at the Program in American Democracy, Notre Dame, South Bend, IN (March 2005). </p><p>“Reinventing Welfare Regimes,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL (September 2004). </p><p>“Active Social Policy and the Sorcerer's Stone,” presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago IL (March 12, 2004). </p><p>Participation in a panel on “The Past, Present and Future of the Welfare State,” Goethe Institute, Boston, Massachusetts (February 4, 2004). 14 “Corporatism in the Post-Industrial Age,” presented at “The State of Denmark” conference, Dartmouth University, Hanover, NH (January 30-31, 2004). </p><p>“Active Social Policy and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” presented at the Danish National Institute for Social Science Research,” Korsør, Denmark (September 8-9, 2003). </p><p>“Active Social Policy and the Sorcerer's Stone,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA (August 2003). </p><p>“Last Year’s Model? Reflections on the American Model of Employment Growth,” presented at the European Social Model Conference, Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin Germany (July 11, 2003).</p><p>“Active Social Policy and the Sorcerer's Stone,” presented at the University of Washington Department of Political Science, Seattle, WA (April 11, 2003).</p><p>“Corporatism from the Firm Perspective,” presented at the International seminar on The Danish Success in the Global Political Economy,” Copenhagen, Denmark (December 2, 2002). </p><p>“Corporatism from the Firm Perspective,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA (August 2002). </p><p>“Consider the Source! Determinants of Corporate Preferences for Public Policy,” Presented at the International Political Science Association Business-Government Roundtable, University College London, London, United Kingdom (May 24-5, 2002). </p><p>“Sectional Parties, Divided Business,” Presented at the “American Politics in a New Millennium” conference, sponsored by CIDE and the University of Texas at Austin, Mexico City (April 25-6, 2002). </p><p>“Employers: Passive Purchasers or Provocateurs,” Presented at the conference, “Who Shall Lead? Continuity and Change in the Future of Health Care,” sponsored by the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Los Angeles, California (April 19 and 20, 2002). </p><p>“Corporatism from the Firm Perspective,” presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago IL (March 15, 2002). </p><p>“Corporatism from the Firm Perspective,” presented at the John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University, Cambridge (February 25, 2002). </p><p>“Last Year’s Model? Reflections on the American Model of Employment Growth,” presented at the “Small Countries’ Employment ‘Miracles’ in Critical Comparison”conference, Amsterdam University, Amsterdam, Netherlands (January 25-26, 2002). </p><p>“It Takes Two to Tango,” presented at the Conference on Partnerships and Social Responsibility in the New Economy, The Copenhagen Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 29, 2001). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the LOS Centre, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway (May 10, 2001). 15 “Business and the Welfare State,” presented at the Conference on Public Sector Steering, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark (April 26, 2001). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the Political Science Department, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (April 6, 2001). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the Max Planck Institute, Cologne, Germany (March 19, 2001). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the Political Science Department, University of Gothenborg, Gothenborg, Sweden (November 26, 2000)</p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the Institute for Political Studies, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark (November 11, 2000). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented at the Social Science Research Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark (November 6, 2000). </p><p>“Employers, Policy Legacies and Welfare State Restructuring,” presented at the American Political Science Association, Washington (August 31-September 3, 2000). </p><p>“Employers and the Welfare State,” presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Council for European Studies, Chicago IL (March 31, 2000). </p><p>Book Roundtable, New England Political Science Association, Hartford, CT (May 2000). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented to the Political Science Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (January 20, 2000). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented to the Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (January 19, 2000). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented to the Sociology Department, Brown University, Providence, RI (November 30, 1999). </p><p>“Stuck in Neutral,” presented to the Center for Public Policy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (October 14, 1999). </p><p>“The Changing Role for Employers in European Social Initiatives,” co-authored with Duane Swank, presented at the American Political Science Association, Atlanta (September 1-4, 1999). </p><p>“Business and the Politics of Human Capital Investment Policy,” presented at the Policy History Conference, Journal of Policy History, St. Louis, MO (May 28-30, 1999). </p><p>Roundtable on the 1998 Elections,” annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA (September 2-5, 1998). </p><p>“The Crossroad Blues,” presented to the Brandeis University Heller School, Boston, MA (April 1998). 16 “Dead on Arrival: New Politics, Old Politics and the Case of National Health Reform,” presented at the New Politics of Public Policy Conference, Brandeis University and Boston College, Boston, MA (November 21-22, 1997). </p><p>“The Crossroad Blues,” presented at Northeastern University’s Centennial Year conference on “American Democracy Entering the Twenty-First Century,” Boston, MA (October 24, 1997). </p><p>Presentation on business-government relations, “Emerging Values in Corporate Health Benefits, The Hastings Center, Briarcliff Manor, New York (December 10, 1996). </p><p>Roundtable on Health Policy, Northeastern Political Science Association, Boston, MA (November 10, 1996) </p><p>“Short Course on Business and Public Policy,” Politics and History Section, co-taught with David Vogel at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA (August 28-31, 1996). </p><p>“Business Politics and the Clinton Policy Initiatives,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA (August 28-31, 1996). </p><p>“The Least-Common-Denominator Business Community,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA (August 28-31, 1996). </p><p>“Markets, Medicare, and Making Do,” JHPPL Conference on Health Care Into the Next Century, Duke University, Raleigh, North Carolina (May 4-6 1996). “Business and the Politics of Social Innovation,” presented to the Center for Urban Affairs and the Political Science Department, Northwestern University, Chicago IL (January 22, 1996). </p><p>“Mandating Social Change,” presented to the Gordon Public Policy Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA (November 16, 1995). </p><p>“Business and the Politics of Social Innovation,” presented to the Department of Political Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (October 28, 1995). </p><p>“Business and the Politics of Social Innovation,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Il (September 1-4, 1995). </p><p>“Basic Instincts?” Political Science seminar series, Columbia University, New York, NY (January 25, 1995). </p><p>Roundtable on Health Reform, Northeastern Political Science Association, Providence, RI (November 12, 1994). </p><p>“Globalization and the Welfare State,” Canadian Public Broadcasting System and Queens University, Filmed at Herstmonceux Castle, Sussex, Great Britain (November 5-7, 1994). </p><p>“Mandating Social Change: the Business Struggle over National Health Reform,” presented to the Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY (October 26, 1994). 17 “Mandating Social Change,” presented to the Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina (October 4, 1994). </p><p>“Mandating Social Change,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York, NY (September 1-4, 1994). </p><p>Roundtable on the Progressive Period, the American Political Science Association, New York, NY (September 1-4, 1994). </p><p>“Corporate Preferences for National Health Reform,” presented at the Social Science Research Council Conference on Globalization, Social Policy, and the Semi-Sovereign Welfare States in Europe and North America, Harvard University, (August 8, 1994). </p><p>Guest Speaker, “Critical Decisions,” WBUR Radio Station, Boston, MA (July 1, 1994). </p><p>Roundtable on Health Reform, New England Political Science Association Meeting, Salem, MA (May 1994). </p><p>“Business and the Politics of Social Innovation,” presented to the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, (May 5, 1994). </p><p>“Health Care Reform: Current Initiatives--Future Plans,” Opening Remarks at The Carpenter Conference, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia (May 2, 1994). </p><p>“Basic Instincts?” presented at the Seminar on American Political Development, Brandeis University, March 24, 1994. </p><p>Presentation to the Russell Sage/Brookings Working Group on Clinton Social Policy Initiatives, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. (March 1994). </p><p>“Basic Instincts?” presented to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ (February 1994). </p><p>“American Business and the Taxing State: Alliances for Growth in the Postwar Period,” presented at the Working Group on Fiscal Policy in America, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC (November 1993). </p><p>“Basic Instincts?” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,” Washington, D.C. (September 1-3, 1993). </p><p>Participation in the Conference on the Decline of the American State, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, NY (April 1993). </p><p>“Business and the New Economic Activism,” presented at the Seminar on American Politics, Columbia University, New York, NY (January 27, 1993). </p><p>“Together Again: Business, Government, and the Quest for Cost Containment,” presented to the Harvard American Political Development Group, Harvard University (November 1992). 18 “The German Health System From the American Perspective,” presented at the conference on “The German Health Care System: A Model for the United States?”, Goethe Institute, Boston, MA (October 15-18, 1992). </p><p>“Together Again,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago (around September 1, 1992). </p><p>Roundtable on Business and Politics, at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago (around September 1, 1992). </p><p>“Together Again” presented at the Robert Wood Johnson sponsored Conference on National Health Reform, Durham, North Carolina (May 1992). </p><p>“Business and the New Economic Activism,” presented at the Seminar on American Political Development, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (March 1992). </p><p>Appearance on Monitor News, Christian Science Monitor Station (November 1991). Participated in Conference on European Political Integration after 1992, Harvard University (November 1991). </p><p>“Business and the New Economic Activism,” presented at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT (October 1991). </p><p>Appearance on Monitor News, Christian Science Monitor Station, Boston, (October 1991). </p><p>“Business and the New Economic Activism,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. (around September 1, 1991). </p><p>“Constructed Interests and Elite Social Movements: Tax Reform in 1986,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California (around September 1, 1990). </p><p>“Corporate Taxation in Pursuit of Growth,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. (around September 1, 1989). </p><p>“Business Influence and State Power,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C. (around September 1, 1986). </p><p>“Federal Tax Policy: Growth versus Equity in the 1980s,” presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, Nevada (April 1985).</p><p>“Beyond the RAPs,” written for the Justice Resource Institute, Boston, Massachusetts who presented research to the Massachusetts State Legislature (1982).</p>
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