<p>Award Name: The McCoy & Hiestand Better Chance Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://mccoyandhiestand.com/bardstown-injury/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: At McCoy & Hiestand, PLC Attorneys at Law, we are as committed to serving our community as we are to serving our clients, and we believe in the importance of giving back to make Kentucky a better place to live and work. We strive to do our best to lend a needed hand in the community as often as we are able to, and strive to empower the future leaders of our home.</p><p>AMOUNT: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: The Better Chance scholarship is open to apply to for any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. Students who are currently incoming first-year college students and have graduated from high school or possesses a GED may also apply. Any eligible candidates must be in good academic standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: Your updated resume, pertinent contact information, and status as a student. A 750 word essay that provides a thoughtful description of a time in your life in which you overcame adversity. Your current transcript, unofficial, from your school (NOTE: for first-year college students, submit an unofficial transcript from your most recent school as well as one from your current post-secondary institution).</p><p>NUMBER OF AWARDS:1</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: Scholarship candidates must submit a complete application by no later than June 1, 2017. The materials should be submitted altogether by emailing [email protected]</p><p>ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Essay, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The Barone Defense Firm Win Back Your Life Scholarship</p><p>EMAIL – [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://baronedefensefirm.com/michigan-dui-lawyer/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: In the spirit of giving deserving people additional opportunities, we are proud to announce the inaugural Barone Defense Firm Win Back Your Life Scholarship.</p><p>AWARD: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: The Win Back Your Life scholarship is open to apply to for any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. Students who are currently incoming first-year college students and have graduated high school or possesses a GED may also apply. Any eligible candidates must be in good academic standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: Your updated resume, pertinent contact information, and status as a student. A 750 word personal statement that provides a thoughtful description of a time in your life in which you overcame adversity in some form and grew from the experience, becoming a better person. Your current transcript, unofficial, from your school (NOTE: for first-year college students, submit an unofficial transcript from your most recent school as well as one from your current post- secondary institution.)</p><p>NUMBER OF AWARDS:1</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: Scholarship candidates must submit a complete application by no later than May 31, 2017. The materials should be submitted all together by emailing [email protected]</p><p>ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Personal Statement, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The Tampa Spine Center Road to Recovery Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://tampabaybackpaindoctor.com/minimally-invasive-spine- surgery/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: One of the great joys we find in our work is the ability to serve to help others, especially those who are not in the position to help themselves. We hold the belief that anyone who has faced difficult setbacks and strived to persevere deserves recognition. That is why we are happy to announce awarding The Tampa Spine Center Road to Recovery scholarship to a student who has grown by overcoming setbacks through recovery and whom we feel deserves a chance to use their experience to help forge a better future.</p><p>AWARD: $500 </p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: The Road to Recovery scholarship is open to apply for any student who is currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. Students who are currently incoming first-year college students and have graduated high school or possesses a GED may also apply. Any eligible candidates must be in good academic standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: Your updated resume, pertinent contact information, and status as a student.A 750- word essay that thoughtfully describes a time in your life in which you suffered a physical or emotional setback in which you recovered and what that recovery has meant to you.A current official transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students may submit an official transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their full application (personal statement, transcript, and resume) by email to [email protected]. The official deadline for all application materials is July 1st, 2017.</p><p>ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Essay, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The Tragos Write Your Own Law Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: hhttp://tragoslaw.com/clearwater-car-accident-lawyer/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: To help a deserving student reach their academic goals and impress upon them the importance of lawmaking, the Law Offices of Tragos, Sartes & Tragos is excited to establish the Tragos Write Your Own Law Scholarship. The scholarship will award $500 to a deserving student who presents a creative, practical, and substantive law for the United States.</p><p>AWARD: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED.All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: A completed application Tragos Law cover sheet.An updated résumé, including your contact information and status as a student.A 750-word essay responding to the following prompt: If you could write one bill into law, what would it be? Why? Please provide a thoughtful analysis of the effect of your law.A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their FULL application (personal statement, cover sheet, transcript(s), and résumé) by email to [email protected]. The official deadline for all application materials is January 31, 2017.</p><p>ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Application Cover Letter, Personal Statement, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: Whitley Law Firm Distracted Driving Prevention Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://whitleylawfirm.com/raleigh-car-accident-lawyer/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: No text is worth the possibility of seriously injuring someone else, a loved one, or even yourself. Every attempt must be made to make people aware of the inherent dangers of distracted driving.In that vein, Whitley is proud to announce the creation of the 2016 Whitley Law Firm Distracted Driving Prevention Scholarship. The purpose of offering the scholarship is not only to help someone offset the rising costs of college, but also to raise awareness on the issue of distracted driving.</p><p>AWARD: $1,500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: The Whitley Law Firm Distracted Driving Prevention Scholarship is open to any current undergraduate, graduate, or law school student, as well as any incoming freshman students.All applicants must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.The scholarship award amount is $1,500.</p><p>CRITERIA: A 1,000 word essay on your own experiences with distracted driving – What have you done in your own car or your family’s car to combat distracted driving OR What policy measures would you put in place or what practical things can we do in order to reduce the amount of distracted driving accidents?A resume which includes all academic, professional, and volunteer experience. A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First- year college students may submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>NUMBER OF AWARDS:1</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: To be considered for the Whitley Law Firm Distracted Driving Prevention Scholarship, interested applicants must submit their entire application (essay, transcript(s), and resume) by e-mail to [email protected] with the subject line: [Applicant’s First and Last Name] Scholarship Application. Submissions without the correct subject line will not be considered. The deadline for all application materials is December 31st, 2016.</p><p>Award Name: Billings & Barrett First in Family Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://billingsandbarrett.com/meriden-criminal/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: Being blessed enough to graduate from college, as well as law school, Billings and Barrett recognize that while many people may have the talent and fortitude to go onto higher education, many lack the opportunity to do so simply due to their family situation. With that in mind, to help them on that road, Billings and Barrett are excited to introduce their First in Family Scholarship, designed to support individuals who want to further their education and are the first members of their families to attend college</p><p>AMOUNT: $1,000</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: The scholarship is open to any student presently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are either high school graduates or in possession of a GED.Scholarship candidates must be the first member of their family to attend college.All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, maintaining a cumulative average grade of a B (3.0 GPA.)</p><p>CRITERIA: A resume that includes academic, professional, and volunteer experienceA 500- word statement describing the impact of being your family’s first member to attend college, including details on what you plan to study, and why you want to go there.A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students may submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: To be eligible for the Billings and Barrett First in Family Scholarship, applicants must submit their entire application (personal statement, transcript(s), and resume) by e-mail to [email protected]. All applications must have a subject line that reads: [Applicant’s First and Last Name] Scholarship Application. Submissions without this subject line will not be considered. The deadline for all application materials is December 31st, 2016.</p><p>Award Name: The Fabriele Disability Awareness Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: https://www.fabrielelaw.com/driving-under-the-influence- dwi.html#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: The Fabriele Disability Awareness Scholarship is an annual $1,000 scholarship for the winning applicant. The purpose of this scholarship is to bring awareness to the Americans with Disabilities Act, and how it has helped, fallen short, or failed Americans.</p><p>AWARD: $1,000</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher. Applicants must be enrolled in an institution of higher education in the Fall Semester of 2017. If the applicant is still awaiting admission or deciding on a school when submitting the application, that is fine. However, before granting the scholarship we will need to ensure that the applicant is enrolled for the Fall of 2017. </p><p>CRITERIA:Applicants must submit a recent, unofficial transcript. Applicants must submit a 500- word statement in response to the prompt: “From your own experience or that of a family member, please describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act has helped, fallen short, or failed in protecting the rights of Americans with disabilities.”</p><p>NUMBER OF AWARDS:1</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: The Fabriele Disability Awareness Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship for the Fall of 2017. The deadline for submitting an application is March 1, 2017. The winner will be posted on the website during the summer of 2017. </p><p>To submit an application: Mail your application to 214 Route 18 #2A East Brunswick, NJ 08816</p><p>Address your letter to The Fabriele Disability Awareness Scholarship. All required items need to be enclosed in your letter.</p><p>Award Name: Judge Bill Higgins Public Service Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: https://www.thehigginsfirm.com/medical-malpractice.html#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: Due to The Higgins Firm’s passion for public service and desire to encourage those considering entering this arena with the inspiration of Judge Bill Higgins behind them, we are honored to present the Judge Bill Higgins Public Service Scholarship. The scholarship will award $500 to the student that best expresses their thoughts on the importance of public servants with insight and creativity.</p><p>AMOUNT: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED. The scholarship candidate must possess an interest in public service, as demonstrated by past and present volunteer, professional, and educational experiences. All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA:An updated résumé and completed cover sheet.· Send your volunteer service hours showing that you have volunteered at least five hours at your favorite charitable organization. For every five hours worked, you will qualify for an eligible submission in the scholarship. For example, if you submit 15 hours of volunteer work, you will be assigned three entries for the scholarship. And a current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>NUMBER OF AWARDS:1</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their FULL application (personal statement, cover sheet, transcript(s), and résumé) by email to [email protected].</p><p>The official deadline for all application materials is July 21, 2017. ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Essay or Proof of Volunteer Hours, Transcript, Cover Sheet and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The David Benowitz Recognizing Public Servants Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://criminallawdc.com/dui.html#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: Due to Mr. Benowitz’spassion for public service and his desire to encourage those considering entering this arena, we are honored to present the David Benowitz Recognizing Public Servants Scholarship. The scholarship will award $500 to the student that best expresses their thoughts with insight and creativity on the importance of public servants and their work.</p><p>AMOUNT: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED. The scholarship candidate must possess an interest in public service, as demonstrated by past and present volunteer, professional, and educational experiences. All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: An updated résumé and completed cover sheet. A 750-word essay discussing the following: Discuss the importance of public servants and public service in our society. Why are public servants, and especially public defenders, important in our legal system? A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their full application (personal statement, transcript, and resume) by email to [email protected]. The official deadline for all application materials is March 31, 2017. ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Personal Statement, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The Jason Kalafat Make a Difference Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://criminallawyerwashingtondc.com/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: Due to Mr. Kalafat’s personal commitment to affecting real change in the world, we are proud to announce the Jason Kalafat Make a Difference Scholarship. This scholarship will award $500 to a deserving student who puts forth a thoughtful, creative, and meaningful response to how their dream will make a necessary and practical change in the world.</p><p>AMOUNT: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED.The scholarship candidate must possess an interest in social justice, as demonstrated by past and present volunteer, professional, and educational experiences.All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: An updated resumé.A 750-word essay responding to the following prompt: How will your dreams make a meaningful impact on the world? How will you take practical steps to achieve these dreams? A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First- year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their full application (personal statement, transcript, and resume) by email to [email protected]. The official deadline for all application materials is March 31, 2017. ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Personal Statement, Transcript, and Resume</p><p>Award Name: The Shawn Sukumar Criminal Justice Reform Scholarship</p><p>E-mail Address: [email protected]</p><p>SCHOLARSHIP URL: http://www.washingtondccriminallawyer.net/#scholarship</p><p>PURPOSE: Attorney Shawn Sukumar is familiar with the harmful effects of the criminal justice system. As such, we are proud to announce the Shawn Sukumar Criminal Justice Reform Scholarship. The scholarship will award $500 to a student who presents a well-reasoned and practical solution to a problem they see within the criminal justice system.</p><p>AMOUNT: $500</p><p>QUALIFICATIONS: This scholarship is offered to any student currently enrolled in an accredited community college, undergraduate, or graduate program in the United States. This includes incoming first-year college students who are high school graduates or possess a GED. The scholarship candidate must possess an interest in social justice, as demonstrated by past and present volunteer, professional, and educational experiences.All eligible candidates must be in good academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.</p><p>CRITERIA: An updated résumé. A 750-word essay responding to the following prompt: What issue within the criminal justice system do you believe needs reform? Why? What is a practical solution to this problem? What changes do you believe this solution would make? Feel free to draw on your own or loved one’s experiences. A current unofficial transcript from the applicant’s school (NOTE: First-year college students must submit an unofficial transcript from their most recent school, as well as an unofficial transcript from their current post-secondary institution.)</p><p>HOW TO APPLY: In order to be eligible, scholarship applicants must submit their FULL application (personal statement, transcript(s), and résumé) by email to [email protected]. The official deadline for all application materials is March 31, 2017.</p><p>ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SUBMISSION EMAILS MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING: Subject Line: Name of the Applicant — Name of the Scholarship Attachments: Personal Statement, Transcript, and Resume</p>
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