<p>AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 19. Chemical Thermodynamics 19.1 Spontaneous Processes</p><p>Will a reaction occur? </p><p>Two components: • enthalpy (H) • entropy (S) (randomness or disorder): </p><p>First law of thermodynamics: energy is conserved: E= q + w E = change in internal energy, q = heat absorbed by the system from the surroundings w = work done. </p><p>Spontaneous process = any process that occurs without outside intervention.</p><p>• A process that is spontaneous in one direction is not spontaneous in the opposite direction.</p><p>• Temperature may also affect the spontaneity of a process. </p><p>Seeking a Criterion for Spontaneity • To understand why some processes are spontaneous we must look at the ways in which the state of a system might change. • Temperature, internal energy, and enthalpy are state functions. • Heat transferred between a system and the surroundings, as well as work done on or by a system, are not state functions. Reversible and Irreversible Processes</p><p>• A reversible process = one that can go back and forth between states along the same path. • Reverse process restores the system to its original state. • Path taken back to the original state is exactly the reverse of the forward process. • There is no net change in the system or the surroundings when this cycle is completed. • Completely reversible processes are too slow to be attained in practice.</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.1 (p. 803) Predict whether the following processes are spontaneous as described, are spontaneous in the reverse direction, or are in equilibrium: a) When a piece of metal heated to 150oC is added to water at 40oC, the water gets hotter.</p><p> b) Water at room temperature decomposes into H2(g) and O2(g).</p><p> c) Benzene vapor, C6H6(g), at a pressure of 1 atm condenses to liquid benzene at the normal boiling point of benzene, 80.1oC.</p><p>- 1 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.1</p><p> o Under 1 atm pressure CO2(s) (“dry ice”) sublimes at -78 C. Is the transformation of CO2(s) to CO2(g) a spontaneous process at -100oC and 1 atm pressure?</p><p>• An irreversible process cannot be reversed to restore the system and surroundings back to their original state. </p><p>• A different path (with different values of q and w) is required to get the system back to its original state. • Note that the surroundings are NOT returned to their original conditions. </p><p>• For a system at equilibrium, reactants and products can interconvert reversibly.</p><p>• For a spontaneous process, the path between reactants and products is irreversible. </p><p>19.2 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics Entropy Change</p><p>• Entropy, S, is a thermodynamic term that reflects the disorder, or randomness, of the system. • The more disordered, or random, the system is, the larger the value of S. </p><p>• Entropy is a state function, independent of path. • For a system, S = Sfinal – Sinitial.</p><p>• If S > 0 the randomness , if S < 0 the order .</p><p>• Suppose a system changes reversibly between state 1 and state 2. </p><p>• Then, the change in entropy is given by, </p><p> qrev S T</p><p>• Where qrev is the amount of heat added reversibly to the system. • The subscript “rev” reminds us that the path between states is reversible. • Example: A phase change occurs at constant T with the reversible addition of heat.</p><p> units J K-1 or J (mol-1K-1)</p><p>∆S for Phase Changes • Phase changes (such as melting a substance at its melting point) are isothermal processes. q H S re v fu s io n fu s io n T T - 2 -</p><p> AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.2 (p. 807)</p><p>The element, Hg, is a silvery liquid at room temperature. The normal freezing point of mercury is -38.9oC, and its molar enthalpy of fusion is Hfusion = 2.29 kJ/mol. What is the entropy change of the system when 50.0 g of Hg(l) freezes at the normal freezing point?</p><p>(Ssys = -2.44 J/K)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.2</p><p> o The normal boiling point of ethanol, C2H5OH, is 78.3 C, and its molar enthalpy of vaporization is 38.56 kJ/mol. What is the change in entropy in the system when 68.3 g of C2H5OH(g) at 1 atm condenses to liquid at the normal boiling point?</p><p>(-163 J/K)</p><p>The Second Law of Thermodynamics • The second law of thermodynamics explains why spontaneous processes have a direction. • In any spontaneous process, the total entropy of the universe will increase.</p><p>• The change in entropy of the universe is the sum of the change in entropy of the system and the change in entropy of the surroundings.</p><p>Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr</p><p>• For a reversible process: Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr = 0</p><p>• For a spontaneous process (i.e., irreversible): Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr > 0</p><p>• Entropy is not conserved: Suniv is continually .</p><p>• Note: The second law states that the entropy of the universe must in a spontaneous process. • It is possible for the entropy of a system to as long as the entropy of the surroundings .</p><p>- 3 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics 19.3 The Molecular Interpretation of Entropy • The entropy of a system indicates its disorder. </p><p>• A gas is less ordered than a liquid which is less ordered than a solid.</p><p>• Any process that the number of gas molecules in entropy.</p><p>• How can we relate changes in entropy to changes at the molecular level?</p><p>• Formation of new bonds “ties up” more of the atoms in the products than in the reactants. </p><p>• The degrees of freedom associated with the atoms have changed. </p><p>• freedom of movement and degrees of freedom the entropy of the system. </p><p>• Individual molecules have degrees of freedom associated with motions within the molecule. • There are three atomic modes of motion:</p><p>• Translational motion. • The moving of a molecule from one point in space to another. </p><p>• Vibrational motion. • The shortening and lengthening of bonds, including the change in bond angles. </p><p>• Rotational motion. • The spinning of a molecule about some axis. </p><p>• Energy is required to get a molecule to translate, vibrate or rotate.</p><p>• These forms of motion are ways molecules can store energy. </p><p>• energy stored in translation, vibration and rotation entropy.</p><p>Boltzmann’s Equation and Microstates • Statistical thermodynamics is a field that uses statistics and probability to link the microscopic and macroscopic worlds.</p><p>• Entropy may be connected to the behavior of atoms and molecules.</p><p>• Envision a microstate: a snapshot of the positions and speeds of all molecules in a sample of a particular macroscopic state at a given point in time.</p><p>• Each thermodynamic state has a characteristic number of microstates (W).</p><p>• Entropy is thus a measure of how many microstates are associated with a particular macroscopic state.</p><p>- 4 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics • Any change in the system that increases the number of microstates gives a positive value of S and vice versa.</p><p>Making Qualitative Predictions About S • In most cases an increase in the number of microstates (and thus entropy) parallels an increase in: • temperature • volume • number of independently moving particles (e.g. solutions). </p><p>• In general, entropy will increase when: • liquids or solutions are formed from solids, • gases are formed from solids or liquids, or • the number of gas molecules increases.</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.3 (p. 814) Predict whether S is positive or negative for each of the following processes, assuming each occurs at constant temperature:</p><p> a) H2O(l) H2O(g)</p><p>+ - b) Ag (aq) + Cl (aq) AgCl(s)</p><p> c) 4 Fe(s) + 3 O2(g) 2 Fe2O3(s)</p><p> d) N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.3 Indicate whether each of the following reactions produces an increase or decrease in the entropy of the system:</p><p> a) CO2(s) CO2(g)</p><p> b) CaO(s) + CO2(g) CaCO3(s)</p><p> c) HCl(g) + NH3(g) NH4Cl(s)</p><p> d) 2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g)</p><p>- 5 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.4 (p. 815)</p><p>Choose the sample of matter that has greater entropy in each pair, and explain your choice:</p><p> o a) 1 mol of NaCl(s) or 1 mol of HCl(g) at 25 C.</p><p> o b) 2 mol of HCl(g) or 1 mol of HCl(g) at 25 C</p><p> c) 1 mol of HCl(g) or 1 mol or Ar(g) at 298 K.</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.4 </p><p>Choose the substance with the greater entropy in each case:</p><p> o a) 1 mol of H2(g) at STP or 1 mol of H2(g) at 100 C and 0.5 atm</p><p> o o b) 1 mol of H2O(s) at 0 C or 1 mol of H2O(l) at 25 C c) 1 mol of H2(g) at STP or 1 mol of SO2(g) at STP d) 1 mol of N2O4(g) at STP or 2 mol of NO2(g) at STP.</p><p>The Third Law of Thermodynamics</p><p>• In a perfect crystal at 0 K there is no translation, rotation or vibration of molecules = state of perfect order • Entropy will as we the temperature of the perfect crystal. • Third law of thermodynamics: The entropy of a perfect pure crystal at 0 K = 0. Entropy will increase as we increase the temperature of the perfect crystal. </p><p>• Molecules gain vibrational motion degrees of freedom. </p><p>• As we heat a substance from 0 K the entropy must .</p><p>• The entropy changes dramatically at a phase change. • When a solid melts, the molecules and atoms have a large in freedom of movement. • Boiling corresponds to a much greater change in entropy than melting.</p><p>• In general, entropy will when liquids or solutions are formed from solids.</p><p>- 6 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>19.4 Entropy Changes in Chemical Reactions</p><p>• Absolute entropy can be determined from complicated measurements. • Values are based on a reference point of zero for a perfect crystalline solid at 0 K (the 3rd law). </p><p>• Standard molar entropy, So: molar entropy of a substance in its standard state. • Similar in concept to Ho. • Units: J/mol-K. • Note: the units of H are kJ/mol.</p><p>In general, the more complex a molecule (that is, the greater the number of atoms present), the greater the molar entropy of the substance, as illustrated by the molar entropies of these three simple hydrocarbons:</p><p>• Some observations about So values:</p><p>• Standard molar entropies of elements zero.</p><p> o o o • S gas > S liquid or S solid. </p><p>• So tends to with molar mass of the substance. </p><p>• So tends to with the number of atoms in the formula of the substance. </p><p>• For a chemical reaction which produces n products from m reactants:</p><p>S nSproducts mSreactants</p><p>Note similarity to the H calculation from heats of formation data.</p><p>- 7 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.5 (p. 818)</p><p> o Calculate S for the synthesis of ammonia from N2(g) and H2(g) at 298 K.</p><p>N2(g) + 3 H2(g) 2 NH3(g)</p><p>(-198.3 J/K)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.5 </p><p>Using the standard entropies in Appendix C, calculate the standard entropy change, So for the following reaction at 298 K:</p><p>Al2O3(s) + 3 H2(g) 2 Al(s) + 3 H2O(g)</p><p>(180.39 J/K)</p><p>Entropy Changes in the Surroundings • For an isothermal process, • Ssurr = –qsys / T</p><p>• For a reaction at constant pressure, qsys = H</p><p>• Example: consider the reaction: N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)</p><p>• The entropy gained by the surroundings is > the entropy lost by the system. </p><p>• This is the sign of a spontaneous reaction: the overall entropy change of the universe is positive. </p><p>• Suniv > 0</p><p>- 8 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics 19.5 Gibbs Free Energy</p><p>• For a spontaneous reaction the entropy of the universe must .</p><p>• Reactions with large negative H values tend to be spontaneous.</p><p>• How can we use S and H to predict whether a reaction is spontaneous?</p><p>• The Gibbs free energy, (free energy), G, of a state is: G = H–TS • Free energy is a state function. • For a process occurring at constant temperature, the free energy change is: G = H–TS</p><p>• Recall: • Suniv = Ssys + Ssurr = Ssys + [–Hsys / T] –TSuniv = Hsys – TSsys</p><p>• The sign of G is important in predicting the spontaneity of the reaction. </p><p>• If G < 0 then the forward reaction is spontaneous.</p><p>• If G = 0 then the reaction is at equilibrium and no net reaction will occur.</p><p>• If G > 0 then the forward reaction is not spontaneous. • However, the reverse reaction is spontaneous. • If G > 0, work must be supplied from the surroundings to drive the reaction.</p><p>• The equilibrium position in a spontaneous process is given by the minimum free energy available to the system. </p><p>• The free energy until it reaches this minimum value.</p><p>Standard Free-Energy Changes</p><p> o • We can tabulate standard free energies of formation, G f . </p><p>• Standard states are: pure solid, pure liquid, 1 atm (gas), 1 M concentration (solution), and Go = 0 for elements. • We most often use 25oC (or 298 K) as the temperature. </p><p>• The standard free-energy change for a process is given by: </p><p>G nG f products mG f reactants</p><p>• The quantity Go for a reaction tells us whether a mixture of substances will spontaneously react to produce more reactants (Go > 0) or products (Go < 0).</p><p>- 9 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.6 (p. 821)</p><p>Calculate the standard free energy change for the formation of NO(g) from N2(g) and O2(g) at 298 K:</p><p>N2(g) + O2(g) 2 NO(g)</p><p>Given that Ho = 180.7 kJ and So = 24.7 J/K. Is the reaction spontaneous under these circumstances?</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.6</p><p>A particular reaction has Ho = 24.6 kJ and So = 132 J/K at 298 K. Calculate Go. Is the reaction spontaneous under these conditions?</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.7 (p. 823)</p><p> a) Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change for the following reaction at 298 K:</p><p>P4(g) + 6 Cl2(g) 4 PCl3(g)</p><p>(-1102.8 kJ)</p><p> b) What is Go for the reverse of the above reaction? (+1102.8 kJ)</p><p>- 10 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.7 </p><p>By using the data from Appendix C, calculate Go at 298 K for the combustion of methane:</p><p>CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) CO2(g) + 2 H2O(g)</p><p>(-800.7 kJ)</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.8 (p. 823)</p><p>In Section 5.7 we used Hess’s law to calculate Ho for the combustion of propane gas at 298 K:</p><p> o C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(l) H = -2220 kJ</p><p> a) Without using data from Appendix C, predict whether Go for this reaction is more negative or less negative than Ho. </p><p> b) Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change for the reaction at 298 K. Is your prediction from part (a) correct? (-2108 kJ)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.8 </p><p>Consider the combustion of propane to form CO2(g) and H2O(g) at 298 K: </p><p> o C3H8(g) + 5 O2(g) 3 CO2(g) + 4 H2O(g) H = -2220 kJ</p><p>Would you expect Go to be more negative or less negative than Ho?</p><p>- 11 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics 19.6 Free Energy and Temperature</p><p>• The sign of G tells us if the reaction is spontaneous, at a given T and P condition. </p><p>• Focus on G = H – TS. </p><p>• If H <0 and –TS <0: • G will always be <0. • Thus the reaction will be spontaneous. </p><p>• If H >0 and –TS >0: • G will always be >0. • Thus the reaction will not be spontaneous. </p><p>• If H and –TS have different signs: • The sign of G will depend on the sign and magnitudes of the other terms. • Temperature will be an important factor. </p><p>- 12 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.9 (p. 826)</p><p>The Haber process for the production of ammonia involves the following equilibrium:</p><p>N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ⇄ 2 NH3(g)</p><p>Assume that Ho and So for this reaction do not change with temperature.</p><p> a) Predict the direction in which Go for this reaction changes with increasing temperature.</p><p> b) Calculate the values of Go for the reaction at 25oC and 500oC. (-33.3 kJ, 61 kJ)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.9</p><p> a) Using standard enthalpies of formation and standard entropies in Appendix C, calculate Ho and So at 298 K for the following reaction:</p><p>2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g).</p><p>(Ho = -196.6 kJ, So = -189.6 J/K)</p><p> b) Using the values obtained in part (a), estimate Go at 400 K. (Go = -120.8 kJ)</p><p>- 13 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics 19.7 Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant</p><p> o • Recall that G and Keq (equilibrium constant) apply to standard conditions.</p><p>• Recall that G and Q (equilibrium quotient) apply to any conditions.</p><p>• It is useful to determine whether substances will react under specific conditions:</p><p>G = Go + RTlnQ</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.10 (p. 827)</p><p>As we saw in Section 11.5, the normal boiling point is the temperature at which a pure liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor at a pressure of 1 atm.</p><p> a) Write the chemical equation that defines the normal boiling point of liquid carbon tetrachloride, CCl4(l).</p><p> b) What is the value of Go for the equilibrium in part (a)? </p><p> c) Use thermodynamic data in Appendix C and Go = Ho – TSo to estimate the normal boiling point of o CCl4. (70 C)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.10 </p><p>Use data in Appendix C to estimate the normal boiling point, in K, for elemental bromine, Br2(l). (The experimental value is given in Table 11.3). (330 K)</p><p>- 14 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.11 (p. 828)</p><p>We will continue to explore the Haber process for the synthesis of ammonia:</p><p>N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ⇄ 2 NH3(g) Calculate G at 298 K for a reaction mixture that consists of 1.0 atm N2, 3.0 atm H2, and 0.50 atm NH3. </p><p>(-44.9 kJ/mol)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.11 </p><p>Calculate G at 298 K for the reaction of nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia if the reaction mixture consists of 0.50 atm N2, 0.75 atm H2, and 2.0 atm NH3.</p><p>(-26.0 kJ/mol)</p><p>- 15 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics</p><p> At equilibrium, Q = Keq and G = 0, so:</p><p>G = Go + RTlnQ</p><p> o 0 = G + RTlnKeq</p><p> o G = – RTlnKeq</p><p>• From the above we can conclude:</p><p> o • If G < 0, then Keq > 1.</p><p> o • If G = 0, then Keq = 1.</p><p> o • If G > 0, then Keq < 1.</p><p>Sample Exercise 19.12 (p. 829)</p><p> o Use standard free energies of formation to calculate the equilibrium constant Keq at 25 C for the reaction involved in the Haber process:</p><p>N2(g) + 3 H2(g) ⇄ 2 NH3(g)</p><p>(7 x 105)</p><p>Practice Exercise 19.12 </p><p>Use data from Appendix C to calculate the standard free-energy change, Go, and the equilibrium constant, K, at 298 K for the following reaction:</p><p>H2(g) + Br2(l) ⇄ 2 HBr(g)</p><p>(-106.4 kJ/mol; 4 x 1018)</p><p>- 16 - AP Chemistry Chapter 19 Chemical Thermodynamics Driving Nonspontaneous Reactions</p><p>• If G > 0, work must be supplied from the surroundings to drive the reaction.</p><p>• Biological systems often use one spontaneous reaction to drive another nonspontaneous reaction. • These reactions are coupled reactions. </p><p>• The energy required to drive most nonspontaneous reactions comes from the metabolism of foods. </p><p>Sample Integrative Exercise 19 (p. 831)</p><p>Consider the simple salts NaCl(s) and AgCl(s). We will examine the equilibria in which these salts dissolve in water to form aqueous solutions of ions:</p><p>+ - NaCl(s) ⇄ Na (aq) + Cl (aq) + - AgCl(s) ⇄ Ag (aq) + Cl (aq)</p><p> a) Calculate the value of Go at 298 K for each of the preceding reactions.</p><p> b) The two values from part (a) are very different. Is this difference primarily due to the enthalpy term or the entropy term of the standard free-energy change?</p><p> o c) Use the values of G to calculate Ksp values for the two salts at 298 K.</p><p> d) Sodium chloride is considered a soluble salt, whereas silver chloride is considered insoluble. Are these descriptions consistent with the answers to part (c)?</p><p> e) How will Go for the solution process of these salts change with increasing T? What effect should this change have on the solubility of the salts?</p><p>- 17 -</p>
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