<p> COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF Human Services INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Guideline</p><p>Name Of Guideline: Number: Governance Teams – Detailed Roles and Responsibilities GDL-EPPM025 Domain: Category: Business Business Domain Date Issued: Issued By: 02/03/2003 Date Revised: DHS Bureau of Information Systems 08/10/2015 Table of Contents</p><p>Introduction ...... 4 Purpose ...... 4 View of the DHS Project Governance Structure ...... 4 Advisory Team ...... 6 Support Communication Infrastructure ...... 6 Provide ongoing feedback ...... 7 Cultivate testers and super users ...... 7 Steering Team ...... 7 Strategic Planning and Alignment ...... 8 Initiative Justification ...... 9 Funding ...... 9 Support Guidance to Other Teams ...... 9 Communication and Status Reporting ...... 9 Executive Sponsorship, Support, and Roadblock Elimination ...... 9 Customer Satisfaction ...... 9 Business Results ...... 10 Mandate Interpretation ...... 10 Stakeholder Management ...... 10 Steering Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 10 Project Team ...... 11 Scope Management and Configuration Management ...... 12 Requirements Definition ...... 12 General System Design (GSD) ...... 13 Work Planning and Scheduling ...... 13 Resource Coordination and Procurement Management ...... 14 Risk Management ...... 14 Status Updates ...... 15 Standards and Procedures Conformance ...... 15 Cost and Financial Management ...... 16 Quality Management ...... 16 Project Management Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 18 Development Team ...... 18 Detailed System Design (DSD) ...... 19 Build Quality Products ...... 19 Programming ...... 20 Tool Sets ...... 20 Software Development Methodologies ...... 20</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 2 of 30 Interfaces and Exchanges ...... 20 Unit Testing ...... 21 Integration Testing ...... 21 Conversion ...... 21 Development Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 22 Testing Team ...... 22 Validate Quality ...... 23 Test Planning ...... 23 Regression Testing ...... 23 Resolve and Communicate Issues ...... 24 Performance Testing ...... 24 Acceptance Testing ...... 24 Testing Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 24 User Education Team ...... 25 Job and Process Impacts ...... 25 Policy and Procedure Identification ...... 26 Conducting Outreach and Education ...... 26 Implementation Support ...... 26 User Education Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 26 Logistics Team ...... 26 Configuration Management ...... 27 Security ...... 28 Technical Architecture ...... 28 Network Management ...... 28 Application Installation ...... 29 Maintenance and Operation ...... 29 Customer Support ...... 29 Logistics Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates ...... 29 Status Reporting ...... 30 Refresh Schedule ...... 30 Document Change Log ...... 31</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 3 of 30 Project Governance Teams: Detailed Roles and Responsibilities</p><p>Introduction</p><p>There are two primary documents developed to explain the Project Governance Teams. These documents are: Project Governance Teams Overview – This high-level document explains the Project Governance Structure’s overall purpose, benefits, and its location in the DHS organization. Project Governance Teams: Detailed Roles and Responsibilities – This detailed reference document explains each team’s specific roles and responsibilities.</p><p>Purpose This guideline defines the overall parameters for successful project governance. It also provides a foundation for the organized and consistent planning and execution of projects. More specifically, this document’s goal is to describe each team’s actual work that is performed during a project.</p><p>View of the DHS Project Governance Structure</p><p>A critical component of understanding the Project Governance Teams’ organization and reporting structure is seeing how they are arranged graphically. The chart on the following page visually shows the governance teams’ hierarchy.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 4 of 30 Project schedule/ Execution</p><p>DTSPUL eetrso eo P vsTeg ej r etri r lire s o a onicEt j n i pgtdi e g n muc c i ecs t n na t t g S i / Technical design p o J o and quality n o n b s</p><p> o i r Verify product design m Installation/Operation and functionality p a c t s</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 5 of 30 Advisory Team</p><p>The Advisory team’s goal is to provide a forum to collect user input on customer satisfaction with the system. They provide feedback on application aspects such as system performance and enhancements needed to help the Steering team understand the user needs and set a strategic direction for ongoing development activities. The Advisory Team is an optional sub- team and for this reason is not shown in the chart on the preceding page. The team should be comprised of a combination of executive and supervisor staff to get the business user perspective and should include a range of users who have proven expertise and business knowledge. Ideally, the team will be set up early in the design process to maximize effectiveness. The team should be larger during design phases and can shrink in size as the solution moves into maintenance.</p><p>The Advisory Team has the following project roles and responsibilities: Identify other stakeholder groups and make sure they are part of communication Create a strong sense of community in the field Serve as advocates for the system Identify training issues vs. system issues Identify policy impacts The Advisory Team is accountable for the following project documents and concepts: Communication infrastructure Usability input early in the design Network of testers and super users</p><p>Specific responsibilities and activities of the Advisory Team include:</p><p> Support communication infrastructure Cultivate testers and super users Provide ongoing feedback</p><p>A detailed description of each Advisory Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p>Support Communication Infrastructure The Advisory team will identify additional stakeholder groups and ensure they are included in the necessary communication distributions. Since the Advisory team is closely connected to the users and have extensive business expertise, they are in a position to identify a broader</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 6 of 30 audience that may be impacted by the project. They are also able to help users keep a broader focus than their one entity and therefore gain understanding of cross-organizational impacts.</p><p>Provide ongoing feedback Although input into usability is critical in the early design, the Advisory team is also helpful in collecting user-level feedback on system performance, policy impacts, and serves as a sounding board to gauge user expectations and reactions.</p><p>Cultivate testers and super users Since the Advisory team is most closely associated with the end user community, they are best able to identify and cultivate a network of testers as well as super users that are critical to ongoing training, help desk, and testing activities.</p><p>Steering Team</p><p>The Steering Team’s goal is customer satisfaction. The Steering Team articulates a vision for the product or service, acquires and quantifies high-level customer requirements, develops and maintains the business case, and manages customer expectations. Its role is to ensure that business expectations are clearly articulated and understood by all stakeholders and the other project governance teams and that the functional specification responds to business priorities. The Steering Team must also facilitate the rapid resolution of issues and decisions that cannot be agreed upon or resolved among the other project governance teams. The Steering Team is responsible for ensuring that the project follows DHS’s technical, policy and quality standards and procedures. The Steering Team is comprised of staff from the Bureau of Information Systems (BIS), Program Office leadership staff, and administrative support staff such as comptroller and policy office representatives as well as vendor project management staff when appropriate. The Steering Team has the following roles and responsibilities on a project: Ensure project alignment with overall Department objectives Review and sign off on project charter Strategic planning and executive decision point resolution Cross Agency/Department coordination and stakeholder communication Monitor project risks and next steps Maintain knowledge of project status to apply to executive decisions across business areas Develop, maintain and carryout the business case (concept paper) for the initiative</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 7 of 30 Provide advice and guidance to the other project governance teams Support the Project Management team with resource acquisition Establish overall project requirements and priorities Communicate user needs, define the business problem, identify expected benefits, and manage expectations Outreach to the user community and stakeholders Articulate a project vision (What it is and what it isn’t) Ensure project scope and execution activity is in line with customer requirements and solutions that solve the business problems At a minimum, the Steering Team is accountable for the following project deliverables: Creation of justification documents and funding to show why the initiative should be carried out or continued A plan for customer and stakeholder management Formal verification that all policy and mandate requirements have been addressed Development and execution of a formal project communication plan</p><p>A detailed description of each Steering Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p> Strategic Planning and Alignment Customer Satisfaction Initiative Justification Business Process Re-engineering Funding Business Results Support Guidance to Other Teams Mandate Interpretation Communications and Status Reporting Stakeholder Management Executive Sponsorship, Support, and Roadblock Elimination</p><p>Strategic Planning and Alignment Strategic planning and alignment is the process that integrates Department strategy, IT investment, project management, and functional capability to optimize cross-program coordination of all project activities. To accomplish this, the Steering Team must provide input to and obtain in-depth knowledge of DHS’s IRM Strategic Plan. The objective of this activity is to ensure that the project initiative and related activity is coordinated and integrated with this plan and the overall Department business and IT strategy.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 8 of 30 Initiative Justification The Steering Team comprehends and explains an initiative’s business requirements and programmatic application. A project’s justification will include the strategic alignment, funding requirements, executive sponsorship, and expected business results.</p><p>Funding The Steering Team identifies, justifies and plans for the project’s funding through its completion. The Steering Team keeps the project within the budget for each of its budgeted years.</p><p>Support Guidance to Other Teams Being the top team within a specific project, the Steering Team resolves any conflicts that were escalated from the lower teams or where the teams asked for the Steering Team’s assistance. For example, they could render a decision on a request that has reached a stalemate in discussions among the Project Team members. They could determine which team or sub team will answer a user or stakeholder question the most efficiently, too. In sum, the Steering Team represents the police officer or judge to ensure the conflicts do not deter from the project’s progress.</p><p>Communication and Status Reporting The Steering Team is responsible for communications external to the project and to the key stakeholders that have a vested interest in the project. Steering Team communications are primarily targeted at governance teams and/or DHS operational units that are dependent on or impacting a specific initiative. The Steering Team also maintains an awareness of the status of the project effort to ensure appropriate coordination of project activity by DHS management.</p><p>Executive Sponsorship, Support, and Roadblock Elimination Throughout planning and execution, the project may experience limited acceptance due to variations in functional priorities, cultural boundaries, or the political environment. It is the Steering Team’s responsibility to positively promote the initiative’s benefits. This team also removes any organizational roadblocks that may cause the project to fail or fall short of the customer’s expectations.</p><p>Customer Satisfaction The Steering Team monitors the project to ensure it meets the customer’s goals as set in the approved project charter. The Team also works with the other project governance teams to act on any approved stakeholder or user change requests to the product’s original specifications. In summary, the Steering Team ensures the customers and stakeholders are satisfied with the product during its project phases.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 9 of 30 Business Results The main purpose of defining business results is to justify the commitment of resources to a project. On strategic IT projects, a concept paper and Program Revision Request (PRR) are typically used to define and determine the high-level business results expected. The concept paper and Program Revision Request define the business aspect of a project, including impact level, the project justification, need/demand expected productivity increase, program measures, funding requirements methods, technical analysis, and the action or business plan proposed. Business Results activities ensure that proposed program benefits are captured and tracked throughout the project lifecycle. These activities involve the process of identifying key outcomes of the initiative followed by planning, managing, delivering, and measuring the program benefits and business value.</p><p>Mandate Interpretation Mandate Interpretation involves identifying and clarifying federal and state mandates to ensure the project deliverables are in line with requirements. If existing mandates change or new mandates are issued during a project lifecycle, it is the responsibility of the Steering Team to bring those requirements to the attention of the project team and to determine the impact to scope and related activity. For new initiatives, the Steering Team should incorporate any appropriate mandate requirements and associated penalties of non-conformance in the Program Office Initiative (POI) definition and Project Prioritization Workbook (PPW).</p><p>Stakeholder Management Stakeholders are the people who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. Stakeholders include customers, employees, providers, sub-contractors, or field representatives who will be affected by a resultant change from a project. As the customer advocate to the project, the Steering Team is responsible for understanding customer requirements, creating the business case, establishing the shared project vision, and ensuring that any solution that is developed meets the documented and agreed to needs of the customer by solving their particular business problem. The Steering Team is also responsible for keeping other stakeholders of the project informed about the project, its direct impact on their areas of responsibility, and what will be required of them throughout the project lifecycle and upon product release.</p><p>Steering Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates 1. Project Charter 2. Status Reports </p><p> p_031838.doc Page 10 of 30 Project Team</p><p>The Project Management Team, hereafter referred to as the Project Team, drives the critical decisions necessary to release the right product, according to the Steering Team’s direction, at the right time and within the project’s established resource constraints. The Project Team clarifies the business case, identifies the detailed project requirements, and integrates the efforts of each functional team described below. The Project Team has the following project roles and responsibilities: Owns and drives the project schedule, business requirements, application functionality, and budget Drives core project level decisions requiring integration across the other project governance teams Submits final deliverables to customer and obtains acceptance sign-off Manages the project scope and specifications to meet the Steering Team’s requirements Identifies tradeoffs between cost, schedule, and deliverable product Integrates detailed work plans into one overall project plan Develops and executes project quality and configuration management plan Manages all subordinate teams’ resources and roles Coordinates resources, facilities, and team communication Tracks project status against project plans Communicates with the Steering Team and the other project governance teams Escalates unresolved issues to the Steering Team Prepares and distributes status reports The Project Team is accountable for the following project documents and concepts: Detailed project work plan and schedule that integrates all project work activity Risk mitigation plan Change Management General System Design (GSD) document Quality Assurance plan Status reports Documentation of changes to baselined control items Requirements Definition Scope Management</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 11 of 30 Specific responsibilities and activities of the Project Team include:</p><p> Scope Management and Change Management Quality Management Requirements Definition Cost and Financial Management General System Design (GSD) Risk Management Work Planning and Scheduling Standards and Procedure Conformance Resource Coordination and Status Updates Procurement Management</p><p>Scope Management and Configuration Management Scope Management is the process for defining the project’s initial scope and handling the inevitable changes to scope that arise during the project’s execution. The Scope Management processes ensure that the project considers all the work required, and only the work required to complete the project successfully. It is primarily concerned with defining and controlling what is, or is not, included in the project. Organizations employ Scope Management to describe the project’s boundaries. It defines what the project will deliver and what it will not deliver. For larger projects, Scope Management can include the organizations and transactions affected, the data types included, and so on. During project execution, the Project Team must manage scope by ensuring that all in scope work products are delivered as promised. If the deliverables change during the project, and the customer and the Steering Team agree to the change, then the cost, time, and resource estimates may no longer be valid. If these stakeholders agree to include new work or remove previously agreed to deliverables, then the Project Team has the right to expect that the project scope may be modified to reflect these new expectations. These new scope elements now become the approved target or baseline. If changes occur within the project, a change management process must be followed, which will analyze a proposed change’s impact on the scope, schedule, resources and cost of a project. All approved changes must be incorporated into the scope documentation and communicated with the other project governance teams.</p><p>Requirements Definition A requirement is a condition or capability that a system owner and user need to solve a problem or achieve an objective. A condition or capability is something that must be met or possessed in a project to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other project objective. A requirements definition is a work product deliverable that employs non-technical language that the system owner and users understand to specify the manual and automated processes that a software product will support. It details the functional capabilities that the product’s release will deliver. Requirements definition involves identifying and documenting the in scope and out of scope business requirements, business rules, project assumptions, and functionality. </p><p> p_031838.doc Page 12 of 30 Requirements definition also identifies the governance teams and users’ necessary operating environment, conversion, installation, interface, performance, and education needs. At a minimum, the requirements definition represents the contract between the customer or project sponsor and the project governance teams. Requirements definition completely and unambiguously describes the necessary attributes (functional performance requirements) for the intended product and details steps to verify the attributes’ achievement (i.e. through testing).</p><p>General System Design (GSD) The General System Design (GSD) is the set of project activities where the functional designs for architecture, software components, interfaces, and data are created, documented, and verified to satisfy the requirements definition. This phase determines ‘how’ the new system will satisfy the requirements definition. The General System Design is typically more user-oriented. Security considerations, user education, and installation strategies are addressed in this phase. In the GSD, the software product’s overall structure is defined from a functional viewpoint. The functional design describes the software’s logical system flow, data organization, system inputs and outputs, processing rules, and operational characteristics from the user’s standpoint. It is not concerned with the software or hardware that will support the product’s operation. Neither, is it concerned with the physical organization of the data or the programs that will accept the input data, execute the processing rules, and produce the required output. The system owner and users must be able to understand the GSD. One objective is to define and document the functions of the software product to the extent necessary to obtain approval. The GSD or functional design must also include enough detail to permit the subsequent development of the Detailed System Design (DSD). The Requirements Definition and General System Design, once complete and approved, represent the project requirements and functional specification from which all remaining work is based. The Project Team is responsible for ensuring that the requirements and GSD are baselined before any development activity commences on the project. Once the customer approves the requirements and GSD, the Project Team must manage these baselines. Requirements management is the process of developing the baseline requirements and GSD for a project, evaluating and approving any proposed changes to the requirements, and managing the various work products to ensure the successful delivery of the requirements.</p><p>Work Planning and Scheduling Work planning and scheduling is the identification of the specific tasks that must be performed to accomplish the project, determination of how they will be done, assignment of the tasks to the appropriate staff, estimation of how long they will take, and the planned dates for meeting milestones. Work planning and scheduling must be based directly on project scope and high-level functional requirements. Using these as inputs, the Project Team develops the detailed work plan and task</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 13 of 30 schedule required to achieve the project’s objectives. Key dependencies are identified as well as significant milestone events. The work plan is the day-to-day guideline for performing project tasks in the sequence required to deliver the project results within defined constraints. Another key element of work planning and scheduling is ensuring that the plan is followed and regular status information and approved changes are updated in the plan to reflect any needed adjustments in upcoming efforts.</p><p>Resource Coordination and Procurement Management Resource coordination includes the processes required to maximize the people, vendors, equipment, and tools on the project. It involves: Determining the category and quantity of resources (people, equipment, and materials) needed to perform the project’s activities. Establishing the appropriate project governance teams and sub-teams that possess the skills required to perform the work (labor resources), as well as scheduling the tools, equipment, and processes (non-labor resources) that enable the staff to complete the project. Managing the resources and the project interdependencies required to deliver a quality project on time and within budget. Successfully executing a project within its defined resource constraints. Managing any procured resources that are external to the organization.</p><p>Risk Management A risk is an uncertain event or condition that may have an effect on a project’s objectives or successful completion. By recognizing a risk, the Project Team can attempt to avoid or minimize a future problem or maximize a benefit through the proper actions. Risk management is the process of identifying project risks and developing strategies that either significantly reduces them or take steps to avoid them all together, while representing the project’s best interests. Risk management also includes maximizing the probability and results of positive events. While risk management is conducted throughout the project lifecycle, the Project Team should identify risks at the project’s onset and reevaluate them throughout each project phase. When risks are mismanaged, these significant consequences represent what can occur on a project: Excessive resources can be expended to correct problems Decisions will be made without considering all alternatives and related impacts The probability of a project’s successful completion may be reduced The project will be in a constant crisis state</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 14 of 30 Status Updates Status updating and reporting includes project progress tracking and reporting at varying levels (individual, team, and overall project) to project stakeholders. In general, project status can be summarized as follows: On-Target: Project meeting all planned timelines and deliverables Behind: Project deliverables are behind the originally planned timeline Critical Behind: Project deliverables are behind the originally planned timeline and at a high risk of not meeting the client’s expectations Complete: Project is complete, all close-out criteria have been satisfied Planning: Project is in the initial planning stages On-hold: Project is on stand-by Several examples of more detailed status update information important for project tracking and reporting include: Are there any issues that are becoming evident and should be addressed now? What activities are on the critical path? Which tasks are taking more time than estimated? Less time? If a task is late, what is the effect on subsequent tasks and other projects that depend on this task completing on time? What is the next deliverable to be produced and when is it scheduled to be complete? How much effort has been expended so far and how much is remaining? Are any of the project resources over-allocated or under-allocated? How much of the allocated time has been expended to date and what is the time required to complete the project? How much of the allocated budget has been expended to date and what funds are required to complete the project? The above status questions cannot be answered without a clearly defined project scope and detailed work plan. When performing a status update, a comparison must be made between planned project activity and actual progress to date. The Project Team must use the detailed work plan for directing project efforts as well as collecting project status information.</p><p>Standards and Procedures Conformance The Project Team is responsible for ensuring that project activity and deliverables are in alignment with DHS’s IT standards and procedures. These standards, including technical and business standards, are available on the BIS web site.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 15 of 30 Cost and Financial Management Each project at DHS has an authorized budget. The Project Team is responsible for knowing the funds budgeted to the project and managing the project within those constraints. The Project Team must know the extent of their budget oriented decision making authority. The Steering Team should discuss and agree to these authority parameters before launching a project initiative. Often, the Project Team and DHS’s fiscal and contract personnel must work closely together to track and control costs. These relationships must be established early in the project. Part of the Project Team’s job is to ensure that the project is completed within the allocated and approved budget. A project’s major costs typically include labor (both internal and external), equipment, facilities, software, telecommunications, education, travel, materials, and supplies. As actual task durations are tracked carefully against estimates, actual costs must be tracked against the approved project budget. Changes to the project’s scope most often will have a direct impact on the budget. As scope changes need to be controlled and managed, so do changes to the project budget. It is the Project Team’s responsibility to closely monitor the project’s financial performance and address any arising cost-related issues. In addition, the Project Team should always be aware of how the project decisions affect the project’s total cost, both before and after the product or service’s implementation.</p><p>Quality Management Quality Management is the creation and oversight of supporting processes that ensure clients and end-users receive quality products. Quality Management’s purpose is to address not only the product’s quality, but also the quality of the system’s development process and the degree to which the project follows the defined process. The underlying concept of this process area is that high-quality systems can only be consistently produced on a continuous basis if a process exists to continuously measure and improve quality. In addition, this process must be adhered to rigorously and throughout the project lifecycle. Key aspects of the process required to develop high-quality systems are measurement, analysis, and corrective action description. This process may address the following quality variances technical content, such as the particular values of derived or allocated requirements, and form issues, such as whether the customer prefers instructions on product use to be in paper or electronic form. Cost and schedule variances can also be considered defects and would be dealt with along with other defects. Adherence to project management process could also be assessed and evaluated. It is the Project Team’s responsibility to develop a Quality Plan and ensure that the project adheres to DHS’s Quality Management policies. Depending on the factors that must be considered for each project, the Quality Management Plan should address the following areas. Determining when and who should conduct independent assessments and project reviews</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 16 of 30 Monitoring for adherence and applicability to published standards and procedures Devising a process for corrective action and resolution of discrepancies Planning to ensure the deliverables/work products meet the project’s requirements (validation) Planning to ensure that the product works in line with the product’s specifications (verification) Identifying project testing processes that will be implemented during development and before the product’s delivery Performing quality reviews assures that established system development and project management processes and procedures are being followed effectively – and that exposures and risks to the current project plan are identified and addressed. These quality reviews facilitate early problem detection that could affect the product’s reliability, maintainability, usability, availability, or security. Four typical quality review categories are: 1. Peer Reviews 2. Structured Walkthroughs 3. In–Phase Assessments (IPA) 4. Phase Exits The review to be used depends on the work product being reviewed, the point of time within the stage, and the role of the person conducting the review. Other areas to consider in the Quality Management activities of a project include: Plans for conducting design reviews Code reviews Reviews of test scripts Reviews of test results Operational support transition quality checkpoints Milestone checklists Documentation of continuous improvement opportunities.</p><p>Sub-Project Team</p><p>A sub-project team may be established as a sub-committee of the project team to provide detailed review and input into design enhancements and new development activities for a subsystem or program area. The group represents the key operational components of a particular subsystem and is tasked with participation in the change control process from an</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 17 of 30 internal sub-project perspective as well as facilitating project planning and completion of project activities and initiatives by driving critical decisions in alignment with Project Team direction.</p><p>Project Management Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates 1. Project Communication Plan Guideline 2. Project Work Plan Standard Template and Guideline 3. Phase Milestone Checklist 4. Status Reports 5. Phase Exit Process Guide 6. Guide to Conducting Structured Walkthroughs 7. Requirements Checklist 8. Software Requirements Specification Template 9. Requirements Traceability Matrix Template 10. General System Design Checklist 11. Project Scope Change Control Template and Guideline 12. Risk Management Guideline 13. Issue Management Template 14. Software Requirements Checklist 15. Software Development Risk Assessment Checklist 16. Project Charter </p><p>Development Team</p><p>The Development Team designs and implements a quality product or service that meets the specification and customer expectations. Development should focus on coding to the functional specification and on meeting customer expectations. The Development Team has the following roles and responsibilities on a project: Design and build product to requirements specification Validate potential solutions through input to design, technology evaluations and proof-of- concept prototypes</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 18 of 30 Estimate time and effort to complete the design and product build Develop, configure and customize the product Serve as technical consultants Support the product installation and deployment At a minimum, the Development Team is accountable for the following project deliverables: Detailed System Design (DSD) Production code Interface and exchange capabilities, utilities and tool sets Converted data from the system that is being replaced, where required</p><p>Specific responsibilities and activities of the Development Team include:</p><p> Detailed System Design (DSD) Interfaces and Exchanges Build Quality Products Unit Testing Programming Integration Testing Tool Sets Conversion Software development methodologies A detailed description of each Development Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p>Detailed System Design (DSD) The Detailed System Design (DSD) translates the functional design requirements specified in the General System Design (GSD) into a detailed set of system requirements. This includes detailed system flows and program and database specifications that are required to construct the application. The DSD project phase refines and expands the designs for the system architecture, software components, interfaces, and data to be sufficiently complete for development. Plans and materials for the project’s tests are prepared, too.</p><p>Build Quality Products The Development Team builds quality products by documenting their work and establishing procedures to back up the team’s work. Documenting the work can include writing the steps the team took to complete a task for the first time or making copious comments next to a program module’s code and employing the coding standards that are listed in the Software Development Methodology. Some examples of backing up work include placing a code module in Visual Source Safe when it is finished or creating a secondary server to mirror data that is on a primary</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 19 of 30 server. Backing up the work enables a person to quickly reclaim a system or data after a problem develops that corrupts the primary material.</p><p>Programming Programming builds a system’s components based on the previously created design specifications. Programming activities are founded on the documented and approved Programming Standards, Requirements Definition, General System Design, and Detailed System Design. Utilizing these documents, the programming activities construct modules and objects that meet the business requirements.</p><p>Tool Sets The Development Team evaluates, defines and deploys industry-based or custom tool-sets, which support Requirements Definition, General System Design, Detailed System Design, Programming, Conversion, and Testing activities.</p><p>Software Development Methodologies The Development Team ensures consistency, re-usability, and quality for a project’s design and development activities with their processes, policies, procedures, templates, and tools. The Software Development Methodology guides the Development Team from point A to point B during the course of a project. It is a collection of best practices and repeatable processes that have been tested repeatedly on real development situations and proven effective.</p><p>Interfaces and Exchanges The Development Team defines the processes that create efficient interfacing and exchanging of information within DHS and between DHS and the external entities including county, business partners, other states, and federal agencies. More specifically, the Development Team designs and develops system components that enable two independent systems to meet and communicate with each other. In computer technology, there are several types of interfaces. User interface - the keyboard, mouse, and a computer system’s menus, which allow the user to communicate with the operating system. Software interface - the languages and codes that the applications use to communicate with each other and with the hardware. Hardware interface - the wires, plugs, and sockets that hardware devices use to communicate with each other.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 20 of 30 Unit Testing Unit Testing creates a strategy to examine individual modules within a project’s developed components and objects. It applies this strategy to examine the actual modules and individual hardware or software units or groups of related units. Unit Testing also isolates and tests each unit’s flow path of code. The flow path’s testing should identify the expected output, which will help compare the planned output to the actual output. If any problems are identified, the problem should be evaluated through a peer review. Corrections to the code are generated and unit testing is performed again. Once the code and unit testing is completed successfully, the change is placed under Software Configuration Management and is documented. The Development Team then provides documentation and changes effected to the Testing Team.</p><p>Integration Testing Integration Testing is conducted on a complete, integrated software product or system to evaluate compliance with its specified requirements. It typically involves an orderly progression of testing where software components or units are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction between them. The software component tests also ensure that the system is ready to be moved into production. During software integration, the Development Team’s self-made software components, the off- the-shelf software, and commonly reused code or modules are assembled into one integrated product. Each integrated product undergoes systematic testing that is consistent with the Integration Test Plan. An incremental approach to integration enables verification that the product is working properly before new components are added. It also allows for easier problem isolation and resolution. Both the Development and Testing Teams perform Integration Testing, however the Development Team is accountable for its successful completion. Integration Testing combines and tests software (and possibly hardware) elements in an orderly progression to evaluate their interaction. Integration Testing is a formal procedure that is carefully planned and coordinated with the unit-tested modules’ completion dates. It verifies that the functionally related modules interface properly and perform the way they were designed. Testing may examine the source code’s processing logic to see if it meets the design requirements and see if the application satisfies an explicit functional requirement. Integration testing also verifies that integrated hardware and software operations meet specified requirements and operate successfully.</p><p>Conversion Converting data transitions or changes it to a different format or system. When a new system is operational, the conversion plan describes how the historical data will be moved from the previously used system(s) to the new system. Some data conversion also may be required for testing purposes. Other more complete sets of data typically need conversion and validation prior to declaring the new system “production ready” and transitioning it to the Operational Support phase.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 21 of 30 Development Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates 1. Detailed System Design Checklist 2. Detailed System Design Template 3. Conversion Plan Template 4. Programming Checklist 5. System Integration Testing Checklist 6. DHS Software Development and Coding Standards </p><p>Testing Team</p><p>The Testing Team ensures all issues are known before the product or service’s release. This role must be independent of development to be truly effective. Testing provides independent product quality verification and validation in relation to baseline specifications. The Testing Team evaluates and integrates the IT product and deliverables and determines whether project requirements have been satisfied. The Testing Team has the following roles and responsibilities on a project: Early involvement to gain a clear understanding of user’s needs and how the product will meet the needs Review and validate the project deliverables’ quality Ensure the product conforms to the project’s specifications Technical performance and reliability Participate in the design phase Develop test strategies, plans, and scripts Conduct tests At a minimum, the Testing Team is accountable for the following project deliverables: Detailed test plan Test scripts Test report confirming project is ready to be moved into production The Testing Team’s specific responsibilities and activities include:</p><p> Validate Quality Resolve and Communicate Issues Test planning Performance testing Regression testing Acceptance testing</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 22 of 30 A detailed description of each Testing Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p>Validate Quality The Testing Team validates that all of the Department’s quality control procedures have been adhered to during the project. They ensure the code was written according to the Software Development Methodology, contained copious comments, and stored in Virtual Source Safe. The Testing Team also makes sure the hardware meets the system’s minimum specifications and safely handles the stresses from the system’s normal operating conditions.</p><p>Test Planning Test Planning defines all required test activities to assure that the software product will perform satisfactorily for all users. The Test Plan is a narrative and tabular description of the project’s planned test activities. The Test Plan employs systematic testing to ensure the project meets all requirements and the deliverables conform to existing standards. At a minimum, the plan should include activities for unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, and acceptance testing. The Test Plan includes the necessary resources, team responsibilities, and management techniques to plan, develop, and implement the project’s testing activities. The plan also includes any external test team’s roles and responsibilities during product testing. A completed Project Test Plan should contain the following. A description of the test phases’ occurrence and timing and the entrance and exit criteria for each test phase A specification of each test phase’s products, including a description of the types of testing activities to be performed A mapping of which requirements were verified in what test phase Criteria for evaluating the test results of each test phase An initial estimate of the resources necessary to accomplish the testing Identification of the appropriate person or team to conduct each type of testing activity An outline of the test environment (hardware, software, test tools, and data) needed to conduct the test A preliminary schedule for executing the test activities</p><p>Regression Testing The Testing Team defines the strategy and conducts regression testing for the entire system. This activity ensures that existing functions continue to operate as expected during the ‘system changes implementation. Regression Testing reexamines dependent components that have</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 23 of 30 already completed the testing process or are in operational status. This process ensures that the new component’s integration and the previously released programs work together and satisfy the project’s requirements.</p><p>Resolve and Communicate Issues The Testing Team coordinates the project’s governance teams, the stakeholders, and the end users’ efforts to resolve any problems with the product. For example, the end users find a flaw with the product and alert the Testing Team. The Testing Team also communicates any updates with the users while the end product is being prepared for its release.</p><p>Performance Testing Performance Testing evaluates a system or component for compliance with specified performance requirements. System Performance Testing is traditionally performed in both a stand-alone environment and an enterprise-oriented environment that simulates the system as it will be deployed. Enterprise Performance Testing considers issues such as multiple software applications residing on a single piece of equipment or several users accessing multiple applications through the same communication network. The components of Performance Testing may also include stress testing and volume test activities.</p><p>Acceptance Testing Users may perform Acceptance Testing with direction from the Testing Team. Acceptance Testing determines if a software product and its related documentation satisfy the acceptance criteria. Testing includes all intra-system interfaces, documentation, procedures, and controls. The system owners’ organization may accept or reject the product based on test results. Acceptance Testing must be thoroughly documented with requirements traceability and the system owner’s acceptance criteria.</p><p>Testing Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates System Test Plan Template </p><p> p_031838.doc Page 24 of 30 User Education Team</p><p>The User Education Team enables users to maximize the product or service through performance solutions such as job aides, FAQs, online help and education systems. The User Education Team has the following roles and responsibilities on a project: Act as the advocate for the User of the product Participate in designing the features to ensure that the product is usable and useful Participate in defining user requirements Design and develop user support materials Participate in product prototyping Perform usability testing Ensure that changes in the product are reflected in the support materials At a minimum, the User Education Team is accountable for the following project deliverables: Documented process impacts and change requirements Employee transition plan Training plan and materials including outreach presentations, online help, user manuals, training content, FAQs and job aides Updates to policy and procedures Training delivery</p><p>Specific responsibilities and activities of the User Education Team are:</p><p> Job and Process Impacts Conducting Outreach and Training Policy and Procedure Identification Implementation Support A detailed description of each User Education Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p>Job and Process Impacts The User Education Team evaluates any impact to existing jobs or new jobs to adequately describe the job responsibilities after the system’s implementation. This team also is responsible for developing and implementing the knowledge transfer, transition, educational, and training plans to move from the existing structure to the new structure.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 25 of 30 Policy and Procedure Identification This effort defines and recommends policy and procedure changes to reflect new business requirements. The User Education Team coordinates the policy and procedure definitions that impact the business operations. This activity focuses on program objectives, outcomes and impact tracking due to the policy’s implementation.</p><p>Conducting Outreach and Education Outreach is the strategy that proactively informs the stakeholders about the new system and its business rules. Education involves developing and delivering training curricula, which productively applies the system’s functionality. It also involves coordinating DHS’s instruction needs to minimize or eliminate any competency gaps identified in the Job and Process Impact analysis and the Transition Management activities. Education efforts must address training requirements for application administrators and system users.</p><p>Implementation Support The User Education Team coordinates the stakeholder related activities for rolling out the system to production. From a technical perspective, they make certain that IT support is available during and post implementation. From the Program Office perspective, the User Education Team works with the affected Program Office (s) to develop implementation plans and identify implementation and post-implementation assistance resources.</p><p>User Education Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates Training Plan Template</p><p>Logistics Team</p><p>The Logistics Team ensures a product or service rolls out, installs, and implements smoothly during the Operations Support Phase. The Logistics Team has the following roles and responsibilities on a project: Serves as advocate for operations, product support, help desk, and product delivery channels Participates in design phase Supports the product through beta testing Ensures that product will be deployable and maintainable</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 26 of 30 Ensures product installation sites have the appropriate IT infrastructure Provides education to the operations and help desk personnel. At a minimum, the Logistics Team is accountable for the following project deliverables: Project configuration management plan Security plan Disaster recovery plan Capacity plan Acquisition and configuration of technical environments for development, testing, training and production Installation plan Maintenance and on-ongoing operation strategy </p><p>Specific responsibilities and activities of the Logistics Team include:</p><p> Configuration Management Application Installation Security Maintenance and Operation Technical Infrastructure Customer Support Network Management</p><p>A detailed description of each Logistics Team high-level activity is described below:</p><p>Configuration Management Configuration is the technical environment needed to build, test, accept, operate, install, maintain, and support a system. Configuration Management is the process of: Defining the configuration items in a system Controlling the release and change of those items throughout the project Recording and reporting the status of configuration items and verifying the completeness and compliance of configuration items with specific requirements a. Application Software - Software developed as part of the project initiative. Source Code Database Objects Program Objects b. Documentation</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 27 of 30 Program Office Initiative Definition System Architecture Model General System Design Documents Detailed System Design Documents c. Production Data Files - Production data that is actively managed by the project. Production data includes source data and processed data residing in the database central to the specific project or system. The Logistics Team coordinates all of the configuration management activities that ensure the hardware, software, communications, and change management processes are in place to secure the system’s reliable operation. At a minimum, configuration management must include a process for identification, control, status accounting, and auditing the designated items to be monitored on the project. Areas to be considered include release planning, baselining, archiving, backup and recovery, software and document control and storage, naming conventions, incident tracking, data control, security, and application of DHS’s change control process.</p><p>Security The Logistics Team is accountable for defining and implementing DHS-wide policies and procedures that are related to security and privacy both during and post-implementation of a project initiative. They must ensure that security components are defined, configured, and maintained. In working with the Program Offices, this team must identify and implement access and data security requirements. Application and process security must also be identified and implemented.</p><p>Technical Architecture Ensure the technical infrastructure is operational for the development, test, education, and production environments required for the project initiative. Infrastructure includes local area networks (LAN’s), wide areas networks (WAN’s), telecommunications technologies, backbones, and global computing environments</p><p>Network Management The Logistics Team coordinates the system’s network infrastructure installation and support, which is required for the system’s development and deployment. This involves ensuring that all the hardware and software components defined in the project requirements are installed and operational.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 28 of 30 Application Installation The Logistics Team coordinates the application or system’s installation, including coordination among the Development, Testing, and User Education Teams. This involves: Ensuring that the hardware and software components are installed for the test, training, and production environments Verifying user acceptance and successful migration of system from test to production environment Validating successful access to user functionality Ensuring support personnel have access to system and knowledge base Ensuring that all security requirements and business rules are in place</p><p>Maintenance and Operation This effort manages the tasks associated with maintaining the application once it has been moved into the production environment. It including business rule changes, equipment and software upgrades, patch and bug fix installations, and reported incident troubleshooting.</p><p>Customer Support The Logistics Team provides technical, system, business, and programmatic support to the users and clients during and after the product’s implementation.</p><p>Logistics Team References, Tools, Guidelines and Templates 1. Deployment Playbook Template 2. Transition Plan Template for Migrating to Production 3. Software Maintenance Checklist </p><p> p_031838.doc Page 29 of 30 Status Reporting</p><p>Definition</p><p>Project status reporting is an initiative designed to provide the Department of Human Services (DHS) with comprehensive, accurate, and informative reports on strategic projects. These reports provide summarized project statuses, release descriptions, planned implementation dates, cross project/program impacts, and business/architectural review board meeting dates. This process provides a forum for project leads to communicate recent statuses and/or events regarding their assigned projects. It also allows for these project leads to learn of statuses and/or events regarding other projects which may impact the project(s) in which they are responsible for. </p><p>Why is it important?</p><p>The status reports enable Department executives and project leads to make informed project- related decisions in a timely and efficient manner. Project teams become more aware of the activities of other projects due to the integrated format of the reports. Communication between project teams is enhanced due to bi-weekly status reporting meetings.</p><p>Basic Steps</p><p>How to Scale</p><p>All strategic Information Technology (IT) projects are required to be included within the status reports.</p><p>Refresh Schedule</p><p>All guidelines and referenced documentation identified in this standard are subject to review and possible revision annually or upon request by the DHS IT Standards Team.</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 30 of 30 Document Change Log</p><p>Change Version Change Description Author and Date Organization</p><p>02/03/2003 1.0 Initial creation. PMO-DCSS</p><p>03/17/2003 1.0 Edited for grammar PMO-DCSS</p><p>09/15/2003 1.1 Aligned the document to the executive PMO-DCSS presentation on the subject</p><p>09/22/2000 1.2 Proofread first half for clarity PMO-DCSS</p><p>09/29/2003 1.3 Proofread second half for clarity PMO-DCSS</p><p>10/6/2003 1.4 Add descriptions for the new categories from the PMO-DCSS document realignment</p><p>06/15/2007 1.5 Format Change PMO-DCSS</p><p>11/04/2009 1.6 Update content PMO-DEPPM</p><p>03/13/2015 1.7 Replaced DPW with DHS DEPPM</p><p>08/10/2015 1.8 Repaired Links DEPPM</p><p> p_031838.doc Page 31 of 30</p>
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