<p>Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014</p><p>Research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences About my region 14.6 July 2014 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>© Commonwealth of Australia 2014</p><p>Ownership of intellectual property rights Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia (referred to as the Commonwealth).</p><p>Creative Commons licence All material in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence, save for content supplied by third parties, logos and the Commonwealth Coat of Arms.</p><p>Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence is a standard form licence agreement that allows you to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this publication provided you attribute the work. A summary of the licence terms is available from creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/deed.en. The full licence terms are available from creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/legalcode.</p><p>This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as: ABARES 2014, Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales 2014, About my region 14.6, Canberra, July. CC BY 3.0.</p><p>Cataloguing data ABARES 2014, Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales 2014, About my region 14.6, Canberra, July.</p><p>ISSN TBA ISBN 978-1-74323-103-6 ABARES project 43009</p><p>Internet Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales 2014 is available at daff.gov.au/abares/publications.</p><p>Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) Postal address GPO Box 1563 Canberra ACT 2601 Switchboard +61 2 6272 2010| Facsimile +61 2 6272 2001 Email info.abares@daff.gov.au Web daff.gov.au/abares</p><p>Inquiries regarding the licence and any use of this document should be sent to: copyright@daff.gov.au.</p><p>The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry represented by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, has exercised due care and skill in the preparation and compilation of the information and data in this publication. Notwithstanding, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, ABARES, its employees and advisers disclaim all liability, including liability for negligence, for any loss, damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any person as a result of accessing, using or relying upon any of the information or data in this publication to the maximum extent permitted by law.</p><p>Acknowledgements This regional profile was updated by Tim Caboche, Sonja Nikolova, Johnny Xu and Mary Stephan. Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Contents</p><p> iii Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>1) Regional overview</p><p>The Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales is located north of Sydney and north-west of Newcastle, encompassing the hinterland area of the Hunter River (Map 1). The region comprises the six local government areas of Cessnock, Dungog, Maitland, Muswellbrook, Port Stephens, and Upper Hunter Shire, and most of Singleton and a part of the Great Lakes local government area. The region covers a total area of around 21 500 square kilometres or 3 per cent of New South Wales and is home to approximately 243 200 people (ABS 2011). </p><p>Agricultural land in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region occupies 13 320 square kilometres, or 62 per cent of the region. Areas classified as conservation and natural environments (nature conservation, protected areas and minimal use) occupy 6330 square kilometres, or 29 per cent of the region. The most common land use by area is grazing modified pastures which occupy 9590 square kilometres or 45 per cent of the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region.</p><p>Map 1 Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales</p><p>Employment</p><p>Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) census data from 2011 indicate that around 107 300 people were employed in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region. The region accounts for 3 per cent of total employment in New South Wales and 5 per cent of all people employed in the New South Wales agriculture, forestry and fishing sector.</p><p>Retail trade was the largest employing sector in the region with 11 514 people, followed by the health care and social assistance sector with 10 915 people (Figure 1). Other relatively major employment sectors in the region were manufacturing (10 787 people) and mining (9826 people). Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>The agriculture, forestry and fishing sector employed 3675 people, representing 3 per cent of the region’s workforce. Of these people, 90 per cent were employed in agriculture and 5 per cent in support services for the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector. Aquaculture industries accounted for 3 per cent of total agriculture, forestry and fishing employment. In addition, an estimated 1602 people were employed in food product manufacturing and 382 people were employed in wood, pulp and paper product manufacturing in the region (included in manufacturing sector employment).</p><p>Figure 1 Employment profile, Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region, August 2011</p><p>Retail Trade Health Care and Social Assistance Manufacturing Mining Construction Accommodation and Food Services Public Administration and Safety Education and Training Transport, Postal and Warehousing Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Administrative and Support Services Wholesale Trade Financial and Insurance Services Electricity, Gas, Water and Waste Services Rental, Hiring and Real Estate Services Arts and Recreation Services Information Media and Telecommunications Other</p><p>Employed total ('000 ) - 5 10 15 </p><p>Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics</p><p>5 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>2) Agriculture sector</p><p>Value of agricultural production </p><p>In 2011–12, the gross value of agricultural production (GVAP) in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region was $291 million, which was 3 per cent of the total gross value of agricultural production in New South Wales ($10.8 billion) for 2011–12. This is the most recent year for which data are available from the ABS on GVAP for this region.</p><p>The region’s agricultural sector is based on livestock and horticulture. In 2011–12, the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region accounted for 11 per cent of the total value of New South Wales poultry and hay production. Around 9 per cent of the state’s value of milk and 5 per cent of the state’s value of mushrooms were produced in this region. </p><p>The most important commodity in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region based on the gross value of agricultural production was cattle and calves (Figure 2). In 2011–12, cattle and calves contributed 37 per cent ($108 million) to the value of agricultural production in the region. Poultry accounted for 24 per cent ($70 million), milk 16 per cent ($47 million) and hay 5 per cent ($16 million). Vegetables contributed 3 per cent ($9 million), and fruit excluding grapes 2 per cent ($7 million) to the total value. </p><p>Figure 2 Value of agricultural production, Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region, New South Wales, 2011–12</p><p>Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Number and type of farms</p><p>ABS data indicate that in 2011–12 there were 2693 farms in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region with an estimated value of agricultural operations of more than $5000 (Table 1). The region contains 6 per cent of all farm businesses in New South Wales. Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Table 1 Number of farms, by industry classification, 2011–12 Industry Classification Hunter Valley excluding New South Wales Newcastle region no. % no. % Beef Cattle 1,565 58 13,055 30 Other livestock 329 12 2,223 5 Fruit and nuts 197 7 2,845 6 Dairy 140 5 1,260 3 Mixed livestock 58 2 3,438 8 Poultry 56 2 468 1 Other Crop growing 37 1 1,212 3 Other 311 12 19,297 44 Total Agriculture 2,693 100 43,798 100 Note: Where the estimated value of agricultural operations is more than $5000. Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics</p><p>Farms are classified in Table 1 according to the activities that generate most of their value of production. Beef cattle (1565 farms) were the most common, accounting for 58 per cent of all farms in the region, and 12 per cent of all beef cattle farms in New South Wales.</p><p>A large proportion of farms in the region are small in terms of their business size. Estimated value of agricultural operations (EVAO) is a measure of the value of production from farms and a measure of their business size, and is somewhat similar to turnover. Around 65 per cent of farms in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region had an EVAO of less than $50 000 (Figure 3). These farms accounted for only 10 per cent of the total value of agricultural operations in 2011– 12. In comparison, 7 per cent of farms in the region had an EVAO of more than $350 000 and accounted for an estimated 60 per cent of the total value of agricultural operations in the region in 2011–12.</p><p>Figure 3 Distribution of farms by estimated value of agricultural operations, Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region, New South Wales, 2011–12</p><p>Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics</p><p>7 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Farm financial performance—New South Wales</p><p>Each year, ABARES interviews Australian broadacre, dairy and vegetable producers as part of its annual survey program. Broadacre industries covered in this survey include the grains, grains– livestock, sheep, beef and sheep–beef industries. The information collected is a basis for analysing the current financial position of farms in these industries and expected changes in the short term. This paper uses data from the ABARES Australian agriculture and grazing industries survey (AAGIS), Australian dairy industry survey (ADIS), and Australian vegetable growing industry survey to report estimates of financial performance indicators (Box 1) for broadacre, dairy and vegetable farms in New South Wales.</p><p>Box 1 Definitions Major financial performance indicators</p><p> Total cash receipts: total revenues received by the business during the financial year.</p><p> Total cash costs: payments made by the business for materials and services and for permanent and casual hired labour (excluding owner manager, partner and family labour).</p><p> Farm cash income: total cash receipts – total cash costs</p><p> Farm business profit: farm cash income + changes in trading stocks – depreciation – imputed labour costs Profit at full equity: return produced by all the resources used in the business, farm business profit + rent + interest + finance lease payments – depreciation on leased items Rate of return: return to all capital used, profit at full equity * 100 / total opening capital Equity ratio: Farm capital minus farm debt expressed as a percentage of farm capital Industry types Grains: farms mainly engaged in producing broadacre crops such as wheat, coarse grains, oilseeds and pulses, and including farms running sheep and/or beef cattle in conjunction with substantial broadacre crop activity. Sheep: farms mainly engaged in running sheep. Beef: farms mainly engaged in running beef cattle. Dairy: farms mainly engaged in milk production. Vegetable: farms mainly engaged in growing vegetables.</p><p>Performance of broadacre farms—New South Wales In 2013–14, increases in average farm cash income are expected for grains and sheep farms in southern regions of New South Wales, the Riverina and Central Western New South Wales as a result of increased grain production and higher sheep and lamb prices.</p><p>In the North West Slopes and Plains and Far West New South Wales and the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, farm cash incomes are estimated to decline as drought conditions reduce crop production (Table 3). Incomes for beef and sheep farms are estimated to Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES decline as a result of lower saleyard prices for cattle and despite an increase in the number of sheep, lambs and cattle expected to be sold. Expenditure on fodder purchases is estimated to increase. The proportion of farms recording negative farm cash incomes is estimated to exceed 30 per cent in all northern regions.</p><p>Overall, with increased incomes in the south and reduced incomes in the north, average farm cash income for New South Wales broadacre farms is estimated to decline only slightly in 2013– 14, compared with 2012–13 (Table 2). On average, farm cash income for broadacre farms in New South Wales is estimated to average $90 000 per farm in 2013–14, still around 40 per cent above the 10-year average to 2012–13 (Figure 4).</p><p>Farm business profits are estimated to decline to an average loss of $15 000 per farm in 2013– 14 as sheep and beef cattle numbers and stocks of grain and fodder on-farm are reduced.</p><p>Figure 4 Real farm cash income, broadacre industries, average per farm</p><p>150</p><p>100</p><p>50</p><p>2013–140 $'000</p><p>Australia New South Wales</p><p>Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.</p><p>Table 2 Financial performance, New South Wales broadacre industries, 2011–12 to 2013– 14, average per farm unit 2013– Performance indicator s 2011–12 2012–13p RSE 14y Total cash receipts $ 369 820 388 400 (5) 382 000 Total cash costs $ 291 120 290 800 (5) 292 000 Farm cash income $ 78 700 97 600 (8) 90 000 Farms with negative farm cash income % 31 23 (14) 35 Farm business profit $ - 2 370 6 700 (118) - 15 000 Profit at full equity excluding capital appreciation $ 35 490 41 200 (21) 18 000 Farm capital at 30 June a $ 3 563 410 3 548 200 (4) na Farm debt at 30 June b $ 477 350 415 200 (8) 416 000 Equity ratio b % 86 88 (1) na Rate of return excluding capital appreciation c % 1.0 1.2 (19) 0.5 Off-farm income of owner manager and spouse b $ 33 580 39 400 (12) na</p><p>9 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Note: a Excludes leased plant and equipment. b Average per responding farm. c Rate of return to farm capital at 1 July. p ABARES preliminary estimates. y ABARES provisional estimates. na Not available. Figures in parentheses are standard errors, expressed as a percentage of the estimate provided.</p><p>Table 3 Farm cash income of New South Wales broadacre farms, by region, 2012–13 to 2013–14, average per farm</p><p>Region units 2012–13p RSE 2013–14y Far West New South Wales $ 153 000 (17) 86 000 North West Slopes and Plains $ 132 800 (20) 2 000 Central West $ 91 200 (15) 128 000 Riverina $ 159 700 (13) 185 000 Tablelands $ 42 400 (23) 52 000 Coastal New South Wales $ - 20 000 (45) - 2 000 Note: p ABARES preliminary estimates. y ABARES provisional estimates. na Not available. Figures in parentheses are standard errors, expressed as a percentage of the estimate provided.</p><p>Performance of grains industry farms—New South Wales Average farm cash income for New South Wales grains industry farms increased in 2012–13 compared with 2011–12 (Figure 5). Higher crop prices more than offset reductions in crop production resulting from drier conditions through winter and spring in most regions and high temperatures in northern summer cropping regions mid-summer. On mixed enterprise farms, increased crop receipts and a small increase in beef cattle receipts resulting from increased cattle turnoff were partly offset by reduced receipts from sheep due to lower sheep, lamb and wool prices.</p><p>Figure 5 Real farm cash income, grains industry, average per farm</p><p>250</p><p>200</p><p>150</p><p>100</p><p>50</p><p>2013–14 0 $'000</p><p>Australia New South Wales</p><p>Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.</p><p>Overall, in 2013–14, crop receipts are estimated to decline for New South Wales grains farms as a result of much reduced production of both winter and summer crops in northern cropping regions subject to drought conditions and despite increased grain crop production in southern regions. On mixed enterprise farms, lower crop receipts are expected to be partly offset by Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES increased receipts from sheep and lambs as a result of higher prices, together with an overall increase in beef cattle receipts as drier conditions result in turnoff of more beef cattle at significantly reduced prices.</p><p>Farm cash income for New South Wales grains industry farms is estimated to average $141 000 per farm in 2013–14, a reduction on the average farm cash income of $170 000 per farm for 2012–13, and above the industry average for the previous 10 years (Error: Reference source not found). Farm cash incomes for New South Wales grains industry farms were generally reduced by dry conditions throughout much of this decade. Performance of sheep industry farms—New South Wales In 2012–13, lower prices received for adult sheep, lambs and wool more than offset small increases in wool production and in sheep and lamb turnoff, together with reductions in expenditure on sheep purchases and interest payments. Adult sheep prices declined by 44 per cent; lamb prices by 17 per cent and the average wool price received by 11 per cent.</p><p>In 2013–14, higher average prices for adult sheep and lambs are estimated to be offset by increased expenditure on fodder to result in average farm cash income for sheep industry farms remaining similar to that recorded in 2012–13 at an average of $67 000 per farm. This is around 20 per cent above the industry average of $56 000 per farm for the ten-years to 2012–13, in real terms (Error: Reference source not found).</p><p>Figure 6 Real farm cash income, sheep industry, average per farm</p><p>150</p><p>100</p><p>50</p><p>0</p><p>2013–14 $'000-50</p><p>Australia New South Wales</p><p>Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.</p><p>Performance of beef industry farms—New South Wales A smaller average herd size for New South Wales beef industry farms compared with the average for the whole of Australia results in average farm cash income for New South Wales beef industry farms typically being below the national average (Error: Reference source not found).</p><p>A return to drier seasonal conditions in 2012–13 resulted in an increase in beef cattle turnoff in all New South Wales regions of around 6 per cent and a slow-down in the rate of increase in herd sizes. Lower average sale prices received for beef cattle resulted in only a small increase in </p><p>11 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES beef receipts (1 per cent) and average farm cash income for New South Wales beef industry farms increased to $31 000 per farm in 2012–13.</p><p>In 2013–14, expansion of drought conditions is estimated to have led to a further increase in cattle turn-off. It is estimated that this increase will be offset by reductions in saleyard prices for cattle, resulting in only a small increase in farm receipts that will be more than offset by increased expenditure on fodder, fuel and freight costs, resulting in average farm cash income for beef industry farms declining to $21 000 per farm, around 35 per cent below the ten-year average to 2012–13 (Error: Reference source not found).</p><p>In addition, reduction of cattle numbers on farms is estimated to result in a further reduction in the value of on-farm inventories and a reduction in farm business profit for beef industry farms, representing an average loss of $50 000 per farm in 2013–14.</p><p>Figure 7 Real farm cash income, beef industry, average per farm</p><p>150</p><p>100</p><p>50</p><p>2012–13 $'0000</p><p>Australia New South Wales</p><p>Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.</p><p>Performance of dairy industry farms—New South Wales In 2012–13, lower average farmgate milk prices together with a small reduction in milk production and an increase in costs, resulting mainly from a 25 per cent increase in fodder expenditure, resulted in lower average farm cash incomes for all New South Wales dairy regions. Overall, for the whole of New South Wales, farm cash income for dairy farms averaged $66 000 per farm, well below the average for the previous 10 years (Figure 8). Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Figure 8 Real farm cash income, dairy industry, average per farm</p><p>250</p><p>200</p><p>150</p><p>100</p><p>50</p><p>2013–14 $'0000</p><p>Australia New South Wales</p><p>Note: p Preliminary estimate. y Provisional estimate.</p><p>In 2013–14, average farm cash income for New South Wales dairy farms is estimated to increase markedly in southern New South Wales as a result of higher milk prices and despite further increase in fodder expenditure. However, much smaller increases are expected in average farm cash income in central and north-eastern New South Wales regions where increases in milk prices have generally been small and seasonal conditions drier. </p><p>Overall, when regional differences are taken into account, average farm cash income for New South Wales dairy farms is estimated to increase to $112 000 per farm, which is close to the average for the previous 10 years.</p><p>Table 4 Financial performance, New South Wales dairy industry, 2010–11 to 2012–13, average per farm</p><p>Performance indicator units 2011–12 2012–13p RSE 2013–14y Total cash receipts $ 713 500 694 500 (4) 759 000 Total cash costs $ 553 980 629 800 (4) 647 000 Farm cash income $ 159 510 64 600 (24) 112 000 Farms with negative farm cash income % 11 23 (15) 24 Farm business profit $ 63 550 - 13 700 (120) 16 000 Profit at full equity excluding capital appreciation $ 122 360 42 000 (39) 70 000 Farm capital at 30 June a $ 3 889 800 3 896 300 (5) na Farm debt at 30 June b $ 655 970 683 100 (11) 678 000 Equity ratio b % 83 82 (2) na Rate of return excluding capital appreciation c % 3.1 1.1 (40) 1.8 Off-farm income of owner manager and spouse b $ 16 130 22 300 (19) na Note: a Excludes leased plant and equipment. b Average per responding farm. c Rate of return to farm capital at 1 July. p ABARES preliminary estimates. y ABARES provisional estimates. na Not available. RSE Relative standard errors, expressed as a percentage of the estimate provided.</p><p>13 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>Performance of Vegetable industry farms—New South Wales New South Wales vegetable growing farms are mainly located in three regions across the state: Greater Sydney, the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area and the far north coast. In 2011–12, the average area operated by a vegetable growing farm in New South Wales was around 77 hectares of which 19 hectares were planted to vegetables, with the largest 10 per cent of farms averaging 148 hectares planted to vegetables. The majority of vegetable growing farms grew more than one vegetable type (88 per cent of vegetable growing farms) in 2011–12 with a small proportion growing five or more vegetable types (14 per cent). The common vegetables grown were pumpkins (206 farms), tomatoes (206 farms), cabbage (182 farms) and cauliflower (89 farms). </p><p>Farm cash income increased in 2011–12 to $95 400 per vegetable growing farm (Table 3). This result was driven by a larger decline in total cash costs than total cash receipts. Total cash receipts declined by 4 per cent in 2011–12 to average $331 400 per farm, while total cash costs decreased by 7 per cent to average $236 000 per farm in 2011–12. </p><p>In 2012–13, a reduction in the average area planted to vegetables together with lower yields (except for some large irrigated vegetable growing farms located in the Murray-Darling Basin), reduced vegetable production and total cash receipts. The reduction in total cash receipts was mostly offset by reduced cash costs due to the reduction in average area planted, resulting in average farm cash income remaining relatively similar to 2011–12 . Farm cash income is expected to average $98 000 per farm in 2012–13. </p><p>Table 3 Selected estimates, vegetable growers, New South Wales average per farm unit 2010– Selected estimates s 11 2011–12p RSE 2012–13y</p><p>Number of growers no. 567 661 661</p><p>Vegetables receipts $ 271 650 303 100 (11) 298 000</p><p>Total cash receipts $ 343 880 331 400 (10) 311 000</p><p>Total cash costs $ 254 340 236 000 (15) 213 000</p><p>Farm cash income $ 89 550 95 400 (14) 98 000</p><p>Rate of return a % 0.7 0.6 (117 0.4 )</p><p>Total area operated June 30 ha 39 77 (27) na</p><p>Area sown to vegetables ha 24 19 (19) 17</p><p>Total vegetables sold t 512 484 (32) 479</p><p>Total area of vegetables irrigated ha 23 18 (20) na</p><p>Volume of irrigation water applied ml 65 60 (23) na</p><p>Note: a Excludes capital appreciations. p Preliminary estimate y Provisional estimate. na Not available. Figures in parentheses are standard errors expressed as a percentage of the estimate. Updated data for Vegetable farms will be available November 2014. Source: ABARES Australian vegetable growing farms survey Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>3) Fisheries sector</p><p>The Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region includes Port Stephens and Nelson Bay, which are important home ports for state fisheries and also key recreational fishing centres in New South Wales, including for game fishing activities. The New South Wales fisheries operating in the area include the Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery — operating in the Hunter River system — the Ocean Prawn Trawl Fishery, and the Ocean Trap and Line Fishery. A range of species are landed in the area from these fisheries including: school and king prawns, yellowfin bream, sea mullet, dusky flathead, silver trevally, tiger flathead, southern calamari and school whiting. A key Commonwealth fishery that operates in the region is the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery that targets tuna and billfish, although the area is only a minor landing area for the fishery.</p><p>The region is also popular for recreational fishing, with Port Stephens being a popular site for sport fishing and game fishing, targeting large pelagic species such as tuna and marlin. It was estimated that tournament participants contributed around $20 million per year to the Port Stephens economy (Ward et al. 2012). Other common recreational species include bream, flathead, mulloway, whiting, marlin, cobia and sharks.</p><p>Aquaculture production in the region is primarily oysters and barramundi. Sydney rock oyster is the principal aquaculture species grown in NSW, accounting for 57 per cent of the value all aquaculture species grown, with a value of $28 million in 2011–12 (NSWDPI 2013). The Port Stephens Estuary is estimated to have produced around 665 000 dozen Sydney rock oysters in 2011–12, valued at $4.8 million. The Brisbane Water Estuary, also in the region, produced 201 470 dozen Sydney rock oysters in 2011–12, valued at $1.2 million.</p><p>In 2011–12, the gross value of New South Wales fisheries production was estimated to be around $136 million, an increase of 6 per cent ($8million) from 2010–11. New South Wales contributed 6 per cent of the total value of Australian fisheries production in 2011–12. In value terms, the wild-catch sector accounted for 60 per cent ($81.6 million) of the state’s total production and the aquaculture sector accounted for the remaining 40 per cent ($55 million).</p><p>New South Wales wild-catch fisheries provide a range of fisheries products. In 2011–12, finfish species contributed 53 per cent of the wild-catch production, valued at $44 million. The main finfish species landed were sea mullet, with a gross value of production of $5.3 million, followed by school whiting ($4.6 million), snapper ($3.5 million), black and yellowfin bream ($2.9 million) and yellowtail kingfish ($2.8 million). Prawns contributed 19 per cent of the total value of wild-catch fisheries with a value of $16 million, with other important crustacean groups being eastern rocklobster (10 per cent; $8 million) and crabs (6 per cent; $4.6 million).</p><p>In 2011–12, the value of New South Wales aquaculture production is estimated to have increase by 14 per cent from $48 million in 2010–11 to $55million. Oyster production makes the greatest contribution to New South Wales aquaculture production, accounting for 80 per cent of production by value, worth $43 million. Prawns ($2 million) and finfish aquaculture species, including silver perch ($3 million), trout ($2 million) and barramundi ($1 million) make up most of the remaining aquaculture production.</p><p>Commonwealth fisheries active in New South Wales include the Small Pelagic Fishery, the Eastern Tuna and Billfish fishery (mainly supplying export markets with tuna), and the Commonwealth trawl sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark fishery.</p><p>15 Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>In 2011–12, New South Wales fisheries product exports were valued at $18 million. The main export products include live and fresh, chilled or frozen fish, rocklobster and abalone. Japan and Hong Kong, are the major destinations for New South Wales fisheries exports, accounting for 40 per cent, and 39 per cent of the total value of exports in 2011–12, respectively. Other major export destinations include Thailand (6 per cent) and Italy (4 per cent).</p><p>The New South Wales coastline is an important recreational fishing area, with a multitude of inlets and estuaries from which to fish (NSWDPI 2013). Being a tourism precinct, the region offers a number of recreational fishing opportunities, with the value of this activity to the regional economy likely to be significant. There are also a range of game fishing tournaments throughout the year, including in the Bermagui and Port Stephens area, targeting tuna and marlin species. New South Wales also contains a number of recreational only fishing areas, especially in the far south coast of New South Wales, a popular destination for both marine and freshwater recreational fishers. A large number of recreational fishers also fish in the Greater Sydney area, stretching from the Newcastle to Illawarra area, and comprising the city areas of Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong. Species commonly targeted in the area include yellowfin bream, dusky flathead, yellowtail, blue swimmer crab, squid, and southern calamari (Steffe and Murphy 2011). Agriculture and Fisheries in the Hunter Valley excluding Newcastle region of New South Wales, 2014 ABARES</p><p>References</p><p>ABS 2011, Census of Population and Housing, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra.</p><p>ABS 2012, Agricultural Commodities, Australia, 2010–11, cat. no. 7121.0, Australian Bureau Statistics, Canberra.</p><p>NSWDPI (New South Wales Department of Primary Industries) 2013, Fishing Guides, available at http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/publications.</p><p>Steffe, AS & Murphy, JJ, 2011, Recreational fishing surveys in the Greater Sydney Region, NSW Fisheries final report series no. 131, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Cronulla Fisheries Research Centre of Excellence, Cronulla, New South Wales.</p><p>Trenaman, R. 2012, Aquaculture Production Report 2010–2011, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Aquaculture Unit, Port Stephens Fisheries Institute.</p><p>Ward, P, Mazur, K, Stenekes, N, Kancans, R, Curtotti, R, Summerson, R, Gibbs, C, Marton, M, Moore, A & Roach, J. 2012, A socioeconomic evaluation of three eastern Australian game-fishing regions, ABARES report to client prepared for the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra, August.</p><p>17</p>
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