<p> death of death royalto family Tragedybegan strikethe in David. forthe hadtwo– he Alexander, eldest, Fortunately Alexander, sons and keeping of be sufficiently well would itpeace. at country and unable rule a that woman not ableto a thought would be him.Itwas succeed a importantthat kinghadaAt very time it extremely son to this was begin… Tragedies Royal The Background David inanotherwhen disaster, followedby , measles.of , died Margaret The Death of Alexander III and Alexander ofIII Death The first wife and each of his children died. and first his of wife each Alexander’s familywhen and tree the show highlight on you for Alexanderof tree III sure King Makethat Scotland. tothe the makea familyinformationon Use followingpages Alexander IIITask 2:King ,Alexander wife. III’s was This soon children,David Alexander, and Margaret. king,Edward I’s hadthree they sister. Together, Alexander Englishmarried Margaret,was the to kingas Glorious’. ‘Alexander the andhadgrown Manyin power. to riches referred the father II. reign Alexander his Scotland During long 8yearfollowingthe of in1249, death the his of Kingthe at Scotland Alexanderof age hadbecome the Crisis Succession 1281 hisson, younger 1275 with the </p><p>18 throne. againScotlandmightatheaOnce maleheirexpecting child. have to that wasbegan spread for rumours Yolande to brighter and Scotland soon Yolande. looked called Alexander a countess Thinks married Belgian wifesuggestedfinda have children.he Soin new and more 1285 the King’s that action. King TheyCouncil The High take demanded child, foreign living faraway. a and female, possibleruler future Scotlandsheunsuitableof allcounts;As was a on haddiedhisgranddaughter onlyheir. Norwegian as out,leaving family his for of Theproblem a Alexander considerable III. rest his created such seriesthis royal family revealswhy royal of study deaths the tree A of explanations. likely isonedeath of the food of isuncertain, poisoning cause son, eldest be onlygrandchildaswould child This Alexander’s in also Margaret,daughter, called granddaughter. Alexander III’s two inHowever, the countries. improve relations would that to between pleased Alexander continue was to inleaveScotland now she live Norway, Although would Norway. King’s year,the the daughter Kingsame Margaret married In Erik IIof Alexander b) a) the Answer followingquestions: Norwayof Task 3:Margaret, Maid d) c) How old was was whereshe live?relativeand did this How old 1285?endof Alexander nearestwas Who III’s livingthe relativeat problem? attemptto this the Council resolve How did High particularly not suitable. heirfourreasonsthis throne to was why the Identify died after histhe 20 day 1283 , , Margaret th died died her givingbirth to birthday. the Although 1284 , the ,the King’s</p><p>18 miles along the coastal the along miles coastal path. ahisKinghorn nightat againrefused few home.The lay as the King only the met was by crossing,ferry othergroupto arrived side.unpleasant the safely the The andparty across.andthe a King Despite dangerous agreed take royal felt the unableferryman from to refused. againhe an order The refuse King’shimto urgedthe timestay once This the men nightDalmeny, but at Forth. across thereluctant takegroup the was At ferryman to the first any difficulty. without real at reached ferry nobles and crossing the weather, King his involved a several hours miles) Kinghorn journey take (about and would to 20 The Edinburgh.was underwayfrom storm as royalout party well set The the night. that makeit King to listen, determinedbeginning.refused to Kinghorn The to encouragedspendnightin aEdinburgh himto the advisors as eventuallythe finishedearly inevening, When meeting the King’s the King’sto castletravel the favourite nearbyat leftearly inhisCouncil.Queen High the with The to morning 18 March On judgement in error An ferry th Task 4: The Death of Alexander Death Alexander of IIITask 4:The 1286 at Alexander was Provost ofInverkeithing journey across the journey across Use the information below to make an illustrated the to story- informationbelow an Use make Alexander Alexander III. Kingtheof showingthe of board events death journey. Soon after setting off along the afterSoon settingthe along off coastal journey. as hours the alternative would to taken the route add gale.King the insisted blowing The a wind verysnowfalling. now dark was The and also was acrosspath. avoiding Itwas land, the route coastal of longer King’s suggestedtake they One the men a Firth ofForth Edinburgh Castle who Kinginvited to the spend Kinghorn . Despite. bad the in Fife. ,meeting coastal path coastal storm Dalmeny was was be be </p><p>18 the throne. the no to Therewas or baby. be Scottish inherit prince new princess the to been toout false.or shepregnant turned be Either never had hadlost Yolande’spregnancy Queen suspected the last Even ray hope, nobles’ of girl ruler.Norwegian horrified Thisthe3-year-old its as Scots. death of the tragedy, over thecliff way and stumbled the fall beach beneath. the on Itwas be hadbroken theaway. Lookingover aseen could cliffpath edge, body noticed the of athe part milethe that party from half Castle, About longnot to did take findAlexander. orKing’s a sign the whereabouts, newsof and no lunchtimecame alarm. senseof hadstill growing there When been morning,therewasshelterthe from conditions.by However, taken a was worried,the Atthat King! King first one believing have unduly no may in it safely destinationtheparty theirapartthe made –from All King’s to King’s began arrivesomethe nobles of Kinghorn Eventually, to at Castle. . Itwasstorm . during,the that, assumed the one another in theanother in difficultone conditions. began sightthe lose of members party of to route, Alexander III Alexander the body of the King, his neck broken his the bodyofKing, neck by ,taking thewith fifth King it. The royal left Scotland facing a a facingwith left a Scotland future search partysearch horse had lost itshorse lost had was organised. Itorganised. was </p><p>18 Scone 1286-90 Norway of Maid – the King’ of a Reign without The ‘Kingdom A . It made threekeydecisions: Itmade . the peace Scotland.peace in the also Parliament asked The differentfrom came and partsScotland.nobles of or the queen.These werechurchmen allpowerful for new men group elect of a decided They to one!) Margaret Norwayagreedof as acceptthe nobles Maid to The take over over thea married Scottish take If Queen noble Scotland. In the 13 Inthe husband to Scotland whoScotland mightwith to to arrive husband his army own b) a) Queen Task 5:Margaret becomes country a girl country lead armiesintobattle.and their How could instead, all the other Scottish lords Scottishjealous,instead, lords be allthe would other have marry.have bringawould Shewould foreign to do these things? To makethingsdothings? youngthese To worse,this queen of Scotland (having a queen was better than having (having Scotland abetterof queenwas thanhaving no at Scone 1286 your words.Scone own at in down Parliament by the made the Write decisions three Queen. Margaret becoming as girl with associated threeproblems a such Explain young had to hadto done.Inthe be Aprilmet 1286 Parliament at perhaps leading to leading urgent civil perhaps war. Clearly something th century, the rolethe century, of to the kingwas defend his King I Edward ofEngland 6 ‘ guardians ’ to run the country ’run country to the Queen to help keep to keep help </p><p>18 the the EdwardScotland.get toagreement sign protecting called to was This an sodecided was convinced.It not empire.However, powerful everyone be would oneScotland a of meanthat and day very part would peaceful suggestion.Guardians this sometoo It ways the by troubled were In not throne). Norwegianheir to father’s also was her MargaretNorway that (remember and Scotland England,of butalso King Queen only be and of day, Margaret would Edward one and that, not Edward, Wales? of meanPrince would son, This own to person her marry his than for better queen.for new marriage the Scottish What the to to a Firstforced Guardians he agree hisrevealed plans ownScotland.that for Scots makesuggestions the to Edward to soon began Guardianssix The Edward to asked areasons: involved of get number for Scottish queen. young to the inget hadhis interfere plans the Scotland,own chance and to for in He was theEurope. of kings delighted Edwardpowerful I most was one I Edward King 3. 2. 1. Treaty ofBirghamTreaty No Scottish parliament would ever be held outside wouldever beheld parliament No Scottish Scotland. kingdoms their of own andEngland theScotland would rule Theruler ruler of lawsits wouldkeep Scotland and freedoms. own same kingdespite andthe queen. having countries twoseparate remain and EnglandScotland wouldalways He had a experienceof running country.hada in greatdeal He a in Scotland peace keephelp forcesa could was respected, ruler powerful He whose Margaret(greatuncle) theAlexanderrelated was III to late He (brother-in-law)and The Treaty of The Birgham of 1290 Treaty . Itwas. insigned 1290 and agreed and that: </p><p>18 Guardians planned a plannedthe Guardians route a different for voyage. kidnap planning Margaretarrivalwas to before her Scotland, the in Edward.Prince rumourEdward Ithen that would marry She Hearing a travelScotland crownedwould Norway queen. be from to as aged 7, to was for wedding.Margaret,All ready that now now the agreed It was Margaret of Death The b) a) and Treaty BirghamTask 6:Edwardof I the Task Death Margaretof Task 7:The d) c) b) a) Explain why theEdward why asked GuardiansEnglandExplain of I Guardians? were Who the Explain why this this was why Explain treaty signed. 1290.Treaty Birgham, termsof the of the Copy help. for the Scots? the did why problem a Explain cause this significant such for death. Margaret’s journeyher Norway Describe from and forward their claim to thetheir throne.to forward claim wereThere goingto was be. Scotland of nextmonarch one knew royal direct No quite line. who the problem. the Margaret the bigger was last of faced aafter. Scots much Now the shortly Norway) butdiedbelonged (which Islands to Margaret to en in timeas, Scotland sixth route thefor royals tragedystruck the However, fell arrived Orkney fell the ill. on She 13 candidates, all putcandidates, keento men, all 1290 , ,</p><p>18 The Scottish Royal Family Tree theunderlined. 13are CompetitorsScotland to throne of The Family Royal Scottish The</p><p>18 competitors for the for crown competitors the and Guardians various ofNorham. Treaty in the were down put some conditions. These on crown, insistedhe Scottish the for competition to the agreed judge before However, Edward nextking. knowledge ofthelaw England roleand Margaret, powerful his asin a his ruler, experience running be in place the involved should first – reasonsthegiven Edward Ithat as why have the Guardians to Remember I. king? thebest answer,Edward Guardians,accordingto was the make The and would to to peace help offer as who would maintain suggestions Who Scotlandwouldintochaosa conflict. that was danger There and descend turmoil in Kingdom A turmoil in Kingdom A had agree to to them. had . He. considered be also was to Task Crisis Succession Task 8:The stick it your stickit jotter. in royal family and copythe own of tree Scottish your Collect All the Make a key for your family tree.your aMake for family key competitors. thea around box ‘final theof Put four’ thirteen colour.13a competitors third the in Highlight colour. of in Margaret,Highlight another Maid Norway colour.Alexanderin Highlight III one . This This . importantin be selectingwould Scotland’s replaced with men loyal to to men replaced him. loyal with Hethatthedemanded beGuardians also 6 theirmain castles. hand Scots Edward thatthe demanded all over orders. to accept his andnobles evennew king the Scottish would have to thathe meant Scotland’s wasall superior heEdward wassaid his connectionAlexander to his III a good judge with a good a judgea with good good Treaty of Norham 1290 ofTreaty Norham Overlord of This Scotland. </p><p>18 The laws seemed tostated: clear laws be and The seemed throne. the considerinheritanceof law about said isimportantto what the the cases strongest Before isexamined, it these fairlystrongof cases. each werenumber thereonlya of handful perhaps candidates, werethere a of throne.claim Although strongest the who hadthe to Scottish judge court to casein the King whichto was given This name Edward was ‘ The Great Cause’ Great The Scotland the fromthe ofmustkings of bloodline descend claimants All wouldhave claim the claimants stronger Male shouldberejected rulers claimsof foreign The previous kings would have the weakerclaim would previous kings children of younger claimsof fromthe anyonedescended The claimhave the strongest would previous kings eldest claimsof childrenfromthe anyonedescended of The</p><p> tocontrol. he candidateeasier whom be felt would wellthat predict a choose might he butit ispossiblecompetitors, to a 13select king for the from Scotland still him.He would opposed to have clearanyonewhathappen would if it was hugearmy himand with fairly Edwardworth hadbrought that noting a it is agree todemands, would such Scots difficultthe to why comprehend itbe theAlthough may nobles. Scots Alldemands to these were agreed by</p><p>18 King Erik IIKing Erik Norway of the four.putforward arguments final by been Consider therejected. had claims Bythen, four but all 2 years. theIn selectingthe oftaketotal, process allcandidates. nextkingwould lawyersof aof historianstothe team and judge cases Edwardassembled b) a) CauseGreat Task 9:The e) d) c) Note the main terms of the Treaty Norham.maintermsof the of the Note Edward why again inExplain was help 1290.for I asked and write write down.and them that remember lawwillto each that you from help andout down Pick write throne. a phrase single word or laws the Studythe concerning inheritance for the Cause’? was What ‘Great treaty?this of demands didcompetitors Guardiansthe the agree Why the to and ruled the for lastTogether, 10years. Norway have experience being aKingandhave of King Alexanderfather-in-law.I III–my also Margaret daughter, of –my Scotland andto livingboth relativethe Queen to closest the beKingof claimI best Scotland. to am Well, thathave ofthere course nodoubt I is loyalty to my lord, KingEdward.loyalty tolord, my course, Iking Scotland. would,of for owe young andvigorouswould beagreat meaforeigner.Forget about being I am bevery andNorwayScotland strong. would</p><p>18 Margaret. Therefore I have experience of running experienceTherefore I theMargaret. have of for Queenof and theruled Guardianswho wasone land John Comyn KingEdward. England and in France would owe loyalty to Andrews,supports my ownclaim. I also landboth headthe ofChurch,The of BishopFraser St also I related am to the family.powerful Comyn eldest Margaretdaughter my was grandmother. grandson,David the Huntingdon.of Earl His descendants KingDavid’sof we dead, lookmust theat descendants areKingWilliam of tree. Nowfamily allthat the strongest.Just think about the claim My to the is throne the John Balliol Edward. myKing lord, serve loyally I would also country. in-law to John Balliol. I own in-lawBalliol.I own much to John therefore,brother- ofIDavid. am, Princesseldest Margaret, daughter childthe of only Devorguilla, child ofto the eldest Imarried am Firstof all, several based on points. Myis main claim the4 candidates. ofyoungest consideration.Ithe am givehave myserious claim You to </p><p>18 supporting Balliol. supporting endedsomeBruce’s upEven of auditors strongest hadthe he think claim. that Edward… chose Decision The new the king? St for Dayscheduled Andrew’s30– The to was lawyers- – historianshimjudge. coronation help auditors and hisKing of Edwardown also Edward. to Remember case 24 appointed was to 440 candidates appoint the allowed Each of serve wouldloyally KingEdward. I is that nodoubt andthere England and landownersScotland in familygreat are My king. next bethe meto have anysons,chose to going not was II, he ago,Alexander when hethought Years throne. the to heir onceappointed was I still, Better grandson! great I KingDavidI, grandsongreat, of amthe great great, is agreat, John Balliol EarlDavid. Whereas of daughter second the theson Princess of Isabella, and noble Scottish royalI family. ama Scottish the to am related I how justat closely but look nearlyold 70years may be best. I is rest,for the myclaim all to Do listen not Robert Bruce Robert Bruce passed his claims on claimson his Brucepassed to his Robert Brucefamilylosing were The angry.The Task CauseGreat Task 10:The Balliol throne. thetheir of the to mainpoints claim Bullet-point fourcandidates. final of eachsection the the of each In write name jotter a inpage sections. Divide your into four . Most . did people th November 1292 – but who would be butwhobe – November would 1292 ‘auditors’ to puttheir </p><p>18 Scottish WarsIndependence. of Scottish very play importantrole in whoone Robert!) againcalled would a the day year old son also(yet Bruce.This also an 18 had Robert called man son, c) b) a) King Balliol Task 11: Becomes Why were the angry? Why Bruce family he was When crowned? the King Scotland? to new of chosen become was Who </p><p>18</p>
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