<p> St.St. John’sJohn’s Messenger MessengerJuly 28, 2012 Volume 92, Issue 16 August 8, 2012 Dear members of St. John’s, Your loyalty and faithfulness to your church and to the Lord are what make us strong. None of us can do this alone, but together we are strong and we will succeed. Pastor Dale noted in his retirement letter to the congregation that St. John’s finances were one of the causes of his decision. We ended 2011 with a deficit of $8,000. This deficit of income to expense didn’t evaporate as we began 2012. And though we ended the month of June with our income exceeding our expenses, this is not reflected in our checking account because of the starting deficit which we have not yet made up. Because of this, your church council is writing this letter asking you to remember your church during this summer season with your offering. July and August are always our lowest income months. Luckily they are also our lowest expense months as well. Our treasurer, Teresa Miller, will have several major bills to begin paying in September: a quarterly insurance payment of $1,554.00 and our monthly fuel oil budget payments of $2,700.00. While Pastor Dale’s retirement will reduce our pastoral ministry expenses for the last 10 weeks of this year, we continue to have the other staff salaries as well as water, electric, sewer, fuel, telephone, postage, garbage, office supplies, maintenance and repair costs, etc. We can not do this without everyone’s financial support. Our members have always come through when there has been a need. Our ministry programs like the Mitten Tree, Kathryn’s Kloset, and our Scouting programs thrive because of your generosity and support. Through our Benevolence dollars we help support 230 missionaries in 48 countries, help the fight against hunger and malaria, are helping to build 70 new congregations here in the States, and send disaster teams to every site of natural and man made disaster in places like Aurora Colorado. These are just a few of the many things you help make possible. Thank you for your faithful response to the call of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sincerely,</p><p>Your Church Council</p><p>BEGINNING STEPS TOWARDS OUR FUTURE</p><p>The Congregation Council met with Bishop Driesen and Pastor Marthasue Moll on July 26th and has come to an agreement in principal with Pastor Moll to serve as our Intentional Interim Pastor for the next year, beginning Monday, October 22nd, 2012. We are in the process of drafting a formal agreement with Pastor Moll and hope to have that done and signed off by all parties within the next week. Although Pastor Dale will be leaving us after the September 16th service, he will be on vacation until October 21st and technically still our Pastor. Pastor Dale has arranged coverage through October 21st. Pastor Moll has been a Pastor for 20 years and is very experienced in the role that we will be asking her to fill at St. John’s. She comes to us highly recommended and with high regard from her peers. Below is a brief description of what that role will be. </p><p>Intentional Interim Ministry: What it Is and What it is Not </p><p>Intentional Interim Ministry is a fairly new concept and process in the Upper Susquehanna Synod. Although it is more than 25 years old in the ELCA, and a few of our congregations had experienced this ministry through the work of pastors from other synods, it was introduced to our synod when four pastors began the training five years ago. Intentional Interim Ministry is a focused approach for guiding congregations during the time between regularly called pastors. It is not just crisis ministry, nor is it simply maintenance ministry. It is not the same as “synodical administration,” which was reserved for crisis situations. It is ministry with specific “intentions” and tasks to be accomplished – goals defined by the process of intentional interim ministry and the specific needs of the congregation. Intentional interim pastors receive specialized training consisting of two intensive weeks with field work in the intervening months. They also have continuing education events to keep up to date and often have support groups.</p><p>There are three basic situations in which an intentional interim pastor is helpful: The loss of a long-term pastor through moving or retirement. Conflict situations. Shattering situations, such as misconduct or death of a leader.</p><p>Healthy congregations as well as unhealthy ones benefit from making constructive use of the interim time. The need to clarify mission in changing circumstances and other challenges may confront congregations in the time between regularly-called pastors. Dealing with such unfinished business during the interim time helps prepare a congregation for a successful ministry with its next called pastor. Healthy congregations remain healthy and vulnerable ones move toward health. In the event of conflict and tragedies, such directed transition time is invaluable.</p><p>During this time the intentional interim works with the congregation on the following five tasks:</p><p>1. Coming to terms with history The congregation must deal with “letting go” of the former pastor and preparing for a new one, regardless of the reason for the former pastor leaving. 2. Discovering a new identity. This is a time for congregations to step back and re-examine their self-understanding, current realities, real possibilities, and goals. Often new insights, new directions and even a fresh vision emerge in the interim period.</p><p>Continued on next page Continued from previous page</p><p>3. Allowing the needed leadership changes and procedures. Congregations can get bogged down in familiar patterns, or congregational systems may malfunction. When a pastor leaves, there is opportunity for new patterns of lay involvement. Sometimes those who have been active step back and others step forward. A new dynamic emerges and a different set of pastoral skills may be required. 4. Strengthening or renewing the congregation’s relationship with the synod and the church-at-large. Many congregations have a tenuous or distant relationship with the whole church. The period between pastors often brings the congregation into closer and more frequent contact with church-wide resources and activities and thus into a more real sense of shared ministry. 5. Commitment to new leadership and directions. The ultimate goal is for the congregation to move to spiritual and emotional readiness for a vital partnership with a new pastoral leader.</p><p>Currently, the Rev. Marthasue D. Moll, the Rev. Dr. Lois Martin, and the Rev. Sarah Hershberger are serving the Upper Susquehanna Synod as trained, intentional interim ministers. Among them they have served a total of fifteen congregations, sometimes in situations that are healthy and others in time of conflict. They remain committed to the importance of this ministry so that congregations may be strengthened in their mission and ministry.</p><p>~One 30 centimeter ruler, or a ruler with School and Health Kit Items centimeters on one side and inches on the Being Collected other ~ One pencil sharpener Donations may be placed in the hamper bins located in ~One blunt scissors (safety scissors with the hallway outside the Church Office through embedded steel blades work well) September 16th. WELCA will be packing the items at ~Five unsharpened #2 pencils with erasers; their September meeting. secure together with a rubber band ~Five ballpoint pens (no gel ink); secure together with a rubber band Personal Care Kit: ~One box of 16 or 24 crayons ~ One bath size towel (approximately 52x27), ~One eraser approximately 2 ½” long dark color recommended ~One sturdy drawstring backpack style ~ Two bath size bars (4 to 5 oz) of soap, any cloth bag, approximately 14x17” with brand, in original wrapping shoulder straps (no standard backpacks) ~ One adult size toothbrush in its original packing* ~ One sturdy comb, remove packing FISHING TOURNAMENT ~ One metal nail clippers, remove packing *Toothbrush multi-packs may be used by Join us on Thursday, August 9, at 5:00 sealing an individual toothbrush in a business PM for the Bread of Life Dinner, followed envelope; no plastic bags or wrap. by the Social Ministry Committee School Kit: Meeting at 6:00 PM as we plan for this ~ Four 70-sheet notebooks of wide or college year’s fishing tournament. Everyone is ruled paper, approximately 8x10 ½ “; no loose- welcome to attend. Help is needed to leaf paper make this successful! 2ND ANNUAL Day of ANNIVERSARY TEA PARTY Tuesday, August 14th 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Remembrance Townside Garden Café On August 25, 2012 the Northumberland Board of Managers of the Riverview Cemetery will All couples celebrating 50+ years of marriage host their seventh annual are invited to the Anniversary Tea Party “Day of Remembrance”. hosted by Rep. Lynda Schegel Culver. Beginning at noon there Please RSVP by calling 286-5885. will be a brief ceremony at which time the names of loved ones will be read and balloons will be released. You may purchase balloons for $5.00 for each name.</p><p>Fill out the form4650 below Westbranch and send Highway it along with your contribution toLewisburg, the treasurer, PA Dee 17837 Zboray, 305 Susquehanna Road,570-768-4747 Northumberland, PA 17857. Please make checks payable to RIVERVIEW CEMETERY.Visiting Angels is a homecare agency that provides in-home care to those who need Nameshelp andto stay donations in their willown also homes be accepted safely. at the cemeteryWe provide the day help of tothe keep event, loved beginning ones at at 11:00 AM.home Light and refreshments out of nursing will behomes available. and also to provide respite care to family members Pleaseoverwhelmed come out withon August the demands 25th to support of the cemeterycaregiving. and to We honor are yourlicensed family by and PA Dept.friends. of Health, bonded and insured. We provide: Please print ------Length of Care Services Hourly care Name(s)24/7 multiple of deceased shift careto be remembered Weekends and holidays ______Types of Services ______Dementia care Bathing and dressing assistance YourAssistance name ______with walking Medication reminders AddressMeal ______preparation Light housekeeping______Laundry and bed linens NumberErrands of balloons and shopping ______AmountJoyful of companionship Contribution ______Respite care for families ($5 per name/balloon) For more information contact the Visiting Angels Office at 750-768-4747. MEMBERS: Shirley Wolfe; Frances Hoffman; Phyllis Congregational Heritage Workshops Gordon; Dave Roush; Nancy September 15, 2012 Hendricks. The Lutheran Historical Society of the PRAYER REQUEST: Butch Snyder and family; Mid-Atlantic, an ELCA historical Todd Harley Fisher; Dave Burns; Bobby Snyder; organization dedicated to the Shirley Snyder; Andy Bickhart; Martha Knight; preservation and promotion of Lutheran Sharon Lowery; Kerry McCarty; George Rozinski; heritage and historical resources in the Kathy Koveleski; Ann Binder; Tom Beiter; Marna Mid-Atlantic region, will host a series of Brosius; Don Propst; Bob Swank; Matthew Bock; Congregational Heritage Workshops on Kay Drake; Tom Morris; Ayden Yalch; Tina the campus of the Lutheran Theological Reichenbach; Cheryl Reitz; Georgena Smith; Daniel Seminary at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Lyons; Beverly Windus; Betty Leitzel; Marlyn Deihl; on Saturday, September 15, 2012, from John Snyder; Mary Erdley; Irene Olley; Janel Gallo 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration will Berdell; Steve and Rose Brungard; Ed and Jane be 8:30-9:00 a.m. with a continental DeGand; Lauren Reitz; Cassandra Reichenbach; breakfast in Valentine Hall, followed by Darvin Straub; Lisa Forbes; Jim Kline; Ann Burgard welcoming remarks and opening Thieman. devotions, and a catered lunch is </p><p>HOMEBOUND AND SPECIAL PRAYERS: Sally included. Workshop sessions include 1) Diehl; Franklin Hoffman; Catherine Broome; Michael Archives for Small Churches, 2) Local Ray; Harold Billman; Jeff Robinson; Richard Lutheran Records, 3) Oral History; 4) Bowman; Sally Mayer; Elaine Kohl; Betty Hetrick; Archival Preservation, 5) Romayne Hoffman; Bill Brungard; Julia Tiedman; Congregational Anniversaries, 6) Tina Pontius; Jan Albertson; Frances Rohrbach; Pennsylvania German Baptismal June Seebold; John Kistner; Margaret Rantz; Linda Records, 7) Library Resources for Ramsey; Margaret Bright; Terry Walker; Joshua Lutheran History, 8) Writing Gordon; Harold Reid; Ruth Ramer; Joyce Shearer; Congregational Histories, and 9) Connie Lahr; Steve Lahr; Zachery Baker; Carol Dealing with Dirty Linen (trouble- Hoffman; Carol Wilks; Pauline Spigelmeyer; Jodi shooting the negative aspects of Graybill; Brittany Graybill. congregational history and anniversary planning). Workshop leaders include Pray for our military professional historians, archivists, and Logan Brouse; Kale Gallo; Tom Stover ordained clergy. Registration is $40 for Historical Society members, or $45 for non-members. Congregations sending Daily Scripture Reading multiple attendees may register the August 8 Ecclesiastes 1:1-4 initial person at the full rate, then all August 9 Joel 1:1-6; 3:17-21 subsequent attendees at a reduced rate August 10 Jonah 1:1-3; 4:11 ($35 for each non-member, or $30 for August 11 Micah 1:1-6 each Society member). Registration August 12 Habakkuk 1:1-4; 3:17-19 forms and payment are due by August 13 Zephaniah 1:1-6 September 1, 2012, with checks August 14 Mark 1:1-4 made payable to the Lutheran August 15 Matthew 1:1-16; 28:18-20 Historical Society of the Mid-Atlantic. August 16 John 1:1-5; 21:25 Further information, including workshop August 17 Romans 1:1-6; 16:25-27 brochures and registration forms, may August 18 Galatians 1:1-5; 6:14-18 be obtained on the LHSMA web site at August 19 1 Timothy 1:1-7; 6:20-21 www.lhsmidatlantic.com or by August 20 James 1:1-4; 5:13-20 contacting workshop chair John Deeben August 21 1 John 1:1-4; 5:18-21 at (410) 257-9373 or August 22 Revelation 1:1-3; 22:17-21 [email protected]. August 23 Ephesians 2:1-10 August 24 John 1:43-51</p><p>CHECK OUT WHAT’S HAPPENING !</p><p>Wednesday, August 8 Church Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 9 Hoss’ Night, benefits Alyssa Zerbe, who will be traveling to orphanages in Vietnam. Tickets available in Church Office Bread of Life Dinner, 5:00 p.m. Social Ministry Committee, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 11 Fellowship Hall reserved, 1:00 p.m. Brungard wedding, 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 16 Christian Education/Evangelism, 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 17 Fellowship Hall reserved, all day Saturday, August 18 Kathryn’s Kloset, 9-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall reserved, all day Sunday, August 19 Fellowship Hall reserved, 12-5 p.m. Wednesday, August 22 Messenger folding, 9:30 a.m.</p><p>Tuesday, August 14 Tea Party at the Townside Café, Northumberland, 2-4:00 p.m. For couples celebrating 50+ years of marriage. RSVP to Rep. Lynda Schlegel Culver at 286-5885. Thursday, August 16 ALL FAITHS NIGHT, Crosscutters Baseball, Williamsport, Crosscutters vs. Batavia Muckdogs, game time 7:00 p.m. Saturday, August 18 Back to School Back Pack Ministry, Trinity United Methodist Church Sixth Street, Northumberland, 1-3:00 p.m. for children Pre-K-12th grade. Saturday, August 25 Day of Remembrance, Riverview Cemetery, Northumberland, at Noon. Balloons can be purchased prior or the day of the event beginning at 11:00 a.m. </p><p>Attendance for July 29, 2012 8:00 a.m. Service – 50 10:15 a.m. Service – 60 Offering needed weekly to meet budget: $3913.00 Offering received: $2783.00 Attendance for August 5, 2012 8:00 a.m. Service – 55 10:15 a.m. Service- 54 Offering needed weekly to meet budget: $3913.00 Offering received: $3448.25 Periodicals Postage Paid Actual Budget Northumberland, PA JULY INCOME: $ 14,161.25 $ 12,479.75 YEAR-TO-DATE: $114,137.51 $234,226.00 JULY EXPENSES: $ 14,049.84 $ 17,081.16 YEAR-TO-DATE: $124,598.32 $234,226.00 JULY YEAR-TO-DATE INCOME LESS EXPENSES: (+$111.41) (-$10,460.81) St. John’s Lutheran Church, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857. Periodical postage paid at Northumberland, PA. POSTMASTER: Send address change to St. John’s Messenger, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857.</p><p>ST. JOHN’S MESSENGER August 8, 2012 Volume 92, Issue 16 </p><p>St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 570-473-3770</p><p> [email protected] Address Label</p><p>This Sunday at St. John’s</p><p>August 12, 2012 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service Next Sunday at St. John’s</p><p>August 19, 2012 8:00 a.m. Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service w/ baptism Church Office Hours Mon-Thurs 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Fri 8:30 a.m.-Noon Dale F. Biesecker, Jr., Pastor William J. Jacavage, Director of Music</p>
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