4 The Goodland Daily News / Friday, February 22, 2002 Violence should be a four-letter word Violence is certainly not a four let- abusive individuals will change, lack of money or re- ter word but it should be. Especially cris who beat up their sources, no family support, low self violence against women and children. friends, acquaintan- esteem, thinking the children need a Statistics reflect that 95 percent of do- ces, or businesses father, or lack of information about mestic violence victims are women, lovington associates because violence. although men can also be victims. prevention center they were so out of A fulfilling mature relationship al- So, what gives anyone the right to • control and couldn’t lows for the individuality of each part- beat another person? — Because their help it? No, they ner and seeks to bring out the best. It is supper wasn’t ready on time? They just beat their open to change and exploration, invit- spoke without permission? They had pushing, restraining, hitting or kicking. spouse and/or children! ing growth in both individuals. It en- a bad day? Please, how dare they think Physical assaults may occur frequently Violence doesn’t only happen in courages open expression of feeling that they can hurt someone and it’s or infrequently, but in many cases they poor people’s homes. It has no barri- and thoughts, allowing each to be re- okay. Regardless of who is being vic- tend to escalate in severity and fre- ers, it crosses all racial, economic and sponsible for themselves. timized, domestic violence is a serious quency over time. cultural groups. Domestic violence is It encourages realistic expectations problem that needs to be addressed by • Sexual assault: anytime one part- in every community whether big or of each other and promotes good self- all community sectors; school, church, ner forces sexual acts which are un- small. Also violence doesn’t happen esteem and accepts occasional ab- law enforcement, elected officials and wanted or declined by the other part- because of alcohol or drug consump- sences as a natural part of life, encour- others who want to stop the hurt. It is ner. tion. Though alcohol and drugs don’t aging spontaneity. It welcomes close- your business. • Psychological assault: includes help the situation, and for some can be ness, risks and vulnerability. It affirms Domestic violence refers to a pattern isolation from family and friends, a precursor. Many abusive individuals equality of both persons. of violent and coercive behavior exer- forced financial dependence, verbal do not drink or take any drugs. The term “mature relationship” in- cised by one adult in an intimate rela- and emotional abuse, threats, intimida- Violence is also not caused by anger, dicates a process of growth. There are tionship over another. It is not “mari- tion, and control over where the part- stress, illness, genetics, out-of-control no conditions to be met before a rela- tal conflict,” “mutual abuse,” “a ner can go and what she can do. behavior, behavior of the victim or tionship can be termed “healthy.” lover’s quarrel,” or “a private family • Attacks against property and pets problems in the relationship. It is These are merely characteristic steps matter.” It may consist of repeated, includes: destruction of property such learned through observation, experi- along the path. severe beatings, or more subtle forms as household objects or treasured ob- ence and reinforcement, culture, fam- Violence of any kind shouldn’t hap- of abuse, including threats and control. jects belonging to the victim, hitting ily and learned in the community pen to anyone. But if you or someone Domestic violence is broken into the walls, or abusing or killing beloved through peer groups. The myth about you know is a victim, get help. Call the four basic types: physical, sexual, psy- pets. “a woman just asks for it; she could Northwest Kansas Family Shelter at 1- chological and attacks against property Abusers aren’t monsters who can’t leave if she wanted to” is so wrong. 800-794-4624 24 hours a day, 7 days a Chad Dolan and Jamie Bolt and pets. control their anger, that’s a stupid ex- There are many reasons why she week. Domestic violence — it is your • Physical assault includes: shoving, cuse! How many times do we know of doesn’t leave: fear, thinking the abuser business. Couple plans nuptials 4-H news Jamie Lynn Bolt and Chad Lee Jennings High School, received a de- To mammogram or not Dolan plan to be married Saturday, gree in mortuary science from Kansas The regular monthly meeting of the ing would be held Monday, March 18, March 16, at the First Christian Church City Kansas Community College. She Sunflower 4-H club was called to or- at the 4-H building. in Lexington, Neb. is a licensed funeral director with der by President Ryan Gausman on The program followed. Christy the international question Her grandparents are Ralph and Reynolds-Love Funeral Home in Lex- Monday, Feb. 18. Roll call was “Who Studer gave a demonstration on “Hop- WASHINGTON (AP) — In the Nor is there proof an annual mam- Maxine Zollinger of Goodland, ington. is your favorite president?” and was scotch Treats,” and man were they seesawing debate over mammo- mogram is better than one every Carolyn Rauch and the late Slim Rauch Her fiance graduated from Overton answered by 20 members, 11 parents yummy!! Derrick Raymer gave a 4-H grams, the government issued an other year. of Grinnell, and the late Jewell and High School and attended Central and one leader. tip on “Ways of the Slopes.” affirmation Thursday: Women age And, a finding that may surprise Roselyn Bolt. Community College in Hastings, Neb. Kendra Promise lead the group in a After the program, a short recess was 40 and older should get one every some women, there’s no evidence Parents of the couple are Don and He is a global positioning satellite song called “Oh Where, Oh Where Has declared. Brendan Fulcher lead the year or two. yet that a breast self-exam, or one by Paula Bolt, Jennings, and Bob and technician and surveyor for the My Little Dog Gone?” group in a game called “Cracker An international uproar has a doctor in addition to mammogra- Colleen Dolan, Overton, Neb. Dawson County surveyor’s office in Cris informed the group that the tal- Race.” Treats were provided by the arisen over whether routine mam- phy, saves lives, the task force said. The bride-to-be, a graduate of Lexington. ent show is Saturday, March 9, and that Mason and Wood families. The next mograms really save lives. Danish American women undergo some beef weigh-in is Saturday, Feb. 23. She meeting will be the Model Meeting on scientists analyzed three decades’ 30 million mammograms a year. The also told the group that the model meet- Monday, March 18. worth of mammography studies last breast X-ray long has been consid- fall and concluded they’re so ered the best way to detect breast flawed, it’s impossible to tell wheth- cancer, which strikes 190,000 matters of record er the X-rays help. women a year and kills 40,000 of An independent panel assigned them. District Traffic ticketed for speeding, 93/70, $189. by the U.S. government to investi- But the Danish analysis, pub- Traffic violations listed by the Jennifer Carlton, 24, of Lenexa was gate concluded Thursday there is lished in the medical journal Lancet Sherman County District Court clerk: ticketed for speeding, 101/70, $249. “fair evidence” getting one regu- last fall, caused a backlash as scien- Benjamin Assini, 21, of Pepper Pike, larly can reduce the risk of dying tists, doctors and patients debated Jan. 18 — Brenda Ann Mader, 31, of Ohio, was ticketed for speeding, 102/ from breast cancer by about 20 per- the tests’ value. Eisenbart Farms Burlington was ticketed for speeding, 70, $264. cent. Last month, advisers to the Na- That evidence is strongest for tional Cancer Institute agreed the March 4th, starting at 10 a.m. MST. 78/55, $171. Douglas J. West, 40, of Colby was Location: From Hwy 24 & 27 intersection in Goodland KS, 9 William J. Weisshar, 28, of Good- ticketed for speeding, 82/65, $126. women over 50, but mammograms Danish work raised serious doubts. likely will benefit 40-somethings, The question: whether by the time a miles west on Hwy 24 to road 10, then 3 miles south to road 61, land was ticketed for speeding, 76/55, Jan. 28 — Min A. Lyman, 36, of then 1 mile west, 1/2 south, Watch for signs. $153. Huntington, Ind., was ticketed for too, concluded the U.S. Preventive mammogram spots a breast tumor, Jan. 22 — Blake Robert Roe, 17, of speeding, 97/70, $207. Services Task Force. even a tiny one, it has been there long Goodland was ticketed for fur harvest- Jan. 29 — Tracy L. Weeter, 20, of “Our bottom line is mammogra- enough the woman’s chance of sur- Tom & Barb have decided to retire from farming and will offer this fine line of ing without a license, $154. Weskan was ticketed for not having phy reduces deaths,” said task force vival is largely predetermined, ex- equipment at an absolute auction. Maintenance has been high on all of this equip- vice chair Janet Allan. plained Donald Berry of the M.D. ment and everything should be field ready. This will be a large auction but not a John Bost, 23, of Goodland was tick- insurance, $304. large amount of small items so please come early.
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