Engineering and Technical Cluster s2

Engineering and Technical Cluster s2

<p>Framing Practices and Applications WVEIS 1824</p><p>This course introduces the student to the knowledge base and technical skills for concepts in the Building Construction Concentration. Areas of study include floor framing, wall framing, roof framing, and post and beam construction. Emphasis will be placed on career exploration, job seeking skills, and personal and professional ethics. Safety instruction is integrated into all activities. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts, and teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to advanced framing practices. Students are encouraged to become active members of SkillsUSA for additional co-curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement, develop student leadership, and support experiential learning. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.</p><p>Grade 10- Framing Practices and Applications Adult Standard: 1 Floor Framing ET.S.FPA.1 Students will:  analyze and evaluate various prefabricated floor components.  prepare, plan, and construct a project using prefabricated floor components. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.1.1 evaluate and compare various prefabricated floor components. ET.O.FPA.1.2 estimate and layout various prefabricated floor components. ET.O.FPA.1.3 evaluate and use various floor framing fasteners. ET.O.FPA.1.4 prepare a written estimate and complete a project using prefabricated floor components. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.1) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of fundamental knowledge and skills knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the standard characterized by errors and/or standard in floor framing. The student will in floor framing. The student will analyze, omissions in floor framing. evaluate, compare, estimate, and layout compare, estimate, and layout various The student will distinguish, compare, various prefabricated floor components; prefabricated floor components; evaluate estimate, and layout various evaluate and use various floor framing and use various floor framing fasteners; and prefabricated floor components; fasteners; and formulate a written prepare a written estimate and complete a evaluate and use various floor framing estimate and appraise a project using project using prefabricated floor fasteners; and prepare a written prefabricated floor components. The components. Application of knowledge and estimate and complete a project using student can independently solve problems skills is thorough and effective, and the prefabricated floor components. and is self-directed. student can work independently. Performance needs further development and supervision. Standard: 2 Metal Wall Framing ET.S.FPA.2 Students will:  analyze and evaluate metal wall framing components.  estimate for the completion of a metal wall framing project.  construct a metal wall framing project. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.2.1 analyze and compare metal framing components. ET.O.FPA.2.2 demonstrate metal cutting techniques. ET.O.FPA.2.3 demonstrate metal fastening techniques. ET.O.FPA.2.4 estimate materials for and complete a project using metal construction materials. ET.O.FPA.2.5 assess criteria needed for utility installation in metal framing. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.2) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the errors and/or omissions in metal wall standard in metal wall framing. The standard in metal wall framing. The framing. The student can recognize and student can critique and compare metal student can analyze and compare metal compare metal framing components; framing components; develop metal framing components; exhibit metal cutting demonstrate metal cutting and fastening cutting and fastening techniques; and fastening techniques; estimate techniques; estimate materials for and estimate materials for and complete a materials for and complete a project using complete a project using metal project using metal construction materials metal construction materials meeting construction materials at below industry exceeding industry standards; and assess industry standards; and distinguish criteria standards; and explain criteria needed for criteria needed for utility installation in needed for utility installation in metal utility installation in metal framing. metal framing. The student can framing. Application of knowledge and Performance needs further development independently solve problems and is self- skills is thorough and effective, and the and supervision. directed. student can work independently. Standard: 3 Roof Framing Systems ET.S.FPA.3 Students will:  estimate materials for the completion of various roof systems.  construct various roof frame systems. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.3.1 measure, layout, cut, and install hip roof systems. ET.O.FPA.3.2 measure, layout, cut, and install gambrel roof systems. ET.O.FPA.3.3 measure, layout, cut, and install roof dormer, ET.O.FPA.3.4 measure, layout, cut, and install valley roof systems. ET.O.FPA.3.5 measure, layout, cut, and install roof trusses.</p><p>Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.3) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of fundamental distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the errors and/or omissions in roof framing standard in roof framing systems. The standard in roof framing systems. The systems. The student will measure, student will measure, layout, cut, and student will measure, layout, cut, and layout, cut, and install hip roof systems, install hip roof systems, gambrel roof install hip roof systems, gambrel roof gambrel roof systems, roof dormer, valley systems, roof dormer, valley roof systems, systems, roof dormer, valley roof systems, roof systems, and roof trusses falling and roof trusses while exceeding industry and roof trusses while meeting industry below industry standards. standards. The student can standards. Application of knowledge and Performance needs further development independently solve problems and is self- skills is thorough and effective, and the and supervision. directed. student can work independently. Standard: 4 Post and Beam Construction ET.S.FPA.4 Students will:  analyze and summarize procedures for post and beam construction.  demonstrate and explain various cutting and joining techniques used in post and beam construction. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.4.1 analyze and categorize post and beam construction components. ET.O.FPA.4.2 estimate materials needed for a post and beam construction project. ET.O.FPA.4.3 perform various cutting and joining techniques for post and beam construction. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.4) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of fundamental knowledge and skills knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the standard characterized by errors and/or standard in post and beam construction. in post and beam construction. The student omissions in post and beam The student will critique and justify post will analyze and categorize post and beam construction. The student will describe and beam construction components; verify construction components; estimate materials and determine post and beam materials needed for a post and beam needed for a post and beam construction construction components; select construction project; and perform various project; and perform various cutting and materials needed for a post and beam cutting and joining techniques for post and joining techniques for post and beam construction project; and perform beam construction while exceeding construction while meeting industry various cutting and joining techniques industry standards. The student can standards. Application of knowledge and for post and beam construction falling independently solve problems and is self- skills is thorough and effective, and the below industry standards. Performance directed. student can work independently. needs further development and supervision.</p><p>Standard: 5 Participating in the Student Organization. ET.S.FPA.5 Students will participate in a local student organization. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.5.1 identify purposes and goals of student organization. ET.O.FPA.5.2 explain the benefits of participating in a student/professional/civic organization as an adult. ET.O.FPA.5.3 demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.5) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent and The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with proficient performance and shows a inconsistent performance of distinctive and sophisticated application of thorough and effective application of fundamental knowledge and skills knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the standard characterized by errors and/or standard in participating in the student in participating in the student organization. omissions in participating in the student organization. The student examines the The student identifies the purposes and organization. The student explains the purposes, goals, benefits, and goals of the student organization. The benefits and responsibilities of responsibilities of participation in a student explains the benefits and participation in an organization. The professional organization. The student responsibilities of participation in an student demonstrates leadership skills demonstrates leadership skills through organization. The student demonstrates through participation in student participation in activities such as leadership skills through participation in activities such as meetings, programs, meetings, programs, and projects. student activities such as meetings, and projects. Performance needs The student can independently solve programs, and projects. Application of further development and supervision. problems and is self-directed. knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. Standard: 6 Literacy and Numeracy ET.S.FPA.6 Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA 6.1 utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete career/technical assignments and projects. ET.O.FPA.6.2 demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects. ET.O.FPA.6.3 demonstrate accuracy in calculating and measuring graphical work required to complete career/technical assignments and projects. ET.O.FPA.6.4 analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and projects. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.6) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the errors and/or omissions in literacy and standard in literacy and numeracy. The standard in literacy and numeracy. The numeracy. The student selects a variety student chooses a variety of technical student utilizes a variety of technical of technical sources (e.g., Internet, sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, manuals, journals, directions, reports, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to journals, directions, reports, etc.) to etc.) to complete career/technical complete career/technical assignments complete career/technical assignments assignments and projects; reproduces and projects; performs writing skills and projects; demonstrates writing skills writing skills required to complete required to complete career/technical required to complete career/technical career/technical assignments and assignments and projects; assignments and projects; projects; illustrates accuracy in communicates accuracy in calculating demonstrates accuracy in calculating calculating and measuring graphical work and measuring graphical work required and measuring graphical work required required to complete career/technical to complete career/technical to complete career/technical assignments and projects; and explains assignments and projects; and assignments and projects; and tables, charts, graphs and multiple data evaluates tables, charts, graphs and analyzes tables, charts, graphs and sources to complete career/technical multiple data sources to complete multiple data sources to complete assignments and projects. Performance career/technical assignments and career/technical assignments and needs further development and projects. The student can independently projects. Application of knowledge and supervision. solve problems and is self-directed. skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently. Standard: 7 21st Century Learning Skills ET.S.FPA.7 The student will  access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate technology skills.  apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.  exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a group member. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA.7.1 search online using a range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for problem solving. ET.O.FPA.7.2 create information for oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright laws. ET.O.FPA.7.3 engage in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems. ET.O.FPA.7.4 adapt to new situations by considering multiple perspectives and a commitment to continued learning. ET.O.FPA.7.5 exhibit ethical behavior and positive leadership while working collaboratively in the school and/or community. ET.O.FPA.7.6 model legal and ethical behaviors in the use of technology. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.7) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the errors and/or omissions in 21st century standard in 21st century learning skills. standard in 21st century learning skills. learning skills. The student explains The student assesses online technology The student searches online using a online technology tools and media to tools and media to access relevant range of technology tools and media to access relevant information needed for information needed for problem solving; access relevant information needed for problem solving; identifies information for critiques information for oral, written, problem solving; creates information for oral, written, and multimedia and multimedia communications, oral, written, and multimedia communications, adhering to copyright adhering to copyright laws; integrates communications, adhering to copyright laws; discusses problem solving and problem solving and critical thinking laws; engages in problem solving and critical thinking processes to create and processes to create and evaluate critical thinking processes to create and evaluate complex strategies in order to complex strategies in order to evaluate complex strategies in order to independently solve problems; discusses independently solve problems; interprets independently solve problems; adapts new situations by considering multiple new situations by considering multiple to new situations by considering perspectives and a commitment to perspectives and a commitment to multiple perspectives and a continued learning; reviews ethical continued learning; incorporates ethical commitment to continued learning; behavior and positive leadership while behavior and positive leadership while exhibits ethical behavior and positive working collaboratively in the school working collaboratively in the school leadership while working collaboratively and/or community; and describes legal and/or community; and reinforces legal in the school and/or community; and and ethical behaviors in the use of and ethical behaviors in the use of models legal and ethical behaviors in technology. Performance needs further technology. The student can the use of technology. Application of development and supervision. independently solve problems and is knowledge and skills is thorough and self-directed. effective and the student can work independently. Standard: Entrepreneurship Skills ET.S.FPA.8 Students will access the opportunities, concepts, processes, and personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance. Objectives Students will ET.O.FPA 8.1 assess global trends in entrepreneurship that are related to their career/technical program. ET.O.FPA.8.2 determine entrepreneurial opportunities in venture creation related to their career/technical program. ET.O.FPA.8.3 examine desirable entrepreneurial personality traits. Performance Descriptors (ET.PD.FPA.8) Above Mastery Mastery Partial Mastery The student demonstrates exceptional The student demonstrates competent The student demonstrates basic but and exemplary performance with and proficient performance and shows inconsistent performance of fundamental distinctive and sophisticated application a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills characterized by of knowledge and skills that exceed the knowledge and skills that meet the errors and/or omissions in standard in entrepreneurship skills. The standard in entrepreneurship skills. The entrepreneurship skills. The student lists student critiques global trends in student assesses global trends in global trends in entrepreneurship that are entrepreneurship that are related to their entrepreneurship that are related to related to their career/technical program; career/technical program; evaluates their career/technical program; describes entrepreneurial opportunities in entrepreneurial opportunities in venture determines entrepreneurial venture creation related to their creation related to their career/technical opportunities in venture creation related career/technical program; and identifies program; and assesses desirable to their career/technical program; and desirable entrepreneurial personality entrepreneurial personality traits. The examines desirable entrepreneurial traits. Performance needs further student can independently solve personality traits. Application of development and supervision. problems and is self-directed. knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.</p>

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