<p> Distr. United Nations GENERAL UNEP/OzL.Pro/WG.1/6/Inf.1 Environment 14 April 1992</p><p>ENGLISH, FRENCH AND Programme SPANISH</p><p>OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP OF THE PARTIES TO THE MONTREAL PROTOCOL</p><p>Sixth meeting Geneva, 6-15 April 1992 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS</p><p>LISTE DES PARTICTPANTS</p><p>LISTA DE LOS PARTICIPANTES</p><p>A. COUNTRIES AND REGIONAL GROUPINGS</p><p>Algeria M. Benaboura El-Habib S/Directeur Ministdre En6rgie Bt. 50, n. 413 Cité du 17 Octobre Quai de Constantine Algers Tel.: 673300 Telex: 65094</p><p>Argentina Sr. Diego Malpede Secretary Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Piso 12 Reconquista 1088 Buenos Aires Tel.: 54 1 3110071/74 Telefax: 54 1 3123539</p><p>Ms. Ana M. Moglia First Secretary Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 7981952</p><p>Australia Mr. John Whitelaw Assistant Secretary Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency P.O. Box 787 Canberra, ACT 2611 Tel.: 61 6 274 1499 Telefax: 61 6 274 1123 2</p><p>Australia (contd.) Mr. Palitha Kohona First Secretary Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 7346200</p><p>Austria Mr. Herbert Aichinger Untere Donaustrasse 11 A-1020 Vienna Tel.: 43121132/2000 Telefax: 43121132/2068</p><p>Mr. Hugo M. Schally Counsellor Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 7337950 Telefax: 7344591</p><p>Bangladesh Mr. Elias Ahmed Senior Assistant Secretary Bangladesh Secretariat Ministry of Environment and Forest Dhaka Tel.: 415804 Tlx: 672908 MOFST BJ</p><p>Belgium Ms. Ludgarde A. Coppens Pach6colaan 19 Bus-5 1010 Bruxelles Tel.: 02 2104677 Telefax: 02 2104704</p><p>M. Marc Gedopt Premier Secr6taire Permanent Mission of Belgium to the United Nations 58 rue de Moillebeau Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 7338150</p><p>Brazil Mr. 'Pedro M. Pinto-Coelho Counsellor Permanent mission of Brazil to the United Nations 33 rue Carteret 1202 Gen6ve Switzerland Tel.: 7333150 - 3 -</p><p>Brazil (contd.) Ms. S. Liamarcia Hora Government Rez 8 Cons I Casa 45, G-4</p><p>Cameroon M. Roger Tonlev Chef de service adjoint de l'environnement Ministére du plan et de L'aménagement du tourisme Yaounde Tel. 294730</p><p>Canada Mr. John W. Reed Environment Canada 14th Floor Place Vincent Massey Ottawa Ontario KlA OH3 Tel.: 819 953 1676 Telefax: 819 953 4936</p><p>Mr. Thomas G. Brydges Director Integration Services Branch Atmos. Environm. Services Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin St. Downsview Ontario Tel.: 416 739 4643 Telefax: 739 4882</p><p>Ms. Marie-Christine Rioux Affaires Ext6rieures Agent 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa Ontario Tel.: 819 992 6486 Telefax: 992 2467</p><p>Mr. Steve Gorman Analyst International Affairs corporate Policy Environment Canada Ottawa Ontario KlA OH3 Tel.: 019 994 1663 Telefax: 819 953 7025</p><p>Chile Sr. José-Luis Acevedo Subsecretario (a) Bienes Nacionales Alameda 280 Piso 7 Santiago de Chile Tel.: 2227103 Telefax: 2225826 4</p><p>Chile (contd.) Sr. Sergio E. Oxman Ozone'Manager Alameda 406 of 304 Santiago de Chile Tel.: 562 6327222 Telefax: 562 6327223</p><p>Sr. Ignacio Llanos Third Secretary Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations 56, rue de Moillebeau. Gendve Switzerland Tel.: 7345130 Telefax: 7344194</p><p>China Mr. Baozhong Wu Vice-Director Department of Pollution control National Environmental Protection Agency No. 115, Xizhimennei Nanxlaojie Beijing 10003S Tel: 655635 16216 Tlx: 222359 NEPA CN Fax: 6015637 6015641</p><p>Mr. Feng Gao Deputy Division chief Department of Treaty and Law Foreign Ministry Beijing 100701 Tel.: 555520</p><p>Mr. Guide Jia official Department of Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs Beijing 100701 Tel.: 555520</p><p>Congo M. Nyanga Elenga Andre Directeur des pollutions et des nuisances Direction générale de Venvironnement B.P. 958 Brazzaville Tel: 242 833046 Tlx: 5282 KG Telefax: 242 837150</p><p>Dr. Pierre Oyo Directeur du droit et de lleducation a environnement Direction g6n6rale de l'environnement Brazzaville Tel.: 242 833046 Telefax: 242 837150</p><p>5 - costa Rica Sr. Alvaro Brenes V. Funcionario del Instituto Meteorolégico Nacional Apartado 733SO San José Telex: S06 331791 Srta- Gloriana Rodriguez Primer Secretario Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to the United Nations 11, rue de Butini Genéve Switzerland Tel.: 734 2288</p><p>Czech and Slovak Federal Mr. Miroslav Kotaska Republic Chief specialist Federal Committee for the Environment Slzsb& Street 9 Prague Tel.: 2152189 Telex: 121427 Telefax: 256938 and 257211</p><p>Mr. Jaroslav Jokl specialist, Ministry of Industry Kotorski 1579 Prag 4 Tel.: 285228</p><p>Mr. Vladimir Reha'cek Research Worker Wilheimova 847 Pardubice Tel.: 42 40 36885 Telefax: 42 40 30566</p><p>Denmark Mr. Henri Heron Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment Strandgade 29 DX-1401 Copenhagen K Tel.: 45 31578310 Telefax: 45 31572449</p><p>Mr. Erik Larsson Head of Section Environmental Protection Agency Ministry of the Environment Strandgade 29 DK-1401 Copenhagen K Tel.: 45 31818360 Telex: 31209 Telefax: 45 31572449 - 6 -</p><p>Denmark (contd.) Mr. John Carstensen Head of Section Ministry of the Environment Slotsholmagade 12 DK-1216 Copenhagen Tel.: 45 339248S4 Telefax: 45 3311S4S7</p><p>Ecuador Sr. RaGl Paredes Direcc16n General Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo (CONADE) Quito Tel: 549718 Telex: 2114 Telefax: 563002</p><p>Equatorial Guinea Sr. Juan Ntutumu Nsue Médico, Jere de Servicio de Epidemiologj& Secretario del COmit6 Nacional del Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Sanidad Malabo Tel.: 2SO1</p><p>European Community Mr. George Strongylis Principal Administrator 20OF rue de la loi 1049 Bruxelles Belgique Tel.: 2368745 Telex: COMEU B 21877 Telefax: 2369557</p><p>Mr. Paul William GeOdis National Expert 200, rue de la loi 1049 Bruxelles Belgique Tel.: 2368752 Telexz COMEU B 21877 Telefax: 23695S7</p><p>Mr. Philippe Jean Administration Commission of the European Communities (CED) rue de Vermont 1000 Gen6ve Switzerland</p><p>Finland Mr. Antti Kulmala Professor Mikonkatu 8 P.O. Box 399 00121 Helsinki Tel.: 358 0 1991381 Telefax: 3S8 0 1991286 Finland (contd.) Me. Merja Kiljunen Chief Inspector Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 399 00121 Helsinki Tel.: 358 0 1991275 Telex: 358 0 1991617</p><p>France M. Philippe Delacroix Premier Secr6taire Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations 36, route de Pregny 1291 Chamb6sy Switzerland Tel.: 7582123 Telefax: 7582449</p><p>Mrs. Laurence Musset Chargée de mission Ministére de 1'environnement 14, bvd. du Général Leclerc 92525 Neuilly Cedex Tel: 40813225 velefax: 40811818</p><p>Germany Mr. Heinrich W. Kraus Head of Division Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Bernkasteler Str. 8 53 Bonn 2 Tel.: 228 3052750 Telefax: 228 305 3524</p><p>Dr. Karl-Heinz Pieper Deputy Head of Division Federal Ministry of Economics Villemombler Strasse 76 D-5300 Bonn I Tel.: 228 6154196 Telex: 886747 Telefa.x: 228 6154436</p><p>Ms. Ines Schusdziarra Head of Division Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Bernk4steler Strasse 8 53 Bonn 2 Tel.: 228 3052341 Telefax: 228 3053524</p><p>Ghana Mrs. Emelia Brew-Butler Programme officer Environmental Protection Council P.O. Box M 326 Accra</p><p>8 -</p><p>Greece Dr. Ioannis Kinnas Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations 2, rue Thalberg 1201 Gendve Switzerland Tel.: 7323356 Telefax: 7322150</p><p>Hungary Mr. Tamás Foldeák Deputy Director General International Economic Relations Ministry for Foreign Affairs Nagy lmrs tér Budapest II Tel.: 0036 12017006</p><p>Dr. Llszló Dobó Advisor ministry for Environment and Regional Policy Fön. 68 H-1027 Budapest Tel: 361 2016883 Telefax: 361 156215</p><p>Mr. Jozsef Szabó First Secretary Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations 81, avenue de Champel 106 Genéve Switzerland Tel.: 460323 Telefax: 465861</p><p>India Mr. Avani Vaish Director Ministry of Environment and Forests New Delhi Tel.: 4362840 Telefax: 4360678</p><p>Mr. Deepa Gopacan Wadhwa First Secretary Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations 9, rue du Valais Gen4ve 1202 Switzerland Tel: 7320859</p><p>/ - 9 -</p><p>Indonesia Mr. Aca Suganday Assistant Minister Ministry of Population and Environment Jalar Merdeka Barat 15 B Jakarta Tel.: 374 371 Telex: 61 21 374 307 Telefax: 62 21 374 307</p><p>Iraq Mr. Abdul Jabbar Abdul Ridha Under-Secretary Minister of Health</p><p>Israel Mr. Ariel Kerem Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations 9, chemin de bonvent 1216 Cointrin Switzerland Tel.: 7980500 Telex: 7984950</p><p>Mr. Itzhak S. Minerbi Davidson St. 2 Jerusalem Tel.: 00 972 2 635164 Telefax: 610432</p><p>Mr. Amichai Perry Counsellor Economic Affairs Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations 9, chemin de bonvent Geneve Switzerland Tel.i 798 0500 Telefax: 7984950</p><p>Mr. David Shapiro Director 51 King David Blvd. Tel Aviv</p><p>Dr. Michael Spiegelstein Advisor P.O. Box 180 Beer Sheva Tel.: 57 667 828</p><p>Italy Mr. Maurizio Cignitti Research Director Istituto Superiors Sanitl Viale Regina Elena 299 00161 Roma Tel.: 4990 ext. 370 Telefax: 4440023 - 10</p><p>Italy (contd.) Dr. Mario Gatta Ecology manager and Environment Ministry Expert Montecatini Foro Buonaparte 31 Milano Tel.: 69705346 Telefax 62705045</p><p>Ms. Giuliana Gasparrini officer Ministry of Environment Via Ferratella in Laterano 33 00155 Roma Tel.697027202 Telefax: 6 7027195</p><p>Japan Mr. Shigeki Sakuhana Director Agricultural Chemicals Administration Office Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Tel.: 81 3 3502 8111</p><p>Mr. Yoshihiko Sumi Director Ozone Layer Protection office Ministry of International Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki Tokyo 100 Tel.: 81 3 3501 4724 Telefax: 81 3 3580 6347</p><p>Mr. Tetsushi Sato Deputy Director Planning Division Air Quality Bureau Environment Agency 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Tel.: 81 3 3580 2164</p><p>Mr. Nobutoshi Miyoshi First Secretary Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations 3 chemin des Fins Genéve Switzerland Tel.: 7173111 Japan (contd.) Mr. Yoshiaki Nishimura Special Assistant Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations 3 chemin des Fins Genéve Switzerland Tel.: 7173111</p><p>Jordan Eng. Ghazi Al-Ahmad Assistant Director Chief Division of Air Pollution Department of Environment Ministry of Municipals, Rural Affairs and the Environment P.O. Box 1799 Amman Tel: 672131 Telefax: 672135</p><p>Kenya Mr. Joel Richard Arap-Lelei Chargé d'affaires, a.i. Permanent Mission of Kenya to UNEP Box 57653 Nairobi Tel.: 221055</p><p>Mr. Njuguna Francis Kihumba Factories Inspector National Environment Secretariat P.O. Box 67839 Nairobi Tel.: 229261 Ext. 141</p><p>Ms. Amina Mohamed Legal Adviser Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations 2 chemin des mines 1202 Genéve Switzerland</p><p>Kuwait Dr. Al Rashied Saud Section Head Environmental Protection Department Environmental Protection Council P.O. Box 17366 Dr. Abdul Rasoul Al-Naser Associate Professor Physics Department Kuwait University P.O. Box 5969 SAFAT, K. 13060 Tel.: 4811188 12</p><p>Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Mr. El Miri Aboujafar Technical Center for Environment Protection TLEP P.O. Box 83618 Tripoli Tel.: 45795 Telex: 929 21038 TLEP LY</p><p>Malaysia H.E.'Mr. M. Supperamaniam Minister (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations 20 rpute de pr6-bois Cointrin Switzerland Tel.: 7881505</p><p>Mr. A. Karim Zulkafli First Secretary Economic Affairs Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations Genéve SwitzeLland Tel.: 7881505</p><p>Mr. Ismail Ithnin Environment Control Officer Department of Environment Floor 13 Wisma Sime Darby 50662 Kuala Lumpur Tel.: 603 29389SS Telex: 603 2931480</p><p>Malta Mr. Victor Gatt Head Standards Laboratories Department of Industry Valletta Tel: 220584, 221971 Fax: 2.36237</p><p>Mexico H.E. Juan Antonio Mateos-Cicero Ambassador of Mexico to Kenya Nairobi Kenya</p><p>Ms. Catalina Mosler Ozone Protection Unit Coordinator SEDUE Rio Elba 20-1 Col. Cuauhtemoc México, D.P. 06SOO Tel.: 525 2867939 Telefax: 525 55394S2 13 -</p><p>Mexico (contd.) Mr. Jorge Corona Vicechair of United Nations Solvents Committee for the Montreal Protocol CANACINTRA Cto. Misioneros G-8, 501 Ciudad Satelite Estado de M6xico Tel.: 52 5 393 36 49 Telefax: 52 5 572 9346</p><p>Morocco M. Abdalah Mokssit Centre national du climat et recherches m6t6orologiques B.P. 8106 Aeroport CASA-ANFA Casablanca Tel.: 904380 Telefax: 904896</p><p>Netherlands Prof. Willem J. Kakebeeke Director for International Environmental Affairs Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment The Hague Tel.: 31 70 3174712 Telefax: 31 70 3174722</p><p>Mr. Leonardus H. J. M. Janssen Deputy Head Climate Change Division Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment P.O. Box 450 2260 MB Leidschendam Tel.: 31 70 3174407 Telex: 32362 VROM Telefax: 31 70 3174449</p><p>Mr. Wim, J.M. Sprong Directorate General for Environmental Protection Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment P.O. Box 450 2260 MB Leidschendam Tel.: 31 70 3174378 Telefax: 31 70 3174992</p><p>Ms. Aukje W. Visser Staff office Environmental Affairs Ministry of Economic Affairs P.O. Box 20101 2500 EC Den Haag Tel.: 31 70 3796664 Telefax: 31 70 3796167 14</p><p>Netherlands (contd.) Mr. Carl H.A. van Vulpen Chairman CFC Commission Ree 40 2811 HG Reeuwijk Tel.: 01829 3761</p><p>Mr. Frank de Leeuw Atmospheric Scientist RIVM P.O. Box 1 3720 BA Bilthoven Tel.: 31 30742806 Telefax: 31 30287531</p><p>New Zealand H.E. Mr. Alastair Bisley Ambassador Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations Geneve Switzerland</p><p>Ms. Caroline Bilkey Second Secretary Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations Geneve Switzerland Tel.: 7349530</p><p>Mr. Peter Rider Counsellor Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations Geneve Switzerland Tel.: 7349530</p><p>Norway Mr. Per M. Bakken Head, Negotiating Secretariat Ministry of Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep. Oslo 1 Tel.: 47 2 345985 Telefax: 47 2 349561</p><p>Ms. Carola Biorklund Legal Adviser Ministry of Environment Myntgate 2 P.O. Box 8013 Dep. Oslo I Tel.: 47 2 345968 Telefax: 42 2 349561</p><p>Ms. Hilde Johnson Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 8114 Dep. 0052 Oslo 1 Tel.: 343604 - 15 -</p><p>Norway (contd.) Me. Eli Vike State Pollution Control Authority P.O. Box 8100 Dep. 0032 Oslo Tel.: 47 2 573400 Telefax: 47 2 676706</p><p>Pakistan Mr. Moeen Jan Naim Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islamabad Tel: 813689 Telex: 5800 FAIBD Telefax: 212434</p><p>Philippines Ms. Carmen Trinidad Project officer (Head) ODS Desk Foreign Assisted and Special Project office Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Visayas Avenue Diliman, Quezon City Tel.: 990970 Telefa.x: 632 990028</p><p>Poland Mr. Ryszard Purski Senior Specialist Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry Ul. Wawelska 52/54 Warsaw Tel.: 254560 Telefax: 254141</p><p>Republic of Korea Mr. Suk-Jo Lee Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Gen&ve Switzerland Tel.: 7910111</p><p>Mr. Gun Tae Lee First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Gen6ve Switzerland Tel.: 7910111</p><p>Mr. Yeon Chul Yoo Assistant Director Science and Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tel: 7250789 16</p><p>Republic of Korea (contd.) Mr. Hang Seek Yoon Director Division of Finechemical Industry MTC Seoul</p><p>Mr. Hoon Sik Kim Senior Research Scientist P.O. Box 131 CFC Center KIST Seoul Tel.: 962 8801, ext. 4452</p><p>Mr. Insu Yee Environmental Attach6 Embassy of the Republic of Korea to Kenya P.O. Box 30455 Nairobi Kenya Tel.: 254 2 333581</p><p>Mr. Kwansoon Lee Korea Speciality Chemical Industry Association</p><p>South Africa Dr. Pieter J. Aucamp Chief Director Department of National Itealth P.O. Box 828 Pretoria, 0001 Tel.: 12 3243631 Telefax: 12 3255978</p><p>Spain Sr. Angel Rascon Caballero ConseJero T6cnico DGPA - MOPT Paseo de la Castellana 67 Madrid Tel.: 5535600</p><p>Sra. Carmen Canales Canales Funcionario Secretaria Estado Medio Ambiente Plaza Castellana 67 28071 Madrid Tel.: 5531600</p><p>Sudan Mr. Faysal Tageldin Abushama Director, National Council for Research P.O. Box 2404 Khartoum Tel.: 79831 17 -</p><p>Swaziland Me. Lolo Mkhabela Assistant Physical Planning Officer Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 57 Mbabane Tel.: 46247/9 Telex: 2301 WD Telefax: 42436</p><p>Sweden Mo. Maria Delvin Head of Section Ministry of the Environment S-103 33 Stockholm Tel.; 46 8 7632056 Telex: 15499 MILEN S Telefax: 46 8 7231160</p><p>Ms. Ulrika Hagbarth Senior Technical officer Swedish Environment Protection Agency Smides V. S 17185 Solna Tel.: 08 7991000 Telefax: 08 991253</p><p>Switzerland Mr. Christoph Rentsch Head of Section Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape (BUWAL) CH-3003 Bern Tel.: 031 619364 Telefax: 031 619981</p><p>Hr. Blaise Horisberger Conseiller scientifiqua office f6d6ral de Venvironnement, des forfits et.du paysage (OFEFP) CH-3003 Bern Tel.: 031 619024 Telefa.x: 031 619981</p><p>Mr. Christian Pauletto Federal office for Foreign Economic Affairs Pallis f6d4ral Eat CH-3003 Bern Tel.: 41 31 612651 Telefax: 41 31 612669</p><p>Thailand Mr. Chusak Wongwatcharakarn Government Official Planning Division industrial Works Department Ministry of Industry 57 Prasumain Rd. Pranakorn Bangkok Telt 066 2817212 Telefax: 066 2816243 18 -</p><p>Thailand (contd.) Mr. Wiraphon Rajadanuraks Department of Industrial Works 57 Prasumen Rd. Bangkok Tel.: 066 2817212 Telefax: 066 2816243</p><p>Togo M. Komi Denyo Nenonene Directeur de la Division de Salubrit6 publique et g6nie sanitaire Ministdre de la Sant6 et de la Population B.P. 336 Lome Tel.: 228 210907</p><p>Uganda Mr. Apitta Lamex Omara Assistant Secretary Envirohmer-. Protection Ministry P.O. Box 7270 Kampala Tel.: 256 41 257976 Telex: 61098 Telefax 258722 or 232680 (Code 256 41)</p><p>Mr. Thomiko Rwothumio Environment officer Monitoring and Control Department of Environment Protection Ministry of Water, Energy, Minerals and Environment Protection P.O. Box 9629 Kampala Tel: 041 257976 Telex: 62216 ENVIRO UG Telefax: 256 041 232680</p><p>United Kingdom Mr. Alan H. Davis Department of the Environment Room B 252 Romney House 43 Marsham street London SWIP 3PY Tel.: 71 276 8239 Telefa.x: 71 276 8285</p><p>Ms. Vanessa Jennison Third Secretary Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations Geneva Switzerland Tel.: 7343800 Telefa.x: 7345254</p><p>/ - 19 -</p><p>United Kingdom (contd.) Mr. Patrick Sz6ll Legal Directorate Department of the Environment Romney House 2 Marsham Street London SWlP 3PY Tel.: 071 276 4230 Telex: 22221 DOEMAR G Telefax: 071 276 0818</p><p>Ms. Ann Godfrey Department of the Environment Romney House 43 Marsham Street London SWIP 3PY Tel.: 44 712768621 Telefax: 44 712768285</p><p>Ms. M. Jean Lamont Deputy Director Environment Unit Department of Trade and Industry 151 Buckingham Palace Road London SWlW 9SS Tel.: 071 215 1012 Telefax: 071 215 1089</p><p>Mr. Steve Lee-Bapty Department of the Environment Romney House 43 Marsham Street London SW1W 955 Tel.: 071 276 8177 Telefax: 071 276 8285</p><p>United Republic of Tanzania Mr. M.W. Mangachi First Counsellor Permanent Mission of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations 47 avenue Blanc 1202 Gen6ve Switzerland Tel.: 7318920 Telex: 412661 Telefax: 7328255</p><p>Mr. Byarugaba Kamara Environment Management officer Division of Environment Ministry of Tourism, Natural Resources and Environment P.O. Box 9372 Dar es Salaam Tel: 35926 or 27271 Tlx: 41725 NARETO Fax: 23230 20</p><p>United States of America Mr. Richard J. Smith Deputy Assistant Secretary of State U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 Tel.: 202 6471555 Telefax: 202 647 0217</p><p>Mr. Gary S. Usrey Deputy Director office of Environment Protection U.S. Department of State Washington D.C. 20520 Tel.: 202 647 9266 Telefax: 202 6475947</p><p>Ms. Eileen Claussen Director Office of Atmospheric and Indoor Air Programs Environmental Protection Agency ANR-445 401 M. Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20460 Tel: 202 2607407 Telefax: 202 2607991</p><p>Hr. Stephen Seidel Deputy Director Global Change Division Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St, SW Washington, D.C. 20460 Tel.: 202 2602787 Telefax: 202 2606344</p><p>Mr. Daniel P. Blank Program Analyst OAIi~P Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20460 Tel: 202 260 6628 Telefax: 202 260 7991</p><p>Mr. Edward B. Leviton Chief Economist High Technology Staff U.S. Department of Commerce Room 4043 Washington, DC 20230 Tel: 202 377 3888 Telex: 202 377 8836</p><p>Hr. James Wolf 3323 Woodrow Street Arlington, Virginia Tel.: 203 525 4015 Telefax: 203 525 0327 21 -</p><p>United States of America Dr. Ralph T. Ross (contd.) Associate Director Science and Technology Department of Agriculture 231 G. St. SW Washington, D.C. 20024 Tel.: 202 720 5015 Telefax: 202 690 4265</p><p>Mr. William Cruz 331 Newman Springs Rd Red Bank, NJ 07701 Tel.: 908 758 5023</p><p>Mr. Gary R. Evans Special Assistant Global Change Issues Department of Agriculture 1621 No. Kent St. No 60LL Arlington, VA 22209 Tel.: 703 235 9018 Telefax: 703 235 9046</p><p>Mr. Mark C. Murphy State Department Washington D.C. Mr. John M. Weiss First Secretary Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations 11, routs de Pregny 1292 Chamb6sy Switzerland Tel.: 749 4309 Telefax: 749 4883</p><p>Mr. Philip Raveling Third Secretary Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations 11 route de Pregny 1292 Chamb6sy Switzerland Tel.: 749 4604</p><p>Mr. Jeffrey D. Kovar office of the Legal Adviser U.S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520-6310 Tel.: 202 647 2282 Telefax: 202 736 7115</p><p>Mr. Edward C. Watts Economist Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 Tel.: 202 586 8436 22</p><p>Uruguay Sr. Carlos A. Grazzi Asesor/Sub-Director de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Coloma 1206 Montevideo Tel.: 921007</p><p>Venezuela Sr. Eduardo Lopez Asesor Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Apartado 18079 El Silencio Caracas 1012A Tel.: 839232 - 833577 Telefax: 831662</p><p>Mr. Vukasin Radmilovic Yugoslavia AG Assistant Department for Sanitary Control Federal Secretariat for Labour, Health, Veterans Affairs and Social Policy 11070 New Belgrade Sul. Avnoj 104 Tel. 03811 196 024 Telex: YUsIV 11062 Telefax: 03811 602 929</p><p>Zambia Mr. Robby Mwiinga Senior Natural Resources officer P.O. Box 50042 Lusaka Tel. 222117</p><p>- 23 -</p><p>B. UNITED NATIONS BODIES AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES</p><p>World Bank Mr. Ken Newcombe GEF Coordinator 1818 M. St. Washington, D.C.</p><p>World Meteorological Organization Mr. Rumen D. Bojkov (WMO) Chief Environment Division WMO Secretariat P.O. Box 2300 Genave 2 Switzerland Tel.: 4122 7308 455 Telefax: 4122 7340 954 - 24</p><p>C. OTHER ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>Air Conditioning and Mr. Joseph McGuire Refrigeration Institute 1501 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA. 22209 United States of America Tel.: 703 524 8800 Telefax: 703 528 3816</p><p>Alliance for Responsible Mr. Francis A. Vogelsberg CFC Policy Environmental Manager DuPont Chemical 15 Quail Crossing Wilmington, Delaware United States of America. Tr'..: 302 774 6884 Telex: 302 774 8416</p><p>Mr. Harold J. Lamb Room 908 3 Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 United States of America Tel.: 21S 587 7332</p><p>Mr. Kevin J. Fay Executive Director Suite 850 2111 Wilson Blvd. Arlington, VA 22201 United States of America Tel.: 703 243 0344 Telefax: 703 243 2874</p><p>Atmospheric and En-ironmental Mr. Nien Dak Sze Research, Inc. AER Inc 840 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel.: 617 547 6207 Telfax: 617 876 7158</p><p>Bahamas Agricultural and Mo. Mavis A. Holmes-Hanek Inrl-a~trial Corporation Adviser to Chairman Bahamas Representative IDB/ECLAC Project Economic Options Panel - Vice Chair Tel.: 809 323 5920 Telefa.x: 809 322 2126 or 809 322 2123 c/o ECLAC: 202 296 0826</p><p>/ - 25 -</p><p>Brazil Industry Association Mr. Ricardo Vellutini Business Manager Al. Itapicuru 506 Alphaville SP. Brazil 06400 Tel.: 55 11 420 8377</p><p>Carrier Corporation Mr. Edward A. (Ted) Baily vice-President Government Industry Relations Carrier Corporation P.O. Box 4808 Syracuse, N.Y. 13221 United States of America</p><p>European Council of Federations of Mr. Maurice Verhille the Chemical Industry (CEFIC) Chairman CEFIC/EFCTC Elf Atochem La D6fense 10 Cedex 42 Paris la D6fense 92042 France Tel.: 33 1 4900 8476 Telex: ATO 611922 F Telefax: 33 1 4900 7021</p><p>Dr. John Place Dow Europe SA Bachtobelstrasse 3 CH-8810 Horgen Switzerland Tel.: 41 1 728 2762 Telex: 826940 Telefax: 411 1 782 2986</p><p>Dr. Nick Campbell Product Manager CEFIC/ECSA ICI C&P Ltd. P.O. Box 14 Runcorn, Cheshire United Kingdom Tel.: 44 928 512052 Telefax: 44 928 580742</p><p>Dr. Michael R. Harris Vice Chairman EFCTC ICI C&P Ltd. P.O. Box 13 The Heath Runcorn, WA7 4QF United Kingdom Tel.: 44 928 513213 Telefax: 44 928 511418 26</p><p>European Council of Federations of Mr. James A. Franklin the Chemical Industry (CEFIC) (contd.) CEFIC/ECSA Solvay Central Laboratory 310 rue de Ransbeek B-1120 Bruxelles Belgium Tel.: 32 2 264 2202 Telefax: 32 2 264 3061</p><p>ECSA M. Philippe Feron Responsable Environment Elf Atochem 12 place de l,iris Cedex 54 92062 Paris La D6fense 2. France Tel.: 33 1 4796 9418 Telex: 611922 F Telefax: 33 1 4796 9431</p><p>Eurobrom Br. Mr. Victor Levy Eurobrom Br. 178 Marshall Plein The Hague Tel.: 31 70 31108408 Telefax: 31 70 399935</p><p>Friends of the Earth Ms. Robin J. Round Ozone Campaigner Friends of the Earth Canada 701-251 Laurier Avenue W Ottawa Canada Tel.: 613 230 3352 Telex: 613 230 4354</p><p>Ms. Nina Dwisasanti Ozone Campaigner Friends of the Earth Indonesia Jl- Penjernihan I Komp. Keuangan 15 Jakarta 10210 Indonesia Tel.: 021 583975 or 586820 Telefax: 021 588416</p><p>Ms. Fiona Weir Friends of the Earth International 26-28 Underwood St. London Nl 7JQ United Kingdom Tel.: 44 71 490 0340 Telefax: 44 71 490 0881 27 -</p><p>Friends of the Earth (contd.) Me. Liz Cook Ozone Campaign Director Friends of the Earth USA 218 D Street, SE Washington, D.C. 20003 United States of America Tel.: 202 544 2600 Telefax: 202 543 4710</p><p>Greenpeace Mr. John Joseph Mat6 Ozone Campaign Coordinator Greenpeace Canada 1726 Commercial Drive Vancouver, B.C. Canada, CSN 4A3</p><p>Mr. Paul Hohnen Greenpeace International Amsterdam</p><p>Ms. Tracy Heslop Campaign Coordinator Greenpeace London Canterbury Villas London N12 PN United Kingdom</p><p>Ms. Marion Tasch Ozone Campaign Switzerland Im Heugarten 12 8617 M8nchaltdorf Switzerland</p><p>Halogenated Solvents Industry Ms. Carol J. Niemi Alliance (HSIA) Environmental specialist for air issues The Dow Chemical Co. 1803 Bldg. Midland, Mi. 48674-1803 United States of America Tel.: S17 636 1636 Telex: 227455 Telefax: 517 636 1875</p><p>Dr. Paul A. Cammer 1225 19th Street Suite 300 Washington D.C. Tel.: 202 223 5904 Telex: 202 223 5979</p><p>Mr. E. John Wilkinson Suite 300 1225 19th Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel.: 202 293 0635 Telefax: 202 223 S979 28</p><p>Halon Alternatives Research Mr. David Catchpole Corporation (HARC) Board Member 1225 19th Street N.W. Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20036-2411 United States of America Tel.: 202 223 6166 Telefax: 202 223 5979</p><p>IBM Mr. Andrew W. Kleitsch 6817 Fairpoint ct. Raleigh, N.C. 27613 United States of America Tel.: 919 354 4184 Telefax: 919 254 S410</p><p>International Chamber of Mr. Mack McFarland Commerce (ICC) Principal Consultant Environmental Programs Du Pont Co. P. 0. Box 13230 Wilmington, DE 19898 United States of America Tel.: 302 774 5076 Telefax: 302 774 8416</p><p>Mr. Gerald A. Hapka Corporate Counsel Legal Department Du Pont Co. Wilmington, DE 19898 United States of America Tel.: 302 774 9466 Telefax: 302 774 1188</p><p>Mr. Ro- E. Breslau Manager Regulatory Deve. Du Pont de Nemours (Nederland) B.V. P.O. Box 145 3300 AC Dordrecht The Netherlands Tel.: 31 78 218893 Telefax: 31 78 218191</p><p>International council of M. Henry Bancier Environmental Law (ICEL) D616gu6 permanent 80, route de Meyrin F-07210 Ferney Voltaire France Tel.: 023 50 429222 Telefax: 4122 467881</p><p>/ ... 29 -</p><p>Industrial Technology Research Dr. Johnsee Lee Institute (ITRI) 321 Kuang Fu Road Sec.2 Hsinchu, Taipei Tel.: 886 35 724646 Telefax: 886 35 714828</p><p>Dr. Kuo-Liang Loh 321 Kuan-Fu Rd. Sec.2 Hsinchu, Taipei Tel.: 886 2735 91S9 Telefax: 886 2 733 9932 Dr. Richard K.S. Fan 321 Kuan-Fu Rd. Sec.2 Hsinchu, Taipei Tel.: 886 35 724646 Telefax: 886 35 714828</p><p>Mr. Perry P.H. Shen 321 Kuan-Fu Rd. Sec.2 Hsinchu, Taipei Tel.: 886 3S 724646</p><p>Japan Association for Hygiene Mr. Hiroshi Kurita of Chlorinated Solvents (JAHCS) Director, Planning and Coordination 40-17, Hongo 2-Chome Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo 113 Japan Tel.: 81 3 3814 3412 Telefax: 81 3 3814 3413</p><p>Japan Electrical Manufacturer, Mr. Yoshiyuki Ishii Association (JEMA) chairman Global Environment Protection Committee JEMA</p><p>Japan Flon Gas Association Mr. Umeki Hiroki Chairman Ozone Layer Protection Committee Honao-Wakai Bldg. 2-46-17, Hongo Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo Tel.: 03 5684 3372 Telefax: 03 5684 3373</p><p>/ 30 -</p><p>Japan Industrial Conference for Mr. Toutomu Odagiri ozone Layer Protection (JICOP) Deputy Secretary General Director, Science and Technology Hongo-Wakai Bldg. 2-40-17, Hongo, Bunkyo-Ku Tokyo 113 Tel.: 03 56897981 Telefax: 03 56897983</p><p>Methyl Bromide Assocation Mr. Tsuneo Sakurai 1-3 Toranomon I-Chome Minatoku Tokyo Japan Tel.: 03 3506 41714 Telefax: 03 5251 7179</p><p>Methyl Bromide Global Coalition Mr. William K. Hayes Product Manager 451 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA United States of America Tel.: 504 388 7667</p><p>Mr. Malcolm Stamp 20 Station Road Gerrards Cross United Kingdom Tel.: 0753 889980 Telefax: 0753 886667</p><p>Mr. Thomas Duafala P.O. Box 1327 Hollister, cal. 95024 Tel.: 408 637 0195</p><p>ORGALIME M. Pierre Lucas Charg6 de Mission 99, rue de Stassart B-1040 Brussels Belgium Tel.: 32 2 511 3484 Telefax; 32 2 512 9970 31 -</p><p>Pharmaceutical Aerosol CFC Mr. Peter H. Wyckoff Coalition (PACC) Secretary and Legal Counsel 1301 K Street N.W. Suite 900 East Tower Washington, D.C. 20005 United States of America Tel.: 202 408 7149 Telefax: 202 289 1504</p><p>Mr. Harvey Mintzer PACC Chairman Armstrong Pharmaceutical,Inc. 505 University Ave. Norwood, MA 02061 United States of America Tel.: 617 255 0008</p><p>Mr. Patrick Clark Rock Legal Counsel 1301 K Street N.W. suite 900 East Tower Washington, D.C. 20005 United States of America Tel.: 1 202 408 7136 TelefaLx: 1 202 289 1504</p><p>SRF Ltd. Mr. Rajendra M. Shende Deputy General Manager Express Building 9-10 Bahadur Sham Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002 India Tel.: 3318155 Telex: 65824 Telefax: 3324052</p><p>Technical Assessment Committee Mr. Paulo E.S. Vieira Co-Chairman Foams Committee Technical Assessment Committee 1007 Market Street B 13229 Wilmington, DE 19808 United States of America Tel.: 302 774 4470 Telex: 302 774 8416</p><p>Ulsan Chemical Company Mr. Kyung Hee Nam Executive Vice President Ulsan Chemical Company Ifo-Mae Am' Dong Namkoo Ulsan Korea Tel.: 0522 75 7014 Telefax: 0522 751745 32</p><p>UNEP ASSESSKENT PANELS Mr. Paulo Vodianitskaia Vice-Chair Refrigeration Committee R-Pe. Kolb 1000 0 102 Joinville-SC Brazil Tel: 55-474-414514 Fax: 55-474-414800</p><p>Mr. Lambert JM Kuijpers Senior Scientist Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven The Netherlands Tel.: 31 40 742860 Telex: 3SO00 phtc n1 Telefax: 31 40 744282</p><p>Mr. Jan C. van der Leun Professor of Dermatology Institute of Dermatology University Hospital Utrecht Heidelberglaan 100 NL-3584 CX Utrecht Tel.: 31 30 507386 Telefax: 3130541822, 3130518328</p><p>Mr. Robert Van Slooten bepartment of Trade and Industry 151 Buckingham Palace Road London Tel.: 071 2151829 Telefax: 671 2152909</p><p>Mr. Stephen Andersen Director, Global Change Division Technology Transfer and Industry Programs Environmental Protection Agency ANR-44S 401 M St SW Washington D.C. 20460 Tel.: 202 2609403 Telex: 892758 Telefax: 202 2606344</p><p>Mr. Daniel L. Albritton Director Aeronomy Laboratory National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 325 Broadway Boulder, Colorado United States of America Tel.: 303 497 5785 Telex: 592811 NOAAMASCBDR Telefax: 303 497 5373 UNEP ASSESSMENT PANELS (contd.) Mr. Robert T. Watson Director Process Studies Code SE NASA HQ Washington D.C. Tel.: 202 453 1681 Telex: 202 755 5032</p><p>Consultant: Mr. Anil Markandya 1 Almeida Street London Nl United Kingdom Tel.: 44 712260030 Telefax: 44 713540747</p>
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