<p> Lehi Open Debate Tournament • Friday & Saturday, December 1st and 2nd, 2006</p><p>Lehi High School 180 N. 500 E. Lehi, UT 84043</p><p>Phone: (801) 768-7000 ext. 204 • Fax: (801) 768-7007 Coach Mansfield’s Cell Phone: (801) 369-4099 • Coach Mansfield’s E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Lehi High School, LHS Debate Team and coaches are honored to host the Fourth Annual Lehi Open Debate Tournament Friday, December 1st and Saturday, December 2nd this year. The entire community of Lehi and surrounding cities have come together to prepare a unique, event-filled tournament complete with the four Fs. Fun, Food, Friends and Frolic …. OOPS, we mean Forensics. FUN, FOOD, FRIENDS and FORENSICS! Please consider joining us.</p><p>Friday Debate Events: Novice and Open Policy, Novice and Open Public Forum, Novice and Open Lincoln-Douglas, Novice and Open Congress. (LD will use the Nov./Dec. Topic/PF will use the December Topic)</p><p>Saturday Individual Entry Events: Novice and Open Impromptu, Novice and Open Mixed Impromptu, Novice and Open Declamation, Novice and Open Combined Extemp, Novice and Open DI, Novice and Open HI, Novice and Open Duo, Novice and Open Prose/Poetry, Novice and Open Spar, Novice and Open Oratory, Novice and Open Story Telling, Novice and Open Extemp-Commentary, and Open Tabloid Extemp. The tournament reserves the right to collapse divisions/events or to cancel an event if there are insufficient entries.</p><p>Double-Entry for Individual Events: Double-entry will be allowed outside of patterns. (In other words, students may choose one event from pattern A and one from pattern B.) Pattern A will include , Mixed Impromptu, Oratory, DI, HI, Prose/Poetry, and Combined Extemp. Pattern B will include Duo, Declamation, Spar, Impromptu, Story Telling, Extemp- Commentary, and Tabloid Extemp.)</p><p>Event Definitions:</p><p>1. Mixed Impromptu: 7 minutes to prepare and give an improvised speech combining two topics; topics will vary per round and may be light or heavy 2. Oratory: 7-10 minute memorized student written speech. 3. Declamation: 7-10 minute preferably memorized speech previously given by another person (ie a famous person’s speech or somebody else’s quality oratory) 4. DI: 10 minute dramatic interpretation of a published work. 5. HI: 10 minute dramatic interpretation of a published work. 6. Prose-Poetry: 10 minute reading(s); first round poetry, second round prose, third round prose or poetry choice. 7. Combined Extemp: Students will be given four topics per round (two national and two international) from which to choose one and 30 minutes preparation time to give a 7 minute speech. 8. Duo: 10 minute dramatic or humorous interpretation of a published work for two people. 9. Spar: 1 minute prep, 2 minute constructive, 3 minute clash, 1 minute rebuttal; topics will vary per round and will be light, heavy and ludicrous; flip for sides. 10. Impromptu: 7 minutes to prepare and give an improvised speech; topics will vary per round and may be light or heavy. 11. Story Telling: Up to 5 minute retold (not read, not necessarily memorized) story with the theme ‘science fiction and/or fantasy’. 12. Extemp-Commentary: Students will be given very general topics (i.e. war or the United States) and 20 minutes preparation time to give a 5 minute speech. 13. Tabloid Extemp: Students will be given tabloid topics, tabloids and 20 minutes preparation time to give a 5 minute speech.*</p><p>* Profanity, racism, sexism and all forms of rude, graphic and demeaning language will not be tolerated. Entries: Reasonable limits will be applied to all events, entries, schools and teams. We would like to accommodate as many students as our school can physically manage without distracting from the quality of the tournament so we are not setting a hard limit. Because of this, favoritism will be shown to those who register early and completely. We will not accept a list of numbers per event. Rather, we will accept individual student names for each event. Large numbers of drops the week of the tournament will result in the loss of favoritism and possibly additional spots in the tournament. Individual drops after Thursday, November 30 at 3:00 p.m may result in $25.00 fees as per Speech Arts Association rules.</p><p>Eligibility: To be a Novice, you cannot have had ANY high school speech or debate competition in a previous school year.</p><p>Judges: </p><p>Individual Events: One judge is required for every five entries or any portion thereof. Double entries count as two entries for judge commitment. Congress: One judge is required for every ten entries. Public Forum: One judge is required for every four teams. Policy: One judge is required for every two teams. LD: One judge is required for every four entries.</p><p>Failure to provide the required number of judges may result in a dropping of entries. Remember, judges are committed all day. Judges will be given coupons redeemable for dinner Friday night and lunch Saturday as well as coupons for drinks. Food will be very casual so if judges require special food or large variety, please plan accordingly.</p><p>Awards: Finalists will be determined by wins and then cumulative points for both the Debate and Individual Events. Top five will receive ribbons and trophies for both place and/or speech points. Best Chair will be given gavels in all houses of congress. Sweeps will be determined for debate, individual events and for the entire tournament based upon the numbers and places of trophies and ribbons given. A consolation trophy will be subjectively awarded to the school who had to overcome the most to attend our tournament. Finally, we may award individual sweeps trophies to individuals who have performed beyond expectations in more than one event.</p><p>Fees: $3.50 per single entry. $7.00 per team entry (policy, PF and Duo). $15.00 school fee each day ($30.00 school fee if attending both days.). Payment is expected Friday when coaches receive their packets.</p><p>Registration: Must be received by Tuesday, November 28th, 2006, at 3:00 pm. If you do not receive confirmation by 3:00 pm on Thursday, November 30th, your entry was not received and you need to follow up. Please email your registration to [email protected] or, if necessary, you may fax your registration to 801-768-7007.</p><p>Food: Concessions will be available throughout both days for students and judges will be given free coupons for concessions. Coaches will be very well fed.</p><p>General Information: Please have students come in the front door of the high school and be present in our commons area directly in from the front door at 3:00 p.m. on Friday and 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. Coaches should plan on picking up their packets by 2:45 on Friday and by 7:45 by Saturday. Tab Room will be located in an upstairs faculty room and there will be a help desk near the front door to direct students, coaches and judges.</p><p>Coaches: We run an open, informative and friendly tab room. Please try to come and learn and feel apart of the Utah Speech Arts community. Tentative Schedule:</p><p>Friday: Saturday: Registration: 2:30-3:00 Registration: 7:30-8:00 Opening Ceremony: 3:00-3:15 Opening Ceremony: 8:00-8:15 Judges Meeting: 3:00-3:15 Judges Meeting: 8:00-8:15 Debate Events: (Dinner will be served Individual Events: (Lunch will be served concession style (Please remember that concession style throughout the evening.) there will be two throughout the day.) patterns per round.) Round 1: 3:15-4:45 Round 1: 8:15-10:30 Round 2: 5:00-6:30 Round 2: 10:45-1:00 Round 3: 6:45-8:15 Round 3: 1:15-3:30 Congress: Round 1 3:15 - 5:15 Dinner Break 5:15-6:00 Round 2 6:00 - 8:00 Awards Ceremony: ASAP Awards Ceremony ASAP We will run a timely, efficient, organized tournament. Lehi High School 180 N. 500 E. Lehi Invitational Registration Form Lehi, UT 84043 Phone: (801) 768-7000 ext. 204 Fax: (801) 768-7007 Attn: Scott R. Mansfield • Coach Mansfield’s Cell Phone: (801) 369-4099 Coach Mansfield’s email: [email protected]</p><p>Indvidual Events, Saturday, December 3, 2005</p><p>Pattern A (Students should choose one event from pattern A and one from pattern B)</p><p>Pattern A will include , Mixed Impromptu, Oratory, DI, HI, Prose-Poetry, and Combined Extemp. </p><p>1. Oratory: 7-10 minute memorized student written speech. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>2. Mixed Impromptu: 7 minutes to prepare and give and improvised speech on two of three topics 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>3. DI: 10 minute dramatic interpretation of a published work. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O</p><p>4. HI: 10 minute dramatic interpretation of a published work. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O</p><p>5. Prose-Poetry: 10 minute reading(s); first round poetry, second round prose, third round prose or poetry choice. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O</p><p>6. Combined Extemp: Students will be given four topics per round (two national and two international) from which to choose one and 30 minutes preparation time to give a 7 minute speech. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O Pattern B (Students should choose one event from pattern A and one from pattern B)</p><p>Pattern B will include Duo, Declamation, Spar, Impromptu, Story Telling, Extemp-Commentary, and Tabloid Extemp.</p><p>1. Declamation: 7-10 minute prefebly memorized speech of another person. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>2. Duo: 10 minute dramatic or humorous interpretation of a published work of a scene for two people. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O</p><p>3. Spar: 1 minute prep, 2 minute constructive, 3 minute clash, 1 minute rebuttal; topics will vary per round and will be light, heavy and ludicrous; flip for sides. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>4. Impromptu: 7 minutes to prepare and give an improvised speech; topics will vary per round and may be light or heavy. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>5. Story Telling: 4 minute retold (not read, not necessarily memorized) story with the theme ‘fairy tales’. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O</p><p>6. Extemp-Commentary: Students will be given very general topics (i.e. war or the United States) and 20 minutes preparation time to give a 5 minute speech. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>7. Tabloid Extemp: Students will be given tabloid topics, tabloids and 20 minutes preparation time to give a 5 minute speech. 1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O Debate Events, Friday, December 2, 2005</p><p>1. Lincoln Douglas (LD)</p><p>1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O</p><p>2. Public Forum (PF)</p><p>1.______AND ______N/O 2.______AND ______N/O 3.______AND ______N/O 4.______AND ______N/O 5.______AND ______N/O 6.______AND ______N/O</p><p>3. Policy (CX)</p><p>1.______AND ______N/O 2.______AND ______N/O 3.______AND ______N/O 4.______AND ______N/O 5.______AND ______N/O</p><p>4. Congress</p><p>1.______N/O 2. ______N/O 3. ______N/O 4.______N/O 5. ______N/O 6. ______N/O 7..______N/O 8. ______N/O 9. ______N/O 10.______N/O 11. ______N/O 12. ______N/O</p><p>Number of Days Attending: ______x $15.00 = ______Number of Single Entries: ______x $3.50 =______Number of Team Entries: ______x $7.00 = ______Total made payable to Lehi High School: ______</p><p>Judges Requirements: </p><p>Individual Events: One judge is required for every five entries or any portion thereof. Double entries count as two for judge commitment. Congress: One judge is required for every ten entries. Policy and Public Forum: One judge is required for every two teams. LD: One judge is required for every four entries.</p><p>Number of Individual Entries rounded up by sets of five: ______/5 = ______Number of Congress Entries round up by sets of ten: ______/10 =______Number of Policy and Public Forum Teams rounded up by sets of two: ______/ 2 =______Number of LD Entries rounded up by sets of four: ______/4 =______Total Judge Commitment:______</p>
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