<p> NEWHALL PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the above Council held on Monday 27th March 2017 at Aston Chapel at 7.30 p.m.</p><p>Present: J. Batho (Chairman), J.G. Parkin (Vice Chairman), A.G. Lawrence (Clerk), Ms R. Spalding, J. Barker, Mrs J. Sweeney, and 3 members of the public.</p><p>1. Apologies: Mrs J. Fenton, E. Forshaw, R. Hibbert, Clr R. Bailey</p><p>2. Declaration of Interest – if a member is present at a meeting of the authority, and they have a disclosable pecuniary in any matter to be considered or being considered at the meeting, they cannot take part in any discussion of the matter at the meeting or vote on it. They should disclose the interest to the meeting and follow the Council’s Code of Conduct.</p><p>3. Minutes of Parish Council held 30th January 2017 were confirmed as a true and correct record on the prop., Ms R. Spalding, sec., J. Barker</p><p>4. Matters arising from last minutes:- a. Flooding – centre of Village – reported that further to the last meeting the Chairman has been on a site meeting with Paul Reeves, Flood Risk Manager – Cheshire East, and landowners. They are now making arrangements to ascertain the cause of the problem and to advise on possible solutions.</p><p> b. Vacancy: The Clerk advised that C. Lloyd has tendered his resignation in writing (Local Govt Act 1972, Section 94) to the Parish Council, due to commitments which mean he is struggling to attend meetings. He was thanked for his contributions during his time as a Councillor. The meeting was advised that this vacancy will now be advertised on the Notice Boards and Website for a 14 day period. This gives the opportunity for 10 electors to claim a poll within this period of time. If no poll is called the Parish Council can co-opt to fill this vacancy.</p><p> c. Telephone Kiosk – Wrenbury Road: Clerk reported that R. Hibbert has advised the de-commissioning of this box. BT have said they will arrange for a 90 day consultation to be carried out with Cheshire East Council for the removal of the telephone equipment form the kiosk opp The Bhurtpore Arms, Wrenbury Rd Aston CW5 8DQ. Provided there are no objections from Cheshire East Council to the removal of telephon from the kiosk we can then arrange for the kiosk to adopted by Newhall PC at a cost of £1. The Parish Council will obviously have to consider what, if any use, they can make of this, consider maintenance and insurance, and the fact that’s it’s a listed building. Await further details.</p><p> d. Waste Bin: Ms R. Spalding reported that the Dog Waste Bin by Sheppenhall Grove is not big enough and consequently overflowing most weeks. The Clerk was asked to try and make representation that is be replaced with a bin similar to the one in Wrenbury Road.</p><p>5. Highway matters: a. Clerk reported that he has received a copy email to the parishioner, from Mrs H M Sweeney, Senior Compliance & Customer Relations Officer, Cheshire East, re the problems regarding the A530, Newhall re various Highway issues, as per previous Minutes. </p><p>“I acknowledge receipt of your emails as attached to this correspondence. As I explained in my email of Wednesday afternoon, I understand that the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) is currently investigating your complaint. Therefore, Cheshire East Council will not respond to you further until the LGO has issued the Final Decision. We will then act according to any recommendations made by the LGO”.</p><p>Further the Clerk reported that the conclusion to the Local Government Ombudsman investigation is:- “I will not investigate Mr C’s complaint because Mr C may take the Council to court and it’s reasonable for him to do so”. b. Speed Limits; Correspondence from Tina Jones, Community Resilience Manager, Partnerships & Communities People Directorate, Cheshire East Council – Highways</p><p>In the past, many highway Authorities have set speed limits unrealistically low, creating a culture where many speed limits are often ignored. Speed limits that are too low for the road conditions create enforcement problems for the police, and have little or no effect on average vehicle speeds.</p><p>As a consequence of this, the Department for Transport (DfT) issued the document Setting Local Speed Limits to provide guidance to Highway Authorities on the process for setting a speed limit, and to ensure consistency throughout the country. </p><p>Cheshire East Highways now follows the assessment process in Setting Local Speed Limits, and the Cheshire East Council Speed Management Strategy, a copy of which is attached for your information.</p><p>Any requests for a reduction in an existing speed limit is based not because there is a “perceived” problem, anecdotal reports of “near misses” or a belief that the location is “an accident waiting to happen”, but based on valid data, such as the injury collision history and existing average speeds.</p><p> c. J. Barker raised the issue of tractor drivers being on their phones whilst driving. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter again at the next Police Cluster Meeting. d. Gulley: reported that the gulley by The Beeches on A530 is blocked with debris. Clerk to report.</p><p>6. Correspondence a. Cheshire East: 1. Cheshire Homechoice Newsletter and Information leaflet 2. Traffic Management Area Highway Group Report 3. Location of Documents for Inspection - Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy – Proposed Changes (March 2016 Version):</p><p> b. Councillors: none</p><p> c. Parishioners: none</p><p> d. Other: i. Clerks and Councils Direct ii. Cheshire Rural Touring Arts</p><p>7. Accounts I. Income received since last Meeting: 1. VAT refund 2016 £30.03</p><p>II. Accounts paid since last meeting: None</p><p>II. Accounts to pay at meeting: 1. Chq No 000429 A.G. Lawrence – Clerk Salary – Jan - March 2017 £371.87</p><p>2. Chq No 000430 HMRC – Jan - March 2017 £93.00</p><p>3. Chq No 000431 A.G. Lawrence – Clerk Expenses – Jan - March 2017 £135.49</p><p>The above account(s) were unanimously approved for payment on the prop., Ms R. Spalding, sec., Mrs J. Sweeney IV. Other: 1. Internal Audit: Clerk reported that the Parish Council have received notification from JDH Business Services re this, and once the accounts have been approved at the next meeting these will be sent for this to be completed. 2. Website: the Clerk reported that Nantwich Web Design who designed and look after this for us have found the work to be increasing larger than expected. As such they will continue with all arrangements but will need an annual fee of £240 to undertake this. On the prop., Ms R. Spalding, sec., J.G. Parkin it was agreed that this arrangement should be put in place for 1st April 2017</p><p>8. Planning Applications: I. Applications received since last meeting: a. Application No: 17/0459N Proposal: Re-submission of application No 16/5724N Location: 15, SHEPPENHALL GROVE, ASTON, CHESHIRE, CW5 8DF National Grid Ref: 361419 346437</p><p>No representation b. Application No: 17/0684N Proposal: Two and single storey extensions to side of existing dwelling including alterations to existing garage roof Location: EAGLE HALL COTTAGE, PINSLEY GREEN ROAD, WRENBURY, CW5 8HD National Grid Ref: 360129 346453</p><p>No representation c. Application No: 17/0811N Proposal: Listed building consent to form minor alterations and demolish two non-original extensions Location: HOLLIN GREEN FARM, HOLLIN GREEN LANE, NEWHALL, NANTWICH, CHESHIRE, CW5 8AZ National Grid Ref: 363762 345264</p><p>No representation d. APPEAL Application No: 16/3974N Proposal: Outline application for the development of up to 24 dwellings with all matters reserved except access Location: Land East of WHITCHURCH ROAD, ASTON</p><p>+ those to be considered under item 8/III as below.</p><p>II Results of previous applications: a. 16/5724N approved with conditions 23-Jan-2017 Audlem (2011)</p><p>Applicant Webster 15, Sheppenhall Grove, ASTON, CW5 8DF</p><p>Agent Wayne Johnson, DSJ Private Clients DSJ Private Clients, 56, Mottarm Drive, Stapeley, Nantwich, CW5 7NW</p><p>Location 15, Sheppenhall Grove, Aston, Cheshire, CW5 8DF</p><p>Proposal Single storey extension to rear of dwelling b. 17/0459N approved with conditions 02-Mar-2017 Audlem (2011)</p><p>Applicant Webster 15, Sheppenhall Grove, ASTON, CW5 8DF</p><p>Agent Wayne Johnson, DSJ Private Clients DSJ Private Clients, 56, Mottarm Drive, Stapeley, Nantwich, CW5 7NW</p><p>Location 15, SHEPPENHALL GROVE, ASTON, CHESHIRE, CW5 8DF</p><p>Proposal Re-submission of application No 16/5724N c. 17/0291N approved with conditions 08-Mar-2017 Audlem (2011)</p><p>Applicant G Billington Hall O Coole Grange,, Hollin Green Lane, NEWHALL, CW5 8AZ</p><p>Agent Colin Bowen, Bower Edleston Architects Ltd Bower Edleston Architects Ltd, Sweetbriar Hall, 65 Hospital Street, Nantwich, CW5 5RW</p><p>Location Hall O Coole Grange, Hollin Green Lane, Newhall, Cheshire, CW5 8AZ</p><p>Proposal Stable block d. 17/0356N Determination - apprvl with 09-Mar-2017 Audlem (2011) conds stg2</p><p>Applicant Mr & Mrs Geoff Billington HALL O COOLE GRANGE, HOLLIN GREEN LANE, NEWHALL, CHESHIRE, CW5 8AZ</p><p>Agent Mr Colin Bowen, Bower Edleston Architects SWEETBRIAR HALL, HOSPITAL STREET, NANTWICH, CHESHIRE, CW5 5RW</p><p>Location HALL O COOLE GRANGE, HOLLIN GREEN LANE, NEWHALL, CHESHIRE, CW5 8AZ</p><p>Proposal Prior Approval Change of use of existing former agricultural barns to single residential dwelling with separate office.</p><p>III Applications/Planning matters before this meeting: a. Application No: 17/0896N Proposal: The construction of 5 new houses and the conversion of 2 barns to residential use with associated access drive and parking Location: Aston House Farm, WRENBURY ROAD, ASTON, CW5 8DQ National Grid Ref: 361024 347059</p><p>The Chairman read a letter from Mrs J. Fenton objecting to the application and this was noted.</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Barker, sec., Mrs J. Sweeney unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application, but asked that a Section 106 agreement should be included to address the following two problems in the vicinity of the application;- 1. The development is adjacent to a very narrow road on a terrible bend, which is dangerous for all road users and pedestrians, and funding should be made available to install vehicle approaching warning signs. 2. The development is adjacent to a section of the village which suffers terrible flooding whenever it rains, with properties being flooded on 14th June 2016. The issue is one concerning the drains form the gullies, and funding should be made available to rectify this issue. b. Application No: 17/0897N Proposal: The construction of 5 new houses and the conversion of 2 barns to residential use with associated access drive and parking Location: Aston House Farm, WRENBURY ROAD, ASTON, CW5 8DQ National Grid Ref: 361024 347059</p><p>The Chairman read a letter from Mrs J. Fenton objecting to the application and this was noted.</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Barker, sec., Mrs J. Sweeney unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application, but asked that a Section 106 agreement should be included to address the following two problems in the vicinity of the application;- 1. The development is adjacent to a very narrow road on a terrible bend, which is dangerous for all road users and pedestrians, and funding should be made available to install vehicle approaching warning signs. 2. The development is adjacent to a section of the village which suffers terrible flooding whenever it rains, with properties being flooded on 14th June 2016. The issue is one concerning the drains form the gullies, and funding should be made available to rectify this issue. c. Application No: 17/1109N Proposal: Repair of timber framed gable wall and associated works. Location: Hollin Green Farm, Hollin Green Lane, Newhall, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AZ National Grid Ref: 363775 345259</p><p>Ms. R. Spalding declared an interest in this application and took no part in this item of business.</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Barker, sec., J.G. Parkin unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application. d. Application No: 17/1110N Proposal: Listed Building Consent for repair of timber framed gable wall and associated works. Location: Hollin Green Farm, Hollin Green Lane, Newhall, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AZ National Grid Ref: 363775 345259</p><p>Ms. R. Spalding declared an interest in this application and took no part in this item of business.</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Barker, sec., J.G. Parkin unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application. e. Application No: 17/1248N Proposal: Removal of existing conservatory and replace with single storey extension to rear Location: 26, SHEPPENHALL GROVE, ASTON, CHESHIRE, CW5 8DF National Grid Ref: 361479 346368</p><p>J. Barker declared an interest in this application and took no part in this item of business.</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Batho, sec., Mrs J. Sweeney unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application f. Application No: 17/1355N Proposal: Demolition of existing extension, replacing with new two storey extension Location: Sandford Cottage, WHITCHURCH ROAD, ASTON, CW5 8DB National Grid Ref: 361734 346901</p><p>The meeting on the prop., J. Barker, sec., Ms R. Spalding unanimously agreed to offer No Objection to the application g. 17/0066N – Outline planning application for residential development and associated infrastructure – land off Wrenbury Road, Aston. Further to last meeting the application is due before the Southern Planning Committee on 29th March and R. Hibbert has made arrangements to express the Parish Councils comments, as per last Minutes. Further the Clerk reported that he has received from the agent in relation to this application, a request to speak to the Parish Council to outline the application and what they could offer to the Village if the application was successful. The meeting agreed to await the outcome of the planning decision and then would consider if appropriate.</p><p>IV. Neighbourhood Plan: R. Hibbert reported “This is now adopted, sponsored by Newhall Parish. Committee is preparing the main survey which is the primary task before rolling out the development of the actual plan. Current intent is to have the plan ready for review by October then referendum over winter.</p><p>We can acquire a budget up to £9000 - this will be applied for and banked via the Parish.</p><p>In summary all is going well”. </p><p>The Chairman reported that the 1st Stage of the Cheshire East Local Plan should be implemented by July which shows a requirement of a further 1,250 new houses throughout Cheshire East. The Meeting also felt that the rural area should have the facility to create new opportunities for local business, even if just for 1 or 2 people.</p><p>9. Police Matters – the Chairman reported that the next meeting of the cluster group will be on 27th April.</p><p>10. Next scheduled meeting of the Parish Council – Wednesday 19th April</p><p>Meeting Closed</p>
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