<p> AUCTION LIST NO.: C-9/ 20 10</p><p>Date of Auction : 13.05.2010</p><p>Time : 10:30 a.m.</p><p>Date of Collection : By not later than 4:00 p.m. on 24.05.2010 by successful bidder or otherwise specified.</p><p>Remark : In case a black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is still valid between 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., the Auction will be deferred to 10:30 a.m. on the following working day.</p><p>Notes for Bidders :</p><p>Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale : Bidders should comply with the Terms & Conditions of the Auction Sale as stipulated in the Notice of Auction.</p><p>Inspection & Viewing of Goods : Interested bidders are requested to approach the departments concerned for inspection arrangements in the first place. The names of contacting officers and/or the telephone numbers are provided against the lot numbers. </p><p>Collection & Removal of Goods : The successful bidders should at their sole cost, provide transportation, labour and necessary equipment required for the collection and removal of the goods (including vehicles, vessels and sampans, etc) from the specified locations against individual lots at the status as they were when the bidders carried out the inspection of goods.</p><p>For Purchase of Electrical Products : The electrical products are sold as is for scrap purposes only and without any warranties as to their fitness for purpose. Successful bidders are reminded that they are required to comply with the terms of the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulations if they attempt to recondition, re-use and/or sell any of these goods in the local market in Hong Kong.</p><p>Enquiry : In case of further enquiry, the bidders may contact Government Logistics Department on telephone no. 2896 9878 , by fax (no. 2515 9447) or e-mail ([email protected]). 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 2 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 480 /20 1 0) Department : Lands Department / DLO, Tuen Mun (Your ref.: (32) in DLOTM/EC/G 016/28 V) Location : Government Land Site at Nerine Cove near Tuen Mun Swimming Pool Light Stop Contact Person : Mr. M.C. LAW at 2451 3221 or Mr. K.M. FUNG at 2451 3119 or Mr. S.L. LAU at 2451 3120</p><p>部門 :地政總署 / 屯門地政處 地點 : 屯門地政處貯物埸 – 南浪海灣鄰近屯門游泳池 聯絡人 :羅先生 / 電話: 2451 3221 / 馮先生 / 2451 3119 / 劉先生 2451 3120</p><p>May not function properly ( 功能或許有損 ) C-201 1. Used Bicycles 舊單車 343 No. (部)</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 506 /20 1 0) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (314) in NTN TP (P) 199/2/1 II) Location : Tai Po Police Station (Stored at Marine North Division, Ma Lui Shui Marine Police Base) Contact Person : Mr. LAW at 3660 8585 / 3660 8518 or Miss LEUNG at 3661 3633</p><p>部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 大埔警署 (貨物存放在馬料水水警基地水警北分區) 聯絡人 : 羅先生或 電話:3660 8585 / 3660 8518 或 梁小姐 3661 3633 </p><p>May not function properly ( 功能或許有損 ) Ref. No. TP RN 09027546 & GF83 B 794941 C-202 1. Used Canoe 舊獨木舟 1 No. (隻)</p><p>Special Conditions: The bidders are advised to make a prior registration with Mr. LAW at telephone number 3660 8585 or 3660 8518 to arrange for inspecting the goods at Marine North Division, Ma Lui Shui Marine Police Base.</p><p>特別條款 : 奉勸所有競投人仕,如欲前往馬料水水警基地水警北分區查看拍賣物品,請先 致電3660 8585 或 3660 8518與羅先生預約登記。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 3 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/535/2010) Department : HAD (Ref. : LM in ST19/34) Location : Sha Tin District Office, G/F, Hin Keng Neighbourhood Community Centre, Hin Keng Estate, Sha Tin Contact Person : Miss Jamie CHAU at 2158 5372 / Miss Joanne CHAN at 2158 5358</p><p>部門 :民政事務總署 地點 :沙田顯徑邨顯徑社區中心地下 沙田民政事務處 聯絡人 :周女士 / 電話: 2158 5372 / 陳家煒女士 2158 5358</p><p>Unserviceable ( 不可使用 ) C-203 1. Photocopying Machine 影印機 1 No. (件) (Canon L10531E, S/N KLF01591) 2. Monitor 電腦顯示屏 3 No. (件) (2 nos of Gateway, Model No. EV500A, S/N 15017E099605 & 15017E0098191; 1 no of IBM, Model No. 0180-5N, S/N 23-B1395) 3. Computer desktop 電腦 13 No. (件) (11 with CPUs (data erased) and 2 without) (all are Compaq, Model No. CPQ EP, S/N: 7906CCJ70222, 7910CCJ70218, 7906CCJ70143, 7848CCJ70268, 7906CCJ70212, 7904CCJ71581, 7904CCJ71619, 7904CCJ71769, 7851CCJ71534, 7848CCJ70170, 7848CCJ70147, 7904CCJ71828, 7906CCJ70178) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 4 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/547/2010) Department : AFCD (Ref. : (2) in AFCD/DDC/010/10) Location : Tai Lung Experimental Station, Fan Kam Road, Lin Tong Mei, Sheung Shui, N.T. Contact Person : Ms. POON or Mr. HO at 2150 7027</p><p>部門 : 漁農自然護理署 地點 : 新界上水粉錦公路蓮塘尾大龍實驗農場 聯絡人 : 潘小姐 / 何先生 電話: 2150 7027</p><p>Unserviceable ( 不可使用 ) C-204 1. Public Health Insecticide 公共衛生殺蟲劑 687 Bot. (支) (Active ingredient: lambda-Cyhalothrin (有效成分:高效氯氟氰 2.5% w/v; Suspension Concentrate) 菊酯2.5% w/v; 懸浮劑 ) (For PCO Use only) (只供專業滅蟲操作員使用)</p><p>Special Conditions : 1. The goods are pesticides which are subject to control under the Pesticides Ordinance (Cap. 133), the Pesticides Regulations (Cap. 133A) and the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60) and its regulations. Bidder should have obtained the required Pesticides Licence from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department. For enquiries, please contact the Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division 2150 7027. 2. All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgment as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 5 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>C-204 3. The label on the goods is improper. The successful buyer should prepare a proper (Cont’d) label in accordance with Regulation 12 of the Pesticides Regulations, Cap.133A and have the label verified by the AFCD prior to supplying/selling the goods to other parties. 4. The successful buyer is requested to contact Ms. Poon of Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division of AFCD at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Tel: 2150 7027, Fax: 2736 9904). 特別條款: 1. 此貨品為除害劑,受香港法例第133章《除害劑條例》、第133A章《除害 劑規例》、第60章《進出口條例》及其規例管制。競投人須已取得漁農自 然護理署所需的除害劑牌照。如有查詢,可致電植物及除害劑監理科 (電話:2150 7027)。 2. 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用 途。在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品 作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人 均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨 品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述, 負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任 何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何 陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨 品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 3. 此貨品附有的標籤不符合法例要求。投得貨品的人士須為此貨品準備 一個符合香港法例第133A章《除害劑規例》第12條所規定的標籤,此 標籤並須經漁農自然護理署審核,方可供應/售賣給其他人士。 4. 投得貨品的人士須於領取貨品最少 24小時前通知漁農自然護理署植物 及 除 害 劑 監 理 科 潘 小 姐 安 排 取 貨 ( 電 話 : 2150 7027 , 傳 真 : 2736 9904)。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 6 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref.: GR/4/ 539 /20 1 0) Department : OFTA (Ref.: (79) in IP/ADMIN/1) Location : 26/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Please contact Mr. SO at 2961 6384 for pre-sale inspection. Inspection can be made between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday of the week of public auction. For security reasons, potential bidders are requested to register at the reception counter at 26/Floor of Wu Chung House.</p><p>部門 :電訊管理局 地點 :香港灣仔皇后大道中213號胡忠大廈26樓 聯絡人 :蘇先生 電話:2961 6384 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期三,下午二時至下午四時到該地點查看物 品。(請聯絡馮先生預約看貨) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前 必須於胡忠大廈26樓接待處登記。)</p><p>Important Notice to Successful Bidder : (a) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (b) Accessories such as battery, battery charger and antenna may not be included. (c) If the telecommunications apparatus is not for export business purpose, no licence from the Telecommunications Authority is required in accordance with Section 5(1) (a)(iv) of the Telecommunications (Telecommunications Apparatus) (Exemption from Licensing) Order 2003. (d) Before any quantity of the purchased cellular mobile telephones are exported from Hong Kong for business purpose, the person/company concerned must (i) undertake to apply for an export permit under section 9 of the Telecommunications Ordinance, Chapter 106 (“the Ordinance”), or (ii) hold a valid Radio Dealers Licence (Unrestricted) issued by the OFTA. Otherwise, it will be an offence under the Ordinance, offender shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for 12 months. 給承購人的重要通知 : (a) 所有出售的貨品或許不能使用/無法正常操作。 (b) 可能不包括電池、充電器及天線等配件。 (c) 如有關電訊器具並非作商業出口用途,無需根據«2003年電訊(電訊器具)(豁免 領牌)令»第5(1)(a)(iv)條向電訊管理局局長領牌。 (d) 在本港出口任何數量的已購蜂窩式流動電話作商業出口用途前,有關人士/公 司必須(i)根據«電訊條例»(第106章)(「該條例」)第9條申請出口許可證,或(ii)持 有電訊局發出的有效無線電商牌照(放寬限制)。否則,根據該條例即屬違法,違 例者一經循簡易程序定罪,可處罰款$20,000及監禁12個月。</p><p>May not function properly ( 功能或許有損 ) Ref.: IP/ POL/573 , GF83 No.: B 700610 C-205 1. Cellular Mobile Phone without brand/mode 手提電話 62 No. (部) Ref.: IP/ POL/574 , GF83 No.: B 700611 2. Cellular Mobile Phone without brand/mode 手提電話 62 Nos. (部) Ref.: IP/ CE/257 , GF83 No.: B 771786 3. Cellular Mobile Phone without brand/mode 手提電話 10 Nos. (部) Ref.: IP/CE/ 265 , GF83 No.: B 805103 4. Cellular Mobile Phone without brand/mode 手提電話 123 Nos. (部) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 7 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : DISP/CG/32) Department : GLD ( Ref. : CG/1/2010) Location : Disposal Store, GLD., 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. Leung / Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9892 or Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9878 (Inspection can only be made from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of public auction) 部門 :政府物流服務署 地點 :柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10字樓充公倉 聯絡人 :梁先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2896 9892 或 或 陳先生 2896 9878 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期二及星期三, 上午9時至中午12時或下午2時至4時看貨。)</p><p>C-206 1 Bicycle, M/N 'BlackHorse 舊單車 1 NO. (輛) ' S/No. 0M02052059 (Used) 2 Bicycle, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊單車 5 NO. (輛) 3 GPS device, M/N model S/No. unknown 舊定位儀 1 NO. (個) (Used) 4 Compass, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊指南針 2 NO. (個) 5 Generator, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊發電機 2 NO. (個) 6 Pump, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊泵(電動機) 1 NO. (個) 7 Pump, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊泵 2 NO. (個) 8 GPS plotter, M/N 'ONWA' model KP-626 舊導航機 1 NO. (個) S/No. 6261151 (Used)</p><p>NB: The above items may not function properly. 註:以上貨物之功能或許有損,構成未能正常運作。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 8 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : DISP/CG/101) Department : GLD ( Ref. : CG/2/2010) Location : Disposal Store, GLD., 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. Leung / Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9892 or Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9878 (Inspection can only be made from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of public auction) 部門 :政府物流服務署 地點 :柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10字樓充公倉 聯絡人 :梁先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2896 9892 或 或 陳先生 2896 9878 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期二及星期三, 上午9時至中午12時或下午2時至4時看貨。)</p><p>C-207 1 Calculator, M/N 'Citizen' model S/No. 舊計數機 1 NO. (部) unknown (Used) 2 CCTV, M/N 'Panasonic' model S/No. unknown 舊閉路電視顯示器 1 NO. (部) (Used) 3 CCTV camera lens, M/N model S/No. 舊閉路電視鏡頭 4 NO. (個) unknown (Used) 4 Used CPU computer, M/N model S/No. 舊電腦主機 4 NO. (部) unknown (The hard-disk had been formatted) (硬碟已清洗) 5 Used CPU computer, M/N 'GTR' model S/No. 舊電腦主機 1 NO. (部) unknown (The hard-disk had been formatted) (硬碟已清洗) 6 Used CPU computer, M/N model S/No. 舊電腦主機 (損毀) 1 NO. (部) unknown (Broken) (硬碟已清洗) (The hard-disk had been formatted) 7 Computer monitor, M/N 'Topcon' 舊電腦顯示器 1 NO. (部) model S/No. unknown (Used) 8 Computer monitor, M/N 'Polyview' 舊電腦顯示器 1 NO. (部) model S/No. unknown (Used) 9 CD player, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊手提 CD 機 4 NO. (部) 10 Grinder, M/N 'Bosch' S/No. 0601375060 舊打磨器 1 NO. (部) model unknown (Used) 11 Grinder, M/N 'Makita' S/No. 0019737 舊打磨器 1 NO. (部) model unknown (Used) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 9 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>C-207 12 DVD player, M/N 'Teledevice' model S/No. 舊 DVD 機 1 NO. (部) (Cont’d) unknown (Used) 13 Drill, M/N 'Makita' S/No. 04014 model 舊鑽 1 NO. (部) unknown with pin (Used) 14 Electronic scale, M/N '友声' model XK3100 舊電子磅 1 NO. (部) (Used) 15 Fax machine, M/N 'HP' model officejet5510 all 舊傳真機 1 NO. (部) in one S/No. unknown with cable & transformer (Used) 16 Chinese writing pen, M/N 'GoGoPen' model 舊手寫板 1 NO. (個) S/No. unknown (Used) 17 Router, M/N 'Planex' model S/No. unknown 舊路遊器 1 NO. (個) (Used) 18 Digital diary, M/N 'Casio' model SF9350 S/No. 舊電子記事簿 1 NO. (個) unknown (Used/Broken) (損毀) 19 Keyboard, M/N 'Polar' model S/No. unknown 舊鍵盤 1 NO. (個) (Used) 20 Keyboard, M/N 'Filand' model S/No. unknown 舊鍵盤 1 NO. (個) (Used) 21 Mouse, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊滑鼠 2 NO. (個) 22 Modem, M/N 'NEC' model S/No. unknown 舊訊息處理器 2 NO. (部) (Used) 23 Printer, M/N 'Brother' model S/No. unknown 舊打印機 1 NO. (部) (Used) 24 Telephone, M/N model S/No. unknown (Used) 舊電話 1 NO. (部) 25 Television, M/N 'Olevia' model S/No. unknown 舊電視機 1 NO. (部) (Used) 26 Digital video recorder, M/N 'K&S' model S/No. 舊錄影機 1 NO. (部) unknown (Used) 27 Video cassette recorder, M/N 'Toshiba' model 舊錄影機 1 NO. (部) S/No. unknown (Used) 28 Wire/cable (Used) 舊電線 8 NO. (條) 29 Wire/cable with power supply adaptor (Used) 舊電線連變壓器 1 NO. (條) 30 Speaker, M/N 'OKAY.II' model S/No. 舊喇叭 1 NO. (個) unknown (Used) 31 Speaker, M/N model S/No. unknown with 舊喇叭連電線 1 NO. (個) green cable (Used)</p><p>NB: The above items may not function properly. 註:以上貨物之功能或許有損,構成未能正常運作。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 10 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Special Conditions (For Lot No. C-206 to C-207) : All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. </p><p>特別條款 ( 批號 C-206 至 C-207) : 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺點、 瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。在拍 賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出的任何 陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依靠自己 的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的錯誤、貨 品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述,負上責任。政府或拍賣 行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無 任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何陳述或保證,以及有關該等 貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨品對其用途的適用性的任何隱 含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 11 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 568 /20 1 0) Department : C&ED (Ref. : (71) in L/M (11) in SO/S/10/03) Location : Kwai Chung Seized Goods Store, 5/F., Kwai Chung Customhouse, 63, Container Port Road South, Kwai Chung, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. S.K. LUK at 3152 0267 for inspection. 部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭南路63號 葵涌海關大樓五樓海關葵涌檢獲物品倉 聯絡人 : 陸先生 電話: 3152 0267 Notice to potential bidders : (1) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (2) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (3) In case a rainstorm black warning signal or typhoon signal NO.8 or above is still hoisted between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (4) Inspection can only be made at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday of the week of public auction. (5) For security reason, please register at the office on 5/F, Kwai Chung Custom House before inspection. (6) The successful bidder is required to produce a valid proof of identity such as Hong Kong identity card, passport or Business Registration Certification (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (7) A formal authorization letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (8) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a company chop is required for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents.</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 : (1) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (2) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (3) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (4) 各競投人士可於拍賣週之星期一,上午九時三十分至上午十一時三十分到該 地點查看物品。 (5) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前必須於葵涌海關大樓 5字樓寫字樓 登記。 (6) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的身份證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊證 件或商業登記證(只適用於以公司名義承購的人士)以備查核。 (7) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由購者所簽發的正式授權書以作 記錄之用。 (8) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 12 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>For item 1 - GF83 No. B862927 and Case No. CPM/5/56/09 (05/A/003/P) C-208 1. Used outboard engine ‘Suzuki 40’ - 40HP 舊外舷機 1 No. (部) 40匹馬力</p><p>Special Condition : (1) All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded.</p><p>(2) The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Please contact Mr. S.K. LUK at tel. no. 3152 0267 for arrangement).</p><p>特別條款 : (1) 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品,該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用 途。在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品 作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人 均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨 品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述, 負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任 何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何 陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨 品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。</p><p>(2) 投得貨品人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知。(請致 3152 0267 與陸先生安排有關事宜。) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 13 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 569 /20 1 0) Department : C&ED (Ref. : (72) in L/M (11) in SO/S/10/03) Location : Kwai Chung Seized Goods Store, 5/F., Kwai Chung Customhouse, 63, Container Port Road South, Kwai Chung, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. S.K. LUK at 3152 0267 for inspection. 部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭南路63號 葵涌海關大樓五樓海關葵涌檢獲物品倉 聯絡人 : 陸先生 電話: 3152 0267 Notice to potential bidders : (1) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (2) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (3) In case a rainstorm black warning signal or typhoon signal NO.8 or above is still hoisted between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (4) Inspection can only be made at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday of the week of public auction. (5) For security reason, please register at the office on 5/F, Kwai Chung Custom House before inspection. (6) The successful bidder is required to produce a valid proof of identity such as Hong Kong identity card, passport or Business Registration Certification (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (7) A formal authorization letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (8) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a company chop is required for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents.</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 : (1) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (2) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (3) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (4) 各競投人士可於拍賣週之星期一,上午九時三十分至上午十一時三十分到該 地點查看物品。 (5) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前必須於葵涌海關大樓 5字樓寫字樓 登記。 (6) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的身份證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊證 件或商業登記證(只適用於以公司名義承購的人士)以備查核。 (7) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由購者所簽發的正式授權書以作 記錄之用。 (8) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 14 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>For item 1 - GF83 No. B781693 and Case No. CRG/1/33/07 (07/C/001/P) C-209 1. Wooden chair (without assembly) 木椅子 (未安裝) 130 Ctns. (箱)</p><p>Special Condition : (1) All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded.</p><p>(2) The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Please contact Mr. S.K. LUK at tel. no. 3152 0267 for arrangement).</p><p>特別條款 : (1) 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品,該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用 途。在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品 作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人 均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨 品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述, 負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任 何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何 陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨 品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。</p><p>(2) 投得貨品人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知。(請致 3152 0267 與陸先生安排有關事宜。) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 15 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 580/ 20 1 0) Department : C&ED (Ref. : (73) in L/M (11) in SO/S/10/03) Location : Logistics Centre Seized Goods Store 8/F, Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mrs. Ada YAU / Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9889 / 2896 9874 for inspection.</p><p>部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 香港柴灣創富道11號政府物流中心8字樓 聯絡人 : 邱太 / 陳小姐 電話: 2896 9889 / 2896 9874</p><p>Notice to potential bidders : (1) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (2) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (3) In case a black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal NO.8 or above is still valid between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (4) Inspection can only be made at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday of the week of public auction. (5) For security reason, please register at the reception counter at G/F and 8/F of Government Logistics Center before inspection. (6) The successful bidder is required to produce a valid proof of identity such as Hong Kong identity card, passport or Business Registration Certificate (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (7) A formal authorization letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (8) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a company chop is required for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents.</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 : (1) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (2) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (3) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (4) 各競投人士只可於拍賣週之星期二,上午九時三十分至十一時三十分到該地 點查看物品。 (5) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前必須於政府物料營運中心地下及八 樓接待處登記。 (6) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的身份證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊 證件、或商業登記證 (只適用於以公司名義承購的人士) 以備查核。 (7) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由承購者所簽發的正式授權書以 作記錄之用。 (8) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 16 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>For item s 1-7 : –G.F. 83 No. B862909 & Case No. C LB/3/743/09 C-210 1. Vehicle Lamp 汽車零件 21 Nos. (件) 2. Vehicle Bumper 汽車零件 5 Nos. (件) 3. Vehicle Spare Parts 汽車零件 16 Nos. (件) 4. Vehicle Floor Mat 汽車地墊 14 Nos. (件) 5. Vehicle Floor Mat Accessories 汽車地墊配件 3 Nos. (件) 6. Blue Nylon Bag 藍色尼龍袋 265 Nos. (個) 7. Carton Box 紙箱 32 Nos. (個)</p><p>Special Condition : (a) All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. (b) The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Please contact Mrs. YAU at 2896 9889 or Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9874 to arrange collection).</p><p>特別條款 : (a) 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用 途。在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品 作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人 均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨 品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述, 負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任 何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何 陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨 品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 (b) 投得貨品人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知。(請致 電2896 9889 / 2896 9874 與邱太/陳小姐安排取貨。)t 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 17 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : DISP/CG/1A) Department : GLD ( Ref. : CG/122/2009) Location : Disposal Store, GLD., 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. Leung / Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9892 or Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9878 (Inspection can only be made from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of public auction)</p><p>部門 :政府物流服務署 地點 :柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10字樓充公倉 聯絡人 :梁先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2896 9892 或 或 陳先生 2896 9878 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期二及星期三, 上午9時至中午12時或下午2時至4時看貨。)</p><p>C-211 1 Used Wallet, marked 'LV', 舊錢包 (損毀) 1 NO. (個) brown in colour (Damaged) 2 Handbag, marked 'LV' (Used) 舊手袋 1 NO. (個)</p><p>NB: The above items may not function properly. 註:以上貨物之功能或許有損,構成未能正常運作。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 18 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Special Conditions : All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. </p><p>特別條款: 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺點、 瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。在拍 賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出的任何 陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依靠自己 的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的錯誤、貨 品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述,負上責任。政府或拍賣 行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無 任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何陳述或保證,以及有關該等 貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨品對其用途的適用性的任何隱 含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 19 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/474/2010 ) Department : C&E (Ref.: (57) in L/M (11) to SO/S/10/03) Location : Sha Tin Vehicle Detention Centre, 39 Hang Tai Road, Tai Shui Hang, Shatin, N.T. Contact Person : Mr. LAI / Mr POON at 2647 1895 for pre-sale inspection. 部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 新界沙田大水坑恆泰路39號-沙田車輛扣留中心 聯絡人 : 黎先生 / 潘先生 電話﹕ 2647 1895 Notice to potential bidders (For Lot Nos. C-212 to C-231) : (a) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (b) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (c) In case a black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal No.8 or above is still valid between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (d) Inspection can only be made at the above location between 1430 hours and 1600 hours on Wednesday of the week of public auction. (e) For security reasons, potential bidders are requested to register at the reception counter located at the gate of the centre and follow the instructions of the officer-in- charge on site for the arrangement of inspection. No wanderings within the centre is allowed. (f) The successful bidder is required to produce proof of identity such as Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or Business Registration Certificate (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (g) A formal Authorization Letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (h) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a Company Chop should be accompanied for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 ( 批號 C-212 至 C-231) : (a) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (b) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (c) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (d) 各競投人只可於拍賣週之星期三下午二時三十分至四時到上述地點查看貨品。 (e) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看貨品前必須於閘口登記及在車場管理人員 的指引下到各車輛位置看貨,不可隨處走動。 (f) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊證件、 或啇業登記證 (只適用於以公司名義承購的人士) 以備查核。 (g) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由承購者所簽發的正式授權書以 作記錄之用。 (h) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 20 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/1059/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B738560 (PB01(B)) C-212 1. Used Private Car “HONDA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: JU 116 Chassis No.: JHMCD56500C102200 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/1098/05 & -G.F.83 No.: B808748 (PB04) C-213 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “NISSAN” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: FV 8151 Chassis No.: VUC22-850398 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/1037/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B739793 (PB05) C-214 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “MAZDA” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: JK 5175 Chassis No.: JM6-SKY0E1-00101623 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/1166/05 & -G.F.83 No.: B597236 (PF04) C-215 1. Used Private Car “MITSUBISHI” 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Without Key Reg. No.: LT 2459 Chassis No.: CLRN31WNZ-00838 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/18/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B701906 (PF05) C-216 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “FORD” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: LW 5514 Chassis No.: JC6AAASGMEYB11162 車身底盤號碼 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 21 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/790/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B808749 (PF06) C-217 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “HYUNDAI” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: JK 4105 Chassis No.: KMFGD27FPYU450169 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/220/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B749230 (PG02) C-218 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “NISSAN” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: EE 7926 Chassis No.: VUC22-001054 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/263/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B808746 (PG04) C-219 1. Used Private Car “TOYOTA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: ME 9135 Chassis No.: JT153STK104008133 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/4/415/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B696359 (PH01(A)) C-220 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “TOYOTA” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: ME 6733 Chassis No.: LH113-0055284 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/711/08 & -G.F.83 No.: B721274 (PH01(B)) C-221 1. Used Private Car “TOYOTA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: LB 8718 Chassis No.: JT164STJ20-0015273 車身底盤號碼 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 22 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/429/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B808721 (PI05) C-222 1. Used Private Car “MAZDA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: FL 4502 Chassis No.: JMZ-BG12C2-00729118 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/113/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B751276 (PJ01(B)) C-223 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “TOYOTA” 舊輕型貨車 1 No. (輛) Without Key (無匙) Reg. No.: EY 2361 Chassis No.: KR27-5006953 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/735/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B738474 (PJ04) C-224 1. Used Private Car “BENZ” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: LZ 5455 Chassis No.: WDB140033-2A-211918 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/922/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B781659 (PK01(B)) C-225 1. Used Private Car “MITSUBISHI” 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Without Key Reg. No.: KZ 2793 車身底盤號碼 Chassis No.: CSRCB3APU-00569</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/873/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B701674 (PK02) C-226 1. Used Private Car “TOYOTA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: NA 5565 Chassis No.: JT711AC-1100083101 車身底盤號碼 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 23 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/594/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B807419 (PK03) C-227 1. Used Private Car “TOYOTA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: HJ 966 Chassis No.: JT153SV1000280738 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/989/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B700969 (PL01(A)) C-228 1. Used Private Car “HONDA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: JA 2896 Chassis No.: JHMRF1440WS000245 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/72/08 & -G.F.83 No.: B782325 (PM01(B)) C-229 1. Used Private Car “MAZDA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: GH 8976 Chassis No.: JM6-BA1151-00104474 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/394/09 & -G.F.83 No.: B863182 (PM05) C-230 1. Used Private Car “VOLVO” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: NL 4131 Chassis No.: YV1LS4606W5491395 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/161/08 & -G.F.83 No.: B783022 (PN05) C-231 1. Used Private Car “MAZDA” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: KJ 9176 Chassis No.: GE10S1-140472 車身底盤號碼 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 24 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Special Conditions (For Lot Nos. C-212 to C-231) : 1. The successful bidder of a Government confiscated vehicle must apply in accordance with the Road Traffic Ordinance for registration and licensing of the vehicle concerned before it can be used on roads. Successful bidding of the vehicle does not imply that the vehicle can be registered and licensed. 2. To apply for the vehicle registration and the issue of vehicle licence, the successful bidder of the Government confiscated vehicle or Government vehicle shall arrange the vehicle to be inspected in a Vehicle Examination Centre designated by Transport Department and the vehicle has to pass the vehicle inspection. 3. The successful bidder of the Government vehicle shall submit necessary documents to the Customs and Excise Department (Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration) for tax assessment and shall pay the first registration tax to the Transport Department. 4. The successful bidder must detach and must remove the original Vehicle Registration Plate and the Motor Vehicle Licence from the government confiscated vehicle or the Government vehicle before the removal of the said vehicle. Upon the registration and licensing of the vehicle concerned, a new Registration Mark and a new Motor Vehicle Licence will be allocated to the vehicle concerned. 5. All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. 6. The successful buyer is requested to inform C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of the goods (please contact Mr.LAI/Mr.POON at telephone no.2647 1895 before collection). 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 25 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>特別條款 ( 批號 C-212 至 C-231) : 1. 在拍賣中成功投得政府充公車輛的人仕必須根據(道路交通條例)為有關車 輛辦理登記及領牌,該車輛才可在道路上行駛。成功投得該車輛並不表示該 車輛一定獲得登記及領牌。 2. 為有關車輛辦理登記及領牌,成功投得該車輛的人仕必須在自行安排有關車 輛在運輸署指定的驗車中心進行車輛檢驗,車輛並須要在檢驗中合格。 3. 承購人士在投得政府車輛後必須前往香港海關(應課稅品科)辦理汽車評稅 手續及向運輸署繳付汽車首次登記稅。 4. 承購人士必須把車輛原有的登記號碼牌及車輛牌照除下,方可移走該車輛。 在有關車輛進行登記及領牌時,該車輛將改配新的車輛登記號碼及車輛牌 照。 5. 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺點、瑕疵 及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。在拍賣進行 前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出的任何陳述只屬 意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依靠自己的判斷。政府 或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何 涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述,負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理 人,均不會作出或提供,任何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供, 有關該等貨品的任何陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質 及/或該等貨品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁 免。 6. 承購人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少 24小時前通知 (請先致電 2647 1895與黎先生/潘先生 聯絡安排取貨)。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 26 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 476/ 20 1 0) Department : C&ED (Ref. : (59) in L/M (11) in SO/S/10/03) Location : Logistics Centre Seized Goods Store 8/F, Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mrs. Ada YAU / Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9889 / 2896 9874 for inspection.</p><p>部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 香港柴灣創富道11號政府物流中心8字樓 聯絡人 : 邱太 / 陳小姐 電話: 2896 9889 / 2896 9874</p><p>Notice to potential bidders : (1) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (2) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (3) In case a black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal NO.8 or above is still valid between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (4) Inspection can only be made at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday of the week of public auction. (5) For security reason, please register at the reception counter at G/F and 8/F of Government Logistics Center before inspection. (6) The successful bidder is required to produce a valid proof of identity such as Hong Kong identity card, passport or Business Registration Certificate (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (7) A formal authorization letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (8) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a company chop is required for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents.</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 : (1) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (2) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (3) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (4) 各競投人士只可於拍賣週之星期二,上午九時三十分至十一時三十分到該地 點查看物品。 (5) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前必須於政府物料營運中心地下及八 樓接待處登記。 (6) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的身份證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊 證件、或商業登記證 (只適用於以公司名義承購的人士) 以備查核。 (7) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由承購者所簽發的正式授權書以 作記錄之用。 (8) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 27 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>For item 1 : –G.F. 83 No. B776981 & Case No. C LB/1/180/08 C-232 1. Toys 玩具 280 Ctn. (箱)</p><p>Special Condition : (a) All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. (b) The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Please contact Mrs. YAU at 2896 9889 or Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9874 to arrange collection).</p><p>特別條款 : (a) 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。 在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出 的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依 靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的 錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述,負上責任。 政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任何受僱於拍 賣 行 的 人 亦 無 任 何 權 力 作 出 或 提 供 , 有 關 該 等 貨 品 的 任 何 陳 述 或 保 證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨品對其用途 的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 (b) 投得貨品人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知。(請致 電2896 9889 / 2896 9874 與邱太/陳小姐安排取貨。)t 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 28 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : DISP/CG/38) Department : GLD ( Ref. : CG/119/2009) Location : Disposal Store, GLD., 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. Leung / Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9892 or Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9878 (Inspection can only be made from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of public auction) 部門 :政府物流服務署 地點 :柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10字樓充公倉 聯絡人 :梁先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2896 9892 或 或 陳先生 2896 9878 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期二及星期三, 上午9時至中午12時或下午2時至4時看貨。)</p><p>C-233 1 Brief 內褲 288 PAIR (條) 2 Clothing, various 衣物 2009 NOS. (件) 3 Underwear 內衣物 4693 NOS. (件)</p><p>NB: The above items may not function properly. 註:以上貨物之功能或許有損,構成未能正常運作。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 29 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : DISP/CG/39) Department : GLD ( Ref. : CG/120/2009) Location : Disposal Store, GLD., 10/F., Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mr. Leung / Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9892 or Mr. Chan at Tel. No. 2896 9878 (Inspection can only be made from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of public auction) 部門 :政府物流服務署 地點 :柴灣創富道11號政府物料營運中心10字樓充公倉 聯絡人 :梁先生 或 陳先生 電話: 2896 9892 或 或 陳先生 2896 9878 (各競投人可於拍賣週之星期二及星期三, 上午9時至中午12時或下午2時至4時看貨。)</p><p>C-234 1 Battery/cells 電池 15 NOS. (粒) 2 Bed sheet/cover 床單/床套 11 NOS. (張) 3 Belts 腰帶 35 NOS. (條) 4 Bracelet/bangle 手鐲/手鏈 42 NOS. (隻) 5 Brushes 刷 23 NOS. (個) 6 Caps/hats 帽 23 NOS. (頂) 7 Cloth bags 布袋 6 NOS. (個) 8 Cloth sheets/pieces 布塊 108 NOS. (張) 9 Combs/hair brushes 梳 20 NOS. (把) 10 Ear pick 耳挖 16 NOS. (支) 11 Earphones 耳筒 207 PAIR (副) 12 Floor mat/carpet 膠地毯 4 NOS. (張) 13 Gloves 手套 121 PAIR (對) 14 Haberdashery 洋什 20 NOS. (件) 15 Handbags/bags 手袋/袋 91 NOS. (件) 16 Headgear/hair trinket 髮飾物 172 NOS. (件) 17 Hangers 衣架 9 NO. (個) 18 Hooks 掛鈎 1 NO. (個) 19 House ware 家庭用品 81 NOS. (件) 20 Joss Stick 香 320 BNDL (扎) 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 30 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>C-234 21 Knives/choppers 刀 1 NOS. (件) (Cont’d) 22 Magnifying glass 放大鏡 2 NOS. (個) 23 Mirrors 鏡 6 NOS. (個) 24 Mobile phone bag/cover 手提電話袋 10 NOS. (件) 25 Nail clippers 指甲鉗 7 NOS. (件) 26 Necklaces/chokers 頸鍊 18 NOS. (條) 27 Ornament 裝飾品 26 NOS. (件) 28 Passport holder /ID card cover 証件套 23 NOS. (個) 29 Pen/ball-pens/brush pens 筆 1 NOS. (支) 30 Pillow bags/covers 枕袋 11 NOS. (件) 31 Plastic bag 膠袋 2 PCK (包) 32 Plastic flowers 膠花 1 BNDL (扎) 33 Quilt cover/blanket cover 被袋 2 NOS. (個) 34 Rules/measuring tapes 尺/軟尺 1 NOS. (把) 35 Safety pins 扣針 5 NOS. (個) 36 Scarf/neckerchief/shawl 圍巾 2765 NOS. (條) 37 Screwdrivers 螺絲批 5 SET (套) 38 Sewing needle 縫衣針 2 PCK (包) 39 Sewing thread 縫衣線 1 ROLL (卷) 40 Shoes 鞋 71 PAIR (對) 41 Shoes cushion/pad 鞋墊 32 PAIR (對) 42 Slippers 拖鞋 32 PAIR (對) 43 Socks/stockings 襪 349 PAIR (對) 44 Spectacles/glasses 眼鏡 15 PAIR (副) 45 Stationery 文具 2 NOS. (件) 46 Tissue (small pack) 紙巾(小包) 19 PCK (包) 47 Tissue covers/boxes 紙巾盒 13 NOS. (個) 48 Toilet paper 廁紙 70 ROLL (卷) 49 Towel 毛巾 5 NOS. (條) 50 Toys 玩具 1055 NOS. (件) 51 Trinket/novelty/imitation jewellery 飾物 280 NOS. (件) 52 Trinket/novelty/imitation jewellery 飾物 6 KG (公斤) 53 Umbrella 雨傘 89 NOS. (把) 54 Wallet/purses 錢包 149 NOS. (個) 55 Watch belts/straps 手錶帶 1 NOS. (條)</p><p>NB: The above items may not function properly. 註:以上貨物之功能或許有損,構成未能正常運作。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 31 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Special Conditions (For Lot No. C-233 to C-234) : All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. </p><p>特別條款 ( 批號 C-233 至 C-234) : 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺點、 瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。在拍 賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出的任何 陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依靠自己 的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的錯誤、貨 品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述,負上責任。政府或拍賣 行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無 任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何陳述或保證,以及有關該等 貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨品對其用途的適用性的任何隱 含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 32 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 246 /20 1 0) Department : HKPF (Ref. : (230) in NTN YL PH 199/5 Pt.5) Location : Pat Heung Police Station Contact Person : Mr. SO at 3661 4934 or Mr. CHAN Chi-seung at 3661 4905</p><p>部門 : 香港警務處 地點 : 八鄉警署 聯絡人 : 蘇先生 / 電話: 3661 4934 / 陳先生 3661 4905</p><p>May not function properly ( 功能或許有損 ) Case Ref. No. PH RN 07002009 (Pol. 69A No. 07000139) & G.F.83 No.: B721268 C-235 1. Used Private Car (without key) 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Make : SAAB Registration Mark: FL 2236 Engine No.: B204I3A00T076290 Chassis No. YS3DD58J2T2040145 車身底盤號碼 Colour: Silver</p><p>Special Conditions : 1. Motor vehicles are sold as they are and with no warranty that they comply in any respects with the provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and use of vehicles. The successful bidder acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by “C” in the Lot No. of the Auction List are confiscated vehicles and these vehicles sold by auction may not be registered or licensed for use in Hong Kong under the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations, Chapter 374 unless the vehicles conform to the emission requirements for newly registered vehicles as stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Vehicle Design Standards)(Emission) Regulations and Noise Control (Motor Vehicles) Regulation and are repaired, type approved, as required and certified to be roadworthy by the Transport Department at the successful bidder’s expense and in such case unless otherwise specified in the auction list, the successful bidder shall pay the necessary first registration tax, which is to be determined by the Transport Department. For the bidder’s information, the first registration tax is calculated as “C.I.F. value x (1 - depreciation rate) x taxable rate” and is subject to revision. 2. Registration numbers of the vehicles are for identification purposes only and will not be transferred to the successful bidder. 3. Nothing shall be removed from the vehicles by the successful bidder whilst the vehicle remains at the Location. 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 33 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>C-235 4. Motor vehicles are sold with no warranty that they comply in any respects with the (Cont’d) provisions of any enactment relating to the construction and use of vehicles. The successful bidder acknowledges that all the vehicles shown and identified by “C” in the Lot No. of the Auction List are confiscated vehicles and these vehicles may be registered and licensed provided the successful bidder is able to satisfy the Commissioner for Transport’s requirements for such registration and licensing, including that all particulars shown on the vehicle should not have been tampered with and that the vehicle in question can pass the required inspection conducted by a Transport Department Vehicle Examination Centre. No warranty is given that the Commissioner for Transport’s approval will be given. The successful bidder is required to register the vehicle in his name to effect the change in ownership or to report destruction of the vehicle together with the necessary documents to the Transport Department in accordance with the Road Traffic (Registration & Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations Chapter 374. 5. Registration numbers of the vehicles are for identification purposes only and may only be transferred to the successful bidder upon the transfer of ownership and the approval of the Commissioner for Transport as specified in Condition 4 above.</p><p>特別條款: 1. 車輛是以其現有情況出售,政府不保證拍賣車輛在各方面俱符合每一項有關車 輛構造及使用的法例規定。承購人知道所有開列於拍賣物品清單內而貨號有"C" 記號的車輛乃屬於充公車輛,而根據《道路交通(車輛登記及領牌)規例》(香港 法例第374章)的規定,該等以拍賣方式出售的車輛將不獲登記或發牌在本港道 路上行駛,除非有關車輛符合《空氣污染管制(車輛設計標準)(廢氣)規例》和《噪 音管制(汽車)規例》分別對新登記車輛有關廢氣排放的規定,並已由承購人自費 進行修理及車輛類型審核,經運輸署證明符合規格及適宜在道路上行駛。在該等 情況下,除非拍賣物品清單另有訂明,否則,承購人必須繳交由運輸署所定出 的車輛首次登記稅,有關稅項是以其“到岸價 ×(1–折舊率)× 稅率”計算, 並會隨時作出修訂。 2. 車輛登記號碼僅為辨認用途,將不轉讓與承購人。 3. 當車輛停泊於指定地點期間,承購人不得移去車輛的任何部分。 4. 政府不保證拍賣車輛在各方面俱符合每一項有關車輛構造及使用的法例規 定。承購人知道所有開列於拍賣物品清單之內而貨號有 "C"記號者乃充公車 輛,而該等車輛如能符合運輸署署長規定的登記或領牌條件,可進行登記或 領牌。該等條件包括車輛所示一切資料不得竄改,而有關車輛必須能通過運 輸署驗車中心所進行的檢驗。至於運輸署署長是否會給予有關批准,政府則 不能作出保證。承購人須根據《道路交通(車輛登記及領牌)規例》(香港法 例第374章)的規定,向運輸署提交所需文件,以個人名義辦理車輛登記, 完成過戶手續,或據情向其報告車輛已受損毀。 5. 車輛的登記號碼僅為辨認用途,此登記號碼只可根據上文第4條的規定, 在經運輸署署長批准及辦理車輛過戶手續後,才得轉讓與承購人。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 34 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/ 156/ 20 1 0) Department : C&ED (Ref. : (23) in L/M (11) in SO/S/10/03) Location : Logistics Centre Seized Goods Store 8/F, Government Logistics Centre, 11 Chong Fu Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong. Contact Person : Mrs. Ada YAU / Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9889 / 2896 9874 for inspection.</p><p>部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 香港柴灣創富道11號政府物流中心8字樓 聯絡人 : 邱太 / 陳小姐 電話: 2896 9889 / 2896 9874</p><p>Notice to potential bidders : (1) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (2) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (3) In case a black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal NO.8 or above is still valid between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (4) Inspection can only be made at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday of the week of public auction. (5) For security reason, please register at the reception counter at G/F and 8/F of Government Logistics Center before inspection. (6) The successful bidder is required to produce a valid proof of identity such as Hong Kong identity card, passport or Business Registration Certificate (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (7) A formal authorization letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (8) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a company chop is required for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents.</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 : (1) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (2) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (3) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (4) 各競投人士只可於拍賣週之星期二,上午九時三十分至十一時三十分到該地 點查看物品。 (5) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看物品前必須於政府物料營運中心地下及八 樓接待處登記。 (6) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的身份證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊 證件、或商業登記證 (只適用於以公司名義承購的人士) 以備查核。 (7) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由承購者所簽發的正式授權書以 作記錄之用。 (8) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 35 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>For item s 1-4 : –G.F. 83 No. B777517 & Case No. C LB/3/796/08 C-236 1. Game Cards 遊戲機卡 10,000 Nos. (張) 2. Video Game Parts 遊戲機配件 2 Nos. (件) 3. Video Game Circuit Board 遊戲機配件 1 No. (件) 4. Carton Box and Plastic Sheets 紙箱和膠紙 1 Set (套) For items 5-8: –G.F. 83 No. B862504 & Case No. CLB/3/44/09 5. PlayStation Portable Special Package 手提遊戲機 2 Sets (套) 6. Handbag 手挽袋 1 No. (個) 7. Backpack 背包 1 No. (個) 8. Plastic Bag 膠袋 2 Nos. (個)</p><p>Special Condition : (a) All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. (b) The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of goods (Please contact Mrs. YAU at 2896 9889 or Miss L.C. CHAN at 2896 9874 to arrange collection).</p><p>特別條款 : (a) 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺 點、瑕疵及貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用 途。在拍賣進行前,競投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品 作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述,一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人 均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均無須就貨 品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜的錯誤陳述, 負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供,任 何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何 陳述或保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨 品對其用途的適用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 (b) 投得貨品人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知。(請致 電2896 9889 / 2896 9874 與邱太/陳小姐安排取貨。)t 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 36 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>(GLD File Ref. : GR/4/163/2010 ) Department : C&E (Ref.: (25) in L/M (11) to SO/S/10/03) Location : Sha Tin Vehicle Detention Centre, 39 Hang Tai Road, Tai Shui Hang, Shatin, N.T. Contact Person : Mr POON / Mr. LAI at 2647 1895 for pre-sale inspection. 部門 : 香港海關 地點 : 新界沙田大水坑恆泰路39號-沙田車輛扣留中心 聯絡人 : 潘先生 / 黎先生 電話﹕ 2647 1895 </p><p>Notice to potential bidders (For Lot Nos. C-237 to C-238) : (a) All the goods being sold may not be serviceable/function properly (b) Potential bidders are requested to note the Special Conditions before bidding. (c) In case a black rainstorm warning signal or typhoon signal No.8 or above is still valid between two hours ahead and the pre-auction inspection starting time, the inspection on that day and also auction of that lot will be cancelled. (d) Inspection can only be made at the above location between 1430 hours and 1600 hours on Wednesday of the week of public auction. (e) For security reasons, potential bidders are requested to register at the reception counter located at the gate of the centre and follow the instructions of the officer-in- charge on site for the arrangement of inspection. No wanderings within the centre is allowed. (f) The successful bidder is required to produce proof of identity such as Hong Kong Identity Card, Passport or Business Registration Certificate (only applicable to the bidder in the name of a company) for verification at the time of collection of goods. (g) A formal Authorization Letter duly signed by the successful bidder should be submitted for record purpose if any person is authorized to collect goods on behalf of the successful bidder. (h) If the successful bidder is in the name of a company, a Company Chop should be accompanied for the purpose of stamping on relevant documents</p><p>各競投人仕請注意 ( 批號 C-237 至 C-238) : (a) 所有出售的貨品已可能不適用和其功能或許已有損壞。 (b) 各競投人士在參與拍賣貨品前請注意有關的特別條款。 (c) 若於看貨日期當日之指定時間至兩小時前仍然懸掛黑色暴雨警告訊號或八號 或更高颱風訊號,該日之看貨安排及該批貨品之拍賣將會取消。 (d) 各競投人只可於拍賣週之星期三下午二時三十分至四時到上述地點查看貨品。 (e) 基於保安理由,各競投人士於查看貨品前必須於閘口登記及在車場管理人員 的指引下到各車輛位置看貨,不可隨處走動。 (f) 承購人士在提取貨物時,請出示有效的證明文件,如香港身份證、旅遊證件、 或啇業登記證 (只適用於以公司名義承購的人士) 以備查核。 (g) 任何人士如獲授權提取貨物,必須呈交一封由承購者所簽發的正式授權書以 作記錄之用。 (h) 如任何以公司名義承購的人士,請帶備公司印章以便在各有關的文件上作蓋 章之用。 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 37 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/993/06 & -G.F.83 No.: B781608 (PA13) C-237 1. Used Light Goods Vehicle “NISSAN” Without 舊輕型貨車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Key Reg. No.: GB 8263 車身底盤號碼 Chassis No.: VUC22-850480</p><p>Case No.: CRG/3/517/07 & -G.F.83 No.: B751363 (PA28) C-238 1. Used Private Car “MITSUBISHI” Without Key 舊私家車(無匙) 1 No. (輛) Reg. No.: GU 3279 Chassis No.: CHEPA4WTA-00267 車身底盤號碼</p><p>Special Conditions (For Lot Nos. C-237 to C-238) : 1. The successful bidder of a Government confiscated vehicle must apply in accordance with the Road Traffic Ordinance for registration and licensing of the vehicle concerned before it can be used on roads. Successful bidding of the vehicle does not imply that the vehicle can be registered and licensed. 2. To apply for the vehicle registration and the issue of vehicle licence, the successful bidder of the Government confiscated vehicle or Government vehicle shall arrange the vehicle to be inspected in a Vehicle Examination Centre designated by Transport Department and the vehicle has to pass the vehicle inspection. 3. The successful bidder of the Government vehicle shall submit necessary documents to the Customs and Excise Department (Office of Dutiable Commodities Administration) for tax assessment and shall pay the first registration tax to the Transport Department. 4. The successful bidder must detach and remove the original Vehicle Registration Plate and the Motor Vehicle Licence from the government confiscated vehicle, such Vehicle Registration Plate and the Motor Vehicle Licence must be handled to the Officer in- charge of vehicle detention centre before the removal of the said vehicle. Upon the registration and licensing of the vehicle concerned, a new Registration Mark and a new Motor Vehicle Licence will be allocated to the vehicle concerned. 5. All goods are confiscated under the laws of Hong Kong. These goods are sold with all faults and imperfections and errors of description. Illustrations in the Auction List are for general identification only. Bidders should satisfy themselves prior to the auction as to the condition of the goods. Any statement by the Auctioneer as to the goods is a statement of opinion only and every bidder should rely on his own judgement as to all matters affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents is responsible for errors of description or for the authenticity of the goods or for any misstatement as to any matter affecting the goods. Neither the Government nor the Auctioneer, their servants or agents, makes or gives, nor any person in the employment of the Auctioneer any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty in relation to the goods and any implied conditions or warranties relating to the quality and/or fitness for purpose of the goods or any of the goods excluded. 6. The successful buyer is requested to give C&ED staff at least 24 hours in advance for the collection of the goods (please contact Mr. LAI/Mr. POON at telephone no.26471895 to arrange collection). 拍賣物品清單編號 AUCTION LIST C-9/2010 - 38 - Lot No. Item No. Description Quantity 批號 項目 物品詳情 數量</p><p>特別條款 ( 批號 C-237 至 C-238) : 1. 在拍賣中成功投得政府充公車輛的人仕必須根據(道路交通條例)為有關車輛 辦理登記及領牌,該車輛才可在道路上行駛。成功投得該車輛並不表示該車輛一 定獲得登記及領牌。 2. 為有關車輛辦理登記及領牌,成功投得該車輛的人仕必須在自行安排有關車輛 在運輸署指定的驗車中心進行車輛檢驗,車輛並須要在檢驗中合格。 3. 承購人士在投得政府車輛後必須前往香港海關(應課稅品科)辦理汽車評稅手 續及向運輸署繳付汽車首次登記稅。 4. 承購人士必須把車輛原有的登記號碼牌及車輛牌照除下,該原有的登記號碼牌 及車輛牌照必須交還車場主管,方可移走該車輛。在有關車輛進行登記及領牌 時,該車輛將改配新的車輛登記號碼及車輛牌照。 5. 所有貨品均為根據香港法例充公的物品。該等貨品出售時附有各種缺點、瑕疵及 貨品說明的錯誤。拍賣物品清單上的說明只作一般識別用途。在拍賣進行前,競 投人須令其本人信納貨品的狀況。拍賣行就貨品作出的任何陳述只屬意見陳述, 一切涉及該等貨品的事宜,各競投人均須依靠自己的判斷。政府或拍賣行,其僱 員或代理人,均無須就貨品說明的錯誤、貨品的真偽或任何涉及該等貨品的事宜 的錯誤陳述,負上責任。政府或拍賣行,其僱員或代理人,均不會作出或提供, 任何受僱於拍賣行的人亦無任何權力作出或提供,有關該等貨品的任何陳述或 保證,以及有關該等貨品或任何該等貨品的品質及/或該等貨品對其用途的適 用性的任何隱含條件或隱含保證條款亦獲豁免。 6. 承購人士須於領取貨品前給予香港海關最少24小時前通知(請先致電 26471895)與黎先生/潘先生聯絡安排取貨。</p><p>- E N D -</p>
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