<p>Digital-ATV ______</p><p>Planning a Digital ATV Station</p><p>Here is an email from Ken, W6HHC about an article that he published in the Orange County Amateur Radio Club Newsletter.</p><p>Hi Bryon N6IFU,</p><p>Just a note that you may want to put in your newsletter.</p><p>Robbie-KB6CJZ and I teamed up to publish another D-ATV article for the local OCARC newsletter.</p><p>The article goes through the maze of trying to make choices for a DATV station (as seen through the eyes of two US hams.)</p><p>The title of the article is: "TechTalk #75 - Planning a Digital-ATV Station</p><p>The article can be found at: www.w6ze.org/TeckTalk-75_D-ATV.pdf </p><p>I hope that some of your readers may find this article useful.</p><p>73....de Ken W6HHC</p><p>************************************************************ Send me your D-ATV News.. atv-newsletter@hotmail.com ______Buy-Sell-Trade ______</p><p>Plug and Play 2.4 GHz Transmitters If you are interested in getting on ATV with a 2.4 GHz FM transmitter I have them for sale. The transmitter has an output of about 9 watts and will sell for about $1500 plus shipping depending upon the configuration you need. If you are interested in a transmitter you can send me an email and we can talk. Please be advised that the demand for the 2.4 GHz Plug and Play ATV Transmitters have caused a delay of 6 to 8 weeks for delivery on future orders. And the transmitters will be sold only to Licensed Amateur Radio Operators. N6IFU atv-newsletter@hotmail.com </p><p>25 watt 70 cm ATV Transceiver I have a P.C. Electronics 1 watt transceiver driving an amplifier brick and developing 25 watts plus output. It is priced at $500 plus shipping N6IFU atv-newsletter@hotmail.com </p><p>Wireless Mic's with PTL I have several of the Memorex Wireless Microphones that were sold at "Target" and then modified by W6KGE to include a PTL (Push to Look) and written up in the "Amateur Television Quarterly".</p><p>Target has since discontinued the mic but there still may be some in your local stores.</p><p>I am selling the Memorex mic's for $25.00 plus shipping unmodified and $59.00 plus shipping with the modifications already made. N6IFU atv-newsletter@hotmail.com</p><p>900 MHz ATV downconverters I have a number of 900 MHz downconverters for sale at $50.00 each plus shipping. N6IFU atv-newsletter@hotmail.com </p><p>******************************* For Sale: Amateur Television Repeater Controllers ATVC-4 Plus is Intuitive Circuit's second generation Amateur Television repeater controller. Some of the many features that the ATVC-4 includes are: * Five Video Input Sources * Four Mixable Audio Input Sources * Non-volatile Storage * DTMF Control * Beacon Mode * Robust CW Feedback * Password Protected * And Many More Features For example a major new feature is four individual sync detection circuits allowing for true priority based ATV receiver switching. Only $349.00 Contact: Intuitive Circuits, LLC 3928 Wardlow Ct., Troy, MI - (248) 588-4400 To go right to the ATVC-4 http://www.icircuits.com/prod_atv_main.html To go to the main page http://www.icircuits.com *************************************** Anyone looking to buy, sell or trade ATV Equipment are welcomed to send your ad(s) for publication to: atv-newsletter@hotmail.com ______ATV Guide Scheduled Program Guide for ATV Monday: 7:00 PM PDST Oregon Amateur Television Association "OATVA" Net Net held every Monday starting at 7:00 PM www.batc.tv listed under "repeater streaming" using it's repeater's call W7AMQ 11:00 PM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table at (0700 UTC Tuesday) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u SCART Net (GB3IV) http://g7jtt.camstreams.com Tuesday: 12:00 Noon PDST Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group Group Activity Night Every Tuesday at 2000 to 2200 UTC www.batc.tv under GB3TB Repeater 6:00 PM PDST ATCO ATV Net Every Tuesday (0200 UTC Wednesday) www.batc.tv under repeater streams WR8ATV & http://wb8lga.camstreams.com 8:30 PM PDST WB9KMO Net Night Santa Barbara, CA Every Tuesday at (0430 UTC Wednesday) www.batc.tv the goto members streams and look for WB9KMO 8:00 PM PDST W7TED Repeaters Net Night Every Tuesday (0400 UTC Wednesday) http://w7ted.camstreams.com 11:00 PM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table (0700 UTC Wednesday) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u Wednesday: 11:00 AM PDST Chat Night, GB3ZZ Every Wednesday at 1900 to 2100 UTC BATC.TV streaming video www.batc.tv then go to member streams as well as www.camsecure.co.uk 6:00 PM PDST C.A.T.S. Net Net held every Wed. 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Thursday) http://kb3lnn.camstreams.com 11:00 PM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table (0700 UTC Thursday) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u Thursday: 12:00 Noon PDST Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group Group Activity Night Every Thursday at 2000 to 2200 UTC www.batc.tv under GB3TB Repeater 6:00 PM PDST B.R.A.T.S. Net Net held every Thurs. 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Firday) http://kb3lnn.camstreams.com 7:00 PM PDST San Bernardino Microwave Society Meeting Topic of the next Tech Talk: ? Next meeting July 2nd 7:00 to 9:00 PM PT Starts @ 0300 UTC to 0500 UTC Friday You can watch the SBMS Meeting on the The METS ATV Repeaters as well as or the ATN-CA Repeaters in Southern California or www.batc.tv them go to ATV Repeaters and click on W6ATN or try www.ac6rb.com then click on option #1 or #2 11:00 PM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table (0700 UTC Friday) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u</p><p>Friday: 1:00 PM PDST GB3GG, Grimsby Amateur Television Group Net Every Friday at 2100 ZULU www.batc.tv 11:00 PM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table (0700 UTC Saturday) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u Saturday: 11:00 AM PDST Oregon Amateur Television Association "OATVA Net" Every Saturday starting at 11:00 AM www.batc.tv listed under "repeater streaming" using it's repeater's call W7AMQ 12:00 Noon PDST Spanish/English Net Argentina/CA ATV Net Held every Saturday AC6RB and Friends, everyone is welcomed ( UTC) www.batc.tv and found under the W6ATN Repeater stream 6:00 PM PDST M.A.T.S. Net Held every Saturday 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDST (0200 UTC Sunday) http://kb3lnn.camstreams.com Sunday: 1:30 AM PDST DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany Round Table at (0930 UTC) http://www.afu-ag.de/db0hex/db0hex.m3u 11:00 AM PDST GB3ZZ Chat Night Every Sunday at 1900 to 2100 UTC www.batc.tv Streaming video go to members stream and look for GB3ZZ and www.camsecure.co.uk as well 12:00 Noon PDST Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group Group Activity Night Every Sunday at 2000 to 2200 UTC www.batc.tv under GB3TB Repeater </p><p>********************************* Proposed Upcoming Live Webcasts on the BATC.TV Streaming Video http://www.batc.tv/</p><p>June 13th -14th BATC 60th year July 11th 12th ATV section of microwave round table *********************************</p><p>ATV DXing KA9UVY http://ka9uvy.camstreams.com KA9UVY, Bob is active mostly morning during weekdays And all hours weekends.</p><p>Hepburn tropo forecast page: http://www.dxinfocenter.com/tropo.html </p><p>ATV DXers post their CQ's and Reports to the ATV logger page: http://dxworld.com/atvlog.html </p><p>Hawaiian Beacons for the West Coast provided by. "KH6HME" 144.170 MHz 432.075 MHz 1296.34 MHz Other Streaming ATV Videos Washington State RACES Station http://w7emd.camstreams.com/</p><p>W7EMD Ustream.TV http://www.ustream.tv/channel/w7emd-tv </p><p>KD6ILO Mobile Camstream http://remotev.camstreams.com </p><p>KD6ILO ReMoTeV IP via Ustream Used as a second feed if his Camstream is being used for something else. http://ustream.tv/channel/kd6ilo-remotev</p><p>K8DMR's Camstream http://k8dmr.camstreams.com </p><p>WB8LGA's Camstream Links to other camstreams and Google ATV Maps And location to view the ATCO ATV Net http://wb8lga.camstreams.com </p><p>Severnside Television Group http://www.camsecure.co.uk/Camsecure_Radio_Amateurs.html and www.batc.tv </p><p>N6GKB's Tower Cam in Yucca Valley, CA . And Back-up for the AC6RB Camstream http://ustream.tv/channel/n6gkb </p><p>The ATV Newsletter can not be held responsible for the content of any website, web stream or link listed in the publication. </p><p>If you have a scheduled Net or Event on your Streaming Video that you would like listed in the "ATV Guide" please send your information to: atv-newsletter@hotmail.com ______ATV WEBSITE GUIDE ______Acres Electronics, ZL4TAO ATV Gear www.acreselectronics.co.nz ATV Google Map Help Page. http://home.roadrunner.com/~cbeener/Help/Help.htm My home page http://home.roadrunner.com/~cbeener/index.html The Fastscan ATV Google map http://home.roadrunner.com/~cbeener/GMapATVQ.html Amateur Radio Victoria www.users.amateurradio.com.au Amateur Radio Victoria/VK3FCE www.amateurradio.com.au/vk3fce Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach, Inc. Club Station located on "Queen Mary" W6RO http://www.aralb.org ATCO Newsletter www.atco.tv Amateur Television Quarterly http://ATVQuarterly.com ATV Mobile Website http://home.comcast.net/~k8jwt ATV Newsletter (Back Issues Only) http://www.qsl.net/g3zhi/atvnews.htm Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society (BRATS) http://www.bratsatv.org British Amateur Television Club Forums http://www.batc.org.uk/forum British Amateur Television Club Website (BATC) CQ-TV Magazine, View Back Issues and the Place to Subscribe http://www.batc.org.uk Cameras on Mountain Tops http://www.AirCommServices.com and http://www.AirSites2000.com Chesapeake Amateur Television Society (CATS) http://mysite.verizon/vzev3ql6/id.html CQ-TV Magazine, view back issues and the place to subscribe http://www.batc.org.uk DATV/Digital Amateur Television Primer, G7LWT And another location you can download bask issues of the "ATV Newsletter" www.g7lwt.com Dutch Digital Amateur Television Site http://d-atv.com G3ZHI Many Ham Radio Links http://www.qsl.net/g3zhi GB3BH http://gb3bh.com GB3KM http://myspace.freeserve.com GW6BWX's Amateur Television Electronics Projects ATV/DATV http://www.atv-projects.com/index.html Hamoholics, 2E0GYZ www.2e0gyz.ning.com Historical TV & Radio Website www.pharis-video.com Intuitive Circuits, LLC ATV Repeater Controllers http://www.icircuits.com/prod_atv_main.html On-Screen ID Overlay and home page http://www.icircuits.com K6BEN-ATV http://www.batnet.com/~mfwright.mfwright/k6ben.html Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club http://www.lvrac.org and www.hxo.com Microwave Experimenters Television System (METS) http://www.qsl.net/kc6ccc/ Mini-kits Hi-Tech RF Kits and Components http://www.minikits.com.au MNFAT Minnesota Group/KB0OZN www.Mnfat.net N6HOG's Weather Web http://n6hog.com Oregon Amateur Television Association-Portland "OATVA" www.oregonatv.org P.C. Electronics www.hamtv.com Salem Amateur Television Associations-Salem www.qsl.net/k7atv/ San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS) http://www.ham-radio.com/sbms Severnside Television Group Website www.stvg.co.uk http://www.batc.tv streaming website Southgate Amateur Radio Club www.southgatearc.org WA6NUT's page HF with FFT-TV http://www.hamsdr.com/personaldirectory.aspx?did=1139 WWATS, Western Washington Amateur Television Society www.qsl.net/w7twu </p><p>If you have an ATV Streaming Video or ATV website that you would like to have listed in the ATV Guide please send your info to: atv-newsletter@hotmail.com </p><p>The ATV Newsletter can not be held responsible for the content of any website, web stream or link listed in the publication. ______Oat Mtn. News ______</p><p>Everything is working fine here on Oat. </p><p>3 GHz on Oat Mtn No news about the 3 GHz output for Oat Mtn so I thought I would do some speculation.</p><p>Here in Southern California there are two frequencies that are being used for ATV in the 3 GHz band, 3.380 GHz & 3.480 GHz.</p><p>There is a lot of room in the 3 GHz Ham band so it could also be 3.370, 3.390, 3.470 or 3.490 GHz.</p><p>As for receiving the signal METS ( Microwave Experimenters Television System) makes a "Block Converter" that is used with an old TVRO satellite receiver to receive the FM signal. I wouldn't go out and buy anything to receive the 3 GHz signal yet because the output isn't installed and it could happen tomorrow or it could be years before it happens. I was told at least 3 years ago that a 3 GHz output was about to be installed on Oat Mtn.. </p><p>______This weeks Joke:</p><p>Got a joke? send it to atv-newsletter@hotmail.com ______Southern California News ______</p><p>______</p><p>ATN-CA Repeater Report ______</p><p>Repairs Needed for the ATN-CA Repeaters ______Blueridge: 1. Replace cut cable and get it back on the Grid. (6/2/09) Mt. Wilson: 1. Install 2.4 GHz Receiver ???? 2. Build and install 2.4 GHz receiver for link from Blueridge (on hold 5/5/08) 3. Might need an additional port on the controller???? Oat Mtn.: 1. Replace plastic wire ties with appropriate fasteners. 2. Tune 2.4 GHz link dipole for better SWR. It would be a good idea to sweep the 1200 MHz antenna at the same time as well. Santiago Peak: 1. Remove KC6UQH's call and Palomar from the W6ATN repeaters ID's (late spring early summer 08 when the new controller is installed) 2. Look into weak signal getting into one of the inputs. 3. Find intermittent receive problem for link from Oat Mtn..(1/24/09) 4. Resolve problems with WiFi getting into receiver for Snow Peak & Point Loma (April 28, 2009) 5. Install new 5 GHz transmitter once it is repaired (3/10/09) Snow Peak: 1. Not Operational. (May 09) Point Loma: No Repairs Needed/Fully Operational Mount Potosi: ______Letters to the Editor </p><p>********************************************************************* If you have an opinion or viewpoint that you would like to express to the readers, please submit your letters to: atv-newsletter@hotmail.com ______See you all on ATV, Bryon Foster N6IFU Editor and Publisher of the "ATV Newsletter"</p><p>Please send this newsletter to anyone you think will enjoy it.</p><p>If you wish to subscribe to the "ATV Newsletter", send me an email I will add you to my mailing list. The ATV Newsletter is FREE. atv-newsletter@hotmail.com</p><p>If you are receiving the newsletter and would like it stopped, please send me an email as well.</p><p>My "Mailing List" is not sold or shared.</p><p>The "ATV Newsletter" is not affiliated with "ATN". </p><p>Deadline for copy for the newsletter is 12:00 noon PT every Friday. </p>
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