Councillor Lloyd in the Chair

Councillor Lloyd in the Chair

<p>MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SALTNEY TOWN COUNCIL held at the ODDFELLOWS HALL, 65 HIGH STREET, SALTNEY on WEDNESDAY 13 MAY, 2009</p><p>PRESENT: The Retiring Mayor, Councillor K Armstrong-Braun; Councillors H D Beddow; W Crawford, T J Elliott; D Evans; V Gay; E E Greensmith; D A Hope; W P Jones; A C Lloyd; T R Lloyd; M S Streeter and the Town Clerk.</p><p>1. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN MAYOR </p><p>RESOLVED (nem con): That Councillor Ann C Lloyd be appointed Mayor for the Municipal Year 2009/2010. Councillor Lloyd thanked Members for their confidence, signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the Chain of Office.</p><p>Councillor Lloyd in the chair.</p><p>2. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR</p><p>RESOLVED (nem con) That Councillor Veronica Gay be appointed Deputy Town Mayor of the Council. Councillor Gay thanked Members for their confidence and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.</p><p>3. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor C P Streeter.</p><p>4. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES</p><p>RESOLVED: That the following representatives be appointed on the following outside bodies:</p><p>One Voice Wales – Councillor V Gay and the Town Clerk; County Forum – The Mayor, Cllr A C Lloyd Councillor E E Greensmith and the Town Clerk; Police Joint Consultative Committee – Councillors D Beddow, D Evans and E E Greensmith; Community Centre Management Committee – Councillor T J Elliott; Youth Centre Management Committee – Councillor T J Elliott; Wood Memorial School Governors – Councillor E E Greensmith; St Anthony’s School Governors – Councillor T J Elliott; Saltney Ferry Primary School Governors – Councillor T R Lloyd.</p><p>5. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES</p><p>The Council considered a report from the Town Clerk on a suggested Committee structure and terms of reference for the next Municipal year.</p><p>RESOLVED: That (1) the Mayor and Deputy Mayor be ex-officio members of all Committees; (2) the following Committees be established for the forthcoming year with the terms of reference and membership as set out below:</p><p>FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE - 7 members including 2 ex-officio</p><p>Terms of Reference  to report to the Council, at least four times each year on all matters relating to the financing of the Council including budget provision and financial management;  to be responsible for the inspection of the Council’s accounts and financial records;  random checking of invoices and to generally provide an internal audit service in respect of the Council’s financial transactions;  to consider, on behalf of the Council, any other urgent matters that might fall outside the normal Council meeting cycle.</p><p>Membership: Councillors A C Lloyd and V Gay ex-officio and Councillors D Beddow, W Crawford, T J Elliott, W P Jones and T R Lloyd.</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL AND REGENERATION COMMITTEE - 7 members including 2 ex- officio</p><p>Terms of Reference  to report to the Council on all matters relating to regeneration of the Town including observations on planning applications and where necessary, because of urgency, to have delegated power to act on such applications; also to liaise with the relevant bodies and consider any planning matters as they affect Saltney;  to be responsible to the Council for the preparation of the Business Plan;  to report to the Council on all matters affecting the Environment of Saltney including anti-social behaviour; and Emergency Planning and flood prevention;</p><p>Membership: Councillors AC Lloyd and V Gay ex-officio and Councillors D Beddow, T J Elliott, E E Greensmith, D Hope and T R Lloyd. and (3) Standing Orders being amended accordingly.</p><p>6. MINUTES</p><p>The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 8 April, 2009 were confirmed as a correct record. </p><p>7. POLICE MATTERS</p><p>The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from Inspector Oldfield informing the Council that he had changed his role to work in CID in Mold as a Detective Inspector. His replacement was to be Acting Inspector Andy Massey. In his letter Inspector Oldfield had also reminded Members that the next Neighbourhood Police Meeting would take place at 6:30pm at the Community Centre on Tuesday, 19th May and the next joint meeting of representatives of Community/County Councillors would be held at 11am on Friday 19 June, 2009, at Buckley Council Chamber. The Town Council were invited to send their representatives to the meetings. PC Ian Millington and PCSO Dan Hughes were in attendance and reported on:  reduction in anti social behaviour particularly in the Ashley Close area;  the apprehension of motor bikers who had been riding their machines without the benefit of tax and insurance and generally making a nuisance of themselves. The motor bikes had been confiscated and crushed;  a rise in the number of petty thefts particularly hanging baskets, garden furniture and bicycles. It was most important that the victims of the crimes reported the matters to the Police straight away every time;  the next Neighbourhood Police Meeting and the Mayor, Councillor A C Lloyd volunteered to Chair the meeting;  the need to include both PC Millington and PCSO Hughes when sending e-mail messages.. A recent spell of leave had left over 200 e-mails waiting to be answered because they had only been addressed to PC Millington;  EVA’s that had recently been held in the Stonebridge and Mold Junction Wards and thanked the respective County Councillors and other Councillors and those from other organisations who had helped make them a success; The Mayor, Councillor Ann Lloyd thanked both Officers for their excellent work in reducing the anti social behaviour in the area.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk write to the Chief Constable to express the Council’s appreciation of the hard work being done by PC Millington and PCSO Hughes in making Saltney a better and safer place to live.</p><p>8. PROPOSED DESIGNATION OF ALL PUBLIC AREAS WITHIN THE COUNTY OF FLINTSHIRE UNDER THE ALCOHOL (CONSUMPTION IN PUBLIC PLACES) REGULATIONS 2001</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that Flintshire County Council had given notice that it was considering making an Order within the meaning of the abovementioned regulations. A number of representations had been made by Town and Community Councils, including Saltney Town Council, and 80 areas had been identified where alcohol control zones had been requested. The County Council now felt that it would be more appropriate to make a County wide control zone. PC Millington reported that the Police were in favour of a county wide ban as much anti social behaviour was fuelled by alcohol.</p><p>RESOLVED: That Flintshire County Council be informed that the Council are in favour of a County wide Order.</p><p>9. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR WALES – REVIEW OF LOCAL ELECTION BOUNDARIES</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that some Members of the Town Council had attended a seminar at County Hall on the abovementioned subject. Mr Lewis, Secretary to the Commissioners had addressed the meeting. He had made it very clear that the new ratio of councillors to electors of 1:1,750 was very much a fixed minimum ratio and that no maximum limited had been adopted. At present Saltney was represented at County level by two County Councillors. One for the Saltney Mold Junction Ward and one for the Saltney Stonebridge Ward. The projected electorate figures for the year 2014 were 950 and 2848 respectively. From that it could be deduced therefore that the Boundary Commission would reduce Saltney to one ward. The combined electorate would be 3798 and shared between two County Councillors, would suggest representation of 1:1899, only just over the minimum expected. Although the closing date for representations had already passed and the timetabling was very tight, following representation from individual Clerks the Commission had extended the date for comments to Monday 18 May.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the Commissioners be informed that Saltney Town Council support one ward with 2 County Councillors and recommend that the ward be called Saltney.</p><p>10. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL - OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that some Members would be aware that the County Council operated with seven Overview & Scrutiny Committees. Their responsibilities were to</p><p> Hold the Executive to account  Assist in the improvement and development of Council policies  Monitor service delivery  Contribute to improving the local community The Head of Overview & Scrutiny had written to the Town Council offering to come to a future meeting to deliver a short presentation on the role of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees at County Hall and to answer any questions that Members may have.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the offer be accepted and a suitable date be agreed.</p><p>11. CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODS AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 2005 THE DOG CONTROL ORDERS (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) (WALES) REGULATIONS 2007 PROPOSED DOG CONTROL ORDERS</p><p>The Town Clerk reported receipt of a letter of consultation from Flintshire County Council with regards to the introduction of the above regulations. </p><p>RESOLVED: That (1) the County Council be informed that the Town Council are fully supportive of their proposals to introduce a County-Wide Dog Fouling Order; (2) the Town Council would also like to see an increase in the number of dogpoo bins, namely on the High Street, on Saltney Ferry Road Bridge and around the football field in Saltney Ferry.</p><p>12. PLANNING APPLICATIONS</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that the following Planning Applications had been received for comment or notification:</p><p>Ref: 046152 Proposal: substitution of house type on plots 28, 29, 30 and 128 (from 4 bed dwellings to 3 bed dwellings); Location: Land off Boundary Lane, Saltney For: Anwyl Construction Co Ltd. Grid Ref: E 338478.6 N 364837.3</p><p>Ref: 046208 Proposal: Change of Use from existing workshop to MOT testing centre Location: Chesterbank Business Park, Saltney For: Chesters Travel Ltd Grid Ref: E 337555.5 N 365217.2</p><p>Ref: 045977 Proposal: Erection of single storey flat roof rear extension Location: 22 Kynaston Drive, Saltney Ferry Decision: Approved</p><p>RESOLVED: That the abovementioned applications and decisions be noted.</p><p>13. CLOSURE OF ACCOUNTS</p><p>The Town Clerk and Chief Financial Officer reported on the closure of the accounts for 2008/2009. The total balances and reserves at the beginning of the financial year stood at £165,478. The total receipts during this financial year, including bank interest, were £71,433.94. Total expenditure was £107,079.84 leaving a closing balance at 31 March 2009 of £129,832.28. This was made up of £5,555.55 in the current account and £124,276.73 on deposit. A Copy Cost Centre Report and Summary had been circulated to all Members.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the accounts for 2008/2009 be approved and the Mayor and the Town Clerk be authorised to sign the necessary returns. 14. QUESTIONS</p><p>In accordance with Standing Order 23 to consider questions to the Mayor or the Town Clerk from Members, of which due notice had been given. The Town Clerk reported that only one set of questions had been received and that they were from Councillor Armstrong-Braun and addressed to the Town Clerk as follows: Q. When did STC decide to scrap having the playscheme and is the decision in any Minutes?</p><p>The Town Clerk referred Councillor Armstrong-Braun to Minutes 163 and 197;</p><p>Q. Who has authorised the delegation to meet Lafarge and Airbus on behalf of STC. When was the decision made at Council and is it minted?</p><p>The Town Clerk referred Councillor Armstrong-Braun to Minute 161;</p><p>Q. Which members are on the delegation, and who made the nominations?</p><p>The Town Clerk replied that Cllrs Hope; A C Lloyd; T R Lloyd; V Gay; T J Elliott and W Crawford were Members of the delegation that had been appointed as a matter of urgency by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Highways and Planning Committee.</p><p>The Town Clerk then drew Members attention to the circumstances in which he was being subjected to constant harassment and bullying behaviour from Councillor Armstrong-Braun. As his employer the Town Clerk was seeking protection from the constant harassment.</p><p>RESOLVED: That Councillor Armstrong-Braun be censured for his actions in harassing and bullying the Town Clerk and that this matter be reported to the Ombudsman.</p><p>15. NORTH WALES ASSOCIATION OF TOWN AND LARGER COMMUNITY COUNCILS.</p><p>The Council received the Minutes of the Quarterly meeting of the NWATLC held at Llandudno on 17 April, 2009.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the Council’s Membership of the abovementioned Association be not renewed.</p><p>16. SALTNEY NAME SIGN</p><p>Further to Minute 214, the Town Clerk reported that he had not received an estimate for the replacement of the missing road sign from Denbighshire County Council. Councillor Crawford submitted an estimate he had received for a more substantial sign.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the suggestion of Councillor Crawford be further considered when the Town Centre regeneration plans are more firm but meanwhile the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee be authorised to accept a quotation from Denbighshire County Council and Flintshire County Council for renewing the sign and fixing it on higher poles.</p><p>17. WEBSITE</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that he had received the quotations and a mock up of the Town Council’s website from Vision ICT Ltd who were also the providers of the Broughton and Bretton Community Council website. A discount of 20% was available at the Town Council were members of One Voice Wales. RESOLVED: That Vision ICT Ltd be appointed Web site designers at a cost of £816 and that they be also requested to obtain on the Council’s behalf the domain </p><p>18. GREEN LANE LEVEL CROSSING</p><p>The Town Clerk reported that he had no further updates on the safety measures at the level crossing.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be requested to write to CWAC, Network Rail and the Rail Safety Executive to enquire what action was being taken to improve the safety at this level crossing.</p><p>19. INFORMATION FROM THE LOCAL COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS</p><p>Further to Minute 210 of the last meeting the Local County Council members, Councillor Armstrong-Braun and Councillor Gay were invited to give any feedback they might have received from County Council meetings that could or would affect Saltney. Councillor Armstrong-Braun had nothing to report. Councillor Gay reported that the County Council now had a new Chairman and Deputy Chairman appointed at the Annual Meeting and that the ‘Clean Team’ had been disbanded and that for the time being there would be no group to call upon for ‘emergency cleaning’. A new Group called ‘Street Scene’ would be operating as soon as details had been agreed.</p><p>RESOLVED: That the report be received.</p><p>20. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS</p><p>RESOLVED: That the following accounts be passed for payment : Payee Invoice Amount</p><p>A Thorniley Salary + Office (£50.00) April £951.42 HMRC Town Clerk’s Income Tax and NI £380.05 A Thorniley Office Sundries and travel £383.13 NWP April Maintenance Chge £282.72 Deeside Ldge Room Hire £30.00 Scottish Power Lighting Energy 1/1-31/3 £962.26 Colwyn T C Postages for NWATLCC £4.80</p>

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