Convention Card Editor

Convention Card Editor

BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: weak INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: weak STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening splinter (or fit show) Names: David McLeish Paula McLeish Jump shifts after major opening splinter (or fit show) ABF Nos: QLD OPEN Responses to strong 2 suit opening n/a Basic System:ACOL Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening Puppet Stayman Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 4, 11+ 1B 4, 11+ 1C 4, 11+ 1D 4, 11+ Underlead Other: K asks for count. may underlead KQ etc 1 NT 11-14 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: may be quant. raise 3rd/5th Other: Transfers 2B C 2C D 2D A From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 3rd 2 NTB Other: super-accepts From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A GF or 23-4 semi-bal Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B 4+/4+ C and D (5+/4+ or 4+/5+ vul) 5-9 Other: reverse count 2C 6, less than opening hand Signal on declarer's lead reverse count 2D 6, less than opening hand Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 21-22 semi-bal odd/even Other: reverse count (1st usually O/E) 3 NT gambling any suit, no A or K outside Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS 1NT, (X): P forces XX from opener 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: overcall of NT opening usually xfer and may be be canape 4A Gerber when? response to 1NT 2B is both majors, weak Other Conventions BLACKOUT 4D = RKCB after C agreement COMPETITIVE BIDDING 4TH SUIT FORCING TO GAME Negative doubles through4D Responsive doubles through 4D SWINE Jump overcallssuit&suit above Unusual NT touching suits, strong GSF 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 8-14 stopper? SPECIFIC ACE ASK Immed cue of minor surround suits, weak or strong Immed cue of major surround suits, weak or strong ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) canape transfers Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) canape transfers Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X = t/o Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X = t/o RESPONSES TO OPENING BIDS CONVENTIONS Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 4, 5+ 2NT 4, 10-12, NO SHORTAGE 3A/3B sets suit, cue or 3NT with xx 1C/D 4, 5+ 3A WEAK 3C/3D sets suit, cue or 3NT with xx 1NT8-10 3B SPLINTER 4A ace ask 2A 4, 5-9 3C SPLINTER 4B 2B SPLINTER 3D SPLINTER 4C to play 2C SPLINTER 3NT 4, 13 - 15, NO SHORTAGE 4D to play 2D SPLINTER 4 bids SPLINTER Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits 1B 1C/D 4, 5+ 3A SPLINTER other 2 touching suits, strong 1NT5-9 3B WEAK 2A 4, 10+ 3C SPLINTER Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 4, 5-9 3D SPLINTER 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C SPLINTER 3NT 4, 13 - 15, NO SHORTAGE NT Checkback Priorities lowest of 5C suit, 3C support, new 4C suit 2D SPLINTER 4B Defence to 3NT opening A lead, attitude response 2NT4, 10-12, NO SHORTAGE 4 Other SPLINTER Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B X = t/o of a major, 2NT = 15-18, suit nat 1C/D 1NT5-9 3A SPLINTER RCO style 2-s 2NT = 15-18, suit nat, X = t/o 2A 4, 10+ 3B SPLINTER 2B 4, 10+ 3C/D WEAK Other 2-s X = t/o of a major, 2NT = 15-18, suit nat, 2C/D (3)4, 5-9 3NT 4, 13- 15, NO SHORTAGE cue = surrounding suits or stopper ask 2NT4, 10-12, NO SHORTAGE 4A/B SPLINTER Defence to strong A X = majors, 1NT = minors, 2A = C + another, 2B =D + m 2A 2B NEGATIVE OR WAITING 2C/D HHxxx(x), 8+ 2C/D to play, suit nat other 3NT = AKQxxx any, 2NT = 8/9 no 4CM Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C to play 3A/B natural, non-forcing Other uses responding to X of weak 2 or equivalent 2D to play 3C/D to play Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X = t/o 2NTenquiry 3NT to play 4C X = t/o 4D X = t/o, 4NT = 2 suited t/o 2C/D 2NTfeature enquiry 3NT to play OTHER NOTES 3A/B natural, forcing 4A/B control ask 3C/D to play 4C/D to play 2NT 3A puppet stayman 4A slam interest 3B xfer to C 4B slam interest 3C xfer to D 4C to play 3D 5D and 4C 4D to play 3NTto play other 5A = 5+m/5+m weak BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: Pre Emptive INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: Jacoby STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening After A - Weak (After B - Splinter ) Names: John Summerhayes Joan Butts Jump shifts after major opening Splinter ABF Nos: QLD OPEN Responses to strong 2 suit opening 2C,s Negative / 2B,s Waiting Basic System:Standard Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening Puppett Stayman and Transfers Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 10 Plus 2 1B 10 Plus 4 1C 10 Plus 5/4 1D 10 Plus 5/4 Underlead Other: 1 NT 15 - 17 HCP may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: Puppett 3rd/5th Other: 9,s and `10,s Promise No Higher Transfers 2B C,s 2C D,s 2D A.s From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 2 NTB,s Other: Smolen From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A Game Force or 23/24 Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Weak Major (N/V = 5/6 C/D,s & 3-7 HCP) (Vul = 6card suit 5-7HCP ) Other: 2C 6 C,s & 8 - 11 HCP Signal on declarer's lead Natural Count 2D 6 D,s & 8 - 11 HCP Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 20 - 22 HCP odd/even Other: 3 NT Kabel Ace ask ( C.R.O. with 2 Aces ) Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS Inverted Minors 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: Cue Raises 4A Gerber when? Only over NT Lebensohl over Take out X of Weak 2,s Other Conventions Reverse Drury COMPETITIVE BIDDING Jacoby Negative doubles through2D,s Responsive doubles through 3D,s Lebonsohl after interference of 1NT Jump overcallsWeak Unusual NT Lower unbid suits 1NT overcall (immediate)15 -18 HCP (re-opening) 10/14 Immed cue of minor Both Majors Immed cue of major Other Major + minor ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Brozel (all 3 bids are strong and splinters ) Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) As Above Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X Take out Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X Take out RESPONSES TO OPENING BIDS CONVENTIONS Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 6+4 card suit 2NT 11/12-- no 4 card Major 3A/3B 3A,s =10 Plus - Puppett Stayman ( 3B,s = Slam Interest ) 1C/D 6+4 card suit 3A 5 /9 -- 5 card suit 3C/3D Slam Interest 1NT6/9 4 card A suit 3B splinter 4A Gerber 2A 10 Plus 5 card suit 3C splinter 4B Texas Solid Heart Suit 2B Weak 6 card suit 3D Splinter 4C Texas Solid Spade Suit 2C Weak 6 card suit 3NT 13/15 no 4 card Major 4D Weak 2D Weak 6 card suit 4 bids Splinter Void Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits 1B 1C/D 6+ 4 card suit 3A Splinter other 1NT6/9 3B 6 /9 -- 5 Card Suit 2A 10+ 4 card suit 3C Splinter ( Void ) Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 10 Plus 4 card suit 3D Splinter ( Void ) 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C Splinter 3NT 13/15 no 4 card Major NT Checkback Priorities 2D Splinter 4B Pre - emptive Defence to 3NT opening 2NT11/12 --no 4 Card Major 4 Other Voids Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B (X=B,s 10/12pts) (2NT 16/18) (suit bids natural) Pass and then X = Good take out 1C/D 1NT6/9 3A Singleton RCO style 2-s 2A 10+ 4 card suit 3B Singleton 2B 10+ 4 card suit 3C/D 3C,s limit ( 3D,s Void) Other 2-s 2C/D 2C,s 6/9 (2D,s Singleton) 3NT 15/17 Balanced 2NT13 + 4 card support 4A/B Void Defence to strong A Brozel all 2 bids natural --all 3 bids very strong Splinter 2A 2B Waiting 2C/D other 2C,s Negative Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C Correctable 3A/B To Play Other uses Over Weak 2,s 2D Prefer C,s 3C/D Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NTFeature ask for shortage 3NT To Play 4C X 4D 4NT 2C/D 2NTRange & Shape ask 3NT To Play OTHER NOTES 3A/B Forcing 4A/B Splinter Inverted Minors 3C/D Pre emptive 4C/D To play 2NT 3A Puppett Stayman 4A Gerber 3B Transfer 4B 3C Transfer 4C 3D 5 D,s and 4 C,s 4D 3NTTo Play other BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: weak 0 - 9 pts 5+ A/B INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: weak 0 - 9 pts 4+ C/D STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening Strong 15+ pts 6+ suit Names: Greg Lee Alan Currie Jump shifts after major opening Strong 15+pts 6+ suit ABF Nos: QLD OPEN Responses to strong 2 suit opening See inside card Basic System:Standard Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening See inside card Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 11-19 3 1B 11-19 3 1C 11-19 5 1D 11-19 5 Underlead Other: 1 NT 15 - 17 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 3rd/5th Other: Transfers 2B Hearts or Clubs 2C Spades 2D Diamonds From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 2 NT Other: NT - X - XX = clubs; NT - X - 2C = diamonds From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A Forcing for one round or 22 - 23 or 24 - 26, 0+ A Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Game Force - Ace Ask, 0+ B Other: 2C 6 - 10 6+ C (5C if 3rd seat) Signal on declarer's lead 2D 6 - 10 6+ D (5D if 3rd seat) Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 20 -21 odd/even Other: 3 NT Gambling Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS Negative Free Bids X major = other major 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: Texas Transfers Support X & XX 4A Gerber when? Immediatley over 1NT & 2NT openings Namyats Rozencrantz X & XX Other Conventions Inverted minor.

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