TALES FROM THE FIRES’ FRONT LINES ▶ OPINION, PAGE 4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org Monday, October 29, 2007 The Student Voice Since 1967 Campus-Area Crime on IRESTORM the Rise, Report Says F 2007 Annual Clery report 2006 Clery Report shows decline in assaults and sex offenses, but Crimes* 2005 2006 Burglaries 56 113 reveals increases in Motor Theft 102 152 burglaries and theft. Sex Offense 6 2 Arson 1 5 By Nicole Teixeira Assault 7 7 Staff Writer *Crimes occuring on or around campus SOURCE: UCSD POLICE DEPARTMENT Burglaries on and around cam- pus have almost doubled in the low point of 56 in 2005. These past year, amid rising crime rates agencies also reported that motor in other areas such as motor vehicle vehicle theft increased from 102 in theft, narcotics arrests and alcohol 2005 to 152 in 2006, and that five offenses, according to the annual arson cases occurred in 2006, com- campus crime report. pared to one in 2005. Reported sex The Clery Campus Security offenses decreased from six in 2005 Report is a collection of statistics to two in 2006, while aggravated relating to crime at UCSD and its assault remained steady at seven for surrounding areas. Although last both years. year’s Clery report showed less However, the number of these reported crimes overall, the trend crimes that physically occurred on has reversed in several major areas campus indicates a downward trend this year. in certain areas. Aggravated assaults In 2006, the UCSD Police decreased from seven in 2005 to two Department, San Diego Police in 2006, and reported on-campus Department, campus security sex offenses also decreased from authorities and the UCSD Medical five in 2005 to one in 2006. The Center reported 113 burglaries, almost doubling after reaching a See CLERY, page 14 Combatting the Chaos Staff members planned for the future S.M.A.R.T. Grant Restrictions during mass student exodus. Page 12 May Affect Attainability Students’ Families Flee Raging Fires are specific to the major, he or she The early week held many fears for evacuees. By Sarah de Crescenzo would not be eligible for a National Contributing Writer S.M.A.R.T. Grant payment for the Page 12 semester,” Jones said in the letter. Following criticism by col- Previously, institutions were not Calm Under Crisis lege financial aid officers that it is required to ensure that students were One writer piggybacks doctors at UCSD’s unwieldy and partially ineffective, the taking one class per grading period National Science and Mathematics in their approved major. The new Hillcrest Medical Center burn unit. Access to Retain Talent Grant has restrictions define the way students Page 13 introduced new eligibility restric- must take classes each grading peri- ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN tions that could make the already od, or risk losing their funding if exclusive grant even more difficult they take even one term of all general for students to obtain. education requirements. This could While the grant supports low- present difficulties for students who Search Firm Named in Hunt for New UC President income students enrolled in certain finish all their major classes before math, science or foreign language the end of their senior year, or those intent to resign next year. charting the future of the univer- majors, those same students will now who are unable to enter into heavily Texas-based consulting Based in Dallas, Texas, the firm sity,” Blum said in a press release. lose this aid if they are not consis- impacted major classes. agency will scour the is widely considered to be one of “The regents are confident that tently enrolled in at least one class In February 2006, President the premier search consulting firms Funk and Associates will provide specific to that major this year. George W. Bush allotted $1.64 bil- country to aid search within the field of higher educa- the UC community with the profes- A letter written by Assistant lion to the S.M.A.R.T Grant and the for aspiring UC tion. sional assistance to identify the best Secretary to the Office of Academic Competitiveness Grant for Having conducted recruiting candidates for the position of lead- Postsecondary Education Diane the following two years. Half of this presidential candidates. searches for over 250 universities ing the world’s pre-eminent public Jones earlier this month detailed aid package — available only to third across the country, the company research university.” ways in which students can lose their and fourth-year students — aims to By Reza Farazmand is now faced with the task of find- According to the UC Office funding if they fail to carefully regu- provide incentives for eligible low- Senior Staff Writer ing leadership for the 10-campus of the President, the recruitment late the classes they enroll in each income students to enroll in college system. search will be conducted person- term. Though the document states with specific majors in math, sci- The University of California has The company’s services come ally by company founder Bill Funk. it is simply “additional guidance” in ence or “critical languages” such as hired consulting firm R. William at a fee of $90,000 plus expenses, With years of experience in col- response to repeated administrative Arabic. Funk and Associates to aid in find- and will extend over a period of legiate executive recruitment, Funk queries, the letter was met with con- Those looking to utilize S.M.A.R.T. ing prospective candidates for the 12 months or until the search is has come to be regarded as one of cern by many students and financial Grant aid must meet very specific cri- position of UC president. completed. the top higher education insiders in aid experts. teria: Students must be U.S. citizens The decision, announced on Richard C. Blum, chairman of the nation. “If the student were enrolled attending a baccalaureate degree pro- Oct. 19, marks another milestone the UC Board of Regents, expressed “The presidency of the University only in courses that satisfy the gen- gram full-time, be enrolled as a third in the ongoing search for the new his satisfaction with the selection of of California is one of the most eral education requirements of the or fourth-year student and maintain systemwide leader, which began in the search firm. important positions in all of high- National S.M.A.R.T. Grant-eligible mid-August after current President “The selection of a new presi- program, but not in any courses that See GRANTS, page 14 Robert C. Dynes announced his dent is obviously a crucial step in See DYNES, page 14 HIATUS SPORTS INSIDE WEATHER Half Empty Currents ................................2 Out of Place, into Mind Lights and Sirens .................3 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 ArtPower! supplies a science-centric campus Men’s water polo started strong against Loyola Fire Relief ’07 .....................18 H 77 L 57 H 69 L 54 with local artists from faraway lands. Marymount University, but ultimately fell 9-5. Classifieds ..........................21 page 10 page 24 Crossword ..........................21 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Hot Corner ..........................24 H 69 L 54 H 72 L 55 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2007 BLOCKHEADS BY LARS INGELMAN Charles Nguyen Editor in Chief Matthew McArdle Managing Editors Hadley Mendoza Serena Renner Eric Kim Copy Editors Nathan Miklos Matthew L’Heureux News Editor Kimberly Cheng Associate News Editors Sonia Minden Natasha Naraghi Opinion Editor Marissa Blunschi Associate Opinion Editor Rael Enteen Sports Editor Danai Leininger Associate Sports Editor Alyssa Bereznak Focus Editor CURRENTS Simone Wilson Hiatus Editor Jia Gu Associate Hiatus Editors “Year after year, major employ- Christopher Mertan Campus Program Wins ers that recruit heavily on college Will Parson Photo Editor Innovation Award campuses list communication skills GUARDIAN ONLINE Erik Jepsen Associate Photo Editor as the most important attribute top Richard Choi Design Editors UCSD’s Express to Success candidates bring to the workplace,” Wendy Shieu Program has been presented with Andrew T. Ceperley, director of the Christina Aushana Art Editor the 2007 Innovative Program Award UCSD Career Services Center, said www.ucsdguardian.org by the National Association of in a press release. Page Layout Emily Ku, Michelle Lee, Natasha Naraghi, Kent Ngo, Student Personnel Administrators EWS Simone Wilson, Michael Wu, Kathleen Yip Region VI. UCSD Medical Center N Copy Readers Designed to enhance students’ Ashley Erickson, Najwa Mayer, Nicole Teixeira, Visit our Fire Blog for constant Anita Vergis, Teresa Wu confidence in public speaking, CEO Chosen for FCC updates on the San Diego fires. improve interpersonal communica- Anna Gandolfi General Manager tion and nurture leadership skills, Richard J. Liekweg, chief execu- Michael Foulks Advertising Manager the program will be honored at the tive officer of the UCSD Medical Mike Martinez Advertising Art Director NASPA 2007 Regional Conference Center, was appointed to the Joint OPINION HIATUS Jimmy Kan Network Administrator on Nov. 2 in Las Vegas. Advisory Committee of the Federal Web poll: What did you Boss ditties: Hear “The objective of ETS is to give Communications Commission, Student Advertising Manager Tiffany Nguyen participants the necessary skills to do in response to samples of your announced university officials on Advertising Representative be successful UCSD students and to Oct. 19. the wildfires? favorite tunes. Julia Peterson continue that success in graduate/ As delegated by the 9/11 Business Assistant professional school, full-time employ- Commission Act of 2007, the com- Heather Cohen ment and/or other person endeavors mittee’s purpose is to evaluate the Advertisement Design and Layout FOCUS SPORTS Nick Alesi, Jennifer Chan, George Chen beyond college,” ETS Director Sara communications capabilities of Distributors Henry said in a press release.
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