<p> PIONEER CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION DRAFT MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 7, 2004</p><p>HIGH SCHOOL BOARD ROOM 7:00 PM</p><p>CALL TO ORDER</p><p>President Neil Kattermann called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM</p><p>ROLL CALL and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>BOARD MEMBERS: Neil Kattermann, President Present Michael Conroy, Vice President Present Raymond Haberer, District Clerk Present Pauline Skeels Present Heinke Lillenstein Absent Cindy Bradfield Present John Michael Galvin Present Steven Markham Present Faye Spencer Present</p><p>ADMINISTRATION: Jeffrey Bowen, Superintendent Present Jeffrey Petrus. Business Administrator Present Terry Grajek, High School Principal Present Sharon Huff, High School Asst. Principal Present James Graczyk. Athletic Director Present Ravo Root, Middle School Principal Present Christian Cornwell, Middle School Asst. Principal Absent Nancy Sampson, Middle School Asst. Principal Present Michael Medden, Delevan Elementary Principal Present Kevin Munro, Arcade Elementary Principal Present Michael Lucow, Special Education Director Present Kim Oar, Asst. Special Education Director Present Pamela Kattermann, Dir. Of Curr. & Instr. Present</p><p>REGULAR SESSION</p><p>PRELIMINARY MATTERS 1.0</p><p>1.1 NONE</p><p>PROGRAMS/PRESENTATIONS 2.0 PCSD – BOARD OF EDUCATION – MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING – DECEMBER 7, 2004</p><p>2.1 Presentation of Doctoral Work – Sharon Huff, High School Assistant Principal along with Pioneer teachers Debbie Bookmiller and Evaleen Krawczyk presented on teachers portfolios along with Sharon’s Doctorial progress. There were two handouts.</p><p>2.2 Business Education Council Presentation – Sharon Grugal, Executive Director presented to the Board (along with handout) Mr. Doug Berwanger also spoke to the Board.</p><p>DISCUSSION/WORK SESSION 3.0</p><p>3.1 Board Report – Cindy Bradfield spoke to the Board about a new program that’s now available which address nutrition for students</p><p>3.2 Administrators Report – “GOOD THINGS GOING ON AT PIONEER”</p><p>Jim Graczyk: Pioneer sports teams doing well in the Winter sports season Kevin Munro: great tree lighting ceremonies, and chorus presentation at the Arcade building Michael Medden: Santa was at the Delevan building Friday night, 180 pounds of cookies sent to the children of Afghanistan. Ravo Root: 5th grade NYS Assessment Test Scores are in showing about 80% of the student in the 3’s and 4”s Social Studies. Michael Lucow: Mike Lucow and Kim Oar spoke about the great success that is happening in the area of Co-Teaching between Special Education teachers and regular education teachers. Jill Holbrook - Network Administrator: the District has obtained free of charge a new program for Curriculum mapping via a grant. Terry Grajek: High School students gathered food and materials for some 26 needy families in the District. Also, they gave out 41 turkeys. Pam Kattermann: technology helping to improve student scores and the continued improving use of portfolios by the teachers.</p><p>3.3 Superintendents Report: Dr. Jeffrey Bowen –</p><p> we had a very successful retreat with BOE members and building Administrators TLC grant for the Arcade and Middle School buildings where students will have a sealant applied to their teeth BOCES will present in January on Capitol projects Staff development schedule: Jan. 24th for grades 9-12, Jan. 28th for grades K-8 Report on survey from student and parents with concerns about athletics</p><p>3.4 Business Administrators Report: Jeff Petrus (handout) addressed the Board on the subject of Fund Accounting and his concerns over the School Lunch Fund.</p><p>3.5 Board Policy discussion/work session: </p><p> Faye Spencer finished Policies #6171 through #6212.1 Ray Haberer reviewed Policies #6213 through #6560 The Policy Committee will come back to the Board with a summary of where we are today PCSD – BOARD OF EDUCATION – MINUTES OF REGUALR MEETING – DECEMBER 7, 2004</p><p>APPROVAL OF ADDENDUM 4.0</p><p>4.1 NONE</p><p>BUSINESS/FINANCE 5.0</p><p>5.1 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Steve Markham to approve with one consent vote to approve the Minutes of November 16, 2004 meeting.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>OLD BUSINESS 6.0</p><p>6.1 NONE</p><p>NEW BUSINESS 7.0</p><p>7.1 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Cindy Bradfield to approve the following resolution: Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Pioneer Central School District hereby approve the terms of a Confidential Settlement Agreement, Waiver and General Release dated November 4, 2004, and directs the Superintendent and School District attorney to execute that agreement on behalf of the School District.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>7.2 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Mike Conroy to accept the gift of Dynamite (special education assistive technology device valued at $7,000) from Cindy Groff, mother of Delson Keller.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>7.3 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Ray Haberer to approve a $.50 per hour pay increase for the 2004-2005 school year for Cathy Medden, Even Start Director.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>7.4 Motion was made by Ray Haberer and seconded by Cindy Bradfield to approve the following: Where as, the State of New York continues to cause reductions in State aid payments to local school districts in the present year thereby harming our cash flow between January, 2005 and December, 2005 and Where as, Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming Counties BOCES has proposed to alleviate part of the financial impact of these State aid reductions or delays by borrowing funds to replace temporarily the usual monthly payments by component school districts to BOCES so that this District will make one payment to BOCES on June 23, 2005 for all BOCES services for the balance of this fiscal year (from February to June) and one payment to BOCES on December 27,2005 for all BOCES invoices for the period of September through December, therefore</p><p>Be It Resolved, that this Board supports the proposal by Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES to borrow funds for the above stated purpose in the amount of $9,950,000. PCSD – BOARD OF EDUCATION – MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING – DECEMBER 7, 2004</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>7.5 Motion was made by Cindy Bradfield and seconded by John M. Galvin to adopt the 2005-2006 Budget Calendar. </p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>PERSONNEL 8.0</p><p>8.1 Leaves of Absence</p><p>DATE EMPLOYE POSITION SUBMITT DATE EFFECTIVE COMMENTS E ED Jillian Maul French 11/15/04 Approximately 1/3/05 Family Medical Leave Teacher – 3/28/05 (unpaid)</p><p>Motion by John M. Galvin Seconded by Steve Markham</p><p>8 - Aye 0 - Nay 0 - Abstain </p><p>8.2 Instructional Appointments</p><p>EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMEN CERT. TENUR SALAR STATUS EFFECTIV T AREA E AREA Y E DATE After School Pam Waterman N-6 N-6 $20/hr Tenured For 2004-2005 Homework Help After School 3 Year Jeremy Wilton Music Music $20/hr For 2004-2005 Chorus Probationary</p><p>Motion by Cindy Bradfield Seconded by Faye Spencer</p><p>8 - Aye 0 - Nay 0 - Abstain</p><p>8.3 Non-instructional Appointments</p><p>NAME POSITION SALARY NOTES Dale Easterly Bus Driver – full-time $10.60/hr</p><p>Motion by Mike Conroy Seconded by Steve Markham</p><p>8 - Aye 0 - Nay 0 - Abstain </p><p>PCSD – BOARD OF EDUCATION – MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING – DECEMBER 7, 2004 8.4 Substitute Teacher/Tutor Appointments</p><p>GRADE NAME DEGREE CERTIFICATION SUBJECTS LEVEL Ben Walters N/A None All All Mark Juris None All All Montgomery Doctorate</p><p>All individuals listed are fingerprinted and have full clearance for employment and All substitutes have been approved by the Principals and the Director of Special Education.</p><p>Motion by Steve Markham Seconded by Pauline Skeels</p><p>8 - Aye 0 - Nay 0 – Abstain</p><p>8.5 Student Teacher/Intern Approval</p><p>NAME BUILDING COLLEGE NOTES Daniel Gurley High School Houghton Peter Wheatley Delevan Elementary Houghton</p><p>Motion by John M. Galvin Seconded by Ray Haberer</p><p>8 - Aye 0 - Nay 0 – Abstain</p><p>8.6 Volunteer Appointment</p><p>NAME BUILDING/ACTIVITY NOTES</p><p>All Charlene Rule Arcade Elementary individuals listed above were Sarah Rodgers Arcade Elementary recommended by building Teresa Bookmiller Arcade Elementary principals or athletic Cathy Reynolds Arcade Elementary director Cathie Rosser Arcade Elementary Motion by Pauline Kathy Heppner Arcade Elementary Skeels Seconded Kimberly Bragg Arcade Elementary by Steve Markham Susan Ebert Arcade Elementary 8 - Aye 0 - Nay 1 - Neil Dennis High School Abstain (C. Marcella Tillinghast Arcade Elementary Bradfield) Judy Darling Arcade Elementary</p><p>PCSD – BOARD OF EDUCATION – MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING – DECEMBER 7, 2004</p><p>CSE/CPSE RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0</p><p>9.1 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Mike Conroy to approve the following placements of children with disabilities:</p><p>November 12, 2004 – Delevan Elementary 1A-B November 15, 2004 - Middle School 2A-I November 16, 2004 – Preschool 3A-F November 18, 2004 – High School 4A-S November 22, 2004 – High School 5A-C November 23, 2004 – District 6A November 23, 2004 – Arcade Elementary 7A-F November 23, 2004 – Delevan Elementary 8A November 29, 2004 – Preschool 9A</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>YORKSHIRE-PIONEER DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION</p><p>Delevan Elementary Committee on Special Education – 11/12/04</p><p>1A Student: 000502575 Placement: 15:1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>1B Student: 000502559 Placement: 15:1/Arcade (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>Middle School Committee on Special Education – 11/15/04</p><p>2A Student: 000502567 Placement: Resource Room (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>2B Student: 000008340 Placement: 12:1+1 (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>2C Student: 00032889 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>2D Student: 000502452 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>2E Student: 000300074 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>2F Student: 000010013 Placement: Resource Room (Periodic Review) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>2G Student: 000008105 Placement: Declassification (Reevaluation) Classification: Declassified </p><p>2H Student: 000502485 Placement: 15:1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>2I Student: 000010749 Placement: 15:1 (Amendment) Classification: Other Health Impairment</p><p>Committee on Preschool Special Education – 11/16/04</p><p>3A Student: 000000456 Placement: Related Service/ Homebased (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3B Student: 000000471 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>3C Student: 000000436 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3D Student: 000000360 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>3E Student: 000000447 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3F Student: 000000458 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>High School Committee on Special Education – 11/18/04</p><p>4A Student: 000007032 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4B Student: 000008129 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4C Student: 000008073 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4D Student: 000008439 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability 4E Student: 000007515 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4F Student: 000007413 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4G Student: 000500977 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4H Student: 000007377 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4I Student: 000008263 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4J Student: 000501180 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4K Student: 000010362 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4L Student: 000008244 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4M Student: 000007160 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4N Student: 000500921 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4O Student: 000005115 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4P Student: 000500424 Placement: 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance</p><p>4Q Student: 000007198 Placement: 8:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Emotional Disturbance 4R Student: 000007336 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Periodic Review) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4S Student: 000006231 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>High School Committee on Special Education – 11/22/04</p><p>5A Student: 000007026 Placement: 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>5B Student: 000502579 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>5C Student: 000500968 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Amendment) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>District Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>6A Student: 000005295 Placement: BOCES 12:1:4/ Rushford Elementary (Amendment) Classification: Multiple Disabilities </p><p>Arcade Elementary Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>7A Student: 000501233 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Reevaluation) Classification: Orthopedic Impairment</p><p>7B Student: 000501672 Placement: Resource Room (New Referral) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>7C Student: 000501780 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Reevaluation) Classification: Other Health Impairment</p><p>7D Student: 000501173 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>7E Student: 000400126 Placement: 15:1 (Reevaluation) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>7F Student: 000502520 Placement: Home Instruction (Periodic Review) Classification: Multiple Disabilities Delevan Elementary Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>8A Student: 000041295 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1/ Arcade (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>Committee on Preschool Special Education – 11/29/04</p><p>9A Student: 000000410 Placement: Related Service/ Daycare (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student with a Disability</p><p>EXECUTIVE SESSION 10.0</p><p>10.1 Motion was made by Ray Haberer and seconded by John M. Galvin to suspend the regular order of business and enter into Executive Session at 8:55 PM do discuss litigation concerning Special Education.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>Executive Session ended at 9:07 PM</p><p>ADJPOURNMENT 12.0</p><p>12.1 Motion was made by John M. Galvin and seconded by Pauline Skeels to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 PM.</p><p>Ayes – 8 Nays – 0 Abstain – 0</p><p>Respectfully submitted, </p><p>Raymond J. Haberer, Clerk</p><p>Committee on Preschool Special Education – 11/16/04</p><p>3A Student: 000000456 Placement: Related Service/ Homebased (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3B Student: 000000471 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>3C Student: 000000436 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3D Student: 000000360 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>3E Student: 000000447 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>3F Student: 000000458 Placement: BOCES 12:1+1 (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability</p><p>High School Committee on Special Education – 11/18/04</p><p>4A Student: 000007032 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4B Student: 000008129 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4C Student: 000008073 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4D Student: 000008439 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4E Student: 000007515 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4F Student: 000007413 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability 4G Student: 000500977 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4H Student: 000007377 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4I Student: 000008263 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4J Student: 000501180 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4K Student: 000010362 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4L Student: 000008244 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4M Student: 000007160 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4N Student: 000500921 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4O Student: 000005115 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4P Student: 000500424 Placement: 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance</p><p>4Q Student: 000007198 Placement: 8:1+1 (Periodic Review) Classification: Emotional Disturbance</p><p>4R Student: 000007336 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Periodic Review) Classification: Learning Disability </p><p>4S Student: 000006231 Placement: Resource Room (Amendment) Classification: Learning Disability High School Committee on Special Education – 11/22/04</p><p>5A Student: 000007026 Placement: 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>5B Student: 000502579 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>5C Student: 000500968 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1 (Amendment) Classification: Emotional Disturbance </p><p>District Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>6A Student: 000005295 Placement: BOCES 12:1:4/ Rushford Elementary (Amendment) Classification: Multiple Disabilities </p><p>Arcade Elementary Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>7A Student: 000501233 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Reevaluation) Classification: Orthopedic Impairment</p><p>7B Student: 000501672 Placement: Resource Room (New Referral) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>7C Student: 000501780 Placement: Consultant Teacher (Reevaluation) Classification: Other Health Impairment</p><p>7D Student: 000501173 Placement: Not Classified (New Referral) Classification: Non-Disabled</p><p>7E Student: 000400126 Placement: 15:1 (Reevaluation) Classification: Learning Disability</p><p>7F Student: 000502520 Placement: Home Instruction (Periodic Review) Classification: Multiple Disabilities</p><p>Delevan Elementary Committee on Special Education – 11/23/04</p><p>8A Student: 000041295 Placement: BOCES 8:1+1/ Arcade (Transfer/Intake) Classification: Emotional Disturbance Committee on Preschool Special Education – 11/29/04</p><p>9A Student: 000000410 Placement: Related Service/ Daycare (Amendment) Classification: Preschool Student With A Disability </p>
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