<p> Clinical Senior Lecturer in Vascular Surgery</p><p>Academic Vascular Surgical Unit Hull York Medical School</p><p>Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Job Description and Person Specification</p><p>Clinical Senior Lecturer in Vascular Surgery Academic Vascular Surgical Unit, Hull York Medical School (HYMS)</p><p>Hull York Medicial School (HYMS) is seeking to appoint an experienced, motivated, enthusiastic medical academic with a strong background in clinical research and a commitment to research, innovative service provision, and education to a Clinical Senior Lectureship in Vascular Surgery. The Senior Lecturer will be expected to develop his/her own research programme within the HYMS research strategy and to obtain external funding. He or she will be expected to provide teaching for the School’s programmes, including the MB BS and postgraduate offerings. The post is within the Academic Vascular Surgical Unit headed by Professor Ian Chetter. The appointee will hold an honorary NHS contract, the details of which will be subject to negotiation depending upon the appointee’s clinical interests. </p><p>Job Description and Job Plan The successful appointee will be expected to participate in research, teaching, leadership and the provision of clinical services.</p><p>Specifically, the appointee will:</p><p> Conduct high quality research and development in vascular surgery. Be a key member of the academic team working in the field of vascular surgery, with interests in surgical wounds, lower limb peripheral vascular disease, lower limb venous disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm and vascular access. Attract external funding and publish high quality outputs in scientific journals. Supervise postgraduate students undertaking higher degrees. Contribute to development and delivery of HYMS’ taught programmes, including its MB BS and postgraduate programmes. Fulfil a leadership role in developing research in Hull through the medical school. Foster service development in the region through clinical and research links with local and regional NHS bodies. Deliver high quality clinical patient care in the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust. Contribute to the teaching and training of junior medical staff, GPs, nursing staff and other health care professionals.</p><p>Job plan The successful candidate will negotiate and agree a job plan comprising 5 HYMS academic sessions and 5 NHS clinical sessions per week. The 5 academic programmed activities will typically comprise 4 sessions for research (including research administration and management) and 1 teaching session. The 5 clinical programmed activities will comprise direct patient care and will normally include outpatient clinics and investigations, interventional and operating theatre sessions, and clinical administration and supporting professional activities (SPAs) including continuing medical education (CME). As part of the SPAs you will be required to be involved in appraisal, assessment, clinical governance and continuing professional development and medical education. The agreed job plan will be reviewed annually; any party may propose amendment at any time but any variation must be 2 agreed with you by HYMS and the Trust. Any other commitments, including on call, will be agreed as part of the job plan and remunerated in accordance with NHS rates. You will not be expected to carry out work that has not been agreed in the job plan except when dealing with emergency work. Supervision and training of junior clinical staff will be expected. The clinical service commitment will be tailored to the expertise and interests of the successful applicant.</p><p>Timetabled job plan</p><p>Week 1 – “surgeon of the week” Day Time Work Categorisation PAs Monday 08:30 – 10:30 Post Grad Ed Mtg DCC 0.5 10:30 - 12:30 Grand round DCC 0.5 13:00 – 17:00 Access Clinic DCC 1.0 Tuesday 08:00 – 10:00 Ward round DCC 0.5 10:00 – 12:00 Acutes DCC 0.5 12:00 – 13:00 SPA SPA 0.25 13:30 – 17:30 Access list DCC 1.0 17:30 – 18:30 Ward round DCC 0.25 Wednesday 08:00 – 09:00 Ward Round DCC 0.25 09:00 -13:00 CEPOD list DCC 1.0 13:30 – 15:30 Acutes DCC 0.5 15:30 – 17:30 SPA SPA 0.5 17:30 – 18:30 Ward Round DCC 0.25 Thursday 08:00 – 10:00 Ward round DCC 0.5 10:30-12:30 ID round DCC 0.5 13:00 – 15:00 Acutes DCC 0.5 15:00 – 17:00 SPA SPA 0.5 17:30 – 18:30 Ward round DCC 0.25</p><p>Friday 08:00 – 09:00 Ward Round DCC 0.25 09:00 -13:00 CEPOD list DCC 1.0 13:30 – 15:30 MDT DCC 0.5 15:30 – 17:30 Grand round DCC 0.5</p><p>Cumulative DCC 10.25 SPA 1.25</p><p>Total 11.5</p><p>3 Week 3,5,7 - clinical Day Time Work Categorisation PAs Monday 08:30 – 10:30 Post Grad Ed Mtg DCC 0.5 10:30 - 12:30 Grand round DCC 0.5 13:00 - 17:00 SPA SPA 1 Tuesday 0800 - 1800 All day list DCC 2.5 Wednesday 0830 - 12:30 Day case DCC 1 13:00 - 17:00 SPA SPA 1 Thursday 08:30 - 12:30 Admin DCC 1 13:00 – 17:00 Diabetic Foot Clinic DCC 1 Friday 09:00 - 13:00 OPC DCC 1 13:30 – 15:30 MDT DCC 0.5 15:30 – 17:30 Grand round DCC 0.5</p><p>Cumulative DCC 8.5 SPA 2.0 Out of hours On-call Variable frequency DCC 1.5 Total 12</p><p>Weeks 2,4,6,8 - academic Day Time Work Categorisation PAs Monday 08:30 – 10:30 Post Grad Ed Mtg DCC 0.5 10:30 - 12:30 Academic (Research) Academic 0.5 13:00 - 17:00 Academic (Research) Academic 1 Tuesday 09:00 – 13:00 Academic (Research) Academic 1 13:30 – 17:30 Academic (Teaching) Academic 1 Wednesday 0800 – 18:00 Academic (Research) Academic 2.5 Thursday 0800 – 18:00 Academic (Research) Academic 2.5 Friday 09:00 - 13:00 Academic (Research) Academic 1 13:30 – 15:30 MDT DCC 0.5</p><p>Cumulative DCC 1.0 Academic 9.5 Out of hours On-call Variable frequency DCC 1.5 Total 12</p><p>Over a 8 week cycle this averages at per week at 5.0DCC, 4.75 Academic, 0.9 SPA, and 1.3125 on call – Total / week = 11.96 PA/ week</p><p>4 Academic Location The Academic Vascular Surgical Unit is based at the Hull Royal Infirmary site. Office accommodation and secretarial support will be provided at Hull Royal Infirmary.</p><p>Reporting You will be accountable for academic activities to Professor Ian Chetter. For clinical practice, the appointee will be accountable to the Chief Medical Officer of Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust through the clinical director of vascular surgery and the medical director of the Surgery Health Group. </p><p>Academic Vascular Surgical Unit The appointee will join a dynamic research team in the Academic Vascular Surgical Unit (AVSU), part of the Hull York Medical School (HYMS). </p><p>The AVSU in Hull was established 10 years ago and investigates all aspects of vascular disease and associated therapies, and collaborates with some of the strongest departments within the University of Hull including the Clinical Biosciences Institute; the Centre for Medical Engineering and Technology; the Department of Biological Sciences; and the Department of Sport Health and Exercise Science. It has close links with the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York and clinical departments in the NHS and Industry. The AVSU has become the hub of multi-disciplinary approach to understanding and managing all aspects of arterial and venous disease. Staff include; 7 consultant vascular surgeons; 6 consultant interventional radiologists; 4 Specialist Registrars (2 Academic Clinical Lecturers); 1 core surgical trainee; 4 FY1 doctors; 3 vascular technicians / sonographers; 4 specialist / research nurses; 7 research fellows. Facilities include fully equipped vascular laboratory; 4 ultrasound scanners, plethysmography equipment; treadmills; cardiopulmonary exercise testing; flow mediated vasodilatation (FMD), laser Doppler, transcutaneous PCO2 & pulse wave velocity (PWV) equipment; access to CT, MRa, combined procedures and interventional radiology suites. The AVSU has a proven track record in peer review publication, successful grant applications, and supervision of successful MD, MSc, BSc & PGCert students.</p><p>5 Person Specification</p><p>Qualifications Essential Desirable Entry on UK Specialist Register as a Consultant for Vascular Surgery, or UK Specialist Registrar X within 6 months of award of CCT MD/PhD in a relevant area of vascular research X Teaching qualification X</p><p>Knowledge In-depth knowledge of vascular surgery with X established areas of expertise cognate with HYMS Knowledge of current evidence-based practice in X vascular surgery Knowledge of medical education issues in relation X to vascular surgery Knowledge of methods of developing clinical X quality assurance and evidence based clinical practice Knowledge and experience of contemporary X teaching methods, including self-directed and problem-based learning, small group teaching, and critical appraisal</p><p>Skills, abilities and competencies Strong publication record with proven ability to X lead the writing of peer-reviewed research publications for high-impact journals A proven track record in securing externally X funded research Able to take a leadership role in research projects X and educational programmes Excellent written and verbal communications skills X including presentation skills Established teaching and supervision skills X</p><p>Experience Experience as a co- and principal investigator on X externally funded research projects / programmes Experience of supervising postgraduate research X students Effective interpersonal, influencing and negotiation X skills Experience of contributing to undergraduate / X postgraduate educational programmes Experience of contributing to departmental / X organisational management (i.e. membership of management / planning groups)</p><p>Personal attributes 6 Strategic thinker X Leadership skills X Show attention to detail and commitment to quality X Display creativity, initiative and judgement in X applying appropriate approaches to research / teaching Positive attitude to colleagues and students, respect X for the skills of others and can work with people of all capabilities and attitudes Willingness to work proactively with colleagues in X other work areas / institutions Ability to plan and prioritise own work in order to X meet deadlines Sufficiently resilient to work well against a X background of change and uncertainty in the health sector and higher education Show commitment to the Centre / School / X University outside of their chosen field, for example undertaking management and administration duties Commitment to personal development and X updating of knowledge and skills Collaborative ethos, commitment to X interdisciplinary collaboration and team-working</p><p>Accountability The post holder will be accountable to the head of HYMS’ Academic Vascular Surgical Unit (Prof Ian Chetter) and the Associate Dean for Research (Prof Khalid Naseem) In keeping with the requirements of the Follett Report, a detailed job description and job plan will be negotiated between HYMS and the Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and a joint annual appraisal conducted by the the Dean of HYMS (or authorised deputy) and a representative of the Trust. The Clinical Senior Lecturer will serve ex-officio on relevant bodies within HYMS or the Trust as shall be agreed with the Head of Centre and Dean.</p><p>Terms of Engagement The appointee will hold an honorary contract with the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, and will be required to participate in clinical governance and continuing professional development. Supervision and training of junior clinical staff will be encouraged. The salary will be within the scale for Clinical Senior Lecturers and the appointment will be made in accordance with the General Terms of Engagement of Clinical Academic Staff of the University of Hull. </p><p>The University will assume that it is free to approach referees at any stage unless the candidate states otherwise in his/her application (i.e. candidates who wish a referee or referees to be approached only with their specific permission and/or if they were called to interview, are asked to state such requirements explicitly alongside the details of the relevant referee(s).)</p><p>It is anticipated that interviews for the post will be held in Hull in early 2017. </p><p>7 Applicants who are short-listed for interview will be sent details of time and venue as soon as possible and will be invited to meet members of the Academic Vascular Surgical Unit, others in the Medical School, and current contributors to medicine within the NHS. On the day of interview candidates will be expected to give a short presentation on their vision for how they will contribute to the development of research, education and service in vascular surgery to an invited audience of academics and service providers.</p><p>Informal enquiries and visiting arrangements</p><p>Informal enquiries and requests to visit should in the first instance be sent to::</p><p>Professor Ian Chetter Direct line: 01482 675784; [email protected] Chair of Surgery, Centre for Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research</p><p>Candidates’ travelling expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with standard University rates and practice. The relocation expenses of the successful candidate will be negotiated.</p><p>8 INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL AND APPLIED HEALTH RESEARCH (ICAHR) We have ambitious plans for research growth in biomedical, applied health and clinical research at the University of Hull. This growth is supported and enabled by a £28m investment by the University of Hull in a new Health Campus development and the establishment of an Institute for Clinical and Applied Health Research (ICAHR). The formation of the Institute is supported by a major investment in academic and clinical academic staff and the establishment of strong methods and support infrastructure (statistics, trials, etc.). Alongside this investment, the Hull York Medical School (HYMS) and the Faculty of Health and Social Care (FHSC) are establishing themselves as two Schools within a new Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Hull, which will be established by August 2017. The new Allam Medical Building in which the Institute will be based is due to open Summer 2017. This planned growth will enable FHSC and HYMS to maximise funding opportunities by promoting collective research impact. </p><p>THE HULL YORK MEDICAL SCHOOL The Hull York Medical School (HYMS) is a collaboration between the Universities of Hull and York and the NHS. HYMS operates from both University campuses and within teaching hospitals and medical practices throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region. HYMS is a young medical school which is developing a growing reputation for its teaching and research. In addition to delivering a top-quality programme of medical training and a growing portfolio of postgraduate programmes, HYMS’ academic and clinical researchers across Hull and York have a strong reputation for the quality and impact of their work. In REF 2014, over 85% of research across HYMS was assessed as world leading or internationally excellent and HYMS’ researchers currently account for 40% of research awards by value at the University of Hull. </p><p>HYMS has a strong reputation as an undergraduate medical school. Our innovative curriculum includes an enquiry based approach to learning, early clinical experience, balanced teaching across all health sectors and a wide range of student selected learning opportunities. Our graduates are recognised as being very capable Foundation Doctors, many of whom have stayed locally to help develop health care services in this area. We run two small postgraduate taught programmes and have a range of post graduate research programmes and teams.</p><p>The quality and impact on health and patient care of research carried out in the Hull York Medical School (HYMS) was recognised by the University of York’s ranking as 7th in the country for Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care in the national Research Excellence Framework 2014, which published its results today. HYMS researchers were also part of York’s top-10 rated submissions in Biology and Psychology. Across the whole of HYMS, a partnership between the Universities of Hull and York, over 85% of research was assessed as world leading or internationally excellent.</p><p>Within the Universities, research development in HYMS has been based on a distributed model, in which academic staff may have a research base in a cognate academic department of the University of Hull and/or York, providing scientific integration, critical mass and technology platforms with which to work. In relation to clinically orientated research there is a Clinical Research Facility (the Daisy Building) in Hull at Castle Hill Hospital and an Experimental Medicine Unit at York Hospital, to facilitate translational research. HYMS also plays a role in establishing and facilitating research networking between NHS partners in the region through topic based regional meetings.</p><p>9 The area covered by the HYMS NHS partnership comprises Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire, York and North Yorkshire, and Northern Lincolnshire, which together have a population of around 1.8 million. 17 NHS organisations make up the HYMS NHS partnership, within which there are over 600 consultants and 900 general practitioners. Encompassing both rural and urban populations, the region contains a variety of environments in which health services are delivered. There are areas of considerable deprivation, not only in urban centres, but also in patches across the rural hinterlands. Heart disease and lung cancer are severe problems in Hull. Measures of overall health in North Lincolnshire are poorer than the country as a whole. However, in most of the region, rates for infant mortality and most disease-specific death are well below national averages, the prevalence of smoking and drug use are low, and the uptake of screening is high in many areas.</p><p>East Yorkshire with its homogenous and stable population of 600,000 is an ideal centre for prospective observational and interventional clinical research: the central urban area of Kingston upon Hull has a population of 350,000. The NHS clinical facilities are well developed and virtually comprehensive across the medical and surgical disciplines; only certain transplantation and cardiac neonatal surgical procedures require distant referral. Hence there exists a wealth of clinical material available for approved educational and research purposes.</p><p>10</p>
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