BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography contains only works cited in the foregoing pages. To date. the most complete bibliography of both John Dewey's writings and writings about him is Milton Halsey Thomas' John Dewey: A Centennial Bibliography (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, (962). An exceJlent and com­ prehensive bibliography of Dewey's works arranged in twelve categories is contained in Guide to the Works of John Dewey edited by Jo Ann Boydston (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970). For a chronological arrangement of Dewey's writings. a fairly comprehensive bibliography is also available in The Philosophy of John Dewey edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp (New York: Tudor Publishing Company. 2d ed .. 195\). Most recently, Jo Ann Boydston and Kathleen Poulos have provided an in­ dispensable aid to scholars of Dewey's thought in their Checklist of Writings About John Dewey, 1887-1973 (Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, (974). Baker, Melvin C. Foundations of John Dewey's Educational Theory. New York: King's Crown Press, Columbia University, 1955. Barnes, Harry Elmer, ed. An Introduction to the History of Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1948. Berkeley, George. The Principles of Human Knowledge. La Salle: Open Court Publishing Co., 1940. Bernstein, Richard J. John Dewey. New York: Washington Square Press. 1966. ---, ed. On Experience, Nature, and Freedom. New York: Liberal Arts Press. 1960. Blewett. John, ed. John Dewey: His Thought and Influence. New York: Fordham University Press, 1960. Boydston, 10 Ann, ed. Guide to the Works of John Dewey. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970. Brickman, William W. "Dewey's Social and Political Commentary." In Guide to the Works of John Dewey. Edited by 10 Ann Boydston. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970. 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bridgman, P.W. "The New Vision of Science." Harper's Magazine. March 1929. pp. 443-45 I. Collins, James. "The Genesis of Dewey's Naturalism." In John Dewey: His Thought and Influence. Edited by John Blewett. New York: Fordham University Press. 1960. Condorcet, Antoine-Nicholas de. Sketch Jor a Historical Picture oj the Progress oj the Human Mind. Translated by June Barraclough. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1955. Coughlan, Neil. Young John Dewey: An Essay in American Intellectual History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975. Descartes, Rene. Meditations. In The Philosophical Works oj Descartes. Translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross, Vol. J. New York: Dover Publications, 1955. ---. The Principles oj Philosophy. In The Philosophical Works oj Descartes. Translated by Elizabeth S. Haldane and G.R.T. Ross, Vol. J. New York: Dover Publications, 1955. Dewey, Jane. "Biography of John Dewey." In The Philosophy ojJohn Dewey. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern University. 1939. Dewey, John. "Authority and Social Change." In Authority and the IndMdual. Cam­ bridge: Harvard University Press, 1937. ---. Characters and Events: Popular Essays in Social and Political Philosophy. Edited by Joseph Ratner. 2 vols. New York: Henry Holt and Co.• 1929. ---. A Common Faith. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1934. ---. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy oj Educa- tion. New York: Macmillan Co., 1916. ---. "Democracy in Education." Elementary School Teacher 4 (1903): 193-204. ---. "Does Reality Possess Practical Character?" In Essays, Philosophical and Psychological, in honor of William James, Professor in Harvard University. by his Colleagues at Columbia University. New York: Longmans, Green. and Co .• 1908. ---. "Education and the Health of Women." Science 6 (1885): 341-342. ---. Essays in Experimental Logie. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1916. ---and Tufts, James H. Ethics. rev. ed. New York: Henry Holt and Co .• 1932. ---. "Ethics and Physical Science." Andover Review 7 (1887): 573-591. ---. "Evolution and Ethics." Monist 8 (1898): 321-341. ---. "The Evolutionary Method as Applied to Morality. J. Its Scientific Necessity." Philosophical Review II (1902): 107-124. ---. "The Evolutionary Method as Applied to Morality. II. Its Significance for Conduct." Philosophical Review II (1902): 353-371. BIBLIOGRAPHY 117 ---. Experience and Education. New York: Macmillan Co., 1938. ---. Experience and Nature. Chicago, London: Open Court Publishing Co.• 1925. (2d ed. New York: W.W. Norton and Co., 1929.) ---. "Experience, Knowledge and Value: A Rejoinder." In The Philosophy of John Dewey. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp. Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern University, 1939. ---. Freedom and Culture. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1939. ---. "From Absolutism to Experimentalism." In Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements. Edited by George P. Adams and William P. Montague, Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Co., 1930. ---. "Health and Sex in Higher Education." Popular Science Month(l' 28 (1886): 606-614. ---. How We Think. rev. ed. Boston: D.C. Heath and Co., 1933. ---. Human Nature and Conduct: An Introduction to Social Psychology. New York: Modern Library, 1930. ---. Individualism. Old and New. New York: Minton, Balch and Co., 1930. ---. The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and Other Essays in Contemporary Thought. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1910. ---. "Interest as Related to [the Training of the] Will." In National Herbart Society: Second Supplement to the Herbart Yearbook for 1895. Bloomington. Illinois: 1896. --- and Bentley, Arthur F. Knowing and the Known. Boston: Beacon Press. 1949. ---. Liberalism and Social Action. New York: G.P. Putman's Sons, 1935. ---. Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. New York: Henry Holt and Co .• 1938. ---. "The Need for a Recovery of Philosophy." In Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic A ttitude. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1917. ---. "The New Psychology." Andover Review 2 (1884): 278-289. ---. Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics. Ann Arbor: Register Publishing Co., 1891. --- and Bentley, Arthur F. A Philosophical Correspondence. 1932-1951. Selected and edited by Sidney Ratner and Jules Altman with James E. Wheeler as Associate Editor. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 1964. ---. "Philosophy." Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 12. New York: Macmillan Co., 1934. ---. "Philosophy." In Research in the Social Sciences: Its Fundamental Methods and Objectives. Edited by Wilson Gee. New York: Macmillan Co .• 1929. ---. "Philosophy." In Whither Mankind: A Panorama of Modern Civilization. Edited by Charles A. Beard. New York: Longmans, Green and Co .• 1928. 178 BIBLIOGRAPHY ---. Philosophy and Civilization. New York: Minton, Balch and Co .• 1931. ---. "Phi10sophy's Future in Our Scientific Age." Commentary 8 (1949): 388-394. ---. "Pragmatism." In A Cyclopedia 0/ Education. Edited by Paul Monroe. Vol. 5. New York: The Macmillan Co.• 1913. ---. Problems 0/ Men. New York: Philosophical Library, 1946. ---. Psychology. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1887. ---. "The Psychology of Effort." Philosophical Review 6 (1897): 43-56. ---. The Public and Its Problems. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1927. ---. The Quest/or Certainty: A Study 0/ the Relation 0/ Knowledge and Action. New York: Minton, Balch and Co., 1929. ---. Reconstruction in Philosophy. enl. ed. Boston: Beacon Press. 1948. ---. "The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology." Psychological Review 3 (1896): 357-370. ---and Dewey, Evelyn. Schools o/Tomorrow. New York: E.P. Dutton and Co .. 1915. ---. "Some Implications of Anti-Intellectualism." Journal 0/ Philosophy 7 (19\0): 477-481. ---. The Sources 0/ a Science 0/ Education. New York: Liveright Publishing Corp., 1929. ---. Studies in Logical Theory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1909. ---. The Study 0/ Ethics: A Syllabus. Ann Arbor: Register Publishing Co., 1894. ---. "The Subject-Matter of Metaphysical Inquiry." Journal 0/ Philosophy 12 (\915): 337-345. ---. "The Theory of Emotion. I. Emotional Attitudes." Psychological Review 1 (1894): 553-569. ---. "The Theory of Emotion. II. The Significance of the Emotion." Psychological Review 2 (1895): 13-32. ---. "Theory of Valuation." In International Encyclopedia 0/ Unified Science, Vol. 2, no. 4. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1939. ---. "Time and Individuality." In John Dewey on Experience. Nature and Freedom: Representative Selections. Edited by Richard J. Bernstein. New York: The Liberal Arts Press. 1960. Dykhuizen, George. The Life and Mind 0/ John Dewey. Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1973. ---. "John Dewey at Johns Hopkins (1882-1884)." Journal o/the History 0/ Ideas 22 (1961): \03-116. Hahn. Lewis E. "Dewey's Philosophy and Philosophic Method." In Guide to the BIBLIOGRAPHY 179 Works of John Dewey. Edited by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. 1970. Hall. G. Stanley. "Review of Dewey's Psychology." American Journal of Psychology 1(1887): 146-159. Hartshorne. Charles. "The Development of Process Philosophy." In Philosophers of Process. Edited by Douglas Browning. New York: Random House. 1965. Hayes. Edward Cary. "Masters of Social Science: Albion Woodbury Small." Social Forces 4 (1926): 669-677. Heidbreder. Edna. Seven Psychologies. New York: The Century Co .. 1933. Heisenberg, Werner. "Ober den anschaulichen Inhalt der quantentheoretischen Kinematik und Mechanik." Zeitschrift for Physik 43 (I927): 172-198. James. William. Pragmatism: A New
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