Third Grade Basics

Third Grade Basics

<p>Third Grade Basics</p><p>Mathematics</p><p> Identify Names of Numbers o Identify word names for numbers through 9,999. o Identify ordinals to 20th. o Identify even and odd numbers to 99.  Count, Sequence, and Compare Numbers o Count and write by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, and 10’s to 100 starting at any point. o Sequence or order numbers through 9,999. o Identify a number greater than a given number in the thousands.  Use symbols and estimation o Recognize and use symbols: <, >, = o Estimate the sum of two 2-digit numbers.  Identify Place Value o Round 2-digit numerals to the nearest ten. o Identify place value up to 4 digits and expanded form up to 3 digits. o Compare whole numbers up to 4 digits. o Express a number as a number of tens and ones when the number of ones is greater than nine. o Round a number in hundredths to the nearest ten.  Add and Subtract o Add multi-digit numbers up to 3 digits. o Add a four digit number and a three digit number. o Subtract up to two 3-digit numbers. o Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number renaming tens to ones o Subtract a 2-digit number from a three digit number, renaming hundreds to tens. o Subtract a three digit number from a three digit number.  Multiply and Divide o Name the product for a multiplication fact given in horizontal or vertical form. o Demonstrate an understanding of the terms multiplicand, multiplier, and product. o Complete a function table using multiplication facts. o Recall multiplication tables through fives. o Multiply 1-digit numbers and 1-digit by 2-digit numbers. o Use division facts 1-5 out of sequence.  Make Geometrical identifications o Identify points, lines, and line segments. o Relate spatial relationships to symmetry. o Find area of a square counting square units. o Understand that an equilateral triangle has three equal sides.  Measure o Money: Read and write money amounts using dollar symbols, decimal notations, and cent symbols. Make change for a dollar. Determine money value for a collection of coins and bills to $10. o Time: Tell time to the nearest five-minute interval. o Temperature: Read temperature on a weather thermometer to the nearest 10 degrees. o Select the most appropriate unit of length, mass, and capacity. Measure to nearest inch or centimeter.  Identify and Use Fractions o Identify fractional parts of a region (denominators through 10) using >, <, or =. o Compare two fractions representing shaded regions or sets. o Identify fractions such as 3/3, 4/4, and 10/10 as equal to 1.</p><p> Solve Problems o Find the missing subtrahend or factor. o Identify information not needed to solve a problem. o Solve one-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers up to 3 digits. o Solve one-step word problems involving multiplicationof a 1- or 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.  Analyze and Use Charts, Graphs, and Tables o Construct a simple bar graph or picture graph. o Interpret picture and bar graphs. o Solve problems with graphs (picture, bar, or table).</p><p>Language Arts</p><p> Use Language Mechanics and Expression Appropriately o Improve use of manuscript in the first six weeks. o Use basic strokes of cursive style to form letters and words legibly and neatly. o Identify complete sentences. o Arrange words in logical order to form sentences. o Identify correct use of (and use) periods, question marks, and exclamation points. o Identify correct use of and use commas in dates, cities, and states. o Use the apostrophe to form contractions and possessives. o Identify correct use of singular and plural nouns. o Identify correct capitalization of proper nouns, the first word or a sentence, the pronoun “I,” addresses and dates. o Recognize the simple subject and simple predicate of a sentence. o Recognize and use correct forms of regular verbs (present and past tense). o Select words that add detail to sentences. o Compose a simple, original paragraph. o Recognize parts of a friendly letter. o Write abbreviations of commonly used words. o Write creatively about selected subjects.  Spell and Read o Spell words in isolation and in sentence dictation. o Recognize and spell the basic Dolch sight words. o Use these steps to master spelling: look at the word, sound the word, spell the word, write the word. o Recognize correctly spelled words using sound or symbol relationships (blends, long and short vowels, vowel diphthongs. o Use and understand the use of antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, and words that rhyme. o Identify unknown records through context clues. o Identify correctly spelled prefixes and suffixes and base words. o Form new words using prefixes and suffixes. o Easily read words with irregularly spelled suffixes (-ous, -ion, -ive). o Identify correctly spelled contractions. o Recognize letter-sound relationships for long vowels. o Recognize letter-sound relationships for two-letter consonant blends in the initial and final position (sc, sp, sk, sm, sn, st). o Recognize letter-sound relationships for three-letter consonant blends in the initial position (spl, str, spr, scr). o Recognize letter-sound associations for vowel digraphs (ai, ay, ee, ea). o Recognize letter-sound associations for vowel diphthongs (oi, oy, oo). o Use spelling patterns as clues to vowel sounds in words. o Differentiate between hard and soft sounds of c and g. o Divide two-=syllable words into syllables using the VC CV rule.  Develop Listening Comprehension o Read to gain pleasure, answer questions, and predict outcomes. o Recall story details of material read. o Respond to questions on who, what, when, where, or why after reading a selection. o Identify and describe the characters of stories. o Predict the events in a story. o Identify relevant and irrelevant information in a paragraph. o Differentiate between possible and impossible situations. o Read selected material to: . Use context to select from given predictions. . Use context to select from possible conclusions. . Distinguish between fact and fiction. . Identify cause and effect. . Sequence events. . Identify the main idea (stated).  Develop Study Skills o Use guide words to find words and entries in a dictionary. o Locate the page on which a story begins by using the table of contents. o Arrange words in alphabetical order to the second letter. o Use a glossary. o Classify and categorize words. o Locate the title, author, and illustrator on the title page.  Develop Independent Reading and Writing Skills o Read 30 chapter books a year, independently or with assistance. o Discuss books regularly with another student or group. . Compare two books by the same author. . Talk about several books on the same theme. . Refer explicitly to parts of the text when presenting or defending a claim. . Discuss why an author might have chosen particular words. . Politely disagree when appropriate . Ask other questions that seek elaboration and justification. . Attempt to explain why their interpretation of a book is valid. . Say how a story relates to something in real-life experience. . Discuss plot, setting, and motives of characters. o Read multiple books by the same author and be able to identify differences and similarities among them. o Reread some favorite books or parts of longer books, gaining deeper comprehension and knowledge of the author’s craft. o Read things that they or classmates have written. o Read functional and instructional messages in the classroom. o Infer the meaning of words from roots, prefixes and suffixes, as well as from the overall contextual meaning of what they are reading. o Learn new words every day from their reading. o Write daily, generating topics and content for their writing. . Write stories, memoirs, poems, songs. . Write a basic book or movie review. . Write basic instructions. . Extend and rework pieces of writing. o Solicit and provide responses to writing. o Revise, edit, and proofread as appropriate. o Polish at least 10-12 pieces throughout the year for an audience beyond the classroom. o Incorporate drawings, diagrams, or other graphics with their text. o Role-play something they have written. o Produce writing that uses the full range of words in their vocabulary. o Incorporate transitional words and phrases appropriate to thinking, and embed phrases and modifiers that make their writing lively and graphic.</p><p>Science</p><p> Geology o Recognize where the earth is on the solar system and understand that it is our home planet. o Understand that the planets rotate. o Know the terms clouds, sun, moon, and stars. o Know what a fossil is and that it provides information about the past. o Understand the process of evaporation.  Biology—Humans, Animals, Plants o Humans . Understand the general functions of the heart, lungs, brain, and stomach. . Know how to properly care for your body. . Understand what good nutrition is and what food item fits into which food group. o Animals . Differentiate between living and non-living things. . Understand that animals are living things with specific needs and characteristics. . Identify an animal that hibernates and a nocturnal animal. o Plants . Understand that plants are living things with specific needs and characteristics. . Realize that all living things grow and develop. . Identify a living thing that can grow from a seed. . Label the parts of a plant.  Physical Science o Understand different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) o Know that heat, light, and energy come from the sun. o Understand that scientists work by using experiments. o Understand the concept of weight. o Know the use of basic household appliances. o Recognize that machines can be useful, but they can also be dangerous. o Understand that matter exists in various states and has identifiable properties.  Study Skills o Analyze a simple bar graph. o Predict results of water evaporation. o Determine the sequence of events in space.</p><p>Social Studies</p><p> Geography o Be familiar with the Globe and World Map. o Be able to locate land masses and bodies of water. o Realize there are seven main bodies of land on earth and identify these continents by name. o Recognize major characteristics of each continent and how geography affected early settlements. o Identify the United States on a World Map and your state on a US map. o Know directions on a globe or a map, recognizing symbols.  History o Understand that people were here on earth long ago. o Recognize that people have different religious beliefs. o Understand how communication and travel has developed and improved through history. o Know about the pilgrims. o Understand American history as it relates to the holidays (e.g. Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July?) and the development of the US flag. o Sequence historical periods by clothing or transportation. o Develop an appreciation for other cultures.  Political Science o Compare and contrast neighborhoods and discuss the needs and responsibilities of living in a neighborhood. o Discuss what rights people have. o Identify occupations in the community. o Understand the role of culture to a neighborhood. o Understand the effect of environment on jobs. o Recognize services provided by workers.  Psychology/Sociology o Understand the uses and rules of communication. o Understand the role of language in communication. o Recognize the importance of communication to people all over the world. o Discuss various groups and how or why they are formed. o Discuss what it means to be a good neighbor or good citizen. o Learn to get along with age-mates of both genders. o Learn the appropriate social role of males and females. o Begin to develop an understanding of morals and values, right and wrong. o Possess a wholesome attitude toward oneself.</p><p>Computer Technology</p><p> Understand the nature and operation of computer systems o Identify the functions of computer components. o Use input devices, such as mouse, keyboard, and voice/sound recorder. o Use output devices, such as disk drive, printer, multimedia projector/display screen, etc. o Save, retrieve, and delete files. o Describe the purposes of drives, directories, and files. o Be aware that there are different types of files (extensions).  Use technology proficiently o Use and apply appropriate computer terminology. o Demonstrate the proper sequence of steps to operate a computer. o Identify the file extension for word processing, spreadsheet, and database files. o Save to a specific directory or drive. o Expand the use of various operating system features such as, opening more than one application/program, the menus, the taskbar, etc.  Develop Basic Skills o Exhibit proper posture and fingering techniques for the alphanumeric keyboard. o Review and expand proper touch-keying techniques for the home row, top row (Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P,[,],\), bottom (Z,X,C,V,B,N,M, “,”,”.”). o Continue practice using the shift keys. o Apply the touch-keying system to develop basic skills on the alphanumeric keyboard at a rate of 10 gross words per minute. o Key at a rate of 10 gross words per minute using the proper touch-keying techniques. o Use keyboards and other common input and output devices (including adaptive devices when necessary) efficiently and effectively. o Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide  Understand ethical, cultural and societal issues surrounding technology o Describe the role of machines in assisting man o Identify the various people involved in technological developments. o Identify historical aspects of technology. o Distinguish between human capabilities and computer capabilities o Discuss copyright laws. o Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology. o Adhere to software licensing agreements and respect the electronic work of other individuals. o Obey the copyright laws. o Follow Acceptable Use Guidelines as set by local school district. o Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology o Cite sources of information (print and non-print) for class assignments.  Use technological tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. o Discuss the reasons computers are best suited for task requiring speed, accuracy, and repeated operations. o Use the computer and technology resources as a learning tool. o Use the computer and technology resources as a writing tool. o Use paint and draw tools to create graphics. o Import graphics from clip art galleries. o Create slide shows. o Use on-line help and documentation (help buttons/menus/guides, readme files, Ask an Expert web sites, electronic tech support). o Use the computer and technology resources to practice learning skills in relation to other subject areas such as math, science, English, etc. o Use text, paint, and/or drawing tools to create simple documents. o Recognize that different software programs are design for specific purposes. o Recognize the characteristics of multimedia (text, audio, images, video, etc.). o Identify and discuss multimedia terms/concepts (slide/card, link/button, text box, navigate, transition) as a class/group. o Create a simple graph/chart from data in a spreadsheet. o Explore the navigation of software utilized in the classroom.  Use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. o Use the computer and technology resources to practice learning skills in relation to other subject areas such as math, science, English, etc. o Use text, paint, and/or drawing tools to create simple documents. o Recognize that different software programs are design for specific purposes. o Recognize the characteristics of multimedia (text, audio, images, video, etc.). o Identify and discuss multimedia terms/concepts (slide/card, link/button, text box, navigate, transition) as a class/group. o Create a simple graph/chart from data in a spreadsheet. o Explore the navigation of software utilized in the classroom.  Use a variety of media to effectively communicate to multiple audiences. o Explore principals design (proportion, balance, contrast, rhythm, emphasis, unity, etc., in creating a presentation/document. o Use appropriate applications, including, but not limited to spreadsheets and databases to develop charts and graphs by using data from various sources. o Publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video. o Use presentation software to communicate with specific audiences. o Integrate various media (video tape, CD-ROM, laserdisc, digital sources, internet, etc. in a multimedia presentation. o Select representative student products to be collected and stored in an electronic evaluation tool. o Evaluate student products for relevance to the assignment or task. o Be aware that file size is important, plan, organize and save multimedia files with attention to file size and media storage.  Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. o Perform simple searches to acquire information o Select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information on local area networks (printer, local servers, CD-ROM towers…) and wide area networks (Internet, WWW, telecommunications…) for research and resource sharing o Use electronic reference materials including encyclopedias, thesauruses, dictionaries, maps and atlases, etc. o Use an electronic library to search for information related to a project (TEL).  Use technology tools to process data and report results. o Use electronic reference tools as a resource, such as a simple database/spreadsheet o Identify the need for data to be organized. o Develop a small basic data base. o Identify advantages and disadvantages of a data base. o Demonstrate the process through which computers search, sort, delete, update and summarize data. o Develop a small basic spreadsheet. o Use the computer as a writing tool. o Choose an application based on its appropriateness for specific tasks. o Evaluate acquired information for usefulness. o Explore the gathering of information using a variety of electronic resources, including but not limited to the Internet. o Perform an Internet search under the direction and supervision of a teacher. o Use interactive technology environments, such as simulations, electronic science or mathematics laboratories, virtual museum field trips, or on-line interactive lessons to extend learning.  Employ technology resources for problem solving and decision making. o Recognize that computers were created to assist in solving problems. (Computer History) o Recognize that the computer relies on sequential steps in order to perform tasks. o Use a step-by-step process for solving a problem. . Order specific steps in the solution of a problem. . Choose the proper steps in the solution of a problem. . Choose and order the steps in the solution of a problem o Use teacher selected websites to acquire information related to a given problem. . Analyze the information gathered . Collaborate with the teacher/student to reach a decision based on the information gathered. o Use the computer and technology resources to gather information on different ways to solve a specific problem. o Use developmentally appropriate software to follow sequential directions and proper steps to solve a problem for a given simple task. o Use multimedia software to express ideas, strategies use, and solution for a given problem and/or task. o Use some method of storyboarding to create a presentation on the steps used to solve the problem. o Perform an Internet search under the direction and supervision of a teacher. o Use interactive technology environments, such as simulations, electronic science or mathematics laboratories, virtual museum field trips, or on-line interactive lessons to extend learning.</p><p>The technology portion of the basic skills for third grade comes from:</p>

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