<p> Blackwood Outdoor Specialist </p><p>School International Camping Post Office, Blackwood, Victoria, 3458, Australia Fellowship Member Phone: (03) 5368 6768 Fax: (03) 5368 6835 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.blackwoodssoec.vic.edu.au </p><p>Campus of:- Frankston Special Developmental School Member of:- Residential Outdoor Schools Association (ROSA) ANNUAL BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE</p><p>MURRAY to the MOUNTAINS RAIL TRAIL BEECHWORTH – EVERTON – GAPSTED – MYRTLEFORD MYRTLEFORD – OVENS – EUROBIN – POREPUNKAH – BRIGHT (RETURN)</p><p>RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN</p><p>- 1 - Risk Register</p><p>School:</p><p>Supervising teachers/staff:</p><p>Program/Excursion: The Blackwood Alpine Ride</p><p>Year Level:</p><p>Dates: Monday 21st March to Thursday 24th March 2016</p><p>Location(s): Northern Victoria – Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail – Beechworth; Everton; Gapsted; Myrtleford; Ovens; Eurobin; Porepunkah; Bright</p><p>Note to Teachers, Principals & School Councils: Blackwood Staff are employed to promote, organise, liaise, modify, implement, supervise and instruct activities and groups participating in the Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre Annual Alpine Ride. During the implementation of the Alpine Ride Blackwood Staff will request support from School Staff to help run & Co-ordinate some activities – School Staff will be instructed on guidelines & safe implementation of each activity. While Blackwood Staff have expertise in all activities conducted at Blackwood & on the Annual Blackwood Bike Rides, School Staff are fully responsible for their students at ALL TIMES & Blackwood Staff cannot be considered part of the staff : student ratio at any stage during your participation in The Alpine Ride.</p><p>Note to Teachers, Principals & School Councils: Please also be aware that due to unforseen circumstances The Alpine Ride may be modified. So while Activities that have not been approved by School Councils & Principals will not be conducted – some Alpine Ride Activities may be implemented at different times or on different days. Thank you.</p><p>Map References: Topographical VicMaps TOWN BEECHWORTH EVERTON GAPSTED MYRTLEFORD OVENS EUROBIN POREPUNKAH BRIGHT MAP Reids Creek Everton Myrtleford Myrtleford Happy Valley Eurobin Bright MAP NUMBER 8225 – 3 – 1 8225 – 3 – 3 8224 – 4 – 1 8224 – 4 – 1 8224 – 1 – 4 8224 – 1 – 3 8224 – 1 – 2 SCALE 1:25,000 1:25,000 1:25,000 1:25,000 1:25,000 1:25,000 1:25,000 EDITION 1st Edition 1977 1st Edition 1980 Revised Edition 1994 Revised Edition 1994 1st Edition 1986 Revised Edition 1994 1st Edition 1986</p><p>Myrtleford Beechworth Everton Gapsted Ovens Eurobin Porepunkah Bright Melways Reference – Edition 29 (2002) Map 622 E 8 Map 622 E 7 Map 622 D 7 Map 622 E 8 Map 622 E 8 Map 622 F 8 Map 622 F 9 Map 622 F 9 VicRoads Map Reference – Edition 4 State Map Map 49 D 2&3 Map 35 D 7 Map 35 A 8 Map 49 C 2 Map 49 E 3 Map 49 F 4 Map 49 G 5 Map 49 H 5 Town Map Map 326 D 11 Map 325 O 9 Map 326 G 8 Map 327 0 3 Topographical Grid Reference GR 757527 GR 720756 GR 591708 GR 708597 GR 785506 GR 875455 GR 917384 GR 961348 Accommodation Sites: VicRoads – Edition 4 Melways Ref Map References Topographic ACCOMMODATION SITE ADDRESS PHONE No. Edition 29 (2002) State Map Town Map Grid Ref Ardern’s Caravan Park Willow Grove, Myrtleford, Victoria, 3737 5752-1394 Map 622 E 8 Map 49 D 2 & 3 Map 326 D 11 GR 757527</p><p>- 2 - The Committee have assessed the roads, facilities, surrounds and buildings that they will utilise during the Blackwood Alpine Ride and have developed the following Plan.</p><p>A qualitative measure of consequence or impact has been utilised as follows. DESCRIPTOR DETAILS insignificant No injuries, low financial loss. Inconsequential or no damage Little or no disruption to public/infrastructure minor First aid treatment on site Some damage Some disruption to public Some financial loss moderate Medical treatment required Some hospitalisation Insufficient resources (human/material) Moderate damage Moderate disruption to public High financial loss major Extensive injuries Significant hospitalisation Fatalities Extensive support/emergency personnel required Significant damage Significant disruption to public Major financial loss</p><p>A qualitative measure of the likelihood of the occurrence happening is:- DESCRIPTOR DETAILS Almost certain The event is expected to occur in most circumstances Likely The event will probably occur in most circumstances Unlikely The event could occur at some time Rare The event will only occur in exceptional circumstances.</p><p>A qualitative measure of risk will be High Risk – Moderate risk and Low risk. Based on the likelihood and consequence analysis.</p><p>CONSEQUENCES LIKELIHOOD Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Almost certain M M H H Likely M M M H Unlikely L L L M Rare L L L M REMEMBER: That while this Risk Management Plan identifies Risks in relation to student participation they also apply to staff in all ‘Identified Risk Categories’</p><p>- 3 - DATE LOCATION/EVENT PAGES POTENTIAL RISKS ACTION</p><p>Throughout the Event Alpine Ride Meals throughout the 5 Falling, Pushing Supervision Event Tuesday Gapsted Oval Lunch 6 Falling, Crashing, Tripping Supervision Wednesday Porepunkah Park Lunch 6 Falling, Pushing, Tripping Supervision Throughout the Event Evening Activities throughout the 7 – 8 Falling, Pushing Supervision Alpine Ride Tuesday The Start of the Alpine Ride 8 – 9 Crashing, Falling, Stopping, Speed, Supervision & Guidelines Beechworth Accidents, Collisions Wednesday The Start of the Alpine Ride 10 Crashing, Falling, Stopping, Speed, Supervision & Guidelines Myrtleford Accidents, Collisions Tuesday Bus Convoy 10 – 12 Accidents, Collisions, Speed Supervision and Communication Myrtleford to Beechworth Wednesday Bus Convoy 12 Accidents, Collisions, Speed Supervision and Communication Myrtleford to Porepunkah Throughout the Event Marshal Safety 12 – 14 Accidents, Injury or Death Communication & Clear Instructions Tuesday & Wednesday THE BLACKWOOD 15 – 20 Crashing, Falling, Stopping, Speed, Supervision and Controlled Riding ALPINE RIDE Accidents, Collisions Wednesday Alpine Ride Medal Presentation 20 – 21 Falling, Pushing Supervision Movement of individuals Schools Falling, Pushing, Colliding, Accidents, Supervision Throughout the Event throughout Myrtleford & 25 Crashing, Speed Accommodation Sites Fire & Total Fire Ban 26 Burns, Sunburn Supervision Games & Activities at Ardern’s 27 Falling, Pushing, Impatient, Injury, Supervision Caravan park Property Damage Gas Explosion 27 Injury, Burns, Death, Property damage Supervision & Authorised personnel only to manage gas bottles & gas equipment Vehicle Collision 12 & 25 Injury or Death Obey Road Laws Police to enforce laws Medical Emergency 28 Allergies, reactions, death Staff Interaction & St John’s Severe Weather Conditions 28 – 29 Injury, Illness, Death Monitor Conditions, Forum Discussion advice from Local Authorities Lost Child / Staff Member 29 Disorientation, illness, injury, death Notify Authorities, Principal, BSSOEC Committee President & Rescue if required Food Contamination 30 Illness, injury or death Notify Authorities, Principal, BSSOEC Committee President & Depart of Education</p><p>- 4 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority1 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Staff & students Almost from each Students to be Talk to Staff to ensure Staff & Students falling Major Supervised at all times Satisfactory certain High school sit Staff from Supervision is over by their staff Moderate maintained – 1st Aid if Poor Likely Medium together to Individual Minor required Unknown Unlikely Low ensure Schools Insignificant Rare maximum Supervision Almost Staff ensure Supervision Major Satisfactory certain High their entire Staff & Students maintained & a clear Moderate Staff from Talk to Staff to ensure impatient while queuing line created to indicate Poor Likely Medium group lines up Individual Supervision is for food queue and avoid Minor Schools maintained – 1st Aid if Unknown Unlikely Low together for Blackwood Alpine impatience & pushing Insignificant required Ride Meals at all Rare each meal Almost Locations Major Staff to ensure Satisfactory certain High throughout the Staff & Students running Supervision to be Moderate students are Staff from Talk to Staff to ensure Event around the meal area maintained at all times Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all Individual Supervision is Minor times during Schools maintained – 1st Aid if Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant every meal required Rare Almost Major Staff to ensure Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students impatient Supervision be to Moderate students are Staff from Talk to Staff to ensure around the washing up maintained at all times Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all Individual Supervision is area Minor times Schools maintained – 1st Aid if Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant required Rare Almost Ensure Major adequate and Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students falling Supervision to be Moderate safe drainage is Talk to Staff to ensure over in the washing up maintained at all times Poor Likely Medium set in place in Blackwood Staff Supervision is area due to wet ground Minor clean up area & maintained – 1st Aid if Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant that sinks are required Rare not over filled</p><p>1 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 5 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority2 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Create an area at the lunch Almost locations where Blackwood Staff Talk to Staff to ensure Staff & Students falling Supervision is to be Major all bikes are to to instruct Staff Supervision is Satisfactory certain High st over bikes scattered maintained at all times Moderate be safely on where to maintained – 1 Aid or throughout the Gapsted among each individual Poor Likely Medium located upon safely direct St John’s involvement if Oval & Porepunkah park school group Minor arrival and staff riders on arrival required Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant & students are Rare not to enter that area during Gapsted Oval lunch Lunch Almost Inform staff that Major Students Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students falling off students should not Moderate Supervised & Blackwood Staff Talk to Staff to enure & the playground equipment access the playground Poor Likely Medium individual school inform all staff of Supervision is adequate at the park unless fully Minor groups stay potential risk – 1st Aid or St John’s Unknown Unlikely Low Porepunkah Park supervised Insignificant together Rare Lunch Almost Inform staff that Major Students Blackwood Staff Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students entering students should not Moderate Supervised & & Staff from Talk to Staff to enure the Ovens River at the access the River during Poor Likely Medium individual school individual Supervision is adequate Porepunkah Park lunch Minor groups stay schools – 1st Aid or St John’s Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant together Rare Almost Staff & Students walking Inform staff of the Major Students Blackwood Staff Satisfactory certain High out onto Nicholson Street potential risk of students Moderate Supervised & & Staff from Talk to Staff to enure and surrounding roads wandering onto the Poor Likely Medium individual school individual Supervision is adequate during lunch at surrounding roads Minor groups stay schools – 1st Aid or St John’s Unknown Unlikely Low Porepunkah during lunch Insignificant together Rare</p><p>2 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 6 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority3 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Adequate Supervision Major Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students falling to be implemented by Moderate Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about while walking towards individual staff and safe Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all individual Supervision – 1st Aid & each activity location of pedestrians Minor times schools ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low within Blackwood Insignificant Rare a) Staff to drive safely at Students to be Talk to staff about all times fully Supervised Supervision & safety b) Staff to be aware of by individual Staff from regulations implemented students within the car staff at all times individual for the Alpine Ride and park schools at all all Blackwood Special c) Staff with students in times Schools Outdoor Evening Activities the car park are to be Almost Staff to be fully Education Centre during the Alpine Vehicle accident aware of moving Major aware of the activities / events – 1st Satisfactory certain High Ride vehicles & ensure Moderate potential Aid & ambulance if students are safe at all Poor Likely Medium dangers of required times Minor reversing a Unknown Unlikely Low d) Staff reversing a Insignificant vehicle in a large Blackwood Staff vehicle at any time Rare group to inform staff of Notify emergency MUST have a 2nd staff environment and safety services, BSSOEC member outside & at to ensure the regulations and Committee President & the rear of the vehicle / back of the ensure they are Department of Education trailer to ensure it is vehicle is clear adhered to safe for the vehicle to any time they move backwards need to reverse Almost Activities have Staff to adequately Major clear instructions Blackwood Staff Satisfactory certain High Accident during the supervise students Moderate & guidelines and give clear Talk to staff about implementation of the during activities and Poor Likely Medium individual staff instructions & Supervision – 1st Aid & activities ensure students behave Minor ensure individual staff ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low appropriately Insignificant guidelines are implement Rare followed</p><p>3 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 7 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority4 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Major Individual & Evening Activities Satisfactory certain High Accidents while travelling Staff & Students to walk Moderate Activity Staff to Staff from Talk to staff about during the Alpine between each activity between activities Poor Likely Medium enforce this individual Supervision – 1st Aid & Ride Minor safety instruction schools ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant Rare a) Ensure there is Almost adequate staff Major Blackwood Staff Supervision of students Satisfactory certain High Students to be Talk to staff about Staff & Students in danger at all times Moderate fully Supervised Staff from Supervision – 1st Aid & Poor Likely Medium of being hit by passing b) Both staff & students Minor by individual individual St John’s if required traffic are not to access Unknown Unlikely Low staff at all times schools at all Station Street as Insignificant times Rare pedestrians at any time The Start of the a) Staff to keep their Blackwood Alpine school groups together Ride at the at all times Beechworth b) No one is permitted Almost Blackwood Staff Over crowding of bikes, to ride their bike within Major Railway Station, Satisfactory certain High pedestrians & spectators the vicinity of the Moderate Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about Station Street, at the beginning of the starting area Poor Likely Medium fully Supervised individual Supervision – 1st Aid & ride c) No pedestrians or Minor by individual schools at all St John’s if required Beechworth Unknown Unlikely Low cyclists are permitted Insignificant staff at all times times to access the Rail Trail Rare until informed by a Blackwood Staff member Almost Inappropriate parking of a) Designate a safe Major Blackwood Staff buses and vehicles in area for all buses to Satisfactory certain High Students to be Talk to staff about Station Street and area park in Station Street Moderate fully Supervised Staff from Supervision – 1st Aid & Poor Likely Medium surrounding the beginning b) All buses are to be Minor by individual individual St John’s if required of the ride parked facing the same Unknown Unlikely Low staff at all times schools at all direction Insignificant times Rare</p><p>4 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 8 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority5 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) All pedestrians and spectators to be clear of Almost the Rail Trail at the Major Blackwood Staff Pedestrians & Spectators beginning of the Alpine Satisfactory certain High Students to be Talk to staff about injured during the Ride Moderate fully Supervised Staff from Supervision – 1st Aid & Poor Likely Medium beginning of the ride b) Blackwood Alpine Minor by individual individual St John’s if required Ride Non-Bike Riders to Unknown Unlikely Low staff at all times schools at all be located off the Rail Insignificant times Rare Trail at the beginning of the Ride The Start of the a) Highlight that the Blackwood Alpine Alpine Ride is NOT a Almost Blackwood Staff Bike riders injured during race it is an enjoyable Major Students to be Ride at the Satisfactory certain High the excitement of the Mountain Bike Riding Moderate fully Supervised Staff from Talk to staff about Beechworth beginning of the ride Challenge Poor Likely Medium by individual individual Supervision – 1st Aid & b) Send individual Minor staff at all times schools at all St John’s if required Railway Station, Unknown Unlikely Low Station Street, schools off one at a time Insignificant times to provide space Rare Beechworth between groups Students to be a) Ensure Ferguson & fully Supervised Mellish Streets are by individual Marshalled at the staff at all times Blackwood Staff Bike riders injured during beginning of the ride Almost the 17km downhill section b) Highlight to staff Major Blackwood Staff Staff from Talk to staff about at the beginning of the that it is their Satisfactory certain High to have individual Supervision – 1st Aid & Alpine Ride from responsibility to Moderate excellent schools at all St John’s if required Poor Likely Medium Beechworth to Everton ensure their groups Minor knowledge of times ride slowly & safely at Unknown Unlikely Low route & Rail Trail all times Insignificant conditions to be Victoria Police Rare c) Highlight use of passed onto all brakes & safe riding staff and support practices vehicles prior to the beginning of the ride</p><p>5 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 9 - BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority6 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Ensure students & Staff from The Start of the Almost Blackwood Alpine staff are safe on this Major individual Talk to staff about Riding along the service section of the road Satisfactory certain High Students to be schools at all Supervision – 1st Aid & Ride at the road in the incorrect Moderate fully Supervised times Ambulance if required Poor Likely Medium Myrtleford direction next to the Great Road blocked by Minor by individual (St John’s will be Service Street, Alpine Road Victoria Police to Unknown Unlikely Low staff at all times Blackwood Staff following bike riders) prevent cars entering Insignificant Great Alpine Road Rare Victoria Police a) Staff are to Supervise Almost Students or Staff injured students at all times and Major Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about Satisfactory certain High st while walking and entering ensure no-one runs Moderate fully Supervised individual Supervision – 1 Aid & their bus to drive within their groups Poor Likely Medium by individual schools at all Ambulance if required Beechworth for the start of b) Students to enter Minor staff at all times times (St John’s will be Unknown Unlikely Low the Alpine Ride each bus in single file Insignificant following bike riders) Rare a) Ensure all buses are parked in the correct Clear Bus Convoy of location & facing the instructions from Schools driving correct way at the start Blackwood Staff from Myrtleford to of the Alpine Ride Almost are to be Staff from Buses to re-establish b) Ensure there is open Major provided as to Individual communication within Beechworth Satisfactory certain High Buses left behind communication between Moderate Convoy schools at all the convoy and ensure all buses operating on Poor Likely Medium departure times that the slow buses are UHF Channel 14 Minor groups, times & able to rejoin the convoy Unknown Unlikely Low c) Designate a lead & Insignificant schools tail convoy vehicle to Rare each convoy Blackwood d) ensure all staff are vehicle to lead clear about departure the first convoy times Satisfactory Major Almost High Buses in convoy Buses to remain in to utilise open Buses to re-establish Poor Moderate certain Medium convoy and continue to communication Staff from communication within Buses driving along the follow the Lead vehicle Unknown Minor Likely Low frequency – individual the convoy and ensure incorrect route all the way to UHF Channel 12 schools at all that the slow buses are Insignificant Unlikely Beechworth to ensure the times able to correctly follow Rare correct route is the convoy followed by all</p><p>6 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 10 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? buses</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority7 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen?</p><p> a) Students to remain Communication Convoy Buses to Almost on broken down bus at Major needs to be Staff from support each other all times Satisfactory certain High clear within the individual through open b) Individual Staff are Moderate convoy about schools at all communication and Poor Likely Medium Buses breaking down responsible for doing a Minor which vehicle times support any vehicle in bus check in the Unknown Unlikely Low has broken distress to ensure that morning prior to using Insignificant down, where the Students, Staff & Rare their bus each day and what needs vehicle are safe at all Bus Convoy of to be done times Schools driving a) Buses parking at Satisfactory Major Almost High Beechworth Station from Myrtleford to Poor Moderate certain Medium must ensure that the Clear Beechworth road is clear and easily Unknown Minor Likely Low instructions from Staff from Staff to move their Buses parking in an accessible to all traffic Blackwood Staff individual individual bus to a safe Insignificant Unlikely unsafe area at b) Buses must be are to be schools at all area under the direction Beechworth Railway parked in a safe manor Rare provided as to times of Blackwood Staff Station as not to inhibit other safe bus parking vehicles or bike riders at Beechworth participating in the Alpine Ride 7 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 11 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Students to be Staff only to unload Major Supervised at all Satisfactory certain High Incident / Accident loading trailers & students to be Moderate times and Staff from Talk to staff about & unloading Bike Trailers safely out of the way Poor Likely Medium located in a safe individual Supervision – 1st Aid & from traffic, bike riders & Minor place by schools St John’s if required Unknown Unlikely Low walkers Insignificant individual staff Rare</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority8 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) Staff to drive safely at Satisfactory Major Almost High Students to be all times fully Supervised Staff from Talk to staff about Poor Moderate certain Medium b) Staff to be aware of by individual individual Supervision & safety students within the Unknown Minor Likely Low staff at all times schools at all regulations implemented vicinity of Five Ways times for the Alpine Ride and Insignificant Unlikely Bus Convoy of c) Staff with students in all Blackwood Special Schools driving the area are to be Rare Staff to be fully Schools Outdoor Vehicle accident on route aware of moving aware of the Education Centre from Myrtleford to to, from and at vehicles & ensure potential activities / events – 1st Beechworth Beechworth students are safe at all dangers of Aid & St John’s if times reversing a Blackwood Staff required</p><p>8 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 12 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? d) Staff reversing a vehicle in a large to inform staff of vehicle at any time group safety MUST have a 2nd staff environment and regulations and Notify emergency member outside & at to ensure the ensure they are services, BSSOEC the rear of the vehicle / back of the adhered to Committee President & trailer to ensure it is vehicle is clear Department of Education safe for the vehicle to any time they move backwards need to reverse Almost Bus Convoy of Risk Event as above for Major Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about the Myrtleford – Beechworth Bus convoy to be Satisfactory certain High fully supervised Individual convoy & endure Schools driving Bus Convoy completed early in the Moderate by staff at schools at all everyone is clear on Poor Likely Medium from Myrtleford to morning prior to the Minor Ardern’s times safety, departure times, Porepunkah Buses intruding on Alpine Ride departing Unknown Unlikely Low Caravan Park destination & parking participants on their arrival Myrtleford Insignificant during convoy Blackwood Staff requirements at Rare to Porepunkah Park Porepunkah Park Blackwood Staff Almost required to give All Blackwood Alpine Major clear instructions Blackwood Alpine Satisfactory certain High st Incident / Accident to Ride Marshals are Moderate to all Alpine Ride Talk to Marshal – 1 Aid Ride Marshal Blackwood Alpine Ride required to wear safety Poor Likely Medium Marshals in Blackwood Staff & St John’s if required Marshals vests at all times Minor relation to their Safety Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant safety and roles Rare throughout the ride</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>- 13 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority9 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) Blackwood Alpine Ride Marshals are not Blackwood Staff required on the roads Almost required to give until there are cyclists Major clear instructions Satisfactory certain High st Marshals injured while approaching Moderate to all Alpine Ride Blackwood Staff Talk to Marshal – 1 Aid waiting at their b) Marshals to safely Poor Likely Medium Marshals in & St John’s if required Marshalling point park their vehicles off Minor relation to their Unknown Unlikely Low the road and patiently Insignificant safety and roles wait off the roads until Rare throughout the cyclists approach their ride designated area a) Blackwood Alpine Ride Marshals are Blackwood Alpine instructed that their Ride Marshal primary role is to ensure Safety a safe and clear passage for participating bike riders Blackwood Staff Incident / Accident to b) If traffic is within their Almost required to give Talk to Marshal – 1st Aid spectators, Alpine Ride marshalling area they Major clear instructions Blackwood Staff & St John’s if required Satisfactory certain High participants or passing are not to inhibit the flow Moderate to all Alpine Ride vehicles as a result of of traffic – instead they Poor Likely Medium Marshals in Alpine Ride Marshals are to stop the Minor relation to their Unknown Unlikely Low participating riders to Insignificant safety and roles ensure everyone’s Rare throughout the safety ride c) If problems occur they are to report spectator names or vehicle number plates both to Victoria Police & Blackwood Staff</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>9 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 14 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority10 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) An application Almost submitted to VicRoads Major Blackwood Staff Talk to Police & School Great Alpine Road for a temporary speed Satisfactory certain High required to Staff about the crossing crossing at Taylors Gap reduction to be set in Moderate organise speed Blackwood Staff – 1st Aid & St John’s if Poor Likely Medium place for the day Minor reduction & required b) Victoria Police to Unknown Unlikely Low Police support man the crossing at all Insignificant Rare times Police Marshal Locations Blackwood Alpine Ride Marshal Tuesday Safety Ferguson St–Beechworth Mellish St – Beechworth Almost Taylors Gap – Gapsted Major Myrtleford-Yackandandah Victoria Police to Satisfactory certain High Talk to Police & School Rd – Myrtleford Marshal these roads Moderate Blackwood Staff Staff about the crossings Poor Likely Medium st Standish St – Myrtleford throughout the 2 days of Minor required to Blackwood Staff – 1 Aid & St John’s if riding to ensure safety Unknown Unlikely Low organise Police required Thursday of all participants Insignificant support Rare Great Alpine Road Ovens; Porepunkah & Bright 1st Ride Day Speed Reduction Almost VicRoads from 100km/hr to Everton Crossing Major Satisfactory certain High 40km/hr where the Taylors Gap Victoria Police to Moderate Blackwood Staff Talk to Police & School Rail Trail crosses Marshal these roads Poor Likely Medium required to Blackwood Staff Staff about the crossings 2nd Ride Day throughout the 2 days of Minor organise Police – 1st Aid & St John’s if the Great Alpine Unknown Unlikely Low riding to ensure safety Insignificant support required Road Ovens of all participants Rare Porepunkah </p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>10 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 15 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority11 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) Blackwood Staff issue Blackwood Alpine Ride Manuals to each participating school well in a) It is a requirement advance of the from each individual Alpine Ride school that within their b) A Teacher & group a minimum of one Parent/Guardian (1) staff member has Manual is made Blackwood Staff the following available to qualifications:- each Each Individual Students / Staff Cycle On or Bike participating School Principal transported in the Sag Education school. Wagon during the Alpine Minimum Level 2 1st Aid c) individual Each Individual Ride Almost Inappropriately trained or Training Major school Alpine School Council The Blackwood inexperienced staff and b) Staff MUST also Satisfactory certain High Ride Co- 1st Aid or St John’s if Alpine Ride students carry appropriate bike Moderate Ordinators & Each team of required st Poor Likely Medium tools kits & 1 Aid Kits Minor Principals staff throughout the Alpine Unknown Unlikely Low authorise that participating in School may not be Ride Insignificant they have read the Alpine Ride invited to participate in Rare c) It is highly & understood from individual future Alpine Rides recommended that each the Blackwood schools individual school – Alpine Ride prepares their students Manual prior to Parents/Guardia & staff – through the event ns adequate bike fitness d) Alpine Ride training prior to the Co-Ordinators Alpine Ride event submit appropriate Department of Education Camp Forms for individual School Council approval for their Alpine Ride participation BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>11 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 16 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority12 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Blackwood Staff to inform staff of the Rail Trail conditions of the Marshals to be placed entire Alpine along the route to Ride route ensure cyclists are safe Almost Blackwood Staff to have Major Unsafe Rail Trail excellent & up-to-date Satisfactory certain High Blackwood Staff Victoria Police may be conditions along the route cycling knowledge of Moderate to ensure Blackwood Staff asked to Marshal and Poor Likely Medium entire Alpine Ride route Minor locations where monitor the safety of Unknown Unlikely Low the road specific locations Insignificant conditions are Rare unsafe or 1st Aid or St John’s if dramatically required change are Marshalled to The Blackwood ensure all cyclists safety Alpine Ride a) All cyclists to ride on the left hand side of the Blackwood Staff Rail trail to highlight the b) Cyclist who need to importance of dismount and walk obeying the road sections of the route rules throughout Staff to be vigilant as to MUST dismount on the the Alpine Ride Staff from enforcing the Almost left hand side Major and individual appropriate road laws Students & Staff passing c) Walkers stay on the Satisfactory certain High implementing schools and safe cycling each other during the ride left hand side of the Moderate safe riding practices within their Poor Likely Medium road with their bikes on Minor practices to all Blackwood Staff group at all times the Rail Trail side Unknown Unlikely Low participating d) Cyclist passing other Insignificant staff and Victoria Police 1st Aid or St John’s if Rare cyclists or walkers students required MUST call out ‘PASSING’ and only Victoria Police to pass when it is safe to enforce road do so on in the middle laws on all or right hand side of the cyclist if required road BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>12 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 17 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority13 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) Cyclists to remain on Vehicle support Blackwood Staff the left hand side so if for the Alpine Support vehicles required vehicles can Almost Ride is kept to a Victoria Police Cyclists to remain on the accessing the Rail Trail pass on the right hand Major minimum left hand side of the road Satisfactory certain High due to an emergency side Moderate St John’s while vehicle are situation and passing b) Victoria Police & St Poor Likely Medium Any excess Officers passing cyclist and each other John’s vehicles are the Minor school support Unknown Unlikely Low st along the Alpine Ride only vehicles permitted Insignificant vehicles will not Staff from 1 Aid or St John’s if Route to move among the Rare have direct individual required cycling group access to the schools Rail Trail a) Stationary vehicles Clear must be parked in a instructions from If passing a vehicle Almost safe area off the Alpine Major Blackwood Staff Blackwood Staff during the ride cyclists Ride route Satisfactory certain High to be given to all are to adhere to road Cyclists passing Alpine d) Cyclist to move onto Moderate staff in relation Staff from laws and adopt safe Poor Likely Medium The Blackwood Ride support vehicles the right hand side of Minor to safe passing individual cycling practices during the ride the road – when safe to Unknown Unlikely Low of vehicles schools Alpine Ride do so – call out Insignificant during the actual 1st Aid or St John’s if Rare ‘PASSING’ and safely Alpine Ride required move pass the vehicle a) Blackwood Staff highlight the importance of this guideline If staff / students are Under no circumstances b) Staff from found riding individually Students and Staff from are students and staff to Almost each school to Staff from without their support individual schools ride individually and Major enforce this individual they will be required to Satisfactory certain High becoming separated without their specific Moderate guideline schools return to their group during the ride school group during the Poor Likely Medium c) Students/staff entire Alpine Ride Minor who cannot ride Blackwood Staff If they repeat this action Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant a section of the they will sit on the Sag Rare route & decide Wagon for the remainder to walk must be of the ride accompanied by staff / students from their specific school BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>13 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 18 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority14 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) It is recommended Students & Staff Students / Staff complete specific struggling to ride Students & staff wait for training rides prior to the route are to the Sag Wagon to come participating in the stop, move off along if no medical Alpine Ride to ensure the road and assistance is required adequate fitness levels patiently wait for Staff from b) If students / staff Almost the Sag Wagon individual If medical assistance is Students and Staff struggle to complete the Major to come along schools required they should Satisfactory certain High struggling to complete the Alpine Ride route their Moderate and pick them notify St John’s, Victoria ride will be a Sag Wagon Poor Likely Medium up Blackwood Staff Police & Blackwood available for them and Minor Staff through the UHF Unknown Unlikely Low there bike Insignificant Staff should call cycling frequency The Blackwood c) Under no Rare through to the Channel 12 Alpine Ride circumstances is a Sag Wagon to student permitted to inform them that 1st Aid or St John’s if enter the Sag Wagon there will be required without being people waiting accompanied by a Staff for them along Member from their the route specific school a) All cyclists follow the Blackwood Staff The ride will cease to lead group give clear continue until the Almost b) No cyclist is to travel Major instructions of Blackwood Staff missing students and Staff & Students riding in front of the lead Satisfactory certain High the Alpine Ride staff are located and along incorrect roads group Moderate Route and Staff from directed onto the correct Poor Likely Medium during the Alpine Ride c) Staff & Students Minor highlight the individual route from individual Unknown Unlikely Low route on schools schools are not to be Insignificant appropriate 1st Aid or St John’s if Rare separated at any stage maps required during the ride</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>14 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 19 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority15 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Blackwood Staff a) All cyclists are to ride to highlight the in a safe manor importance of Blackwood Staff 1st Aid or St John’s if b) Staff from individual safe cycling required schools are to maintain Almost practices to staff Staff from Staff & Students falling off full Supervision Major individual If determined by St Satisfactory certain High along the Alpine Ride throughout the entire Moderate Staff form schools John’s Officers & staff route ride Poor Likely Medium individual hospitalisation c) Students are to be Minor schools required Victoria Police Unknown Unlikely Low instructed by their Insignificant to ensure that A travel period in the The Blackwood individual staff in safe Rare their school Marshals Sag Wagon may also be Alpine Ride cycling practices groups ride in a required throughout the Alpine safe and law St John’s Ride abiding manor at Officers all times Blackwood Staff 1st Aid or St John’s if Under the instruction of highlight that no- required Cyclists colliding and Blackwood Staff Almost one departs Blackwood Staff causing accidents to individual school groups Major these sites If determined by St Satisfactory certain High individuals or en masse depart from these areas Moderate without their Staff from John’s Officers & staff when beginning to ride one at a time – ensuring Poor Likely Medium instruction individual hospitalisation varying sections of the rail that there is appropriate Minor schools Unknown Unlikely Low Trail space between each Insignificant Staff from A travel period in the individual school Rare individual Victoria Police Sag Wagon may also be schools maintain required full Supervision</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>15 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 20 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority16 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? 1st Aid or St John’s if required</p><p>Blackwood Staff If determined by St a) Cyclists to ride in a highlight the John’s Officers & staff Cyclists colliding and slow & safe manor importance of hospitalisation Almost causing accidents to b) Cyclists to obey Major safety in relation individuals or en masse traffic laws & safe Satisfactory certain High to these Blackwood Staff A travel period in the when riding down the cycling rules Moderate sections of the Sag Wagon may also be Poor Likely Medium Alpine Ride hill from c) Speed to be kept to a Minor Alpine Ride Staff from required Beechworth to Everton minimum Unknown Unlikely Low individual and / or Gapsted to d) All cyclist to use both Insignificant Staff from schools All major bike accidents The Blackwood Rare Myrtleford brakes while riding this individual or incidents will be Alpine Ride section schools maintain reported to emergency full Supervision services, BSSOEC Committee President & Department of Education</p><p>Almost Students to be Staff only to unload Major Supervised at all Satisfactory certain High Incident / Accident loading trailers & students to be Moderate times and Staff from Talk to staff about & unloading Bike Trailers safely out of the way Poor Likely Medium located in a safe individual Supervision – 1st Aid & from traffic, bike riders & Minor place by schools St John’s if required Unknown Unlikely Low walkers Insignificant individual staff Rare Almost Staff & students Major from each Talk to Staff to ensure Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students falling Students to be Moderate school sit / stand Staff from Supervision is over Supervised at all times Poor Likely Medium together to Individual maintained – 1st Aid if by their staff Minor ensure Schools required Unknown Unlikely Low The Alpine Ride Insignificant maximum Medal Presentation Rare Supervision. Almost Staff & Students impatient Major Staff to ensure Talk to Staff to ensure Satisfactory certain High while waiting to be Supervision maintained Moderate their entire Staff from Supervision is presented with their to avoid impatience Poor Likely Medium group is Individual maintained – 1st Aid if medals Minor together at all Schools required Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant times Rare BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>16 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 21 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority17 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Major Staff to ensure Staff from Talk to Staff to ensure Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students running Supervision to be Moderate students are Individual Supervision is The Alpine Ride around the Medal maintained at all times Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all Schools maintained – 1st Aid if Medal Presentation Presentation area Minor times required Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant Rare At the beginning of the The activity will be During the activity a walk students are stopped immediately student goes off the informed to NEVER Students brought Almost Students are to track and becomes lost walk off the track in Major Staff from together A Student becomes within the township of Blackwood Satisfactory certain High be fully Appropriate treatment Blackwood or the A Staff Member is Moderate Individual will be implemented lost during the Poor Likely Medium supervised activity Wombat , Lerderderg or assigned as Leader & Minor Schools Search Initiated Werribee State Forests one as Whip – Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the If required school, students stay between Insignificant Blackwood Staff parents, D of E, Rare entire activity Leader & Whip Emergency Services & All students & Staff President notified issued with Whistles It is clearly explained The activity will be to students that if they stopped immediately Almost Students are to are lost they are to:- Major Staff from Students brought A student is lost STOP, SIT DOWN & Satisfactory certain High be fully together blow their Whistle as Moderate Individual Appropriate treatment Poor Likely Medium supervised Loud as they can until Minor Schools will be implemented a staff member finds Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the Search Initiated them Insignificant Blackwood Staff School, parents, D of E, Rare entire activity A Student becomes Emergency Services & injured as a result President notified of running The activity will be Students decide it is a During the activity stopped immediately Almost good idea to run during a instruction it is clearly Students brought Major Students are to Staff from Bushwalk – maybe they explained to the Satisfactory certain High together be fully have found something students that under no Moderate Individual Appropriate treatment Poor Likely Medium supervised interesting, the end is in circumstances are they will be implemented Minor throughout the Schools sight or they want to race to run during the Unknown Unlikely Low If required school, entire activity bushwalk Insignificant Blackwood Staff parents, D of E, Rare Emergency Services & President notified BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>17 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 22 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority18 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Students are reminded Students will be stopped Almost Students are to During the excitement of that they are in a State Major Staff from immediately the activity a student Forest & on Bush Satisfactory certain High be fully Appropriate treatment A Student falls moves about without full Tracks and they are to Moderate Individual will be implemented Poor Likely Medium supervised over on the consideration for the walk at all times Minor Schools Student isolated from undulating ground surrounding & unfamiliar They are to be aware Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the the group & under strict environment of the environment at Insignificant Blackwood Staff staff supervision if they causing injury Rare entire activity all times continue to run If the weather changes during a Bushwalk:- Blackwood Staff Keep the Group Students are to MUST have current together, be fully knowledge of weather Prepare the Group supervised forecasts Almost Early, throughout the Groups MUST BE Major Staff from Find Shelter if Satisfactory certain High entire activity While participating in a adequately prepared Moderate Individual necessary, Changes in the Bushwalk the weather for a variety of Poor Likely Medium Consider Escape Staff check Weather suddenly changes & has weather conditions Minor Schools Routes, Unknown Unlikely Low students prior to a direct impact on the during their Continue to Walk, Insignificant departure to Blackwood Staff Bushwalking experience bushwalk/s ie Wet Rare Appropriate treatment ensure they are Weather Gear, Good will be implemented if adequately Shoes, Food, Water required equipped Blackwood Staff carry Return to Camp ASAP if 1st Aid Kits on ALL necessary Bushwalks Keep the Group together Cease walking, consider Under NO ALL Escape Routes & circumstances is a Blackwood & evacuate the Park Almost Students are to Bushwalk conducted Major School Staff OR A bush fire is started beyond the Centre Satisfactory certain High be fully Activate BSSOEC within the Wombat State Property on a day of Moderate Victoria Police Emergency Bushfires Poor Likely Medium supervised Forest while on a Total Fire Ban Minor Management Plan Bushwalk Weather Conditions are Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the CFA & DSE School Staff follows comprehended prior to Insignificant Blackwood Staff Rare entire activity the walk instructions All staff to follow the directives issued by appropriate authorities BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>18 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 23 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority19 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Ensure that there is Almost Students are to A students becomes enough water & food Major Staff from Stop the Group Satisfactory certain High be fully dehydrated during a for every individual Moderate Individual Get everyone to eat & Dehydration bushwalk within the group Poor Likely Medium supervised drink Stop regularly for Minor Schools Appropriate treatment Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the water & snacks Insignificant Blackwood Staff will be implemented if Rare entire activity required All students & staff are Stop the Group reminded to Slip, Slop, Slap prior to a Sit down in a shady spot Almost Students are to Students &/or Staff bushwalk especially Major Staff from & apply Sunscreen Members are sunburnt during Summer, Satisfactory certain High be fully during the activity Autumn & Spring Moderate Individual Get everyone to eat & Sunburn Poor Likely Medium supervised Everyone is to wear a Minor Schools drink hat during a bushwalk Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the Sunscreen to be Insignificant Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment Rare entire activity applied before & will during a walk & as be implemented if required required Assess weather Stop the Group conditions Remove the entire group Ensure everyone from the Weather Almost Students are to Students &/or Staff within the group is Major Staff from Elements ASAP Hypothermia Members experience adequately equipped Satisfactory certain High be fully Get everyone to eat, hypothermia for the walk Moderate Individual drink and rewarm Poor Likely Medium supervised Monitor the Group Minor Schools Assess, monitor, protect throughout the walk Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the & treat patient Carry appropriate 1st Insignificant Blackwood Staff Appropriate treatment Rare entire activity Aid equipment will be implemented if required</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>19 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 24 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority20 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Stop the Group Remove the entire group Talk to the group from the immediate area Almost Students are to about the possibility of Major Staff from Assess, monitor, protect snakes in the area Satisfactory certain High be fully & treat patient Student/s &/or Staff Enforce that no-one is Moderate Individual Appropriate treatment Snake Bite Poor Likely Medium supervised Member/s are bitten by to leave the track at Minor Schools will a snake any stage Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the be implemented if Students paired up Insignificant Blackwood Staff required Rare entire activity School, parents, D of E, Emergency Services & President notified Student isolated from A Student becomes Supervision others within the group Almost Students are to A student lacks disinterested in the Student is isolated Major Staff from Staff Member talks to activity and distracts from the group until Satisfactory certain High be fully student to gain an interest in the other students which he/she is willing to Moderate Individual understanding of their Poor Likely Medium supervised activity can lead to injury participate in a safe & Minor Schools behaviour towards or frustration appropriate manner Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the Student & Staff Member from the other student/s Insignificant Blackwood Staff work together to Rare entire activity continue & complete the activity Students are informed Almost Students are to Students informed that that Bushwalking is a Major Staff from they MUST walk & work Satisfactory certain High be fully Impatience team activity and that Moderate Individual together at all times Students are impatient everyone must help & Poor Likely Medium supervised If students continue to during the Bushwalk support the entire Minor Schools be impatient they will be Unknown Unlikely Low throughout the group throughout the Insignificant Blackwood Staff isolated from the group walk Rare entire activity</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>20 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 25 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority21 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Adequate Supervision Major Satisfactory certain High Staff & Students falling to be implemented by Moderate Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about while walking around the individual staff and safe Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all individual Supervision – 1st Aid & township of Myrtleford location of pedestrians Minor times schools ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low Movement of within Myrtleford Insignificant individuals and Rare a) Staff to drive safely at Students to be school groups all times fully Supervised around the b) Staff to be aware of by individual Talk to staff about township of Vehicle accident within students within the staff at all times Staff from Supervision & safety Myrtleford and Myrtleford or around the vicinity of Ardern’s individual regulations implemented accommodation site Caravan Park schools at all for the Alpine Ride and accommodation c) Staff with students in Staff to be fully times all Blackwood Special Almost sites used Accidents occurring while the area are to be Major aware of the Schools Outdoor throughout the parking or moving around aware of moving Satisfactory certain High potential Education Centre Ardern’s Caravan Park vehicles & ensure Moderate dangers of activities / events – 1st Alpine Ride Poor Likely Medium students are safe at all Minor reversing a Aid & St John’s if Accidents occurring while times Unknown Unlikely Low vehicle in a large Blackwood Staff required departing activity sites d) Staff reversing a Insignificant group to inform staff of Rare throughout the Alpine vehicle at any time environment and safety Notify emergency Ride Locations MUST have a 2nd staff to ensure the regulations and services, BSSOEC member outside & at back of the ensure they are Committee President & the rear of the vehicle / vehicle is clear adhered to Department of Education trailer to ensure it is any time they safe for the vehicle to need to reverse move backwards Almost Staff & Students falling off Adequate training prior Major Satisfactory certain High their bikes while travelling to the ride, adequate Moderate Students to be Staff from Talk to staff about around the Myrtleford Supervision, implement Poor Likely Medium Supervised at all individual Supervision – 1st Aid & township safe riding practices Minor times on bikes schools ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low Insignificant Rare</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>21 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 26 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority22 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Students to be Almost All Alpine Ride activities Major fully Supervised Blackwood Staff A bush fire within the cease and all School Satisfactory certain High by individual All staff to follow the Victorian Alpine Region Groups to meet at Moderate staff at all times Victoria Police directives issued by Poor Likely Medium Ardern’s Caravan Park Minor appropriate authorities prepared to evacuate Unknown Unlikely Low Students to CFA & DSE Insignificant remain in Rare vehicles a) Avery early start on Students to be both riding days fully Supervised Almost Bush Fires, Total b) Wednesday Alpine Major by individual Fire Bans and Ride – Beechworth to Satisfactory certain High staff at all times Total Fire Ban Everton only Moderate Blackwood Staff All staff to follow the Campfires Poor Likely Medium c) Thursday Alpine Ride Minor Excess water to directives issued by – Myrtleford to Unknown Unlikely Low be carried and Victoria Police appropriate authorities Porepunkah only Insignificant located readily Rare d) All cycling to cease available along by 12pm on both days the route If campfires are utilised throughout the Alpine Almost Students to be Ride there is only one Major fully Supervised Blackwood Staff Satisfactory certain High campfire permitted at Moderate by individual Talk to staff about Campfires the Caravan Park & Poor Likely Medium staff at all times Staff from Supervision – 1st Aid & students MUST BE Minor individual ambulance if required Unknown Unlikely Low accompanied & Insignificant Fire to be lit and schools supervised by staff from Rare maintained by their specific school staff only</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>22 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 27 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority23 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? a) All FREE TIME activities MUST BE fully supervised by staff from Talk to staff about individual schools Supervision – 1st Aid & b) Activities must be Highlight the ambulance if required Students and/or staff conducted away from importance of injured or property campsite areas in a safe Almost supervision If students disobey damaged as a result of designated activity area Major during FREE Blackwood Staff instructions then the Games & Activities Satisfactory certain High free time activities c) Supervising Staff Moderate TIME periods activity will be ceased at Ardern’s conducted within the MUST BE aware of Poor Likely Medium Staff from and individual students grounds of Ardern’s non- activity participants Minor Set up a individual may not be able to Caravan Park Unknown Unlikely Low Caravan Park moving into the activity Insignificant designated schools participate in future area Rare activity area FREE TIME activities d) Supervising staff within the MUST BE aware of caravan park Repeat offenders may property in the area and not be permitted to ride potential damage to that in the Alpine Ride property as a direct result of the activity a) Under no Evacuate the area circumstances are immediately students or staff from individual schools to Ensure all school groups have access to any gas Almost Implement a gas Blackwood Staff stay together & are Incorrect use, storage or cylinders Major safety checklist accounted for Satisfactory certain High Explosion transportation of Gas b) Ensure Gas cylinders Moderate Australian Cylinders throughout the are used correctly at all Poor Likely Medium Highlight a safe Defence School Notify emergency Alpine Ride times Minor evacuation point of Catering services, BSSOEC Unknown Unlikely Low c) Ensure unused and Insignificant to all visiting Committee President & empty gas cylinders are Rare schools Department of Education stored safely at all times d) Ensure gas cylinders Talk to staff about are always transport Supervision – 1st Aid & correctly ambulance if required</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>23 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 28 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority24 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Alpine Ride to cease Monitor & report Blackwood Staff and all groups to patients health congregate – away from a) One (1) staff member Staff from the emergency – Heart attack or stroke in each school group to Almost Students to be individual together at the earliest patient have a minimum of Major Supervised by schools convenient location st Satisfactory certain High Medical Emergency Level 2 1 Aid Moderate individual staff at Serious injury through b) St John’s Ambulance Poor Likely Medium all times. St John’s Notify emergency accident (cut hand/leg) to support the Alpine Minor Officers services, BSSOEC Unknown Unlikely Low Ride Insignificant Monitor victims Committee President & Vehicular accident c) Victoria Police to Rare health St Johns Victoria Police Department of Education support the Alpine Ride will be present. Ambulance Talk to staff about Crowd control Officers Supervision – 1st Aid & ambulance if required Students to be Blackwood Staff Staff & students to Almost fully Supervised maintain warmth Major by individual Staff from Satisfactory certain High a) Monitor news and Moderate staff at all times individual Rain weather forecasts Poor Likely Medium schools Talk to staff about b) Alpine Ride Minor Students to be Supervision – 1st Aid & Inappropriate Unknown Unlikely Low riding and/or continues as scheduled Insignificant monitored & St John’s ambulance if required Rare observed for Officers severe weather hypothermia conditions Almost Safe alternative activities Alpine Ride continues Major Blackwood Staff implemented – may Satisfactory certain High as scheduled unless the Moderate Students to be include:- winds are classified Poor Likely Medium fully Supervised Staff from Re-routed rides; High Winds destructive and it is Minor by individual individual Local excursions; Unknown Unlikely Low clearly unsafe to ride Insignificant staff at all times schools Individual Schools Free Rare Day</p><p>BLACKWOOD ALPINE RIDE RISK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN</p><p>24 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 29 - Identified Risk Risk Description Existing Rating Treatment Action Plan Responsible Treatment Category Controls Priority25 Mitigation Person Strategy For those risks requiring What is the risk area, Describe any existing If control Who is treatment in addition to activity, event, situation or Describe the risk event, policy, procedure, Effectiveness effectiveness is Plan to be responsible to the existing controls. Risk Risk parameters? of existing List: cause/s and practice or device that Consequences Likelihood poor or unknown implemented to minimise & consequence/s acts to minimise a controls provide further minimise risk manage risk if What will be done? particular risk treatment situation arises? When will it happen? Almost Safe alternative activities Inappropriate Storms including Major Students to be Blackwood Staff implemented – may Storms including electrical electrical Satisfactory certain High fully Supervised include:- riding and/or Moderate Poor Likely Medium by individual Staff from Camp activities; severe weather Alpine Ride Cancelled Minor staff at all times individual Local excursions; Unknown Unlikely Low schools Schools Free Day conditions Insignificant Rare All Alpine Ride activities cease</p><p>Individual staff take responsibility of Victoria Police Blackwood Staff cease their own all Alpine Ride activities students & staff Blackwood Staff & direct individual back to their schools back to their accommodation Staff from accommodation sites or site or a individual a designated safe area Adequate & appropriate designated safe schools Lost Student / Staff Almost During the Alpine Ride Supervision to be Major area Blackwood Staff notify Member at any event a student or staff implemented by Satisfactory certain High Emergency emergency services, stage during the member or a group of individual staff at all Moderate Last known Services BSSOEC Committee Poor Likely Medium entire Alpine Ride students and staff times throughout the Minor location President & Department program members go missing entire Blackwood Alpine Unknown Unlikely Low determined Department of of Education Ride Insignificant Education Rare Notify Victoria Police to emergency Principal of lost conduct a search & services, Student / Staff rescue operation if BSSOEC Member required Committee President & BSSOEC 1st Aid & ambulance if Department of Committee required Education President</p><p>Police to control Search & Rescue Risk Treatment Priority Table</p><p>Use the table below to decide the overall risk rating and represent the priority of the each risk for treatment.</p><p>25 Use the Risk Treatment Priority Table at the end of this document to determine the treatment priority. - 30 - Consequences Insignificant Moderate Major Minor p30.) p30.) Contamination Food P21 &P21 p29.) Lost Student at Ardern’s at Caravan Park p27.) & Activitiesp27.) Games p23 & & p23 26.)p Bushfires p10-12.) Bus p10-12.) Convoys p20-21.)Alpine Ride p27.)Gas Explosion Medal Presentation Medal p23.)Hypothermia p23.)Dehydration p24.)Impatience orMember Staff p24.) p24.) Snakebite p23.)Sunburn Rare Treat p14.)Speed Reduction the Alpine on Road Great p22.) A on over student falls groundundulating p21.) p21.) student becomes A asresult a injured of p.6) GapstedOval Porepunkah & LunchPark p24.) A interest the student in lacks activity p25.) movementsp25.) Myrtleford Group around p28.)InappropriateWeather Condition p7-8.) Alpine p7-8.) Evening Ride Activities p14-20.)TheBlackwoodAlpine Ride p12-14.)AlpineSafety Ride Marshal p8-10.)of AlpineStart the Ride p12 25.) Vehicle & Collision p28.) Emergencyp28.) Medical - P5.)Alpine Ride Meals 31 - p26.)Fires Unlikely running Likelihood Monitor in in Weather the p22.)Changes Likely Almost certain</p>
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