<p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SODA </p><p>SPRINGS, CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO HELD OCTOBER 5TH, 2011.</p><p>MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:00PM BY KIRK L. HANSEN, MAYOR.</p><p>ROLL CALL SHOWED THE FOLLOWING PRESENT: KIRK L. HANSEN, MAYOR</p><p>RANDALL E. PRESCOTT, PRES.</p><p>MITCHELL J. HART</p><p>LYNDA LEE TODD B. SMITH</p><p>EXCUSED:</p><p>ALSO PRESENT: Mark Steele</p><p>Alan Skinner, Director</p><p>CHAT TV Staff</p><p>Tausha </p><p>Vorwaller, Clerk</p><p>Alicia Smith Clyde Nelson, </p><p>Attorney</p><p>Joe Rice</p><p>Austin & Jackie Robinson</p><p>Charles Fryar</p><p>Sarah O’Bannion</p><p>Bryant Smith</p><p>The invocation was given by Alicia Smith, Mayor Hansen then led everyone in the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’. </p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes from the last meeting and the payroll and accounts </p><p> payable. Councilmember Prescott moved to dispense with the reading of the September </p><p>21, 2011 minutes and approve them as written along with the payroll & accounts payable </p><p> for September, 2011. Councilmember Smith seconded the motion. All in favor, motion </p><p> carried.</p><p>(SEE ATTACHED PAYROLL & ACCOUNTS PAYABLE REGISTERS FOR DETAIL) Alicia Smith, the Caribou County Domestic Violence Advocate for the Family Services </p><p>Alliance, along with Advocate Director Sarah O’Bannion requested that the Mayor proclaim </p><p>October as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month”. Mrs. Smith shared state and local </p><p> statistics regarding domestic violence showing a definite need for the services offered </p><p> through the Family Services Alliance. Mrs. Smith mentioned that she also helps individuals </p><p> file for protection orders and hopes that this proclamation will help get the word out about </p><p> their services. Mayor Hansen stated that it was an honor to proclaim the month of October</p><p> as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” and thanked Mrs. Smith and Mrs. O’Bannion for their efforts. </p><p>Director Skinner mentioned that previously the Council approved to assist with some </p><p> asphalt and curb and gutter for the Veteran’s Memorial placement in front of the Caribou </p><p>County Court House. Director Skinner explained the two options for the curb and gutter </p><p> placement along the south side of the Library’s lawn which could be installed diagonally in-</p><p>TH OCTOBER 5 , 2011</p><p>PAGE 2 line with the driveway approach or could be put in straight by taking out a cedar tree. The </p><p> cost will be about $1900 for the curb & gutter and to split the cost on the asphalt for the </p><p> drive will be an additional $2400. Director Skinner also informed the Council that the </p><p>County will be installing a drain to stop the drainage from running across the sidewalk. </p><p>The Council discussed the options and the removal of the tree. Councilmember Smith </p><p> moved to approve the expenditures to put in the curb & gutter in-line with the approach, </p><p> saving the tree if possible and paying half for the asphalt. Councilmember Prescott </p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. The Council reviewed the Engineer’s recommendation on awarding the bid for supply of UV</p><p> disinfection equipment for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) project. Due to an </p><p> unqualified low bid the original bids were rejected and the equipment was re-bid. One bid </p><p> was received from Enaqua with a savings of $69,300 from the original qualifying bids. </p><p>Councilmember Prescott moved to approve, based on the recommendation of Forsgren </p><p>Associate Engineers and Director Skinner, to accept the bid from Enaqua for the UV </p><p> disinfection equipment. Councilmember Lee seconded the motion. All in favor, motion </p><p> carried. Director Skinner asked the Mayor and Council whether they wanted to approve each </p><p> invoice for the WWTP project or whether he should just review the invoices as they are </p><p> submitted by the contractors before submitting to the Department of Environmental </p><p>Quality (DEQ). Director Skinner explained the process of withholding 10% until the </p><p> project is complete and how the invoices are first approved by the engineer and then by the</p><p>City and then submitted to DEQ for approval before the loan funds will be disbursed and </p><p> the contractor paid. Mayor Hansen expressed that he would feel more comfortable with </p><p> review by the Council. Councilmember Hart suggested relying on Director Skinner to </p><p> review and also mentioned that waiting for Council review could hold up the process depending on the timing of meetings. The Mayor and Council discussed the issue and the </p><p> timing of processing the payments. Councilmember Lee moved to approve that the </p><p> invoices be presented to the Mayor and Council for review and approval and also approved </p><p> the Contractor’s Application for Payment #1 for $86,636.07. Councilmember Prescott </p><p> seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Councilmember Hart suggested </p><p> informing the engineers and contractors of the Council’s meeting schedule to help expedite </p><p> the payment process.</p><p>Councilmember Smith and Director Skinner presented some options for purchasing gravel to stock pile for future needs. The options include having the gravel hauled in for $12 to </p><p>$19 a ton or recycle Parson’s cement by crushing and using as gravel. Parsons have offered</p><p> to haul their left over cement to the gravel pit at no charge with a bid from Bryant Smith </p><p>Projects to crush the gravel for $8 a ton. Councilmember Smith explained that in order to </p><p> make it cost effective to set up the crusher the City would need to agree to purchase the </p><p> whole $25,000 budgeted for gravel. Councilmember Smith mentioned that this would be a </p><p> good recycling project for the City preventing 3,000 to 8,000 tons of material from going to </p><p>TH OCTOBER 5 , 2011</p><p>PAGE 3 the landfill along with helping to clean up the Industrial Park and also being the most </p><p> economical option. The Council discussed the options. Councilmember Smith declared a </p><p> conflict of interest due to the fact that he works for Bryant Smith Projects but wanted to </p><p> present the option which seemed like a very good idea. Councilmember Hart expressed his </p><p> support for keeping business local and for the recycling aspect he moved to approve to </p><p> have Parson’s deliver their left over cement and have Bryant Smith Projects crush the </p><p> cement into gravel for the offered price per ton up to the budgeted amount. </p><p>Councilmember Prescott seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Hansen asked for a discussion on recent information about the Idaho Independent </p><p>Intergovernmental Authority (III-A) which is a group of cities forming a health insurance </p><p> pool. Clerk Vorwaller explained that the III-A will not be administering the NexStep/SIS </p><p> deductible supplement that the City uses in conjunction with the Assurant major medical </p><p> plan. Many of the cities have a similar deductible buy down program which will continue </p><p> to be administered by the cities themselves and will not be part of the III-A. The Council </p><p> discussed the cost of self funding the buy down compared to the cost of the NexStep policy </p><p> and Councilmember Smith also pointed out that in the future the City will be able to choose different options or a different plan through the III-A. Councilmember Prescott reported on</p><p> attending a III-A board meeting and explained that he was encouraged by what he learned </p><p> at the meeting and feels comfortable and positive about the program. Mayor Hansen and </p><p>Councilmember Hart expressed their concerns about contracted providers and being able </p><p> to cover huge claims. Councilmember Prescott mentioned that a list of providers is being </p><p> th prepared and will be sent out to members with plan booklets and cards by December 15 , </p><p> and also explained that the III-A will purchase stop loss insurance to cover the really large </p><p> claims. III-A’s plan and budget has to be approved by the Idaho Department of Insurance. Councilmember Lee presented a request from a patron to designate a community compost </p><p> area where yard debris could be composted and then reused by residents. She stated it </p><p> would be a nice gesture and something to give back to the community. The best place to </p><p> have the compost would be in the shooting range area and it would take manure, water and</p><p> turning to create the compost. The Council and Staff expressed concerns about the smell </p><p> and also about things being dumped that shouldn’t be with no one to supervise the </p><p> dumping. Councilmember Hart suggested allowing the local garbage contractor to provide </p><p> this service along with recycling. Councilmember Lee suggested trying it and if it doesn’t </p><p> work then could stop. The Council mentioned it would cause increased traffic by the shooting ranges and also explained that composting is more complicated than it sounds </p><p> and would require close control. </p><p>Councilmember Prescott introduced Aaron Lott who has expressed interest in getting more</p><p> involved in the community and came to observe and will also be attending an upcoming </p><p>Planning & Zoning meeting. Mayor Hansen and Councilmember Prescott expressed their </p><p> support and encouraged Mr. Lott’s interest. </p><p>TH OCTOBER 5 , 2011 PAGE 4</p><p>Mayor Hansen invited the City Council candidates to attend the Rotary Club meeting on </p><p>Tuesday, October 18th at noon. </p><p>Councilmember Prescott moved to approve entering into executive session pursuant to I.C. </p><p>67-2345(1)(b) to consider a personnel matter. Councilmember Smith seconded the </p><p> motion. A roll call showed the following vote: Those voting aye: Mitch Hart</p><p>Those </p><p> voting nay: none</p><p>Randy Prescott</p><p>Lynda Lee Absent: none</p><p>Todd Smith</p><p>Motion Carried.</p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to exit executive session, seconded by Councilmember Smith. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>Councilmember Hart moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:50pm. All in favor, motion carried.</p><p>TH PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL THIS 19 DAY OF OCTOBER,</p><p>2011.</p><p>______</p><p>Kirk L. Hansen, Mayor ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>Tausha Vorwaller, Clerk</p>
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