<p> HRMS Time & Labor, MEMO, EIMS, Blackboard FAQ’s</p><p>This is the beginning stages of an FAQ, for college support teams, in an effort to address the rollout of the HRMS Time & Labor rollout. </p><p>1. Why are there so many tools to consider when assisting students and staff? Maricopa is a large and complex organization offering access to a variety of individuals and relationships to the organization. At some point in the near future the goal of the EIMS team is to consolidate the tools as follows:</p><p>EASe, SAW ==> One Self Service Account Creation Utility SPAT, PAT ==> One User Account Profile Management Utility AT, SAT ==> One Administrator's Account Profile Management Utility</p><p>For now the following chart may be helpful.</p><p>Web Tool Used by Used When On Behalf of AT (Site System Manage all aspects of MIED account All Employees Administration Tool) Administrators creation and management Discovering MEID, converting from EASe (Employee Time Card student to employee account, Themselves Account Setup) Employees establishing initial employee account password Discovering MEID (F/T Employees PAT (Personal ALL Employee Only), managing password and other Themselves Administration Tool) MEID Accounts user account profile attributes SAW (Student Prospective Creating an MEID and Password Themselves Account Wizard) Students SPAT (Student - Discovering MEID, setting Challenge Personal Students Themselves Questions, or Re-setting password Administration Tool)</p><p>2. Is there something more that can be done to reduce the number of tools to lessen confusion for support staff, employees and students? The District Office will be working to collapse the current tools sets beginning the Fall of 2007 with implementation in the Spring of 2008. As this question continues to surface, the District Support teams are reviewing additional resources for earlier changes.</p><p>3. How do individuals without MEMO accounts go about changing their Enterprise ID/MEID password when it expires? Individuals should use the Personal Administration Tool (PAT). </p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 1 4. Do these passwords expire on the same schedule? Yes, all passwords expire on the same schedule which is 120 days. </p><p>5. How does the help desk provide assistance with changing passwords when individuals do not show up in the MEMO Admin Tool? The help desk should use the AT (MEMO Admin Tools) to provide assistance in this area. All employee accounts should (will) appear in the directory (regardless of type). If you are having trouble managing any account use the normal problem resolution escalation path beginning at the local helpdesk.</p><p>6. I have a temporary employee whose birth date is not recognized when using the EASe tool, what do I do now? The system only recognizes employees 80 years old or below. To address this situation, coding changes were made to accommodate temporary employees up to age 90. </p><p>7. I’m trying to use the EASe tool and an error message appears saying “Blackboard Account already Exists”, what does this mean? This means that the student worker probably has been loaded into a blackboard (course management) course. In some cases, the student has never used blackboard so this can be confusing. Programming changes for the EASe tool were implemented 1/25/07 to address the synchronization of passwords between systems. </p><p>8. I’m getting a dummy job type when researching the HR system. How do I assist with login to HRMS Self Serve? This may occur when the RPS or WS Contract has not been completed in the HRMS system yet. The employee in this situation can now use the EASe tool to add themselves. They will be added to the directory (overnight) for the College that processed the new hire packet. For further assistance, the employee should contact he College HR office.</p><p>9. I’m at home and cannot log in, why not? For security purposes the HRMS system is currently not available outside the Wide Area network (outside MCCCD), only from a MCCCD location.</p><p>10. Using memo2 SPAT, I’ve entered in my MEID and zip code. I receive an error message back indicating I have not set up my 2 questions. When I click on the area to set up my 2 questions, I get a page not found error; what now? This appears to be an error on the web pages themselves. This has been reported to the District Office programming team for resolution.</p><p>11. Are all colleges importing students into systems (blackboard or not) across the board, is there some history to this? No, as of this time only those campuses associated with Blackboard are affected.</p><p>12. Within the EASe tool, are there password expiration notices sent for accounts? If the individual provides an email address within the tool, they will get an expiration notice sent to their account. </p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 2 13. There seems to be default passwords for Blackboard accounts. Is this true? Yes, there are default passwords assigned for Blackboard accounts. A large percentage of these passwords are never changed. Please encourage the change of passwords for security purposes. (A review team is currently looking to address this further upon login. HRMS access will require that the default password be changed.)</p><p>14. GWC’s Diagram “How to Find Your MEID” works some, are there any other quick reference tips available? The District Office Web and EIMS teams are working to move the GWC diagram into an HTML decision chart to further assist the campuses.</p><p>15. I’ve heard that internal training from District Office and EOLT is available for signup within HRMS Self Service; is this true? Yes, you can now log into your HRMS Self-Service account to sign up for internal training. You will receive email confirmation once registered.</p><p>16. What happens when a job contract is not completed in the HRMS system? If a job contract or RPS has not yet completed the approval process in the HRMS system, the employee will still be allowed to access the system. All that is required is that the new employee knows their employee id. Actual access may not be available until the following day.</p><p>17. What happens if a user types in a name spelled differently than the name listed in the HR employment contract? The name must match the name provided to the payroll department. Contact with the HR office may be needed to verify name issues. </p><p>18. Should administrators expect that all of their employees will need to report time in the new system? Only non-contract employee jobs will require Time & Labor access, but that is not the only reason for an employee to access HRMS. ALL employees should be encouraged to sign in to HRMS Self-Service. If an employee does not enter their own time, then the manager will have to do it for them. Other jobs, such as adjunct faculty with a continuing education RPS, on which they are paid two days a year, are not a major concern for the initial Time & Labor roll out.</p><p>19. I have an end-user using a MAC and Internet Explorer. They are having trouble with the “manager approval page”. What now? The HRMS Support site lists supported browsers (Internet Explorer is not supported on the MAC). The user must use a supported browser. If issues continue however please send a work order with details to the District Help Desk for further research.</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 3 20. What about employees that have complex names such as hyphens or a double first name? This will happen occasionally where the HR Name was not entered properly. Contact the College HR for further assistance. </p><p>21. I’ve heard that the EASe tool has undergone some changes? What has changed? Please refer to the EASe Tool Modifications as of 1/26/07 document for further details. (Posting location to be determined.)</p><p>22. We have an individual that was rehired into the MCCCD system after several months or more. How do we establish their MEID? Once an individual has been hired into MCCCD their ID remains the same forever. They most likely have their account in a locked status and will need to be unlocked. This requires a work order to the District Office so that the HR team can unlock the files. </p><p>23. I’m trying to use the EASe tool with my nickname, Bobby. I get an error that my name isn’t recognized. What do I need to do now? Under legal guidelines payroll is generated off of the legal name on your Social Security Card. You must use your legal name (Robert) to find your MEID. HR data will always take precedence. </p><p>24. We have a 3rd shift M&O workforce that speaks but does not read Spanish. We can setup an email account and provide training for them however when the password expires it would be nice to have the supervisor notified so they can provide assistance. Is this possible? This will be further considered by the HRMS and EIMS team. A report opt in/opt out option may be available for the supervisor to receive notifications of password expirations for their staff similar to what the technical help desks now have with MEMO account expirations. Each college does have a MEMO Password Expiration Report available to them. This is a distribution list that generally is moderated from within the ITS environment. Names, distribution lists and service group listings may be added. Accounts will receive a daily (including Saturday and Sunday) report that breaks down when accounts will expire at the campus, i.e., 30 days, 15 days, 3 days, etc. Note: those that are listed in this distribution list will receive expiration information for all individuals MEMO accounts and cannot be split out by department at this time. A quick directory search using dl-*passwd* will provide a listing of these campus report list. </p><p>25. Are there plans to provide the SPAT and PAT tools in Spanish? Yes, there are plans to have both English and Spanish versions of SPAT and SAT available. Dates are not available at this time.</p><p>26. Using email notification for students doesn’t always work because students change their accounts frequently. How can we receive notification for password expirations? EIMS user profile accounts managed by SPAT do NOT expire. You may also refer to the answer in number 24 which is under review.</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 4 27. Seems like all I have to do is stick to the default password. Is this true? No, EASe will require that the user set a password not equivalent to the default password string set in Blackboard. Also, the recently released changes to SPAT effective this semester also require the creation of an original password based on the defined format (see either application for details).</p><p>28. How can we educate our staff to the importance of the HRMS Time & Labor System? This can be a challenge. Change is sometimes difficult. Many of the changes coming out of District are to empower employees and managers to have more direct control over their job functions. This includes entering and approving time, creating and approving RPS/Contract/Work Study, Self Service, Training enrollment, etc. Although some might feel that these add additional burdens on individuals, they really don't. They simply automate processes that were previously manual. For example, clicking an approval button is not more time consuming then signing a paper timecard, but it is significantly more accurate, and efficient, since no other person needs to touch it after that. The answer to this is continued education. One of the changes being made to the existing email notifications asking staff to log in will be a stronger emphasis on the importance of logging in, with a copy to the managers.</p><p>29. We have a college process (PVC) that adds a student worker to the SIS system to assist in generating an ID card. When we try to find the MEID, an error occurs indicating a student account already exists. We’ve been using a 2 step process to help us: 1) SPAT to locate the user ID and passwords and then 2) Use the EASe tool to complete the conversion. It seems to work but should we be doing this? Since this appears to be a college specific concern, a recommendation might be to change business practices for your new employee/student workers. You may want to create a MEMO account for them first and place the ID card/SIS action at the end of the business process. </p><p>30. How do we reset the MEID password? Once established, all employees should be able to use the PAT tool to change MEID passwords.</p><p>31. I’m being asked to enter in my zip code. I’ve done that several times and it’s not working. I know my zip code is correct. What now? If you’ve moved at any time, (not between campuses but physically moved) you may need to enter in a past zip code. This may take several attempts until the system recognizes the zip code used when first setup in the system. </p><p>32. I’m getting an Error 19 message: The request contains a value which does not meet with certain constraints. This result can be returned as a consequence of * The request was to add or modify a user password, and the password fails to meet the criteria the server is configured to check. This could be that the password is too short, or a recognizable word (e.g. it matches one of the attributes in the users entry) or it matches a previous password used by the same user. * The request is a bind request to a user account that has been locked. Due to system problems, your </p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 5 account can not be created at this time. Please try again later. At this time, the resolution for this issue requires an escalated work order to the District Office for Level III Support. </p><p>33. As a manager I want to have all my employees start using the punch in/punch out features of the new Time & Labor system. Is this possible? At this time, part time / hourly employees (non-exempt) must use the punch in/punch out feature of the Time & Labor system and Regular Board Approved employees (exempt) must use the exception time feature (vacation, sick, jury duty, bereavement, etc.). In the near future, Time & labor will be enhanced to include FLSA worksheets for those who must track that time.</p><p>34. There is various security access levels built into the MEMO admin tool. Level III appears to have some “search” capabilities that could be useful to those that are only granted Level I (password changes only). I don’t want to have all of my help desk staff (part time, student workers, etc.) with full administrative access but the search tools would help with support. Is it possible to move these search features into Level I access? The changes will be incorporated into upcoming Admin tool (AT) changes later in the Fall of 2007, however further requirements definitions are required.</p><p>35. Our students swirl between campuses, adjunct faculty do too. If adjunct faculty are teaching at several campuses at one time (SMC, GWC, PC), where do they report their time? The Time & Labor system can be used at any location within MCCCD network (Remember that it is not currently accessible from outside the network.) Adjunct Faculty on contract do not need to report time, on timecard they do.</p><p>36. Our HR department is getting regular feeds listing employees that have not signed into self-service. Does the list of names need to be cleared before our campus can go live with the new system? No, the list does not need to be cleared before go live. However, for those that have not signed into the system, a responsible party (manager or designee) will need to report time for them. </p><p>37. We have employees that work a Saturday shift. They need to report time and/or punch in/out of the system. Additionally, these employees may also be a student worker setting up a function and have not been allowed a MCCCD email account for internal communication. What happens when they have a password expire or they cannot access the system on a Saturday? Campuses may chose to issue MEMO accounts to time-card, adjunct faculty as well as other non-positioned employees at their discretion. All employees that have job functions that are best facilitated by possessing a MEMO account are encouraged to obtain one. For MEID holders that do not have a MEMO account, password expiration warnings are sent to the email address provided by the user during the EASe setup session. Currently there are no provisions for 24 x 7 support should issues occur outside of MCCCD business hours (M-F). Additionally, it is </p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 6 difficult to identify personnel over the phone requesting a password change. This will be further discussed internally for policy issues and future expanded support hours. For now, the campus may want to work with their employees who run into a problem on an individual case-by-case basis. </p><p>38. What happens if my employee reported time and I missed the deadline for management input/approval? I saw the reminder emails telling me I needed to approve time but I didn’t do it? An email is generated to the manager for employee time that has not been approved. This is a retroactive acknowledgement that needs to be completed. The manager may also assign a designee for the department that may assist if on vacation, sick, etc. </p><p>39. My manager has assigned me as designee to approve time for my department in his absence. I cannot seem to access my own time. What did I do wrong? This is a security feature in the system. Employees may not approve their own time. </p><p>40. I understand that managers receive an email for time that needs to be approved. If I’ve been assigned as a designee to assist in this effort, might I also receive a message to let me know when a person’s time has to be approved or re-approved? This is a good suggestion and will be further considered. There is no implementation timeline for this change currently. </p><p>41. What is the batch processing delay after an employee's absence or time sheet is modified and before the supervisor can mark their approval; 30, 60 or more minutes? It is expected that time processing will occur every 30-60 minutes, possibly more often nearer to the deadlines. </p><p>42. If a faculty member cannot remember the password she created when she created her Enterprise ID, then her helpdesk can reset it for her. What was this tool called? The memo administration tool can change passwords for both regular and non-regular employees (adjuncts) who have an entry in the Maricopa Directory since these individuals will have their MEID already.</p><p>43. Can the admin tool change a nonreg employee (EASe created) password? Yes, in Level II “modify existing user”, but NOT in Level I “change user password”.</p><p>44. Why do I keep getting emails for an employee that is no longer working at MCCCD? Although the employee is no longer employed in your department, termination paperwork has not been processed through the HR department. You will continue to receive email notifications until the HR system has been updated. Please contact your HR department for further guidance in resolving this issue.</p><p>45. What browsers are supported for the Time & Labor System? The HRMS system (of which Time & labor is a part) is a packaged application supplied by Oracle/Peoplesoft. Please refer to the HRMS Support site for a list of supported browsers.</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 7 46. We are experiencing some issues with a runtime error when using the SPAT tool. We do not feel this is a desktop or browser issue because it only happens occasionally. Some individual names work while others do not from the same machine. Can you please tell us what causes this issue? We were able to use the EASe tool to authenticate a particular individual. This may be a java script error however needs additional research. Should this error occur again, please provide the following information, in an escalated work order, along with a snapshot of the error screen: Operating System Version PC or MAC Browser & Version Persons Name, SS Number, Birthdate and Zip Code – do not attempt to log them in further so that testing may continue</p><p>47. There is still confusion on MEID and EID. Can all the tools reflect the same language between Blackboard & EIMS, i.e., EID creation already exists? Can this be changed to say “MEID”? Yes, the language can be updated to reflect the term MEID and will be escalated to the programming department for changes. All tools will reflect this language change by Fall 2007.</p><p>48. While we understand that the HRMS application is not available for home use at this time, it appears that our ability to “remote desktop” into the system works. Is this a workaround for VPN? This issue is one of policy and access from home without a proper VPN account is not encouraged. </p><p>49. If HRMS access is allowed from home, what will the support teams need to do regarding home use computers and their varying setups for our employees? At this time, the HRMS system should not be accessed from home without a proper VPN account. Support for home computer setups will need to be addressed in any future planned rollout. </p><p>50. What happens if the HRMS system and/or network are down? If either HRMS or Network is unavailable for an extended period of time, paper timecards will need to be used. Over short periods, managers may have to adjust time punches.</p><p>51. Will the system ever allow approvals to time on a week to week basis? We understand that time can be approved at any point however this change might avoid management having to log into the system to approve amended time that may have already been approved. No, the system will not change to weekly time. MCCD operates on a two week pay period and time is due to payroll every two weeks. The system does offer significant flexibility for managers to set their own schedules with their own employees.</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 8 52. Is there a plan for the FLSA form? Yes. This Time & Labor Enhancement is already in the works.</p><p>53. Common problems found in Blackboard pertain to inaccurate birthdates. Student workers will need to confirm these changes with HRMS should a date be incorrect in the system.</p><p>54. Our campus uses Kronos. What now? An outline of events has been provided to GCC for current Kronos users. Should you need additional information concerning Kronos at GCC please contact the HR office at that campus for the schedule of events.</p><p>55. It would be great if there were a solution for a T&L Kiosk. Any plans for implementing this? A Kiosk configuration standard has already been established and is being implemented at GCC to replace the Kronos clocks. Once shaken out, the standard will be made available to the other colleges.</p><p>56. If student email is not available, can the HR system reflect a “password change notice” in the T&L system for certain job codes? For MEID holders that do not have a MEMO account, password expiration warnings are sent to the email address provided by the user during the EASe setup session. A student, or any part-time employee who was not provided a Maricopa email account, is encouraged to take advantage of the myriad of free email account services offered through third parties such as Yahoo, Google, AOL, hotmail, etc.</p><p>57. Should enterprise ID lists be globally published? This is “personal” information that should only be known to you for security purposes. Using the example of a bank, your enterprise ID is like your bank number with your password being your PIN. To avoid security issues, personal information should not be shared with others.</p><p>58. Will sub-docs be used in the T&L System? There is no plan to automate sub-docs within the T&L system.</p><p>59. An issue was raised recently concerning zip codes in the SPAT tool. Corrections were made to the programming to allow for 9 digit zip codes.</p><p>60. We have a faculty member that has personal (home) information listed in the directory. How did this happen? The data feed provided for the directory by HR tables does not include personal, home information. The information could have been filled into the setup tool when a MEMO account was created. There have been no other reports that this has happened and the issue was corrected at the campus support level under the MEMO administration access tools.</p><p>61. It would be nice to have an error report of known issues provided for support. This is an excellent idea and will be considered for future application rollouts.</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 9 62. Communication for this rollout seems to have been lacking in some of the admin areas. Some individuals feel they are “behind the curve”. MCCCD is a very large organization and communication throughout can be challenging. This is something that is continuous reviewed at the District Office. </p><p>63. The EASE tool is available to any employee to create an Enterprise ID under the following conditions (in short, the EASE tool should be available to any employee the DAY AFTER they get an EMPLID assigned): a. Have an EMPLID; went through the College New Hire process - New EMPLID processes overnight – please wait one day if possible. b. Have at least one active job. This could be the dummy job, even if all regular jobs are terminated. c. Do NOT already have a MEMO account (use the PAT tool instead).</p><p>64. The system seems to be unavailable during weekend hours. We have had reports of HRMS system unavailability during weekend hours. Other then scheduled backups (Mon-Fri 11:10pm - 11:30pm) the system should be up and running 24/7. If system access issues persist please contact the help desk and provide specifics about the error you receive for faster troubleshooting.</p><p>Additional Resources Other campuses have offered their documents/websites for technical assistance. They can be viewed at:</p><p>CGC – Rick Cote: http://webport.cgc.maricopa.edu/published/t/ss/tss- new/wiki/1/index.shtml?HRMS</p><p>GWC – Pattie Roberts: MEID Work Flows/Charts (distributed to help desk users group, in the external shared applications folder. This document is under review for some further html coding and currently in test at PC.)</p><p>GCC – Emily Weinaker, HR: http://www.myeport.com/published/g/cc/gccadmin/home/2/ (Campuses that have not implemented yet may find the “Supervisor Preparation Checklist” very helpful. Emily has also prepared a “Project Plan Document – GCC Time and Labor (T&L) Project” that you may also find helpful. Please contact Emily if you would like more information on this.)</p><p>HRMS Website: http://www.maricopa.edu/its/hrms.php</p><p>Technical Training Services Website: http://www.maricopa.edu/training/usersupport.htm</p><p>PC – Julie Magadan, M&O Training Documentation:</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 10 These materials have been loaded to the HDUG Document Library Portal at: http://tlc.riosalado.edu/pages/SubTeams.aspx (Sub Teams HDUG Document Library Basic Computer Skills Training – PC)</p><p>Draft: Keli Jones 12/1/2017 Page 11</p>
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