BIBLE STORY Haggai, Prophet to Judah

BIBLE STORY Haggai, Prophet to Judah

<p> September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 Morning – At – Glance</p><p>SESSION TITLE: Haggai, Bible Passage: Haggai 1-2 Prophet to Judah</p><p>BIG PICTURE QUESTION & How can we honor God? We can put God first in our lives. ANSWER</p><p>UNIT CHRIST CONNECTION God saved His people who were in physical captivity as He would one day send Jesus to save and restore His people who are in spiritual captivity. </p><p>MEMORY VERSE “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down NEW – We’re adding a verse each in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” month until we finish the whole Psalm 23: 1-2 ESV chapter!</p><p>9:00/11:00 – 9:25/11:25 SUPPLIES: SG Binder, Big Picture Concentration cards, Books of the WELCOME & CONNECT Bible Cards, memory verse cards, cups), dry erase board & marker, nerf ball Offering Take Attendance Big Picture Concentration Books of the Bible Memory Verse Review</p><p>9:25/11:25 – 9:30/11:30 SUPPLIES: plastic bucket, 3 ping pong balls PLUG IN & What are the top 5 important things, people or places in your life? OPENING QUESTION</p><p>9:30/11:30 – 10:10/12:10 Take your SG Binder with you – Attendance Roster and Prayer LARGE GROUP & PRAYER Journal are inside</p><p>10:10/12:10 – 10:25/12:25 SUPPLIES: Bibles, timeline, map of the return, “Setting Priorites” BIBLE STORY REVIEW puzzle page, 30 wooden blocks, markers, 2 bean bags</p><p>10:20/12:20 – 10:25/12:25 Hand-out Big Picture Cards & connect with parents 1 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 PREPARE FOR PARENT PICK-UP</p><p>BIBLE STORY -- Haggai, Prophet to Judah Haggai 1–2</p><p>(The bolded script highlights the most important points when you review with your kids.)</p><p>After living in Babylon for 70 years, God’s people were home! A group had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild God’s temple. They had started the work, but their neighbors didn’t want them to rebuild the temple, so they stopped building. The people made excuses. “Maybe it isn’t the right time to rebuild the temple,” they said. They thought that because the task was difficult, maybe God didn’t want them to do it.</p><p>Instead, the people worked on their own houses. They built nice houses for themselves, but God’s temple sat unfinished. This made God angry. God wants His people to put Him first. God sent a message to His people through the prophet Haggai (HAG igh). Haggai went to Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the high priest to tell them God’s message.</p><p>“You live in beautiful houses,” said the Lord, “while My house lies in ruins.” Was it right for God’s people to put themselves first? No, their actions did not honor God. God told them to think about what was happening. “You plant seeds, but you gather only a few crops. You have food to eat, but you are still hungry. You have clothes to wear, but you are still cold.”</p><p>This was happening because the people put themselves first. God did not bless their work because they did not put Him first. God told them to get wood from the hills and finish rebuilding the temple of God. Zerubbabel, Joshua, and all the people listened to Haggai’s message from God. They chose to obey God and honor Him. “The Lord says, ‘I am with you,’ ” Haggai said. All of the people were excited and encouraged. They began the work on the temple again.</p><p>A little time passed, and then God spoke to Haggai agaBin. He told Haggai what to say to the people of God. This is what the Lord said: “Do you remember what the first temple looked like? What do you think? Was the first temple more beautiful?” God said, “Zerubbabel, don’t be discouraged! Joshua, don’t be discouraged! All you people, don’t be discouraged! Keep working hard. I am with you.”</p><p>Then God said that something big was going to happen. He said that other nations were going to give gifts for the temple—silver and gold! God said, “This temple will be greater than the first. My glory will be here, and I will bring peace to this place.” God promised to bless the people because they chose to obey Him.</p><p>Finally, God gave Haggai another message. This message was for Zerubbabel. “I’m going to make some changes,” God said. “I’m going to overthrow kings and kingdoms. Armies that used to get along will fight each other. And you, Zerubbabel, will be My servant. I’ve chosen you to show that I am powerful and in control.” This is what the Lord said.</p><p>2 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 Christ Connection: God’s people struggled to do what God wanted them to do. God chose Zerubbabel to help the people finish the temple. Many years later, God sent His Son, Jesus, to do God’s will. Jesus died and rose again to free us from sin so that we can do His will.</p><p>3 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3</p><p>At last! God’s people returned to Jerusalem, the home of their ancestors. God had given them another opportunity to live as His special people. They had gotten to work right away, completing the foundation of the Lord’s temple.</p><p>Many of God’s people had been born in Babylon and life in exile was the only reality they knew. But they had likely heard the stories of their parents and grandparents, stories of a life in Judah—in the land God had given to them. They probably heard of their families’ mistakes: ignoring God, worshiping idols, and mistreating the poor. But the Lord had been gracious! He kept His promise to bring His people back to Judah.</p><p>Life in Judah wasn’t exactly what they had imagined. It was difficult. Their national wealth was gone. The work of rebuilding the temple and the city of Jerusalem was hard. The land was desolate, and crops failed. Their neighbors opposed their efforts. (See Ezra 4:6,11-16.)</p><p>God’s people were disappointed and discouraged. Their enemies forced them to stop building and, rather than fight them, God’s people gave up. The temple of the Lord sat unfinished for 16 years. The people made excuses. “Maybe it’s not time to rebuild the temple,” they reasoned. If that was what God wanted, wouldn’t He make it easier for them? (See Hag. 1:2.) Meanwhile, God’s people moved on to building their own homes.</p><p>The prophet Haggai stepped onto the scene and rebuked the people for their misplaced priorities. (Hag. 1:4) He brought words from the Lord, commanding them to finish the work they started. God promised to fill the temple with His glory, and comforted His weary people with this promise: “I will provide peace in this place” (Hag. 2:7,9).</p><p>God promised to be with His people and bless them—and not only them, but the whole world through them, keeping the promise He made to Abraham long ago. (See Gen. 12:3.) Through God’s servant Zerubbabel, God would send His Son, Jesus—the greater Servant who is God with us.</p><p>4 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 9:00/11:00 – 9:15/11:15 WELCOME & CONNECT 15 minutes SUPPLIES: SG Binder, Books of the Bible cards, Big Picture Concentration cards, memory verse cards, Dry Erase board & markers, Nerf Ball </p><p>❖ Offering: As kids arrive, have them place their offering in the basket on the stage. ❖ Take Attendance: Fill out the attendance roster with the children’s first & last names. ONLY children who are not listed on your printed roster should be added to the “GraceKids Roster.” Please be sure to check each child’s tag to see if they are in the correct group. If a tag says “Unassigned”, please talk with the parents at drop-off and pick-up to find out which service time they will be regularly attending so that we can “assign” their child to a small group.</p><p>**Remember, the focus of the opening time is to build relationships. Do not worry if you are not able to complete all of the activities. But try and complete one to prepare the kids for the Bible story.</p><p>❖ Books of the Bible: Review the OT books. ❖ Big Picture Concentration: This activity will review last month’s Bible stories and the Big Picture Question and Answer for each story. First, lay out all the cards FACE UP. Review the Question and the Answer of each Bible Story. Then, turn the cards FACE DOWN, and mix them up. Each child takes a turn flipping over 2 cards, trying to match the question with the answer. The child who makes the most “matches” wins. ❖ Memory Verse Review: (Choose ONE) ➢ Card Mix-Up: (Supplies: Memory Verse Cards) Scramble the cards with the words of the memory verse. Time the kids to see how quickly they can place them in order. ➢ Missing Card: (Supplies: Memory Verse Cards) Lay the memory verse cards on the floor. Have the kids read the verse several times. Then, remove several cards and have the kids try again. Remove cards and recite the verse until all the cards are gone. ➢ Concentration: (Supplies: Memory Verse Cards) Lay the memory verse cards face down. Each child takes turns turning over two cards. If one of those are the first words of the verse, they set them out and can go again. Each child takes turns turning over two cards and setting out the next words of the verse. ➢ Dry Erase-A-Word: (Supplies: Dry erase board, dry erase marker, paper towel) Write out the words of the memory verse on the board. Have the kids recite the verse. Then, erase one or two words and have the kids recite the verse. Continue erasing and reciting until all the words are gone and the kids have the verse memorized. ➢ Nerf Ball Games: (Supplies: Nerf ball) As you throw the ball, each child says the next word of the verse when they catch the ball.</p><p>9:15/11:15 – 9:30/11:30 OPENING QUESTION & PLUG IN 15 minutes SUPPLIES: plastic bucket, 3 ping pong balls</p><p>Opening Question: What are the top 5 important things, people or places in your life? 5 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3</p><p>Plug-In Activity #1 – “Hard Games”: Set up a game that is easy to play but difficult to win. Place a plastic bucket near a wall. From a few feet away, allow the kids to try to toss a table tennis ball into the bucket. To win, a child must get three balls in a row into the bucket. Ask: Were these games difficult? Is it easy to give up when something is hard to do? Connect to the lesson: God gave His chosen people back their land, but things were a lot harder than before they were forced to leave. We will see how they dealt with difficult times. </p><p>Plug-In Activity #2– “Start & Stop”: Invite the kids to stand with their hands to their sides. This is the “start” position. Give the kids a command like “run in place.” They must start and continue the action until you give them a “stop” command. Then the kids must go back to the “start” position with hands to the side. Give a new command and then say “start.” Kids who do not go back to the “start” position or who do the wrong command must sit out a round. Play as time allows. Connect to the lesson: God gave the Israelites a task. They started and then stopped. We’ll find out what that task was and why they stopped in today’s Bible story.</p><p>Clean Up and Transition to Large Group **Kids should use the bathroom BEFORE Large Group – NOT during Large Group.</p><p>9:30/11:30 – 10:10/12:10 WORSHIP & BIBLE STORY & PRAYER 40 minutes SUPPLIES: Small Group Binder</p><p>Prayer Time will be directed from the Bible Story Teacher at the end of Large Group.</p><p>● Take requests: Record the date, child’s name and request in your SG Binder. ● kidZone Requests: AOET sponsor children, Helen and Salasi. ● Last year, the kids learned to pray using the word ACTS to help them learn the different aspects of prayer. Each letter is the beginning of a word that describes something they can talk to God about.</p><p>1 Adoration: Telling God how awesome we know He is -- “God, You are...” 2 Confession: Saying “I’m sorry” and telling God about what we have done. He will forgive us. 3 Thanksgiving: Thanking God for all the good things in your life. “Thank you for...” 4 Supplication: Asking God for help for ourselves and others. “Please help…” 5 You may want to use this model with your kids, or focus on one particular aspect each week. If you have questions about leading t kids in prayer, please talk with your Team Coach.</p><p>When you are finished praying with your group, quietly return to your small group area.</p><p>10:10/12:10 –10:25/12:25 </p><p>6 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 BIBLE STORY REVIEW 15 minutes SUPPLIES: Bible, timeline, map of the return, 30 wooden blocks, “Setting Priorities” puzzle page, markers, 2 bean bags</p><p>Review the timeline with the kids pointing out the fall of the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the exile. Explain that our story takes place 16 years after some of the Jews have returned to Jerusalem. </p><p>Encourage the kids to find Haggai in their Bibles. Where is Haggai in our Bible – the Old or New Testament? Yes, Old. It is grouped with the “Minor Prophets.” Haggai is in the last few pages of the Old Testament. Only two more books follow it. Do you know what they are? (Zechariah and Malachi)</p><p>Review the Bible story using the bolded text on the front page, or summarize the story in your own words. Explain: Haggai’s message from God for the people was clear. God wanted the people to put Him first by continuing their work on the Temple. God told them the new temple would be even greater than the one Solomon built. God also had a message for one of the leaders of His people. Zerubbabel would be a special servant for God. Do you know what made Zerubbabel so special? He would b part of Jesus’ family.</p><p>Review: Give each child 3 blocks. If they answer the question correctly, they can add three blocks to “build the Temple.” (Or, you can use these questions for Bible Beanbag Grab.)</p><p>● How long had the people lived in Babylon before returning to Jerusalem? (70 years) ● Why did the people stop rebuilding the temple? (They had trouble and decided it wasn’t the right time, Haggai 1:2) ● What did the people build instead of the temple? (their own houses, Haggai 1:4) ● What happened to God’s house while the people built their own houses? (It was unfinished, Haggai 1:4) ● Which prophet did God send to the people? (Haggai, Haggai 1:1-2) ● What was the name of the governor that Haggai spoke to? (Zerubbabel) ● What was the name of the high priest that Haggai spoke to? (Joshua) ● What was happening because the people put themselves first? (God didn’t bless their work so they didn’t have enough to eat or enough clothes to wear.) ● What did God promise to do when the people obeyed Him? (bless the people, Haggai 2:18-19) ● Did the people obey God and return to building the temple? (Yes.) ● How can we honor God? We can put God first in our lives. ● Whom did God send later to earth to do His will? (God sent His Son, Jesus, to do God’s will.)</p><p>Discussion Question: How do we put ourselves first? How can we put God first instead? When God tells you to do something, do you listen and obey? (You may want to share a personal story of where you listened to God and obeyed Him.)</p><p>**Optional – Bible Beanbag Grab: Create two teams. Have the teams line up facing each other behind two Velcro strips placed about 5 ft. or more apart. Number the members of the teams. Both teams should have a one, two, etc. If there is an odd number either: give one person two numbers, have the extra person read the questions, or you can play. Place two beanbags in the middle of the two teams separated by about one ft. Read the Bible Beanbag question and then call out one of the assigned numbers. The person on each team who has that number must run to the middle, grab the 7 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas September 21, 2014 2-5 Grades–Unit 21, Session 3 bean bag, get back across the Velcro line, and hold the bean bag in the air above their head. The first one to do this, gets a chance to answer the question. If they get it correct, their team gets a point. If they miss it, the other team gets a chance to steal the point. Repeat calling numbers at random. </p><p>**Optional – Setting Priorities Puzzles: Guide the kids to complete the puzzles on the page.</p><p>10:25/12:25 PARENT PICK-UP </p><p>SUPPLIES: Big Picture Cards Try to connect with each parent as they arrive to pick-up their child. Mention something their child said, how they answered questions, learned part of the memory verse, etc.</p><p>Please return supplies to the correct bin in the Small Group closet -- as NEATLY as possible! Your Behind-the-Scenes team really appreciates it when you do!</p><p>8 Copyright: The Gospel Project. Edited by Tandi Thomas</p>

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