Chat Log of Bridge Base Online Session for Xx1943 Starting At: Mon Oct 05 18:06:22 2009

Chat Log of Bridge Base Online Session for Xx1943 Starting At: Mon Oct 05 18:06:22 2009

<p>Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Mon Oct 05 18:06:22 2009</p><p>->xx1943: Account Balance: BB $0.40 MB $245.43 bbo_iac (Lobby): => Club: Shep's Open Mentoring table in 40 minutes in club. Any advanced or intermediate welcome to sit, partnerships also welcome. Reserve your seat by messaging me. calabres (Lobby): => Club: :) I'm Inviting you for UNIBRIDGE CLUB ® Tournament Nº 1869. The World Class Club for Online Bridge Play. Web: Listen music on our web while play: MEDLEY Nº 94 Starts in 30 min. bbo_iac (Lobby): => Club: Shep's Open mentoring table in about 20 min. Advanced or intermediates invited to sit, partnerships also welcome. Please reserve your seat by messaging me. Don't miss out !! bbo_iac (Lobby): => Club: Shep's Open Mentoring table now open . A few seats still available for any advanced or intermediate player wishing to sit. Message me if you would like to play. xx1943: Counting tricks and planning the play are more complex in trump contracts xx1943: because there are more ways to win (and lose) tricks. The best method for xx1943: counting tricks in trump contracts is controversial: You may count the winning tricks xx1943: in both hands äs you do at notrump contracts, or count the possible losing tricks in xx1943: one hand, or count both winners and losers. Few players can count both winners xx1943: and losers without taking too much time and boring their opponents, so you xx1943: probably should choose one way or the other unless your conscience tells you it is xx1943: okay to take more time. BILManager (Lobby): => Club: !BIL Members -- please join H_Karluk (hamdi) in the BILounge in 10 minutes for todays' class -- "Foresight" -- or thinking ahead!!! All members are welcome!D!H BILManager (Lobby): => Club: => Club: !BIL Members -- please join H_Karluk (hamdi) in the BILounge in 5 minutes for todays' class -- "Foresight-- How to Think Ahead!!! All members are welcome!D!H BILManager (Lobby): => Club: => Club: !BIL Members -- please join H_Karluk (hamdi) in the BILounge s for todays' class -- "Foresight -- or Thinking Ahead!!! All members are welcome!D!H BILAssist->Club: Isn't E overstating her hand by bidding 2NT? 2pandora->Club: nty realrowdy->Club: wd Carol lukie2too->Club: ty xx1943: And here is what Marty Bergen sez: Over the years, I have encountered players xx1943: who always find counting winners in a suit contract to be more helpful for THEM. xx1943: While I don't recommend going that far, if it works for YOU, go for it. xx1943: Counting tricks and planning the play are more complex in trump contracts xx1943: because there are more ways to win (and lose) tricks. The best method for xx1943: counting tricks in trump contracts is controversial: You may count the winning tricks xx1943: in both hands äs you do at notrump contracts, or count the possible losing tricks in xx1943: one hand, or count both winners and losers. Few players can count both winners xx1943: and losers without taking too much time and boring their opponents, so you xx1943: probably should choose one way or the other unless your conscience tells you it is xx1943: okay to take more time. xx1943: Counting tricks and planning the play are more complex in trump contracts xx1943: because there are more ways to win (and lose) tricks. The best method for xx1943: counting tricks in trump contracts is controversial: xx1943: ...... xx1943: You may count the winning tricks in both hands as you do at notrump contracts, or xx1943: count the possible losing tricks in one hand, or count both winners and losers. margaritah->Club: wd P xx1943: ...... xx1943: Few players can count both winners and losers without taking too much time and xx1943: boring their opponents, so you probably should choose one way or the other xx1943: unless your conscience tells you it is okay to take more time. JanaDe->Club: ty realrowdy->Club: Thought you counted to two longest suits tutootsie->Club: and opened with 2.5 q t</p><p>Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Mon Oct 05 21:33:28 2009</p><p>->xx1943: Account Balance: BB $1.20 MB $148.13 </p><p>Bridge Base Online Mail message from bbo_robot received at: Mon Oct 05 21:33:28 2009 bbo_robot left you a message on 2009-10-05 12:38:20 Hand 1254764304-95-~~M9275-12-12 versus Genieyou has been settled. Your score: 460. Your balance has been updated To reply, type in a message and click OK, or simply click OK for the next message diamndgirl: !H!H!H!H!H :) isabable: i al the results were dismal in the laddrer game kerrie isabable: ladder ->isabable: Hi Kerrie, you played well, but very unlucky. They had all the hands. You had ->isabable: difficult leads to make and couldn't really get it right isabable: ty al you are kind but i was disappointed -a thrasing Taylor2005->Club: ok Taylor2005->Club: boy was that fun BILAssist->Club: CYA all on BBO:) bilmanager (Lobby): => Club: !D!D For BEGINNERS XX1943 - Al Hollstein's BEGINNER lessons concerning the basics of declarer play starts in 5 minutes from now in the BIL .Welcome all BEGINNERS !D!D Karen10: hi all petaltree->Kibitzers: hi all chocotoff: :) guten abend ->chocotoff: hi anne-marie wik54: hello Taylor2005->Club: watch lesson or play with me? Peter_f: Hallo, Al, danke für deine Webseite. Ich habe da total viel gelernt und werde nie mehr losspielen ohne vorher zu denken :) ->Peter_f: Dann hat sich der Aufwand gelohnt :) Peter_f: bei mir - ja bilmanager (Lobby): => Club: !D!D For BEGINNERS XX1943 - Al Hollstein's BEGINNER lessons concerning the basics of declarer play starts in this moment now in the BIL .Welcome all BEGINNERS !D!D wik54: I thought there was a lesson, will be happy to play if no lesson xx1943: I recommend you to set your BBO-Window to "wide screen". You can toggle xx1943: between wide and normal screen with 'CTRL W' xx1943: These lessons are for absolute BEGINNERS . Intermediates are allowed to KIB xx1943: SILENT. But I promise: if you are really an intermediate this lesson will be boring xx1943: for you. xx1943: These lessons are concerned on declarerplay. I'll direct the bidding to that contract xx1943: the hand was made for. Please no questions about the bidding. xx1943: In these lessons your concern should to make your bid, don't worry about xx1943: overtricks. xx1943: I'll explain explicitly at large all things I think you need to know. We'll provide you xx1943: with explanations of common bridg terms too. BUT if I use a term or a phrase you xx1943: don't know, feel free to ask me or BILManager. xx1943: I recommend you to set your BBO-Window to "wide screen". You can toggle xx1943: between wide and normal screen with 'CTRL W' xx1943: I recommend you to set your BBO-Window to "wide screen". You can toggle xx1943: between wide and normal screen with 'CTRL W' xx1943: These lessons are concerned on declarerplay. I'll direct the bidding to that contract xx1943: the hand was made for. Please no questions about the bidding. xx1943: In these lessons your concern should to make your bid, don't worry about xx1943: overtricks. xx1943: I'll explain explicitly at large all things I think you need to know. We'll provide you xx1943: with explanations of common bridg terms too. BUT if I use a term or a phrase you xx1943: don't know, feel free to ask me or BILManager. xx1943: Don't be shy to ask any question, please. There are no dumb questions!!!!! You are xx1943: here to learn. And my job is to answer your questions. xx1943: Many thanks to Maureen the founder and manager of the BIL for running this great xx1943: club. All you need to know about the BIL you'll find on this site: xx1943: Now let us start. Please set your profile, so that you kib South (the declarer) only. xx1943: Key in Ctrl + P or cursor over the Bd # box and click on your own ID. to bring up xx1943: your profile, select the"At the table"-tab and check in the right bottom box "kibitz xx1943: South". xx1943: Now let us start. Please set your profile, so that you kib South (the declarer) only. xx1943: Key in Ctrl + P or cursor over the Bd # box and click on your own ID. to bring up xx1943: your profile, select the"At the table"-tab and check in the right bottom box "kibitz xx1943: South". xx1943: Everybody done? Ok then let us start. #1 here wik54: ready xx1943: Today I prepared 5 hands for you. So I need 5 vonlunteers. I hope you'll enjoy and xx1943: good luck to all players. You'll sit South and I play the other 3. xx1943: Don't forget: Make your plan how to play BEFORE you touch any card in dummy. xx1943: CheckBackStayman is a very important convention xx1943: This is a good 6 !S contract though only 31 HCP. But your trump suit is solid xx1943: (holding j109), rich in controls. xx1943: In a suit contract we count the losers in the main-hand. xx1943: The main hand here is South, because there are the longer trumps. xx1943: The South hand has no loser in !S and !H and !C, but 2 losers in !D. xx1943: Why do we count !H4, !d3 and !C5 not as loser? xx1943: ???? 13hunters: because you have the control cards in dummy xx1943: yep xx1943: !H4 is covered by !HQ, !C5 is covered by !CK and !D3 is covered by !DA xx1943: Do you remember the 3 main methods to avoid a loser? xx1943: There are 3 good methods to avoid losers: Ruff -- discard -- finesse xx1943: 1. RUFF --- Is there a shortness in dummy to ruff losers? (plan1) xx1943: 2. DISCARD --- Is there a length in dummy to discard losers? (plan2) xx1943: 3. FINESSE --- Are there minor honors in dummy or your hand, that can promoted xx1943: to tricks, if you lead towards them and the opponents high cards are favourable xx1943: placed? xx1943: Which of these methods do you want to apply in this hand? Pipin: loser on loser 13hunters: ruff petaltree: ruff in short suit, discard, finess ->petaltree: yep xx1943: hop in and play Pat925: #2 petaltree: disc 2d, one on H, xx1943: calp clap clap very well done xx1943: bravo 13hunters: ty xx1943: You adopted plan1: Ruff losers in dummy xx1943: The other plan could be to discard on dummy's !h xx1943: but this is inferior, becaus eit needs the !H to be distributed 3-3 xx1943: While your plan was nearly 100%. Give up a !D and ruff the 3rd !D xx1943: But youMUST NOT draw a single round of trumps. Opponents would led a 3rd xx1943: round and you had no trump to ruff in dummy anymore xx1943: questions?? xx1943: ok #2 xx1943: 28HCP isn't that nice xx1943: occurs to me only, if I play prepared hands :) xx1943: In a NT contract we count not the losers but our winner xx1943: 2!S+5!H+3!C=10tricks petaltree: 12 winners? xx1943: we need 2 !D tricks ->petaltree: 10 winner petaltree: y need k and q diamonds xx1943: How can we make 2 !D tricks? leelees: why nt? xx1943: NT or a suit contract doesn't matter xx1943: you have the same problem 13hunters: got to hope AD is in the east hand and lead twice from dummy towards S hand wik54: leading !D from the dummy, giving him a !H and a !C trick - two chances xx1943: dummy with 4333 is of no use in a !H contract petaltree: place Ad with E ->wik54: great answer wik54: ty ->13hunters: great answer 13hunters: thanks wik54: but if west has the A!D, the plan is doomed:) xx1943: hmhhh you started fine ...... BUT margaritah: now show us pls xx1943: ty margaritah stanira3: needed to lead ! twice from dummy Pipin: rofl xx1943: free your seat please ->stanira3: sure ->Pipin: don't be rude Pipin: not intended and not about play xx1943: who wants to show how to play this one? wik54: May I please? ->Pipin: ok, but be cuatious pls ->wik54: hop in Pipin (Lobby): apologies xx1943: clap clap clap xx1943: very well done wik54: tyty- easy to do having seen 4 hands xx1943: you must hope that the !DA is wth EAST an dlead !D twice from dummy wik54: :) margaritah: thats what I wanted to say xx1943: you need 2 entries to table for this manouevre Angel blue: wd Wasim:) wik54: ty xx1943: and !H10 and !CK are enough xx1943: ty wik xx1943: questions? xx1943: next hand #3 xx1943: This is a suit contract again. so we count the loser in the main-hand (South) xx1943: mainhand or masterhand -- is the hand (normally declarer's) in which you count the xx1943: losers in a suit-contract. xx1943: 2!H+1!D = 3. Our plan must include to avoid 2 of these 3 losers. xx1943: There is no shortness in dummy. No ruffing-value, so the loser cannot be ruffed in xx1943: dummy. xx1943: BUT: Dummy has a nice 5-carder on the side to use for discards. xx1943: Let us analyse the !C-suit: xx1943: What is the number of !C-cards E/W hold together? xx1943: ???? 13hunters: 6 petaltree: 6 xx1943: correct 6 wik54: 7 margaritah: 4/2 xx1943: What are the possible distributtions of these cards? xx1943: 3-3 4-2 5-1 or 6-0 xx1943: You can see the odds for these distribution here: 13hunters: 1-5, 2-4, 3-3 xx1943: %20suit.htm stanira3: odds favor 4-2 xx1943: yep odds favor 4-2 xx1943: you cannoit win against 5-1 or even 6-0 xx1943: so assume the suit id divided 4-2 (if 3-3 juust better) xx1943: what is you plan? 13hunters: need to ruff a club and have enough entries to get to dummy to cash established clubs puddkatz: get trumps out and work on the clubs? xx1943: That is a geta answer: need to ruff a club and have enough entries to get to xx1943: dummy to cash established clubs xx1943: great xx1943: if you get trumps out and work on !c that will be wik54: but only two rounds of trumps, right? wik54: oops, got my answer xx1943: now the !c are high, but no entry to enjoy the last !c trick puddkatz: I see it now fairwell: retain entry to n xx1943: woh plays it better?? xx1943: hop in xx1943: don't be shy: YES Yhi mick good luck margaritah: duck the first trick? xx1943: why duck the first trick? There is no need to do so xx1943: bad news trumps are 3-1 xx1943: hmhhhh that didn't work fairwell: another way for sure xx1943: ty Mick xx1943: who can do it? 13hunters: me fairwell: can try also xx1943: take the seat xx1943: hi fairwell xx1943: clap clap clap wik54: j fairwell wik54: gj xx1943: you did everything right fairwell->Club: ty fairwell: fun xx1943: clap clap clap ydannac: clap clap !H!H fairwell: :) tx Anne margaritah: pls explain how we should think to make the right plan xx1943: PLAN: Draw only 2 rounds of trumps, because you need !SA as reentry to dummy. xx1943: Play !CA and !CK and ruff a 3rd round of !c HIGH to prevent an overruff. xx1943: reach dummy with !SA thereby drawing the last opponents trumps and enjoy 2 !c xx1943: discards. :):):):=) xx1943: questions? ->vanyvon: hi Yvon nice to !c u wik54: After the A!C is taken, could North taking the third round of trump work? vanyvon: hi :) xx1943: wik waht is your question? pls? wik54: regarding the plan xx1943: if you try the 3rd round of !c with the Q, West will ruff and you are down wik54: drawing the trumps befor K!C? xx1943: you cannot draw more than 2 rounds of !S because you need the !SA as reentry to xx1943: the established !c wik54: ok wik54: ty xx1943: hmhh xx1943: my partner is gambling and I have to play this one with my singleton trump xx1943: Guess I need another partner xx1943: He punished me for my off-shape double xx1943: Now I have a sure trump loser and a sure !H loser vanyvon: a delayed !H loser xx1943: without !H lead I could discard the 2nd !H on !D but now I must giv eup ->vanyvon: not after the lead xx1943: does anyone have an idea? puddkatz: i see only 1 hand 13hunters: have to discard the losing heart before trumps are drawn, so finesse spades fairwell: take ace, then work on sp, finessing to j xx1943: if you are in a very bad contract, you must hope for the best xx1943: hop in, who thinks he can do it fairwell: lol, wouldnt mind another go xx1943: hop xx1943: rehi fairwell xx1943: good luck petaltree: disc 3 h on c fairwell: i am turned around now tho petaltree: no ->petaltree: you'll lose !Ca and a !H xx1943: that was achnace that the !Sq was Qxx vanyvon: good night see you tomorrow ->vanyvon: good nite xx1943: yo uplayed on a very bad chance fairwell: yes, queen was in west, right? xx1943: even if the Q falls in 3 rounds, you cannot enjoy the discard, because small trumps xx1943: are out. fairwell: ok xx1943: you have only 1 chance, that the !SQ is with West Pat925: Was that bid makable? xx1943: bid 6!C pls xx1943: now hold your breath 50% to make your bid and 50% to go down 2 xx1943: BINGO fairwell: yeah fairwell: so queen is west, had I sat south, wouldve done ok xx1943: I you are in avery bad contract and there is 1 chance to make your bid, just try for xx1943: it xx1943: If you are declarer as NORTH, WEST is on your RHO fairwell: yes margaritah: do kibs believe that those deals are for beginners? xx1943: do you think the deals too difficult for beginners? Pat925: we are learning fairwell: yes, think so myself margaritah: even with all hands open, it is difficult to find the right plan xx1943: I try to you THINKING petaltree: you dont learn if they are easy Pat925: I don't think they are, this is what we need Pipin: surely it is all about learning to plan the hand before rushing to play xx1943: that's it PIPIN fairwell: that's the whole thing, plan play xx1943: plan play and imagine, what will happen xx1943: if there is no chance think of another plan xx1943: you want another hand? 13hunters: yes please wik54: and hope that opps' high cards are where you want them to be - wishfull thinking LOL Pipin: yes ydannac: y petaltree: yes please puddkatz: yes Pat925: sure fairwell: another teaser pl xx1943: yep Wik in a bad contract "wishful thinking" and in a very good contract be xx1943: pessimitic and guard for the worst (if possible) xx1943: we count our sure tricks xx1943: 1!S+ xx1943: 3!H+ xx1943: 3!D+0c=7 tricks xx1943: we need 2 more fairwell: 2c 13hunters: hold up 2 rounds of spades and hope that A and K clubs are in the east hand xx1943: the only suit to establish extra tricks is !c ->13hunters: great ->13hunters: wath tells us !S2 about the !S distribution? 13hunters: thanks again, great hands, v interesting petaltree: lose lead twice, so duck S twice 13hunters: 4 spades in west hand xx1943: what tells us !S2 about the !S distribution? xx1943: ??? macmj: 4-2 petaltree: w has 4 ->petaltree: correct macmj: 4-3 margaritah: that he holds honeur fairwell: hold up sp for, play to k d, then lead sm c xx1943: !S must be distributed 4-3 stanira3: w has 4...led 4th best xx1943: East holding KQx Pipin: low to an honour 3 cards ///// always have 2 !c with 9 10 xx1943: Who has the !CA and !CK? xx1943: ??? wik54: E bid !C Pipin: E BID THEM fairwell: e xx1943: if you count HCP petaltree: hope E, esp as he bid then xx1943: South has 16HCP and dummy 10HCP e/W together 14 xx1943: and EAST opened he must have at least 12 Pipin: and E opened xx1943: so both !c honors must be with EAST xx1943: now the plan must be easy fairwell: hold up s xx1943: who demonstrates us the hand? fairwell: i will if no one jumps ->davidap: go for it xx1943: yippeehhh the last !S is with WEST fairwell->Club: wd xx1943: clap clap clap xx1943: very well done fairwell: ty for great session wik54: wd, barry 13hunters: thanks xx1943: all you had to guard was that opponents scored 3!S trick alomg with 2 !c !S xx1943: the countermeasure was to hold up twice in !S to exhaust East from the !S suit xx1943: Many thanks to all for listening so patiently to my suada. xx1943: Many thanks to Maureen for all she is doing for the BIL and Billies. BIL is agreat xx1943: place to learn bridge. xx1943: Here is the link to my bridge site: xx1943: xx1943: I created a blog for communication with my students too. xx1943: xx1943: I created a page on my site to inform my students about these lessons and provide xx1943: the movies. Here the direct link to that frame. xx1943: %20Beginners.htm xx1943: If you are interested to get my news by mail, please send a mail to xx1943: [email protected] and I'll put you on my mailing-list. ydannac: Thanks xx1943 petaltree: tkvm Al cher48603: Thx, great lesson. 13hunters: thanks very much xx1943: !c u all next week same time same procedure Pipin: thx great lesson puddkatz: ty xx1943: If you are interested to get my news by mail, please send a mail to xx1943: [email protected] and I'll put you on my mailing-list. xx1943: bye all</p>

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