
PAGE 20 THE FREEDOM SOCIALIST NOVEMBER 5. 1966 PAGE .:z0. >.' -:. PR'.)CI~ESS REPORT ON -, HE F. SJ>. /~.'.~ .....;.'- ' ...--:-.. THE Fr~\ST THREE M(-)NTHS OF L I FE :' ' ~ > ,."E •. ' ., •. <; .. ~ith thisti.su~ of our p~p~ hevo bc€n fentur~c spoc~ors ~t fllllDOKSOClN ,~ cr, t.h ... Ftccdom 5""lciclist Pnrty is m~Gtings of tho Gross Roots For­ • sc~rcGly three m~nths old. ~ith­ um, a centrel er6~ "anti-poverty" "0\(,£ OF ,HE iR£EOOV\ SOt.\ "'l\S~ t>~~ ()~ 'W~~"\"'~\Q'" ~ut patting 8urs ... lvGs on th~ b3~k, ereno for discussing poverty and we ccn feel pr~ud of wh::Jt we did civil rights. 3ccomplish -- including surviving Coming up soon is , program I these lcst hectic ninJty d~ys. on KCTS-TV, Channel 9, on Black At the tim~ of th~ fnun~ing Power, in which ~Dymon ~ere will of th~ FSP, we h~ld 3 Press CQn­ participate. Tho penel includss f~rQncc ond c f~w we_ks 13tcr we prominont local Negro leaders. stoged ::J very successful in~ugur­ Tuna in on TUwsd::JY, Nov. 22, at ~l b3nquvt. 7:30 p.m. Jc perticipated in tha poaCD Our litornture and periodi­ dcm8nstr::Jtion ~t B13in~ in August, c~l deportment is bGcoming much whJrc wc sold 150 copies of th.j better stocked and sol~s of radi­ first issue of ThJ Frc~dnm Scci::Jl- cal litGr~turo are proceeding ill· briskly. ~c will soon h::Jvc on sale !Jc h:wc sp'"JnSClrod C) f3irly the publicntions of all the major rcgul~r sori ... s lf Soturd~y Night r~dic~l ~::Jrti8s and tend~ncies, Forums ctFrcGw~y Hollon such as well as key Marxist end Trot­ topics es th~ ~nti-w3r movement, skyist works. policc brute~ity, dcvclopmJnts in Our heedquarters ~re b~ing Chin" the current Glcction C3m­ improved, 'regular weekly member­ p3ign, the economics of impori~l­ ship and bi-monthly executive com­ ism, etc. All the forums ere pre­ mittee meetings jre held, and ceded by axccll~nt dinners end Comrade Jock Wright hos written ~ followed by sociols. personal history of th6 radical uick Fr3scr ::Jnd Clnr3 K~ye tredition in the P~cific Nurth­ recently completed tccching ::J su~­ west as he lived it and observed mer session of clossos lRsting 12 HI weeks on Amaric3n History end Our Civil Righta & Labor com­ CAPSULE REPORT OF AUGUST PEACE DEMONSTRATION ON THE CANADIAN BORDER. Marx's Ccpitcl. Th~ classes were mittee has worked diligently to And lest you think that the patent absurdity uf large rallies of the sp8nsorcd by thL Independent Soci­ evolve a tranaitional program of left endlessly listening to spokesmen of the right is a vanishing phen­ :1list Union. demands suitable for political omenon in these days of protest and commitment, please read on. At present, five FSPcrs ore work in this area, and we will involved in teoching or coordinct­ publish their findings shortl,~. EDITORIAL ing cless~s ~t the FreD University Je have held intunsivs ~18- :Jf SO'Jttlc. cussion mebtings on such toplca THE SAD (BUT FAMI LIAR) TALE OF THE PEACE PARTY Krosnowsky continuos his as the problems of the Chine$8 politic::!l communtorY'Jn eltarnnte Revolution and present c~rr6nt8 THAT BECAME JUST ONE MORE APPENDAGE TO Frid,y nights on KRAB-FM. in tho Negro struggle. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY MACHINE S~ver,l of us oro regularly ~nd we are engaged in 0 pro­ Qctive in thJ work 3f the Se~ttle gram of printing the basic docu­ The Reverend Robert B. Shaw is a candidate for congress, 7th Dis­ CommitteD to End tho Jor in Viet­ ments of th~ party. trict, on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket -- an ostenSibly indepen­ nom, nnd most ,Jf us were inv'Jlvcd ~ll this -_. and sign paint­ dent peace party. This peculiar campaign poses a critical question to in tho extended 3ttempt to per­ ing, pick~ting, floorwashing, militants in the Washington anti-war movement. The P&FP is a political suede the outhors of the PaccD & mimeographing, etc. etc. atc. We Freedom Perty t, strikb out bold­ wont to do much more, of course, formation largely initiated, led and staffed by a coalition of middle­ ly f~r oncc on ·the rood of prin­ and with help, luck and an upsurge class white liberals and pacifists and old-timer "progressives." It is cipl~d independent politics. in tho cl:lsS struggle,. we co.nti­ technically independent but is politically committed to the support of Two of our 18~ding mGmb~rs ~ently GXp~ct we will) Democratic Party good guys. (Cantinue. an Page 2) *************************** PASS ON YOUR COpy OF THE FREEDOm SOCIALIST TO A fRIEND. THANK YOU. :....P.:...:A~Gt.::.......=..2 ____T HE PAGt: 19 THE fREEJOm SOCI~LIST ,\IoVEMBER ~! 1966 P;.\,GE '19 C f' SEATTLE's F R E E U N I V E R SIT Y IS INAUGURATED AMIDST MUCH P~BLICITY -- & GREAT SOLICITUDE FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT A J/A. (CONTINUED FRo~ FROruT P~GE) . Thi~ ~luct0rnl c~aliti~n rnises as its key slogan,"Viatnam is the The Free University of Seattle lwright is onu of the lucturors. l.SSUC; ...Jl.th,Jraw U.S. Truops now". r\ m Jst valirl and correct do:mand. h~s just been organized and is pre- "VIETNrlM: DEVELOPMENT OF ;.\, CRI- ~ocs this ~oan th~t the p&rp shouls bo supported, notwithstanding SC'ltly conducting classes in vari- I SIS." Rick Saling, coorclinator. l.~s nature anj basic p~litical oricnta~ion? • ous makeshift classrooms. The reg- Marxist viewpoint presented in Jc.think tho latter criteria erG ~~cislve, and we have accor~ing­ ular premises leased for FUS could luctures by John Severn. Wudnes- ly docll.ned supp~rt tu~is l~tcst outbreak of the old ailment of not bo utilizod sinco the local days, 7:30 p.m. class collaboration politics. The P&FP Gat~g~ricJlly r~fuscd to affirm Fire Dept. swooped down on opening C13SSUb are held once a woek or exhibit independence of capitalist controllo~ politics. Its day and suspended oparations. for 9 weeks. E~ch class lasts 2~ I r\ temporary victim of its own hours. Tuition is BIO.OO for tho goneral program, dcspitc thu validity of its key slogan, reflects this failure to break with the 2-party political system and orient success, FUS has boen labelled by first class and p3.oo for addi- towards a new politics, a ncw class, an~ ~ new programmatic app~Dach a local Post-Intolligoncer co1umn- tionul courses. to war an0 poace, povcrty& afflUence, racism & injustice. ist as the 1I1argest floating uni- Fur information, CQll ME. 2- varSity in the eountry.1I It ro- 2299. r\t the Supt. 20th (Primary Day) NRminating Convcntio of the new ceived wijespro3~ press, rauie and party, the organizers and spokesmen clearly indicatuj their real TV coverag8, which promptly alerted intontions: rogarnless of what rssollJtic;)s thu militants manQgG t'J gct the Firo Dept., l'lnrd known to be rt Y [ J 'J C especially vigilant about fire M rt R X 1ST (Con1t. from P. 18) passon, ~E will control the basic policy one publicity. Rev. 5haw, under pressure fr'J~ anti-war activists, ev~~n announced (in Q confusing hazardS to radic3ls cnJ dissidents. locge, tho Chine~a CP has yet to and rather sullen fashion) that ttw party '113S tu be "inclcpcn:.:cnt" Nuvertheless, tho 400 onrolled produce publicly an analysis of students and faculty arG carrying the In~onesian disaster, or draw and he hCJpc~~ thGre wClull: be no more talk Cif "That! 11. But it bc;cQmL increasingly GvL!un~, 3S the.; Convention Welrc ~thdt the only on with h~ighten8d d~termination, any conclusion from it. Any the- revolutionary impact possible for thG party w~s a Scmantic Revolu­ and the nucessary rGpairs anu a1- Dry like that undarlying Chinosa tion: tho concept of independent political action was cynic311y terations on the promises are al- foreign policy which claims to bo transl:Jtcc1 to mC3n in'JcpcncJcnt- Dcmocr3t politics, i.e. "indl;penuent" most compl~ted. ~arxist and hence is subject to voters in supp~rt of Dc.;mocrats. The largest frOG university in scientific evaluation must be the country, and certainly tho prepared to modify itself when- The neW p3rty gave us :J classic taste of Democratic Pcrty poli­ most harassed, FUS offars ceurses ovur it proves unable to prodict tics. ranging from currant social prob- or account for events. The fail- loms analyzed in the light of ure of the Chinese to do this ro- They engaged in 3 pathetic imitation of t~ trGatmant d~ministerdd lYlarxi::m, humanism, [;xistenti:llism, flects on the IJ:Jlidity of thair by the Democratic Party machine to the radical-progressives whu, when anarchism, an2 etc., to Lifo Paint- thGuri~3. the C.P. pullcj the rug out from under the Progressive Party back in ing, M~darn Theatre and N~w Child­ ********** 1952, wore forced to trudge shamufacedly b3ck intlJ the fold of 100% hood Ecucation. ~hat conclusions for future Big Business twin-party politics. Of particular interest to our anti-war work can we craw from readers are the following classes tha P&FP Convention and alection ThG cnlightcncc-J In'~ CVGn ry!ic:ll R~solutiors which the; which are led, taught or coordina­ campai9 n ? Peoples' ~orld Demucrats were able to pass at Dc~ocrQtic convontions ted by FSP people: Coma the next election, it in this state have h3~ no influenco whatsoever on the proGram and JlpoLITIC,~L PERSPECTIvrS nF THE woulc seem essential to operata policy elf the Democratic Party; on the; contrary, they ~av; served only NEGRO RE\;'OL T.
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