Solicitud Explotaciones Agrarias

Solicitud Explotaciones Agrarias

<p> REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>A. APPLICANT REVIEW 1. NAME: DNI / CIF / NIE / Tax ID: / / Operator name or company and legal nature Type Grouping (Cooperative, SAT, etc) Attached copy of ID / NIF / NIE / Tax ID 2. CONTACT DETAILS: First name: Address: CP: Municipality: Province: Country: Phones: / Fax: Email: @ </p><p>CONTACT DETAILS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ICS). If it is different from before. First name: Address: CP: Municipality: Province: Country: Phones: / Fax: Email: @ </p><p>Deputy copy of the current Internal Control System Group (ICS) * * The ICS system should safeguard the ecological character of the entire operation and the adequacy of the standards applied in organic production. You must also maintain sufficient control to ensure that all personnel ** applies the OSP (Organic Management Plan) detailed in this application</p><p>** The OSP describes in detail how the operations are performed on holdings of members of the Group of Producers according to each section of the Standard Equivalent and raw / input materials used in these operations. If you have a document OSP can attach it to this application but in any case must complete this application in full. Deputy copy of the current Organic Management Plan (OSP) 3. LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE (if the applicant is a legal person) First name: DNI / NIE / Tax ID: / / Operator name or company and legal nature Deputy copy of the DNI / NIE / Tax ID Copy attached document evidencing the legal representation 4. OTHER PEOPLE AND CONTACT (default will be taken in order to contact the communications operator and sending the data indicated in the apdo.2. In case there are other persons or contact details such as address, phone, fax or email to indicate use and responsibility as eg. Visit inspection procedures with the SC CAAE, ...)</p><p>5. Management handling areas if they are different from those indicated in section 2: </p><p>B. GENERAL INFORMATION REVIEW 1.Type OPERATOR (indicated the type of activity described in this application and attached the pages that apply) vegetable production Handling and / or processing of products Commercialization Import</p><p>In the case of possessing activity Handling and / or processing of products, you must request specific documentation 2. COUNTRY (where they are located plots Group members, facilities, industries, ...) 3. TYPE OF APPLICATION Inscription Product extension Expansion of the production area / facility / Group members Low partial surface / members Groups Changes in the applicant's data Changes in data production area Group members Change of ownership from the operator: Deputy Annex: Change of ownership 4. OTHER APPROVALS (I have asked or am interested in other certifications as ...) National Organic Program. NOP (USA) GlobalGap British Retail Consortium (BRC) Japan Agriculture Standards. JAS (Japan) Biosuisse (SWITZERLAND) Others include: </p><p>C. OTHER DATA OF INTEREST REVIEW 1. PREVIOUS CONTROL AGENCY. Has been the operator, the representative of the operator or company, the / plots, the / the facilities listed in this application, controlled by a certification body? YES DO NOT. </p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 1 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) If so, indicate what or cuales______Period during which it was under control between ______Y ______Reason for low ______I express my express to provide all the information necessary commitment so that they can check my record Attached supporting documentation for the recognition of the start date RELATED / SUB 2. OPERATORS Indian If you have outsourced some operation to another operator: YES DO NOT Deputy Annex: Subcontracting Indian if you wish your visit exploitation together with other operators: YES DO NOT Deputy Annex: Operators related (for the purposes of organizing inspections) I made this request through an entity (box, cooperative, counseling ...) Indicate the name and the phone </p><p>D. STATEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS REVIEW In compliance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that personal data obtained by filling in this document, they will be incorporated, for treatment, an automated file. In this sense you expressly consent that their data is processed to send you information about our products and / or services deemed relevant to their activities through appropriate means for this (e-mail, telephone and / or mail ). According to the provisions of the Act, you may exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to our address. In the list of operators and products certified as published, I do not want my name and address appears REVIEW: This section indicated by the CAAE SC Date / Staff Initials / Signature additions and corrections made on the document and notified the operator</p><p>ANNEX: CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REVIEW FIRST NAME: DNI / CIF / NIE / Tax ID: / / Operator name or company and legal nature Signed As an operator registered with the SC CAAE with No. I declare that caused LOW TOTAL PARTIAL and subrogate me: In the case of a partial withdrawal: Attach documentation of this application for the parcels, animals, plants or products covered by the partial subrogation. FIRST NAME: DNI / CIF / NIE / Tax ID: / / Operator name or company and legal nature Signed Applying for registration in the SC CAAE assuming the commitments made by the previous owner</p><p>ANNEX: RELATED OPERATORS (for the purposes of organizing inspections) REVIEW With the operators listed below I maintain a certain relationship (kinship same representative, neighborhood ...) and request that affects the organization of inspection visits are made to be possible on the same day. No No Name / Company name holder Name / Company name holder operator operator</p><p>ANNEX: OUTSOURCING REVIEW Pursuant to Article 52 of the equivalent CAAE organic production standards and control measures for European certification of operators in third countries declare the activities that I have outsourced to third parties.</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 2 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) Outsourced data operator Name of legal Signature of the owner Operator name representative and NIF Parent body control outsourced activities or legal representative / NIE / Tax ID</p><p>Declaration: By signing this document I authorize the staff Certification Service CAAE to implement on outsourced activities the control system described in the equivalent CAAE organic production standards and control measures for European certification of operators in countries third parties. Deputy paragraphs coming from this application affecting the type of outsourced activity or certificate of conformity of the parent body control its activity as ecological operator.</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 3 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>PLANT PRODUCTION GROUP MEMBERS ANNEX: PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO REDUCE POLLUTION RISKS OF PRODUCTION AREAS GROUP Indian risk level according to driving conditions and status of exploitation / facilities and describe the measures to be taken to reduce this risk should be MEDIUM or HIGH (See GUIDE CONTROL RISK) FILL IN THE CASE OF RISKS OR HIGH STANDARD LEVEL Location of the medium and high risk Measures to reduce or avoid the risk of Type danger (affected limb, fields, crops, machinery, Risk level REVIEW contamination warehouses, pipes, tanks, ..)</p><p>MEDIUM Direct application of contaminants HIGH</p><p>MEDIUM Indirect application of contaminants HIGH</p><p>The application or MEDIUM contact from nearby areas HIGH</p><p>Mixing with non- MEDIUM organic products or conversion HIGH</p><p>MEDIUM The use of contaminated items HIGH</p><p>MEDIUM The residual contamination HIGH</p><p>MEDIUM Environmental pollution HIGH</p><p>OBSERVATIONS: </p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 4 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>A. DESCRIPTION UNIT REVIEW 1. SITE OF PRODUCTION UNIT (cultured or HARVESTING WILDLIFE) The control plots submit to bring them into organic production are those indicated in the table below * If expand, not include plots or surfaces already listed above. * This table can be replaced by spreadsheet or a similar list with the requested information. Culture/ Name Group Member Region Province Municipality Code Plot Area (Hectares) Exploitation</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 5 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>In the case of wild collection practice in large open areas: Deputy topographic maps at 1: 10,000 indicating the collection area </p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 6 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>2. ENVIRONMENT. Indicate the environment surrounding the production area generally. Environment: organic crops Extensive non-organic crops intensive non-organic crops Uncultivated areas Roads, highways, ... Others include: Specify the group members in the case of significant differences between group members. </p><p>There are sources of pollution such as: There is no apparent risk of contamination on the farm. In the case of wild collection practice in large open areas: Indian topographic maps in the environment and pollution sources Specify the group members in the case of significant differences between group members. </p><p>3. MACHINERY AND OTHER ITEMS NOT SHARED WITH OTHER OPERATORS FOR ORGANIC OR USE OF PRODUCTS NOECO OPERATOR'S OWN .. Has not shared any machinery or other members of the Group Name Group Member Machinery operating element Preventative measures to avoid contamination of shared with other operators machinery and thereby ECO products NOECO</p><p>The holdings of the group members are: dry land Irrigation (if you have both types mark the two). There are members rainfed farms and other irrigation. Specify: Indicate the source of irrigation water. Specify if different according to group members: Indicate if you have Fertirrigación: YES DO NOT Specify if different according to group members: </p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 7 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) 4. STORAGE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES .. None of the members of Group owns Shared storage area Name Group Member Location of the Products are Shared area * Preventive measures to avoid storage area stored contamination of products you (agricultural, stored and thus measures the supplies, etc.) ECO products YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT YES DO NOT * With other producers NOECO productions or products NOECO operator. 5. NO ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTION. Indicate in the table below (if applicable), crops Group members maintained in non-organic agriculture with crop type in question (such as the species and variety) and the municipality where they are located. None of the members has not Organic Production Group Name Group Member Crop / variety / Surface NOECO Reason and preventive measures for the separation and Location of the ECO / NOECO productions</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 8 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>6. OWNERSHIP. The plots under control are managed by members of Group under: Property Lease sharecropping Another scheme as: There is a diversity of situations. Specify: </p><p>B. SPECIFIC MEASURES FOR COMPLIANCE OF PRODUCTION (COMMON TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE GROUP) REVIEW 1. SOIL MANAGEMENT AND FERTILIZATION. The products you use or used for soil fertilization and crop nutrition should indicate them in the Annex of inputs used. Inputs attached Annex used Structures to control erosion there on my farm are: Contour Furrows Crops bands Others include: Infiltration trenches or ditches Fill gullies I have no erosion problems Terrazas windbreak hedgerows The type of rotation that is used in the operation: (indicate crop or families that are grown in rotation) First year Second year Third year Fourth year Fifth year</p><p>2. MANAGEMENT OF PESTS, DISEASES AND HERBS adventitious. The products you use or used to control pests, diseases and adventitious herbs (weeds), should indicate them in the Annex of inputs used. Deputy Annex of inputs used</p><p>Plagues and diseases herbs adventitious It does not have a significant incidence of pests and diseases The herbs are removed by: If you have an impact and are controlled by: Work with machinery Mowing or cutting manual destruction of parasites and parts pasturage hand weeding diseased plant Others include: Using nets, ribbons or nets The appearance of adventitious herbs is prevented by: solarization Placing protective elements such as nets, plastic sheets, Using traps straw, prunings, ... Others include: cleaners crops solarization Other measures such as: 3. REPRODUCTIVE MATERIAL. Indicate the type of material (seed, graft seedlings, etc ...) that will be used for seeding and / or planting and which of them are of organic origin NO: </p><p>4. wild collection. It should describe the techniques and methods used for the collection to guarantee the stability of the natural habitat and species conservation in a specification. Deputy collection specification Deputy copy of the authorization of the Environment for collection 5. PRODUCTION OF MUSHROOMS. Describe the contents of the substrate used for cultivation of mushrooms which type of material (manure, wood, wheat straw, ...), its category (ecological, untreated, treated with X, ...) and% is included in the composition of dry matter. Deputy sheet substrate composition 6. packing, transportation, storage and labeling. Indicate the type of packaging and containers or transport used for farm products. Indicate whether they are sharing: Shared use 7. CONVERSION. Indicate unauthorized in organic production, which has been used in the plots included in this application products. Annex former Deputy plot management 8. SELF-CONTROL SYSTEM. These are measures that ensure control of work on the holding and verified inthe inspection. TO Then check the records used to ensure adequate self-monitoring system. </p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 9 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) Mark with an X those from</p><p> plans The explotion Invoices / Delivery notes Recording sales Tags inputs, seeds or Certificates / subcontractor Registry operations / Registration deviations seedlings contracts exploitation Notebook Plant production Records or official Certificates suppliers Register Shopping programs permits Datasheet Results of Analysis Others include: </p><p>Marked records will be maintained for 5 years in the homes of group members: YES DO NOT They are to keep all records of all members at the following address: Specific differences between the various members regarding the information described in this paragraph: There's no difference. All members have the same system described There are differences between members outlined below </p><p>ANNEXED. INPUTS USED (COMMON TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE GROUP) REVIEW No inputs are used (or are the same as those previously declared in the CAAE Certification Service). Indian fertilizers and soil conditioners, plant protection, products for sealing wounds pruning and cleaning products dripper to be applied in growing areas. Type of input Materia / s Active / s Dose Justification for Use </p><p>Specific differences between the various members regarding the information described in this paragraph: There's no difference. All members indicated inputs used (if used inputs) There are differences between members outlined below </p><p>ANNEX: PREVIOUS MANAGEMENT OF PLOTS REVIEW The plots of the Panel members included in this application have had a previous operation (referred unauthorized applied in the past three years, or earlier products, if it is very waste products). Indicate the products used. NONE OF GROUP MEMBERS HAVE APPLIED UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCTS FOR OVER 3 YEARS IN THEIR EXPLOITATION THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS HAVE NO UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCTS USED FOR MORE THAN 3 YEARS IN THEIR EXPLOITATION </p><p>THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS LISTED IN THE TABLE HAVE APPLIED UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCTS IN THE LAST 3 YEARS IN THEIR EXPLOITATION </p><p>Name Group Member Or crops affected area unauthorized inputs used Date / s of application (composition and dosage)</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 10 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS)</p><p>F / PGT-01 / 01- GR- Rev.00-30 PT / 08/16 PRODUCER GROUP P. 11 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) ANNEX: CONTRACT On the one hand the Director of Certification Certification Service CAAE (hereinafter CAAE) as control entity and recognized and authorized by the European Union certification in accordance with Annex IV of Regulation (EC) 1235/2008 of 8 December 2008 laying down detailed rules for implementing Regulation (EC) no 834/2007 as regards imports of organic products from third countries and its amendments are set </p><p>On the other hand D. with ID / Tax ID on its own behalf or as a representative of the company CIF / Tax ID. (Hereinafter the operator).</p><p>AGREE:</p><p>1. Purpose and scope This agreement establishes the rights and obligations of the CAAE as an independent organization which carries out auditing, certification and issuance of certificates under the organic production system (as CAAE Standards equivalent of organic production and control measures for European certification of operators third) and client countries interested in this scheme. 2. Awarding 2.1. The CAAE granted by this, the right to use the notes on Organic Production and always when it has been properly certified and the requirements of the regulations are met. 2.2. The certificate is valid only to the extent that all rights and fees due to the CAAE are satisfied. Payment for services is made in advance, the CAAE notify the operator with a budget cost of service before. Modifications to the findings in the original application, and sampling are not included in that budget.</p><p>2.3. After payment service payment, regardless of its concept, not your refund will be issued.</p><p>2.4. If the operator provides copies of the certificates issued to other customers, they must be reproduced in whole and not in parts or as specified by the certification scheme. 3. Certification System 3.1. The CAAE inform the operator / a (directly or through other means such as website and publications) the content of the procedures, documents and apply it to the type of production included in your application. 3.2. Operator / to comply with the rules of reference of the requested scope, its implementing rules and those that apply, including those established by the CAAE or the European Commission. It must also implement changes in its system to communicate the CAAE for compliance with certification requirements. 3.3. The CAAE retain in its quality management system generated records relating to the operator for 5 years.</p><p>4. Trademark CAAE 4.1. The operator / to use the notes on Organic Production and Trademark CAAE exclusively with products certified under organic production system. 4.2. The operator / to indicate, using the Trademark CAAE, which is a registered brand CAAE Certification Service. 4.3. The operator / a you can not use the certification or indications and protected brands conformity for products outside the scope thereof or when certification is under temporary suspension, cancellation or permanent withdrawal. 4.4. The operator must compensate the CAAE against possible claims for damages arising from the use of the Trademark CAAE. 4.5. By using CAAE Trademark and logo, as well as indications referring to organic production set out in the relevant legislation, the operator / to respect the rules laid down in the manual labeling. 4.6. The ASAC reserves the right to directly enforce all provisions of Clause 4 of this Agreement.</p><p>5. Certifications and Certification Program Integrity. 5.1. The operator / to allow free access to CAAE and /or supervisory bodies (European Commission and National Accreditation) During the normal working day to its production units, offices, employees and all books and records related to organic production necessary to prove compliance or implementation of the system, providing all information related to the scheme. 5.2. The CAAE conduct at least one annual inspection of the operator / a if provision is made. 5.3. The operator / to designate the appropriate personnel to accompany the inspector CAAE in control visits to furnish all information, documentation and records required as well as access to equipment, facilities, fields, crops, animals and other elements that form part of the production unit as described in clause 5.1. 5.4. The operator / a will form and inform their staff of the requirements of the applicable regulations and certification requested the particular requirements of CAAE 5.5. If you involved in producing a subcontractor, the CAAE and / or supervisory bodiesThey shall be entitled to make a full physical audit of the subcontractor's premises. That is why the operator / a must, upon request, ensure that the subcontractor allows free access described in clause 5.1. 5.6. When as a result of audits deviations for resolution requiring additional visits are identified, the operator / to bear the costs of additional inspections. 5.7. In order to verify continued compliance with the notes on Organic Production, the CAAE may perform physical inspections unannounced and random inspections as stipulated in the relevant legislation. The operator / a should allow free access to these assumptions as set out in clauses 5.1. and 5.2. 5.8. The / operator to take the necessary measures to investigate complaints and / or claims arising bringing you a record of them as well as the actions taken to resolve them 5.9. The / operator undertakes to inform customers of the status and scope of certification, and in the case of products not complying or suspected non-compliant inform customers to take appropriate precautionary measures detected. 5.10. The operator / to agree that the CAAE, provide the supervisory bodiesAll information that is statutorily well established in the conditions of A / F / PGT-01/01 PT27/12/16 Rev.01- P. 12 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) exchange of information.</p><p>6. Inscription. 6.1. The operator / CAAE to contribute to all the information specified in the relevant legislation. 6.2. The CAAE provide the operator / to a number of individual and permanent registration. 6.3. The deadline to complete the registration by the operator / a is 1 year from the date of receipt in the CAAE of the duly completed and signed except in cases of force majeure request within this period the application is void, having to start a new registration process if the operator so requests. 6.4. The CAAE is committed to managing information concerning the operator obtained during the certification process in compliance with the law. 6.5. The CAAE considered publishable the following information concerning the operator / a:  Operator's name (if there is no express communication against publication) and number CAAE operator  certified products and its category  Date of validity 6.6. The CAAE considered confidential information / documentation and records of operators that affecting the certification procedure, except for the publishable information. It is also considered confidential information concerning operators obtained from different sources by the home operator. 6.7. The operator / a CAAE agrees that transfer data to The overseersIn accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation. Under the rules of data protection, the operator / a as owner of the data, will be responsible for determining the level of confidentiality and authorize access to such data at the individual level operator / a. 6.8. The operator / to agree that CAAE is entitled, however, the provisions of clause 6.6., To make public domain the number of operator / a, certified products, the status of the corresponding certification, as well as any other information that statutorily deemed appropriate. 6.9. When prompted to CAAE information / confidential documentation of records by the European Comission and in cases where laws so provide, the operator / a of information / confidential documentation will facilitate shall be informed. 6.10. The operator / a suit that will inform CAAE European Commissionsuspensions or cancellations operator certificate / a. This information will include the number of operator / a, registered products and commercial and brand name or names. 6.11. The operator / to accept the exchange of information on your record between control bodies as necessary and, if the operator to change watchdog, the transmission of the file to subsequent control agency. 6.12. The operator / to accept, when the operator withdraws the control system, which will report it the European Commission, and his record is retained in the CAAE for a period of at least five years. 7. Changes in the company. The operator / to immediately inform the CAAE of all changes in your company that may affect this agreement, in particular those modifications that affect the liability / ownership, description of facilities, parcels and products.</p><p>8. Sanctions.</p><p>8.1. In the case of willful or negligent obligations under the relevant legislation, in particular the contractual obligations of the operator / a, breach the CAAE apply the sanctions defined in Listing nonconformity approved and in force. 8.2. When the SC CAAE finds irregularities or infringements affecting the organic nature of the products, it shall inform without delay the European Commission.</p><p>9. Responsibility. 9.1. The operator / to be responsible for making consistent statements with the scope of certification and not make unauthorized or incorrect references to the certification system, or make misleading use of certificates and / or brands that may cause a bad reputation by CAAE. 9.2. The operator / to be responsible to the CAAE of all direct or indirect damage caused by CAAE itself incurred from willful misconduct or breach a legal obligation and / or contractual provisions of this Agreement. 9.3. The operator / CAAE to indemnify against claims for damages from third parties in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9.2. 9.4. The CAAE not be liable for breaches of third party rights arising from the use of the Trademark CAAE unless the operator / a can demonstrate that such failure is attributable to a willful action or gross or omission by the CAAE negligence. 9.5. The operator / a will inform the CAAE all injunction or claim for damages of third parties arising from the use of indications relating to organic production and shall promptly inform the CAAE of any irregularity or offense affecting the ecological character of their product or organic products it receives from other operators.</p><p>10. Appeals and complaints. 10.1. Decisions on certification taken or endorsed by the Certification Commission may be appealed in successive stages with the Director of Quality CAAE or before the Advisory Committee (committee of parties which are represented equitably operators, consumers, CAAE and experts from the administration). 10.2. Other decisions and actions of the CAAE and staff that cause discomfort for the operator / a may be claimed by the latter. 10.3. Complaints and appeals will be reviewed and processed by the CAAE and the result is notified to the operator.</p><p>11. Duration and Termination. 11.1. This contract will have an initial duration of one year, taking effect from the date and signature of duly completed application for registration. Once the registration process is completed, we will proceed to fix its renewal on an annual basis from 1 January to 31 December, tacitly prorrogándose this agreement unless its intention to terminate the contract with one month prior to the renewal date is revealed commitment. The notification of cancellation of the Agreement shall always be in writing. 11.2. Renewal dates may be modified prior notification to the operator / a by the CAAE. 11.3. This contract will be canceled by default by the operator / a cost of certification or by a decision of the Certification Commission for denial of A / F / PGT-01/01 PT27/12/16 Rev.01- P. 13 from 14 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION organic certification. IN THIRD COUNTRIES (PRODUCER GROUPS) certification or permanent withdrawal, caused by the detection of breaches in application of the sanctions regime defined in Listing nonconformity. 11.4. The cancellation of this contract for default by the operator certification costs does not remove the responsibility of duration of the commitment and outstanding payments and accrued for services rendered to date. 11.5. Payment of control costs and interest arising from the delay shall be governed according to law 3/2004 of 29 December regulates, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. 11.6. With the cancellation of this agreement shall cease immediately the right to use the Trademark CAAE.</p><p>12. Parties and alterations / amendments to this agreement. 12.1. An integral part of this agreement the relevant legislation, in which the obligations of both the operator / a and the CAAE in relation to controls and exchange of information are set 12.2. The operator / a, without undue delay transform / will apply the modifications or amendments to the relevant legislation are incorporated into the agreement and shall promptly inform the CAAE.</p><p>13. Applicable law and jurisdiction. 13.1. This Agreement shall be governed by Spanish law. 13.2. For any dispute between the parties to the interpretation and application of this contract, both parties renounce and submit to the Courts of Seville.</p><p>14. subsidiary clause. 14.1. This Agreement and all documents cited therein constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding its subject and supersedes any prior commitment, verbal or written, between the parties. They may make amendments or additions to the agreement in writing with the signature of a duly authorized representative CAAE. The requirement that amendments and additions are made only in writing may be waived only by a written instrument. 14.2. If a provision of this agreement deviniese unenforceable or invalid, whatever the cause, this should not affect the rest of the agreement. In that case, the agreement shall be deemed to have satisfied the intent of the unenforceable provision. This also applies if omission requiring rectification are verified during the term of this agreement.</p><p>With the signing of this document the holder or legal representative of the operator / a, undertakes to carry out operations for the / s unit / s of production described / s in this application under the provisions equivalent CAAE organic production standards and control measures for European certification of operators in third countries.</p><p>As proof of receipt and acceptance of the contract, the CAAE send the operator a statement informing the receipt of the application and registration of the data presented.</p><p>I sgd. Holder or legal representative I sgd. Certification Service CAAE</p><p>X X</p><p>First name: Name: Juan Manuel Sánchez Adame ID: 52662684K Date: (Unless digitally signs indicate) Position: Director of Certification Date: (Unless digitally signs indicate)</p><p>In order to ensure the integrity and security of information and to improve and streamline communications, it is important to tell us an email you want us to send our communications. If this address changes, you must inform us as soon as possible and make sure it has been properly corrected.</p><p>Email 1: </p><p>Email 2: </p><p>A / F / PGT-01/01 PT27/12/16 Rev.01- P. 14 from 14</p>

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