University of Guelph Senate Tuesday, June 21,2005 18:30 Room 1714 Lifetime Learning Centre OVC AGENDA APPROVAL OF AGENDA REMARKS FROM THE CHAIR READING AND DISPOSING OF MINUTES OF THE SENATE MEETING OF May 17,2005. IV BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES v READING OF ENQUIRIES AND COMMUNICATIONS VI QUESTION PERIOD VII CAUCUS REPORT VIII REPORTS OF STANDING BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE page 11 For Information: Graduation Statistics BYLAWS & MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE page 15 For Action: Awards Committee Bylaw Amendment BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES page 21 For Action: (a) Bachelor of Bio-Resource Management - Proposal for a Major in Environmental Management (b) Bachelor of Arts - Economics - Deletion of Applied Economics Major (c) Bachelor of Science in Engineering - Changes to Admission Requirements (d) Bachelor of Applied Science, University of Guelph-Humber - Changes to Admission Requirements (e) Academic Schedule of Dates, 2006-2007 For Information: (0 Course, Additions, Deletions and Changes (g) Editorial Calendar Amendments (i) Grade Reassessment (ii) Readmission - Credit for Courses Taken During Rustication 4. BOARD OF GRADUATE STUDIES page 9 1 For Action: (a) Proposal for a Master of Fine Art in Creative Writing (b) Proposal for a Master of Arts in French Studies For Information: (c) Graduate Faculty Appointments (d) Course Additions, Deletions and Changes 5. COMMITTEE ON AWARDS page 177 For Information: (a) Awards Approved June 2004 - May 2005 (b) Winegard, Forster and Governor General Medal Winners 6. COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY PLANNING page 181 For Action: Change of Name for Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Science IX COU RE,PORT X OTHER BUSINESS XI ADJOURNMENT Please note: The Senate Executive will meet at 18:15 in Room 1713 Lifetime Learning Centre OVC just prior to Senate 1r;ne Birrell, Secretary of Senate University of Guelph Senate Tuesday, June 21": 2005 REPORT FROM THE SENATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair: Al Sullivan <[email protected]~ For Information: Graduation Statistics - June 2005 Membership: A. Summerlee M. Mancuso A. Joseph B. Pettigrew B. Allen T. Postan A. Sullivan A. Tucker Bylaws - P. Conlon Library - A. Wilson BUGS - J. Atkinson Petitions - H. Dobson BGS - R. Brooks Awards - D. Homsby Research Board - P. Menzies SCUP - G. MacPherson SIC - F. Ramprashad SCOL - R. Balahura Honora~yDegrees - J. Murray - .-- --n_.-_l___- ---- ------------ -,-=-=----"--.P-. Summer 2005 Summary Totalsfor Senate List of Graduands by Progranz Program College DiplDma GeneralHonours Totals Associate D~plomam Agr~culture OAC 5 5 , pzGq 5 5 Associate D~plomaln Turf Management I OAC 26 26 p-&&Gil 26 26 Bachelor of Appl~edSclence CSAHS 132 132 pzZ%q 132 132 Bachelor of Arts ARTS 78 204 282 CPES 4 12 16 CSAHS 189 334 523 pG&G?%q 2 71 550 821 Bachelor of Arts and Sc~ence I ARTS 11 11 pzGi] I1 11 CSAHS 298 298 p- -- OAC 2 1 2 1 IprDgrarnl 319 319 "elor of Computmg CPES 16 29 45 p&Gz%iiTofall 16 29 45 Bachelor of Landscape Archtecture I OAC 38 38 ]pGz%q 38 38 I~achelorof Sc~ence CPES 2 58 60 CSAHS 23 23 OAC 6 1 61 CBS 29 393 422 pGzzl 31 535 566 Bachelor of Sc~enceIn Agrtculture I OAC 54 54 1-1 1-1 54 54 Bachelor of Sc~encein Engmeenng CPES 88 88 p&zq 88 88 Bachelor of Sc~ence~n Environmental Sclences CBS 5 5 CPES 2 2 CSAHS 13 13 OAC 42 42 - Program Collepe- Dinloma GeneralHonours Totals 62 62 Bachelor of Science in Technology CPES 2 2 z 2 i )ProgramTofall L Jr of Veterinary Medicine I OVC 105 105 I05 105 (ProgwrmTofall -- - Grand Total 51 318! 19511 22741 . L ..i : J ------^-"--.-----.---..---~---* ------ ----~ *------ '.m--*.s.%> .-,".-* Summer 2005 Summary Totalsfor Senate List of Graduands by College - ColIege Diploma General Honours Totals ARTS 78 215 293 r 29 398 427 I 22 191 213 CSAHS 189 800 989 OAC 5 242 247 OVC ~ 105 105 Grand Total 5: 318' 1951; 2274; : - -~ L.-.~ Graduates: June 2005 Degree ARTS CBS CPES CSAHS OAC OVC Total PhD 3 2 1 5 9 6 26 DVSc 1 1 MA 21 MBA 3 MEng 1 MFA 0 MLA 7 MSc 3 91 MSc(P1anning) 15 MSc(Aquaculture) 1 Graduate Diploma .o Totals: 10 166 University of Guelph Senate Tuesday, June 21"' 2005 REPORT OF THE BYLAWS & MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Chair: Peter Conlon [email protected]> For Action: Senate Committee on Awards - Bvlaw Revision (see attached) MOTION: that the proposed revised bylaw for the Senate Awards Committee be approved, including the change of name to Committee on Student Awards and Financial Accessibility. In the last two years the Committee on Awards has raised concerns about its role and responsibilities. In response, the President asked the Bylaws and Membership Committee to review SAC'S bylaw with a view to providing a more strategic role for the committee and less focus on matters of administrative detail. A copy of the proposed revised bylaw is attached. A summary of the changes is as follows: . Committee now called Senate Committee on Student Awards and Financial Accessibility Membership changed to reflect more strategic responsibilities. Membership is modeled on Board of Undergraduate Studies. Bylaw expanded to include responsibility (in concert with Director of Strategic Enrolment Management and VP Alumni Affairs and Development) for strategic planning around fimdraising for awards. Reference to advocacy role in support for university initiatives with respect to government student aid programs. Changes in the regulations to reflect revised approval procedure for individual awards. Section added re responsibilities of college awards committees. Unnecessa~yprocedural detail removed. Membership: I A. Summerlee C. Pearson U. Posluszny D. Thomas P. Conlon K. Woodside A. Wilson S. Iagallo S. Chenard COMMITTEE ON STUDENT A WARDS and FINANCIAL ACCESSIBILITY BYLAWS 1. Thc Committee on Student Awards and Financial Accessibility shall consist of: the Vice- President Alumni Affairs and Development or designate; the Dean of Graduate Studies or designate; the Registrar and Director of Strategic Enrolment Management or designate; the Associate Registrar, Student Financial Services or designate; two representatives from college awards committees; one college dean and nine members of Senate, two of whom shall be students, and one of whom shall be an alumni member. The chairs of all college awards committees shall have the right to attend and speak at meetings of the Committee and shall receive agenda materials and minutes. 2. The Committee on Student Awards and Financial Accessibility shall, in close co-operation with the Office of the Registrar and Director of Strategic Enrolment Management and the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development: (a) formulate policies respecting awards, subject to Senate approval where required. (b) develop strategic plans for fundraising for university-wide awards, including setting priorities for such fundraising. Such plans should be in accordance with the university's enrolment plans and with identified areas of priority for financial accessibility to the university. (c) advise on the effective use of funds designated for awards for both student recruitment and student support. (d) provide advice on and advocacy and support for university initiatives with respect to government student support programs. (e) supervise the administration of awards in the gift of Senate. 3. Subject only to subsequent report to Senate, the Committee on Student Awards and Financial Accessibility is empowered to approve the terms and conditions attached to awards in such a manner and through such procedures as it may, from time to time, establish. REGULATIONS 1. Unless specifically requested by the donor(s) or by the Committee that the title of the gift(s) contain the word "Award", an award shall be described as one of the following: (a) Scholarships -based on academic performance and given for further study (graduate or undergraduate). While the merit component is normally academic, it may include such non-academic aspects as leadership, demonstrated originality, and community service. (b) Scholarships with a Needs Component - these awards are based on the same criteria as scholarships but also take into account demonstrated financial need. (c) Prizes or Medals - these awards are based on completed achievement that does not require the student to engage in fkrther study. (d) Bursaries - a monetary award given solely on the basis of financial need, rather than on the basis of academic achievement. (el Travel Grants - these travel awards are based on academic performance. (9 Travel Grants with a Needs Component - these travel awards are based on academic performance but take into account demonstrated financial need. 2. The Committee has three standing sub-committees: (a) University Bursary Sub-committee Bursaries are administered by the University Bursary Sub-committee, which is standing sub- committee of the committee. The composition of the University Bursary Sub-committee shall be: Associate Registrar, Student Financial Services (Chair), and two financial aid counsellors chosen by the Registrar. When necessary, the Sub-committee will consult academic counsellors from the appropriate colleges of the University to make its decisions. (b) Editorial Subcommittee The Editorial Subcommittee is responsible for the detailed review of terms and conditions of awards (new and revised). Its membership shall include: the Chair of the Senate Student Awards and Financial Accessibility Committee (or designate), a representative from the Office of Graduate Program Services, a member representing college awards committees, the Associate Registrar Student Financial Services (or designate), a representative of the Department of Alumni Affairs and Development, two members of the Senate Student Awards and Financial Accessibility Committee (one of whom must be a student), the Secretary of Senate, and the Manager, Student Business Services who shall be secretary of the subcommittee. The Subcommittee is struck on an annual basis by the Committee. The subcommittee's responsibilities are as follows: (i) The Editorial Subcommittee is responsible for reviewing the terms and conditions of awards (either new or revised) on the Committee's behalf.
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