<p> 2017 BI-ANNUAL WORKFORCE STATISTICS REPORT</p><p>Waste Management and Recycling</p><p>Doug Sloan, Director</p><p>PREPARED BY: Kristopher Borders, Senior Personnel Analyst Bradshaw HR Service Team</p><p>Ellen Humphrey, Personnel Technician EEO Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Departmental Diversity Policies and Efforts Questionnaire...... 1</p><p>Workforce Comparative Analysis -Table 1...... 2</p><p>Job Categories Summary - Table 2...... 3</p><p>Personnel Actions Report: Hires/Rehires - Table 3.1...... 4</p><p>Personnel Actions Report: Terminations - Table 3.2...... 5</p><p>Personnel Actions Report: Transfers Out - Table 3.3...... 6</p><p>Personnel Actions Report: Promotions/Demotions - Table 3.4...... 7</p><p>Discrimination Complaints - Table 4...... 8 DIVERSITY POLICIES AND EFFORTS QUESTIONNAIRE</p><p>IF ANY QUESTION HAS A “NON-APPLICABLE” ANSWER, PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY.</p><p>(1) Please provide a brief description of the services and functions provided by your department. Planning for public health and safety and environmental protection in the area of solid waste management and recycling, state-mandated coordination of the County Integrated Waste Management Plan and preparation of elements of the Plan for the unincorporated area. Regional coordination of multi-jurisdictional programs: o Staff to the Sacramento Regional Solid Waste Authority. o Staff to the Sacramento Cities and County and Assembly Bill (AB) 939 Task Force. Numerous interagency and public/private agreements related to waste management services. Energy producer at the Kiefer Landfill Gas to Energy Plant. Compliance with all regulatory permits for the Kiefer Landfill, Elk Grove Landfill, Grand Island Landfill, North Area Recovery Station, and South Area Transfer Station. Municipal Services: o Exclusive provider for residential collection of garbage, recycling, bulky waste and green waste in the unincorporated area north of Calvine Road. o Contract administrator for comparable residential collection in the unincorporated area south of Calvine Road. o Service provider for regional landfill operations, a regional transfer station, household hazardous waste drop-off, electronic waste drop-off, and illegal dumping cleanup.</p><p>(2) Please describe your department’s selection and hiring procedures and how they help ensure a workforce representative of Sacramento County. (Include, if applicable, hiring interview procedures & policies; internships; education & training opportunities; training & develop assignments, etc) The Department complies with the guidelines provided in the Civil Service Rules regarding interviewing and appointment from lists. The Department currently provides at-a-glance training and literature for hiring managers and supervisors. These include: Interviewing and Making a Selection, Documenting Your Selection, Hiring an Intern, Welcoming and Orientating a New Employee, and Conducting Performance Evaluations. </p><p>1 Providing this type of training ensures a standard for interviewing, selecting, and evaluating candidates.</p><p>(3) Please describe what recruiting and/or informational events your department has participated in and how they help to ensure a workforce representative of Sacramento County. (Include, if applicable, high school or college job fairs, high school or college programs, church events, or community events. For calendar years 2015 and 2016, the Department did not participate in any events for recruitment purposes. The engineering section recruited for student interns at Sacramento State University during 2015 and 2016 and during that timeframe hired 2 engineering student interns as a result of recruitment efforts. Additionally, in 2016 the engineering group provided unpaid intern opportunities for the Laguna Creek High School Green Energy Technology Academy students. At least once for years 2015 and 2016, we have posted advertisements for engineering internships at CSUS Career Center. We contacted Sacramento State and UC Davis to help create a relationship for summer work, and quite possibly longer employment opportunities. UC Davis did not respond. However, we did sit down and discuss a preliminary plan with Sacramento State. We are working with Sac State to hire San Workers for summer work/part time work for next year. In 2016, staff participated in the Bella Vista High School Career day. The presentation was on the trucking industry. </p><p>(4) Please describe all websites your department advertises its job vacancies to help ensure a workforce representative of Sacramento County. The Department complies with the guidelines provided in the Civil Service Rules regarding interviewing and appointment from lists. Exams that are announced are typically advertised on the County’s Employment website, local jurisdictions, and industry specific internet and print publications. </p><p>(5) Please describe your department’s promotion and career advancement procedures designed to enable all employees to have an equal and fair opportunity to compete for and attain County Promotional opportunities. (Include, if applicable, mentoring, career development activities, etc.) The Department has collaborated with the Leadership and Organizational Development Office in presenting the Leadership Development series, and with coordinating training activities for the “Supervisor Academy” and “Facilitation Training” workshops. These training classes are beneficial for promotion and career advancement opportunities.</p><p>2 (6) Please describe how the County’s Equal Employment Opportunity program objectives are incorporated into your department’s strategic and operational priorities. The Department requires that all employees attend diversity training. All lead, supervisory and management employees are required to take Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Prevention (AB1825).</p><p>(7) Please describe your department’s method to ensure its EEO activities and efforts result in service delivery across all sectors of the community (e.g. systems or processes for communication between County agencies and direct contact with community organizations, etc) The Department works to support its employees to provide safe, efficient and beneficial services to all citizens of Sacramento County as well as communicating information to the general public and participating in discussions with neighborhood groups.</p><p>(8) For complaints reported in Table 4, if there were any with a finding of merit, for each category of complaints (i.e. race, gender, age, etc.) please provide a description of the measures taken to prevent recurrences. Please do not provide specifics regarding the case(s), individual(s) involved, or corrective/disciplinary action taken. Not Applicable.</p><p>3 TABLE 1 WORKFORCE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS</p><p>Census Workforce Composition Workforce Composition Data 2010 County of Sacramento WASTE MGMT & RECYCLING 2011 (1) 2016 (2) 2012 Report (3) 2017 Report (4) ETHNICITY % # % # % # % # % 2 or More Races 4.4% 168 1.5% 204 1.9% 0 0.0% 6 2.4% Asian/Pacific Islander 13.6% 1,613 14.4% 1,713 15.6% 17 6.8% 24 9.6% American Indian/Alaskan Native 1.3% 131 1.2% 117 1.1% 7 2.8% 4 1.6% Black/African American 10.5% 1,321 11.8% 1,352 12.3% 50 19.9% 47 18.9% Hispanic/Latino 17.9% 1,493 13.3% 1,694 15.4% 41 16.3% 44 17.7% White/Non-Hispanic 51.4% 6,491 57.9% 5,934 53.9% 136 54.2% 124 49.8% Total 100.0% 11,217 100.0% 11,014 100.0% 251 100.0% 249 100.0% Minority Representation 48.6% 4,726 42.1% 5,080 46.1% 115 45.8% 125 50.2% Female Representation 50.8% 5,932 52.9% 5,671 51.5% 28 11.2% 28 11.2%</p><p>1 Sacramento County Workforce as of pay period 26 ending 12/17/2011 2 Sacramento County Workforce as of pay period 26 ending 12/24/2016 3 Employed by County of Sacramento as of pay period 26 ending 12/17/2011 4 Employed by County of Sacramento as of pay period 27 ending 12/24/2016</p><p>TABLE 2 JOB CATEGORIES COMPARISION4 BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 REPORTS JOB Minority Minority Minority Female Total Categories Females Males Total Total Employees REPORT: 2015* 2017** 2015* 2017** 2015* 2017** 2015* 2017** 2015* 2017** 1. # 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 15 17 Officials/Administrators % 6.7% 5.9% 13.3% 11.8% 20.0% 17.6% 20.0% 11.8% 100.0% 100.0% # 3 3 2 2 5 5 5 6 17 15 2. Professionals % 17.6% 20.0% 11.8% 13.3% 29.4% 33.3% 29.4% 40.0% 100.0% 100.0% # 0 1 4 5 4 6 2 2 13 15 3. Technicians % 0.0% 6.7% 30.8% 33.3% 30.8% 40.0% 15.4% 13.3% 100.0% 100.0% # 4. Protective Services % # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5. Para-Professionals % 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 6. Administrative # 2 1 0 0 2 1 7 7 8 7 Support % 25.0% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0% 25.0% 14.3% 87.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% # 1 1 12 13 13 14 1 1 36 37 7. Skilled Craft Workers % 2.8% 2.7% 33.3% 35.1% 36.1% 37.8% 2.8% 2.7% 100.0% 100.0% # 2 2 84 94 86 96 9 9 148 157 8. Service Maintenance % 1.4% 1.3% 56.8% 59.9% 0.58108 61.1% 6.1% 5.7% 100.0% 100.0% # 9 9 104 116 113 125 27 28 237 249 Total % 3.8% 3.6% 43.9% 46.6% 47.7% 50.2% 11.4% 11.2% 100.0% 100.0%</p><p>TABLE 2 *The numbers for the 2015 Report are taken from pay period 26 ending December 13, 2014. **The numbers for the 2016 Report are taken from pay period 27 ending December 24, 2016.</p><p>5 TABLE 3.1 Personnel Actions Report HIRES/RE-HIRES – Permanent Position Employees (From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016)</p><p>PERCENTAGE NEW HIRES NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALES HIRED 5 11% TOTAL MALES HIRED 40 89% TOTAL MINORITIES HIRED 25 56% TOTAL CAUCASIANS HIRED 20 44% TOTAL NEW EMPLOYEES HIRED 45 100%</p><p>PERCENTAGE RE-HIRES NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALES RE-HIRED 0 0% TOTAL MALES RE-HIRED 0 0% TOTAL MINORITIES RE-HIRED 0 0% TOTAL CAUCASIANS RE-HIRED 0 0% TOTAL EMPLOYEES RE-HIRED 0 0%</p><p>COMMENTS FOR TABLE 3.1 All rehires were made to temporary/intermittent positions. Data for this report is presented for only permanent full-time and permanent part-time positions.</p><p>6 TABLE 3.2 Personnel Action Report TERMINATIONS – Permanent Position Employees (From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016)</p><p>PERCENTAGE TERMINATIONS NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALES TERMINATED 2 7% TOTAL MALES TERMINATED 26 93% TOTAL MINORITIES TERMINATED 10 36% TOTAL CAUCASIANS TERMINATED 18 64% TOTAL EMPLOYEES TERMINATED 28 100%</p><p>% of # of # of REASON TERMINATED Number Total Female Minority RETIRED OR DISABILITY RETIREMENT 15 54% 2 4 RESIGN OTHER EMPLOYMENT 2 7% 0 0 EMPLOYEE INITIATED / NO REASON GIVEN 6 21% 0 3 DECEASED 0 0% 0 0 LAID OFF/REDUCTION IN FORCE 0 0% 0 0 DISCIPLINARY, PENDING DISCIPLINE OR RELEASE FROM PROBATION 5 18% 0 3 AUTOMATIC RESIGNATION 0 0% 0 0 OTHER– Please list: 0 0% 0 0 Totals: 0 100% 0 0</p><p>COMMENTS FOR TABLE 3.2 N/A</p><p>7 TABLE 3.3 Personnel Action Report TRANSFERS OUT – Permanent Position Employees (From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016)</p><p>PERCENTAGE TRANSFERS NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALE TRANSFERS 10 83% TOTAL MALE TRANSFERS 2 17% TOTAL MINORITY TRANSFERS 41 33% TOTAL CAUCASIANS TRANSFERS 8 67% TOTAL EMPLOYEE TRANSFERS 12 100%</p><p>COMMENTS FOR TABLE 3.3 1 White Female transferred out and came back to the department during that time period.</p><p>8 TABLE 3.4 Personnel Action Report PROMOTIONS/DEMOTIONS - Permanent Positions (From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016)</p><p>PERCENTAGE PROMOTIONS NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALE PROMOTIONS 3 12% TOTAL MALE PROMOTIONS 22 88% TOTAL MINORITY PROMOTIONS 12 48% TOTAL CAUCASIAN PROMOTIONS 13 52% TOTAL EMPLOYEE PROMOTIONS 25 100%</p><p>PERCENTAGE DEMOTIONS NUMBER OF TOTAL TOTAL FEMALE DEMOTIONS 0 0% TOTAL MALE DEMOTIONS 2 100% TOTAL MINORITY DEMOTIONS 0 0% TOTAL CAUCASIAN DEMOTIONS 2 100% TOTAL EMPLOYEE DEMOTIONS 2 100%</p><p>COMMENTS FOR TABLE 3.4 N/A</p><p>9 TABLE 4 Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Activity (From 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016)</p><p>The purpose of this section is to provide the Committee with an overview of the complaint activity in the department. Please supply information pertaining to the last 12 months if your department is reviewed annually or the last two years if your department is reviewed bi-annually.</p><p>In House Outside Investigator DFEH or EEOC No Insuff On- No Insuff On- On- Total Complaint Types Merit Merit Evid going Merit Merit Evid going Closed going Alleg. Age Disability/Medical Condition C 1 Marital Status Pregnancy Political Affiliation or Beliefs Race/Color/National Origin/Ancestry B, D 2 Religion Retaliation Sex A 1 Sexual Orientation</p><p>Total Allegations: 4 4 Note: Use an alpha to represent each complaint. [WASTE MGMT HAD 4 COMPLAINTS] i.e. Employee Smith files a complaint involving Gender / Disability. You would place alpha A in columns Gender and Disability. Employee Lopez files a complaint involving Religion / Race. You would place alpha B in columns Religion and Race This information is collected for use by the Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee to tabulate the County’s total annual number of complaints..</p><p>10</p>
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