The Man From Mars Who is this guy challenging Lech .....Ian_ua.....ry_199_1 V_o_14,_N_o3 $4_,00 Walesa, anyway? ''5!{{ ofourgreatness was 60rn ofLi6erty. II -John Peter .9l{tge{tf Mint State $5 Liberty $225! During the past few weeks, the only $225. ly small, averaging less than 300,000. collapse of the organized market for That's the lowest price in more The $5.00 Liberty was issued at a so-called "investor" coins has created than a decade! time when the United States was on a an unprecedented opportunity to ac­ Much rarer than $20 Liberty gold standard. Gold coins were the quire certain classic, old U.S. gold or $20 St Gaudensl sinews of the prosperity that free men coins at remarkably low prices. The $5.00 Liberty is much rarer acting in an economy free from gov­ U.S. gold coins have long been ernment control could create. considered the "blue chip" of rare than the popular (and more expen­ sive!) $20 St Gaudens or $20 Liberty. And the $5 Liberty circulated coins. And for good reason: they widely, unlike the $20 gold coins The chart at the bottom of the page have a long term track record of safe­ which were held as reserves by banks. compares the rarity of these three gold ty and capital gain that goes back As a result, it is much rarer today than decades. coins. By every measuring standard, the its relative mintage figures would An unprecedented bargainl $5.00 Liberty is the rarest of the three. suggest. In terms of average mintage, the $5 But the panic in the market for ex­ Liberty is more than 3 times rarer than Professionally Certified tremely high grade certified rare the $20 Liberty and almost 5 times rar­ This offering of $5.00 Liberty gold coins has carried over even into blue coins consists solely of specimens cer­ er than the $20 St Gaudens. In terms of chip markets. tified as MS-61 by the Professional total mintage it is 70% rarer than the As a result, right now the $5.00 Coin Grading Service, and hermetical­ $20 Liberty and 16% rarer than the $20 Liberty is available in Mint State at ly sealed in PCGS holders for your se­ StGaudens. curityand protection. And in terms of PCGS certified Mint State specimens, it is more than 3 This opportunity times rarer than the $20 Liberty and al­ may not last long. most 12 times rarer than the $20 St Bargain situations like the $5.00 YES! Liberty often end quickly. Wholesale Gaudens. Please send me the Mint State $5.00 Lib­ prices have already stabilized. When erty gold coins I've indicated below. I A coin of beauty wholesale prices move upward, we understand that all coins have been in­ and historic significancel dependently graded and authenticated will be forced to withdraw our offer. by PeGS, and are backed by LCS's guar­ The $5.00 Liberty was designed by Act today! To confirm your pur­ antee. Christian Gobrecht, the most impor­ chase, and to lock in today's price, call tant coin designer of the 19th century. LeS toll-free at 1-800-321-1542. (Resi­ $5.00 Liberty, (1839-1908), Gobrecht's classically beautiful Liberty MS-61 @ $225.00 each = dents of Michigan call 1-517-351­ design graced the $5.00 gold coins un­ 4720.) Or return the coupon below. Postage &: handling: $5.00 til 1908-1onger than any other u.s. No sales tax on sales delivered out­ gold coin. side Michigan. Total: --- The $5.00 Liberty is also the only As always, LCS guarantees a full U.S. coin that was minted at all seven refund with no questions asked for different U.S. mints. Despite the long any rare coin returned within 15 days Name period of issue, mintages were relative- of receipt. Address City/State/Zip Coin Mint State Mintage Mintage Phone Population Total Average Liberty Coin Service $5.00 Liberty 14,595 60,483,607 297,949 300 Frandor Avenue $20.00 Liberty 50,249 103,828,017 918,832 Lansing, MI 48912 1,434,450 (800) 321-1542 $20 St Gaudens 171,189 70,290,333 -de Ll-bert January 1991 Insl y Volume 4, Number 3 4 Letters on taxes, schooling, altruism, philosophy, and scoops. 7 Reflections on peace-loving sports fanatics, clueless politicians, sloganeering artists, Marxists and I(u I(luxers in symbiosis, the Iron Lady, lip-sunk singers, and other oddities. Features 13 ..A Pole Can Do It" R. W. Bradford lifts the veil of mystery, lies, and disinformation surrounding the controversial Canadian Libertarian Party's candidate for Poland's-yes, you read that right, Poland's-presidency, Stan Tyminsky. 20 The Explicit Social Contract Robert E. Alexander presents the "fine print" of America's present polity for all to read-and sign. 21 Election 1990: How Freedom Fared Chester Alan Arthur surveys the November elections and appraises the state of mind of the nation's electors; Gene Berkman puts the Californian election in a nutshell 32 The Production of Virtue In a Free Society David Friedman explains why--<:ontrary to common belief-people would be nicer in a market society than in more authoritarian systems. 33 From Russia, With Surprise David Boaz visits Moscow to discuss freedom, and the politicians listen. 35 Marxism, Uberallsm. and the State Ralph Raico explains the meaning of liberty to those who have gone without. 39 A Hero of Our Time James Robbins polishes off the glowing reputation of Nobellaureate Mikhail Gorbachev, and finds reasons for resisting the urge to become a dictator buff. 43 Abortion and Feticide Eric Schendel argues for legalized abortion and against socialized medicine. 46 Ues. Uberallsm. and Up-reading Loren Lomasky makes a "cheap philosophical point" regarding the recent budget fiasco. Stephen Cox adds his money's worth. 49 The Hope In the SChools Karl Hess presents us with an encomium on the unsung heroes of the public schools. 51 Gordon Gekko, Mike Mllken and Me Douglas Casey explains Wall Street ethics (such as they are). 56 Rothbard's Ubertarlanlsm Chris M. Sciabarra surveys the critics of Murray Rothbard, finds a common thread, and wonders: is something about to unravel? 63 A Master of Black Dots and Strange Timbres Richard Kostelanetz profiles one of America's greatest composers, Lou Harrison. 65 The Bonfire of the Subsidies Michael Christian finds something good about the European Community, Maggie ("Iron Lady") Thatcher's qualms notwithstanding. Reviews 67 Why the Academy Falls William Moulton measures W. W. Bartley's Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured Wealth. 69 The Sick Man of Europe Jane Shaw excavates among the ruins of the Soviet Union. 71 Anarchy's Ughter Side Lawrence Person on a science fiction writer's vision of skatepunks, UFOs, and guerrilla capitalism. 72 Uncivil War R. W. Bradford notes that the victors are still writing the history in his review of PBS's 'The Civil War." 74 Booknotes on baseball, economics, individuality, and breasts. 77 Notes on Contributors 78 Terra Incognita L==ett==er~s] ,==[ Stl-mu'late A Taxing Idea Sheldon Richman (''My daughter Jen­ nifer has been seized by the state," No­ There is a world of good reading in Liberty ... and there has been vember 1990) asks when the government ever since Liberty began publishing! Whether you want to catch up on what will send him tuition tax credits so that you missed, stimulate your mind, or complete your collection, now is a "someone besides the rich can avoid ... good time to buy. Enjoy! citizenship indoctrination." I am a little concerned with the popu­ Back Issues of Liberty larity of tuition tax credits among liber­ August 1987 tarians. Aren't tuition tax credits really • "The Films ofAyn Rand," by Stephen Cox redistributed tax monies collected from • "Witch-Bashing, Book Burning, and Professot Harold Hill's Lessons in Practical Polities," all property owners, not only those who by Butler Shaffer have children? At this time this money Plus reviews and articles by Ben Best, Ross Overbeek, Murray Rothbard, David Sheldon, goes to support the public schools. With Timothy Virkkala, Ida Walters and others; and a short story by Jo McIntyre. (48 pages) tuition tax credits, some of the same mon­ October 1987 ey, collected the same way, would go to • "The Sociology ofLibertarians," by John C. Green and James L. Guth individual families to be used for educa­ • "The Rise of the Statism," by Murray N. Rothbard tional alternatives. Why should property Plus reviews and articles by Mike Holmes, Tibor Machan, William Moulton, Jonathan owners who do not have children be Saville, and others; and a short story by Franklin Sanders. (48 pages) . forced to support Mr. Richman's choice December 1987 of private education any more than they • "Libertarians in a State Run World," by Murray N. Rothbard are currently coerced into supporting the • "The Most Unforgettable Libertarian I Ever Knew," by Karl Hess public schools? Plus essays and reviews by Stephen Cox, Walter Block, Mike Holmes, Erika Holzer, Timo­ thy Henderson, Mark Skousen and others; and a short story by David Galland. (56 pages) Instead of spending so much of his time trying to undo what other educators March 1988 • "Libertarians and Conservatives: Allies orEnemies?" by John Dentinger and Murray Roth­ feel needs to be done to Jennifer, why not bard take that time and energy to create a • "Free SPeech and the Future of Medicine," by Sandy Shaw & Durk Pearson home learning environment where Jenni­ Plus reviews and articles by R. W. Bradford, William Cate, Ross Overbeek, Stephen Cox, and fer can explore and grow in the same ef­ others; and a short story by Raul Santana.
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