<p> A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – SOURCE- BASED STUDY: THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UN, 1945-91 (SEMESTER ONE, 2011) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK 1. The Power of The Covenant Timeline of UN’s Formation/Glossary of Terms Booklet (MN) S1 Two Timed Gap-Fill on the UN The UN Charter (Pages 2-10 & p. 42) Week Document Comparisons Structure & Organisation (Bodies of the UN) Labels/Blue Tack 11-12 Tests to be between Comparisons & Contrasts with League Utilise Whittaker & part of League & UNO A Changing UN MacQueen texts continuous Study for tests The Powers That USA & USSR Booklet (P. 11-15) Week assessment Empathy Be Non Alignment Movement Whittaker/MacQueen 12 criteria along exercise</p><p>The Superpowers Attitudes & Actions of USA/USSR Booklet (P. 11-15) Week with tests on Past document (Teach techniques for approaching document questions) Whittaker/MacQueen 12 Origins and paper 2. Collective Peace-making Roles of UN Booklet (P. 16) Wk.12 Globilisation of Security Peace-keeping & How peace-keepers functioned Booklet (MN) Week Cold War (= 4 Case studies Peace Palestine (Pages 17-26) 13-14 tests in total on Korea and Enforcement Case Studies: Korea & the Congo Labels/Blue Tack of 40% the Congo Peace-keeping Actions & Geography Whittaker weighting of crises During & After the Cold War (p.14-18; 50-1) S1 grade; EST Assessment of Peace-Keeping MacQueen (p. 33- exam = 60%) Secretary- The Secretary-Generals 44) All lessons will Generals roles Lowe & Atlases include & personalities 3. International Human Rights Methods Booklet (p. 27) Wk. 15 ‘starters’ as a Study for test way of Law UNCLOS Provisions Booklet (p. 28) Wk. 15 reinforcement Anti-Terrorism Methods, including disarmament Booklet (p. 29) Wk. 15 including: Anti-Genocide Definitions & Actions Booklet (p. 30) Wk. 15 splatt, 4. Social & Economics Bodies of ESOC Booklet (p. 31-32) Wk. 15 historical- Economic IMF & World Bank Booklet (p. 36-37) hangman, Progress Population Pressures Booklet (p. 34) Wk. 16 spelling bee, Refugees How UN aims to help refugees Booklet (p. 33) Wk. 16 Gap-fill – on word searches, Efficacy of methods - discussion UNHCR etc. Children UNICEF Booklet (p. 35) Wk. 16 Study for Test A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>Environment UNESCO Booklet (p. 39-40) Week Plenary Summaries: Historiography & Assessment of UN (Pages 38 & 41) 17 Exercises</p><p>SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE ORIGINS OF THE COLD WAR (SEMESTER ONE, 2011) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK 1. Fundamental The Long Term Definition of ‘Cold War’; Glossary (for pertinent vocabulary) Booklet (MN) p. 23 S1 Timed test essay Students must Reasons Reasons US Actions & 1-2; Walker; Week on Origins of make on-going Soviet Actions Painter/Lundestad 1 Cold War (part notes - and read! Ideology Ideology of Communism and Democracy – contrasts Booklet (p, 3) Week of continuous exercise Issue McCauley 1 assessment Discussion – which is best? weighting 2. The Wartime Atlantic Terms – gap-fill and discussion of WWII tensions Booklet (page 4) Week procedure; set Conferences Charter Why might Stalin be annoyed with GB & USA? 2 four essays in Teheran S1; total Yalta & Terms –gap-fill exercise Booklet (pages 4- Week weighting = Table on Truman Potsdam Map of Berlin sectors to colour 7) 2 40%, i.e. each and Stalin’s early Truman & Stalin’s Early Actions Crayons essay is worth actions 2. The Cold War The Iron Churchill’s Speech – content & crossword exercise Booklet Week 10% of final Crossword on Begins Curtain Speech Kennan’s ‘Long Telegram’ (pages 8-9) 3 grade) Iron Curtain Greece & The Greek Civil War–map and discussion Booklet (page 10) Week Turkey 3 All lessons will include ‘starters’ The Truman Reasons and Impact – discussion Booklet (page 10) Week Prepare paper on as a way of Doctrine Student Presentation on Truman Doctrine 3 Truman Doctrine reinforcement The Marshall US Motives – spider diagram exercise Booklet Week including: splatt, Plan Soviet Responses - spider diagram exercise (pages 11-12) 3 historical- Impact of Marshall aid Labels/Blue Tack A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>4. The Cold War in Berlin Blockade Reasons – empathy exercise Booklet (p. 13-16) Week hangman, Earnest Nature Glue & scissors 4 spelling bee, Effects - Relative Importance exercise Blank maps word searches, FRG & GDR Creation & Significance Labels etc. NATO Creation & Map to fill in Blue Tack Tit for Tat Mix and Match exercise 5. Controversies The Traditionalists/Revisionists/Post-Revisionists Booklet (pages 17- Week Plenary Exercise on Historiography Useful websites – note-taking 18 & 20-22) 5-7 Exercises historiography e.g. www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk Poster Paper/Pens Essay Practice & Techniques –mind maps, etc. Internet sites Study for test SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE GLOBILISATION OF THE COLD WAR c. 1950-1985 (SEMESTER ONE, 2011) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK 1. The Asian Wars Korea Introduction – map exercise on global conflicts Booklet (MN) S1 Timed test essay Complete gap-fill The Korean War – gap-fill (pages 2-6) Week on Globilisation on Korean War Cold War Implications of the Korean War Edwards 9 of the Cold War Role of Truman and Stalin Lundestad (part of Vietnam The Vietnam War – causes of US involvement exercise Booklet Week continuous Presidential Presidential timeline exercise (pages 7-12) 10 assessment timeline exercise Why did the US lose –was it a complete failure of Whittaker weighting containment? Painter procedure; set Consequences of War for Vietnamese and USA – brainstorm four essays in Historiography on Vietnam S1; total 2. The Americas Cuba Cuba, the Background (gap-fill exercise) Booklet Week weighting = Table on impact Cuban Missile Crisis (p. 13-16) 11 40%, i.e. each of Cuban Missile Why USSR placed missiles on Cuba – spider diagram ex. ’13 Days’ film essay is worth Crisis US actions against Cuba – read and discuss and exercise 10% of final Consequences of the Crisis - exercise grade) Latin America Other Latin American and Caribbean US ventures – mix and McCarthyism Week Cold War match exercise video; Booklet 11 All lessons will Presidents US presidents and the Cold War – research exercise (p. 17-19) include ‘starters’ Exercise A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>3. The Middle East Arab-Israeli Soviet motives and actions – gap-fill exercise Booklet Week as a way of Conflicts US motives and actions - gap-fill exercise (p. 20-21) 12 reinforcement Superpower Overall Conclusions - exercise Booklet Week including: splatt, Implications (p. 22) 12 historical- 4. Détente The Thaw Actions, Meetings & Treaties Booklet Week hangman, (p. 23-24) 13 spelling bee, End of Détente Why détente ended (p. 25-26) word searches, The 2nd Cold War The Events of 1979-85 Booklet (p. 27) etc. 5. Consequences The Impact For the US and its allies Booklet (p. 28) Week Create a timeline For the USSR and its allies 14 Plenary of Cold War Essay Past questions and how to approach structuring an answer (Pages 29-30) Week Exercises Study for test Techniques Paired work to practice essay planning Poster Paper 14</p><p>SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE CRISIS OF COMMUNISM & THE END OF THE COLD WAR (SEMESTER TWO, 2012) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK. 1. Sino-Soviet Long term Reasons Map of PRC/USSR – discussion of features Booklet (MN) S2 Timed test essay Gap-fill on Short Crisis Good and Bad relations (Pages 2-3) W. 1 on The Crisis Term Reasons Short Term Reasons Gap-fill on why Sino-Soviet relations became strained (Page 4) W. 1 and Collapse of</p><p>Sino-Soviet Conflict History of Clashes (Page 5) W. 1 Communism 2. Challenges USSR & Eastern Overview Booklet W. 2 (part of Gap-fill on to Communism Europe Reasons & Effects of Hungarian Revolt Exercise (Pages 6-12) continuous comparisons and Reasons & Effects of Czech Revolt Exercise Lundestad assessment Contrasts Comparisons and Contrasts Exercise (Marples) & weighting between Reasons for the Berlin Wall Empathy Exercise Painter as course procedure; set Hungarian and Effects of the Berlin Wall Empathy Exercise texts four essays in Czech revolts S2; total Collapse of Long Term Reasons exercise Booklet (p. 13 W. 3 Writing frames – weighting = Communism in Map and exercise on Eastern European nations in 1989 p.18-19) complete reasons 40%, i.e. each Eastern Europe for long term A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>Poland & Solidarity Solidarity’s Early Demands – spider diagram Booklet W. 3 essay is worth collapse of Timeline of Polish Discontent = Create Narrative (p. 14-17) 10% of final Communism; Government Appeasement & Clampdown –gap-fill grade) helps with Solidarity’s Role In Communism’s Collapse - discussion synthesis skills All lessons will include ‘starters’ as a way of reinforcement including: splatt, historical- hangman, 3. Gorbachev Role in Collapse of E. What did Gorbachev do? Booklet (p. 20) W. 4 spelling bee, Study for test Europe. Communism word searches, Role in Collapse of Culpability of Pre-Gorbachev Soviet leaders Booklet (pages W. 4 etc. Look at role of USSR Gorbachev’s Role – his background, character, domestic 21-25) Plenary individuals for and foreign affairs policies; historiography (Marples) Exercises collapse of Summarise role of Reagan, Walesa, Yeltsin et al Communism Look at Relative Reasons for Collapse of USSR 4. Deng Era The Crisis of The Deng Era – agricultural and industrial reforms Booklet W. 5 Communism in China Political Actions – Is China Really a Communist State? (pages 26-28)</p><p>5. Why Cold Overview Historiography on Reasons for End of Cold War Booklet (pages W. 5 Study for test War Ended Historiography Brainstorm on Reasons for End of Cold War 29-30) SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE (SEMESTER TWO, 2012) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK. 1. The The Manhattan The Manhattan Project ‘The Shadow S2 Timed test essay Worksheet on: Superpowers & Project Truman’s motives for Hiroshima & Nagasaki Makers’ film Week on The Nuclear ‘The Shadow The Bomb Watch film on Manhattan Project – discussion of its Booklet MN 9 Arms Race (part Makers’ content and reliability as evidence (Page 1) of continuous A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>Types of Nuclear Various types of US weapon: gravity bombs, neutron Booklet Week assessment Weapons bombs, hydrogen bombs, SLBM’s, ICBM’s, MIRV’s & (Pages 3-5) 10 weighting Tactical Weapons mix and match exercise using internet Internet procedure; set Soviet weapons read & discuss four essays in Statistics - questions S2; total weighting = 40%, i.e. each 2. The Lesser The Proliferation of Mix and match exercise on: GB, France, Israel, etc., Booklet Week essay is worth Powers & the Nuclear Weapons Discussion of dangers of proliferation, relate to N. Korea, (Pages 6-7 ) 10 10% of final Bomb Iran, etc. grade)</p><p>All lessons will include ‘starters’ 3. Deterrence The Theories Various theories of deterrence, First Strike, Second Booklet Week as a way of Complete Theories Strike, MAD, etc. (Pages 8-9 ) 11 reinforcement unfinished Internet including: splatt, exercises The Problems Limitations of deterrence Week historical- Questions on deterrence (using internet site) 11 hangman, 4. Test Ban Treaties SALT I & II Terms of SALT agreements Booklet Week spelling bee, Problems & limits of SALT (Page 10-11 ) 12 word searches, Other Agreements Various Test Ban Treaties Booklet Wk. 12 etc. (Page 11) 5. The Impact of the Impact on Who was to blame for the arms race? Booklet Wk. 12 Plenary Exercises Answer Nuclear Arms Race superpowers Tit for tat exercise (Page 12-14) Booklet Practise past questions - Military Industrial Complex – an analysis of Eisenhower’s Edwards (pages papers questions MIC speech (p. 158-161) 13-14) (page 15) Study for test essay SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY 1945-91 (SEMESTER TWO, 2012) THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>1. The Impact of Economic Impact Describe briefly nature of WWII Booklet (MN) S2 Wk. Timed test essay Glossary WWII on the major Look at diverse impact of war on the Allied & Axis Powers (pages 2-3) 13 on The Exercise powers –gap-fill exercise Pollard (pages 1- International Discussion of effects of WWII 6, 29-30 & 113- Economy (part of Glossary of economic/geographical terminology 117) continuous 2. Economic The Reasons for Reasons for growth. Discuss role of: Booklet (MN) Wk. 13 assessment Create flow Growth Post-WWII Boom Output & Productivity (pages 5-10) weighting diagram to Technological Innovation Pollard & procedure; set explain reasons Industrial & Commercial Organisation Lundestad four essays in for growth Multinationals (the positives & negatives) S2; total The Problems of growth (economic, political, weighting = environmental, social) 40%, i.e. each essay is worth 3. Trade Issues Free Trade v. Definitions of two main terms and their relative strengths Booklet (MN) Wk. 14 10% of final Protectionism and weaknesses, as well as impact (page 11) grade) (All lessons will 4. The US Economic Global Reasons for US prosperity –True/False exercise as basis Booklet (MN) include ‘starters’ Complete Hegemony Dominance for narrative writing exercise (pages 12-13) as a way of narrative Course texts reinforcement exercise The Decline of Conceptual reasons for decline of US economic power Booklet (MN) including: splatt, US Hegemony (page 14) historical- 5. The Asian Tigers Reasons for Far Look at: S. Korea, HK, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan Booklet (MN) hangman, East’s Success The Case of Japan (page 15) spelling bee, Pollard (p. 48-9) word searches, 6. The Development Globalism and G7 & GATT –gap-fill based on internet research Booklet (MN) Wk. 14 etc.) Study for Test of International the supra- Questions on GATT statistics (pages 16-18) & Economic Policies national agencies Past Paper Practice Internet sites: Plenary Exercises www.wisegeek.com/ to reinforce</p><p> what-is-the-g7.htm knowledge</p><p>SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 3 (INTERNATIONAL HISTORY 1945-91) – THE THIRD WORLD A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p><p>THEME ASPECT CONTENT & AIMS RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK 1. De-Colonisation An overview of Definition of Third World Booklet (MN) S2 Timed test essay Research the process The European empires – how and why they collapsed (page 2) Wk. on The Third Germany’s National differences in approach Betts (pages 29- 15-16 World (part of colonial losses 33); Thorn continuous - and who Actions Look at Paris treaties impact on Germany Booklet (p. 3) assessment benefitted Earlier & Later Chronology – categorise nations Lundestad weighting (p. 225-245) procedure; set Reasons Conceptualise the various reasons –helps develop essay Booklet (p. 4) four essays in structuring skills; gap-fill exercise Texts S2; total Discussion of whether pragmatic or altruistic (Word box) weighting = Independence Exercise on and discussion of various post-colonial Booklet (p. 5) 40%, i.e. each Leaders leaders Lundestad essay is worth Who was good, bad or ugly? (p. 225-245) 10% of final The Look at various points of views: general and nation Booklet (p. 6) grade) Historiography specific Lundestad, Thorn (All lessons will</p><p>2. The Emergence Conferences et Exercise on Bandung & discussion of Brandt report Booklet (p. 7) include ‘starters’ Complete chart as a way of of the Third al Cloud cuckoo land? Lundestad (p.242- on Bandung World 3); Betts (p.42-3) reinforcement Conference including: splatt, NIEO? Concentrate on a critical evaluation of OPEC (p.8) Lundestad OPEC table to historical- (p.242-3) & Betts complete hangman, (p.42-3) spelling bee, The 1980s Case study of Africa and its problems and set-backs Booklet (p.9-10) word searches, Note-taking skills to be developed Plenary (p. 11) etc.) </p><p>& 3. International Creative exercise involving use of imagination and cross- Booklet (p.9-10) Wk. 17 Complete Plenary Exercises Development curricular skills as a way of evaluating whether foreign- Whittaker development to reinforce funded infrastructure aid projects really benefit the (p. 77-9); exercise knowledge recipient nation - or just the provider Lundestad Study for test Past paper practice (p. 245-263) A Level Paper 3 M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12</p>
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