<p> 21st Century Maricopa Meeting Agenda & Minutes Meeting Name 21 CM - Goal A09-A11 Student Success-ITS Meeting Rules • Start on time, end on time Meeting Date June 29, 2010 • Stay on track Meeting Time 9:00am – 10:30am • Monitor your own participation th • Limit side conversations Da Vinci Room (Rio 6 Floor) • Respect each other’s ideas and work Meeting Location Phone Bridge: 480-517-8900, Conf ID#: 1379 • One speaker at a time – don’t Live Meeting Link: Live Meeting interrupt • Be an active listener [email protected]; • Honor confidentiality [email protected]; • Disagree and clarify when appropriate • Be willing to invest the time for inquiry [email protected]; • Consider the entire system [email protected]; • Build shared meaning [email protected]; • Keep an open mind [email protected]; • Have deliberate patience [email protected]; [email protected]; Required [email protected]; Attendees [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Alyssa Moniuszko; Rachelle Clarke; [email protected] [email protected] Optional [email protected]; Attendees Jim Simpson Work Team Site Student Success-ITS work team site 21CM Website Click Here Email This Document To [email protected] </p><p>Meeting Agenda & Objectives Recommendation: Support Student Success through ITS</p><p>1. Action Items 2. Review and discuss ITS document on Cohort Requirements 3. Continue/complete review of spreadsheet 4. Provide any updates from benchmark colleges 5. Next Steps 6. Next Meeting 7. Summary</p><p>Meeting Notes Linda Hawbaker research</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 1 o She attended a meeting with people from ASU that have implemented student groups o They have approximately 800 groups o They use three methods to maintain the groups . Manually . Query Based Update (QBU) run overnight . QBU run throughout the day o QBUs are more than just queries, they are mini programs that have quite a bit of logic built in. . MCCCD would consider the QBUs as modifications, since they update SIS. o They use queries for many things on SIS 8.0 o They use it to populate checklist and communications . Students can also update the checklist o They heard that PeopleSoft 9.0 has this functionality . Sound like what we want to do . Not sure when MCCCD is scheduled to go to version 9.0 . The IT folks in the group said it is planned in the next 1 ½ - 2 years . Linda also posted a PeopleSoft marketing document to the work team site. Describes the new functionality in the Campus Community/Population Selection module. o If needed, Linda can follow-up on the detail to get more information on the technical side of things from ASU’s University Technical Office (UTO). This department is synonymous with ITS. o PeopleSoft Population Selection module . Directs students to have certain experiences . Based on the new functionality in version 9.1, some modifications will go away . Portions of this module Education Engine (calculations) Process Student Groups o Set of criteria that finds students Functionality to do something with students o Track Internal/External contacts o Create Checklists o Plan Events o Manage Committees o Manage Relationships & Communications o Question: How can we be less risk averse to modifications and/or using the system to its fullest to meet the functional requirements? . This policy hinders what we can do. o Is ASU using attributes on the Program Plan stack? . Not really, because they are tied to the program . May not work for us, because MCCCD is setup differently . Issue if student changes program MCCCD level = Credit ASU level = College o If a student registers for the Fall semester, but hasn’t registered for Spring . Use the system to communicate to the student and automatically removes the student from the list once they have registered. Felix research o Took Hyperion query & divided requirements across all institutions o Identifies cohorts and the process o Identifies the type of automation and if it can be run in a batch process o Maybe ITS can use attributes to setup some batch jobs</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 2 o Some functionality in PeopleSoft version 9.0, but some modifications for Financial Aid, can be used by other areas . Not on the list because they are not in Production yet. . Identify student . Intervention . Attach checklist When a student completes an item on the checklist, a batch process runs nightly, and automatically checks off and removes the item Coding structure is created in the attribute section. Use a BOEXI report, based on information that needs to be extracted. Can get a list, but doesn’t put it into the group/cohort . We are using student groups, but not using the functionality as PeopleSoft originally intended Some functionality exists in groups today, but very little Used more for reporting using effective dating of changes moving in/out of a group Felix would like to remove groups . Going forward, the search window will be huge. There is much more data . We use groups for tracking, and need to be consistent for reporting. Students need groups for their needs as well Can be automated . Felix can add a column to the spreadsheet with information from PeopleBooks and use of attributes . What are the existing BOEXI reports? Nothing set now, but should be easy to do . Have a query to identify the cohort, but nothing for Advisement Beth review of spreadsheet o Beth reviewed updates to the spreadsheet o Items were consolidated o Got clarification from sponsors o Beth took a 1st pass at related committees o Block students from enrollment . Right now, blocking is not being suggested as a solution by any of the 21st Century groups, though some team members may feel this way. . Not a recommendation of any of the groups either . Blocking does not just block enrollment, but blocks everything . Some colleges were interested in this . General/broad consensus was that blocking was not viable o Alternative to blocking? . MAPS/Advisement uses the Message Center to contact the students & once they are in the MAP group, they provide them with the necessary steps to inform them . Still monitoring, but no hard block . Message Center is information only o Beth reviewed her updates, and got input from the team. o Colleges using Advisor Track . If more/all colleges used this, it may help to connect systems . Better for advisement o Grading Advisement (NSO) . New Student Orientation (NSO) No credit class Not graded May affect Financial Aid</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 3 May require manual process for Financial Aid Need to look into this in more detail Grading basis o Some don’t use and some use a ‘W’ o ‘W’ grade may cause the issue o Most people haven’t heard of this . Kishia will send this to Stacy (chair). She is the DSAC liaison See if it is an issue and what is happening Advising Council (DAC) group wasn’t in favor of the solution o Maybe don’t worry about getting advised, in the cohort, and just assume advisement has been done if they attended orientation. This qualifies it with the cohort o In terms of SSP, how do they want this handled? . We need to ask colleges how they are doing this . If can’t figure out a way to use a credit course, maybe use Events . People thought it wouldn’t work, because it is not on the student schedule . Solution needs to be determined for Drop or Withdrawl No tuition attached How create in PeopleSoft Previous tuition calculation error o Required experiences . Not tracking advisement now . Only tracking orientation . Doing inputting/tracking manually now o Cohort . Full-time, transfer seeking, attending NSO, etc. . This should qualify a student as part of the cohort . That is what we are using now for qualification . Do we want to also include Advisement? . Can make it mandatory and may or may not be able to track it . Still need to explore . PeopleSoft also has an Advisement component Debbie Lain can look into this . Maybe Advisor Track solves it, if used at all colleges and shared Need to ask Red Rock if it could push data into PeopleSoft It does not do this now Team A06 is already recommending this Also, can track all services using Advisor Track o Early Alert (A09) group won’t meet until September . Message Center There is functionality for a fill-in checklist If they complete it, the system would record that they met with an advisor Maybe the advisor could update the checklist after the student met with them o All Academic Support Services is identifying ‘at risk’ populations . Create appropriate interventions (developmental Education, etc.) Next Steps Provide any updates from benchmark colleges Review processes from colleges Discuss updates regarding NSO Review follow-up questions for ASU re: use of PeopleSoft Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 4 Next Meeting July 14, 2010, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, Da Vinci Room, Rio 6th Floor July 20, 2010, 1:00 – 2:30pm, Franklin Room, Rio 6th Floor Official Summary For Public Website Review The team reviewed results of a meeting with ASU. They are currently tracking students in groups. Linda met with some people at ASU to learn how they were managing their groups. They are using customized queries/programs called QBUs. ASU has about 800 different groups. Felix also shared his research. He took the Hyperion query & split the requirements across all institutions. He discussed some of the new functionality in PeopleSoft 9.0. Finally, Beth reviewed an updated/consolidated version of the Student Success worksheet with the team. Members made comments and updates. This narrows the list down to five main items. Details related to blocking students (or not), advisement, and cohort identification were discussed. Action Items Who Assignment Comments Due Date Beth Follow-up with colleges that did not Beth will talk to Daniel to get contact In process– respond to initial survey of challenges at the colleges. Need to follow-up still waiting related to automation (or lack with some that still haven’t for 4 colleges thereof) responded. GWC, CGC, PV, SMC. Beth asked IR directors this time. Beth, Sonya Contact other leads from Student May also make recommendation to Tabled until Success team & other councils to Maria & Sylvia for approval first (may further avoid duplication want to recommend that the scope notice from expands to include more than the sponsor Student Success (SSS) “pilot” project). Follow-up with Maria for approval Beth, Sonya Clarify timeline for planning project Phase 1 – October 1, 2010 DONE with Sponsors Phase 2 – TBD Beth Post the survey results on the work Have some other attachments that DONE team site in Excel format are posted. Sonya, Kishia Find out if Kishia has software to Meet as sub-team & developed DONE assist in benchmarking information benchmark questions. In process to (template for cost analysis) determine what school’s are doing Benchmarking sub-team Develop a standard set of questions Work with sub-team to create these DONE (see above) to ask when contacting peer questions. Sonya will schedule con institutions call to discuss Beth Assign another researcher to attend Important for queries that provide DONE in her place (beginning of June) backup for researching needs Kishia Provide input for benchmarking sheet DONE Sonya Post the Benchmark questions to the Still waiting to get more detail from June 18 – In site colleges. process Entire Team Review Needs document (Word & Define the group of students that DONE PDF). qualify for the cohort (bring to next meeting)</p><p>Review Items 1 – 3 Automate identification of students Create semester based cohorts Verify prescribed experiences</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 5 Action Items Who Assignment Comments Due Date Sonya Look at Lumina Next meeting Beth Update spreadsheet with affected DONE teams Linda ASU information to be added to the DONE research Felix Review of cohort requirements – Post DONE to site Entire team Review ITS document after Felix DONE posts Sonya, Beth Combine/group items on DONE spreadsheet for easier review Sonya Sub-team needs to setup another The team should try to meet prior to Next meeting meeting to discuss additional the next team meeting. Report questions to be added to the results at next meeting interviews Sonya Update Clarified Recommendation on DONE edit form Beth Determine how to track attendance Add this to existing spreadsheet. Update at for non-credit orientation Talk to DARS, SSP Group July 14 mtg Kishia Contact Fin Aid Council to see if this July 14 is an issue & what is happening (non- credit orientation affecting financial aid processing) Entire Team Bring a list of follow-up questions for July 14 other colleges related to ASU QBUs and PeopleSoft Population Selection Module Beth Incorporate comments from today’s July 14 meeting into spreadsheet Felix Post PeopleSoft document on July 14 student attributes</p><p>Issue Bin Items Issue Comments</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 6 Executive Summary Clarified Recommendation Clarified Sub Recommendation Three Pillars Area Strategic Directions How does the recommendation align with the 21st Century Guiding Principles? Review and Analysis Methodology Used Review and Analysis Methodology Detail Work Team Findings/Decisions – Issues, Risks and Mitigation Action items for Implementation of Strategy Measurable Outcomes and Measures of Accountability and Success Estimated Cost to Implement Estimated Savings Cost Impact/Budget Needs Additional Considerations/Comments Policy Change Required </p><p>Please consider the environment before printing! Page | 7</p>
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