<p> MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT WEST LONDON AERO CLUB, WEDNESDAY 28th JANUARY 2009 AT 18:30 HOURS.</p><p>Present</p><p>Wally Epton Chairman Stuart Powney Secretary Ken Peters Treasurer Barry Tempest Regulatory Affairs and EFLEVA Steve Slater PR and publicity John Broad VAC/LAA Representative Mike Vaisey Dennis Neville Keith Sissons Russell Mason Minutes Secretary & Member for Insurance Matters</p><p>Item 1. Apologies</p><p>Colin Dodds Deputy Chairman Martin Slater CJOA Representative Cliff Spink President Rick Peacock-Edwards Air Safety Member Bill Taylor DH Support John Farley Vice-President Peter Thorn Darrol Stinton</p><p>Item 2. Minutes of the Meeting held on the 10 th December 2008 and Matters arising</p><p>The Council reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on the 10th December 2008 and these were approved with the following observations: Various pages, correction to spelling of Mr Steve Slater; Page 4, paragraph 5, line 2, correct ‘later’ to ‘latter’ Page 8, paragraph 4, line 5 correct ‘raft’ to ‘draft’</p><p>It was noted that they already appeared on the Website following the Chairman’s review and approval.</p><p>1 Part M maintenance issues – No news to update on this matter and remains on going. Steve Slater requested whether there was anything to be included in the Aeroplane Monthly on this subject and it was suggested he contact Bill Taylor in this regard. Action: Ongoing with Mike Vaisey, Dennis Neville, Barry Tempest, Steve Slater and Bill Taylor as required</p><p>Vulcan To The Sky (VTTS) Membership – The Chairman was pleased to advise that he had come to an agreement with VTTS on a core nucleus of their members (20-25) becoming members of the HAA. The agreement embraced the principle of returning the VTTS members first year subscription to the VTTS as a one off donation. The VTTS had agreed at a meeting at the NEC on 9th January 2009 that its invited members would be required to commit to continuing membership for the ensuing year. Beyond the second year membership would be optional. All that was required was to sort out the administrative details and this was to be concluded by the HAA Chairman and Membership Secretary. Action: The Chairman and Secretary.</p><p>HAA Annual Meeting & Flying Forum – see Item 5 below.</p><p>Eco Towns – Agenda item.</p><p>Goodwood Vintage and Veteran Fly-in 2009 / Great Vintage Flying Weekend – item carried over to next meeting. Action: Secretary (Agenda item)</p><p>EFLEVA update – Barry Tempest advised that there are no updates from EFLEVA of consequence. The Treasurer advised that no invoice had been received from EFLEVA to date. The next meeting is anticipated to be in April. Action: Barry Tempest </p><p>EFLEVA, HAA and Duxford Warbirds – carried over to next meeting in view of the absence of Air Safety Member (Rick Peacock-Edwards). Action: Rick Peacock-Edwards</p><p>Aeroplane Monthly – The Chairman requested more support from Council/the Members for articles to be forwarded to Steve Slater for inclusion in this monthly section of the magazine. Steve advised that the next topic would be about ‘endangered’ airfields. Action: Council</p><p>2 HAA Website – HAA Website – The Chairman had discussed with Ubiquity Media the need for a re-vamp of the HA Website. Tim Juby of Ubiquity Media had agreed it was desirable and worthwhile. He had offered to progress this within the scope of his work for the HAA for a reasonable cost. Steve Slater supported the idea to increase the site’s interest value. Council agreed that the site was getting positive feedback but it needed up-dating regularly. With regard to Council Meeting Minutes and regular PR/Media articles the Chairman agreed to arrange access to the site for Russell Mason and Steve Slater respectively. Action: Chairman</p><p>Symposium 2008 – The Chairman confirmed that thanks had been extended to all the 2008 Symposium speakers. The Treasurer advised that the sponsorship cheque from ARC had yet to be received, and the Chairman confirmed he would ask the President (Cliff Spink) to hasten payment from John Romain. Action: Chairman</p><p>Symposium 2009 – Agenda item.</p><p>Formal Budget – at the last meeting the Chairman had requested that the Council consider what was required to put together a formal budget but all agreed that this was rather difficult without being able to refer to the outgoings etc. The Treasurer agreed to circulate a draft budget for 2009/20010 based on expenditure during the period 2007/2008. This would assist Council members to formulate ideas on what items would require expenditure by the HAA in the future. It would also help with assessing an income target for the HAA to be met in future years. This study would lead the Council to a formal budget process to commence 1st April 2009. The Chairman would introduce this at the Annual Meeting and Flying Forum on 14th March 2009. Action: Treasurer, Council and Chairman</p><p>Email versions of Minutes to Membership – the Secretary confirmed that he was now undertaking this task and distribution of the Minutes by surface mail to those members without computer connections. However, the Chairman did remind all members that when circulating an item to all the HAA membership by email that the members names should be incorporated only via the blind copy (BCC button) so that email addresses are not released to the membership as this a breach of data protection. Action: Closed</p><p>2008 Symposium Attendee Guests – The Secretary advised that he was still trawling the registrations for address and contact details that were unfortunately not retained for those attendees who were guests of members. He would be contacting the members known to have brought guests in an attempt to offer introductory free membership for the remainder of this current year to those attendees who had not joined the HAA at the 2008 Symposium and had been eligible to do so. Action: Membership Secretary </p><p>3 Membership activities/responsibility - Matter closed</p><p>Steve Slater suggested that the Annual Meeting and Flying Forum should be another opportunity to increase membership if attendance was offered to the wider public especially through Aeroplane Monthly Magazine. (Item 3 these minutes) Action: Membership Secretary and PR/Publicity Member </p><p>HAA ‘Value for Money’ - Steve Slater advised that the visit to 11Group Ops Room (bunker) at RAF Uxbridge was a successful event in view that it was mid-week thus difficult for some to attend – 22 came in all, including one teenager, thus proving that the HAA is reaching out to the younger generation! The Newsletter had received positive responses and will continue, and it was considered that duplication of articles between the Newsletter and HAA website was not a problem. The formatting of the Newsletter will be improved for the next issue. Steve Slater advised that the next HAA ‘away-day’ would be to VTTS’ base at Bruntingthorpe – the Chairman was requested to provide the necessary contact details to assist Steve in setting this up. Action: Steve Slater and the Chairman</p><p>Overflights – the action from the previous meeting has yet to take place and the Chairman and John Broad requested this be carried forward for action by the next meeting. Action: The Chairman and John Broad</p><p>EASA oversight in Aerodromes and Air Traffic Management – open item. Action: Rick Peacock-Edwards</p><p>Training at unlicensed airfields – open item. Action: John Broad, Barry Tempest</p><p>Gipsy Engines Update - Mike Vaisey advised that the consultation deadline had come and gone without any proposal from the CAA. Gipsy Major II engines (ex-military) have raised some issues, as it is highly unlikely that they would not have been inspected during such a timescale, so the CAA is still considering everything! A good article on this and the degradation of Carb floats from modern fuels (as related in the last Council Minutes) appears in the latest issue of the Moth magazine and Mike Vaisey was asked if this article (with the approval of the DH Moth Club) be posted on the website. Action: Mike Vaisey</p><p>Notice of Proposed Amendments – still on going with the FCL (NPA 2008-17a/b/c) consultation due to close on 28th February 09 – website link below http://www.easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/r/r_npa.php Action: All </p><p>4 Joint HAA / British Women Pilots Association (BWPA) Garden Party - the Chairman confirmed that contact had been made and all keen to proceed. Martin Slater and the Chairman will pursue. Action: Chairman and Martin Slater.</p><p>Air Atlantique Classic Flight Club International - link on HAA website to be put in place for the Classic Flights website (as detailed below) by Tim Juby. http://www.classicflightclub.com/ Action: Chairman (web link)</p><p>Item 3 HAA Annual Meeting & Flying Forum 14 th March 2009</p><p>Agenda – no additional items have been tabled to date and thus as agreed last meeting; Location – Shuttleworth confirmed and rooms all reserved; Election of Officers – all willing to re-stand; Secretary/Treasurers report – The Chairman requested that these be collated in advance and sent out by email just before the meeting and placed on the seats of the attendees to speed the up the process of the Annual meeting formal procedures. Action: Secretary and Treasurer</p><p>HAA Rules Review – The Secretary undertook to e-mail the current Rules of The HAA to Council members for review as he considered them to be outdated. He also offered to check the written rules for notice of any change to the existing rules as he suspected formal notice might need to be given to the general membership, and there might not be sufficient time remaining before the Annual Meeting to effect any changes. Should this be the situation, then the Council would have to consider carefully the correct method and requirements for Rule Change before notifying members. Action: Secretary</p><p>Flying Forum Format – The Chairman advised that arrival time would be 09.30 for a 10.00 commencement of proceedings, with intention of wrapping up he Annual Meeting by 11.30’ish for an early lunch and wander around the Shuttleworth exhibits. The afternoon Flying Forum would commence at 13.00, aiming to close at 16.00. The current planned moderators in the Forum sessions are: Dodge Bailey - Shuttleworth Trust Trevor Roche - Shuttleworth Trust Peter Cooper - Airclaims London Russ Eatwell or Phil O’Dell - Rolls Royce Heritage Spitfire Jez Hopkinson- Yakovlevs Display Team</p><p>Chairman’s Note: Subsequent to the meeting RR Heritage regretted that neither Rus Eatwell nor Phil O’Dell will be able to attend. Also Jez Hopkinson had yet to confirm and these participants would be asked to participate in the 2010 Flying Forum.</p><p>5 Steve Slater asked that moderators be firmed up by 2nd February 2009 to ensure details would go to press during that week following. </p><p>Item 4 Symposium 2009 – 14 th November 2009</p><p>Date – confirmed as above Location – confirmed as RAF Museum Theme – confirmed as a celebration of the Centenary of UK Naval Aviation. Possible speakers to be followed up by those detailed:- Capt Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown - on Naval rotor wing flying - Colin Dodds; Tom Eeles - ‘A Crab Buccaneering in the Navy’ - Chairman; John Beattie RNHF - on the Swordfish - Secretary; Commander Phil Shaw RN – ‘from Swordfish to Merlin’ – Chairman; Desmond Penrose – Flight Testing the Sea Vixen - The Chairman Graham Pitchfork (dependent on Tom Eeles) – Buccaneer flying – The Secretary; ‘Last Cruise of the Ark Royal’ – no particular speaker as yet but suggested by Bill Taylor and Chairman to investigate this with Bill;</p><p>Chairman’s Note: Tom Eeles had accepted and would speak as outlined.</p><p>Sponsorship – Russell Mason and Mike Vaisey through their respective work organisations Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance group and Vintech, both pledged to sponsor the 2009 event again to the tune of £500 each. The Council thanked them for their generosity and continued support. Russell Mason also to contact Shell and HSBC again as both had expressed interest in the event but due to budget and timings were unable to commit for 2008. Action: Russell Mason</p><p>Item 5. Membership/Financial report</p><p>The Treasurer advised that two new members had joined since the last meeting but this will be further bolstered by the VTTS members and also the trawl through the post- Symposium 2008 subscriptions update.</p><p>Item 6 Any Other Business</p><p>Eco Towns – John Broad’s proposed response on this subject discussed and the Chairman will review the content. Action: The Chairman and John Broad</p><p>GAPAN – The Chairman advised that the Guild of Air-Pilots and Navigators have offered the HAA a section of their newsletter to introduce the association and promote our activities. Steve Slater and the Chairman to follow up. Action: Steve Slater and the Chairman</p><p>6 Proposed DHC-1 Airworthiness Directive – Dennis Neville outlined a proposed AD on the DHC-1 Chipmunk Flap pawls following the failure of a bogus part on a Portuguese machine that had been used for glider towing. What was of grave concern was that the CAA did not promulgate the consultation surrounding this AD to owners by post, which is the normal basis – it was just left on their website and not surprisingly got no responses. Dennis Neville was asked to draft a letter to the CAA for the Chairman to sign on behalf of the HAA regarding this matter (after review by Barry Tempest), so that there is no repeat of this circumstance. (Subsequent to the Meeting the CAA announced that in future all AD’s and other such operator notices will be lodged on their website which all can obtain via a regular free notification/update e-mail service (see link below) and therefore no further action is required. (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=35&mode=sub)</p><p>Secretary’s Note: The HAA has access to this site through the Secretary’s subscription, and the Secretary circulates information from the site as it becomes available.</p><p>Stansted Mandatory Transponder Zone – NATS have issued a 29 page consultation document regarding this proposed area around Stansted that they would like to see become a mandatory transponder (Mode C) zone for all visiting and transiting aircraft. The Chairman suggested that we liaise with AOPA and the LAA to put together a robust response identifying the problem areas/pinch points and it was agreed that Barry Tempest and Dennis Neville to formulate this response, and John Broad agreed to raise the issue at the next ASI/ACEP meeting Action: Barry Tempest, Dennis Neville and John Broad</p><p>The Aviation Bookshop – Agenda Item carried forward to next meeting.</p><p>Poole Flying Boats Celebration – Agenda Item carried forward to next meeting.</p><p>Bomber Command project for Bicester Airfield – John Broad outlined the proposals for setting up the site to commemorate Bomber Command crews, with support sought from the HAA initially via promotion on the website. It was agreed that HAA should support this endeavour and Steve Slater will contact those involved. Action: John Broad and Steve Slater</p><p>Bleriot Centenary – The organisers of this event had invited the HAA to be involved and arrangements were at an advanced stage with planned Channel crossings by the Microlight Association and Moth Club. Council agreed that the HAA membership could be involved individually. Involvement of the HAA as an Association could be in the form of Council representatives in attendance at the event e.g. President, Chairman Honorary Presidents and Council members etc. A general discussion about on-going centenary aviation events followed, and Council considered it difficult to support all of them as they came along. Notwithstanding, the sentiment within Council was that certain centenary events could be supported by the HAA, such as the Centenary of Naval Aviation that was the theme for the 2009 Symposium. Council agreed to look at each event as they arose on the calendar. </p><p>7 The Chairman asked both the Secretary and PR/Publicity Member to glean more information about the Bleriot Centenary event and possibly clarify where HAA support may be needed. Action: Secretary and PR/Publicity Member</p><p>Item 7. Date and location of next Council meeting.</p><p>The date of the next meeting is set for Tuesday 5th May 2009 at 18.30, at West London Aero Club, White Waltham, Berkshire.</p><p>Please note that dates/timings of 2009 and 2010 meetings have been updated on the website.</p><p>Wally Epton Russell Mason Chairman Minutes Secretary</p><p>8</p>
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