<p>Supplementary material. A synthesis of Gnetalean macrofossil species from the Early Cretaceous Species Nomenclature Distribution Literature Comments Alloephedra xingxueii Syn.: Ephedra xingxuei Dalazi Formation. Aptian- Tao & The female cone shows general features of J.R. Tao et Y. Yang (J.R. Tao et Y. Yang) Liu et Albian, Early Cretaceous. Yang 2003 Ephedraceae, but the foliar organs and al. in Taxon, 57: 580. 2008 Jilin Province, China branching patterns seem alternate thus Alloephedra differs from known Ephedra. Amphiephedra Jehol (Yixian Formation?), Miki 1964 This is a shoot preserved with no details, rhamnoides Miki western Liaoning of China probably close to Prognetella minuta Krassilov et Bugdaeva, exact relationships cannot be determined due to unclear reproductive morphology. Beipiaoa parva Dilcher et Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Sun et al. A female cone is globose or nearly so, the al. Formation, Early 2001 apices of bracts are specialized into long Cretaceous (Barremian- spines. early Aptian?). China Beipiaoa rotunda Dilcher Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Sun et al. A female cone is globose or nearly so, the et al. Formation, Early 2001 apices of bracts are specialized into long Cretaceous (Barremian- spines. This species is better incorporated early Aptian?). China into Beipiaoa parva due to their overall similarities. Beipiaoa spinosa Dilcher Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Sun et al. A female cone is globose or nearly so, the et al. Formation, Early 2001 apices of bracts are specialized into long Cretaceous (Barremian- spines. early Aptian?). China Chengia elegans (G. Sun Basionym: Ephedrites Yixian Formation, western An Ephedroid reproductive shoot possesses et S.L. Zheng) Y. Yang et elegans G. Sun et S.L. Liaoning of China; Gurvan- loosely arranged female spikes. The Q. Wang, comb. nov. Zheng in Sun et al., Early Eren Formation of Mongolia Potamogeton-like spike in Krassilov (1982) Angiosperms and their may belong to this species. associated plants from western Liaoning, China, 207. 2001. Chengia laxispicata Y. Dawangzhangzi Bed, Yixian Yang et al. An Ephedroid reproductive shoot bears Yang et al. Formation, Early 2013 terminal or axillary female spikes with Cretaceous (Barremian- multiple pairs of fertile bracts, internodes of early Aptian?). China the cone axis are prominent. Drewria potomacensis Potomac Group. Pollen Crane & This species is intermediate between Crane et Upchurch Zone I, Early Cretaceous Upchurch Ephedra and Welwitschia, its habit is close to (early Aptian). USA 1987 Ephedra, but its leaf form and venation are close to Welwitschia. Ephedra Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Yang et al. An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has archaeorhytidosperma Y. Formation, Early 2005 reduced female cones with only 1(-2?) pairs Yang et al. Cretaceous (Barremian- of bracts enclosing 1-2 seeds. early Aptian?). China Ephedra carnosa Y. Yang Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Yang & A fleshy female cone of Ephedra contains 2- et Q. Wang Formation, Early Wang 3 FRUs/seeds. Each FRU possesses a thin Cretaceous (Barremian- 2013 outer envelope, the inner integument is early Aptian?). China elongated into the micropylar tube. Ephedra drewriensis Patuxent Formation, Rydin et Ephedroid seeds have in situ pollen. Rydin et al. Potomac Group. Pollen al. 2006a Zone I, Early Cretaceous (early Aptian). USA Ephedra hongtaoi X. Dawangzhangzi Bed, Yixian Wang & An Ephedroid shrubby plant bears young Wang et S.L. Zheng Formation, Early Zheng female cones terminally on twigs. Each cone Cretaceous (Barremian- 2010 possesses a pair of bracts enclosing 2 early Aptian?). China FRUs/seeds. Each FRU has an apical micropylar tube. Ephedra portugallica Calvaria Member, Figueira Rydin et Ephedroid seeds have in situ pollen. Rydin et al. da Foz Formation. Early al. 2006a Cretaceous (late Aptian or early Albian). Portugal Ephedra verticillata the Anfiteatro de Tico Cladera et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has stems Cladera et al. Formation (Baquero al. 2007 with verticillate branches and terminal seed Group), Early Aptian. cones. Each cone has two FRUs/seeds. Argentina Ephedrispermum Calvaria Member, Figueira Rydin et Ephedroid seeds have in situ pollen. lusitanicum Rydin et al. da Foz Formation. Early al. 2006a Cretaceous (late Aptian or early Albian). Portugal Erenia stenoptera Syn.: Callianthus dilae the Yixian Formation, Krassilov Wu (1999) correctly identified the plant from Krassilov Wang et Zheng in J. Int. western Liaoning of China; 1982 the Yixian Formation but Wang & Zheng Plant Biol., 51: 800. 2009. the Gurvan-Eren Formation (2009) erected it as a new genus. This of Mongolia species includes fleshy cones that are bisexual or unisexual. It is quite amazing that the male reproductive units persisted when the bracts got fleshy if the previous reports are accepted (Wang & Zheng 2009). Fleshiness is probably an indicator of mature cones. Friedsellowia gracifolia Crato Formation, Araripe Mohr et al. A monoecious plant bears both male and Löwe et al. Basin, Open air pit south of 2007; female cones. Male cones are terminal to Nova Olinda near Santana Löwe et al. twigs and have many pairs of bracts. Female do Cariri, State of Ceará, 2013 cones are sessile and sit amidst twigs Brazil bearing the male cones, and possess multiple fertile whorls of bracts that are arranged in whorls of four or in pairs of two. Löwe et al. (2013) thought this plant is close to Welwitschia in the female cones bearing multiple whorls of fertile bracts and the leaf venation, however, it is noticeable that there are many other differences. Gurvanella dictyoptera Syn.: Chaoyangia liangii Yixian Formation, western Krassilov This species was first found from Early Krassilov Duan in Sci. China, 41: 14. Liaoning of China; the 1982 Cretaceous of Mongolia, but later recorded in 1998; Gurvanella exquisita Gurvan-Eren Formation of the Yixian Formation. Dispersed female G. Sun et al., Early Mongolia. Early cones are common, but reproductive shoots Angiosperms and their Cretaceous. are rare. Krassilov (1982) thought this associated plants from species might have been living on slopes. western Liaoning, China, 207. 2001. Khitania columnispicata Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Guo et al. A very compact spike with many circular Guo et al. Formation, Early 2009 rings shows affinity to the male cone of Cretaceous (Barremian- Gnetum. early Aptian?). China Liaoxia acutiformis Rydin, Dawangzhangzi Bed, Yixian Rydin et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has female S.Q. Wu et Friis Formation, Early al. 2006b cones with 6-12 pairs of bracts and linear Cretaceous (Barremian- leaves with two parallel veins. early Aptian?). China Liaoxia changii Rydin, Syn.: “Eragrosites changii Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Rydin et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot possesses S.Q. Wu et Friis Cao et Wu” in Chin. Sci. Formation, Early al. 2006b terminal female cones with 6-10 pairs of Bull. 43: 231. 1998. nom. Cretaceous (Barremian- bracts. It was merged into Ephedrites inval. early Aptian?). China cheniae by Guo & Wu (2000), but retained as a separate species in Rydin et al. (2006b). Liaoxia cheniae (S.X. Guo Syn.: Ephedra cheniae Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Rydin et This is a well-known ephedroid fossil species et X.W. Wu) Rydin, S.Q. (S.X. Guo et X.W. Wu) Liu Formation, Early al. 2006b from the Yixian Formation. Its nomenclature Wu et Friis et al. in Taxon, 57: 578. Cretaceous (Barremian- is quite complicated (Yang 2007, 2010). 2008; Ephedrites cheniae early Aptian?). China Cyperacites sp. in Krassilov (1982) definitely S.X. Guo et X.W. Wu in belongs to this species. This species is an Acta Palaeontol. Sin. 39: Ephedroid reproductive shoot having female 82. 2000, pro parte cones with 2-6 pairs of bracts and linear leaves with two parallel veins. Liaoxia elongata Rydin, Dawangzhangzi Bed, Yixian Rydin et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has female S.Q. Wu et Friis Formation, Early al. 2006b cones with 8-12 pairs of bracts. Cretaceous (Barremian- early Aptian?). China Liaoxia jeholensis (Yabe Basionym: Potamogeton Yixian Formation, western Yabe & An Ephedroid reproductive shoot bears et Endô) Y. Yang et Q. jeholensis Yabe et Endô in Liaoning of China Endô opposite and decussate phyllotaxy and Wang, comb. nov. Proceedings of the Imperial 1935; Miki terminal female cones. Sun et al. (2001) Academy, 11(7): 274. Figs. 1964 merged this species with Ephedrites cheniae 1-2. 1935. (as “chenii”) which would have resulted in a Syn.: Ranunculus nomenclatural change of Ephedrites cheniae jeholensis (Yabe et Endô) into Ephedrites jeholensis because the Miki in Bull. Mukogawa 12: specific epithet “jeholensis” is earlier than S19, 1964. syn. nov. “cheniae”. Here we make a new combination because this species bears reproductive characters different from those of L. cheniae. Liaoxia longibractea Dawangzhangzi Bed, Yixian Rydin et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has female Rydin, S.Q. Wu et Friis Formation, Early al. 2006b cones with 1-2 pairs of bracts. Cretaceous (Barremian- early Aptian?). China Liaoxia robusta Rydin, Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Rydin et An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has female S.Q. Wu et Friis Formation, Early al. 2006b cones with 4-10 pairs of bracts, and linear Cretaceous (Barremian- leaves probably bearing 3-4 parallel veins. early Aptian?). China Priscowelwitschia Syn.: Welwitschiella Crato Formation. Late Dilcher et A plant is explained as cotyledonary austroamericana (Dilcher austroamericana Dilcher et Aptian. Northeastern Brazil. al. 2005 seedlings of Welwitschiaceae, however, et al.) Dilcher et al. al. in Amer. J. Bot. 92: shows extreme similarity with fruits of the 1299. 2005, nom. illegit., Tropical Asian Hoppea spp. of non Welwitschiella O. Dipterocarpaceae. Hoffmann, in Engler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(5): 390. 1894 (Asteraceae), nec Welwitschiella Engler in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 416. 1899 (Menispermaceae). Prognetella minuta Syn.: Baicarpus gracilis the Yixian Formation, Krassilov A reproductive shoot has leaf-like bracts Krassilov et Bugdaeva Gang Han et al. in Acta western Liaoning of China; & each subtending an axillary sessile female Geol Sin 87: 920. 2013. pro the Baisa locality in the Bugdaeva reproductive unit, each leaf/bract is provided parte, PB21629; B. robusta upper reaches of the Vitim 1999 with 2 (rarely 4) parallel veins. This species Gang Han et al., l.c. 921. River, Transbaikalia of was preserved frequently as detached Mongolia diaspores. Prognetella gracilis (Gang Basionym: Baicarpus Jianshangou Bed, Yixian Diaspores were previously described as Han et al.) Y. Yang et Q. gracilis Gang Han et al. in Formation, Early angiosperms, is actually an early Wang Acta Geol Sin 87: 920. Cretaceous (Barremian- Ephedraceae. 2013. pro parte, excl. early Aptian?). China PB21629. Siphonospermum the Yixian Formation, Rydin & An Ephedroid reproductive shoot has female simplex C. Rydin et E.M. western Liaoning of China Friis 2010 reproductive units terminal to twigs and Friis linear leaves with three parallel veins. Welwitschiophyllum Crato Formation. Late Dilcher et A Welwitschia-like leaf is lanceolate and has brasiliense Dilcher et al. Aptian. Northeastern Brazil. al. 2005 many fine longitudinal parallel veins. Welwitschiostrobus Crato Formation. Late Dilcher et A reproductive shoot bears terminal male murili Dilcher et al. Aptian. Northeastern Brazil. al. 2005 cones similar to Welwitschia mirabilis.</p><p>Doubtful species 1. Ephedrites guozhongiana G. Sun et S.L. Zheng was described in Sun et al. (2001) from the Yixian Formation. It is definitely not Ephedraceae, but may be related to ferns.</p><p>2. Leongathia elegans Krassilov et al. (1998) is a vegetative shoot from the Lower Cretaceous of Koonwarra Fossil Bed, Victoria, Australia.</p><p>3. Qataniaria noae Krassilov from the Upper Hatira Formation of Makhtesh, Qatan of Israel (Krassilov & Schrank 2011) bears vegetative and reproductive characters unlike those of Ephedraceae.</p><p>4. Cearania heterophylla Kunzmann et al. (2009) and Cariria orbiculiconiformis Kunzmann et al. (2011) are two macrofossil species from the Early Cretaceous with uncertain relationships within the Gnetales. </p>
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