<p> 1</p><p>MANAGEMENT 472: MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSITY IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Spring 2011 Semester</p><p>COURSE SYLLABUS:</p><p>Instructor: Ellen J. Mullen, Ph.D.</p><p>Section: A Class Time: MWF 11:00-11:50 a.m. Class Site: 2133 Gerdin Business Building Credits: 3</p><p>Office: 3282 Gerdin Building Telephone: 294-2645 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: MWF 9:00-10:30, Open Door Policy and/or by appointment.</p><p>Course Overview:</p><p>One of the most crucial issues in organizations today is the effective management of its diverse workforce. This course examines the difference between equal employment opportunity/affirmative action, which have a legal basis, and diversity management, which has an educational and organizational effectiveness basis. The course is organized around diversity on the college campus and workplace diversity, focusing largely on the latter. Dimensions of diversity (protected classes) are discussed, as well as phases of the diversity life cycle and diversity maturity. Strategies for raising diversity awareness and managing diversity are explored as is the effective development of diversity programs in organizations.</p><p>The purpose of MGMT 472 is to further the student’s understanding of diversity and diversity management and to heighten/develop self-awareness about one’s values, beliefs and biases as well as an awareness of the importance of diversity issues on campus and in organizations. Diversity management strategies will be examined and applied in real and hypothetical settings. </p><p>Your Part: 2</p><p>MGMT 472 will strive to address your personal learning needs and style within the structure described in the syllabus. To maximize learning, it is necessary that you come to class and come prepared. Your contribution to the class via questions, perspectives, personal experiences, etc., is also particularly important in a class of this nature. The instructor philosophically embraces a constructivist approach to learning making your participation essential to the learning process in MGMT 472. To maximize learning, the class will involve some lecture; large and small group discussion; team activities and assignments; and individual assignments and reflection to meet the course objectives while addressing students’ various learning styles. Please be vocal about how you learn best and what you can contribute to your own learning process and that of your classmates.</p><p>Major Course Objectives:</p><p>After completion of MGMT 472, students should be able to:</p><p>1. Define diversity and diversity management and understand the evolution from Affirmative Action and traditional perspectives/approaches to effectively managing diversity in organizations. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the tangible and intangible reasons it is essential to address diversity issues, both in the workplace and on college campuses. 3. Better understand one’s own perspectives, values, beliefs, and biases and their implications. 4. Understand and apply at least basic strategies for effectively managing diversity in organizations, thereby leading to positive outcomes such as increased retention and maximized performance. 5. Describe the Diversity Life Cycle and understand the application of its phases to real and hypothetical cases, both individually and with a team. 6. Understand the role and significance of a Chief Diversity Officer. 7. Demonstrate a basic understanding of change and how it needs to be approached in organizations to effectively manage diversity. 8. Understand and apply effective fundamental approaches to diversity training programs and how to develop and evaluate them. 9. Understand supplier diversity and diversity branding and their significance.</p><p>Learning Materials:</p><p>1. Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity: Theory, Cases, and Exercises (2 nd ed.). (2011). K. A. Canas and H. Sondak. ISBN: 0-13-6125174. ISBN 13: 978-0-13-6125174. 3</p><p>2. Selected readings on e-reserve, posted on WebCT, and online as assigned</p><p>3. Diversityinc.com (please register for access to diversityinc.com – it’s FREE for .edu email addresses!)</p><p>Course Requirements:</p><p>The requirements of MGMT 472 include the following. Each will contribute to your final course grade as described below:</p><p>1. Individual One-Page Papers</p><p>Five ONE-PAGE papers addressing various issues surrounding diversity management will be required during the term. Topics for the one-page papers will be provided at various points in the semester. (500 points—100 per paper—possible)</p><p>2. Journaling</p><p>Each student will be asked to keep a journal, with entries to the journal to be made at the end of each class period or more frequently. The point of this activity is not to demonstrate what you know or just to keep a log of the topics we cover, but to allow you to critically reflect on what we discuss throughout the course. Critical reflection helps you to assimilate what you’re learning with what you already know or have experienced, and to increase your awareness of your own philosophical perspectives, values, beliefs, and biases that may affect your daily life. This will help to maximize your learning and learning transfer from this course (50 points).</p><p>3. Discussion Facilitation</p><p>You will be assigned to a team at the beginning of the term for various class activities, discussion and team assignments. Each team is responsible for facilitating the discussion of a reading from the textbook or other reading (randomly assigned) this semester. The purpose of this assignment is to give you experience planning a presentation or learning activity and leading discussion, because the ability to do this will be extremely valuable to you in your career. Suggestions will be cheerfully provided by the instructor upon request, but the team has discretion regarding format and approach. (75 points possible).</p><p>4. Team Project: Diversity Audit 4</p><p>Your team’s major assignment for the semester is to act as a “consulting team” and conduct a diversity audit in a real organization. We will discuss goals and instructions for the audit in the near future. The project will involve looking at how the topics discussed in class actually play out in a real organization. The team will be responsible for identifying an organization and assessing its Diversity Maturity. The team’s findings will be presented to the class at the end of the term (See Tentative Course Schedule below; specific presentation dates will be assigned.). Specific instructions will be provided in class. Some class time will be allotted for teams to work on the project (200 points possible for PowerPoint slides, and presentation.) </p><p>5. Final Reflection Paper/Examination</p><p>Instead of a final examination, there will be an optional final reflection paper allowing you to revisit your journal entries, readings, and notes from class discussion and summarize what you’ve learned. More detailed instructions will be provided later in the term (100 points possible). In order to opt out of this assignment/exam, you must have completed all assignments, be satisfied with your grade, and attend class, without exception, the last 2 weeks of class.</p><p>6. Class Participation and Sharing Diversity Management Issues in the news</p><p>In MGMT 472, attendance is essential. The nature of the subject matter calls for high student participation. The constructivist approach to learning, which the instructor embraces, also necessitates student involvement in the learning process. Various individual and team classroom assignments/activities and quizzes will occur on a random basis, in order to give credit (i.e., points) to those who are in attendance and participating. It is not only essential to attend, but equally important to come prepared and ready to be a contributor. Read the assigned readings before you come to class so that you are prepared to contribute! This is not a class for passive learners. Your learning experience will be maximized as a result! </p><p>Issues directly and indirectly related to Diversity Management frequently appear in the news. Each student is required to find three news items related to Diversity Management this semester and briefly share them with the class. You can choose from any reliable news source, e.g., newspapers and print publications, internet, television, etc. This will help to illustrate concepts we discuss in class and heighten your awareness. Bring your news item to class and notify the instructor that you have an item to share. Briefly summarize the article and explain how it relates to the class. (75 points possible for sharing 3 news articles and other various in-class activities.) 5</p><p>NOTE: More detail will be given on assignments on an as needed basis. Assignments must be submitted on the due dates that will be given. You are expected to respect all deadlines. Late assignments will be penalized. Please notify the instructor in advance if, under extreme circumstances, a deadline cannot be met.</p><p>LEARNING ASSESSMENT:</p><p>Each student’s course grade will be determined as follows:</p><p>1. Individual One-Page Papers (5) 500 points possible 2. Journaling 50 3. Discussion Facilitation 75 4. Team Project: Diversity Audit 200 5. Final Reflection Paper/Exam 100 6. Class Participation and Sharing Items in the News 75</p><p>TOTAL 1000 points possible (900 points without Final Reflection paper)</p><p>Grading Scale: Grades are figured as a percentage of the points possible. Final grades will be assigned as follows:</p><p>A = 93.0-100% A- = 90.0-92.99% B+ = 87.0-89.99% B = 83.0-86.99% B- = 80.0-82.99% C+ = 77.0-79.99% C = 73.0-76.99% C- = 70.0-72.99% D = 60.0-69.99% F = 0-59.99%</p><p>Class Attendance 6</p><p>Attendance is essential in order to achieve maximum learning, especially in a course such as this. Instructors typically cover material in class that they deem particularly important as well as material not found in the text, so it is important to be there. Further, a significant portion of Management 472 class time will involve large and small group discussion and your input is needed! Finally, much of Management 472 will also be team-based and you need to contribute. Your team reserves the right to “report” you to the instructor if you are not contributing consistently to the team’s activities and assignments. </p><p>Your team will be asked to sit in the same general seats each class period, so that I can learn your names more easily and know if you are present. If you are absent from class more than 5 times (unexcused), your course grade will be reduced one grade level.</p><p>Special Learning Needs</p><p>If you have a documented disability that may affect your ability to participate fully in the course or if you require special accommodations, you are encouraged to notify the instructor, so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged. A form indicating the type of accommodation needed can be obtained from the Office of Disability Resources (294- 1020). Please be assured that such information will be treated as strictly confidential.</p><p>Student Ethics: Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism</p><p>Academic dishonesty occurs when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam; or submits as his or her own work themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, or other products prepared by another person; or knowingly assists another student in such acts or plagiarism. Such behavior is abhorrent to the university, and students found responsible for academic dishonesty face expulsion, suspension, conduct probation, or reprimand. Instances of academic dishonesty ultimately affect all students and the entire university community by degrading the value of diplomas when some are obtained dishonestly, and by lowering the grades of students working honestly. Please be advised that you are a member of this institution; plagiarism is not tolerated at Iowa State University. Classroom and institutional measures will be taken to eliminate academic dishonesty. 7</p><p>TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE Please note that this is tentative! Check Weekly Agenda on MGMT 472 website for up- to-date information about the schedule.</p><p>DATE TOPIC READING ASSIGNMENTS 1/10- Introduction and overview. Text pgs. 7-top of 14 (“Defining 1/14 Constructivism. Demographics. Diversity”) Defining diversity. Diversity myths & Online readings: stereotypes. Perceptions of self and www.workforcediversitynetwork.com/ others. docs/Article_8MajorMythsofDiversit Student introductions; teams form. y_Velasquez.pdf; In-class self reflection and team- www.timeinc.net/fortune/services/se building exercises. ctions/fortune/pdf/103006_Diversity _Ads.pdf; </p><p>1/17- MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. MON: NO CLASS 1/21 HOLIDAY. Jane Elliott: A Class Divided. Class website reading: Jane Elliott a Diversity-related law. class divided PBS.mht; Chapter 2: Legal perspective </p><p>1/24- Our World: Diversity on campus: Online Readings: 1/28 Diversity in our world: Diversity at www.hrs.iastate.edu/diversity/ ; ISU; diversity in higher education http://diversityweb.org/research Diversity and the media.; _and_trends/research_evaluation Diversity and the media. _impact/benefits_of_diversity/d FRI (1/28): 1st ONE-PAGE PAPER ocuments/DoesDiversityMatterU DUE (see instructions on website) CBerkley.pdf; http://diversityweb.org/diversity _innovations/faculty_staff_devel opment/recruitment_tenure_pro motion/faculty_recruitment.cfm; www.diversityweb.org/research_a nd_trends/research_evaluation_i mpact/benefits_of_diversity/imp 8</p><p> act_of_diversity.cfm; www.diversityweb.org/Digest/Sp. Sm00/attitudes.html;</p><p>1/31- Diversity and the Media. Prime time diversity report.pdf ; 2/4 Diversity in the workplace: "Dear White Boss" on e-reserve The Giraffe and the Elephant. (Parks Library via Traditional vs. contemporary www.iastate.edu); perspectives: the evolution of http://www.the- approaches to diversity at work. Affirmative Action vs. Diversity scientist.com/2005/11/07/s20/1/ Mgmt. ; Text pages 14-22 and 101-109; AreAfricanAmericansStillExperie 2/4: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of ncingRacism.pdf; “Are African Americans Still Text pgs. 14-22 Experiencing Racism?”</p><p>Class website reading: “Are African Americans Still Experiencing Racism?” Text pgs. 101-109</p><p>2/7- 2/7: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of "8 Top 50 CEOs Tell the World 2/11 “Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Keeping Why Diversity Counts" (on e- Talented Women on the Road to reserve); www.the- Success.” (text pgs. 73-87) scientist.com/2006/11/01/s10/1 ; Text pages 73-87 Business reasons for valuing diversity. Teams meet.</p><p>2/11: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of “White Privilege and Male Privilege…”</p><p>FRI (2/11): 2nd ONE-PAGE PAPER DUE (see class website for instructions) Changed to 2/18</p><p>2/14- Business reasons continued. Text pgs. 109-117; " Inventing 2/18 H ispanics: A Diverse Minority 9</p><p>2/16: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of Resists being labeled" “Inventing Hispanics: A Diverse reading.pdf ; Change Management Minority Resists Being Labeled” 101.pdf;</p><p>PROCESS and PRACTICE: Diversity Life Cycle: Toward Systemic Diversity Maturity</p><p>2/21- Diversity Maturity (Diversity Life e-reserve: www.diversityinc.com: Top 2/25 Cycle). Diversity leadership. CDOs. 50 for 2010; Text Chapters 3 and 6.</p><p>2/23: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of “It’s time to retire retirement.” Teams meet. FRI (2/25): 3rd ONE-PAGE PAPER DUE</p><p>2/28- Diversity, Ethics and Individual 3/4 Responsibility; Teams meet.</p><p>3/2: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of Class website reading; “To be Asian in “To be Asian in America” America”</p><p>3/7- Diversity Managers. Root Out Unconscious Bias To 3/11 Create an Inclusive 3/9: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of Workplace.mht; “Taking Religion to Work” Text Chapters 3 and 7. FRI (3/11): 4th ONE-PAGE PAPER DUE</p><p>3/14- SPRING BREAK! ENJOY! 3/18 3/21- 3/21: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of Text pgs. Chapter 8; 3/25 “Selections from Straight Talk About Gays in the Workplace; Creating an http://www.boston.com/jobs/diversity Inclusive, Productive Environment for /092003/div_0903_2.shtml ; Everyone in Your Organization” http://www.time.com/time/magazine/ article/0,9171,1615183,00.html ; 3/23: Diversity Life Cycle—Creating http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- an Inclusive Culture dyn/content/story/2008/01/19/ST2008 10</p><p>011901990.html ; 3/25 TEAM-LED DISCUSSION of http://www.opm.gov/hrd/lead/policy/ “Counting on Workers with divers97.asp ; Disabilities” Text pgs. Chapter 9.</p><p>3/28- Diversity training. Evaluating Appearance article.pdf; 4/1 diversity initiatives. Identifying and Diversity_and_Inclusion_Report.pdf; measuring outcomes. http://www.javvo.com/courses/Lerche 3/30: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION: _Charles/CCM/course/lessons/05- “Appearance and Weight Inclusion managing_cultural_diversity/Wentlin Issues in the Workplace” g2.pdf; http://www.goldbergsegalla.com/Arti cles/int130E.PDF.</p><p>4/4- 4/4: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION: Social Class Reading.pdf; 4/8 “Social Class Diversity” Diversity_and_Inclusion_Report.pdf A Diversity-Mature organization: http://www.javvo.com/courses/Lerche Maintaining changes and new culture. _Charles/CCM/course/lessons/05- Cases. Teams meet. managing_cultural_diversity/Wentlin g2.pdf; http://www.goldbergsegalla.com/Arti cles/int130E.PDF; http://www.lockheedmartin.com/abo utus/diversity/diversity_initiatives.ht ml 4/11- Supplier diversity. Choose a Case Study from the 4/15 Evaluating/measuring ROI: Making it textbook last. http://www.lockheedmartin.com/abou Cases. tus/diversity/diversity_initiatives.html 4/13: TEAM-LED DISCUSSION: and Diversity_in_the_Military_Articles_on_Div Diversity_in_the_Military_Articles_on_Div ersityInc.com.htm ersityInc.com.htm FRI (4/15): 5th ONE-PAGE PAPER DUE</p><p>4/18- MON: Work day 4/22 WED: DIVERSITY AUDIT DUE in 11</p><p> class WED/FRI: TEAM PRESENTATIONS</p><p>4/25- MON/WED/FRI: TEAM 4/29 PRESENTATIONS Course summary and reflection.</p><p>5/2- FINAL EXAMINATION WEEK Review readings 5/6 (Reflection Paper due)</p>
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