Chair and Associate Professor

Chair and Associate Professor

<p> Martin T. O’Connell Current Position Chair and Associate Professor Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Director - Nekton Research Laboratory Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 70148</p><p>Personal Data Birth date: 9 February 1966; Stamford, Connecticut Family Status: Married, one son</p><p>Education B.Sc. (1988) Siena College, Loudonville, New York Advisor: Dr. Douglas F. Fraser M.Sc. (1991) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Advisor: Dr. Richard J. Neves Thesis Title: Immunological responses of fishes to glochidia of freshwater mussels. Ph.D. (2000) University of Southern Mississippi Advisor: Dr. Stephen T. Ross Dissertation Title: The direct exploitation of prey on an inundated floodplain by Cherryfin Shiners (Lythrurus roseipinnis) in a low order, blackwater stream.</p><p>Recent Professional Experience  Chair - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (May 2014 - present)  Interim Chair - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (January - May 2014)  Associate Professor - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2012 - present)  Associate Chair- Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2009 - 2011 and 2013)  Graduate Coordinator - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2006 - 2012)  Assistant Professor - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (2006 - 2012)  Director - Nekton Research Laboratory, Pontchartrain Inst. Environ. Sciences (2004 - present)</p><p>Courses Taught  Ecosystem Analyses (undergraduate level) – Univ. New Orleans  Environmental Science and Policy (undergraduate level) – Univ. New Orleans  Estuarine Environmental Science (graduate and undergraduate level) – Univ. New Orleans  Natural Resource Management (graduate and undergraduate level) – Univ. New Orleans  Introduction to Environmental Sciences (undergraduate level) - Univ. New Orleans  Connectivity in Aquatic Environments (online undergraduate course) - Univ. New Orleans  Fisheries Administration: Ecological Approaches (undergraduate level) - Univ. New Orleans  Biology of Fishes Lecture and Lab (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. New Orleans  Animal Behavior Laboratory (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. Southern Mississippi  Freshwater Biology Lecture (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. Southern Mississippi  Freshwater Biology Laboratory (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. Southern Miss.  Ichthyology Laboratory (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. Southern Mississippi  Populations & Communities Lab (graduate and undergraduate level) - Univ. Southern Miss. Professional Membership  American Fisheries Society  American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists  Ecological Society of America  Society for Conservation Biology  Southeastern Fishes Council  Southeastern Louisiana Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Group  Estuarine Research Federation</p><p>Reviewing Activities  Copeia  Environmental Biology of Fishes  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society  American Fisheries Society, Book Review and Book Chapter Review  Southeastern Fishes Council, Book Review  Southeastern Naturalist  Ecology  Gulf and Caribbean Research  Gulf of Mexico Science  Estuaries  Journal of Coastal Research  Marine and Freshwater Research  Fishery Bulletin  Marine Ecology Progress Series  Aquatic Invasions  Journal of Tropical Ecology  Marine and Coastal Fisheries  Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries  Hydrobiologia  BioInvasions Records  Fisheries Management and Ecology</p><p>Skills and Technical Training  Collection and identification of freshwater fishes, freshwater insects, and freshwater mussels  Collection, transfer, treatment, and laboratory maintenance of fishes  Curation of fishes: data base management, specimen maintenance, and loan processing  Collection of fish blood for serological analysis  Spatial and landuse analyses (including digitizing and ground-proofing with GPS)  Operation and maintenance of hydrological data loggers including retrieval and analysis of data  Operation and maintenance of fish electroshocking equipment  Trained as a writing tutor and worked at a universitylevel writing center  Water quality analyses: operation of dissolved oxygen, salinity, and current velocity meters  Software experience: ArcInfo, ArcView, ArcExplorer, BlackBoard, CANOCO, Dbase, EcoSim, JMP, Matlab, MSAccess, MSExcel, MSWord, MSPowerPoint, MVSP, Primer, QuattroPro, SAS, and SPSS  Completed USEPA training programs in Quality Assurance Management, Data Quality Objectives, and Quality Management Plans/Quality Assurance Project Plans (December 2002)</p><p>Awards University of New Orleans Competitive Funding Prize: Awarded to UNO researcher (PI) with the highest of amount of competitive external funding awards in the past fiscal year. M.T. O’Connell. $10,000. (December 2014). Movement and population expansion of an exotic cichlid along an artificial corridor: active travel or advection of "waif" individuals? M.T. O'Connell. $700. Jordan Endowment Award, American Cichlid Association (August 2002). Southeastern Division, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Award for Student Presentation in Ichthyology. M.T. O'Connell. 1998 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Monroe, Louisiana. </p><p>Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements Development of Specialized Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) Designed to Eliminate Bycatch of Sea Turtles in Small Skimmer Trawls, Wing Nets, and Try Nets with Headrope Lengths Less than 12 feet. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $232,559. National Marine Fisheries Service/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (July 2016). Response of fishes to flood gate openings in Bayou St. John: Is the new adaptive water management plan working? M. T. O'Connell. $ 11,822. University of New Orleans SCoRe Grant (May 2016). Preparation of an adaptive water management plan for Bayou St. John: response of fishes to flood gate openings. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $32,180. Burk- Kleinpeter, Inc (January 2015). By-Catch Reduction with lessened bottom impact through the Wing Trawling System; comparison to otter trawl doors. R. Skinner and M. T. O'Connell. $144,934. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (August 2014). Determining settlement cues for commercially important estuarine dependent species in southeastern Louisiana. M. T. O'Connell and W. Stein III. $ 11,267. University of New Orleans SCoRe Grant (May 2014). Cooperative Research and Development of Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) for the Louisiana Skimmer Trawl Shrimp Fishery - 2014 and 2015. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee- O’Connell. $200,215. National Fish and Wildlife Federation (April 2014). Habitat Suitability Index Model Development – Wildlife, Fish, and Shellfish. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $20,035. The Water Institute of the Gulf (January 2014). Tracking Lake Pontchartrain bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas). M. T. O'Connell. $40,236. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (March 2013). Nekton Research Laboratory Sampling for June 1013 Blue Moon Cruise. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $59,970. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation (May 2013). Abundance and distribution of commercially important estuarine dependent species populations within the Gulf of Mexico: BOEM Cooperative Agreement. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $1,179,634. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (August 2012). Monitoring of introduced tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) populations following removal efforts in Port Sulphur, Louisiana (2011-2013). M. T. O'Connell, O.T. Lorenz, and A.M. Uzee- O’Connell. $250,214. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation (August 2011). Assessing blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the Pontchartrain Estuary after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: a comparison of numbers between pre-oil spill baseline data and post- oil spill collections. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $206,642. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation (August 2011). Examination of invasive Rio Grande cichlid biology. M. T. O'Connell and O.T. Lorenz. $30,000. Environmental Protection Agency (March 2011).</p><p>Restoration fishery management in Bayou St. John and City Park– Assessing baseline data on reintroduced red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and native fish assemblages to determine their responses to restoration activities. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $193,842. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (January 2011). RAPID: Seamless marine-strandline-wetlands sediments data structure to support decision- making against the Deepwater Horizon coastal oiling. M. T. O'Connell, M. A. Kulp, and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $35,032. National Science Foundation (August 2010). Assessing oil spill impacts on juvenile fishes, crabs, and shrimp at the Chandeleur Islands: a comparison to baseline data. M. T. O'Connell. $10,000. Louisiana SeaGrant (May 2010). Collection of larval fishes and other aquatic organisms prior to the construction of flood gates on major tidal passes – obtaining critical pre-impact data from all three Lake Pontchartrain aquatic corridors. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $28,710. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (July 2010). Collection and comparison of fishery-independent and fishery-dependent data of Lake Pontchartrain fishery stocks post-hurricanes Katrina and Rita. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $164,244. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. (July 2010). Monitoring of introduced tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) populations in Port Sulphur, Louisiana. M.T. O’Connell. $132,955. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. (January 2010). Data search and compilation of geospatial data for Gulf of Mexico habitats in Louisiana. M. T. O'Connell, M. A. Kulp, and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $67,847. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. (November 2009). Collection of larval fishes and other aquatic organisms prior to the closure of MRGO – obtaining critical pre-impact data from all three Lake Pontchartrain aquatic corridors. M.T. O’Connell. $14,635. University of New Orleans SCoRe Grant (July 2009). Establishing a unified tagging program to assess post-hurricane fisheries in the Pontchartrain Basin. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $98,555. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (July 2008). Implications of future climate change for Gulf Coast fisheries policy: a pilot project. D. J. Reed and M. T. O’Connell. $56,654. RAND Gulf States Policy Institute: Pew Charitable Trusts (April 2007). Restoration management in the Bayou St. John – City Park aquatic ecosystem: testing predator management as a method for controlling invasive fishes and improving water quality for the benefit of an historic urban fishery. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $147,128. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (July 2008). Collection and comparison of fishery-independent and fishery-dependent data of Lake Pontchartrain fishery stocks post-hurricanes Katrina and Rita. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $452,153. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (July 2007). Post-Hurricane Katrina survey for the blackmouth shiner (Notropis melanostomus) at historical localities in Mississippi. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $25,000. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (January 2007). Proposal to geo-reference and analyze historic tagging data generated by the LDWF Marine Sport Fish Tagging Study. A.M. Uzee-O’Connell and M. T. O'Connell. $32,943. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (July 2006). Identifying fishery resources and species that would be lost to Louisiana if the Chandeleur Islands are destroyed by hurricane activity. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $91,965. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (August 2005).</p><p>Status of rare diadromous fishes in two Pontchartrain Basin watersheds: the Tangipahoa River and Bayou Lacombe systems. M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $82,161. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (August 2005). Determining essential habitat for larval and juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) using remote sensing and satellite data (second year). L. A. Lyncker (student awardee) and M.T. O’Connell (advisor). $24,000. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (July 2005). Assessing nearshore nursery habitats for rare fishes and other nekton species at the Chandeleur Islands: are restored habitats as good as natural habitats? M. T. O'Connell and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. $86,433. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (October 2005). Determining essential habitat for larval and juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) using remote sensing and satellite data. L. A. Lyncker (student awardee) and M.T. O’Connell (advisor). $24,000. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (July 2005). Asian Carp in the Mississippi River: Their impact on native fish species and predicted dispersal within the system. V.A. Barko, M.T. O’Connell, and J.H. Chick. $36,662. United States Geological Service (January 2005). Analysis of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) feeding habits within Louisiana Bay Systems. M.T. O’Connell and Jason P. Turner. $122,379. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (November 2004). A survey for aquatic organisms of Lake Pontchartrain. M.T. O’Connell. $285,026 (two years). Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (September 2004). Development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for mercury in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary. M.T. O’Connell. $91,924 (sub-contract to Tulane University). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (October 2004). Quantifying the importance of Chandeleur Islands and Biloxi Marsh marine habitats to commercial and recreational fishery productivity in Lake Pontchartrain (Year 2). M.T. O'Connell and Jason P. Turner. $109,000. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (October 2004). Quantifying the importance of Chandeleur Islands and Biloxi Marsh marine habitats to commercial and recreational fishery productivity in Lake Pontchartrain. M.T. O'Connell. $125,603. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (October 2003). Total mercury, methylmercury, and other toxic metals in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin W.H. Patrick and M.T. O'Connell. $85,648 (sub-contract to LSU). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (October 2003). Sustainability and health of recreational and commercial fish species in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin. M.T. O'Connell and R.C. Cashner. $82,370. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (May 2002). Survey for the blackmouth shiner (Notropis melanostomus) in the Upper Pascagoula River Drainage, Mississippi. Ross, S.T. and M.T. O’Connell. $2,500. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (May 1995).</p><p>Selected Publications O’Connell, M.T. and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. (in press) Length–length and length–weight relationships for eight drum species in southeastern Louisiana. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. W. Stein, III with Jonathan Shenker, and M.T. O’Connell. 2016. A Contribution to the Life History of Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern Naturalist: 15(3):496-512.</p><p>Jimiane Ashe, with Kevin A. Feldheim, Andrew Fields, Eric A. Reyier, Edward J. Brooks, M. T. O’Connell, Gregory Skomal, Samuel H. Gruber, Demian D. Chapman. 2015. Local population structure and context-dependent isolation by distance in a large coastal shark. Marine Ecology Progress Series: 203-216. McKenzie. J.F. with C.S. Schieble, P.W. Smith, and M.T. O’Connell. 2015. Occurrence of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, before and after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Book chapter in “Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Fisheries in North America.” pp. 295-311. American Fisheries Society. O’Connell, M.T. with A.M. Uzee-O’Connell and Christopher S. Schieble. 2014. Response of Lake Pontchartrain Fish Assemblages to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Estuaries and Coasts 37: 461-475. O’Connell, M.T. and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. 2013. Post-Hurricane Katrina survey for the Blackmouth Shiner (Notropis melanostomus) at historical localities in Mississippi. Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings. 54: 9-14. Stein, W. with N.J. Brown-Peterson, J.S. Franks, and M.T. O’Connell. 2012. Evidence of spawning capable tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) off the Louisiana coast. Gulf and Caribbean Research 24: 73-74. Lorenz, O.T. and M.T. O’Connell. 2011. Establishment, diet, and post-hurricane survival of the non-native Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) in the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Area. Southeastern Naturalist 10(4):673-686. O’Connell, M.T. with A.M. Uzee-O’Connell and Valerie A. Barko. 2011. Occurrence and predicted dispersal of bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) in the Mississippi River System: Development of a Heuristic Tool in D. Chapman and M. Hoff (editors). American Fisheries Society Symposium 74:51-71. Lorenz, O.T. with M.T. O’Connell and Pamela J. Schofield. 2011. Aggressive interactions between the invasive Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) and native bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) with notes on redspotted sunfish (Lepomis miniatus). Journal of Ethology 29(1): 39-46. Van Vrancken, J. and M.T. O’Connell. 2010. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on freshwater fish assemblages in a small coastal tributary of Lake Pontchartain, Louisiana. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 1723-1732. O’Connell, M.T. with A.M. Uzee-O’Connell and Robert W. Hastings. 2009. A meta- analytical comparison of fish assemblages from multiple estuarine regions of southeastern Louisiana using a taxonomic-based method. Journal of Coastal Research 54: 101-112. Lorenz, O.T. and M.T. O’Connell. 2008. Growth of non-native Rio Grande cichlids (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) at different salinities and in the presence of native bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23(4): 537-544. O’Connell, M.T. 2008. The latest invasion of New Orleans: The Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) in the canals and bayous of the Greater New Orleans Metropolitan Area (GNOMA). Lagniappe 32 (4): 5-7. Jackson, D. with M.T. O’Connell, J. Delabbio, M. Peterson, J. Franks, and H. Perry. 2008. After the Storm: Post-Katrina Reflections from AFS members in Louisiana and Mississippi. Fisheries 33 (4): 186-191. O’Connell, M.T. with T.D. Shepherd, A.M. Uzee-O’Connell, and Ransom A. Myers. 2007. Long–term declines in two apex predators, bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) and alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula), in Lake Pontchartrain, an oligohaline estuary in southeastern Louisiana. Estuaries and Coasts 30 (4): 1–8.</p><p>O’Connell, M.T. with R.C. Cashner and C.S. Schieble. 2006. “Fish assemblage instability and hydrologic influences in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (USA), a degraded oligohaline estuary” in Coastal Environment and Water Quality (eds. Y. Jun Xu and Vijay P. Singh). Water Resources Publication (LLC), Highlands Ranch, CO. 519 pp. Barko, V.A. with D. P. Herzog and M.T. O’Connell. 2006. Response of fishes to re- established floodplain connectivity along a temperate North American River. Wetlands 26 (1): 244-257. O’Connell, M.T. with C.D. Franze, E.A. Spalding, and M.A. Poirrier. 2005. Biological Resources of the Louisiana Coast: Part 2. Coastal Animals and Habitat Associations. Journal of Coastal Research 44: 146-161. O’Connell, M.T. with A.M.U. O’Connell and J. D. Williams. 2005. Assessment of rarity of the blackmouth shiner Notropis melanostomus (Cyprinidae) based on museum and recent survey data. Southeastern Naturalist 4(2): 246-260. Chávez-López, R., with J. Franco-López, A. Morán-Silva, and M.T. O’Connell. 2005. Long- term fish assemblage dynamics of the Alvarado Lagoon Estuary, Veracruz, Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 17: 145-156. O’Connell, M.T. with R.C. Cashner and C.S. Schieble. 2004. Fish assemblage stability over fifty years in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary; comparisons among habitats using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Estuaries 27(5): 807-817. O’Connell, M.T. 2003. The direct exploitation of prey on an inundated floodplain by cherryfin shiners, (Lythrurus roseipinnis) in a low order, blackwater stream. Copeia 2003 (3): 635–645. O’Connell, M.T. with R.C. Cashner and G.N. Fuentes. 2002. Application of a diffusion model to describe a recent invasion; observations and insights concerning early stages of expansion for the introduced Rio Grande cichlid, Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum, in southeastern Louisiana. Aquatic Invaders 13 (4): 13-21. Ross, S.T. with M.T. O’Connell, D.M. Patrick, C.A. Latorre, W.T. Slack, J.G. Knight, and S.D. Wilkins. 2001. Stream erosion and densities of Etheostoma rubrum (Percidae) and associated riffle-inhabiting fishes – biotic stability on a variable habitat template. Copeia 2001 (4): 916-927. Ross, S.T. with W.M. Brenneman, W.T. Slack, M.T. O’Connell, and T.L. Peterson. 2001. The Inland Fishes of Mississippi. University Press of Mississippi. 624 pp. O’Connell, M.T. and R.C. Cashner. 2000. Drought conditions attract rare visitors in Lake Pontchartrain. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation Bulletin 10 (2): 1-3. O'Connell, M.T. and R.J. Neves. 1999. Evidence of immunological responses by a host fish (Ambloplites rupestris) and two non-host fishes (Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus) to glochidia of a freshwater mussel (Villosa iris). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 14 (1): 71- 78. O’Connell, M.T. with S.T. Ross, J.A. Ewing, and W.T. Slack. 1998. Distribution and habitat affinities of the blackmouth shiner (Notropis melanostomus) in Mississippi, including eight newly discovered localities in the Upper Pascagoula River Drainage. Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings 36: 1-6. Slack, W.T. and M.T. O'Connell. 1998. Design for a portable, modular stream enclosure / exclosure device. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 13 (2): 193-206. Slack, W.T. with M.T. O'Connell, T. L. Peterson, J. A. Ewing and S.T. Ross. 1996. Ichthyofaunal and habitat associations of disjunct populations of southern redbelly dace, Phoxinus erythrogaster in Mississippi. American Midland Naturalist 137 (2): 251-265. </p><p>Book Reviews O’Connell, M.T. 2010. Freshwater Fishes of South Carolina, by Fred C. Rohde, Rudolf G. Arndt, Jeffrey W. Foltz, and Joseph M. Quattro with photographs by Fred C. Rohde - Book Review. Fisheries 35(9): 457-458. O’Connell, M.T. 2002. Dangerous Wildlife in the Southeast: A Guide to Safe Encounters at Home and in the Wild, by F. Lynn Bachleda - Book Review. Southeastern Fishes Council Proceedings 43:20. </p><p>Professional Symposia Convened O’Connell, M.T. 2009. Pontchartrain Basin Fisheries: Recovery, Management, and Conservation. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 17 January 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana. M. Peterson, F. Dobbs, R. Mann, M. T. O’Connell, A. Adams, and W. T. Slack (conveners). 2005. Symposium 2: Coastal Invasive Species: Impacts, Management and the Role of Modified Habitats. 18th International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 19 October 2005, Norfolk, Virginia.</p><p>Invited Seminars O’Connell, M.T. 2016. Lessons from Long-term Studies of Fish Assemblages in the Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana. Invited Symposium Panel Session for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. 2014. Examination of Rio Grande Cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) biology and management: temperature responses, diet overlap, and salinity effects. Invited seminar for the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Management Conference, Thibodaux, Louisiana, 6 November 2014. O’Connell, M.T. 2014. Tarpon, Redfish, and Katrina. Invited seminar for the New Orleans Fly Fishers, Metairie, Louisiana, 31 July 2014. O’Connell, M.T. 2013. Overview of Bayou St. John research (2006-2013). Invited seminar for Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September 2013. O’Connell, M.T. 2013. Fisheries Professionals: Lifelong Learning. Invited Plenary Panel Session. Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. 2012. Using museum data to address fish conservation issues; two examples. Invited seminar for the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 27 April 2012. O’Connell, M.T. 2012. Disasters, resilience, and long-term change: a decade of assessing nekton community dynamics in the Pontchartrain Estuary. Invited Key Note Address: Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, 28 January 2012, Biloxi, Mississippi. O’Connell, M.T. 2011. An overview of nekton resources in the Pontchartrain Estuary: research, baseline data, and recent disturbances. Invited Seminar for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Information Transfer Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 22 March 2011. O’Connell, M.T. 2010. A summary of research projects conducted by the Nekton Research Laboratory. Invited seminar for the New Orleans Fly Fishers, Metairie, Louisiana, 29 April 2010. O’Connell, M.T. 2009. An alien fish in New Orleans’ canals and beyond. Invited seminar for Aliens in the Estuary – Invasive Species Symposium and Teacher Workshop, Marrero, Louisiana, 30 June 2009. O’Connell, M.T. 2009. Ecological role of Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in estuaries of southeastern Louisiana. Invited seminar for the Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources, Biloxi, Mississippi, 19 April 2009. O’Connell, M.T. 2009. Responses of Pontchartrain fishes to hurricanes, river diversions, invasive species, and the kitchen sink. Invited Seminar for the School of Renewable Natural Resources at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 15 April 2009. O’Connell, M.T. 2007. Recent studies from the Nekton Research Lab: seven years of squeezing data from fishes and other swimming critters. Invited Seminar for the Society for Earth and Environmental Sciences, New Orleans, Louisiana, 16 November 2007. O’Connell, M.T. 2007. Louisiana state aquatic invasive species. Meeting of the Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species, Miami, Florida, 30 October 2007. O’Connell, M.T. 2007. Estuarine and urban fisheries post-Katrina: managing in Hell. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California, 6 September 2007. O’Connell, M.T., R.C. Cashner, and C.S. Schieble. 2006. Fish assemblage instability and hydrologic influences in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (USA), a degraded oligohaline estuary. 25th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Hydrology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 22 May 2006. O’Connell, M.T. and O.T. Lorenz. 2006. Response of an invasive fish, the Rio Grande cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus), to the impacts of hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Presentation for the Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force, 7 March 2006, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. 2005. Freshwater invasive fishes in estuarine habitats. Symposium on Coastal Invasive Species: Impacts, Management and the Role of Modified Habitats. 18th International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 19 October 2005, Norfolk, Virginia. O’Connell, M.T. 2005. Invasive fishes of southeastern Louisiana. Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program Invasive Species Workshop, 17 April 2005, Algiers, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. 2004. Past, current, and future ecological research at UNO's Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences. Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series, University of New Orleans. O’Connell, M.T. 2004. Saving the World with Fish Collection Data: evaluating long-term assemblage changes, modeling the expansion of invasive species, and assessing conservation status of rare fishes. Invited Seminar, Arkansas State University. O’Connell, M.T. 2003. An update on introduced fishes in Louisiana and the threat of invasional meltdown. Invited Plenary Seminar, Environmental State of the State Meeting VIII, University of New Orleans, 10 October 2003, New Orleans. O’Connell, M.T. 2003. The role of large river fish species in the spatial and temporal dynamics of estuarine fish assemblages. Invited Seminar, Fifth Bennett Symposium, 25 May 2003, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg. O’Connell, M.T. 2003. O cichlid, where art thou? An update on the distribution of the introduced Rio Grande cichlid, Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum, in southeastern Louisiana. Invited Seminar, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Meeting, 13 May 2003, New Orleans. O’Connell, M.T. 2003. Fish Assemblage Dynamics in Lake Pontchartrain Over Fifty Years. Invited Seminar, Southeastern Louisiana University.</p><p>O’Connell, M.T. 2002. Application of a diffusion model to describe a recent invasion; how habitat, advection, and anthropogenic factors influence the expansion of the introduced Rio Grande cichlid, Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum, in southeastern Louisiana. Invited Seminar, Southeastern Louisiana University. O’Connell, M.T. 2000. Test of an individual-based model to compare fish foraging efficiency between floodplain and low water habitats. Department of Biological Sciences Seminar Series, University of New Orleans.</p><p>Other Presentations O'Connell, M. T. and A. M. U. O’Connell. 2015. Response of Lake Pontchartrain nekton to the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Savannah, Georgia. O'Connell, M. T., with A. M. U. O’Connell and C. S. Schieble. 2013. Response of Lake Pontchartrain fish assemblages to hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Eleventh Biennial Basics of the Basin Research Symposium. New Orleans, Louisiana. O'Connell, M. T. 2011. Short term response of Pontchartrain Estuary fish assemblages to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: a comparison to long-term baseline data. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Conference: Research from the Four University Consortium and LUMCON. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Van Vrancken, J. and M. T. O’Connell. 2010. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on freshwater fish assemblages in a small coastal tributary of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council, Athens, Georgia. C. J. Jenkins with M. T. O’Connell (presenter), A. M. U. O'Connell, and M. A. Kulp. 2010. Seamless across the Strandline: Using marine-strandline-wetlands sediments data structure to support decision-making against the Deepwater Horizon coastal oiling. Collaborative Scientific Research in Relation to the Gulf Oil Spill Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. O'Connell, M. T. and O. T. Lorenz. 2010. A Second Cichlid Species in Louisiana: The Cusp of Invasional Meltdown? Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, Rhode Island. A. M. U. O’Connell with M. T. O’Connell and C. S. Schieble. 2010. Lake Pontchartrain fish assemblages four years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, Rhode Island. O'Connell, M. T. with M. A. Kaintz, and J. Adriance. 2010. Managing a damaged historical urban fishery: preliminary recapture and creel data from New Orleans City Park-Bayou St. John fishery. Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A. M. U. O’Connell and M. T. O’Connell. 2010. Georeferencing of historical spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) tag and recapture records in Louisiana: results from the LDWF-CCA recreational angler tagging database. Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Cashner, R.C. and M.T. O'Connell. 2009. The Environmental History of the Pontchartrain Basin and the Multiple Lines of Defense Strategy in south Louisiana. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana Commagere, A.M., with D.J. Reed, M.T. O'Connell, D. Groves, and J. Fischbach. 2009. Implications of Future Climate Change and Restoration Policy for Gulf Coast Fisheries: A Pilot Project. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana. Schieble, C.S. with J.M. VanVrancken and M.T. O'Connell. 2009. Hypoxia in Chandeleur Sound and a Preliminary Assessment of a Primary Nursery Habitat for Lemon Sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana.</p><p>Ellinwood, M. C. with M.T. O’Connell and C.S. Schieble. 2009. Response of barrier island fish assemblages to impacts from multiple hurricanes: assessing resilience of Chandeleur Island fish assemblages to hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005). Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana. Brogan, S.J. and M.T. O'Connell. 2009. Red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) habitat use in an urban system; behavior of reintroduced fish in Bayou St. John, New Orleans. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana. Lezina, B.J. with M.T. O' Connell, A.M.U. O' Connell, C.S. Schieble, and J.M. Van Vrancken. 2009. Pontchartrain Basin fishery-independent data and the 2008 Bonnet Carré Spillway opening: a comparison of historic and post-opening surveys with comment on Basin-wide freshwater inputs. Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. New Orleans, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. and A.M.Uzee-O’Connell. 2008. Post-Katrina survey for the rare blackmouth shiner (Notropis melanostomus) in southern Mississippi: What has changed since 1995? Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council. Chattanooga, Tennessee. O’Connell, M.T., with A.M.Uzee-O’Connell, B. Lezina, C.S. Schieble, and J.M. Van Vrancken. 2008. Lake Pontchartrain fishery-independent data and the 2008 Bonnet Carré Spillway opening: a comparison of historic and post-opening surveys. Ninth Biennial Basics of the Basin Research Symposium. New Orleans, Louisiana. Turner, J.P. and M.T. O'Connell (presenter). 2008. Analysis of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) Feeding Habits within Louisiana Bay Systems. Spotted Seatrout Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Uzee-O’Connell, A.M. and M.T. O’Connell. 2008. Georeferencing of historical spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) recapture records in Barataria Basin: preliminary results from the LDWF-CCA recreational angler tagging database. Spotted Seatrout Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. and A.M. Uzee-O’Connell. 2007. Response of fishes to multiple stressors: floodwall failures, invasive species, and mismanagement – part one: fish condition. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, St. Louis, Missouri. O'Connell, M.T. with A.M. Uzee-O'Connell, V.A. Barko, and J.H. Chick. 2007. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in the Mississippi River Basin; occurrence data and dispersal patterns. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. O’Connell, M.T. with C.S. Schieble, K.G. Blanke, J. Van Vrancken, M.J. Dillender, and A.M.U. O’Connell. 2006. Lake Pontchartrain fish assemblage response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. with A.M.U. O’Connell, V.A. Barko, and J.H. Chick. 2006. Silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis) in the Mississippi River Basin; occurrence and dispersal patterns. 14th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Key Biscayne, Florida, 16 May 2006. Turner, J.P. and M.T. O'Connell. 2006. Fortunate foresight: Establishing patterns of resource utilization in Lake Pontchartrain consumers for Post-Hurricane Katrina ecological impact assessments. 13th Ocean Sciences Meeting, 20-24 February, Honolulu, Hawaii. Barko, V.A., D.P. Herzog, and M.T. O'Connell. 2006. Response of fishes to floodplain connectivity during and following a 500-year flood event in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River. International Conference on Rivers and Civilizations, La Crosse, Wisconsin. Barko, V.A., D.P. Herzog, and M.T. O'Connell. 2006. Response of fishes to floodplain connectivity during and following a 500-year flood event in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. Turner, J.P. and M.T. O’Connell (presenter). 2005. Retrospective determination of habitat use in juvenile pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) using multi-tracers. 18th International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 19 October 2005, Norfolk, Virginia. Lorenz, O.T. with M.T. O’Connell (presenter) and R.C. Cashner. 2005. Source-sink dynamics of the invasive species Herichthys cyanoguttatus: the role of abiotic factors. 18th International Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation, 19 October 2005, Norfolk, Virginia. O’Connell, M.T. 2005. Estuarine habitats as possible corridors for the dispersal of freshwater invasive fishes. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Tampa, Florida. O’Connell, M.T. 2004. Occurrence of an introduced freshwater fish, the Rio Grande cichlid (Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum), in estuarine habitats of southeastern Louisiana, USA; can we assume that estuaries are effective barriers to expansion? 13th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Ennis, Ireland, September, 2004. O’Connell, M.T. 2004. Identifying anthropogenic sources of fish assemblage instability in Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana (USA), a degraded oligohaline estuary. Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association and Estuarine Research Federation International Conference, Ballina, Australia. O’Connell, M.T. 2004. Fish assemblage dynamics and ecological instability in Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain: 'Eco-triage' for a degraded estuary. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Norman, Oklahoma. O’Connell, M.T. with G.N. Fuentes and R.C. Cashner. 2002. Application of a diffusion model to describe a recent invasion; introduced Rio Grande cichlids, Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum, in southeastern Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Kansas City, Missouri. O’Connell, M.T. with G.N. Fuentes and R.C. Cashner. 2002. The Rio Grande Cichlid (Cichlasona cyanoguttatum) an invasive species established in Southeastern Louisiana. 11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Washington, D.C., February, 2002. Cashner, R.C. with M.T. O’Connell, M.A. Poirrier, and J. H. Humphries. 2001. Impact of a prolonged period of low rainfall on the aquatic community in the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, Louisiana, USA. International Symposium on the Role of Drought in Aquatic Ecosystems, Albury, Australia. O’Connell, M.T. 2000. Small streams and forests: the direct benefits of a forested floodplain to fishes of a low order, blackwater stream. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. Ross, S.T. with M.T. O’Connell, W.T. Slack and D. M. Patrick. 2000. Habitat and the Conservation of Riffle Inhabiting Fishes: Population and Assemblage Responses to Temporal and Spatial Habitat Change. AFS-SD/SFC Symposium: Conservation of the Freshwater Nongame Aquatic Fauna in the Southeast—Challenges for the New Millennium, Savannah, Georgia. O’Connell, M.T. 1999. Brief seasonal floods as direct sources of increased food for fishes in low order, blackwater streams. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, University Park, Pennsylvania.</p><p>O’Connell, M.T. and R.J. Neves. 1999. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of the immunological responses of host and nonhost fishes to glochidia and juveniles of a freshwater mussel. Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Wilmington, North Carolina. O'Connell, M.T. 1998. Does the temporary habitat of an inundated floodplain offer increased food resources to fishes in a low order, blackwater habitat? Annual Meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Monroe, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. with S. T. Ross, J. A. Ewing, and W.T. Slack.. 1996. Habitat affinities of blackmouth shiners (Notropis melanostomus) from eight newly discovered localities in the Upper Pascagoula River Drainage, Mississippi. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, Louisiana. O’Connell, M.T. and S.T. Ross. 1995. Population dynamics of the endangered Bayou Darter (Etheostoma rubrum) in Bayou Pierre, Mississippi. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida.</p><p>Professional Service</p><p> Guest Editor for Southeastern Naturalist – Association of Southeastern Biologists (May 2007 – present)  Elected Co-Chair Student Awards Committee - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (July 2007)  Selected to Award of Excellence Committee – American Fisheries Society (August 2006)  Selected to Meeting Resolutions Committee - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (July 2006)  Managing Editor for Proceedings of the Southeastern Fishes Council – Southeastern Fishes Council (July 2005 – July 2009)  Elected member of Nominating Committee - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (July 2004 – June 2005)  President - Southeastern Division of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (June 2003 – June 2004)  Vice President - Southeastern Division of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (June 2002 – June 2003)  Secretary-Treasurer - Southeastern Division of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (June 2001 – June 2002)</p><p>Public Service and Outreach</p><p> 2001 – Served on Lake Pontchartrain Conservation Area Planning Team (Nature Conservancy)  2001 to present – Served as Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Field Associate  2002 – Volunteered services/fisheries expertise in assessment of City Park fishery resources  2003 to 2004 – Served on Louisiana Governor’s Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force  2003 to 2004 – Advised Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation’s Artificial Reef Working Group  2004 – Volunteered to survey fish diversity on Nature Conservancy lands near Talisheek Bay  2004 – Member of Expert Team for Mississippi’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy  2004 – Lectured fourth-graders on Louisiana fishes at Louise S. McGehee School  2004 – Served as judge for Louisiana Board of Regents High School Science Fair, New Orleans  2004 to 2009 – Currently serving on Restoration of Bayou St. John Technical Subcommittee  2004 to 2009 – Currently serving on Restoration of Bayou St. John Education Subcommittee  2005 to 2009 – Currently serving on BTNEP Invasive Species Action Plan Team  2005 – Expert Member for Louisiana’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy  2006 – Served on CREST research pre-proposal review panel  2006 – Invited to review grant proposals for the NMFS Cooperative Research Program  2007 – Served on CREST research pre-proposal review panel  2007 – Served on Multiple Lines of Defense Assessment Team, Lake Pont. Basin Foundation  2007 – Elected to Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species  2007 – Appointed as UNO representative to the Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit  2007 – Served as judge for Louisiana Board of Regents High School Science Fair, New Orleans  2008 – Served on CREST research pre-proposal review panel  2008 – Served as a Louisiana Sea Grant Expert to answer public questions (  2008 – Appointed as Moderator Chair for Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council  2008 to 2010 – Served as scientific expert for the Bayou St. John Conservation Alliance  2009 – Provided expert fish identification for investigation by LDWF Enforcement  2009 – Invited to review grant proposals for the BTNEP Invasive Species Action Plan  2009 – Served as expert instructor for BTNEP Invasive Species Symposium and Teacher Workshop  2009 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2009 – Served as expert scientist for Sea Grant Non-indigenous Species Site (  2009 – Hosted outreach booth at Get to Know UNO  2009 – Hosted outreach booth at UNO Graduate School Open House  2010 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2010 – Interviewed by numerous news outlets regarding the Deepwater Horizon oil spill  2011 – Invited to review grant proposals for Maryland Sea Grant Program  2011 – Invited to review grant proposals for the BTNEP Invasive Species Action Plan  2011 – Served as member of the Dean’s Graduate Student Retention Committee  2012 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2013-2016 – Served as Faculty Advisor for the UNO Sportsman Club  2013 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2013-2017 – Served on UNO Research Council as PIES Representative  2013 – Served as scientific reviewer of Louisiana Wildlife Action Plan  2007-2016 – Served as UNO representative to the Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit  2014 – Lectured two classes of students at Morris Jeff Community School on environmental issues  2014 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2014 – Elected to serve as an at-large member of the UNO Hearings Committee Pool  2015 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2015 – Volunteered for a playground build at Morris Jeff Community School  2015 – Selected to serve on Local Meeting Committee for ASIH Annual Meeting in 2016  2015 – Served on Research and Graduate Council Subcommittee on Graduate Assistant Allocation  2016 – Hosted outreach booth on fishery issues at City Park Big Bass Rodeo  2016 – Invited to review grant proposals for the BTNEP Invasive Species Action Plan  2017 – Served on UNO Research Council’s Council on Centers and Institutes Subcommittee</p><p>Former Post-Doctoral Advisees (names – project titles)</p><p> Jason P. Turner – Stable isotope analysis of Lake Pontchartrain food web.  O. Thomas Lorenz – Assessing potential spread of a non-native tilapia.  William Stein – Conservation of Tarpon in the Gulf of Mexico.</p><p>Current Graduate Students (names – project titles)  Meghan Gahm (Ph.D. student) – Development of specialized Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) in small skimmer trawls, wing nets, and try nets.  Damon Morse (M.Sc. student) – Dispersion of the invasive Island Apple Snail (Pomacea spp.) in southeastern Louisiana.  Jeff Gearhart (Ph.D. student) – Development of Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) for the Louisiana skimmer trawl shrimp fishery.  Arnaud Kerisit (M.Sc. student) – Community composition of larval nekton in natural and artificial estuarine passes of Lake Pontchartrain.  Angela Williamson (M.Sc. student) – Conservation of the Louisiana pearlshell, Margaritifera hembeli.  Shane Abeare (Ph.D. student) – Fishery impacts on trophic connections in Madagascar coral reefs.</p><p>Former Graduate Students (names – project titles)  Geoffrey Udoff (M.Sc. student) – By-Catch Reduction through the Wing Trawling System; comparison to otter trawl doors. (Defended – April 2016)  Patrick Smith (Ph. D. student) – Redfish resource use in an urban fishery. (Defended – June 2015)  Rebecca Cope (M.Sc. student) – Effects of the closure of the MRGO on Lake Pontchartrain fishes. (Defended – August 2013)  William Stein (Ph.D. student) – Conservation of Tarpon in the Pontchartrain Basin. (Defended – April 2013)  Jonathan McKenzie (Ph.D. student) – Life history and movement of Lemon Sharks at the Chandeleur Islands. (Defended – April 2013)  Scott Eustis (M.Sc. student) – Assemblage composition of shrimp trawl bycatch. (Defended – November 2011)  Christopher Davis (M.Sc. student) – Lemon Shark diet at the Chandeleur Islands. (Defended – October 2010)  Sunny Brogan (M.Sc. student) – Red Drum habitat use in an urban fishery. (Defended – May 2010)  M. Chad Ellinwood (M.Sc. student) – Response and recovery of fish assemblages to hurricane impacts at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. (2008 CREST Scholar; Defended - December 2008)</p><p>Former Graduate Students Co-Advised in the Dept. of Bio. Sciences (names – project titles)</p><p> O. Thomas Lorenz (Ph.D. student) – Effects of interspecific competition, salinity, and hurricanes on the success of an invasive fish, the Rio Grande cichlid, Herichthys cyanoguttatus. (2007 Sigma Xi Research Award; Graduated – August 2008)  Lissa A. Lyncker (M.Sc. student) – Assessing essential habitat for larval and juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) using remote sensing data. (Graduated – August 2008)  Jeffrey M. Van Vrancken (M.Sc. student) – Changes in freshwater fish assemblages of Bayou Lacombe. (2007 CREST Scholar; Graduated - December 2007)  Kenneth G. Blanke (M.Sc. student) – Does diversity, abundance, and resilience of aquatic organisms differ among seagrass species at the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana? (ASIH Storer Award Winner, 2006; Graduated – May 2006)</p><p>Off-Campus Graduate Student Committees (names – project titles – university)</p><p> John P. Spaeth (M.Sc. student) – Competition and resource use among ecologically similar fish species in south Mississippi – University of Southern Mississippi (Graduated - December 2007)</p><p>Graduate Student Committees (names – project titles)</p><p> Louis D. Britsch (Ph.D. student) – Geomorphic development of the Atchafalaya Backwater Area (Graduated – December 2007)  Andrea Bourgeois-Calvin (Ph.D. student) – Relationship between land use and surface water quality in a rapidly developing watershed in southeast Louisiana (Graduated – December 2008)  Jennifer Blanchard (M.Sc. student) – Environmental analysis of the vegetation and habitat associated with Marshallia trinervia (Walter) Trel. broadleaf Barbara’s buttons (Graduated – December 2009)  Peter E. Tice (Ph.D. student) – Petrology and geochemical evolution of the East Hill Suite of the Mont Saint-Hilaire Alkaline Plutonic Complex. (Defended – June 2010)  Dawn Allenbach (Ph.D. student) – Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in fishes  Sachidananda Mishra (Ph.D. student) – Developing an approach to map the spatial distribution of cyanobacteria in Lake Pontchartrain  Robin Schroeder (M.Sc. student) – Modeling Bayou St. John hydrology (Defended – Dec. 2011).  Kristina Farragut (M.Sc. student) – Fish anesthetics under normoxic and hypoxic conditions (Defended – June 2016).  Alison Sleath Grzegorzewski (Ph.D. student) – Barrier islands: relative contributions to morphological response during storms in the Gulf Coast.  Tess Clapp (Ph.D. student) – Systematics of the genus Spartina.  John LaBold (M.Sc. student) – Geomorphology of Grand Terre Island.  John Burnette (M.Sc. student) – Assessment of hypoxia in Chandeleur Sound.  Courtney Babin (M.Sc. student) – Impacts of Chinese tallow on native flora.  Joshua Alarcon (M.Sc. student) – The link between shoreface morphology, overwash processes and barrier migration.  Brittany Kime (M.Sc. student) – Coastal sediment processes and sediment supply. </p><p>Undergraduate and High School Students Advised in Independent Research (names – project titles)</p><p> Christina Kemp – Life history aspects of the invasive Rio Grande cichlid  Daniel Sambola – Temperature responses of the Rio Grande cichlid in canals of the GNOMA  Jeffrey Van Vrancken – Spawning and salinity tolerance of the invasive Rio Grande cichlid  Cynthia Lagos – Assessment of fishing activity data from Lake Pontchartrain, 2000 - 2001  Mariel Lusco – Life history aspects of blue catfish occurring in estuarine habitats  Melanie Jackson – Preliminary assessment and computerization of the UNO Vertebrate Collection (Australian exchange student)  Brad O’Connell – Ecology of the green turtle; assessment of coastline and marine habitats (Australian exchange student)  Susan Griffee – Comparison of brown shrimp, white shrimp, and blue crab densities collected from the Biloxi Marshes and the Chandeleur Islands  Laura Alexander – Ecology and population density of the invasive monk parakeet in the GNOMA  Cassie O’Dell – Diet, parasite load, and other life history aspects of blue catfish in an urban fishery  Dannielle Grimes – Observations of invasive fish species and their behavior  Elia Cortez – Post-Katrina observations of squirrels in City Park  Angela Hernandez – Fish condition analyses of Bayou St. John fishes  Jessica Tingstrom – Fish condition analyses of fishes collected from City Park lagoons  Jen Sun (high school student) – Comparison of fish health among five Lake Pontchartrain localities  Caylie Sadin (high school student) – Cleaning behavior in Lucania parva and Cyprinodon variegatus  Jennifer Morgan Martin – Identification of Chandeleur Island larval fishes and invertebrates  Jamie Poland – Curation and management of Chandeleur Island larval fishes and invertebrates  Jennifer Lanier – Analysis of fishing activity data from post-Katrina Lake Pontchartrain  Ashley Norris – Mapping of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) movement in Bayou St. John  Erica Plaisance – Analysis of changes in abundances of freshwater fishes in City Park post- Katrina  Christopher Golden – Collection of creel data from commercial crabbers  Rebecca Hilburn – Assessment of late spawning temperatures for invasive Rio Grande cichlids  Derik Gonzales – Impacts of a non-native fish on Bayou St. John fish assemblages.  Arnaud Kerisit – Comparison of larval blue crab densities among Lake Pontchartrain passes.  Molly Steiner – Analysis of pre-Deepwater Horizon oil spill fishing activity data.  Krisztian Megyeri (Senior Honors Thesis) – The impact of Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed) on native prairie species in an early prairie restoration project.  David Day – Diet of the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus).  Anthony Armato – Tracking restored red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) movement in Bayou St. John.  Richard Rolf – External sex determination in invasive Rio Grande cichlids.  Tiffany Warner – Multivariate analyses of Bayou St. John fish assemblages.  Seth Watkins – Analysis of Bayou St. John fish condition indices.  Maiadah Bader – Recolonization of an ephemeral estuarine pond by nekton species.  Jennifer Olszewski – Multivariate analyses of Bayou St. John fish assemblages.  Rachel von Bodungen (Senior Thesis) – Filtration of waste discharge with coagulation aids.  Kathryn Langley – Analysis of water quality in Bayou St. John.  Lucy Green – Parasites in invasive lionfish.  Claire Caputo – Possible occurrence of bull sharks in ‘winter’ habitats of Lake Pontchartrain.  Chloe Roberts – Testing gear and bait types for collecting bull sharks for tagging purposes.  Matthew Santiago – Impact of ctenophores on zooplankton form Lake Pontchartrain passes.  Angie Denniston (COSURP Awardee) – Comparison of zooplankton densities among Lake Pontchartrain passes.  Iain Kelly – Blue crab prey choice for commercial trapping purposes.  Austin Collins (Senior Thesis) – Management of African game species.</p><p> Damon Morse (Senior Thesis) – Dispersion of Non-Native Channeled Apple Snails (Pomacea spp.) in Jefferson and Orleans Parishes, Louisiana. (2nd Place Award for Research Poster – Innovate UNO 2015 and 3rd Place Award for Student Poster – 36th Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society)  Kelly Whitaker – Assessing growth of organic plants with or without regular watering.  Sierra Riccobono – Threats to American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) populations.  Samuel Welty – Trap survey of Bayou Lacombe.  Lindsey Brown – Survey of fish assemblages associated with urban canals in Metairie, LA.  Benjamin Beasley (Senior Honors Thesis) – Does inundation occurrence effect habitat choice of Blackmouth Shiners (Notropis melanostomus)?  Derek Breaux – Local fisheries and coastal conservation.  Kenneth Bohnsack – Wading bird strike and success rates on estuarine fishes.  Sara Stewart – Bycatch mortality from “ghost traps” in estuarine habitats.  Ian Walsh – Recreational fishing activity on Bayou St. John.</p><p>References Department of Biology and Museum of Southwestern Biology, Dr. Robert C. Cashner MSC 03-2020, 1 University of New Mexico, Research Professor - Emeritus Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 Department of Biological Sciences email: [email protected] University of New Orleans phone: 505-277-3893 New Orleans, LA 70148 email: [email protected] Dr. Mark S. Peterson, Professor - Emeritus Department of Coastal Sciences Dr. Stephen T. Ross College of Marine Sciences Curator Emeritus of Fishes University of Southern Mississippi 703 East Beach Drive (39564) phone: 228-872-4203 P.O. Box 7000 email: [email protected] Ocean Springs, MS 39566-7000 </p>

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