<p>Research Output directly attributed to the IRT (period 2011 – April 2014)</p><p>Published articles</p><p>1. Abu Samra N, Jori F, Xiao L, Rikhotso O, Thompson PN (2013) Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium species at the wildlife/livestock interface of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36:295-302 2. Abu Samra N, Zhang H, Thompson PN, Jori F, Xiao L (2012) Enterocytozoon bieneusi at the wildlife/livestock interface of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Veterinary Parasitology 190:587-590 3. Aderogba, M.A., Kgatle, D.T., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N. 2012. Isolation of antioxidant constituents from Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum. South African Journal of Botany. 79, 125-131. 4. Adetunji, A.I., Khoza, S., De Kock, H.L. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013. Influence of sorghum grain type on physico-chemical and sensory quality in a whole grain and commercial enzyme mashing process. J. Inst. Brew Volume 119, Issue 3, pages 156–163. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.76/abstract 5. Ahmed, A.S., Elgorashi, E.E., Moodley, N. McGaw, L.J., Naidoo, V., Eloff, J.N. 2012. The antimicrobial, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory activity and cytotoxicity of different fractions of four South African Bauhinia species used traditionally to treat diarrhoea. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 143, 826-839. 6. Ahmed, A.S., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N. 2013. Evaluation of pharmacological activities, cytotoxicity and phenolic composition of four Maytenus species used in southern African traditional medicine to treat intestinal infections and diarrhoeal diseases. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 13, 100. 7. Alden, C., Schoeman, M., 2013. South Africa in the company of giants: The search for leadership in a transforming global order. International Affairs, 89(1): 111-129. 8. Amonsou, E.O. Taylor, J.R.N., Beukes, M. and Minnaar, A. 2012. Marama bean protein. Food Chern. 130:638-643. 9. Amonsou, E.O., Taylor, J.R.N. and Minnaar, A. 2013.Adhesive potential of marama bean protein. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 41:171-176. 10. Amonsou, E.O., Taylor, J.R.N., Emmambux, M.N., Duodu, K.G., and Minnaar, A. 2012. Highly viscous dough forming properties of marama protein. Food Chern. 134:1519-1526 .. 11. Amonsou, E.O., Taylor, J.R.N., Highly viscous dough forming properties of marama protein. 12. Anyango, J.O., Duneas, N., Taylor, J.R.N. and Taylor, J. 2012. Physicochemical modification of kafirin microparticles and their ability to bind Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2), for application as a biomaterial. J. Agric. Food Chern. 2012.60:8419-8426. 13. Anyango, J.O., Taylor, J.R.N. and Taylor, J. 2013. Role of γ-kafirin in the formation and organization of kafirin microstructures. J. Agric. Food Chem. 61: 10757-10765. 14. Apea Bah, F., Minnaar, A., Bester, M. J. and Duodu, K. G. (2014) Does a sorghum-cowpea composite porridge hold promise for contributing to alleviating oxidative stress? Food Chemistry 157, 157-166. 15. Arnot, L.F., Duncan, N.M., Coetzer, H., Botha, C.J., 2012. An outbreak of canine aflatoxicosis in Gauteng province, South Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 83(1): 1- 4a. 16. Bagla, V.P., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N. 2012. The antiviral activity of six South African plants traditionally used against infections in ethnoveterinary medicine. Veterinary Microbiology. 155, 198-206. 17. Bill, M., Sivakumar, D., Thompson, K. & Korsten, L. 2014. Avocado fruit quality management during the postharvest supply chain. Food Reviews International, 30(3): 169-202. DOI 1080/87559129.2014.90730. 18. Birkholtz, L.-M., Bornman, R., Focke, W ., Mulero, C. & De Jager, C. 2012. Sustainable malaria control: Transdisciplinary approaches for translational applications. Malaria Journal, 11, art. no. 431 19. Boeyens JCA, Deepak V, Chua W-H, Kruger MC, Joubert AM, Coetzee M. Effects of ω-3 and ω-6- polyunsaturated fatty acids on RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation of RAW264.7 cells: A comparative in vitro study. Nutrients 2014;6:2584-2601. 20.Booysen, L., Viljoen , A.T., Schönfeldt, H.C. 2013. A comparison of the eating quality of selected potato cultivars from two potato production regions in South Africa. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(3):509-516. 21. Botha, C.J., Lewis, A., du Plessis, E.G., Clift, S.J., Williams, M.C., 2012. Crotalariosis equorum ("jaagsiekte") in horses in southern Mozambique, a rare form of pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 24(6): 1099-1104. 22.Bouwman, H., Kylin, H., Sereda, B. & Bornman, R., 2012. High levels of DDT in breast milk: Intake, risk, lactation duration, and involvement of gender. Environmental Pollution, 170: 63- 70. 23.Bramley C (2013) Amendments to Regulate the Production and Sale of Beer and other Fermented Liquor Products. European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL), Country report, January 2013: 76-77. 24.Bramley C and Bienabe E 2012. Developments and considerations around geographical indications in the developing world. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, (2)1. 25.Brink, K., van Vuren, J. & Bornman, R., 2012. Responses of laboratory exposed catfish (Ciarias gariepinus) to environmentally relevant concentrations of p,p'-DDT. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 34(3): 919-925. 26.Chiremba, C., Siwela, M., Rooney, L.W. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013. Hardness changes and endosperm modification during sorghum malting in grains of varying hardness and malt quality. Cereal Chemistry 90:138-144. 27.Chiremba, C., Taylor, J.R.N., Rooney, L.W. and Beta, T. 2012. Phenolic acid content of sorghum and maize cultivars varying in hardness. Food Chern. 134:81-88. 28.De Cock, N., D'haese, M., Vink, N., Van Rooyen, C. J., Staelens, L., Schonfe Ldt, H. C., & D'haese, L. 2013. Food security in rural areas of Limpopo province, South Africa. Food Security; 5:269- 282. 29.DE COCK, N., D’HAESE, M., VINK, N., VAN ROOYEN, C. J., STAELENS, L., SCHöNFELDT, H. C., & D’HAESE, L. 2013. Food security in rural areas of Limpopo province, South Africa. Food Security; 5:269–282. 30.Dodgen, T.M., Hochfeld, W.E., Fickl, H., Asfaha, S.M., Durand!, C., Rheeder, P., Drogemoller, B.l., Wright, G.E.B., Warnich, L., Labuschagne, C.D.J., van Schalkwyk, A., Gaedigk, A., Pepper, M.S., 2013. Introduction of the AmpliChip CYP450 Test to a South African cohort: A platform comparative prospective cohort study. BMC Medical Genetics, 14(1), art. no. 20. 31. Du Toit, P., Naicker, L., Nortje, E., Kleynhans, M., Ferreira, R. & Gericke, G. (Accepted for October/November 2013). Determining a physical wellness indicator (Translated). Suid- Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 32(1): 770. Available at: <http://www.satnt.ac.za/index.php/satnt/article/view/770 32.Du Toit, P., Wood, P., Grant, CC., Nortje, E., Kleynhans, M., Fletcher, L., Krüger, PE., Joubert, AM., Kennedy, JJ., Ferreira, R., Van Schoor, A., Joubert, F. & Gericke, G. (Accepted for October/November 2013).A comparison between the cardio-stress indices of active and sedentary populations (Translated). Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 32(1): 769. Available at: <http://www.satnt.ac.za/index.php/satnt/article/view/769 33.Du Toit, PJ, Kruger, E, Govender, C, Henning, E, Kleynhans, M, Wood, PS, De Villiers, N, Van Rooyen, JM, Fletcher, L & Grant, CC. 2012. Cardiovascular health screening among South African students. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Supplement (March): 159-168. 34.Du Toit, PJ, Kruger, PE, Govender, C, Lawson, J, Kleynhans, M, Grobbelaar, C, Terblanche, HC, Wood, PS, Grant, CC & Hay, L. 2012. Initial assessment of well-being in South African armed services personnel. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Supplement (March): 144-156. 35.Duodu, K. G. (2014) Effects of processing on phenolic phytochemicals in cereals and legumes. Cereal Foods World 59 (2) 64-70. 36.Edema, M.O.,Emmambux, M.N. and Taylor J.R.N. 2013. Improvement of fonio dough properties through starch modification by sourdough fermentation. Starch/Stärke 65:730-737. 37.Emmambux, M.N. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013. Morphology, physical, chemical and functional properties of starches from cereals, legumes and tubers cultivated in Africa: A review. Starch/Stärke 65: 715-729. (invited review) 38.Emmambux, M.N., Duodu, K.G., and Minnaar, A. 2012. Food Chem. 134:1519-1526. 39.Esposito G., Irons P.C., Webb, E.C., Chapwanya A .. (2014) Interactions between negative energy balance, metabolic diseases, uterine health and immune response in transition dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 144: 60-71 40.Esposito G., Irons P.C., Webb, E.C., Chapwanya A.. (2014) Interactions between negative energy balance, metabolic diseases, uterine health and immune response in transition dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 144: 60-71 41. Fafetine JM, Paweska JT, Thompson PN, Neves L, Coetzer JAW, Rutten VPMG (2013) Serological evidence of Rift Valley fever virus circulation in sheep and goats in Zambézia Province, Mozambique. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7:e2065 42.Ferreira, R., Fraser, WJ., Botha, K., Cook, E., Du Toit, PJ. & Gericke, G. (Accepted for November 2013). Food practices and needs of resource-constrained communities as seen through the eyes of teachers (Translated). Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 32(1): 770. Available at: <http://www.satnt.ac.za/index.php/satnt/article/view/779. 43.Fosgate, G.T., Pelzer, I.M., Karzis, J., 2013. Sensitivity and specificity of a hand-held milk electrical conductivity meter compared to the California mastitis test for mastitis in dairy cattle. Veterinary Journal, 196(1):98-102 44.Gey van Pittius, N.C., Perrett, K.D., Michel, A.L., Keel, D.F., Hlokwe, T., Streicher, E.M., Warren, R.M., van Heiden, P.D., 2012. Infection of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) by oryx bacillus, a rare member of the antelope clade of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(4): 849-857. 45.Grootboom, A.W., Mkhonza, N.L., Mbambo, Z., O’Kennedy, M.M, Da Silva, L.S., Taylor, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Chikwamba, R. and Mehlo, L. (2014). Co-suppression of synthesis of major a- kafirin sub-class together with γ-kafirin-1 and γ-kafirin-2 required for substantially improved protein digestibility in transgenic sorghum. Plant Cell Rep. Plant Cell Reports 33 (3) , pp 521- 537DOI 10.1007/s00299-013-1556-5. 46.Hachibamba, T., Dykes, L., Awika, J. M., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K. G. (2013) Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of cooked cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) varieties. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48, 2638-2649. 47.Hall, N.G. & Schonfeldt, H.C. 2013. Total nitrogen vs amino-acid profile as indicator of protein content of beef. Food Chemistry. 140 (3): 608-612. 48.Hendriks SL (2013). South Africa's national development plan and new growth path: reflections on policy contradictions and implications for food security. Agrekon 52 (3): 1 –17. 49.Hendriks SL (2013). Will Renewed Attention and Investment in African Agriculture Ensure Sound Nutrition? European Journal of Development Research 25, 36-43. 50.Hendriks SL (2014). Food security in South Africa: Status quo and policy imperatives. Agrekon, 53 (2): 1 – 24. 51. Hikeezi, D.M., Duodu, K.G., Chisi, M., Rooney, L.W. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013. Polyphenol oxidase activity in white tan-plant type sorghums: An important determinant of the relatively dark colour of their porridges. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48:941- 946. 52.Hussain, Abdool Karim Ismail, Coetzee, N, Du Toit, P, Rudolph, E.C, Joubert, Y.T. towards gaining a competitive advantage: the relationship between burnout, job satisfaction, social support and mindfulness. Journal of Contemporary Management: 10: 448 – 464. 53.Jori F, Brahmbatt D, Fosgate GT, Thompson PN, Budke C, Ward M, Ferguson K, Gummow B (2011) A questionnaire-based evaluation of the veterinary cordon fence separating wildlife and livestock along the boundary of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 100:210-220 54.Kayitesi, E., de Kock, H. L., Minnaar, A. and Duodu K. G. (2012) Nutritional quality and antioxidant activity of marama–sorghum composite flours and porridges. Food Chemistry 131, 837-842. 55.Kayitesi, E., Duodu, K. G., Minnaar, A. & De Kock, H. L. 2013. Effect of micronisation of pre- conditioned cowpeas on cooking time and sensory properties of cooked cowpeas. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93, 838-845. 56.Kobue-Lekalake, R., Taylor, J.R.N. and De Kock, H.L. 2012. Application of the dual attribute time-intensity (DATI) sensory method to the temporal measurement of bitterness and astringency in sorghum. Int. J. Food Sci. Techno!. 47: 459-466. 57.Kruger, J., Oelofse, A. and Taylor J.R.N. 2014. Effects of aqueous soaking on the phytate and mineral contents and phytate:mineral ratios of wholegrain normal sorghum and maize and low phytate sorghum. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. August 2014, Vol. 65, No. 5 , Pages 539-546 doi:10.3109/09637486.2014.886182 58.Kruger, J., Oelofse, A. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2014.Effects of aqueous soaking on the phytate and mineral contents and phytate:mineral ratios of wholegrain normal sorghum and maize and low phytate sorghum. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr. 65:539-546 59.Kruger, J., Oelofse, A., Taylor, J. and Taylor J.R.N. 2012. Potential for improvement in yeast nutrition in raw whole grain sorghum and maize lager brewing and bioethanol production through grain genetic modification and phytase treatment.. J. lnst. Brew. 118: 70-75. 60.Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Oelofse, A. 2012. Effects of reducing phytate content in sorghum through genetic modification and fermentation on in vitro iron availability in whole grain porridges. Food Chem. 131: 220-224. 61. Kruger, J., Pina-Vardas, C., Vinis-Ndimba, R. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2014. J. Visualisation of the distribution in red non-tannin finger millet using PIXE microanalysis. Cereal Sci. 60:1-3. 62.Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Xiaogu, D., De Moura, F.F., Lonnerdal, B. and Oelofse, A. 2013. Effect of phytate reduction of sorghum, through genetic modification, on iron and zinc availability as assessed by an in vitro dialysability bioaccessibility assay, Caco-2 cell uptake assay, and suckling rat pup absorption model. Food Chemistry 141: 1019-1025 63.Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Xiaogu, D., De Moura, F.F., Lönnerdal, B. and Oelofse, A. 2013. Effect of phytate reduction of sorghum, through genetic modification, on iron and zinc availability as assessed by an in vitro dialysability bioaccessibility assay, Caco-2 cell uptake assay, and suckling rat pup absorption model. Food Chem. 141: 1019-1025. 64.Kruger, T., Barnhoorn, I, Jansen van Vuren, J. & Bornman, R., 2013. The use of the urogenital papillae of male feral African sharptooth catfish (Ciarias gariepinus) as indicator of exposure to estrogenic chemicals in two polluted dams in an urban nature reserve, Gauteng, South Africa. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 87: 98-107. 65.Kupolati, MD., MacIntyre, UE. & Gericke GJ. (2014). School-based nutrition education: features and challenges for success. Nutrition and Food Science, 44(6). 66.Kwinda, P.C., Van der Spuy, H.H. & Viljoen, A.T. 2011. Application of food-based dietary guidelines as nutrition strategy in crèches to enhance vitamin A consumption. Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Science, 39:56-67. 67.Leask R, Van Wyk JA, Thompson PN, Bath GF (2013) The effect of application of the FAMACHA© system on selected production parameters in sheep. Small Ruminant Research 110:1-8 68.Lindsey, P.A., Balme, G., Becker, M., Begg, C., Bento, C., Bocchino, C., Dickman, A., Diggle, R.W., Eves, H., Henschel, P., Lewis, D., Marnewick, K., Mattheus, J., Weldon McNutt, J., McRobb, R., Midlane, N., Milanzi, J., Morley, R., Murphree, M., Opyene, V., Phadima, J., Purchase, G., Rentsch, D., Roche, C., Shaw, J., Westhuizen, H.V.D., Vliet, N.V., Zisadza- Gandiwa, P., 2013. The bushmeat trade in African savannas: Impacts, drivers, and possible solutions. Biological Conservation, 160: 80-96. 69.Louw, P.J. & Korsten, L. 2014. Pathogenic Penicillium spp. on apples and pears. Plant Disease 98 (5): 590-598. 70.Maas, M., Michel, A.L., Rutten, V.P.M.G., 2012. Facts and dilemmas in diagnosis of tuberculosis in wildlife. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 211-342. 71. Mahlo, S.M., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N. 2013. Antifungal activity and cytotoxicity of isolated compounds from leaves of Breonadia salicina. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 148, 909-913. 72.Marama bean protein. Amonsou, E.O. Taylor, J.R.N., Beukes, M. and Minnaar, A. 2012. Food Chem. 130: 638-643. 73.Masevhe, N.A., Awouafack, M.D., Ahmed, A.S., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N. 2013. Clerodendrumic acid, a new triterpenoid from Clerodendrum glabrum (Verbenaceae) and antimicrobial activity of fractions and constituents. Helvetica Chimica Acta: 96 (9): 1693 – 1703. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hlca.v96.9/issuetoc. 74.Mawela, K.V., Kfir, R., Kruger, K., 2013. Effect of temperature and host species on parasitism, development time and sex ratio of the egg parasitoid Trichogrammatoidea lutea Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Biological Control, 64(3): 211-216. 75.McCrindle, C.M.E., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Heeb, A.W., Zarate, A.V., Ramrajh, S., 2013. Improving food security and safety through use of edible by-products from wild game. Environment, Development and Sustainability 15:1245 – 1257. 76.Métras R, Baguelin M, Edmunds WJ, Thompson PN, Kemp A, Pfeiffer DU, Collins LM, White RG (2013) Transmission potential of Rift Valley fever virus over the course of the 2010 epidemic in South Africa. Emerging Infectious Diseases 19:916-924 77.Métras R, Porphyre T, Pfeiffer DU, Kemp A, Thompson PN, Collins LM, White RG (2012) Exploratory space-time analyses of Rift Valley fever in South Africa in 2008-2011. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6:e1808 78.Meyer, L., Jacobs, R., Kotze, J.M., Truter, M. & Korsten, L., 2012. Detection and molecular identification protocols for Phyl/osticta citricarpa from citrus matter. South African Journal of Science, 108 (3-4), art. no. 602. 79.Mokoka, T.A., McGaw, L.J., Mdee, L.K., Bagla, V.P., Iwalewa, E.O., Eloff, J.N. 2013. Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of triterpenes isolated from leaves of Maytenus undata (Celastraceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 13, 111. 80.Mukandiwa L., McGaw L.J., Eloff J.N., Naidoo V. 2012. Extracts of four plant species used traditionally to treat myiasis, influence pupation rate, pupal mass and adult blowfly emergence of Lucilia cuprina and Chrysomya marginalis (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 143, 812-818. 81. Murray, T.Y., Mans, J., Taylor, M.B., 2013. Human calicivirus diversity in wastewater in South Africa. Journal of Applied Microbiology 114(6):1843-53 82.Murray, T.Y., Mans, J., van Zyl, W.B., Taylor, M.B., 2013. Application of a Competitive Internal Amplification Control for the Detection of Sapoviruses in Wastewater. Food and Environmental Virology, 5(1): 61-68. 83.Naicker Naude, Y., Rohwer, E.R., 2013. Investigating the coffee flavour in South African Pinotage wine using novel offline olfactometry and comprehensive gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A, 1271: 176-180. 84.Nderitu, A. M., Dykes, L., Awika, J. M., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K. G. (2013) Phenolic composition and inhibitory effect against oxidative DNA damage of cooked cowpeas as affected by simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry 141, 1763-1771. 85.Nderitu, A. M., Dykes, L., Awika, J. M., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K. G. (2013) Phenolic composition and inhibitory effect against oxidative DNA damage of cooked cowpeas as affected by simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry 141, 1763-1771. 86.Ngadze, E., Brady, C.L., Coutinho, T.A., van der Waals, J.E., 2012. Pectinolytic bacteria associated with potato soft rot and blackleg in South Africa and Zimbabwe. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 134 (3), pp. 533-549. 87.Ngidi, MS and Hendriks SL (2014). Coping with food insecurity in rural South Africa: The case of Jozini, KwaZulu-Natal. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences: 5 (25): 450 – 461. 88.Nleya, K., Minnaar, A. & De Kock, H. L. 2013. Relating physico-chemical properties of frozen green peas (Pisum sativum L.) with sensory quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6315 89.Nyakabau. T, Wokadala, O and Emmambux MN. .Effect of steeping additives on tef starch extraction and its quality. Starch/Stärke 2013: 65 738-746 90.Ocloo, C.K., Minnaar, A., Emmambux, N.M. 2014 Effects of gamma irradiation and stearic acid, alone and in combination, on functional, structural, and molecular characteristics of high amylose maize starch. Starch/Stärke 66: 624–635 91. Oguttu JW, Picard JA, Thompson PN (2012) Antimicrobial drug resistance among enterococci from broilers and poultry abattoir workers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 11:2261- 2267 92.Olaokun O.O., McGaw, L.J., Eloff, J.N., Naidoo, V. 2013. Evaluation of the inhibition of carbohydrate hydrolysing enzymes, antioxidant activity and polyphenolic content of extracts of ten African Ficus species (Moraceae) used traditionally to treat diabetes. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 13, 94. 93.Patzer, 1.-M., Karzis, J., Lesosky, M., Watermeyer, J.C., Badenhorst, R., 2013. Host adapted intramammary infections in pregnant heifers which were co-housed and reared on fresh milk as calves. BMC Veterinary Research, 9, art. no. 49. 94.Patzer, 1.-M., Karzis, J., van der Schans, T.J., Watermeyer, J.C., Mitchell-lnnes, N., Eloff, S., Fosgate, G.T., 2012. Comparing effects of freezing at -196 •c and -20 •con the viability of mastitis pathogens. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 79(1): 1-6. 95.Pienaar NJ, Thompson PN (2013) Temporal and spatial history of Rift Valley fever in South Africa. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 80:1-13 96.Prakash, V. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2012. Cereal food technologies- India and Africa trends and the need for collaborative and networking programmes. Qual. Assur. Safety Crop. Food. 4:134- 135. 97.Prenter, J., Weldon, C. W. and Taylor, P. W. 2013. Activity patterns of aging Queensland fruit flies. Physiological Entomology 35: 148-153 98.Prenter, J., Weldon, C. W. and Taylor, P. W. 2013. Activity patterns of aging Queensland fruit flies. Physiological Entomology 35: 148-153 99.Richards, M., De Kock, H. L., Duodu, K. G. and Buys, E. M. (2014) The effect of legume protease inhibitors on native milk and bacterial proteases. LWT – Food Science and Technology 57, 628-633. 100. Salawu, S. O., Bester, M. J. and Duodu, K. G. (2014) Phenolic composition and bioactive properties of cell wall preparations and whole grains of selected cereals and legumes. Journal of Food Biochemistry 38, 62-72. 101. Scagliarini, A., Piovesana, S., Turrini, F., Savini, F., Sithole, F., McCrindle, C.M., 2012. Orf in South Africa: Endemic but neglected. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 79(1): 1-8. 102. Sholtz, M.; Schönfeldt, H.C. & SCHUTTE, G.M. 2014 Research and development on climate change and greenhouse gasses in support of a vibrant livestock industry. South African Journal of Animal Science. South African Journal of Animal Science, 44 (5) (Supplement 1):s1-s7 103. SCHöNFELDT H.C., HALL, N.G. 2012. Consumer Education on the Health Benefits of Red Meat – a Multidisciplinary approach. Food Research International 47:2, p152 – 155. 104. SCHöNFELDT, H.C. & HALL, N.G. 2012. Dietary protein quality and malnutrition in Africa. British Journal of Nutrition 108, s69-s76. 105. Schonfeldt, H.C. & Pretorius, B. 2013. Fish, chicken, lean meat or eggs can be eaten daily. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 26 (3) 9Supplement): 566 – 576. 106. Schönfeldt, H.C., Pretorius, B. & Hall, N. 2013. The impact of animal source food products on human nutrition and health. South African Journal of Animal Science, 41 (3): 394-412. 107. Schonfeldt, H.C.; Hall, N & Bester,M.2013. Relevance of food-based dietary guidelines to food security: A South African perspective. Nutrition Bulletin, 38 (2):226-235 108. Schonfeldt,H.C & Hall, N.G. 2013. Capacity building in food composition for Africa. Food Chemistry 140: 513-519. 109. Sellamuthu, P.S., Sivakumar, D., Soundy, P. & KarstenKorsten, L., 2013. Essential oil vapours suppress the development of anthracnose and enhance defence related and antioxidant enzyme activities in avocado fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 81: 66-72. 110. Serem JC, Gaspar ARM, Taute H and Bester MJ (2012) Effect of gastrointestinal digestion on the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of southern Africa honey. Polyphenol Communications 595-596, 2012 (Proceedings of the International Polyphenol Conference held in Florence, Italy) 111. Serem, J.C. and Bester, M.J. (2012) Physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity and cellular protective effects of honeys from Southern Africa. Food Chemistry 133, 1544-1550 112. Shelembe, J. S., Cromarty, D., Bester, M. J., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K. G. (2014) Effect of acidic condition on phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of aqueous extracts from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) bran. Journal of Food Biochemistry 38, 110-118. 113. Shelembe, J.S. Cromarty, D. Bester, M.J. Minnaar, A. & Duodu, K.G. 2012. Characterisation of phenolic acids, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant activity of water extracts from seed coats of marama bean (Tylosema esculentum] - an underutilised food legume. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 47, 648-655. 114. Shelembe, J.S., Cromarty, D., Bester, M., Minnaar, A., Duodu, K.G., 2012. Characterization of phenolic compounds in aqueous extracts from seed coats of marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) South African Journal of Botany 79, 212-212. 115. Shoko, T., Apostolides, Z., Monjerezi, M. & Saka, J.D.K., 2013. Volatile constituents of fruit pulp of Strychnos cocculoides (Baker) growing in Malawi using solid phase microextraction. South African Journal of Botany, 84: 11-12. 116. Sly, A.C., Taylor, J. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2014.Improvement of zein dough characteristics using dilute organic acids. J. Cereal Sci. 60:157-163. 117. Standing, TA, du Plessis, E, Duvenage S and Korsten L. 2013. Internalisation potential of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica serovar Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus in lettuce seedlings and mature plants Published in Journal of Water and Health, Volume 11.2, page 210-223. 118. Taylor, J. R. N., Belton, P. S., Beta, T. and Duodu, K.G. (2014) Review: Increasing the utilization of sorghum, millets and pseudocereals: Developments in the science of their phenolic phytochemicals, biofortification and protein functionality. Journal of Cereal Science 59, 257-275. 119. Taylor, J., Anyango, A.O. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013.Developments in the science of zein, kafirin and gluten protein bio-plastic materials. Cereal Chem. 90: 344-357. (invited review) 120. Taylor, J., Taylor, J.R.N. and Kini, F. 2012. Cereal biofortification: Strategies, challenges and benefits. Cereal Foods World 57: 165-169. 121. Taylor, J.R.N. and Duodu, K.G. 2014. Effects of processing sorghum and millets on their phenolic phytochemicals and the implications of this to the health-enhancing properties of sorghum and millet food and beverage products. J. Sci. Food Agric. 2014, DOI 10.1002/jsfa.6713 (invited review) 122. Taylor, J.R.N., Dlamini, B.C. and Kruger, J. 2013. 125th Anniversary Review: The science of the tropical cereals sorghum, maize and rice in relation to lager beer brewing (invited review). J. Inst. Brew. 119:1-14. 123. Tshabalala, P.A., de Kock, H.L. & Buys, E.M., 2012. Survival of Escherichia co/i0157:H7 co cultured with different levels of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Lactobacillus plan/arum on fresh beef. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 43(4): 1406-1413. 124. Uaciquete, A., Korsten, L. & Van der Waals, J.E., 2013. Epidemiology of cashew anthracnose (Col/elo/richum gloeosporioides Penz.)in Mozambique. Crop Protection 49: 66- 72.. 125. Uaciquete, A., Korsten, L. & Vander Waals, J.E., 2013. A search for anthracnose resistant cashew cultivars in Mozambique. Crop Protection 50: 6-11. 126. Uys JF, Lourens DC, Thompson PN (2011) The effect of unrestricted milk feeding on the growth and health of Jersey calves. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 82:47- 52 127. Van Breda, S.V., van der Merwe, C.F., Robbertse, H. & Apostolides, Z., 2013. Immunohistochemical localization of caffeine in young Camellia sinensis (L.) 0. Kuntze (tea) leaves. Plan/a, 237(3): 849-858. 128. Van der Merwe, V., Collignon, S. & Korsten, L., 2013. Comparison of biofilm formation and water quality when water from different sources was stored in large commercial water storage tanks. Journal of water and Health 11 (1): 30 – 40. 129. Van der Waals, J.E., Kruger, K., Franke, A.C., Haverkorl, A.J., Sleyn, J.M., 2013. Climate Change and Potato Production in Contrasting South African Agro-Ecosyslems 3. Effects on Relative Development Rates of Selected Pathogens and Pests. Potato Research (2013) 56:67–84. DOI 10.1007/s11540-013-9231-3 130. Van Eeden, M. & Korsten, L. 2013. Adaptation of Biological Disease Control Programs for the Avocado Industry in South Africa. Crop Protection 50: 6-11. 131. Van Eeden, M. & Korsten, L., 2013. Alternative Disease Assessment Method for Cercospora Spol (Pseudocercospora purpurea (Cooke) Deighton) of Avocado (Persea americana Mill.). Current Biotechnology 2, 106-113 132. Van Heerden, I & Schonfeldt HC. 2011. The Lack of Food Intake Data and the Consequences Thereof. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24( 1), 10-18. 133. Wenhold, F., Macintyre, U., Rheeder, P., 2012. Screening for dietary fat intake of grade six children: Self-assessment vs. maternal assessment. Maternal and Child Nutrition Volume 10, Issue 4, pages 630–641. 134. Wokadala ,OC , Nyakabau, T, Hall AN and Emmambux, MN. Effect of steeping additives on teff starch structure and pasting properties. Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Proceedings 2012: 42 8.</p><p>Papers accepted for publication (in press):</p><p>1. Bill, M., Sivakumar, D., Thompson, K.A. & Korsten, L. Efficacy of the combined application of edible coatings and thyme oil to control anthracnose in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) during postharvest storage. Crop Protection. In press. 2. Du Plessis, E.M., Duvenage, F. & Korsten, L. Determining the potential link between irrigation water quality and microbiological quality of onions by genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Escherichia coli isolates. J. Food Protection. In Press. 3. Du Toit, PJ., Rudolph, EC., Joubert, YT., Coetzee, N., Krüger, E., Fraser, WJ. & Ferreira, R. Cardiovascular health risk among university students (Career counseling). South African Journal of Natural Sciences and Technology (accepted). 4. Du Toit, PJ., St Clair Gibson, A., Wood, P., Grant, CC., Grimes, KR., Tope, AM., Janse van Rensburg, C., Van Rooyen, JM., Mckune, A., Nortje, E., Fletcher, L., Ferreira, R., Joubert, A. & Stander, A. The influence of an intense training program on cardio stress index among armed services recruits. South African Journal of Natural Sciences and Technology (accepted). 5. Falade, A.T., Emmambux, M.N., Buys, E.M. and Taylor, J.R.N. Improvement of maize bread quality through modification of dough rheological properties by lactic acid bacteria fermentation. Journal of Cereal Science. 6. Grant, CC., Janse van Rensburg, DC., Fletcher, L., Wood, P., Ker, J., Nolte, K., du Toit, P., Pepper, M., Kruger, PE. & Grant, TC. Accuracy of a health related fitness index measured outside the laboratory. The South African Family Practice (accepted). 7. Hendriks SL and Olivier NJJ (2015). Review of the South African Agricultural Legislative Framework: Food Security Implications. Paper accepted for publication 29 October 2014 in Development Southern Africa. 8. Kruger, J., Minnis-Ndimba, R., Mtshali, C., Minnaar, A. Novel in situ evaluation of the role minerals play in the development of the hard-to-cook (HTC) defect of cowpeas and its effect on the in vitro mineral bioaccessibility. Food Chemistry (accepted) 9. Louw, J.P. & Korsten, L. Pathogenic Penicillium spp. on citrus. Plant Disease. In press. 10. Matthew Aijuka, George Charimba, Celia Hugo and Elna. M Buys. Characterization of bacterial pathogens in rural and urban irrigation water. Journal of Water and Health. Accepted DOI:10.2166/vh.2014.228. 11. Mills, CE., Coetzee, N., Nortjé, E., Kleynhans, M., Ferreira, R., Fraser, WJ. & Du Toit, P. The effect of emotional state on the learning of visual skills. South African Journal of Natural Sciences and Technology (accepted). 12. Muoki, P, Kinnear, M., Emmambux, M. N. and DeKock, H.L. Effect of soy flour addition on sensory quality of extrusion and conventionally cooked cassava complementary porridges. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 13. Naicker, LA., Nortje, E., Kleynhans, M., Stander, A., Ferreira, R., van Schoor, A. & Du Toit, PJ. An Evaluation of wellness state among medical-aid company employees in South Africa. South African Journal of Natural Sciences and Technology (accepted). 14. Taylor, JRN and Duodu, KG (2014) Effects of processing sorghum and millets on their phenolic phytochemicals and the implications of this to the health-enhancing properties of sorghum and millet food and beverage products. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.6713 15. Wokadala OC, Emmambux, N.M. and Ray, S.S. Inducing PLA/starch compatibility through butyl-etherification of waxy and high amylose starch. Carbohydrate Polymers </p><p>Patents:</p><p>Patent Cooperation Treaty Application 2010. WO 2010/041203 A1 Process for Producing Protein Microparticles, University of Pretoria, inventors J. Taylor and J.R.N. Taylor. Now granted or at the National Phase in 8 countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Europe, India, South Africa and the United States.</p><p>Books</p><p>Ms Bramley is co-editor of the book "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience'.. The book will be published by Springer Publications. Publication to be released end May 2013.</p><p>Schönfeldt, H.C & Hall, N. 2012. Red meat in Nutrition and Health - Communicating the current science about red meat as part of a healthy South African diet. University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. ISBN: 978-1-86854-992-4. </p><p>Book Chapters 1. Bramley C and Bienabe E. (2013). Guidelines for selecting Gl products. To be included in "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience' ". Springer. 2. Bramley C. Bienabe, E and Kirsten J. (2013). Why consider Gls in the "South"? To be included in "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience'". Springer. 3. Bramley, C, Marie-Vivien,D and Bienabe E. (2013). Designing an appropriate legal framework and governance system for Gl development in Southern countries: reflections based on the Southern African context. To be included in "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience' ". Springer. 4. Coetzee, N. (2013). Ethical perspectives in assessment. In S. Laher & K. Cockcroft (Eds.) Psychological Assessment in South Africa: Research and Applications (pp. 409-423). Johannesburg: Wits University Press. 5. Duodu, K.G. and Taylor J.R.N. 2012. Quality of breads made with non-wheat flours .. In "Breadmaking: Improving Quality" (S. Cauvain, ed), Woodhead Publishing, Abington, UK , pp. 754-782. 6. Kirsten J, Bramley C and Bienabe E. (2013). Collective action dynamics in establishing and maintaining product reputation. To be included in "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience' Springer. 7. Kirsten, JF, Bramley C and Bienabe E. (2013). Private versus public quality schemes: insights from the Karakul and Camdeboo industries. To be included in "Developing Geographical indications in the South: The Southern African Experience' . Springer. 8. Korsten, L. & Taverner, P. Chapter 4. Citrus. Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology. Edited by D. Rees, G. Farrell and J. Orchard. Blackwell Publishing. In Press. 9. Korsten, L. 2013. Assessing the Safety of Water Used in the Production and Processing of Fresh and Minimally Processed Produce. ILSI Publication. Chapter 3: The Behaviour of Microbial Hazards in the Production-Processing Environment 10. Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Ch. 13: Prebiotics, Probiotics, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, and Bone Health. In: Nutritional Influences on Bone Health. P Burckhardt et al. (eds) DOI10.1007/978- 1-4471-2769-7_13. Springer-Verlag London 2013. P133-145. 11. Schönfeldt H.C., Pretorius B. & Hall, N. 2013. Chapter: Focusing on South Africa's Public Health Economics. In : Wolhuter, C.C. (ed). South Africa in Focus: Economic, Political and Social Issues. Nova Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-62618-582-1 12. Schönfeldt, H.C. & Hall, N. 2013. Chapter: The Quality of Dietary Protein in Africa. In: Meat Consumption and Health. Nova Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-62257-898-6 13. Sivakumar D. & Korsten, L. 2013. An overview on litchi fruit quality and alternative postharvest treatments based on modified atmosphere packaging to replace sulfur dioxide fumigation for small scale litchi growers. 14. Hendriks SL and McIntyre A (2014). Between Markets and Masses: Food Assistance and Food Banks in South Africa. In: First World Hunger Revisited. Graham Riches and Tina Silvasti. Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire. P 117 – 130. </p><p>Policy Briefs</p><p>Bienabe E and Bramley C. A National Marketing Council Policy Brief was prepared in conclusion of the project entitled: "Exploring the impact of local alternative food quality dynamics on small scale farmers' access to markets".</p><p>Bramley C. The G20 Food Security Agenda: Measures for strengthening its impact on food security in Africa. Policy brief prepared for the South Africa Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA) in conclusion of the "Global Economic Governance "project. Resnick, D., Babu, S., Haggblade, S., Hendriks, SL. and Mather , D. (2014). Conceptualising drivers of change for improved agriculture and nutrition policies. Policy Brief. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. Michigan State University, International Food Policy research Institute and University of Pretoria. </p><p>Commissioned report for the Academy of Science of South Africa</p><p>J Kruger and JRN Taylor, February 2014 “Highlighting the relevance of the ASSAF consensus report on “improved nutritional assessment of micronutrients (july 2013)” for food security and placing it within the context of the food security debate” </p><p>Popular media (radio interviews, M&G articles, newspaper articles, opt-eds, magazines, TV etc.)</p><p>“Tukkies has recipe for success to beat malnutrition” Pretoria News article, 2 June 2014</p><p>“New Science Biscuit Tested” The Mamelodi Voice article, Winter 2014</p><p>“A ready to eat twist to old grains”, by Nokuthula Vilakati, Mail and Guardian, 22 Aug 2014</p><p>Du Plessis, E.M. and Korsten, L. 2014. Linking water quality and microbiological safety of fruit and vegetables from the farm to the market. South African Food Science Technology (FST) Magazine.</p><p>Dzingirayi G. and Korsten, L. 2014. Food safety and quality assurance in the mushroom industry. The Spawn Run, September 2014.</p><p>BEELD newspaper: http://www.beeld.com/sport/2014-07-19-voorspelers-vaardig-fiks </p><p>Die BURGER: http://www.dieburger.com/nuus/2014-08-29-di-slaappil-help-glo-vir-breinskade</p><p>Mail and Guardian: http://mg.co.za/article/2014-08-18-the-sleeping-pill-that-wakes-up-damaged-brains</p><p>Mail and Guardian: Editorial, http://mg.co.za/article/2014-08-15-making-science-sexy-for-everyone Mail and Guardian: The whole supplement, http://mg.co.za/report/science-voices-1 </p><p>Conference papers presented at international conferences</p><p>1. JRN Taylor, Janet Taylor, J Kruger and LS da Silva BIOFORTIFICATION OF CEREAL GRAINS FOR IMPROVED NUTRITION IN AFRICA: STRATEGIES, BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES. South African Association for Food Science and Technology Congress, Pretoria, 2013, (invited paper) 2. JRN Taylor, Janet Taylor, J Kruger and LS da Silva BIOFORTIFICATION OF SORGHUM GRAIN- IMPACTS ON NUTRITIONAL AND FUNCTIONAL QUALITY. International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, Australia Conference, 2013, (invited paper) 3. Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Lönnerdal, B., Oelofse, A. BIOFORTIFICATION OF SORGHUM TO INCREASE IRON AND ZINC AVAILABILITY. Biofortification CCNFSDU Round Table Discussion, Pretoria, South Africa, 6 March 2014, (Invited presentation) 4. BIOFORTIFICATION OF STAPLE FOOD CROPS IN AFRICA - FOCUS ON CEREALS. Southern African Plant Breeding Association Conference, Bloemfontein, 2014, (invited keynote paper) 5. JRN Taylor Botha, K. Developing a health promoting intervention in support of Grade 4-6 learners in a resource-constrained community. International Conference on of Learning, 14- 17 July 2014, New York City. 6. Botha, K., Ferreira, R. & Cook, E. Teachers' perceptions of the food consumption practices and needs of a resource-constrained community. Research Indaba, University of Pretoria, Faculty of Education, 9 October 2014. 7. Botha, K., Ferreira, R. & Fraser, W. Developing an interdisciplinary health-promoting intervention in support of a South African resource-constrained community. Research Indaba, University of Pretoria, Faculty of Education, 9 October 2014. 8. Botha, K., Ferreira, R., Fraser, W. & Du Toit, P. Developing an interdisciplinary health- promoting intervention in support of Grade 4-6 learners in a resource-constrained community. ASSAf 4th Annual South African Young Scientists’ Conference, 14 -16 October 2014, Pretoria. 9. Taylor, J. and Taylor J.R.N. 2013.Cereal prolamin bioplastic materials: What is preventing the commercialisation of these natural polymers? SAAFoST 2013 International Congress, Pretoria Invited speaker.</p><p>Conference papers at local conferences 1. JRN Taylor, Developments in Improving the Quality of Gluten-free Bread Made from Non- wheat Cereals through Modification of their Starch and Protein Properties. IUFoST Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 2014, Invited Keynote Paper 2. Du Toit, P.J., Ferreira, R., Fraser, W., Gericke, G. & Botha, K. Schools as sites for social change: Applying the TEARS principle. International Conference on Learning, 14-17 July 2014, New York City. 3. Duodu, K.G. In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models of bioactive properties of grain phenolics. Oral presentation at the International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 2014 Annual Conference and Exhibition, 14 – 17 October 2014, Istanbul, Turkey 4. Duodu, K.G. Overview of the effect of processing on non-nutritive phytochemicals in grains and implications for the health food market. Oral presentation at American Association of Cereal Chemists International (AACCI) 2013 Annual Meeting, 29 September – 2 October 2013, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 5. Duodu, K.G. Phenolic composition and bioactive properties of marama bean, cowpea and sorghum: Implications for potential food uses. Oral presentation at the South African PlantLibra Symposium, 5 March 2014, Pretoria, South Africa 6. Duodu, K.G. Research progress on the role of bioactive compounds in indigenous South African foods in combating chronic life-style diseases. Oral presentation at the IFNuW Nutrition Symposium, 31 May 2013, University of Pretoria, South Africa 7. Duodu, K.G., Kayitesi, E., Shelembe, J.S., de Kock, H.L., Cromarty, D., Bester, M.J. and Minnaar, A. Phenolic compounds and bioactive properties of marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) – Implications for potential food uses. Oral presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 8. Ebersohn, R., Van Schoor, A., Du Toit, P.J., Suleman, F. & Velleman, M.D. X-Ray or MRI for pre-operative graft length determination? 42nd Annual Conference of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa, 13-16 April 2014, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. 9. Esposito G., Chapwanya A., Webb E.C., Irons P.C. (2013). Effect of negative energy balance on productivity, uterine and metabolic health of periparturient dairy cows in a South African zero grazing system. Livestock Health and Production Group Congress. Proceedings 2013 (Oral presentation) 10. Esposito G., Chapwanya A., Webb E.C., Irons P.C. (2013). Uterine and metabolic health and productivity of periparturient dairy cows in induced negative energy balance status. (oral presentation) 46'h SASAS congress 23-26 June 2013 11. Esposito G., Chapwanya A., Webb E.C., Irons, P.C. (2014). Possible markers of uterine and metabolic health in transition dairy cows. (Oral presentation). ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, Kansas City, USA 20-27 July 12. Ferreira, R., Fraser, W., Botha, K., Du Toit, P.J. & Gericke, G. Teachers and parent’s voices as building blocks of a health promoting intervention in a vulnerable community. International Conference on Learning, 14-17 July 2014, New York City. 13. HALL, N & SCHöNFELDT H.C. 2013.: Changes in the nutrient content of South African red meat. SAAFECS 11the International Conference and the 6th IFHE Africa Regional Conference. 27 February – 1 March 2013. St Georges hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. 14. Hall, N., Schönfeldt, H.C. Pretorius, B. 2014. The fatty acid composition of South African beef: grass fed vs. grain fed. Johannesburg. The 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 13th congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa. 16-19 September 2014. 15. Jansen van Rijssen, W., Korsten, L., Naidoo, V. and Eloff, K. 2014. The South African bio- economy strategy: The toxicologist’s dilemma. 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 10-14 August 2014. 16. Kafirin and Zein bioplastic materials: Properties, Problems and Potential. Taylor, J. Anyango, J.O. Links, M and Taylor, J.R.N. 2013. ICC Conference 2013 In association with the 63rd Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Freemantle, Australia. 17. Kasonga AE, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. In vitro effects of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014; Congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Pretoria, September 2013. 18. Korsten, L. 2014. A different look on food schemes (invited keynote speaker). ISO CASCO 30th Plenary meeting and workshop 24- 26 September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland. 19. Korsten, L. 2014. A different look on food schemes. 30th ISO Committee on conformity Assessment (CASCO) Plenary and Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, 26 September 2014. Keynote speaker. 20.Korsten, L. 2014. Food safety standards and compliance. Workshop for small scale farmers for sustainable fresh produce production and value-adding. Postharvest Technology Workshop. Pretoria, 28-29 October 2014. 21. Korsten, L. 2014. Linking urban and village agricultural economies for sustainable food security. Indicative programme of round table on Urban Economies, Village Economies and Agriculture. ARC, Pretoria, 7 November 2014. 22.Korsten, L. 2014. Mushroom health and safety and food safety compliance status for the SA Mushroom industry. SAMFA Conference, Kleine Zalze, Stellenbosch 27-28 May 2014. 23.Korsten, L. 2014. Risks of microbial contamination of food/feed commodities which may also have negative impact on trade. Workshop organised by DAFF. ARC VOPI Roodeplaat, 30 July 2014. 24.Kupolati, MD., MacIntyre, UE. & Gericke, GJ. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of learners and teachers in primary schools in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa. 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa & 13th Congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa, September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. 25.Nanoscale systems from cereal starches for improved nutrition and functionality. MN Emmambux. IUFoST Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 2014, Invited Paper 26.Pretorius, B. & Schonfeldt, H.C. 2013. Analytical Heme Iron values vs. Estimated values for South African Lean Meat. 10th International Food database Conference September, 12-14, 2013. Spain, Granada. 27.Johanita Kruger, Andrè Oelofse and John Taylor REDUCTION IN PHYTATE CONTENT DOES NOT GUARANTEE INCREASED IRON AVAILABILITY IN STAPLE GRAINS – NON- CLINICAL ASSAYS. Nutrition congress, Johannesburg, 2014,. 28.SCHöNFELDT, H.C. & MCLACHLAN, M. Country profile: South Africa - an academic perspective. Meeting of the Minds - On Nutrition Impact of Food Systems. Geneva, 25-28 March 2013. Invited speaker. 29.SCHöNFELDT, H.C. UNSCN: Meeting of the Minds - On Nutrition Impact of Food Systems. Geneva, 25-28 March 2013. Invited participant and Moderator. 30.Schönfeldt, H.C., Hall, N. & Pretorius, B. 2014. South Africa food composition database and its application. The 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 13th congress of the association for dietetics in South Africa. 16-19 September 2014. 31. Starch modification with stearic acid for ‘clean label staches’. MN Emmambux. 65th Starch Convention April 09th–10th 2014, Detmold, Germany. Invited paper. 32.Taaljaard, I. & Schönfeldt, H.C. 2014 Consumer perception of and purchase and usage behaviour towards red meat. The 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 13th congress of the association for dietetics in South Africa. 16-19 September 2014. 33.Johanita Kruger, Roya Minnis-Ndimba, Christopher Mtshali, Amanda Minnaar, John Taylor, Carlos Pineda-Vargas THE POTENTIAL OF IN SITU ELEMENTAL MAPS TO IMPROVE MINERAL NUTRITIVE VALUE OF GRAINS, Nutrition congress, Johannesburg, 2014.. 34.Vermeulen, H. & Schönfeldt, H.C. 2014. Food consumption patterns in South Africa – What can we learn from household-level expenditure data? Johannesburg. The 25th Congress of the Nutrition of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 13th congress of Association for Dietetics in South Africa. 16-19 September 2014. 35.Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Lönnerdal, B., Oelofse, A. WHICH COMMONLY USED ASSAYS ARE BEST SUITED TO MEASURE THE EFFECT OF PHYTATE REDUCTION ON THE IRON AVAILABILITY IN SORGHUM. 20thSAAFoST Biennial International Congress, Pretoria, 2013.</p><p>Posters presented at international conferences</p><p>1. Adelakun, O.E. and Duodu, K.G. Effect of simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of a sorghum-cowpea composite porridge. Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 2. Adetunji, A.I., Duodu, K.G. and Taylor, J.R.N. Development of methodology for inactivating condensed tannins in sorghum flour. Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 3. Apea Bah, F.B., Minnaar, A., Bester, M.J. and Duodu, K.G. Does sorghum-cowpea composite porridge hold promise for alleviating oxidative stress? Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 4. BESTER, M., SCHöNFELDT, H.C., PRETORIUS, B. & HALL, N. 2013. Physical composition of South African takeaways. 10th International Food database Conference September, 12 – 14, 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 5. Bester, M., Schönfeldt,H.C.. Pretorius, B. and Hall, N. 2013. Physical composition of South African takeaways, 20th SAAFOST Biennial International Congress. 7-9 October 2013, CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. Poster 6. Du Plessis, I., Taylor, J.R.N. and Duodu, K.G. Effect of flavonoids in the bran of white maize and white and red non-tannin sorghum on the activity of porcine pancreatic α-amylase. Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 7. Du Plooy, Z., Schönfeldt,H.C. and Hall, N. Vermeulen, H. 2013. A perspective on health benefit claims as related to dairy products. 20th SAAFOST Biennial International Congress. 7- 9 October 2013, CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria, south Africa. Poster 8. Hachibamba, T., Dykes, L., Awika, J.M., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K.G. Effect of cooking and simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of cooked cowpeas. Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 9. Kasonga A, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid inhibit osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes, in vitro. Presented at the European Calcified Tissue Society Conference ECTS 2014, Prague, Czech Republic. Bone Abstracts Vol 3, PP159 (doi: 10.1530/boneabs.3.PP159). 10. Kayitesi, E., De Kock, H.L., Duodu K.G and Minnaar, A., 2012. Effects of micronisation on cowpea phenolic compounds and potential health promoting properties. Poster presentation at Global Pulse Researchers Meeting 2012, Kigali, Rwanda "Transforming Grain-Legume Systems to Enhance Nutrition and Livelihoods" 11. Kruger, J., Taylor, J.R.N., Lönnerdal, B., Oelofse, A. Genetically reduced phytate staple cereal grains to increase iron intake in sub-Saharan Africa – the case of sorghum20th International Union of Nutrition Sciences – International Nutrition Congress (IUNS-ICN), 15-20 September 2013, Granada, Spain (Poster) 12. Nderitu, A.M., Dykes, L., Awika, J.M., Minnaar, A. and Duodu, K.G. Phenolic composition and inhibitory effect against oxidative DNA damage of cooked cowpeas as affected by in vitro upper gastrointestinal digestion. Poster presentation at the 20th Biennial International Congress and Exhibition of the South African Association for Food Science and Technology, 7 – 9 October 2013, Pretoria, South Africa 13. PRETORIUS, B. & SCHöNFELDT, H.C. & Hall, N. 2012. Relative biovailability of iron of South African lean meat (beef, lamb, pork and chicken). Nutrition Congress Africa. 1-4 October 2012. University of the Free State. The Nutrition Congress Africa which is a joint scientific meeting of the 24th congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 12th congress of Association for Dietetics in South Africa and the 5th African Nutrition Epidemiology Conference. Poster 14. PRETORIUS, B. & SCHöNFELDT, H.C. 2013. Total and heme iron content of South Africa lean meat. International Nutrition Conference September, 16-20, 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 15. Pretorius, B. & Schönfeldt, H.C. 2013. Analytical heme iron values vs. Estimated values for South Africa lean meat. 20th SAAFOST Biennial International Congress. 7-9 October 2013, CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria, south Africa. Poster 16. PRETORIUS, B. & SCHöNFELDT, H.C. 2013. Contribution of South African Lamb and Mutton towards essential fatty acid intake. 10th International Food Data Conference. 12 -14 September 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 17. PRETORIUS, B. & SCHöNFELDT, H.C. 2013. Fatty acid profile of South African lamb and mutton. 20th International Nutrition Conference 16 – 20 September 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 18. Rajput, I. and Schönfeldt, H.C.2013. The perception towards and utilization of animal products by different socioeconomic groups in South Africa. 20th SAAFOST Biennial International Congress. 7-9 October 2013, CSIR Convention Centre, Pretoria, south Africa. Poster 19. RAJPUT, I., SCHöNFELDT, H.C., VERMEULEN, H. AND D’HAESE, L. The relationship between livestock ownership and the intake of animal protein foods under low income consumers in the Limpopo province of South Africa. SAAFECS 11th International Conference and the 6th IFHE Africa Regional Conference. 27 February – 1 March 2013. St Georges Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. Poster 20.SCHöNFELDT, H.C., HALL, N & PRETORIUS, B. 2012. Estimating nutritional exposure from animal foods in a developing country. Nutrition Congress Africa. 1 – 4 October 2012. University of the Free State. The Nutrition Congress Africa 2012 which is a joint scientific meeting of the 24th congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 12th congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa and the 5th African Nutrition Epidemiology Conference. Poster 21. SCHöNFELDT, H.C., HALL, N & PRETORIUS, B. 2012. Estimating nutritional exposure from animal foods in a developing country. 58th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology. 14 – 27 August 2012. Canada. Poster 22.SCHöNFELDT, H.C., HALL, N. & BESTER, M. Development of a data collection tool to be used during animal intake studies in illiterate, low- income communities. International Nutrition Conference September, 16 – 20, 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 23.SCHöNFELDT, H.C., HALL, N. & PRETORIUS, B. A nutrient perspective on climate change and sustainable red meat production and consumption. 20th International Nutrition Conference 16 – 20 September 2013. Spain, Granada. Poster 24.Shepherd N, de Jager C, Kasonga AE, Marais S, Tousen Y, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytoestrogens modulate osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Presented at the European Symposium on Calcified Tissue Society Conference ECTS 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Bone Abstracts Vol 1, PP224 (doi: 10.1530/boneabs.1.PP224) 25.Taylor, J. and Taylor J.R.N. Improving Kafirin Functionality for Gluten-Free Applications 3rd International Gluten-free Symposium, Vienna, Austria, June 2013. 26.Taylor, J. Muronzwa J., Links, M. and Taylor J.R.N. Microparticle delivery of sorghum polyphenolic bioactives. ICC International Symposium on Bioactive Compounds in Cereal Grains and Foods, Vienna, Austria, May 2014.</p><p>Posters presented at local conferences</p><p>1. BESTER, M., SCHöNFELDT, H.C., PRETORIUS, B. AND HALL, N. 2014. Translating the South African food-based dietary guidelines into chicken marketplace servings. Johannesburg. The 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa and the 13th Congress of the association for the dietetics in South Africa./ 16-19 September 2014. Poster. 2. Deepak V, Kasonga A, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Eugenol inhibits RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in RAW264.7 murine macrophages. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014. 3. Ebersohn, R., Van Schoor, A. & Du Toit, P.J. The use of maximum femoral epicondylar width to determine adequate graft length for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. 42nd Annual Conference of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa, 13-16 April 2014, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. 4. Encapsulation of sorghum condensed tannins in kafirin microparticles to inhibit digestive amylases. MR Links, J Taylor, MT Kruger and JRN Taylor. Nutrition Society of South Africa Congress, 2014 5. Finn, C. & Du Toit, PJ. The effect of functional electrical stimulation on the basal ganglia of a Parkinson’s patient; Using SPECT scans for a quantitative analysis of synaptic plasticity. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 6. Geyle, S. & Du Toit, PJ. The importance of sports vision techniques of male rugby players of different ages. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 7. Jansen van Vuuren, S.P., Nyakale, N.E., Hlophe, Y., Stander, A., Grobbelaar, C., Kleynhans, M., Janse van Rensburg, C., Nel, H.W., Clauss, R.P., Du Toit, P.J. & Sathekge, M.M. Utilising SPECT quantification to determine the extent of perfusion changes in neurologically compromised patients after Zolpidem administration. South African Society of Nuclear Medicine, 19-21 September 2014, Durban. 8. Kasonga AE, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid inhibit osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes, in vitro. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014. 9. Kasonga AE, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. In vitro effects of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption in human CD14+ monocytes. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, August 2013. 10. Kupolati, MD., Gericke, GJ. & MacIntyre, UE. Teachers’ perspectives of the impact of school nutrition education on learners’ eating behaviours – A qualitative exploration. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 11. Kupolati, MD., MacIntyre, UE. & Gericke, GJ. Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices of learners and teachers in primary schools in Bronkhorstspruit, South Africa. Poster presentation at the 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa & 13th Congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa, September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. 12. Kupolati, MD., MacIntyre, UE. & Gericke, GJ. Promoting healthy eating among grade five and six learners: a theory-based nutrition lesson plan template. Poster presentation at the 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa & 13th Congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa, September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. 13. Kupolati, MD., MacIntyre, UE. & Gericke, GJ. Promoting healthy eating among grade five and six learners: a theory-based nutrition lesson plan template. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 14. Logan, G. & Du Toit, PJ. Effect of sport specific testing and training on performance. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 15. M.R. Links, C.F. van der Merwe, J. Taylor, K.G. Duodu and J.R.N. Taylor,CONDENSED TANNIN ENCAPSULATION IN KAFIRIN (SORGHUM PROLAMIN PROTEIN) MICROPARTICLES, Microscopy Society of Southern Africa Conference, 2013 16. Marais S, Kasonga A, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Differential effects of charcoal-stripped foetal calf serum and unstripped foetal calf serum on RAW 264.7 murine monocytes treated with genistein and daidzein. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014. 17. Marais S, Kasonga A, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. In vitro osteoclastogenesis and bone resorption are modulated by a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids and soya phytoestrogens in murine RAW 264.7 monocytes. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, August 2013; Congress of the Physiology Society of Southern Africa, Pretoria, September 2013; Jaarkongres van die Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns: Afdeling Biologiese Wetenskappe, Pretoria, October 2013. 18. Moosa S, Kasonga AE, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. In vitro effects of Aspalathus linearis herbal tea on RANKL-mediated osteoclast formation in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014. 19. PRETORIUS, B. & SCHöNFELDT, H.C. & Hall, N. 2014. The necessity of a harm iron database to determine dietary iron absorption. Johannesburg 20.Silver, M. & Du Toit, PJ. The effect of clomiphene citrate on the expression of kisseptin and downstream FSH and LH secretion in female rats. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 21. Speek, J. & Du Toit, PJ. Performance evaluation of male rugby players at different ages based on physical & skill-related fitness. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 22.Swanepoel, E. & Du Toit, PJ. Importance of anthropometric testing on the assessment of male rugby players of different ages. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 23.Van Niekerk, C., Gericke GJ., White, Z. Effect of nutrition education on eating behaviour and body composition of Grade 2 and 3 primary school children in an eastern suburb, Pretoria. Poster presentation at the 25th Congress of the Nutrition Society of South Africa & 13th Congress of the Association for Dietetics in South Africa, September 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. 24.Van Niekerk, J. & Du Toit, PJ. The effects of risperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia on the reproductive axis in female rats. Poster presentation at Faculty of Health Sciences research day, University of Pretoria, August 2014, Pretoria. 25.Vilakati, N, UE MacIntyre, A Oelofse and JRN Taylor Children aged 2 – 5 years in Western Kenya consume a varied diet. Nutrition congress, Johannesburg, 2014, 26.Visagie A, Moosa S, Kasonga A, Kruger MC, Coetzee M. Effects of Honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) tea extract on osteoclast formation and bone resorption in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages. Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty day, University of Pretoria, 20 August 2014.</p>
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