<p> WITHAM FOURTH DISTRICT INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD</p><p>MINUTES of the proceedings of the Board at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston on Wednesday 11 June 2014</p><p>------</p><p>Present: - J.E. Grant Esq. (Chairman) </p><p>Messrs: J. A. Allen H. C. Drake P. Richardson P. Bedford C. Hardy D. Richmond B. Bowles A. Harrison T. W. Roberts C. Brotherton R. Harvey A. Saul C. Crunkhorn R. F. Leggott J. W. Ward</p><p>Mrs M. Dennis Mrs J Harrison</p><p>1. APOLOGIES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE Apologies for non-attendance were received from:-</p><p>Messrs: R. Hall-Jones F. Pickett K. Smith</p><p>Mrs M. Wright</p><p>Agenda item 2 2. CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS 2.1 ADA Incorporation The chairman informed members that the National body of ADA had incorporated on the 1 April 2014 and that the Chief Executive would take on the role of Company Secretary. At Branch Level, Bob Fletcher had taken over as Vice Chairman from Richard Leggott, supporting Norman Osborne as the Branch Chairman.</p><p>2.2 Board’s Employee The Chairman informed Members that one of the Board’s Operatives who was continuing his fight against cancer had returned to work for several weeks after treatment but had now been signed off for a further two months.</p><p>2.3 Fish and Eel Passes The Chairman updated members on his recent visit to Holland to investigate fish and eel passes, fish friendly pumps and weed boats.</p><p>2.4 Hobhole Pumping Station The Board had recently hosted a visit by the Mozambique Agricultural Minister and High Commissioner organised by the local MP as part of a fact finding tour of the area. They were impressed with our system and our ability to drain land.</p><p>2.5 Correspondence The Chairman informed Members that he had recently written to the local MP, Mark Simmonds, expressing concern regarding the Boston Barrier and the timing of the Haven bank works. He had also e-mailed Richard MacDonald (exNFU) who sits on the EA Board, to make the case for raising the sea banks along the east coast and dealing with the risk posed by badgers. </p><p>Agenda item 3 3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON ANY GENERAL ITEM No declarations of interest were made.</p><p>1 Agenda item 4 4. MINUTES 4.1 Board Meeting – The Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 13 February 2014 were submitted and signed by the Chairman.</p><p>Matters Arising: Agenda item 4.1 4.1.1 Reglone – licence granted for 2014- Page 46 Members were asked to refer to The Engineering Manager’s report which highlighted the use of Reglone and also the Environment officer’s report detailing the trials with a new herbicide, Flumioxazin. Agenda item 4.2 4.1.2 Barlode Bridge The Chief Executive confirmed that the 999-year lease had been signed and the agreed commuted sum of £40,000 paid in lieu of future repair liabilities.</p><p>T. Roberts - said he was pleased for the Board that the issue was now concluded.</p><p>Agenda item 4.3 4.1.3 2014/15 Pay award - page 49 The Chief Executive reported that the Unions had accepted the Lincolnshire Pay & Conditions Committee offer of a 1% increase on all pay rates with effect from 1 April 2014, which had been implemented. The Chief Executive also asked for formal approval of the 2013/2014 pay increase, also 1%, the matter was reported in the negotiation stage and members were aware that the Board had increased the pay rates pending the outcome.</p><p>RESOLVED i) that the Board formally approve the 1% increase implemented on all pay rates from the 1 April 2013</p><p> ii) that all Witham Fourths pay rates be increased by 1% with effect from 1 April 2014 Agenda item 4.4 4.1.4 Board’s Byelaws – page 50 The Chief Executive confirmed that updating the Byelaws was on hold as the new Water Act 2014 had just received Royal Assent and ADA were looking at the impact of this act on IDB Byelaws</p><p>Non-Agenda Item 4.1.5 Solar Panels The Chairman asked if the faulty invertor had now been replaced and the Chief Executive confirmed it had. Agenda item 5 5. FUTURE BOARD MEETINGS The dates presented were confirmed by Members as being acceptable. It was therefore </p><p>RESOLVED that future Board meetings be held on the following dates:</p><p>Wednesday 17 September 2014 - Board Meeting Wednesday 19 November 2014 - Committee Meetings Thursday - - Board Meeting Thursday 11 December 2014 - Finance & General Purposes Committee Wednesday 22 January 2015 - Board Meeting 11 February 2015</p><p>Agenda item 6 6. WASH FRONTAGERS GROUP Members had been copied into a letter addressed to Wash Frontagers from Stafford Proctor (CLA), which attempted to form a lobby group to promote the inadequacy of the sea defences on the East Coast around the wash. </p><p>H. Drake - Provided members with an update and said that Mr Proctor’s letter was the current state of play. He said the issue needed support so that the Environment Agency and Natural England have a body to consult with, a single voice on issues such as borrow pits.</p><p>2 B. Bowles - Said that Richard MacDonald was a good person to have on board. Agenda item 6 6. WASH FRONTAGERS GROUP - Continued</p><p>R. Leggott - Said that the use of borrow pits would be a hard argument to win and asked what role the IDB’s had in promoting the Wash Frontagers Group</p><p>Mr Leggott was informed that the Witham Fourth had as requested by Mr Proctor, enclosed a copy of the letter with Demand Notes for occupiers with land fronting The Wash.</p><p>Agenda item 7 7. MEETINGS WITH OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS The Chief Executive went through the various notes of meetings attended. The Main points highlighted were:</p><p>Agenda item 7.1 7.1 ADA Lincolnshire Show Committee The Engineering Manager reminded Members that the show was taking place on the 18 and 19 June. ADA’s stand would be by the countryside area near the lake.</p><p>Agenda item 7.6 7.2 Tidal Surge Response The main findings of a review of the response to the tidal surge in Boston on 5 December 2013 were that IDB’s needed to have access to pumps with longer reach pipes and that these should be jointly purchased and held in convenient locations for all Boards to use. However the multi- agency response in Lincolnshire was deemed to be very successful. Update Members were advised that the EA were in the process of spending the £130m fund announced by the government following the extreme weather events of December 2013 and January 2014, with £8m being spent locally.</p><p>Agenda item 7.7 7.3 Lincolnshire Flood Risk & Drainage Management Partnership Members were informed that the Environment Agency had re-organised in April to remove the regional structure. The old ‘Anglian Northern Region’ will now be known as the ‘Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire Area’ The new EA surface water maps are on the EA website and members were encouraged to look at them.</p><p>Agenda item 8 7.4 Final ADA Executive Meeting </p><p>R. Leggott - thanked the Chief Executive for preparing the notes of the last meeting and highlighted that communication was a big issue for ADA Members, particularly with a reduced ADA Board.</p><p>Agenda item 7.9 7.5 Boston Barrier Workshop The workshop which focused on how the barrier would actually operate was attended by the Engineering Manager together with various user groups. The Engineering Manager had raised concern that three separate authorities would be responsible for operating the barrier, pumping stations and sluices needed to make the scheme work.</p><p>The Chairman - Said he was also concerned about the timing and extent of the works downstream of the Barrier ahead of a future tidal surge. R Leggott - Said he had already e-mailed the EA. to make the same point. C. Hardy - Asked how far down the Haven the improvement works would go and if the Maud Foster and the Hobhole Pumping Station would be protected. P. Bedford - Confirmed that it was his understanding that these works were going to take place</p><p>It was not known if the improvements works were to be far enough down the Haven to help protect the Maud Foster and the Hobhole Pumping Station. The Chairman agreed to obtain and circulate the exact scope and timing of the works along the Haven Bank from a report recently sent to him by P. Bedford.</p><p>3 Agenda item 8 8. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT</p><p>Agenda item 8.1 8.1 Bank Balances & Money Market Deposits</p><p>RESOLVED that the balances be noted</p><p>Agenda item 8.2 8.2 Payments made by Accounts Committee</p><p>RESOLVED that the payments be confirmed</p><p>Agenda item 8.4 8.3. Bank Rents – Year ending 31 March 2014 Agenda item 8.4.1 8.3.1 Tenancy Changes Proposed by A Harrison, seconded by C. Brotherton</p><p>RESOLVED that the tenancy changes to the 31 March 2014 be noted</p><p>Agenda item 8.4.2 8.3.2 Remissions Proposed by R. Harvey, seconded by A. Saul RESOLVED that the bank rent remission listed amount to £292.57 be granted</p><p>Agenda item 8.5 8.4 Debtors Irrecoverable Proposed by R. Harvey, seconded by A. Saul</p><p>RESOLVED that the write offs amounting to a credit of £33.12 be confirmed</p><p>Agenda item 8.6 8.5 Rating Matters – Year ending 31 March 2014</p><p>Agenda item 8.6.1 8.5.1 Rate Irrecoverable Proposed by R. Harvey, seconded by A. Saul</p><p>RESOLVED that the write offs amounting to £370.67 be confirmed</p><p>Agenda item 8.6.2 8.5.2 Rate Arrears The Chief Executive explained that good progress had been made in respect of the back- log of apportionments and the checking of liability to the 1970 OS maps. This had enabled previously un-demanded rates to be collected. The collection for the 2013/14 rating year had also gone well. The closing balance at the 31 March 2014 therefore showed an improvement of previous years. The Internal Auditor had also made a positive comment about this matter. </p><p>D.Richmond - asked if we continue to chase debts that remain unpaid</p><p>The Chief Executive confirmed this was the case and explained the list of unpaid rates in the Agenda highlighted what actions the Board had taken to date.</p><p>C. Crunkhorn - asked about interest rates and whether it would be better to pay off the Board’s PWLB Loans, some of which had high rates of interest. The Chief Executive explained that the early repayment penalties precluded this at the moment.</p><p>D.Richmond - asked if there was a penalty for non-payment The Chief Executive confirmed that a £25 administration fee was added if a summons was issued.</p><p>P Bedford - asked if the Board offered the ability to pay by credit card.</p><p>4 The Chief Executive confirmed that this was set up last year and £9,000 of rates had been collected from ratepayers using credit/debit card payments as per Agenda item 8.6.4 Agenda item 8 8. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT - Continued Agenda item 8.6.2 8.5.2 Rate Arrears - Continued</p><p>RESOLVED that the Rate Arrears as at the 31 March 2014 be noted</p><p>Agenda item 8.6.3 8.5.3 Specialist Building – Revaluation – Assessment 53010728 The Chief Executive explained the changes to a duck farm that necessitated a revision to the rateable value for the Annual Value for the above assessment.</p><p>RESOLVED that a revised Annual Value of £4,125 backdated with effect from 19 June 2013 be determined in respect of Assessment 53010728</p><p>Agenda item 8.7 8.6 Accounts – Year ending 31 March 2014 Agenda item 8.7.1 8.6.1 Internal Audit Report The Chief Executive went through the report and highlighted the steps taken in the management plan to resolve the issues raised. Members were pleased that the report determined that the internal controls tested enabled an adequate assurance conclusion to be given. The Board were happy with the report.</p><p>D.Richmond - asked if the Board receive Freedom of Information Act requests</p><p>The Chief Executive stated that none had been received to date.</p><p>Agenda item 8.7.2 8.6.2 Audit Strategy and Plan for 2014-15 The Board noted the Strategy for the following year and when prompted by the Chief Executive, confirmed that there was no particular area on which they would like the Internal Auditor to focus in 2014/15.</p><p>Agenda item 8.7.3 8.6.3 Unaudited Management Accounts & Annual Return - Year ending 31 March 2014 The Chief Executive went through the Management Accounts in detail to enable members to understand the key changes over the past 12 months. In particular, he drew attention to the increase in the pension deficit and the movements on reserves.</p><p>C. Crunkorn - asked if the deferred payments were stripped out is everything still looking ok?</p><p>This was confirmed by the Chief Executive.</p><p>D.Richmond - asked why there was an increase in Professional Fees at Pumping Stations</p><p>The Chief Executive responded that an unannounced Health and Safety Executive visit had necessitated works and consultant fees in order to comply with the HSE legislation.</p><p>Agenda item 8.7.4 8.6.4 External Audit – Year ending 31 March 2014 The Chief Executive had already sent a pack of information to the External Auditors (Grant Thornton), who now needed to see the approved Annual Return. He explained the ‘cash’ nature of the return and how this differed from the Management Accounts.</p><p>H. Drake - Highlighted the fact that the Board had to rely on the Chief Executive to ensure the figures in the Annual Return were correct, as no Board Member was able to check the figures.</p><p>The Chief Executive explained that both the Internal and External Auditors looked at the return and were given a copy of the document that tracks the figures. He offered to go through this with any Board Member who would like to understand the difference between the two accounting documents.</p><p>5 Agenda item 8 8. CHIEF EXECUTIVE AND FINANCE MANAGERS REPORT - Continued Agenda item 8.7.4 8.6.4 External Audit – Year ending 31 March 2014 - Continued</p><p>It was proposed by R. Leggott and seconded by J. Allen and </p><p>RESOLVED i) that the Management Accounts be approved and that the Chairman should sign them on behalf of the Board.</p><p> ii) that the Annual Return be approved and that the Chairman and Chief Executive sign then on behalf of the Board</p><p>Agenda item 8.8 8.7 Contributions from Developers</p><p>RESOLVED that the development charge be increased to £7.25 per impermeable square metre in respect to all application received after the 1 July 2014</p><p>Agenda item 8.9 8.8 Insurance Renewal The Chief Executive had approached two separate brokers to place the Board’s insurances from 1 July 2014 for a three year engagement. The two quotes were:</p><p>Wilsons (the Board’s present insurers) £38,000 Bluefin(Incorporating Towergate) £33,000</p><p>Proposed by C Brotherton, seconded by C. Crunkhorn it was</p><p>RESOLVED that to confirm the appointment of Bluefin(Incorporating Towergate) as the Board’s Insurers with effect from I July 2014</p><p>Agenda item 8.10 8.9 Flood Defence Grant in Aid Applications The Chief Executive went through the timing to the various FDGiA projects managed by the Board. He drew attention to the Hobhole Pumping Station Refurbishment ‘Fact Sheet’ that had been prepared to explain the programme to residents and other stakeholders. The timing of the repair work to the bridges needed further discussion between the Board and the landowners, which the Chief Executive and Engineering Manager would follow up.</p><p>Agenda item 9 9. ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT NO. 1/14 The Engineering Manager went through his report and highlighted particular areas of interest.</p><p>Agenda item 9.1 9.1 Maintenance Maintenance work had gone largely according to plan.</p><p>Agenda item 9.3 9.2 Planning Matters Planning Applications had increase during the last three months</p><p>Agenda item 9.4 9.3 Rainfall Further to the rainfall figures included in his report (January to April), the Engineering Manager advised Members that the Average rainfall for May was 108mm.</p><p>Agenda item -*9.7 9.4 Plant Replacement</p><p>RESOLVED that the following purchases be acknowledged:</p><p>Twiga SPV 2 - £125,000 Caterpillar Teleporter – £38,950 Welfare site hut - £16,625</p><p>6 Agenda item 9 9. ENGINEERING MANAGER’S REPORT NO. 1/14 - Continued</p><p>Agenda item 9.8 9.5 Sewer Adoption</p><p>RESOLVED that the sewer cut by the Board at Halton Fenside in 2010/11 be adopted by the Board and maintained from 2014/15 onwards.</p><p>Agenda item 9.9 9.6 Health and Safety Matters</p><p>Agenda item 9.9 9.6.1 Reported Incidents/Accidents The Engineering Manager reported one minor incident since the last Board meeting.</p><p>D.Richmond - asked if operatives had first aid training</p><p>The Engineering Manager confirmed all district men received this training.</p><p>Agenda item 9.11 9.7.1 2014/15 Sewer Cleansing Programme</p><p>RESOLVED that the 2014/15 Sewer Cleansing Programme be approved.</p><p>Agenda item 10 10. ENVIRONMENT OFFICER’S REPORT The Engineering Manager went through this report and no questions were raised as a result.</p><p>Agenda item 11 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS</p><p>11.1 Land adjacent to Hobhole Pumping Station.</p><p>A. Harrison - Asked about land being purchased by the Board adjacent to Hobhole Pumping Station</p><p>The Chief Executive confirmed that the matter was with the Board’s solicitors and searches were awaited. R. Leggott - Said he was pleased with the Board’s Annual News Letter and in particular, the note about adherence to Byelaws</p><p>Chairman</p><p>7</p>
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