<p> 21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education</p><p>Applications in Graphic Communications Arts and Humanities Cluster Graphic Communications Concentration</p><p>Title: Applications in Graphic Communications (WEVIS 1837)</p><p>Standard Number: Press Maintenance AH.S.AGCM.1 Students will demonstrate various offset press maintenance operations. Essential What is the significance of properly maintaining an offset press? Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: AH.O.AGCM.1.1 resolve paper stock feeding problems. Stock feeding problems Size Weight Moisture Finish Grain direction Static AH.O.AGCM.1.2 set double-sheet detector. Procedure Table height Blowers Vacuum Sensor Paper guides AH.O.AGCM.1.3 adjust pile height. Procedure Adjust height according to paper weight AH.O.AGCM.1.4 adjust pull-out rollers. Procedure Adjust according to paper weight, grain, and press AH.O.AGCM.1.5 adjust feeder table for various paper Procedure weights. Adjust according to various paper weights AH.O.AGCM.1.6 change blanket and packing. Procedure AH.O.AGCM.1.7 deglaze press ink rollers. Procedure 1 Deglazing solvent AH.O.AGCM.1.8 adjust plate to blanket pressure. Procedure Refer to press maintenance manual AH.O.AGCM.1.9 adjust blanket to impression cylinder Procedure pressure. According to paper manufacturer’s specifications AH.O.AGCM.1.10 adjust dampening roller. Procedure Suggested: utilize maintenance service agreement AH.O.AGCM.1.11 adjust press ink form roller pressure. Procedure Assess roller/cylinder striping and adjust accordingly AH.O.AGCM.1.12 check press for registration. Procedure Evaluate image alignment AH.O.AGCM.1.13 perform monthly lubrication routine. Procedure Refer to press operator’s manual Standard Number Advanced Press Operation AH.S.DIGPRESS.2 Students will perform advanced printing operations on the press. Essential Why is registration important in multicolor print jobs? Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: AH.O.AGCM.2.1 print a duotone. Duotone Register color and black printer images AH.O.AGCM.2.2 print a four-color process job. Four-color process job Register cyan, magenta, yellow, and black printer images AH.O.AGCM.2.3 print a two-sided multicolor job. Two-sided multicolor job Align sides in correct direction Work and tumble/work and turn Check registration of images AH.O.AGCM.2.4 specify the printed order of process color Printed order of process color inks inks. Typical 1. Cyan 2. Magenta 3. Yellow 4. Black 2 Variations o Operator’s preference o Ink tack o Press configuration AH.O.AGCM.2.5 correct ink-water problems. Ink-water problems examine image quality continually trouble shoot inadequate image quality adjust ink or water balance to restore image quality Standard Number: Student Organization Participation AH.S.AGCM.3 Students will participate in a local student organization. Essential How can a student organization better prepare me to work in a global society? Questions: Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: AH.O.AGCM.3.1 examine the purposes and goals of Encourage formation of a school chapter in local student student organizations. organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA. AH.O. AGCM.3.2 demonstrate leadership skills through Encourage membership in local student organization participation in student organization such as Skills, USA and/or TSA. activities such as meetings, programs, projects, and competitions. AH.O. AGCM.3.3 discover the benefits and responsibilities Encourage attendance and competition at local, state, of participation in student, professional, and national Skills, USA and/or TSA conferences. and civic organizations as an adult. 21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Information and 21C.O.9- Student recognizes Digitally design trifold Finished product Communication 12.1.LS1 information needed for brochures, magazine covers, Lack of lawsuit Skills: problem solving, can posters, flyers, etc. Check efficiently browse, search and for copyright. navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents </p><p>3 findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media. 21C.O.9- Student analyzes and Digitally design magazine Finished product 12.1.LS2 interprets visuals and covers, commercially recognizes the impact digital designed packaging, media influences (e.g. design, webpage design, etc. technique, and rate of speed) Demographics considered have on audiences. The with each project. student’s visual products reflect a sophisticated understanding of subject, digital media and design techniques. 21C.O.9- Student creates information Electronic portfolios Finished product 12.1.LS3 using advanced skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation and shares this information through a variety of oral, written and multimedia communications that target academic, professional and technical audiences and purposes. 21C.O.9- Student makes informed Internet research Completed report 12.1.TT1 choices among available advanced technology systems, resources and services (e.g., global positioning software, graphing calculators, personal digital assistants, web casting, online collaboration tools) for completing curriculum assignments and projects and for managing and 4 communicating personal/professional information. 21C.O.9- Student routinely applies Students will utilize computer Completed assignments 12.1.TT2 keyboarding skills, software on a routine basis keyboarding shortcut to complete assignments. techniques, and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy. 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Used daily to create file Student file folders 12.1.TT3 utilities (e.g., zipping or formats such as jpegs, word Flash drives compressing files, file level documents, pdf, tiff, indd, etc Intranet anti-virus scans), converts DVDs files to different formats CDs (e.g., .doc, .xls, .mdb, .htm, .pdf) and saves finished products to multiple media sources (e.g., CDRW, DVDR, USB drives, shared folders, web-based file storage). 21C.O.9- Student uses audio, video, Digital portfolios and daily Completed activities 12.1.TT4 pictures, clip art, moviemaker design exercises programs, webpage design software, electronic documents and other files to collaborate for the creation of electronic products that inform multiple audiences both inside and outside the school environment. 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Used in several daily Completed assignments 12.1.TT5 features of word processing activities. Example: software (e.g., outline, table magazine cover, newspaper of contents, index feature, article, CD covers, etc draw tool, headers and footers, track changes, 5 macros, hyperlinks to other file formats, etc.). 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Digital portfolios using Completed portfolios 12.1.TT7 features and utilities of PowerPoint or Keynote presentation software (e.g., software. slide transitions, master slides, narrations and timings, creating web-enabled presentations, creating a non- linear presentation) to communicate ideas to multiple audiences. 21C.O.9- Student uses advanced Interactive website Completed website 12.1.TT9 telecommunication tools (e.g., email, video conferencing, interactive websites, newsgroups, video phones, chats) to create collaborative projects that are relevant to real world situations and contribute to the communication process among various groups. 21C.O.9- Student implements various Google Acquired information 12.1.TT10 Internet search techniques Ask.com (e.g., Boolean searches, Wikipedia meta-searches, web bots) to Graphic communication gather information; student specific websites evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness. Thinking and 21C.O.9- Student engages in a critical Hands on activities to Completed project Reasoning Skills: 12.2.LS1 thinking process that supports provide higher order thinking synthesis and conducts skills completed daily. evaluation using complex Example: commercial 6 criteria. packaging project 21C.O.9- Student visualizes the Corporate Identity: Completed project 12.2.LS4 connection between stationery, envelope, logo, seemingly unrelated ideas and business card. and independently produces solutions that are fresh, unique, original and well developed. Student shows capacity for originality, concentration, commitment to completion, and persistence to develop unique and cogent products. 21C.O.9- Student collaborates with Project based learning Completed projects 12.2.TT2 peers, experts, and others to activity such as school contribute to a content-related newspaper, programs for knowledge base by using community project, technology to compile, advertising designs, etc synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. 21C.O.9- Student uses multiple Digital cameras, scanners, Observation 12.2.TT3 electronic sources of computers, browsers, search Completed information and multiple engines, printing presses, projects/activities technology tools and resource laser printers, plate makers, tools (e.g., digital cameras, utilized daily. graphing calculators, probes, mp3 players, handheld devices, other emerging technologies, simulations, models, browsers, word processing, authoring tools, spreadsheets, databases) to collaborate with others, to formulate a hypothesis, to 7 solve problems, make decisions, and present and justify the solutions. 21C.O.9- Student uses technology tools How to design a program for Completed project 12.2.TT4 and multiple media sources to the local Lion’s Club analyze a real-world problem, Program design and implement a Trifold brochure for the local process to assess the animal shelter and other information, and chart and community related projects. evaluate progress toward the Brochure for new transferring solution. students into the district. Personal and 21C.O.9- Student remains composed Continual deadlines for print Deadline met Workplace Skills: 12.3.LS1 and focused, even under productions. stress, willingly aligns his/her personal goals to the goals of others when appropriate, approaches conflict from win- win perspective, and derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals. 21C.O.9- Student independently Introduce activities where Necessary job changes 12.3.LS2 considers multiple students must comply with made perspectives and can customer specifications. represent a problem in more than one way, quickly and calmly changes focus and goals as the situation requires, and actively seeks innovations (e.g. technology) that will enhance his/her work. 21C.O.9- Student demonstrates Project goals set to meet Deadline met 12.3.LS3 ownership of his/her learning deadlines. Students by setting goals, monitoring continually modify actions to and adjusting performance, meet/exceed required extending learning, using goal(s). Example: graphic 8 what he/she has learned to representative of data for adapt to new situations, and school newspaper similar to displaying perseverance and sectional front page of USA commitment to continued Today learning. 21C.O.9- Student demonstrates ethical Acceptable and fair use of Completed projects 12.3.LS4 behavior and works copyright research on all responsibly and major projects collaboratively with others in the context of the school and Nonprofit community work the larger community, and he/she demonstrates civic responsibility through engagement in public discourse and participation in service learning. 21C.O.9- Student exhibits positive Students will participate in SkillsUSA or TSA 12.3.LS5 leadership through SkillsUSA or TSA and meeting minutes interpersonal and problem- become a chapter or state solving skills that contribute to officer or serve as Class work achieving the goal. He/she chairpersons of committees. helps others stay focused, Students will work distributes tasks and cooperatively in the responsibilities effectively, classroom taking leadership and monitors group progress roles. toward the goal without undermining the efforts of others. 21C.O.9- Student maintains a strong Thumbnail, rough, Observe different 12.3.LS6 focus on the larger project mechanical, storyboards, etc completed phases of goal and frames appropriate for certain projects for project. questions and planning smooth project processes around goal. Prior implementation. to beginning work, student reflects upon possible courses of action and their 9 likely consequences; sets objectives related to the larger goal; and establishes benchmarks for monitoring progress. While working on the project, student adjusts time and resources to allow for completion of a quality product. 21C.O.9- Student protects software, School utilizes software such Observation 12.3.TT1 hardware and network as Deepfreeze, filtered sites, resources from viruses, spyware removal/detection vandalism, and unauthorized programs. Student adheres use and employs proper to acceptable use policy. techniques to access, use and shut down technology Personal student equipment. accounts/folders. 21C.O.9- Student works collaboratively Projects incorporating Observation/completed 12.3.TT2 to acquire information from cooperative learning project electronic resources, opportunities conducts online research, and evaluates information as to validity, appropriateness, usefulness, comprehensiveness and bias. 21C.O.9- Student evaluates current Field trips to innovative Completed field trip 12.3.TT3 trends in information Graphic Communication technology, discusses the business and industry such potential social, ethical, as Quad Graphics in political, and economic impact Martinsburg, WV of these technologies, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and society. 10 21C.O.9- Student adheres to Students will sign and Ethical use of technology 12.3.TT4 acceptable use policy and adhere to a school-wide displays ethical behaviors acceptable use policy. related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism); student predicts the possible cost and effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus settling, hacking) on culture and society; student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. 21C.O.9- Student models ethical Students will sign and Ethical use of technology 12.3.TT5 behavior relating to security, adhere to a school-wide privacy, computer etiquette, acceptable use policy. passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi- media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. 21C.O.9- Student evaluates and Utilize Internet resources Observation 11 12.3.TT6 applies technology tools for such as Google, MySpace, research, information Youtube, Facebook, analysis, problem-solving, Wikipedia, etc content learning, decision making, and lifelong learning. 21C.O.9- Student protects his/her Adheres to acceptable use Observation 12.3.TT7 identity online and in email policy. Personal Interaction and/or websites, limits the Peer to peer mentoring distribution of personal information/pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of emails that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. 21C.O.9- Student uses technology to Require Internet based Completed research 12.3.TT8 seek strategies and research on projects information to address limits in their own knowledge. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Success Culminating Activity Entrepreneurial Student understands the Students take available on- Results from self-quizzes Skills: personal traits/behaviors line quizzes to learn their associated with successful entrepreneurial aptitudes entrepreneurial performance. such as: http://www.bizmove.com/oth er/quiz.htm</p><p>Student understands Students will utilize computer Completed assignments concepts and procedures software and hardware to needed for basic computer complete assignments. operations. 12 Student understands Students will interview Interviews/reports concepts and strategies individuals in the graphics needed for career exploration, industry to learn how their development and growth. career paths developed. Culminating Assessment: Culminating End of Concentration Performance Evaluation Assessment: Students will participate in TSA’s competitive events: Promotional Graphics, Desktop Design, Leadership Development Contests: Career Comparisons, Written and Oral Chapter Team, Extemporaneous Presentation, and Prepared Presentation</p><p>Students will participate in SkillsUSA’s competitive events: Graphic Communications, Leadership Development Contests: Action Skills, American Spirit, Chapter Business Procedure, Chapter Display, Community Service, Extemporaneous Speaking, Job Interview, Job skill Demonstration A, Job Skill Demonstration B, Occupational Health and Safety, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Outstanding Chapter, Prepared Speech, Promotional Bulletin Board, and Quiz Bowl Links and Other Resources Links and Other Related Websites: Resources: Graphic Communication Central www.teched.vt.edu/gcc</p><p>Graphic Reporter www.graphicreporter.com</p><p>Graphic Arts Technical Foundation www.gain.com</p><p>Heidelberg USA www. heidelbergusa .com/</p><p>Adobe www.adobe.com</p><p>Apple www.apple.com 13 Quia.com ($50 subscription) www.quia.com</p><p>Graphic Arts Monthly</p><p>Printing Impressions</p><p>Adobe InDesign CS2, Classroom in a Book</p><p>Revealed, Adobe InDesign CS3 Revealed</p><p>Multi-state Academic Vocational Curriculum Consortium (MAVCC) Digital File Preparation & Output Student Workbook</p><p>Multi-state Academic Vocational Curriculum Consortium (MAVCC) Digital File Preparation & Output Student Guide</p><p>Graphic Communications, The Printed Image</p><p>Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/</p><p>U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/</p><p>Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org</p><p>America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org</p><p>America's Job Bank www.ajb.org</p><p>America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org 14 CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org </p><p>Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov</p><p>The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu </p><p>Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force</p><p>Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet </p><p>Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep</p><p>Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm</p><p>Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/</p><p>West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm</p><p>West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/</p><p>Contacts Contacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory Cluster Coordinator: Kathy Gillman, [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson</p><p>15</p>
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