<p> Return to DPS Fall 2012 FCS PAC Meeting Issue Team Report to PAC Members</p><p>Southwest District Summary</p><p>Issue team name: Hunger</p><p>Beckham County</p><p>Caddo County Healthy Cooking Class—Low Fat, Low Sodium Healthy Cooking Class—Diabetes Conducted Training for NEA’s on Whole Grains. Hands on lab to prepare homemade noodles. School Nutrition Meal Pattern Trainings Parent Nutrition and Food Safety Training for Head Start Growing Strong Minds and Bodies Annual OHCE Horticulture Show Provided handouts on grilling, nutrition and food safety for the local Farmer’s Market Newsletters with nutrition articles Served as chair of Women in Agriculture Conference planning committee Food Preservation Questions and checking canner gauges OHCE Leader Lessons o Cooking for One or Two o Dehydrating Fruits & Vegetables o Soups and Stews o Sorbets and Sherbets o Tea & Crumpets Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): 850 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): The healthy cooking classes were held at the request of a physician who also attended. The doctor was pleased with the information presented and plans to encourage more patients to participate in the future classes. He also paid for the supplies for the classes. Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue programming as planned. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Include some of the same programming in 2013 POW</p><p>Canadian County School Meal Train the Trainer Extension Educators Stillwater New School Meal Guidelines School Directors Anadarko 20 Return to DPS Food Budgeting/Food Storage Head Start Parents Yukon 7 El Reno & New School Meal Guidelines School Directors Guthrie 64 Kids in the Kitchen 9-12 year old youth Oklahoma City 37 Kids in the Kitchen 9-12 year old youth El Reno 20 Advanced Pie Workshop 4-H youth El Reno 7</p><p>Cleveland County Canning workshops, youth & adult; Eating on a Budget - Youth/Adult - 118 Plans for remainder of 2012: Canning Class in-service for Norman Public Schools FCS teachers. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Continue working with public libraries and conducting canning classes as needed. Cotton County Updates for School Lunch Programs in the Public Schools Continue diabetes classes and food safety classes for youth and adults Maintain Healthy Food Programs for the Elderly</p><p>Custer County</p><p>Meet with administration/schools about backpack for kids program and also Food Bank for middle school to help get food in the hands of youth who need it. 9 families being reached through food bank and 48 youth getting food from back pack program Less kids going hungry on the weekends when school food is not an option Plans for remainder of 2012: continue to work with these two groups Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: continue to work with these groups Garvin County –</p><p>Farm to You- -Whitebead Public Schools scheduled for October 2012 Youth and volunteers very excited about program. Plans to schedule schools into the 2013 school year</p><p>Organ Wise Guys -250 elementary students-Maysville Public Schools Kristen Massey who is Maysville Science teacher is very energetic and positive about the program. Farm to You made an appearance to summarize the Organ Wise Guy Program. Plans 2013 timeline: OWG program will begin again following orientation on the 16th of October.</p><p>Meal Patterns—Oklahoma State Department of Education Partnership/New guidelines for cafeteria protocol conducted summer of 2012 - -50 Cafeteria Directors Directors found support system within group and child nutrition consultant-Denise Smith Plans for remainder of 2012: Answer questions that may come up or direct questions to Denise Smith- Child Nutrition Consultant. </p><p>Grady County Return to DPS Seven presentations to Food Distribution Center participants in Tuttle and Chickasha Numbers reached: 80 Plans for remainder of 2012: Because of cost of food, Tuttle Food Distribution Center is ceasing services. Chickasha Distribution Center is available for presentations. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Tuttle Food Distribution program is being discontinued due to cost of food program. Head Start program may be interested in programs in this area</p><p>Jefferson County Head start parent nutrition education programs, Growing Strong Bodies and Minds units in two primary classrooms, summer feeding and nutrition education program involvement with library summer reading program. Also we provided 4-H life skill programs including high school budgeting and baking programs. 11 Audiences were reached with just over 200 participants. We were able to support the summer reading and feeding program held at our Waurika Library by providing a nutritious snack program, games and exercise activities. Interested in seeing the program’s continuation this coming summer, 2013 with the support and involvement of groups like OSU Cooperative Extension and the Waurika Lions Club. Plans for remainder of 2012: Ongoing arthritis exercise programs at Ryan, Oklahoma Senior Citizens and Nutrition Center facilities. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Jefferson County FCS/4-H PAC members indicated that providing leadership in community and personal gardening areas would greatly benefit our citizens. Potential programs could be sponsored with local libraries to reach a variety of audiences including young families such as: Raised Bed Gardening on a Budget Container Gardening for Children and Teens Growing Vegetables in Drought Conditions How to Support Existing Food Banks now being run in the four major towns Also included was a discussion on quality, affordable daycare and childcare options in our communities across the county. Parents would feel more comfortable leaving our towns to work if they knew their children were being cared for safely and competently. </p><p>Kiowa County</p><p>School Lunch and Breakfast Train the Trainer Workshops, Nutrition Lessons to Progressive Center monthly, Summer Health and Fitness Day Camps, Health Fair/County going on a diet program. 250 youth and adults reached with these educational programs 32 youth learned basic cooking skills at the Summer Day Camp held in July 2012. Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue monthly nutrition lessons to Progressive Center and Nutrition and Health School enrichment programs. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Diabetes education classes, Educational Classes for Head Start Parents, Health Articles in newspaper and Educational Take home flyers for grade school and head start and more programs taught to Senior Citizens at Centers. Oklahoma County Return to DPS School Lunch and Breakfast Train the Trainer Workshops, Nutrition Lessons to Progressive Center monthly, Summer Health and Fitness Day Camps, Health Fair/County going on a diet program. 250 youth and adults reached with these educational programs Qualitative Outcomes : 32 youth learned basic cooking skills at the Summer Day Camp held in July 2012. Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue monthly nutrition lessons to Progressive Center and Nutrition and Health School enrichment programs. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Diabetes education classes, Educational Classes for Head Start Parents, Health Articles in newspaper and Educational Take home flyers for grade school and head start and more programs taught to Senior Citizens at Centers.</p><p>Stephens County</p><p>Partnered with OHCE & 4-H to collect coupons and operate a coupon exchange focused on reducing the family food bill by 50%. Set up displays and presented programs “Stretching your food dollar” along with newspaper and newsletter articles. 88 OHCE Members, 10,000 subscribers to the Duncan Banner and Duncan Public Library visitors. Several program participants have shared individual success ranging from savings of 30 -50 % off the grocery bill to receiving free foods using information gained from these programs. Plans for remainder of 2012: We plan to continue the coupon exchange and focus on stretching the food dollar as prices continue to rise. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: In 2013 our focus will be on promoting teaching basic cooking skills and working with food banks to provide recipes to encourage the use of avail foods. Washita County</p><p> Head Start Parent Meetings on Nutrition OHCE Leader Lessons & 4-county OHCE Program Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program School Nutrition Workshop (SNA Regular Meeting) Sentinel Afterschool Program School Meal Program Trainings 4-H Workshops Reached: 626 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Head Start Parent Meetings - Parents became aware that they need to demonstrate healthy eating and snacking so that their children will acquire those same healthy eating habits. This includes the amount of soda and junk food that is consumed. School Meal Program Trainings – Participants learned and understood the new federal changes in the School Lunch Program. In addition, they learned how to implement those changes into their program. Return to DPS Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue to help school lunch personnel with questions and additional new trainings. Begin the 2012-2013 Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program in November Incorporate new OHCE Leader Lessons for the 2013 cycle Include Health and Hunger Programs in my 2013 POW Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Jan.–May.: Continue the Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program Jan-Dec.: Conduct OHCE Leader Lessons on Health and Hunger Issues Jan.: Present Nutrition Programs at Head Start Parent Programs June/July: 4-H Summer Workshops Jan.-Dec.: Continue to give support and provide new information to School Nutrition workers</p><p>Issue team name: Health </p><p>Beckham County Canadian County</p><p>Mindless Eating Leader Lesson OHCE members El Reno 83 Chocolate El Reno Study Club El Reno 14 El Reno Academy Obesity in a Bottle School El Reno 11 Diabetic Cooking OHCE members Altus 28 Healthy Snacks PreK - 2nd graders El Reno 80 MyPlate & Obesity in a Bottle 3rd-4th graders Mustang 207 MyPlate K-2nd & 5th graders Mustang 1103 Altizmers Support Drug/Food Interactions Group Yukon 4 Fruit & Veggies Tasting Party PreK-2nd & 5th graders El Reno 831 Gluten 101 OHCE members Canadian, Cleveland, Garvin, Ok & McClain 122 MyPlate Senior Citizens El Reno Sr Center 18 MyPlate & Healthy Snacks Prek-K students El Reno 50 Dirt Pudding summer reading prog El Reno Library 50 Eating Healthy for Diabetics OHCE members Grady County 50 Gluten 101 Senior Citizens Newcastle 26 Obesity in a Bottle youth at Health Fair El Reno 500 Low Calorie Desserts OHCE members Canadian, Cleveland, Garvin, Ok & McClain 515 Healthy Habits 6th grade girls Mustang 175</p><p>Plans for 2012 3,867 Healthy Snacks PreK-1st & 2-5th Mustang Return to DPS graders Obesity in a Bottle Pre-K - 3rd graders Yukon Health Fair Sleep Apnea leader lesson OHCE members El Reno Community Baby low-income Shower residents El Reno Halloween Food Craft Senior Citizens El Reno Sr Center Healthy Portions In- service Extension Educators El Reno Handwashing youth Ress Lutheran Church Principles of Healthy Housing OHCE members El Reno Holiday Food program NARF members El Reno Organ Wise Guys assemblies Pre-K & K & PreK-3rd Union City & El Reno Plans for 2013</p><p>Raising Young Leaders OHCE members Depression is not a Normal Part of Aging Oklahoma Proven Landscaping Grilling 101 Pets and People - How they enrich your life What is your spending personality? Fall Vegetables Stretching your food dollars Farm to You Exhibit K-5th graders Mustang Organ Wise Guys tasting parties Union City & Hillcrest Elem</p><p>Cleveland County Healthy Oklahoma, MyPlate, Norman Public Schools FCS, Farm to You, Nutrition Prog/ TOPs, Ag in Classroom 4-6 grades, adults-- 986 The school cafeteria is ordering less Ranch dressing due to our portion and fats lessons from Healthy Oklahoma Curriculum. A 4th grade boy stopped drinking cokes after my Beverage Buzz lesson and when I saw the boy as a 5th grader, he had lost 15 pounds just by not drinking cokes. Plans for remainder of 2012: Farm to You, Continued nutrition articles to county newspapers. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: I will be conducting Healthy Oklahoma lessons to the 4th and 5th grades in Noble Ok for 5 weeks beginning in Feb 2013 which will reach over 400 kids. Cotton County Custer County School Nutrition Meal Patterns</p><p> OHCE Leader Lessons Return to DPS Food Safety programming for concession stand workers</p><p> Canning questions</p><p> Head start meeting with parents on nutrition and serving sizes Sr. Citizen program on cooking for one Master Mix program Growing Strong Bodies and Minds/ schools Chronic Disease Reached approx.. 900 Parents are becoming more aware of nutritional needs of children and food groups needs for a healthy diet. Food safety outcome is that people don’t realize all the things we do in prep that can make someone ill or cause a food borne illness. Plans for remainder of 2012: To continue to educate parents and youth about eating healthy and eating a balance diet. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: To include health issue programming in my timeline</p><p> guidelines. Greer County Programming/activities conducted: Farm To You Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached):200 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Students have a better understanding of nutrition, where food comes from and how it affects our body. Plans for remainder of 2012: Healthy School Lunch Training and Farm to You Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Workshops to help school lunch officials market the new Harmon County Jackson County</p><p>10 Minutes to Health Adults 45 Possibly the Table Dental Health Kindergarden 450 Yes Workshops Fit for Life - 3rd - 12th Healthy Food 68 Possibly grades Choices</p><p>Jefferson County Return to DPS Programs included Head start parent nutrition education programs, Growing Strong Bodies and Minds units in two primary classrooms, summer feeding and nutrition education program involvement with library summer reading program. Also we provided 4-H life skill programs including high school budgeting and baking programs. 11 Audiences were reached with just over 200 participants. We were able to support the summer reading and feeding program held at our Waurika Library by providing a nutritious snack program, games and exercise activities. Several of those involved this past year are very interested in seeing the program’s continuation this coming summer, 2013 with the support and involvement of groups like OSU Cooperative Extension and the Waurika Lions Club. Plans for remainder of 2012: Ongoing arthritis exercise programs at Ryan, Oklahoma Senior Citizens and Nutrition Center facilities. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Jefferson County FCS/4-H PAC members indicated that providing leadership in community and personal gardening areas would greatly benefit our citizens. Potential programs could be sponsored with local libraries to reach a variety of audiences including young families such as: Raised Bed Gardening on a Budget Container Gardening for Children and Teens Growing Vegetables in Drought Conditions How to Support Existing Food Banks now being run in the four major towns Also included was a discussion on quality, affordable daycare and childcare options in our communities across the county. Parents would feel more comfortable leaving our towns to work if they knew their children were being cared for safely and competently. </p><p>Kiowa County Programming/activities conducted: Exercise with Arthritis, School Lunch and Breakfast Train the Trainer workshops, Nutrition Lessons to Progressive Center monthly, Summer Health and Fitness Day Camps, Stroke Prevention Leader Lessons, Sun Safety Workshop at 3 Safety Days, Health Fair/ County going on a diet program, Healthy Homes and Kiowa County Progressive Ag Safety Day. Quantitative Outcomes: Total numbers reached with all programs: 985 adults and youth Qualitative Outcomes: 80 adults received training on the new guidelines for the school nutrition programs at the School Lunch and Breakfast Train the Trainer workshops held in Lawton and Cordell in May 2012. Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue with Exercise with Arthritis, Monthly Nutrition Lessons to Progressive Center, and Health and Physical Activity School Enrichment program. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Diabetes education classes, Educational Classes for Head Start Parents, Health Articles in newspaper and Educational Take home flyers for grade school and head start and more programs taught to Senior Citizens at Centers.</p><p>Oklahoma County – Romano-Horn Programming/activities conducted: These are some of the classes I have taught: My Plate, Healthy Oklahoma, Think Your Drink, Veggies are good for Me, Bone up on Calcium Diabetes Basics, Heart Healthy Lesson, Reading Food Labels, Growing strong bodies and minds, Intuitive Eating, 4-H Food Showdown. Kids in the Kitchen, Latino Agency summer camp for kids. I teach nutrition classes in Return to DPS partnership with the County Health Department, Integris, Metrolibraries, Latino Agency, Head Start and Buy for Less Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): This year I have reached 1,966 people of all ages in English and Spanish. Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): After the programs people have a lot of questions and are very appreciative of having information in Spanish. Plans for remainder of 2012: Our New FCS Educator started at the end of August and now she is taking over the programs in English. I will concentrate mostly on the Hispanic community with the same programs I have been doing. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Keep the same programs and create other partnerships to provide programming to the Hispanic audience. Receive more training. Oklahoma County – Bell-CNEP Programming/activities conducted: Nutrition for Seniors lesson to the Foster Grandparents Program (32 Adults). Fun with My Plate Lesson to the Oklahoma State Down’s Syndrome Convention (11 Special needs adults) Reading Labels and Shopping on a Budget (5 Pantry Partners of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma) Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): We presented 3,119 lessons to 338 families and presented lessons to 3,319 children in 124 school classrooms and summer programs Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): 93% of Adult graduates of the program reported making Positive Changes in Consumption of at least one of the Basic Food Groups (dairy, protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, water) 94% of Adult graduates of the program reported improvement in one or more Nutrition Practices</p><p>83% of Adult graduates of the program reported improvement in one or more Food Resource Management Practices 81% of Adult graduates of the program reported improvement in one or more Food Safety Practices Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue partnerships with Workforce, OU Health Sciences Center, and Absentee Shawnee Tribe Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Hire 3 additional Nutrition Education Assistants</p><p>Farm to You Program: Monica Wilhoite Programming/activities conducted: In the 2011 – 2012 school year the exhibit visited 90 schools, 22,796 kids went through it and 1120 volunteers participated. Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Since 2008 the exhibit has reached 71,965 kids and 4326 volunteers have participated in 70 counties. Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Since January 2011 the exhibit has gone to 12 new counties. A wheat grinder has been added in the “Cheeseburger” station. As success stories is nice to see kids understanding their meat and dairy comes from animals. One student thought cows pooped cheese, he now knows differently. Many students are understanding they need fruits and veggies for good health in mouth, muscles, skin and the whole body. Return to DPS Plans for remainder of 2012: 21 schools have been scheduled for the reminder of the school year Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Reach all 77 counties. The 2012 – 2013 will be the exhibit’s 5 th year so there will be a review meeting to update the exhibit if needed.</p><p>Stephens County </p><p>Programming/activities conducted: Conducted weekly class “Stepping to a Healthier You” (Line Dance Exercise) provided nutrition and lifestyle education. Presented Leader Trainings “Health Benefits of Dance” in Grady, Jefferson and Stephens Counties. Presented “Mindless Eating” Leader Training for Stephens, Comanche Counties. Presented the State Department of Education School Nutrition Meal Pattern Training in 2 regions (3) workshops in Stephens, Marshal, and Jefferson Counties.</p><p>Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): “Stepping to a Healthier You” Line Dance Exercise class has individuals ranging in age from teens to senior citizens averaging about 30 participants weekly reaching 1200 in the year. Leader Lessons reached 487 OHCE Members. School Nutrition Training reached 49 School food service employees.</p><p>Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): I received so many personal success stories reporting increased stamina, balance, improved mental health and stress reduction. Individuals have reported decreased need for arthritis medication and blood pressure medications.</p><p>Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans are to continue the “Stepping to a Healthier You” and Health Benefits of Dance Lesson in the Duncan Area. Plan to attend training for Smarter Lunchrooms and the provide training in 2013.</p><p>Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: In 2013 we plan to add Go 4 Life Campaign from the National Institute for Aging by starting group activities and exercise classes. I also intend to begin offering Arthritis Foundation Exercise Training following my certification in that area. Plan to provide Smarter Lunchrooms training in 2013.</p><p>Tillman County Washita County Programming/activities conducted: Since January 2012 Head Start Parent Meetings on Nutrition OHCE Leader Lessons & 4-county OHCE Program Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program School Nutrition Workshop (SNA Regular Meeting) Sentinel Afterschool Program School Meal Program Trainings 4-H Workshops</p><p>Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): 626 Return to DPS</p><p>Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Head Start Parent Meetings - Parents became aware that they need to demonstrate healthy eating and snacking so that their children will acquire those same healthy eating habits. This includes the amount of soda and junk food that is consumed. School Meal Program Trainings – Participants learned and understood the new federal changes in the School Lunch Program. In addition, they learned how to implement those changes into their program. Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue to help school lunch personnel with questions and additional new trainings. Begin the 2012-2013 Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program in November Incorporate new OHCE Leader Lessons for the 2013 cycle Include Health and Hunger Programs in my 2013 POW Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Jan.–May.: Continue the Growing Strong Bodies and Minds Program Jan-Dec.: Conduct OHCE Leader Lessons on Health and Hunger Issues Jan.: Present Nutrition Programs at Head Start Parent Programs June/July: 4-H Summer Workshops Jan.-Dec.: Continue to give support and provide new information to School Nutrition Personnel Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: Issue team name: Environment Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: Issue team name: Safety Cleveland County Return to DPS Programming/activities conducted: EDEN Program, news articles on disaster preparedness and housing issues. Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Adults - 119 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories):</p><p>Plans for remainder of 2012: To begin work on a Reality Checklist for residents impacted by recent Cleveland County fires with Norman Emergency Mgt. team Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: EDEN will be presented to OHCE Council in January to ready them for possible ice, snow and of course tornado season.</p><p>Washita County Programming/activities conducted: Safety Day Events for Washita, Caddo and Custer Counties Gerontology issues (falling, etc.) Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): 735 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Present Emergency Preparedness Programs Hand out weather radios to county citizens Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Plan & conduct the annual Washita Co. OSU Health & Safety Day Event for all county 4th graders. Present programs at other county safety day events</p><p>Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline:</p><p>Issue team name: Finances Cleveland County Programming/activities conducted: None Return to DPS Grady County Making Sense of Money Management Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): In Grady County – 3. In a four county area – 25. Plans for remainder of 2012: November class planned for Stephens County. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Offering “Understanding Credit Reports” for OHCE lesson in a five county area. Making Sense of Money Management program will continue. Head Start may be interested in programs in this area. Greer County Programming/activities conducted: Minute to Win it, Personal Financial Literacy Class, Tax Workshop presented to 8th Graders Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): 180 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Students decided that being an accountant was not a career for them. Plans for remainder of 2012: To continue to educate students and adults about finances. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Continue to provide financial learning opportunities for everyone. MClain County ♦ “Minute to Win It” (savings through energy management) OHCE Lesson presented to McClain, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Canadian and Garvin Counties ♦ “Youth Financial Management” class at Newcastle Summer Youth Program ♦ “Recycling” workshop at Newcastle Summer Youth Program ♦ “Recycling” adult workshop at Blanchard Library ♦ Senior Adult conference included breakout sessions on “Senior Fraud”, “Suddenly Single”, and “Financial Planning for Senior Adults” ♦ “Unfair Lending Practices” OHCE Lesson presented to McClain, Cleveland, Oklahoma, Canadian and Garvin Counties ♦ “Reality Check” youth financial management simulation event ♦ “OHCE Recycling” on-going project ♦ “Youth Sewing” classes (2) ♦ “Quilting – Jetting Into the 21st Century” OHCE lesson ♦ 4-H Fashion Revue ♦ “Financial Management” fact sheets placed in all three county libraries. Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): ♦ 1,156 youth ♦ 835 adults Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): ♦ Following the “Win It to Win It” OHCE lesson, over half of the audiences said they were more likely to use new energy-saving light bulbs than they were before the lesson. ♦ Statements made by 9th graders who attended “Reality Check” include the following: “I feel like I’m on the right track to reaching my goals.” “Kids are expensive.” “It’s important to set career goals now.” “Now I know when my Mom says we can’t afford something I want, she really Return to DPS means it.” “I got arrested for a DUI – I’ll never get the fines and other fees paid for.” ♦ McClain County OHCE members recycles 17 different types of items – including cans, pop tabs, cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, clothing, magazines. A total of 79,332 items and 45 pounds of pop tabs were saved for recycling. Plans for remainder of 2012: ♦ “Agritourism” program for Purcell Chamber of Commerce ♦ “McClain County Operation Christmas” event for low income families ♦ Continue to replenish fact sheets at libraries with emphasis on holiday budgeting Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: ♦ OHCE lessons planned related to Finances: “What is Your Spending Personality”, “Stretching Your Food Dollars” and “Snap Bags” ♦ Continue with OHCE recycling project ♦ Youth Sewing classes ♦ Provide programs as requested at libraries and civic organizations and for youth activities – particularly offer as programs the OHCE lessons related to Finances. ♦ “Reality Check” ♦ First Time Homebuyer’s Class ♦ Expand “Fact Sheet Stations” to other places, such as Senior Centers, Health Departments, City Halls, etc. ♦ Follow up to “Reality Check” financial management classes at schools; work with teachers to promote the “High School Financial Planning” program and “Pathways to Success” ♦ Work with other agencies to provide “Pathways to Success” classes; i.e. DHS, McClain County Youth and Family Services, Head Start parents, McClain County Juvenile Services</p><p>Oklahoma County Programming/activities conducted: Educator received training in these programs: Pathways to Success, Making Sense of Money Management, and Tax Credit Outreach Training. Plans for remainder of 2012: More training of Educator Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Talk with agencies serving Hispanic families to start and promote free workshops regarding finances and use the information I learned in the trainings.</p><p>Stephens County</p><p>Conducted (9) Making Sense of Money Management Workshops with partnership with Jefferson, Grady, Caddo and Stephens Counties Court ordered participants that have written bogus checks. Positive evaluations and supported by the District Attorney.</p><p>Plans for remainder of 2012: Making Sense of Money Management will be provided Nov. 13th in Stephens C ounty. Return to DPS 2013 timeline: Plans are to continue Making Sense of money Management Workshops in the District 6 as requested by the DA. I also plan to incorporate workshop on Clipping Cost as Market swings affect household budgets. Focused on living “beneath our means”.</p><p>Issue team name: Job and Employment Caddo County Taught “Making Sense of Money Management” in a 4 county area. Reached approximately 80. Participants leave class with renewed hope of managing their finances and with new skills to assist them. Plans for remainder of 2012: Plan for Annie’s Project for 2013. Continue MSMM classes. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Continue with the programming in progress. Greer County Programming/activities conducted: Received training in the Pathways to Success curriculum. Taught high school classes to fill out job applications, write letters of application and resumes. Mock interviews were conducted. Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached):54 Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Students appreciated the class and were very thankful to have the knowledge when they began their scholarship search. Plans for remainder of 2012: Publish news articles that help others seek employment. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Partner with Jackson County to use the Pathways to Success curriculum.</p><p>Jackson </p><p>Jobs and Independent Living Independent 10 Yes Employment Program Teens Teen brought Intermediate, babysitting kit with Baby Sitting 101 Junior, and 22 her on the job and Yes Red Cross Senior High planned a pajama party for the children Return to DPS McClain County Programming/activities conducted: ♦ PRIDE training for Tri-City area (Blanchard, Newcastle, Tuttle); 6 sessions ♦ 4-H Job Readiness Workshop and Contest ♦ 4-H Impressive Dress Contest ♦ Youth Etiquette class, 4 sessions, at Newcastle Summer Youth Program Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): ♦ 45 youth ♦ 81 adults Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): ♦ The PRIDE training for business employees helped participants realize the importance of frontline service and how they can make a difference in the success or failure of the business. Employees from different businesses interacted with each other and were able to brainstorm ideas for dealing with difficult customers. Plans for remainder of 2012: ♦ October and November PRIDE trainings ♦ 4-H Job Readiness workshop for 2013 contest Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: ♦ 4-H Job Readiness Contest ♦ Work with other agencies to provide “Pathways to Success” classes; i.e. DHS, McClain County Youth and Family Services, Head Start parents, McClain County Juvenile Services ♦ OHCE Educational Lesson and community service project: Raising Young Readers ♦ Include career planning and goal setting in Reality Check event Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline:</p><p>Issue team name: Family Breakdown Garvin County - Co-parenting program— Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: Garvin and McClain Counties will partner on the program (Step Families possible follow up program)</p><p>Garvin County •Raising Young Readers-OHCE state wide project Plans for remainder of 2012: Leader lesson planned and decision to take on project Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Oklahoma County – Hamblin *Programming Conducted: “ Within My Reach” relationship workshop series conducted at Hillside Community Corrections Center, January-March, 2012. 13 participants Two “Choosing Healthy Relationships” workshops taught at OSU/OKC Project REACH program, March and July, 2012. 16 participants 2013 Plans: Begin “Smart Steps” workshops for stepfamilies. Return to DPS</p><p>Issue team name: Risky Behavior Caddo County I teach Co-Parenting 80 in Co-Parenting Conduct Farm Safety Trainings185; 600 in Farm Safety Training </p><p>Parents report that it improves their attitude about working with their co-parent and improving communication.</p><p>Plans for remainder of 2012: Continue teaching Co-Parenting and Farm Safety. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Same as 2014</p><p>Canadian County Community Baby Shower low-income families Yukon 12 Childwatch Tour agency representatives Yukon 29 Active Parenting Now Training Extension Educators Norman Reality Check 9th graders Wayne 656 697 Custer County Co-parenting Thru Divorce classes monthly reached:126 Parents have told me it makes a difference in dealing with their children and how they deal with their co-parent. Plans for remainder of 2012: continue teaching classes Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Classes will be provided in 2013 Programming/activities conducted: Texting Kills programming audiences/numbers reached): 1200 Teens/Adults sign a pledge that they will not text and drive. Showing them some videos and telling them the facts have made them more aware. Plans for remainder of 2012: Health Fair, Weatherford Public Schools programs. S.W. District 4-H Youth Action Conference Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: continue to do programming on</p><p>•Garvin County </p><p>Parent Connections newsletter- Reaching parents about adolescent issues and encourages them to get involved in group activities such as a local 4-H club and service learning. 200 sent out with report cards-Wynnewood Middle School. Plans for remainder of 2012: New newsletter with different info for each report session Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: Would like to expand to each school district in Garvin County. Return to DPS</p><p>Reality Check financial literacy-partnership Cleveland/McClain/Garvin counties & Mid America Technology Center Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): 1108 9th grade students from school districts Positive responses throughout school districts Plans for remainder of 2012: one time event series in Sept. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: We will tweak a few parts but overall concept is successful</p><p>Grady County Trained for Active Parenting Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Program cost - $500. Programming/activities conducted: Worked closely with 4-H program since the resignation of the 4-H Educator. Quantitative Outcomes: Over 600 volunteers, parents, and 4-H members enrolled in the system. Chaperoned 16 teen leaders to Southwest District Youth Action Leadership Conference. Three Teen leaders led workshops; one served on planning committee as district officer. Worked closely with teen leaders and officers to plan Skating Party for National 4H Week (70 in attendance) and Celebrate 4-H Week Reception (25 in attendance). Began 4-H Sewing Club in 2011-12 (five new members enrolled – not associated with any other 4-H club). Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: New Educator should be hired by January 1, 2013 Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: OHCE and FCS Educators will continue to support program. Sewing club is still active. Greer County Programming/activities conducted: Received training in co-parenting Plans for remainder of 2012: Work with local courts to offer services. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Co-Parenting classes will be offered in 2013. Jefferson County</p><p>Programming/activities conducted: Our programs included financial management classes for bogus check writers and drug use offenders. In addition 4-H life skill programs and camps, personal safety training, self defense Tai Chi practices and exploration of JUNTOS classes were provided in our county. 10 Audiences were reached with just over 200 participants. Thanks to Waurika Police Chief Whittington and his deputies, 12 women were trained in self defensive practices that could keep them without harm. He helped develop the attendees’ awareness of potential dangers and strategies to help them heighten their senses and change their trusting behaviors. Plans for remainder of 2012: At this time, there will be two 4-H life development training programs offered in Ryan and Waurika that teach home environment and recycling related skills. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Return to DPS Discussion of our PAC members encouraged the FCS/4-H Educator to work with community partners to address the following: Training and updating daycare facility and home daycare managers.</p><p>Plan and provide community drug awareness programs for families across Jefferson County</p><p>Conduct job preparation and interviewing events to help our unemployed gain skills to market themselves better.</p><p>Explore hosting teen events that provide productive positive behaviors instead of unsupervised “Hanging Out” opportunities. One member encouraged the offering of a summer golf program; and possibly finding funds to rebuild a swimming pool/splash park. </p><p>Provide babysitting training and childcare related career exploration that can result in positive care giving practices and parenting skills.</p><p>Coordinate and offer a JUNTOS 6-week training for Jefferson County Head start Parents.</p><p>Jackson County</p><p>Risky Comment made by participant. "I wish I Responsible Co- Behavio Adults 5 would have had this class before I got Yes Parenting r married". Extension Café for Senior Brand new program that met with success 15 Yes Teens High with local Altus teens</p><p>Kiowa County Programming/activities conducted: Kiowa County Progressive Ag Safety Day, Summer Health and Fitness Day Camps, 4-H Sewing Project Club and Safety Workshops at 3 safety days in Southwest Oklahoma. Quantitative Outcomes: 550 youth reached with these programming Qualitative Outcomes: 13 youth were involved in the Hobart 4-H sewing project club in which they completed projects and continue to look for more projects to complete. Plans for remainder of 2012: School enrichment programs Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: Partner with girls and boys clubs to do educational programming, Articles in newspaper and Educational Take home flyers on internet safety and bullying for grade school children and school enrichment programs.</p><p>McClain County ♦ Participated in bi-monthly C.A.R.E. Coalition meetings (Community Alliance of Resources for Everyone), a county-wide coalition associated with the Oklahoma Commission for Children and Youth ♦ Participated in monthly meetings of Tobacco Free McClain County, a county-wide committee associated with C.A.R.E., which assists with the utilization of McClain County’s Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust grant ♦ Taught six Co-Parenting Through Divorce classes Return to DPS ♦ Participated on state-wide Co-Parenting Focus Group ♦ Served on organizing committee for the Purcell Area Health Fair, in collaboration with Purcell Municipal Hospital, the Chickasaw Nation, the McClain County Health Department and N.A.I.C (Norman Addiction, Information and Counseling) ♦ Co-sponsored “Current Drug Trends” program with C.A.R.E. featuring Dub Turner, an educator with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics ♦ Helped organize and worked at “Kick Butts Day”, sponsored by Tobacco Free McClain County ♦ Assisted with a simulated Town Hall Meeting at Purcell High School, featuring speakers on substance abuse and addiction ♦ Set up booth at Newcastle Elementary School Health Fair ♦ Helped organize and attended “Behavior Modification” training sponsored by Tobacco Free McClain County ♦ Attended Oklahoma Turning Point annual conference ♦ Attended the McClain County Health Department Strategic Planning Report meeting Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): ♦ 552 youth ♦ 557 adults Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): ♦ Participation in C.A.R.E. and Tobacco Free McClain County has enabled the FCS Extension Educator to network with many agencies and organizations, including: Department of Human Services, McClain County Health Department, Purcell Municipal Hospital, Delta Community Action, McClain County Youth and Family Services, The Chickasaw Nation, N.A.I. C., Mid-America Technology Center, South Central Medical Resources, Oklahoma Mental Health Systems of Care, Southwest Prevention Center and McClain County Juvenile Services ♦ Through Tobacco Free McClain County, five or seven schools have 24/7 no-tobacco policies and one community has become tobacco free on city property. One school has organized a “Students Working Against Tobacco” group. Since tobacco is often the instigator to youth experimenting with drugs and alcohol, the efforts of this coalition are important deterrents to future risky behaviors. Plans for remainder of 2012: ♦ Continue working with the C.A.R.E. and T.F.M.C. coalitions. ♦ December Co-Parenting Through Divorce class ♦ Review new teaching materials for Co-Parenting Focus Group Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline: ♦ Co-Parenting classes every other month. Co-instructor will be Carrie Kile. ♦ Work with C.A.R.E. coalition to plan continuing education workshop for adults teaching or serving youth on some aspect of risky behaviors. ♦ Continue working with and supporting programs and events sponsored by the C.A.R.E. community coalition and Tobacco Free McClain County. ♦ Incorporate risky behaviors information into Reality Check event.</p><p>Oklahoma County – Hamblin Programming Conducted: “Co-Parenting Through Divorce” workshops: 12 classes taught, 269 participants. *Success Stories: “I will be more understanding of her doing odd things to soothe herself, like sleeping with her Hello Kitty shoes.”, “I’m going to become their parent, not their friend.”, “No more arguing around the kids”, “I will tell my children it’s not their fault” and “I thank the judge for sending me”. 2012 Plans: *Classes scheduled for October 16, November 13 and December 11. Return to DPS *Assist state specialists in editing and piloting new Co-Parenting curriculum. 2013 Plans: *Change class time to 12:30-4:30 and 5:30-9:30, *Pilot new Co-Parenting curriculum and *Start Co-Parenting e-newsletter</p><p>Issue team name: Resilience Grady County State Women in Ag Meeting – served as a planning member 200 Plans for remainder of 2012: Working with Caddo County FCS Educator to offer “Annie’s Project” for Women Ag Producers. Plans / discussion for 2013 timeline:</p><p>OK County – Hamblin Programming Conducted: “ A Parenting Journey”, a 6 week teen parent series at Putnam City Academy, October-November, 2011. 12 students. *Success Story: As a result of positive outcomes from the first workshop series, a follow-up series, “ Toddlers are Terrific ” was taught during the spring semester with the same teen parents. Topics included: Potty training, language development, discipline, sleep issues, safety and childproofing, and how to choose children’s books. 2012 Plans: “A Parenting Journey” is scheduled for October 15-November 19th. 2013 Plans: “Toddlers are Terrific” dates TBA. Programming Conducted: “ Turning Points”, a 12 week workshop series for incarcerated mothers at Hillside Community Corrections Center, Aug 1-Oct 24, 2011. 44 participants Success Stories: *Dr. Aida Balsano, National Program Director for Extension Child and Family Programs, Washington, D.C. observed a session of Turning Points and shared positive comments with Dr. Jorge Atiles, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension FCS Program Director. *Program display featured at FCS state in-service. *”The class has let me see that I’m a good parent, but need to work on rebuilding the trust that was broken.” *”I learned effective discipline techniques.” Return to DPS *”I plan to be more involved with my son and have more confidence in my ability to parent effectively.” *”I learned that children should be children and I am there to encourage, pay attention, and understand them.” *”I learned my parenting type…no more marshmallows!! I will set some clear boundaries, family goals and expectations.”</p><p>How to Get Resiliance Some More Senior High 90 Yes out of Life Independen Independent t Living 10 Yes Teens Program Teen brought Intermediate, babysitting kit with Baby Sitting Junior, and 22 her on the job and Yes Red Cross 101 Senior High planned a pajama party for the children</p><p>Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline: Return to DPS</p><p>Issue team name: Agri-Science Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline:</p><p>Other Educational Programs: Roamno – OK County I taught the PRIDE (Producing Resourceful Informed Devoted Employees) program for customer service to different groups in Spanish and English. We have reached 300 people from February 2011. Programming/activities conducted: Quantitative Outcomes (audiences/numbers reached): Qualitative Outcomes (success stories): Plans for remainder of 2012: Plans/discussion for 2013 timeline:</p>
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