<p> COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>FOR: Fire Operations Dashboard SPECIFICATION NO.:LACOFD-0608- REQUISITION NO.:RQN-FR- SOLICITATION NO.:RFB- 15 15005704 IS-15200342 VENDOR: BID PREPARED BY: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: EMAIL ADDRESS: </p><p>NOTICE: Bidder shall complete right hand column, indicating specific size and/or make and model of all components when not exactly as specified. State “As Specified” if item is exactly as shown in left column. Return this questionnaire to the Los Angeles County Purchasing Agent.</p><p>SPECIFICATION BIDDER’S RESPONSE</p><p>I. BACKGROUND</p><p>The Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACoFD) is seeking to purchase a pre-developed Fire Operations Dashboard (Dashboard) that is based upon the QlikView Business Discovery platform (QlikView). The Dashboard will allow LACoFD to analyze and view data from many disparate data sources that are in use throughout the Department. The Dashboard will provide management with a tool to quickly view key operational performance indicators and operational trends.</p><p>Please note: The hardware environment will be supplied by LACoFD.</p><p>II. APPLICATION SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>A. Application Platform Requirements</p><p>A.1.The application shall run primarily in the Microsoft Windows OS environment.</p><p>A.2.The application shall be compatible for install locally on the LACoFD virtual server (VM) environment. Our current VM environment consists of:</p><p>A.2.a. VM Software: VMware Esxi 5.1 HA (high availability) </p><p>PAGE 1 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS cluster.</p><p>A.2.b. VM Server Hardware: Cisco UCS blade servers & Dell PowerEdge R910 Servers.</p><p>A.2.c. VM Storage: EMC VNX SAN Storage.</p><p>A.2.d. Application shall be compatible with VMware Esxi 5 or higher.</p><p>A.3.The application platform shall be QlikView Small Business Server (QlikView).</p><p>A.4.The Dashboard shall be accessed through a standard web browser interface.</p><p>B. Application Licensing and Rights Requirements</p><p>B.1. QlikView software and licensing will be provided by the vendor as follows:</p><p>B.1.a. QlikView Small Business Edition Server.</p><p>B.1.b. Five (5) QlikView Named User Licenses.</p><p>B.1.c. Twenty-Five (25) QlikView Document User Licenses.</p><p>B.2. The QlikView license shall be open and allow LACoFD to use data from all current systems and systems added in the future.</p><p>B.3. LACoFD shall retain the rights and ability to customize any provided Dashboard to its own requirements.</p><p>B.4. LACoFD shall retain the rights and ability to and add any additional data sources and analytic components to the dashboard that it may require now or in the future.</p><p>C. Application Data Integration Requirements</p><p>C.1. The Dashboard shall allow for multiple connections to </p><p>PAGE 2 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS current and legacy LACoFD data sources including: ODCB and OLEBD compatible data sources, text, CVS, flat file format, Excel, XML, DIF, HTML and OLAP data sources.</p><p>C.2. The Dashboard shall allow LACoFD administrators to set data refresh times based upon LACoFD requirements.</p><p>C.3. Shall allow for the automation of data extraction, cleansing and processing of data.</p><p>C.4. Shall be able to access, query and analyze data from multiple sources at the same time.</p><p>D. Functional Features Requirements (At a minimum the dashboard should include the following sections and functional features):</p><p>D.1.Self Help Section:</p><p>D.1.a. End user overview explaining how to use the Dashboard and QlikView.</p><p>D.2.Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Section:</p><p>D.2.a. KPI operational areas shall be customizable with additional areas added based on LACoFD specifications.</p><p>D.2.b. Section shall allow the ability to highlight exceptions based on LACoFD preference.</p><p>D.2.c. KPI section shall provide quick insight regarding performance in the following operational areas: </p><p>D.2.c.i. Incidents:</p><p>D.2.c.i.a) Set to include all incident types (customizable to individual LACoFD specifications).</p><p>D.2.c.i.b) Ability to show all incidents or only First On Scene.</p><p>D.2.c.i.c) Gauge that shows performance Year </p><p>PAGE 3 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS To Date (YTD).</p><p>D.2.c.i.d) Detailed overview of Emergent vs. Non- Emergent calls YTD vs. Previous Year (PY), Month To Date (MTD) vs. PYMTD.</p><p>D.2.c.i.e) Detailed overview of Turnout Times (Fire and Medical) YTD vs. PY, MTD vs. PYMTD, Turnout Goal with YTD% in Goal.</p><p>D.2.c.ii. Inspections:</p><p>D.2.c.ii.a) Set to Inspection Type=Routine Inspection/Inspection.</p><p>D.2.c.ii.b) Status=Completed or Follow-Up (Based on Inspection Done Time) (customizable to individual LACoFD specifications).</p><p>D.2.c.ii.c) Gauge that shows performance YTD.</p><p>D.2.c.ii.d) Detailed overview of Inspections by Shift YTD, YTD vs. PY, MTD, MTD vs. PYMTD.</p><p>D.2.c.iii. Training:</p><p>D.2.c.iii.a) Set to Skills Maintenance (customizable to individual LACoFD specifications).</p><p>D.2.c.iii.b) Gauge that shows performance YTD.</p><p>D.2.c.iii.c) Detailed overview of Training by Shift YTD, YTD vs. PY, MTD, MTD vs. PYMTD.</p><p>D.2.c.iv. Staffing:</p><p>D.2.c.iv.a) Staff Days calculated based on LACoFD shifts (customizable to individual LACoFD specifications).</p><p>D.2.c.iv.b) Gauge that shows injured or sick staff YTD.</p><p>D.2.c.iv.c) Detailed overview of Overtime/Sick/WCB days by YTD, YTD vs. PY, MTD, MTD vs. PYMTD.</p><p>D.2.c.iv.d) Detailed overview of injured or sick staff by YTD, YTD vs. PY, MTD, MTD vs. PYMTD.</p><p>PAGE 4 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>D.3.Incident Performance Section:</p><p>D.3.a. Displays, analyzes and allows Drill-down, Drill-across and Drill-up (Drill), capability into any critical performance metric to validate performance against national standards (e.g. NFPA 1710).</p><p>D.3.b. Analyze performance trends.</p><p>D.3.c. Single click mechanism to change calculations between 90th Percentile, 50th Percentile, or Average (allow additional added calculations as needed).</p><p>D.3.d. Simultaneous display of Incident Performance by Time and other important categories like Fire Station, Shift Apparatus (all customizable).</p><p>D.3.e. Ability to sort charts interactively.</p><p>D.3.f. Time Metrics:</p><p>D.3.f.i. Year/Month/Weekday/Hour/Date.</p><p>D.3.g. High Level Selections:</p><p>D.3.g.i. Fire/Medical/Emergent/Non-Emergent/First On Scene.</p><p>D.3.h. Incident Performance Time Measures: (90th Percentile/50th Percentile/Average):</p><p>D.3.h.i. Call Processing Time.</p><p>D.3.h.ii. Dispatch Time.</p><p>D.3.h.iii. Turnout Time.</p><p>D.3.h.iv. Travel Time.</p><p>D.3.h.v. On Scene Time.</p><p>D.3.h.vi. Return To Quarter Time.</p><p>D.3.h.vii. Dispatching Time (Call Processing + Dispatch).</p><p>D.3.h.viii. Apparatus Committed Time (Turnout + Travel + On Scene).</p><p>D.3.h.ix. Total Response Time (Call Processing + Dispatch + PAGE 5 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS Turnout + Travel).</p><p>D.3.h.x. Total Time of Incident (Call Processing + Dispatch + Turnout + Travel + On Scene + Return to Quarter).</p><p>D.3.i. Incident Volume:</p><p>D.3.i.i. Number of incidents/Apparatus/Attendees.</p><p>D.3.j. Drill in capability by any combination of the following (customizable):</p><p>D.3.j.i. Shift.</p><p>D.3.j.ii. Station.</p><p>D.3.j.iii. Apparatus Type.</p><p>D.3.j.iv. Category.</p><p>D.3.j.v. CAD Incident No.</p><p>D.3.j.vi. CAD Response Type.</p><p>D.3.j.vii. Incident Type.</p><p>D.3.j.viii. Incident Nature.</p><p>D.3.j.ix. Apparatus Name.</p><p>D.3.j.x. Officer.</p><p>D.3.j.xi. Street.</p><p>D.3.j.xii. Map Grid.</p><p>D.3.j.xiii. Disposition Code.</p><p>D.3.j.xiv. Severity.</p><p>D.3.j.xv. Initial Priority.</p><p>D.4.Incident Details Section:</p><p>D.4.a. Review additional summaries (Properties/Apparatus/Utilization/Turnout)</p><p>D.4.b. Easy Drill mechanism to see details of a single or multiple incidents, the apparatus, attendees, times, </p><p>PAGE 6 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS turnout, utilization, CAD calls, fire loss and officer reports.</p><p>D.4.c. Time Metrics:</p><p>D.4.c.i. Year/Month/Weekday/Hour/Date.</p><p>D.4.d. High Level Selections:</p><p>D.4.d.i. Fire/Medical/Emergent/Non-Emergent/First On Scene/90th Percentile/50th Percentile/Average.</p><p>D.4.d.ii. Number of Incidents (Complete/Incomplete).</p><p>D.4.d.iii. Number of Apparatus (Distinct/Cancelled/Rolled/Arrived/Cancelled).</p><p>D.4.d.iv. Number of Attendees (Distinct/Rank Type).</p><p>D.4.d.v. Fire Loss $ (Building/Content).</p><p>D.4.e. Charts:</p><p>D.4.e.i. Number of Incidents by: (Category/Category Group/Response Type/Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Type/Shift/Map Grid/Fire Station).</p><p>D.4.e.ii. Incident Overview (Incident ID/Street No./Street Name/Building Name/Incident Start Time/Incident End Time/Response Zone/Severity Level).</p><p>D.4.e.iii. Property Overview (Property ID/Building Name/Street No./Street No./Street Name/No. of Incidents/No. of Incidents YTD).</p><p>D.4.e.iv. Apparatus Overview (CAD Incident No./Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Name/Status i.e. Rolled/Status i.e. Arrived/Date/Time of Incident/Time Call Start/Time Dispatch/Time On Scene/Time Return Service/Time On Route/Time Redeployed/Time Return Quarter/Time Incident End).</p><p>D.4.e.v. Time Overview (CAD Incident No./Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Name/Call Processing Time/Dispatch Time/Turnout Time/Travel Time/On Scene Time/Return Quarter Time).</p><p>D.4.e.vi. Turnout Time Overview Bar Chart (Category/Category Group/Response PAGE 7 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS Type/Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Type/Shift/Map Grid/Fire Station).</p><p>D.4.e.vii. Turnout Time Overview Line Chart (Category/Category Group/Response Type/Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Type/Shift/Map Grid/Fire Station).</p><p>D.4.e.viii. Utilization Overview (Apparatus Unit/Apparatus Name/Hours Committed/No. of Days Selected/Hours Capacity/Utilization).</p><p>D.4.e.ix. Attendee Overview (CAD Incident No./Rank Type/Rank Order/Rank Abbreviation/Rank/First Name/Last Name).</p><p>D.4.e.x. CAD Calls Overview (CAD Incident No./CAD Call ID/Caller Info./CAD Time Call Start/CAD Time Call End).</p><p>D.4.e.xi. Fire Loss Overview (CAD Incident No./Incident Name/Incident Contact/Fire Loss Building/Fire Loss Content/Fire Loss Total/Building Value).</p><p>D.4.e.xii. Remarks Overview (CAD Incident No./Title/Remark Logging Note/Locked ID).</p><p>D.4.f. Drill in capability by any combination of the following (customizable):</p><p>D.4.f.i. Shift.</p><p>D.4.f.ii. Fire Station.</p><p>D.4.f.iii. Apparatus Type.</p><p>D.4.f.iv. Category.</p><p>D.4.f.v. CAD Incident No.</p><p>D.4.f.vi. CAD Response Type.</p><p>D.4.f.vii. Incident Type.</p><p>D.4.f.viii. Incident Nature.</p><p>D.4.f.ix. Apparatus Name.</p><p>D.4.f.x. Officer.</p><p>PAGE 8 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS D.4.f.xi. Street.</p><p>D.4.f.xii. Map Grid.</p><p>D.4.f.xiii. Disposition Code.</p><p>D.4.f.xiv. Severity.</p><p>D.5.Inspections Section:</p><p>D.5.a. Shall identify trends by status of inspection and inspection item.</p><p>D.5.b. Allow for the review of a property summary and provide a Drill mechanism into common violations.</p><p>D.5.c. Allow for the review of the complete details of inspections including notes.</p><p>D.5.d. Time Metrics:</p><p>D.5.d.i. Year/Month/Weekday/Day/Date.</p><p>D.5.e. High Level Selections:</p><p>D.5.e.i. Number of Inspections (Completed/Follow- up/Pending).</p><p>D.5.e.ii. Re-inspection (Yes/No).</p><p>D.5.e.iii. Number of Inspection Items (Not Applicable/Not Inspected/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory).</p><p>D.5.e.iv. Number of Properties.</p><p>D.5.f. Charts:</p><p>D.5.f.i. Property Summary (Building Name/Number of Inspections/Number of Inspection Items/Last Inspection Date).</p><p>D.5.f.ii. Property Details (Property Master ID/Building Name/Property Class/Occupancy Usage/Building Usage/Phone Number/Street/Alarm/Sprinkler).</p><p>D.5.f.iii. Inspection Master (Inspection ID/Date/Business Info./Assigned To/Inspector/Re- Inspection/Inspection Status/Done Date).</p><p>PAGE 9 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS D.5.f.iv. Inspection Items (Inspection ID/Inspection Item/Item Status/Inspection Item Note).</p><p>D.5.f.v. Smoke Alarm Summary (Installed/Alarm Number/Number of Properties).</p><p>D.5.g. Drill in capability by any combination of the following (customizable):</p><p>D.5.g.i. Shift.</p><p>D.5.g.ii. Fire Station.</p><p>D.5.g.iii. Inspection Item Name.</p><p>D.5.g.iv. Assigned To.</p><p>D.5.g.v. Inspection Type Name.</p><p>D.5.g.vi. Inspection Class Name.</p><p>D.5.g.vii. Building Name.</p><p>D.5.g.viii. Inspector.</p><p>D.5.g.ix. Info. Pamphlet Delivered.</p><p>D.5.g.x. Re-inspection.</p><p>D.5.g.xi. Property Class.</p><p>D.5.g.xii. Occupancy Usage.</p><p>D.5.g.xiii. Sprinkler.</p><p>D.5.g.xiv. Building Usage.</p><p>D.6.Staff Training Section:</p><p>D.6.a. Shall allow for trend and detailed analysis of training sessions, lessons, trainees and hours.</p><p>D.6.b. Shall allow for the comparison of training sessions by Fire Stations, shifts and Drill mechanism into specific training session.</p><p>D.6.c. Shall provide ability to see the training schedule completed by a specific person.</p><p>D.6.d. Time Metrics:</p><p>PAGE 10 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS D.6.d.i. Year/Month/Weekday/Day/Date.</p><p>D.6.e. High Level Selections:</p><p>D.6.e.i. Number of Sessions (Complete/Incomplete).</p><p>D.6.e.ii. Number of Lessons.</p><p>D.6.e.iii. Number of Trainees.</p><p>D.6.e.iv. Number of Hours.</p><p>D.6.f. Charts:</p><p>D.6.f.i. Training Details (Session Start Date/Title/Training Type/Location/Reporting Officer/Duration/Approved/Approved By/Ready for Review/Reason for Rejection/Rejected/Shift/Station Abbreviation/Station Name).</p><p>D.6.f.ii. Training Sessions (Session Start Date/Session ID/Duration/Auto Credit/Title/Outside Instructor/Location/Credit Date/Session Type/Reporting Officer).</p><p>D.6.f.iii. Training Lessons (Lesson ID/Training Subject/Training Lesson Name/Lesson Number/Credit Value).</p><p>D.6.g. Drill in capability by any combination of the following (customizable):</p><p>D.6.g.i. Shift.</p><p>D.6.g.ii. Station.</p><p>D.6.g.iii. Subject.</p><p>D.6.g.iv. Session Location.</p><p>D.6.g.v. Training Type.</p><p>D.6.g.vi. Instructor.</p><p>D.6.g.vii. Employee Name.</p><p>D.7.Staffing Section:</p><p>D.7.a. Shall allow for the monitoring of staff levels and </p><p>PAGE 11 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS trends by year, month, day and shift.</p><p>D.7.b. Shall have the ability to analyze regular shifts, overtime, sick time, vacations, training or any other work status.</p><p>D.7.c. Time Metrics:</p><p>D.7.c.i. Year/Month/Weekday/Day/Date.</p><p>D.7.d. High Level Selections:</p><p>D.7.d.i. Average Number of Resources.</p><p>D.7.d.ii. Number of Resources.</p><p>D.7.d.iii. Number of Days/Shifts.</p><p>D.7.d.iv. Number of Hours.</p><p>D.7.e. Charts:</p><p>D.7.e.i. Number of Resource Days/Shifts by (Shift/Work Status):</p><p>D.7.e.ii. Work Status (Group/Abbreviation Name/Hours/Number of Resources).</p><p>D.7.e.iii. Resource Summary (Resource/Resource Description/Hours/Days/Number of Resources).</p><p>D.7.e.iv. Time Entries (Date/Resource/Resource Description/Position/Start Time/End Time/Work Status/Work Status Code/Unit/Hours/Days).</p><p>D.7.f. Drill in capability by any combination of the following (customizable):</p><p>D.7.f.i. Shift.</p><p>D.7.f.ii. Work Status.</p><p>D.7.f.iii. Resource.</p><p>D.7.f.iv. Position.</p><p>D.8.Sandbox Section:</p><p>D.8.a. Provide for an environment to allow users to create their own charts and summaries based upon LACoFD PAGE 12 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS specifications.</p><p>E. Application Reporting Requirements</p><p>E.1. The Dashboard shall allow users to create customized reports with full control of page layout.</p><p>E.2. The Dashboard shall allow to users to export single tables and charts into Excel and pdf.</p><p>III. ADMINISTRATORS AND USERS</p><p>A. System Administrator: a local system administrator shall be able to control all application functions, including assigning roles to other users with unrestricted access to all system functions and shall have the ability to:</p><p>A.1.Manage data extracts, data and system security.</p><p>A.2.Create and maintain source files (data files and applications).</p><p>A.3.Control data refresh and application distribution.</p><p>A.4.Administer product deployments.</p><p>B. Business Analysts and Developers:</p><p>B.1. Use desktop client to extract data from source systems, create data models and transform the data.</p><p>B.2. Create data storage layers and layout the user interface.</p><p>B.3. Ensure the business applications are using the most recent data and that are distributed to the correct community.</p><p>C. Business Users</p><p>C.1. Interact with application front end through a browser.</p><p>D. Multi-user availability via network connection for all licensed users.</p><p>IV. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT:</p><p>A. During Normal Business Hours: LACoFD shall be able to call PAGE 13 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS directly to customer service staff.</p><p>B. Calls that reach voicemail shall be returned within four (4) hours.</p><p>C. E-mail Requests: The Support Desk shall respond to e-mail requests within (8) business hours.</p><p>V. PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION</p><p>A. Vendor shall contact LACoFD within three (3) business days from the date the PO is issued to arrange meetings with LACoFD Information Management Division (IMD) staff to begin implementation discussions.</p><p>B. The vendor shall provide a project manager to oversee the implementation of the Dashboard and the QlikView platform.</p><p>C. The vendor shall provide an implementation plan identifying implementation milestones and timelines, such as:</p><p>C.1. Project management</p><p>C.2. Server installation</p><p>C.3. Requirements analysis</p><p>C.4. Application Data Model</p><p>C.5. Application Design</p><p>C.6. Handover and Training</p><p>C.7. Post Implementation Support.</p><p>D. The vendor shall provide a Time and Materials rate to be used when additional services are required.</p><p>VI. APPLICATION TRAINING</p><p>A. Application Administration and Maintenance Training – The vendor shall provide the following training to six (6) identified LACoFD personnel:</p><p>A.1.Installation of client workstation.</p><p>PAGE 14 OF 15 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS A.2.Routine server system maintenance.</p><p>A.3.Routine system testing.</p><p>A.4.Installation of patches and updates to both server and client workstation.</p><p>A.5.Administrator user training.</p><p>A.6.Provide a detailed application administrator manual in either MS Word or PDF format.</p><p>A.7.Data importing / exporting functions.</p><p>A.8.Interpretation of data elements and data dictionary.</p><p>A.9.Software application operation - The vendor shall provide the following training to six (6) identified LACoFD personnel:</p><p>A.9.a. Provide application training to application administrators for “train the trainer” exercises.</p><p>A.9.b. Provide a detailed application user manual in either MS Word or PDF format.</p><p>VII. APPLICATION MAINTENANCE AND WARRANTY</p><p>A. A full one-year warranty shall be provided after delivery and installation of the system.</p><p>B. Annual Maintenance charges shall not exceed 20% of the QlikView licensing costs.</p><p>C. The application shall have an integrated method to provide scheduled back up for all application data onto a designated LACoFD server. (Path will be provided upon award)</p><p>D. Bug-fixes and upgrades shall be provided when available at no additional charge.</p><p>E. Corrective maintenance shall be performed on-site or remotely with no additional travel time charges.</p><p>PAGE 15 OF 15</p>
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