<p>Because the potential termination of our project, Professor Sue has asked us to only include features and problems of current system in OCD so that we can discuss in detail to decide whether we should terminate this project. First part Here are the problems we analyze about the current system. Problems: (We listed them from several aspects and ordered them by giving a level) Great effort for knowing the current system and improvement. Little information about crashes and bugs which requires much effort to find them out. (3) Use VB and Access which we are not familiar with. (3) Many features are neither written up yet nor written in technical ways. (4) Poor design documents. (4) Little chance to get help from former developers. (4) Great effort for re-designing the whole system. No budget for buying a new server to solve the problem caused by inefficiency. (2) No budget for using COTS as some features could be done through them. (3) Limited time require limited features we can develop. (4) Ensuring all success running of 26 PC sites is impractical. (3) Cross platforms’ stable version is a hard work for current system. (3) It’s impractical to know every network configuration of 26 sites to solve the problem of each site. (2) Problems in running current system in team members’ machine(crashes and force quit). (1)</p><p>Ordering from highest to lowest: Level 4: Limited time require limited features we can develop Little chance to get help from former developers. Poor design documents. Many features are neither written up yet nor written in technical ways. Level 3: Little information about crashes and bugs which requires much effort to find them out. Cross platforms stable version may be a hard work for current system. Ensuring all success running of 26 PC sites is impractical. No budget for using COTS as some features could be done through them. Level 2: No budget for buying a new server to solve the problem caused by inefficiency. It’s impractical to know every network configuration of 26 sites to solve the problem of each site. Level 1: Problems in running current system in team members’ machines(crashes and force quit). Second Part Here are the features the system now owned: Features: 411 Grad Overview-Self: Functionality: Provides all critical counseling information for an entire roster of students at a single glance. Prints one page wide. One benefit, for example, is the ability to determine who needs to take the upcoming CAHSEE with several clicks of the mouse. Role: Administrator Name Comments Outputs teacher drop down showing drop down status drop down print all conseling information conseling information report black and white checkbox row shading box link to 411 spreadsheet generate 411 report 411 spreadsheet</p><p>Goto different system Page double click the table row, then link to Student Info Zone/Transcript Overview/Ged Score Entry 411-custom setup-Filter name drop down</p><p>411-custom setup-Group name drop down</p><p>411-custom setup-Run selected Goto 411 Grad filter Overview 411-custom setup-Rerun last filter</p><p> Student Info Zone: Functionality: Student-centered location that allows access and manipulation to all information for that student in one place and only 1-click away. Role: OC/Administrator Name Comments</p><p>Basic Information Store Basic Student Information. Link to add/drop student, transcrips, … forms</p><p>Contacts Store Information and Print Contact Sheet</p><p>Language Store Information</p><p>Misc Store Information</p><p>Last School Store Information and Link to School names & Location Code</p><p>PO/SW Store Information</p><p>Job/Work Store Information</p><p>Assesment Store Information & Link to TABE Log</p><p>Records Store Information & Link to Tdap immuzation status query for current students</p><p>Logs Present Modify Logs</p><p>Enroll Todo List Link to enter CAHSEE/GED/Transcripts/Enroll PAR</p><p>Teacher Links to a lot of Querys like Course taken/not taken; algebra taken/not taken… Link to 411, Link to Phone list Answers Plenty Links to Queries like all student in database/all student last year… The function is mainly in statistic area & overview Books Store Information</p><p>Data View Graduation Overview</p><p> Report Control Panel-Self: Functionality: At the click of a button, creates a professional printout of successful outcomes for all students who came from a particular feeder school. Role: OC/Administrator Name Comments Outputs</p><p>Year drop down report period drop down report status drop down</p><p>Basic report info Query</p><p>Holiday Query</p><p>Full Schedule Query</p><p>Classification generate classification report classification report report view doc</p><p>Statistical report generate statistical report statistical report doc view</p><p>Revise report-Goto before printing users can report revised page revise the report</p><p>Revise report-Add a student not list Revise report- remove a student</p><p>Refinalize report before printing users can re- finalize the report--take 10 minutes</p><p> Enter Hours Form-Self: Functionality: Supports student work (“hours”, which are measured in multiples of “4 hours of work” which equals 1 minimum day of ADA apportionment) tracking and reporting for report periods that are 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks long. Role: OC</p><p>Name Comments jump to a specific student to either look up or enter hours reduces need to scroll through several hundred students looking for the one in question filter list by just Filtering by enrolls or drops is necessary enrolls/drops/the list of when the enrollment numbers are off by 1 students brought forward and the OC suspects they forgot to drop a from the prior report student, so they need to filter for all the drops period/the list of students and see who’s missing. The “brought present at the end of the forward” or “end of current report (Class current report period. Rpt)” filters are necessary when debugging inconsistent student counts between report periods. Since Genesis interfaces with the Attendance and Enrollment database, student counts must remain consistent between report periods, except for RP SuA and RP 1. Tracking down the inconsistencies is very difficult and time consuming without these filters. Goto select missing student to find page select missing student- select select missing student-list students select missing student- column order select missing student-list by student id</p><p>“ Enrolled During” help OCs track down enrollment number shortcuts inconsistencies, as well as make it easier to cross-reference this form to their hand- written Roll Book. view adjacent report useful when tracking 1 students work through periods time. link to Student Annual which shows hours for the entire year as well Attendance Report as truancies for the entire year. Required when a parole officer or a parent has an OC on the phone and is asking questions about student attendance throughout the year. Ability to enforce Master No work can be claimed before the latest date Agreement (MAIS) dates of a signature on the Master Agreement. This checkbox gives the ability to enforce this rule, although most sites do not currently use it. Total hours for summer useful for determining consistency of and for the regular school attendance at a glance without bringing up year any other forms. Filterable and sortable Necessary when trying to track down based on E-Dates, E- inconsistencies in enrollment, drops, or the Codes, L-Dates, and L- statistical reports. Codes. One button debugging explains why a certain student does not show feature up in the hours form. Typically an office tech might typo an E-Date or L-Date but not notice it. This button figures out the logic of why the student is not included on the list, and then tells the Office Tech the exact reason so they can immediately fix it. Prior to this feature, Office Techs would spend tens of minutes trying to figure out why a student was not included. ADA Status is This is necessary for the reporting of hours automatically calculated and collecting of ADA via our statistical based on a) a student’s reports. Often an OC doesn’t realize, for age, b) how old they were example, when a student has turned 21, and when they began AEWC, without the ADA Status column it’s very and c) whether they are difficult for them to determine which student continuously enrolled is no longer counting for ADA because they within LAUSD. turned 21. The Arrival Status field The Arrival Status field tracks whether a tracks student is a “handoff” - that is, continuously enrolled within LAUSD and then enrolled directly into AEWC without a gap in enrollment – or whether there was a gap in enrollment. For students ages 19 and 20, this distinction determines whether AEWC gets paid for them or not.</p><p>Work is reported in hours and days of ADA</p><p>Rollbooker The Rock ‘N Rollbooker creates verbatim roll book printouts for the OCs to staple into their roll books. different color schemes First, each week is custom color-coded to fordifferent data match the colors of the actual sheets of paper (“weeklies”) that the students are given each week with their assignments. Different sites use different color schemes, especially if they ordered different colored paper in bulk, so these are customizable on a per-site basis. Second, each week can be shown or hidden. When entering data for all students for 1 week at a time, the other 3 weeks can be hidden, which allows for the tab key to be used to go to the next student. This greatly reduces data entry time. Some sites use this; some sites enter their data at the end of the report period, 1 student’s 4 week’s worth of data at a time. automatically Depending on the site, some or all of these synchronizing the should remain in sync. Thus, this feature supervising teacher for a allows for automatic syncing, manual student with the week-by- syncing, or no syncing. week teacher responsible for the student’s hours with the teacher responsible for the student’s In Progress contracts. The “Teacher->”, used for precise teacher accountability in “Expected Hours->”, and terms of student hours turned in, in terms of “Reason->” rows a distinction known as production rate, and in terms of a distinction known as turn-in rate.</p><p> Transcript Forms-Self: Functionality: All student graduation information in one place, at a glance. Multiple GED and CAHSEE scores are collapsed so pass status is obvious at a glance. Role: OC/Teacher Top level reference: Student Info Zone Name Comments</p><p>Change Student Brings up a student selector so that a teacher can browse through multiple students without closing and re-opening the form. Get Grade Based On For the purposes of the CAHSEE test, a Credits student’s grade is determined by the number of credits he has, not his age as in conventional high school. This link calculates the student’s grade based on credits entered into the database. This may be different from the “official” grade in the database which needs to remain consistent due to AEWC’s data interfacing with the database in the Attendance and Enrollment Department. Edit Contract Names Based on how the OC and the APACS wants classes on the cumulative record named, each site can custom specify the exact spelling of each class name (often used in regards to classes and electives that are typed in off of a student’s transcripts). Verify Complete In order for a site to drop a student as a grad, they must have all the required information entered in the database. Sometimes Office Techs try to drop a student but the system will not allow them to do so. The Verify Complete feature will list all of the requirements that have not yet been entered into the database. Without this feature, needless time is spent trying to uncover which date, or which course number, or which GED score, etc., is missing. A-Tran This creates an official AEWC Transcript, a water-marked printout of the contracts taken at AEW Cum. Setup/Create Cum Creates a cumulative record that is built to the same specs as that output by Adult SIS.</p><p>Accountability features confirm the completeness of the data entered into the form. Possible values are: “Not started”, “Not verified”, “Partially Input/Partially Verified”, and “Complete and Verified”. This is necessary because a) sometimes information is entered off of one transcript but the OC knows another one is coming in the mail. In that case, the information on the form is incomplete and teachers and OCs need to know this when counseling students or making decisions; b) information is being entered by an Office Tech or OC and they get interrupted or go home before they are done. In that case, the information is incomplete and data entry is in process; c) sometimes multiple people are doing data entry at different times, and one person has to go through at a later date and confirm that no data fell through the cracks or was mis-entered. This feature is critical because only when the data on this form can be trusted can the teachers and OCs effectively counsel students knowing they have the whole picture. Grad Route clarifies to the OC or Teacher which path to graduation the student is slated to take: GED + 50, or the full 170 credits without the GED, or GED only. “Class of” is required because it can determine a student’s ability to take the GED even if they are younger than 17 years and 10 months old. GED Scores shows the collapsed and calculated practice GED scores as well as actual GED scores. If a student has taken the practice or actual GED tests multiple times (which happens at most sites), only their highest scores in each section are shown here, and the average is an average of those highest scores. If the teacher wants to see the scores for each individual test attempt, they click on the “View or Edit GED Scores” hyperlink. The “Passed” checkbox is required because it confirms at a glance that the average of all of the highest GED section scores is 450 or more, and each section is at least 410. Without this checkbox, teachers have to stop and take a close look and think to make sure they have passed the test. With the checkbox, teachers know at a glance. Also, each section of the actual test is a different color so teachers don’t accidentally look at the scores and mistake the score for one section as being for another section. CAHSEE Scores shows the highest CAHSEE scores for both the ELA and Math tests. Clicking on the “View or Edit CAHSEE Scores” hyperlink allows viewing of the scores for each individual attempt. The checkboxes provide a quick visual for determining whether the test scores are passing or not. Otherwise, it’s easy to confuse the 450 for GED and 350 for CAHSEE. start/complete contracts link to the contracts page</p><p> Contract Management-Self: Role: OC Name Comments</p><p>Change Student Brings up a student selector so that a teacher can browse through multiple students without closing and re-opening the form. students drop down transcript slot drop down teacher primary response for this contract drop down a contract in progress list grade drop down type of credit start contract complete contract</p><p> Enrollment-Self: Functionality: Ability to enroll students like edit enrollment form, drop enrollment etc. Role: OC Name Comments Outputs Top level reference enroll new Launch STUDENT-PRE- students ENROLLMENT PLAYGROUND form show all enroll new current students students show the enroll new students of this students year show students enroll new with status students drop down show students enroll new assigned to students teacher drop down Goto add a new link to add a new student enroll new student page students see list of all Goto add a students new student already in page database last school the Goto add a student new student attended drop page down add a new a new Goto add a students student is new student added to page database re-enroll Ability to re-enroll previous enroll new previous students with minimal new students student data entry. change enroll new orentation date students all orentation change date drop down orientation date generate enrollmen enroll new enrollment t report students report drop/graduate enrollmen students t report choose drop/gradua verification te students type drop down program drop choose down verification type drop down create a choose transfer verification verification type drop type down E-date drop drop/gradua down te students</p><p>E-code drop drop/gradua down te students</p><p>L-date drop drop/gradua down te students</p><p>L-code drop drop/gradua down te students reason drop drop/gradua down te students</p><p>Pts Sys Drop drop/gradua Code drop te students down school drop/gradua transfered to te students drop down original E-date drop/gradua drop down te students original E-code drop/gradua drop down te students revised L-code drop/gradua drop down te students revised reason drop/gradua drop down te students</p><p>OK and drop drop/gradua another te students undrop check if the undrop students enrolled check if the undrop students enrolled E-date drop edit down enrollment info E-code drop edit down enrollment info L-date drop edit down enrollment info L-code drop edit down enrollment info reason drop edit down enrollment info Pts Sys Drop edit Code drop enrollment down info school edit transfered to enrollment drop down info original E-date edit drop down enrollment info original E-code edit drop down enrollment info enroll PAR by date all PAR date enroll PAR drop down by date enroll PAR by generate name Pupil Accountin g report drop PAR by date drop PAR by name</p><p>G-pre- enrollment process</p><p> Points Conference Tracker-Self: Functionality: record every conference Role: OC</p><p>Name Comments Outputs word document view conference folder logs/notes/records in local drive create another start a new conference WP/2 conference for this student conference status drop down get printable generate conference conference log log for hardcopy report by drop down via drop down type drop down</p><p>STT drop down results drop down phone hot sheet view phone info generate phone sheet filter search sort teacher drop down create new teacher</p>
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