<p> Jen Wallin-Ruschman [email protected] (229) 391-5092 Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 2802 Moore Highway Box 47 Tifton, GA 31793</p><p>E D U C A T I O N</p><p>Ph.D. Portland State University, degree expected Fall 2013 Major: Applied Social and Community Psychology Minor: Sociology (20 credit hours)</p><p>M.S. Portland State University, 2011 Major: Psychology </p><p>B.A. University of Louisville, 2008 Majors: Psychology, Sociology, and Biology </p><p>T E A C H I N G I N T E R E S T S</p><p>Community Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology and Culture, Psychology of Prejudice & Discrimination, Social Issues, Psychology of Race, Gender, and Class, Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods, Social Change and other Interdisciplinary Courses, and Service- Learning, Capstone, and Community Based Learning Courses </p><p>T E A C H I N G E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>Assistant Professor, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Tifton, GA</p><p>Fall 2013 Introduction to General Psychology, PSYC 1101, 4 sections of 40 Fall 2013 Human Growth and Development, PSYC 2103, enrollment of 38</p><p>Visiting Instructor, Willamette University, Salem, OR</p><p>Spring 2013 Social Psychology, PSYC 336, enrollment of 21 Received designation as a Service-Learning course from the Office of Community Service Learning </p><p>Instructor, Portland State University, Portland, OR</p><p>Spring 2013 Psychology as a Social Science, PSY 204, enrollment of 59</p><p>1 Winter 2013 Psychology as a Social Science, PSY 204, enrollment of 61 Fall 2012 Psychology as a Social Science, PSY 204, enrollment of 53 Summer 2012 Psychology as a Social Science, PSY 204, enrollment of 28 </p><p>Teaching Fellowship, Portland State University, Portland, OR Summer 2011-Spring 2012 Competitively awarded, paid departmental fellowship Duties Included: Completed the course Preparing to Teach Psychology, worked with the Center for Academic Excellence, co-developed departmental seminars related to teaching at the university level (e.g., teaching philosophy and pedagogy, interacting with students, grading, and syllabus, curriculum, and rubric development). Teaching Assistant, Portland State University, Portland, OR</p><p>Duties Included: Grading exams and essays, assisting with curriculum development and class design, lecturing, facilitating small group and whole class discussions, developing exam questions-multiple choice and essays, developing and managing online aspects of the course (i.e., experience with D2L and Blackboard). </p><p>Spring 2012 Psychology as a Social Science Winter 2012 Forensic Psychology Spring 2011 & Fall 2009 Social Psychology Winter 2011 Psychology of Women Fall 2010 Psychology of Gender and Violence Winter & Spring 2010 Psychopathology Winter & Spring 2009 Psychology as a Natural Science Fall 2008 Paranormal Psychology </p><p>2 U N D E R G R A D U A T E A D V I S I N G E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>Fall 2012 –Spring 2013 Instructed undergraduate students in the collection and analysis of qualitative data and advised the students in colleting participant observations. </p><p>Summer 2012 - Spring 2013 Oversaw undergraduate teaching assistants for my Psychology as a Social Science courses. </p><p>Fall 2011- Winter 2012 Helped supervise a group of undergraduate students as a part of the Moving to the Beat project’s internship program. </p><p>Fall 2010 – Spring 2011 Instructed an undergraduate student in the collection and analysis of qualitative data. Oversaw the student as she collected data to aid my thesis and utilize in her courses.</p><p>Winter 2010 -Spring 2010 Helped supervise an undergraduate student on developing a curriculum guide and publishing a scholarly paper. </p><p>R E S E A R C H I N T E R E S T S</p><p>Critical consciousness, citizenship, identity, emotions, culture, empowerment, community organizing, and social movements Methodological and Education Based Research: participatory action research, pedagogy, service learning, and curriculum development</p><p>R E S E A R C H E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>2012-present Dissertation Research, Department of Psychology and University Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR Title: A Girl Power Study: Looking and Listening to the Role of Emotions in Developing Critical Consciousness </p><p>3 Committee: Jan Haaken Ph.D. (chair), Eric Mankowski Ph.D., David Morgan Ph.D., Yves Labissiere Ph.D., Bob Liebman Ph.D.</p><p>A research program focused on developing an increased understanding of what critical consciousness - an ongoing process of developing capacities for becoming an engaged citizen - development looks like, particularly the under studied emotional dimension. Bringing in literature from scholars that study the emotions of why individuals become involved in social movements, I build a model of the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of socio- political-cultural consciousness development. The qualitative research looks at undergraduate students that are enrolled in a senior capstone course, which integrates community engaged learning as well as critical and feminist pedagogies. Looking in this ideal environment, the study examines the role of emotions in the process of developing critical consciousness in the university classroom. </p><p>2008-2012 Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Portland State University, Portland, OR Supervisor: Jan Haaken, Ph.D.</p><p>Helped lead a team of scholars in developing, piloting, and disseminating an interdisciplinary curriculum guide to accompany the documentary film Moving to the Beat. Prepared and published scholarly articles and presented at conferences. Developed a database for relevant literature on hip-hop, social change, identities, and critical consciousness. Worked with a branch of the broader, international, multimedia, Moving to the Beat project (www.moving2thebeat.com) in which I developed community connections to pilot portions of the Moving to the Beat curriculum guide. Collected, coordinated, transcribed, and analyzed data including: participant observations, interviews, evaluation forms, and student produced lyrics. Results of the pilot were used to update and improve the curriculum guide. </p><p>2007 Field Research, Red Bank, Belize and Department of Sociology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Supervisor: Cynthia Ganote, Ph.D.</p><p>Trained in qualitative fieldwork methods including, observations and interviews. Reviewed literature on social capital and qualitative methods. Collected observations, helped facilitate community meetings, and conducted field interviews (all focused around assessing social capital) with residents of a rural Mayan community in Belize. Transcribed interviews and field notes. </p><p>2006-2007 Independent Research, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Supervisor: Laura Haynes, Ph.D.</p><p>4 Developed a questionnaire to measure the impact of service-learning courses on students. Received an undergraduate research grant. Administered assessments to children to measure achievement motivation, and early reading and math skills. Reviewed literature on achievement motivation and service learning. </p><p>P U B L I C A T I O N S</p><p>Wallin-Ruschman, J. (In preparation). It’s about swag: Youth, hip-hop, and identities. Lyons, B., Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Haaken, J. (In preparation). Moving to the Beat of Africa: A Curriculum Guide. Wallin-Ruschman, J., Lyons, B., & Haaken, J. (2012) The Moving to the Beat Curriculum Guide. Available from: www.moving2thebeat.com. Haaken, J., Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Patange, S. (2012). Global hip-hop identities: Black youth, psychoanalytic action research, and the Moving to the Beat project. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 22(1), 63-74. Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Portland State University. (2011). The moving to the beat documentary and hip-hop based curriculum guide: Youth reactions and resistance. Portland, Or: Portland State University. </p><p>P R E S E N T A T I O N S</p><p>Wallin-Ruschman, J., Harbaugh, J., Evans, S., McGirr, S., & Balcazar, F. (2013) Critical consciousness raising: Comparing strategies across academic and community settings symposium presented at Society for Community Research and Action Biennial, Miami, FL. Dittmer, L. & Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2013). Promoting social justice through critical consciousness raising and community service-learning in the faces of neoliberal social frameworks town hall session presented at Society for Community Research and Action Biennial, Miami, FL. Alpuim, M., Perez, D., Sloan, T., & Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2013). Occupy Community Psychology: A call to action for students moving towards a creative strategy for social justice roundtable presented at Society for Community Research and Action Biennial, Miami, FL. Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2012). Learning from the Highlander Research and Education Center: 80 years of Participatory Action Research workshop presented at Northwest Community Research and Action Conference, Portland, OR. Williams, S., Tau Lee, P., & Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2012). Participatory Action Research institute presented at the Highlander 80th Anniversary Celebration, New Market, TN. Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Lyons, B. (2012). The Moving to the Beat curriculum guide preview workshop presented at the Critical Consciousness in the Classroom Conference, Portland, OR. Au, W., Haaken, J., & Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2012). Hip-hop and critical consciousness panel at The Critical Consciousness in the Classroom Conference, Portland, OR. </p><p>5 Wallin-Ruschman, J. & Balfour, K. (2011). Science for radicals: How revolutionary ideas and thinkers have changed science workshop presented at Society for Community Research and Action Biennial, Chicago, IL. Wallin-Ruschman, J. (2011). The Moving to the Beat documentary and hip-hop based curriculum guide: Its utility and impact on youth poster presented at Society for Community Research and Action Biennial, Chicago, IL. Haaken, J., Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Balfour, K. (2010). Social action research and theory: Marginalized concepts and marginalized groups symposium presented at the Northwest ECO/Community Conference, Portland, OR. Delaney, M., Sweeny, M., Haaken, J., & Wallin, J. (2009). Hip-Hop and education panel at The Tupac Legacy Conference: Hip Hop, Youth, and Global Identities, Portland, OR. Wallin, J. (2007). A Student perspective on liberation psychology and the KY Remembers! curriculum presented at Kentucky Remembers Symposium, Louisville, KY. Haynes, L. & Wallin, J. (2007). Research/Service Learning as a capstone course presented at the Celebration of Teaching and Learning, Louisville, KY. Wallin, J. (2007). Effective Service-Learning practices and results poster presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Louisville, KY. </p><p>A P P L I E D E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>2012 Highlander Research and Education Center Internship, Portland, OR and New Market, TN Supervisor: Jardana Peacock</p><p>Aided in organizing, publishing, and evaluating Highlander’s 80th anniversary celebration and worked on site during the weeks around the event. Worked on the Participatory Action Research Institute at the 80th anniversary. </p><p>2010.2012 Rethinking Schools Internship, Portland, OR Supervisor: Bill Bigelow </p><p>Updated and created texts and curriculums. Served as primary research assistant for update of the renowned text, Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World. Aided in planning and publicizing local and regional Rethinking Schools’ events. </p><p>2009 & 2011 Program Evaluator, Department of Psychology, Portland State University, Portland, OR Supervisor: Keith Kaufman </p><p>Worked with a team of graduate students to develop a program evaluation measure and procedure for a child abuse assessment center (CARES NW). Analyzed the first round of data </p><p>6 collected at CARES NW. Took a graduate course in program evaluation and developed a participatory evaluation for an alternative school.</p><p>2007 Kentucky Remembers! Intern and Facilitator, Kentucky Commission on Human Rights and The Anne Braden Institute, Louisville, KY and Bowling Green, KY Supervisor: Caitlin Swain </p><p>Kentucky Remembers! was an innovative popular-education project that worked with youth on the margins. As an intern I worked to set up logistics for the five camps across the state. In the facilitator role I worked closely with youth, including: facilitating discussions, preparing presentations and activities, teaching interviewing skills, and facilitating critical reflection and action planning. </p><p>2006-2008 Service Learning Senior Intern and Americorp Bonner Leader President, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY Supervisor: Kim Shaver</p><p>Coordinated retreats, meetings, banquets, recruitment, presentations, and evaluations for the service learning center and the Bonner Leaders. My work involved not only the logistics of these events but brainstorming their content and form (e.g., creating retreat and training curriculum). Coordinated individual and campus wide volunteer opportunities and traveled to present the work of local Bonners. </p><p>H O N O R S A N D A W A R D S</p><p>2013 National SCRA Student Travel Award ($400) 2011 Psychology Department Teaching Fellowship ($2000) 2008 CARDSS Campus Life Award for Commitment to Community, Academics, Diversity, Respect, Service, and Success 2007 Service Outreach Uniting Louisville Award for Commitment to Service 2007 Engaging Our World Conference received a Spirit of Respect Award 2006 & 2007 Award for Service to the Community from the Kentucky Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression 2006 Undergraduate Research Grant ($300) 2005 Red and Black Scholar </p><p>U N I V E R S I T Y A N D F I E L D S E R V I C E E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>2012 Member, Planning Committee, Critical Consciousness in the Classroom Conference, Portland State University, Portland, OR</p><p>7 2010-2011 Member, Advocacy Committee, Psychology Graduate Student Association, Portland State University, Portland, OR 2009 Chair, The Tupac Legacy Conference: Hip Hop, Youth, and Global Identities, Portland State University, Portland, OR (raised over $3,000) 2007-2008 Student Representative, Curriculum Committee, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 2007-2008 Arts and Sciences Senator, Student Government Association, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 2006-2007 Member, University “Womyn Speak” Panel, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 2006-2008 Founder and Chair, Progressive Alliance of the University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 2006 Chair, Engaging Our World Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY (raised over $17, 000) 2005-2007 Vice-President of Planning for College Success, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY</p><p>S E R V I C E A N D C O M M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z I N G E X P E R I E N C E</p><p>2006- 2013 Oxfam America, Boston, MA, Louisville, KY, and Portland, OR</p><p>Participated in the nationally competitive CHANGE leadership and organizer training. Was invited to return as a regional group facilitator and presenter. Orchestrated diverse groups to advocate for Oxfam campaigns for fair trade, farm bill reform, and food justice. Meet with government representatives. Organized events related to Oxfam campaigns (e.g., Hunger Banquets). Worked as a fundraiser for Oxfam. Worked as lead organizer for a group of volunteers working for Oxfam during events. </p><p>2009 May Day March and Rally Organizer, Portland, OR </p><p>Worked with the outreach team to promote and plan the event. </p><p>2008 Rally For Higher Education Organizer, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY</p><p>Facilitated coalition of student and community groups as core organizer and representative to student government. Also served as representative to local and national press. </p><p>2007-2008 Society for the Prevention of Aggression and Violence Among Adolescents, Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, KY</p><p>8 Facilitated a 10-week anti-violence curriculum in an under-served elementary school classrooms. </p><p>2006-2008 Americorp Bonner Leader, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY</p><p>Completed 1,300 hours of community service over three years. Participated in local and national leadership, organizing, and service trainings. </p><p>2006 Camp Africa, Catholic Enrichment Center, Louisville, KY</p><p>Served as a science lab instructor for the Camp Africa program. Designed and taught a science lab curriculum for African-American middle and high school students in Louisville. </p><p>9</p>
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