<p> ___’s Lesson Plan West Riverview School</p><p>~ Monday ~</p><p>Date: TBD Day: Preps/Specialties: Gym @ 10:20 Duty: Reminders:</p><p>UDL: Representation Engagement Expression Print, auditory, modeled Whole class, Small groups, Using manipulatives, Partners, Flexible Groupings, discussions/conversations, writing Individual</p><p>Differentiation Special Concerns/Notes, Classroom Management Items Best Practices Modifications Student with ____ FM System Students are working at their Mini-offices own level in reading, writing, Dictionaries and math - see lesson plan </p><p>Time Subject/Activity Curriculum Outcomes </p><p>8:05 Students Enter Building</p><p>8:15 Morning bell rings Students hang up coats and unpack schoolbags in the UDL: hallway. Students pass in agenda, put lunchbox on shelf, do 8.3-Foster collaboration attendance on Smartboard and Students practice printing in Printing duotang community O Canada & Announcements; Attendance Jobs, News 9.2 - Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies 8:20- Literacy Learning Outcomes: 9:50 Morning Message 4E Use, with support, the UDL: o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: Today we various cueing systems and a variety of strategies to are learning about what sentences look like. We 1.1-Offer construct meaning from ways of will also practice our sight words for the week. text (p. 64) customizing o Sentences the display 4G Expand their of . Counting sentences understanding of concepts information . Circling punctuation (red) of print (p. 74) 1.2- Offer . Circling uppercase letters at the beginning alternatives of sentences and names (green) 4L Consistently match one- for auditory to-one (p. 78) information . Fill in blanks with sight words: into, did, go, I, back 5A With assistance, 1.3- Offer . Chunky Monkey – finding chunks in words interact with a variety of alternatives simple texts (p. 68) for visual . Shared reading information Phonological Awareness 6C Make personal connections to text /share 2.3- o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: We will their responses in a variety Support practice pulling apart the sounds we hear in words. decoding of of ways (p. 82) text o Segment words with 3 – 5 sounds using Zap and Zip game 7B Recognize some basic 3.1- components of texts such as CAFE Strategy Lesson #1 (Whole Class) Activate or author/illustrator/title (p. supply o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: We are 72) background going to look for little words inside big words. knowledge o Strategy: Chunky Monkey 4.1– Vary o Read Aloud: Spookley the Square Pumpkin the methods of response . Invite all students to come to the mats by and pretending to be a monkey (no noises). navigation Round #1 of Daily 5 6.1- Guide o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: Review I- appropriate chart for Read to Self so that students are goal setting reminded of the expectations. 7.3- o Conference Minimize threats and . (Names to be inserted) distractions See my Guided Reading Binder for </p><p>8.2-Vary the detailed lesson plan. demands and CAFE Strategy Lesson #2 (Whole Class) resources to optimize o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: We are challenge going to retell the story with a beginning, middle, and end. 8.4- Increase o Strategy: Retell (Beginning, Middle, End) mastery- o Read Aloud: Spookley the Square Pumpkin oriented feedback . Invite all students to come to the mats by pretending to be a spooky ghost (no noises). 9:50- Recess 10:05 10:05- Snack 11:10 Gym (Prep) 11:10- Math Learning Outcomes: 12:00 Calendar N1 Say the number o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: Today sequence, 0 to 100, by: 1s UDL: we will count the days (number before/after) forward and backward, and match the day of the week. 1.1 between any two given 1.2 o Complete the day and date. numbers, 2s to 20, forward 1.3 Warm-up starting at 0, 5s and 10s to 2.3 o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: We 100, forward 3.1 will practice counting to 20 forwards and 8.2 N3 Demonstrate an 8.4 backwards, starting at any number. understanding of counting o Invite children to gather in a circle by by:• indicating that the last 3.2– pretending to be a bat (no noises). number said identifies “how Highlight o Begin with choral counting forwards and patterns, many”• showing that any set critical backwards to 20. has only one count• using the features, . Begin as small seeds (at 0) and grow counting on strategy• using get ideas, into a tall tree (20). parts or equal groups to and . For counting backwards, the students count sets relationships shrink down and then blast-off at 0. N10 Describe and use 3.3– Guide o Now have students count individually around mental mathematics information the circle. processing, strategies (memorization . Start at ___ and count to 20. visualization, not intended), such as:• and . Start at ___ and count backwards to counting on and counting manipulation ___. back • making 10 • doubles • . Do more counting, as time permits. using addition to subtract to 5.2– Use Mini-lesson (Whole Group) determine the basic addition multiple facts to 18 and related tools for o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: Today construction we will be learning about Partners to 10. subtraction facts. and o Invite children to return to mats/seats by composition N8 Identify the number, up pretending to be a cat (no noises). to 20, that is one more, two . Show students a 10-train of snap more, one less and two less cubes. than a given number . Ask: How many of each color? (5); Does that change? . Ask: How many fingers are on my hand? (5) . Put your hand behind your back and shake it. Show the students again. Ask: How many fingers are there now? . Encourage students to trust that this will not change. Active Engagement (Whole Group) . Handout 10-trains to each student. . Ask: Show me 8 with only 1 pull (no counting). . Ask: How many more to make 10? . Repeat several times with different numbers. Putting it into Practice (Small Groups) . Tell students that they have just played a game called Snap 10. . Pair students up with a partner to play this game. . (Insert student’s names) – will play Partners to 5. . (Insert student’s names) – will play Partners to 10, but then ask “what is 1/2 more or 1/2 less?” o Observing and Conferencing with students 12:00- Lunch 12:50 12:50- Writer’s Workshop Learning Outcomes: 1:35 Mini-lesson (Whole Group) 8B Use writing and other o Outcome in Student Friendly Language: Today forms of representing to UDL: we will work on stretching out the sounds we convey meaning (p. 104) hear in words. 1.1 9A Create written and 1.2 o Invite children to come to the mats by 1.3 pretending to be a witch flying on a broom (no media texts using some 3.1 noises). familiar forms (p. 106) 5.2 . Modeled Writing – Tell students you 8.2 10G Use some conventions are going to write about burning apple 8.4 of written language (p. 124) crisp. Do a quick sketch. Say your first sentence aloud. Model how to stretch out the sounds in words (remember to talk aloud to model an uppercase letter to begin a sentence; spaces between words; and small, tall, and tail letters). . Active Engagement – Tell students the second sentence you plan on writing and have them help stretch the sounds in words. . Independent Writing Invite children to return to their seats by pretending to be a firefighter (no noises). Have students write independently. o Observing and Conferencing with students 1:35 – End of the Day 1:40 Prepare for home 1:40 Dismissal </p>
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