1 Secure Knowledge Management S S. Upadhyaya University at Buffalo, USA H. Raghav Rao University at Buffalo, USA G. Padmanabhan GE Transportation Systems, USA INTRODUCTION from malicious insiders), infrastructure protection (secur- ing against subversion attacks), and establishing correct As the world is getting more and more technology savvy, policies, refinement, and enforcement. KMS content is the collection and distribution of information and knowl- much more sensitive than raw data stored in databases, edge need special attention. Progress has been made on and issues of privacy also become important the languages and tools needed for effective knowledge (Thuraisingham, Chadwick, Olivier, Samarati, & Sharpston, management1 and on the legal issues concerning the 2002). consumption and dissemination of critical knowledge. Asllani et al. (2003) surveyed over 300 knowledge From a business perspective, a knowledge-management managers about their job roles and found little or no system (KMS) within a firm generally strives to maximize evidence of security issues being considered in their the human-capital utilization and profitability of the firm. jobs; their primary role was focused on communication However, security is becoming a major issue revolving within the organization. This article about secure knowl- around KMS; for instance, the KMS must incorporate edge management raises a number of issues in this critical adequate security features to prevent any unauthorized area of research that need to be tackled by knowledge- access or unauthorized dissemination of information. management practitioners. The following sections focus Acquiring the information that one needs to remain com- on three important aspects of secure knowledge manage- petitive while safeguarding the information one already ment: secure languages, digital-rights management (DRM), has is a complicated task. Firms must balance the advan- and secure content management (SCM). tages of openness against its inevitable risks, and maxi- mize the efficiency of electronic communication without making it a magnet for intruders. One must integrate BACKGROUND offense and defense into a comprehensive strategy, and scholars have suggested that it is time to integrate intel- A firm exists as a repository of knowledge over time ligence and security imperatives with other knowledge- (Zander & Kogut, 1995). Knowledge management is the management strategies and processes (Barth, 2001). methodology for systematically gathering, organizing, Since the widely reported attacks on knowledge re- and disseminating information (Morey, Maybury, & positories in 2001 (e.g., Amazon was hit by denial-of- Thuraisingham, 2003) in a firm. It essentially consists of service attacks and the NIMDA virus hit financial mar- processes and tools to effectively capture and share data, kets), many organizations, especially the U.S. govern- as well as use the knowledge of individuals within a firm. ment, have increased their concern about KMSs. With the Knowledge management is about sharing information advent of intranets and Web access, it is even more crucial more freely such that firms derive benefit from such to protect critical corporate knowledge as numerous indi- openness. viduals now have access to the assets of a corporation. Secure knowledge-management (SKM) systems can Therefore, we need effective mechanisms for securing be described in terms of the three Cs: communication, data, information, and knowledge as well as the applica- collaboration, and content. SKM systems act as a gate- tions (Thuraisingham, 2003, 2004). way to the repository of intellectual content that resides Security methods for knowledge-management sys- within an organization. SKM systems need to source and/ tems may include authentication or passwords, cryptog- or provide access to knowledge that resides in multiple raphy programs, intrusion-detection systems, or access- machines across an organization or multiple organiza- control systems. Issues include insider threat (protecting tions for collaborative efforts. Secure languages are uti- Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc., distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI is prohibited. Secure Knowledge Management Figure 1. A framework for secure knowledge-management systems Security Content Secure Content Management Communication Digital-Rights Management Secure Languages Knowledge Management Collaboration lized to transfer information safely. At the same time, ticates the identity; it is up to the receiving application to digital-rights management becomes critical in cross-orga- accept if it trusts the assertion. The security-assertion nizational transfers of knowledge, while access control markup domain model is depicted in Figure 2. and identity management play an important role in secur- SAML shows how to represent users, identifies what ing the knowledge-management system. A framework for data need to be transferred, and defines the process for secure knowledge management is shown in Figure 1 as sending and receiving authorization data (Cohen, 2000). two interlinked, triangular chains: The larger chain fo- SAML also has extensive applications in automated busi- cuses on security, knowledge, and management, while the ness-to-business (B2B) transactions that require secure smaller triangular chain (with dotted links) focuses on transactions between the two parties. The increased col- content, communication, and collaboration. Different laboration among the various businesses has necessi- aspects within the smaller chain include secure content tated the need for such a technology (Patrizio, 2003). A management, digital-rights management, and secure lan- case in point is that of Southwest Airlines (Wagner & guages. This article focuses on the interarticulation of the Witty, 2003)—one of the first to use SAML-enabled different concepts in the triangles. identity management on a large scale to perform cross- domain trust. This implementation also marks an early step in the movement toward federated identity manage- SECURE LANGUAGES ment. SAML does not provide a complete security solution, In order to communicate securely and collaborate with but it does provide the identity-management functional- one another, organizations need to use secure languages. ity. In addition, it provides password management and These languages can be implemented to enhance the access control, and a framework for implementing the security of knowledge-management systems. Some of “single sign-on” mechanism where authentication needs these are detailed in the following sections. to be shared across multiple systems. Single sign-on becomes an absolute necessity when implementing com- Security-Assertion Markup Language plex KMSs that need to source or access data from multiple machines. The security-assertion markup language (SAML) can A number of commercial and open-source products secure the KMS from insider or outsider threat by manag- provide SAML, including the following: ing access control and identity. SAML is an extensible- markup-language- (XML) based framework (Cohen, 2000) • Entegrity Solutions AssureAccess (http:// for exchanging security information. In SAML, the ex- www.entegrity.com/products/aa/aa.shtml) pression of security is in the form of assertions about • Internet2 OpenSAML (http://www.opensaml.org/) subjects. Most other security approaches use a central • Netegrity SiteMinder (http://h71028.www7.hp.com/ authority to authenticate the identity or the data. How- enterprise/cache/8258-0-0-225-121.aspx) ever, SAML does not use a central authority that authen- 2 Secure Knowledge Management Figure 2. Security-assertion markup model S Policy Servers Authentication Attribute Policy Decision Credential Authority Authority Point Collector Authentication Attribute Authorization Assertion Assertion Decision Assertion Security-Assertion Markup Language System Application Policy Enforcement Entity Request Point (Adapted from http://www.fawcette.com/xmlmag/2002_03/magazine/departments/marketscan/SAML/) • RSA Security ClearTrust (http://www. An extension of KQML is secure KQML, which is rsasecurity.com/node.asp?id=1186) being developed to take into account security and pri- • VeriSign Trust Integration Toolkit (http:// vacy concerns that agents could encounter whenever www.xmltrustcenter.org/developer/verisign/tsik/ they cross multiple administrative domains. Since tradi- download.htm) tional agent communication-language standards lack the necessary constructs that enable secure cooperation Secure Knowledge-Query and among software agents, SKQML enables KQML-speak- Manipulation Language ing agents to authenticate one another, implement spe- cific security policies based on authorization schemes, KQML or the knowledge-query and -manipulation lan- and, whenever needed, ensure the privacy of the mes- guage is a language for exchanging information and knowl- sages exchanged. SKQML employs public-key crypto- edge. KQML focuses on an extensible set of performatives graphic standards and it provides security mechanisms that defines the permissible operations that agents may as an integral part of the communication language. In attempt on each other’s knowledge and goal stores. The summary, SKQML incorporates a synthesis of public- performatives comprise a layer on which to develop higher key certificate standards and agent communication lan- level models of interagent interaction such as contract guages to achieve an infrastructure that meets the secu- nets and negotiation.
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