<p> Golden Duck Award</p><p>The Golden Duck Award is an award that any swimmer can win on our team. It’s an effort based award. This is a special award based on points earned throughout the year (Sept.1, 2009 – July 31, 2010).</p><p>The object is to achieve points. The point structure is based on meet participation; if a swimmer achieves the point needed for their particular group they win a Golden Duck. The coaches will determine the maximum points possible points for the year, (Sept.1, 2009 – July 31, 2010). If a swimmers reaches 90% of the maximum number of points they win the Golden Duck. In addition, a swimmer can receive bonus points for extra accomplishments. </p><p>The total points and meets that points are awarded for each group will be distributed September 17 along some material needed for Meet Binders. Only Team swim meets identified for specific groups will be awarded points. If you attend a non-designated swim meet points will not be awarded. </p><p>This being the first year for this award and point structure may be adjusted at any time due to Coaches discretion to accommodate the needs of the Team. Swimmers may keep tally of points through the year, please be aware that the individual that is tracking this award has final say in point totals. Point totals will be available for review by swimmers twice this year, January 30 and May 1, 2010. </p><p>Meet Points Type of Meets Events Swam Best Time Relay Relay Best Points Points Points Time Points AGO/BB+/- 1 1 Junior Olympics 2 2 1 Far Westerns 3 2 2 2 Sectionals 4 3 3 3 Jr. Nationals 5 4 Swimmer Meet Complete binders will be awarded 1 point per day of Binder competition. (Age Group)</p><p>* If a swimmer is Disqualified (DQ) from a particular event no point will be awarded. Additional Points First Time swimmers 1 Sierra Nevada Record 3 a new event Ind. Team Record 3 Swimmer of the Month 6 Relay Team Record 2 Ind. National 3 Reportable Time Standard Junior Olympic 2 Relay National 2 Record Reportable Time Standard</p><p>Binders Include: Point Structure for Golden Duck Meet Sheet of Meet Attending Novice Program –119 pts Split/Goal Sheet Age Group Program – 162 pts Article – Dr. Goldberg w/binder Article – Mike Johnson Senior Program –93 pts Diet Goal Setting Motivational Times Senior Time Standards Far Western Time Standards Practice and Meet Rules Redding Swim Team Golden Ducks Meets (09-10) Date/Class Course Host Pool Location Group(s) Attending</p><p>Sept 25-27 SCY Penguin Swim Bear River High Age Group BB+/- Team School Novice Oct. 23-25 SCY Ashland Southern Oregon Age Group BB+/- University Novice Nov. 7-8 SCY Redding Swim Shasta College Seniors JR + Team Nov. 7-8 SCY Redding Swim Shasta College Age Group AGO Team Novice Jan. 30-31 SCY Bear River Bear River High Age Group AGO School Novice Jan. 16-18 Scy Cal Berkeley Seniors Invite Feb. 5-7 SCY YMCA Grants Pass Age Group BB +/- Novice Mar. 4-6 SCY Clovis Clovis North Senior Mar 5-7 SCY Sierra Marlin Folsom Aquatic Age Group BB+/- Swim Team Center Novice Mar 19-21 SCY Solano Fairfield, Solano Novice/Senior (Bonus pt.) SN JO 14&U Aquatic Sea Community College Age Group Otters Pool April 9-11 SCY Pacific Morgan Hill Bonus pt. Far Western May 1-2 SCY Davis Community Pool, Novice B Champs Aquadarts Davis May 21-23 LC Woodland Woodland, Swim Senior BB+/- Swim Team Center Age Group Novice Jun 11-13 LC California Roseville Aquatic Senior Jr+ Capital Center Aquatics June 19-20 SCY Weaverville Lowden Park Pool Age Group Swim Team Novice June 26-27 LC RAD Redding, Redding Senior BB+/- Aquatic Center Age Group Novice Jul 9-11 LC Woodland Woodland Swim Senior BB+/- Swim Team Center Age Group July 10-11 SCY Red Bluff Red Bluff Novice AGO July 17-18 SCY Anderson West Valley HS Novice AGO Invite AquaGators 3805 Happy Valley Age Group (non JO Cottonwood, CA swimmers) Jul 22-25 LC California Roseville Aquatic Senior (non Sectional SN JO Capital Center swimmers) Aquatics Age Group Novice (Bonus) July 22-26 LC Canyons LA Senior Sectionals GOAL SETTING DIET GUIDE</p><p>Goal setting can be one of the greatest CARBOHYDRATES: Needed to fuel tools for personal motivation; however, the body for proper growth and goals must be S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, development (60% of daily diet). Pasta, Meaningful, Affirmed, Realistic, and potatoes, rice, breads (whole wheat), Traceable. and beans are good sources of carbohydrates. SPECIFIC means just that. Goals should be stated with a concrete time to PROTEINS: Necessary for muscular be achieved as well as when you plan and structural development (25% of on attaining that time. For example, I daily diet). Foods such as chicken, fish, want to swim a 1:06 in the 100 Fly by lean beef, eggs, milk, and cottage January 1. Then focus at practice on cheese are great proteins. your desired goal times. VITAMINS AND MINERALS: MEANINGFU L means setting goals that Continues the proper chemical balance are personal and purposeful to you. within the body (15% of daily diet). The goals you set must be your own, Bananas, oranges, apples, green not your mom’s or your dad’s or your vegetables, and yellow vegetables coach’s, but yours. contain numerous vitamins and minerals. AFFIRMED means confirming your goals by firmly planting them in your FATS: Necessary for proper enzymatic heart and soul. Write your goals out processes. Limited amounts are and place them on the refrigerator, in suggested. Most commonly found in your locker, on the ceiling at home or butter, cheese, jellies, etc. anywhere else you will see them daily. Convince yourself that you can achieve SUGGESTIONS FOR PRE-MEET them. COMPETITION MEAL: Four days prior to competition, increase your REALISTIC means setting goals that carbohydrate intake, decrease your fats, are achievable by you within the time and increase fluid intake. frame you or your coach have established. It is great to have high DAY OF THE MEET: Include expectations, but goals must be carbohydrates, fluids, and fruits. attainable or you will not experience success, and swimming may not be fun FOODS THAT CONTAIN HIGH anymore. Your coach can help you set LEVELS OF PROCESSED SUGARS challenging, but realistic goals. SHOULD BE AVOIDED AS MUCH TRACEABLE means being able to chart AS POSSIBLE (EX: SODA, CANDY, your progress on the way to a season or CAKES, and ICE CREAM). yearly goal. Setting short-term goals helps establish a means of monitoring your achievement along the way. This feeling of accomplishment will help motivate you in obtaining your ultimate goal. BELIEVE IT! VISUALIZE IT! DO IT! By: Dr. Stephen Goldberg</p><p>Do you ever wonder why so many good swimmers seem to fall apart at the big meet? How come they tend to go faster in practice than at Championships? Why does someone always go faster in a relay or off event than he would in his best event? There's a one-word answer to all three of these questions: PRESSURE! There's much more pressure in the bigger meets and your best events than there is in relays or practice. </p><p>Pressure tightens a swimmer's muscles, chokes off their breathing and robs them of their confidence. Big meet pressure can make a well-conditioned swimmer feel completely out of shape after just 75 yards of her first race of the day! It can turn your arms into Jell-o and your legs into lead. Pressure is what 7- time Gold Medalist Mark Spitz was referring to when he said, "racing is 90% mental and 10% physical." If you can learn to handle the pressure of competition, then you will start to swim to your potential. If that sounds good to you your next question should be, "HOW do I do that?" I thought you'd never ask. To swim fast under pressure you have to learn to relax. The biggest secret to swimming fast when it counts the most is to keep yourself loose and calm. The more relaxed that you are, the faster you'll go. Relaxation is the key to speed in the pool. Unfortunately, not too many swimmers understand this important connection. As a result, they go into their races and put far too much pressure on themselves. "I've got to get my cut." "I have to beat Jenny!" "I've got to make finals." It's these kinds of pre-race thoughts which will make it impossible for you to relax and, as a result, rob you of your speed.</p><p>The bigger the race, the more important it is for you to stay cool and calm before the start. This should be your goal before every one of your important races. If you accomplish this goal, I can almost guarantee that you'll swim the way that you want to. However, too many swimmers, coaches and parents don't focus on this pre-race goal. They get much more caught up in the "outcome" goal (beating someone, time or place). Outcome goals will take care of themselves if you make staying relaxed and loose before your events your primary goal. </p><p>Now that I've told you something you probably already know, that relaxation is the solution to the pressure problem and the key to swimming excellence, what you can actually do to stay calm when the heat of competition is turned up extra high. </p><p>#1 Stretch - Stretching is a great way to calm yourself and stay loose as long as when you stretch you keep your entire focus of concentration on what you are doing. </p><p>#2 Focus on YOU - Paying too much attention to your competition pre-race will raise your level of nervousness. Keep your focus on yourself before your race and you'll stay looser. </p><p>#3 Talk with teammates/friends - If hanging out with your buds pre-race keeps you loose and distracts you from thinking too much about your race, get in the habit of making that an important part of your pre-race ritual. </p><p>#4 Listen to music - A lot of swimmers keep themselves in control by listening to their favorite music. Be sure that the tunes that you play in your head are calming and don't wire you up for sound. </p><p>#5 Distract yourself - Many swimmers think too much about their race or opponents just before the start, and therefore work themselves up too much. Find other things that you can do pre-race that will distract you from these pressure-causing distractions. You can read, play video games, do homework (sorry about that), etc. </p><p>#6 Go somewhere relaxing mentally - I teach many of the swimmers I work with to go to a "safe place" in their mind's eye where they feel completely relaxed and far away. This can be a beach, a vacation spot, or anywhere else. If you mentally practice visiting this special place at night before bed, it will be available to you on race day. </p><p>#7 Do Diaphragmatic (deep belly) breathing - You can not freak out if you are breathing from your diaphragm. It is physiologically impossible. Learn to do diaphragmatic breathing. Sit quietly, inhale through your nose to a slow count of 4, pause, then exhale through your mouth to a little faster count of 7 or 8. Focus your concentration on the rise and fall of your diaphragm as you do this. Practice this at home for 4 minutes a day. When you're under pressure, one or two of these breaths will then help you chill out. </p><p>Practice Rules</p><p>Butterfly Novice Age group Senior STREAMLINE 5 DOLPHINS 5 DOLPHINS DOLPHINS TO THE FLAGS BREATHE EVERY OTHER BREATHE EVERY OTHER ON 100 FLY & 200 IM. ON 100 FLY & 200 IM. BREATHE 2 UP & 1 DOWN BREATHE 2 UP & 1 DOWN ON 200 FLY & 400 IM. ON 200 FLY & 400 IM. DON’T BREATHE ON THE DON’T BREATHE ON THE FIRST STROKE FIRST STROKE DURING DURING THE BREAKOUT. THE BREAKOUT 25 SPRINTS BREATH 0 OR 25 SPRINTS BREATH 0 OR 1 BREATH. 1 BREATH DON’T BREAK STROKE DON’T BREAK STROKE STREAMLINE PUSH- STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS OFFS 2 HAND TOUCH 2 HAND TOUCH FINISHES 2 HAND TOUCH FINISHES FINISHES Backstroke Novice Age group Senior STREAMLINE DOLPHINS TO 5 DOLPHINS - MIN. 5 DOLPHINS - MIN. THE FLAGS SINGLE ARM PULL TURNS. SINGLE ARM PULL TURNS. SINGLE ARM PULL TURNS. MAINTAIN 11 & 1 O’CLOCK MAINTAIN 11 & 1 O’CLOCK ARM POSITION ARM POSITION STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS ALWAYS PUSH OFF ON BACK ALWAYS PUSH OFF ON BACK OR 45% ANGLE OR 45% ANGLE FINISH ON YOUR BACK FINISH ON YOUR BACK FINISH ON YOUR BACK</p><p>Breaststroke Novice Age group Senior 3 COUNT PULL DOWNS 3 COUNT PULLDOWNS 3 COUNT PULLDOWNS</p><p>EYES IN A 45 DEGREE ANGLE EYES IN A 45 DEGREE ANGLE HIPS RAISE UP WHILE KICKING HIPS RAISE UP WHILE KICKING IN PRACTICE IN PRACTICE HEELS RAISE UP WHILE HEELS RAISE UP WHILE KICKING KICKING EYES DOWN ON STREAMLINES EYES DOWN ON STREAMLINES STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS STREAMLINE PUSH-OFFS 2 HAND TOUCH FINISHES 2 HAND TOUCH FINISHES 2 HAND TOUCH FINISHES</p><p>Freestyle Novice Age group Senior BREATHE NO MORE 3 TIMES BREATHE EVERY 4 OR 5 ON 100 BREATHE EVERY 4 OR 5 ON 100 YD/MT. FREE BREATHE EVERY 3 OR 5 BREATHE EVERY STROKE OR 3 BREATHE EVERY STROKE OR 3 STROKES ON 200-1650 ON 200-1650, TURNS- EYES TO THE SKY, BOTTOM ARM PULLS FIRST BOTTOM ARM PULLS FIRST SIDE, DEEP ARM PULLS TO THE OUT OF TURN OUT OF TURN BELLY STROKE BEFORE BREATHING NO BREATHING DIRECTLY NO BREATHING DIRECTLY ON TURNS BEFORE OR AFTER TURN BEFORE OR AFTER TURN LAST BREATH AT THE T 25 SPRINTS - NO BREATH 25 SPRINTS - NO BREATH</p><p>Turns Novice Age group Senior FLYERS AND BRST’ERS SEE FLYERS AND BRST’ERS SEE THE WALL 10-12 YDS OUT. THE WALL 10-12 YDS OUT. COUNT STROKES FROM THE BACK KNOW THE WALLS BY BACK KNOW THE WALLS BY FLAGS. LAST STROKE ON PRACTICING PRACTICING BACK, CORKSCREW STROKE ONTO THE BELLY, SOMERSAULT. PUSH OFF EYES TO THE SKY IN A TIGHT STREAMLINE (EARS COVERED). 1 ARM STARTS THE STROKE. IM’ERS TRY TO LEARN SIT & IM’ERS TRY TO LEARN SIT & SPIN OR FLIP TURN ALSO SPIN OR FLIP TURN CROSSOVER FREE & BACK SEPARATE FEET FREE & BACK SEPARATE FEET NO GLIDING NO GLIDING NO SLAMMING NO SLAMMING STREAMLINE TO THE FLAGS STREAMLINED AT ALL TIMES STREAMLINED AT ALL TIMES EYES TO THE SKY, SIDE BOTTOM ARM FIRST BOTTOM ARM FIRST (DOLPHINS), DEEP ARM PULLS TO THE BELLY STROKE BEFORE BREATHING NO BREATHING DIRECTLY NO BREATHING DIRECTLY OUT OF TURNS BEFORE OR AFTER TURN BEFORE OR AFTER TURN LAST BREATH AT THE T 2-HAND TOUCH TURNS = 2-HAND TOUCH TURNS = ELBOW, SALUTE, STREAMLINE ELBOW, SALUTE, STREAMLINE</p><p>Starts Novice Age group Senior TRADITIONAL TRACK & TRADITIONAL START TRACK & TRADITIONAL START HANDS ON THE GUTTER, PULL WALL & BLOCK START FOR WALL & BLOCK START FOR UP, BOTTOM OUT, LAUNCH! BACK BACK RELAY STARTS - T STARTS RELAY STARTS - T STARTS RELAY STARTS - T STARTS</p><p>FINISHES Novice Age group Senior FLAGS – NO BREATHING FREE RED ZONES - NO BREATHING RED ZONES - NO BREATHING FREE FREE LUNGING - FREE & BACK ON LUNGING - FREE & BACK ON SIDE (NON-VERTICAL) SIDE (NON-VERTICAL) SEE THE WALL 12-10 YDS/M IN SEE THE WALL 12-10 YDS/M IN FLY AND BRST FLY AND BRST</p><p>Warm ups and Warm down Novice Age group Senior NO STOPPING DURING NO STOPPING DURING NO STOPPING DURING WARMUP WARMUP WARMUP CONTROLLED COOLDOWNS CONTROLLED COOLDOWNS NO INTERFERENCE WITH NO INTERFERENCE WITH NO INTERFERENCE WITH OTHER SWIMMERS OTHER SWIMMERS OTHER SWIMMERS FOLLOW RULES OF USA SWIM FOLLOW RULES OF USA SWIM FOLLOW RULES OF USA SWIM AND SUPERVISORS AND SUPERVISORS AND SUPERVISORS PUSH-OFFS = “1 HAND ON THE WALL, 1 HAND IN THE WATER, 2 FEET ON THE WALL TOES POINTING UP AT A DIAGONAL, BOTTOM DOWN-KNEES UP, EYES LOOKING AT THE WALL. SALUTE, SINK, STREAMLINE</p><p>RACE & TRAINING STRATEGY</p><p>25’s Novice FREE – NOT A LOT OF BREATHING, GO STRONG BACK – STAY ON YOUR BACK UNTIL YOU TOUCH THE WALL. BREAST – PULL DOWN, PULL-BREATHE-KICK- GLIDE, 2 HAND FINISH BUTTERFLY – HEAD DOWN, TAIL UP, 2 HAND FINISH 50’s Novice Age group START STRONG, FINISH FAST 50’s FREE Novice Age group Senior START STRONG, FINISH BREATHE NO MORE 3 TIMES BREATHE NO MORE 3 TIMES FAST 100’s ALL STROKES Novice Age group Senior START STRONG, FINISH BUILD 10-20 YDS. (75% - BUILD 10-20 YDS. (75% - 100%) FAST 100%) 85 - 75 YDS. SPRINT 85 - 75 YDS. SPRINT HIT THE THIRD TURN. HIT THE THIRD TURN. DON’T LET STROKE RATE DON’T LET STROKE RATE SLOW DOWN THE LAST 15 SLOW DOWN THE LAST 15 YDS. YDS. 200’S - 500 FREE/BACK Novice Age group Senior NA BY QUARTERS – 1/4 BY QUARTERS – 1/4 25% STRETCH (DIST/STROKE) 25% STRETCH (DIST/STROKE) 25% BUILD 25% BUILD (POWER/INCREASE TEMPO) (POWER/INCREASE TEMPO) 25% SPRINT (HAND 25% SPRINT (HAND SPEED/TEMPO) SPEED/TEMPO) 25% KICK (STRONG 25% KICK (STRONG LEGS/FEET UP) LEGS/FEET UP) NA BY THIRDS – 1/3 33% BUILD POWER/INCREASE TEMPO) 33% SPRINT (HAND SPEED/TEMPO) 33% KICK (STRONG LEGS/FEET UP)</p><p>200 BUTTERFLY Novice Age group Senior NA BY QUARTERS – 1/4 BY THIRDS – 1/3 25% STRETCH (DIST/STROKE) 33% BUILD POWER/INCREASE 25% BUILD TEMPO) (POWER/INCREASE TEMPO) 33% SPRINT (HAND 25% SPRINT (HAND SPEED/TEMPO) SPEED/TEMPO) 33% KICK (STRONG 25% KICK (STRONG LEGS/FEET UP) LEGS/FEET UP/WORK HIPS) 200 BREASTSTROKE Novice Age group Senior NA BY QUARTERS – 1/4 BY QUARTERS – 1/4 25% 2 SEC. PAUSE 25% 2 SEC. PAUSE (DIST/STROKE) (DIST/STROKE) 25% I SEC. PAUSE 25% I SEC. PAUSE (POWER/TEMPO) (POWER/TEMPO) 25% SPRINT (HAND 25% SPRINT (HAND SPEED/TEMPO) SPEED/TEMPO) 25% KICK (STRONG 25% KICK (STRONG LEGS/FAST FEET) LEGS/FAST FEET)</p><p>500 - 1650 FREE Novice Age group Senior NA EVEN or NEG. SPLIT EVEN or NEG. SPLIT + UPPER BODY 1ST HALF + UPPER BODY 1ST HALF + LOWER BODY 2ND HALF + LOWER BODY 2ND HALF 200 – 400 IM’s Novice Age group Senior NA FLY (BUILD /HIPS) FLY (BUILD /HIPS) BACK (GOOD TEMPO/ ARMS ) BACK (GOOD TEMPO/ ARMS ) LEGS - BRST (QUICK LEGS - BRST (QUICK KICK/LEGS) KICK/LEGS) FREE (SPRINT/FEET ON TOP FREE (SPRINT/FEET ON TOP OF WATER) OF WATER) NEGATIVE SPLIT STROKES</p>
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