<p> NCDPI ARTS EDUCATION UPDATE February 18, 2011</p><p>“The guiding mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is that every public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century.”</p><p>CONTENTS</p><p>I. GOOD NEWS II. HIGH PRIORITY III. CURRENT TEACHER AND STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES IV. ARTICLES OF INTEREST V. RESOURCES</p><p>I. GOOD NEWS</p><p>We want to celebrate the many successes occurring in arts education in North Carolina! If you have a “good news” item that you feel is appropriate to share with stakeholders throughout the state, please email the item to [email protected] or [email protected]. Submissions should be focused on arts education accomplishments (examples would include teacher of the year designation – system or regional; innovative programs; regional, state or national recognition, awards, honors; etc) and should be limited to 100 words or less. The Arts Education consultants have the editorial right to screen and/or edit items before publication.</p><p>CELEBRATE THE ARTS IN MARCH The arts are important throughout the year, but there are many ways to celebrate and increase public awareness about the arts in our schools this March. Check out these sites, and plan now how you will celebrate the arts in your discipline area: DANCE: NDEO Advocacy Initiatives: http://www.ndeo.org/content.aspx? page_id=22&club_id=893257&module_id=55773 MUSIC: Music in Our Schools Month. The MENC theme this year is “Music Lasts a Lifetime:” http://www.menc.org/events/view/music-in-our-schools-month THEATRE ARTS: AATE invites you to celebrate Theatre in our Schools (TIOS) in your area: http://www.aate.com/tios VISUAL ARTS: Advocacy Resources for Challenging Times: http://www.arteducators.org/advocacy </p><p>II. HIGH PRIORITY</p><p>NCDPI REGIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTES The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is pleased to announce the kickoff of the Common Core and Essential Standards Regional Summer Institutes. These two- day summer institutes are blended professional development (PD) opportunities for district-level and charter school teams to gain an understanding of the transition from the current Standard Course of Study to the new Common Core and Essential Standards for all content areas, which will be implemented during the 2012-13 school year. For more information, please visit: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/profdev/ or </p><p>1 http://www.ncpublicschools.org/profdev/conferences/summerinstitutes/. For questions about your local team structure or to request participation on the district-level team, please contact your local Race to the Top Coordinator. For questions about the team structure or to request participation on the Charter School team, please contact your school lead administrator.</p><p>SPRING ARTS EDUCATION COORDINATORS’ MEETING ATTN: Arts Education Coordinators of NC - The NC Arts Education Coordinators will meet on Friday, April 1, 2011, in Greensboro, NC. The meeting is being hosted by Guilford County Schools and coordinated by Curriculum Specialist, Nathan Street. Further details including a letter of invitation and registration form will be sent via this listserv and posted on the web site in the near future: http://arts.ncwiseowl.org/resources/nc_arts_education_coordinators/. </p><p>III. CURRENT TEACHER AND STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>YAMAHA: YOUNG PERFORMING ARTISTS PROGRAM The Yamaha Young Performing Artists Program (YYPA) recognizes outstanding young musicians from the world of classical, jazz, and contemporary music. Each year, the YYPA Finalists are invited to perform at the Music for All Summer Symposium held in late June. Maximum award: $5,000 in retail credit towards a professional model Yamaha instrument, as well as a series of clinics and master classes with renowned artists, designed to help winners launch their music career. Finalists will also receive a professional recording of their performances and national press coverage. Eligibility: musicians ages 16-21. Deadline: March 15, 2011. http://www.yamaha.com/yamahavgn/CDA/ContentDetail/WrappedTextDetail.html?CNTID=15478</p><p>WORLD VIEW GLOBAL UPDATES: INTERNATIONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES FOR EDUCATORS AND STUDENTS This annual issue of Global Updates highlights a sampler of summer opportunities for educators and students. http://www.unc.edu/world/Global_Updates_2011/Jan_Feb/Feb_11.htm</p><p>STUDENT SHAKESPEARE OPPORTUNITY AT UNCG THEATRE UNCG Theatre is proud to present William Shakespeare’s “Pericles,” a Greek history play that is a timeless exploration of man’s struggle for triumph over evil. A weekday morning matinee specially geared towards high school students will take place on Friday, February 25, at 10 a.m., in the Taylor Theatre (406 Tate Street) on the campus of UNC-Greensboro. There is a group rate of $9.00 per person and teachers are free. There will be an optional Talkback presentation with Director Kate Muchmore, the design team, and lead actors immediately after the performance as well as post show opportunities for backstage tours. As another option, students may attend the performance on their own at any of the following times: February 18, 19, 25, 26 at 8 pm; February 20, 27 at 2 pm; February 22, 23, 24 at 7:30 pm. If interested in attending or for more information, please contact Jody Cauthen at 336-334-4601 or [email protected]. Please note that UNCG Theatre also has a small percentage of scholarship tickets available for students/schools requiring financial assistance</p><p>UNITED ARTS COUNCIL ARTS INTEGRATION INSTITUTE June 20-24, 2011, Cary, NC. The Institute is open to teams from Alamance, Caswell, Cumberland, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Greene, Johnston, Moore, Nash, Orange, Vance, Warren, and Wake counties. The deadline to submit applications is February 28, 2011. http://www.unitedarts.org/artsed/aii/application/index.shtml</p><p>2 VIDEO CONTEST FOR STUDENTS Carolinas Poison Center is hosting a video contest open to 13-18 year old high school students. Create a 30-60 second poison prevention video for a chance to win great prizes. First and second place winners will get gift card prizes and the top winner's school will also get a prize and local publicity. Visit www.ncpoisoncenter.org for full contest rules. Deadline is March 11, 2011.</p><p>VSA INSTITUTE: ARTS AND INCLUSIVE LEARNING March 17, 2011, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., University of NC at Greensboro. Registration Fee: $25 per person (lunch included). Registration Deadline: Monday, March 7th (space is limited). To view the flyer and register, visit the website www.artsaccessinc.org. Contact Betsy Ludwig at 919-271-3001 for questions, accommodation requests, or to have a form mailed to you. </p><p>ARTS DAY 2011 April 11 – 12, 2011, Raleigh, NC ARTS Day is North Carolina's Legislative Day when hundreds of arts supporters deliver messages of arts value to their Senators and Representatives. http://capwiz.com/artsusa/nc/utr/1/LJSYOKOQJW/NKBQOKOQPZ/6380653211/ </p><p>SILVER BURDETT SUMMER MUSIC INSTITUTE June 20-24, 2011 Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Contact: Dr. Lisa Runner at 828-262-8051 or [email protected] Web site and on-line registration available in late February, 2011</p><p>TI:ME 1B: BASIC SKILLS: INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE, COMMUNICATIONS, AND DIGITAL MEDIA IN K-12 MUSIC EDUCATION June 27 - 30, 2011; 8:30 - 4:00 p.m., Woods Charter School, Chapel Hill, NC. http://music4education.com/TIME/workshop11</p><p>LEVEL I ORFF-SCHULWERK CERTIFICATION COURSE July 5-15, 2011 Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Contact: Dr. Lisa Runner at 828-262-8051 or [email protected] http://camps.appstate.edu/adult/orff.php </p><p>LEVEL I ORFF-SCHULWERK CERTIFICATION COURSE July 11-22, 2011 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Contact: Dr. Dan Johnson at 910-962-7559 or [email protected] http://people.uncw.edu/johnsond/orffprogram.htm </p><p>LEVEL III ORFF-SCHULWERK CERTIFICATION COURSE July 18-29, 2011 Hayes School of Music, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Contact: Dr. Lisa Runner at 828-262-8051 or [email protected] http://camps.appstate.edu/adult/orff.php </p><p>EDSTEPS WORK COLLECTION FOR CREATIVITY The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) has announced the launch of its EdSteps program and is officially soliciting work samples that demonstrate creativity. Visit www.edsteps.org or contact [email protected] for more information. </p><p>3 AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS SEEKING ARTS EDUCATION PROGRAM MANAGER The Arts Education Program Coordinator (Washington, DC) is a member of the Government and Public Affairs Department, which is responsible for promoting public policies that advance the arts and arts education. View the full listing at: http://tbe.taleo.net/NA7/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=AFTA&cws=1&rid=256 </p><p>IV. ARTICLES OF INTEREST</p><p>BRIGHTLIGHTS PROGRAM SEEKS TO INCORPORATE ARTS WITH LEARNING FOR AREA STUDENTS A school district in Richmond, VA, is using music, dance, and theatre to improve the student learning experience and make better use of a new, expensive performing arts center. http://www2.timesdispatch.com/news/2010/jan/22/arte22_20100121-220606-ar-15595/</p><p>V. RESOURCES</p><p>GOOGLE FOR TEACHERS: FREE GUIDES Richard Byrne, whose award-winning blog is called Free Technology for Teachers, provides more than just links to cool stuff—he also makes available free resources that help teachers understand various technology tools and how they might be used in classrooms. He has 26 such guides to date, including Google for Teachers and Google for Teachers II.</p><p>RESOURCE ROUNDUP: MIME The Lincoln Center Institute’s Resources and Technology Development staff has compiled descriptions and links for resources—Internet, electronic, and print—that have been popular with educators and teaching artists seeking out information about mime. http://resourcecenterblog.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/resource-roundup-mime/ </p><p>ARTS EDUCATION AT NCWISEOWL WEBSITE http://arts.ncwiseowl.org/ (Be sure to visit this site to access past editions of the arts education update, as well as to access resources regarding curriculum and instruction, policy, legislation, professional development, accountability information, the arts education exchange, and other resources).</p><p>ARTS EDUCATION ESSENTIAL STANDARDS The Arts Education Essential Standards (Version 3.0) are posted online at: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/acre/standards/phase2/. The standards were approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) in September 2010 and are scheduled to be implemented during the 2012-13 school year. </p><p>THE S66 COMPREHENSIVE ARTS EDUCATION PLAN http://dpi.state.nc.us/docs/stateboard/meetings/2010/12/gcs/12gcs02.pdf. </p><p>NCCAT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES http://www.nccat.org/s/1099/start.aspx</p><p>WE STAY INFORMED SO YOU STAY INFORMED! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! TOGETHER WE ARE POWERFUL! To receive the arts education listserv Friday Update send an email to [email protected] or email [email protected] or [email protected] and request membership. 4 The Arts Education Consultants at the NC Department of Public Instruction make every effort to provide relevant, timely information to stakeholders collected from numerous state and national sources. The inclusion of items in this update does not imply the endorsement or verification of accuracy by this agency.</p><p>5</p>
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